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VOCABULARY TRAINER Progress Gold B Peter Watcyn-Jones Eva Hedencrona Karin Smed-Gerdin

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Progress Gold B

Peter Watcyn-Jones

Eva Hedencrona

Karin Smed-Gerdin

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 1978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 1 08-05-09 11.05.0408-05-09 11.05.04

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StudentlitteraturSkola och vuxenutbildningBox 141221 00 LUND

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Detta verk är skyddat av lagen om upphovsrätt. Vid tillämpning av skolkopieringsavtalet (även kallat BONUS-avtalet) är detta verk att se som ett engångsmaterial. Engångsmaterial får enligt avtalet över huvud taget inte kopieras för undervisnings-ändamål.

Kopiering för undervisningsändamål av denna bok är således helt förbjuden.

Utan tillåtelse av förlaget kommer kopiering utöver avtalet att innebära otillåtet mångfaldigande. Ett sådant intrång medför straffansvar och kommer att ge upphov till skadeståndsskyldighet enligt 53 och 54 §§ lag (1960:729) om upphovsrätt till litterära och konstnärliga verk.

Denna trycksak är miljöanpassad, både när det gäller papper och tryckprocess. 33106 (avser 10-pack)ISBN 978-91-44-05071-3

© 2008 Författarna och Studentlitteratur ABUpplaga 1:1

Omslag och illustrationer Lisa Ericsson

Printed by Narayana Press, Denmark 2008

ContentsChapter 1Planner 3Folding wordlists 4Vocabulary check 8

Chapter 2Planner 11Folding wordlists 12Vocabulary check 16

Chapter 3Planner 19Folding wordlists 20Vocabulary check 24

Chapter 4Planner 27Folding wordlists A 28Vocabulary check A 32Folding wordlists B 36Vocabulary check B 40

Chapter 5Planner 43Folding wordlists 44Vocabulary check 48

Chapter 6Planner 51Folding wordlists 52Vocabulary check 56

Chapter 7Planner 59Folding wordlists 60Vocabulary check 64

Chapter 8Planner 67Folding wordlists 68Vocabulary check 72

Chapter 9Planner 75Folding wordlists A 76Vocabulary check A 80Folding wordlists B 84Vocabulary check B 88

Key to Vocabulary checks 91

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 2978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 2 08-05-09 11.05.2208-05-09 11.05.22



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1 Communicate PlannerTick ✓ as you complete sections in book, CD-ROM and Trainer.

A Word



Read and Enjoy: OIC


Looking at the text

Useful words – speech

Verbs to do with speaking

Idioms to do with speech

Act it out: Carry on talking!

Listening: Talking Cockney

Read and Enjoy: Cockneys


Listen and react

The Ambassador’s Dandruff


Looking at the text

Vocabulary: Words of similar meaning

‘When in Sweden, do as the Swedes do’

Use of English: Sentence-changing

Read and Enjoy: Japanese etiquette

I Remember …


Vocabulary: Fill in the missing words



Vocabulary Expander: British and American English

I Never Knew That!

Why Do We Say That?

Refl ect


Books to read and enjoy

Resource Section: How to Study p. 128–130, Learning a language see:

Extra speaking activity: Group Challenge – What if…? p. 286

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 3978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 3 08-05-09 11.05.2308-05-09 11.05.23

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Answers p. 6

Write the Swedish word for the word in bold type.

Speak/The Ambassador’s Dandruff

1 enclose an attachment

2 enclose an attachment

3 invoke a memory

4 a nice bloke

5 a medical practitioner

6 protect the environment

7 no sign of recognition

8 henceforward known as …

9 exchange addresses

10 a thick strap

11 a big exaggeration

12 a brief encounter

13 random order

14 feel bewildered

15 Seen Tom recently?

16 medical treatment

17 a strange creature

18 the boy is illiterate

19 Never smack a child!

20 a playful puppy

21 we invariably lose

22 a wrong assumption

23 conduct a straw poll

24 a reasonable offer

25 a sudden brain wave

26 I’ve got dandruff!

27 a former president

28 remark on something

29 listen to gossip

30 a notorious gangster

31 simply the best

32 a clear explanation

33 have suffi cient money

34 a patient teacher

35 responsible for marketing

36 care about your appearance

37 a well-groomed woman

38 he’s obviously in love

39 neither here nor there

40 intend to work harder

analfabet nyligenbehandling praktiker; utövarebifoga, skicka med rem, bandbihang; h. (bifogad) fi l skyddaförvirrad slumpmässig; på måfå(hund)valp smälla (till)hädanefter utbytaigenkännande varelsekille åberopamöte; sammanträffande överdrift

anmärka opinionspejlingansvarig skvallerföre detta snilleblixtförklaring tillräckligförnuftig tålmodigförutsättning; antagande uppenbarligenha för avsikt att utseendehelt enkelt varken…ellerkonstant; alltid välvårdadmjäll ökänd

Bold line = next text

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Answers p. 7

Fold the page down the middleand check the answers on page 7.

The Ambassador’s Dandruff (cont)/I Remember…

41 aware of danger

42 interpret his words

43 occur every year

44 show awareness

45 best behaviour

46 extend your horizon

47 a diffi cult concept

48 embrace your mother

49 an important message

50 no response

51 children are present

52 top and tail

53 a terrible betrayal

54 unwanted pregnancy

55 marital problems

56 guilty of infi delity

57 commit suicide

58 embroider a story

59 a factual account

60 a solemn occasion

61 a sordid affair

62 overwhelm him

63 accustomed to fame

64 despite the weather

65 abandon all hope

66 litter the pavement

67 equip the kitchen

68 he’s happy nevertheless

69 expel your breath

70 it’s very deceptive

71 emerge from the room

72 What a coincidence!

73 the entire population

74 as dead as a doornail

75 reinforce the walls

76 show gratitude

77 a sudden bolt of lightning

78 annoy your teacher

79 step on the brake

80 oblivious to everything

begrepp omfamna; omfattabeteende, uppförande otrohetbrodera ut reaktionbudskap rubb och stubbförräderi, svek saklig, objektivgraviditet självmordhögtidlig, allvarlig ske medvetenhet tolkamedveten om vidganärvarande äktenskaplig

belamra; beströ sammanträffandeblixtnedslag h. smutsig; simpelbroms stendödfalsk; vilseledande stöta utförkrossa, tynga ner tacksamhetförstärka trotshela trots det, i alla fallkomma ut utrustaomedveten; glömsk van vidreta, irritera överge

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 5978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 5 08-05-09 11.05.2408-05-09 11.05.24

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Fun Facts

Speak/The Ambassador’s Dandruff Answers to p. 4

Test yourself by writing the English words here.

21 konstant; alltid

22 förutsättning; antagande

23 opinionspejling

24 förnuftig

25 snilleblixt

26 mjäll

27 före detta

28 anmärka

29 skvaller

30 ökänd

31 helt enkelt

32 förklaring

33 tillräcklig

34 tålmodig

35 ansvarig

36 utseende

37 välvårdad

38 uppenbarligen

39 varken…eller

40 ha för avsikt att

1 bifoga, skicka med

2 bihang; h. (bifogad) fi l

3 åberopa

4 kille

5 praktiker; utövare

6 skydda

7 igenkännande

8 hädanefter

9 utbyta

10 rem, band

11 överdrift

12 möte; sammanträffande

13 slumpmässig; på måfå

14 förvirrad

15 nyligen

16 behandling

17 varelse

18 analfabet

19 smälla (till)

20 (hund)valp

English is the language spoken in the greatest number of countries (57), followed by French (33), Arabic (23), Spanish (21) and Portuguese (7).

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Fun Facts

The Ambassador’s Dandruff (cont)/I Remember… Answers to p. 5

61 h. smutsig; simpel

62 förkrossa, tynga ner

63 van vid

64 trots

65 överge

66 belamra; beströ

67 utrusta

68 trots det, i alla fall

69 stöta ut

70 falsk; vilseledande

71 komma ut

72 sammanträffande

73 hela

74 stendöd

75 förstärka

76 tacksamhet

77 blixtnedslag

78 reta, irritera

79 broms

80 omedveten; glömsk

41 medveten om

42 tolka

43 ske

44 medvetenhet

45 beteende, uppförande

46 vidga

47 begrepp

48 omfamna; omfatta

49 budskap

50 reaktion

51 närvarande

52 rubb och stubb

53 förräderi, svek

54 graviditet

55 äktenskaplig

56 otrohet

57 självmord

58 brodera ut

59 saklig, objektiv

60 högtidlig, allvarlig

Japanese uses symbols rather than letters. Each symbol represents a word, or part of a word, rather than a sound. There are 18,000 symbols altogether but you only need to know about 1,880 to ‘get by’.

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 7978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 7 08-05-09 11.05.2408-05-09 11.05.24

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Vocabulary check

A Choose the answerChoose the correct answer (a, b or c).

1 Bill Clinton is _____ President of the USA.

a) an early b) a former c) an older

2 Our wildlife holidays offer a thrilling _____ with wildlife in its natural state.

a) encounter b) meeting-place c) message

3 We decided to _____ email addresses so we could keep in touch in the future.

a) embroider b) switch over c) exchange

4 The match continued _____ the heavy rainfall.

a) even though b) despite c) nevertheless

5 There was not _____ evidence to convict him.

a) suffi cient b) satisfying c) responsible

6 Inuits believe that every living _____ possesses a spirit.

a) message b) practitioner c) creature

7 ‘Are parents allowed to _____ their children in Sweden?’ ‘No, it’s totally illegal!’

a) emerge b) smack c) entreat

8 Most fi lm stars and celebrities take pride in their _____ and always try to look their

best – at least in public.

a) appearance b) recognition c) countenance

9 Numbers in the National Lottery are chosen at _____.

a) chance b) random c) slump

10 It cost a lot of money to _____ the school’s computer room.

a) invoke b) train c) equip

B Defi nitionsHere are defi nitions of 8 words. Can you work out what they are? To help you, the fi rst and last letters are given.

1 s____________________e The act of deliberately killing yourself.

2 s____________________n Someone or something that is … is very serious.

3 i____________________e Unable to read or write.

4 b____________________e A slang word for ‘man’.

5 p____________________y A young dog.

6 e____________________d If you … something, you make it longer or bigger.

7 o____________________r Another word for to ‘happen’.

8 m____________________l An adjective used to describe things relating to marriage.

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C Which word is it?Find the following words.

1 Which word beginning with pat- is what a good teacher should be?


2 Which word ending in -uff is a condition that affects your hair? (You often buy special

shampoo to try to get rid of it.) ____________________

3 Which word beginning with br- is a sudden very clever idea? ____________________

4 Which word beginning with an- means to irritate someone? ____________________

5 Which word ending in -ly means that something happened only a short while ago?


6 Which word ending in -ual means to be concerned with facts (or containing facts)?


7 Which word beginning with bew- means you are very confused and can’t understand

something or decide what to do? ____________________

8 Which word ending in -ke is one of a car’s controls? ____________________

D Fill in the missing wordsFill in the missing words by translating the Swedish words in brackets. To help you, the fi rst letter is given.

1 Al Capone was a n____________________ gangster. (ökänd)

2 ‘Remember children to be on your best b____________________ at the party,’ said my

mother to us before we left the house. (beteende, uppförande)

3 He claimed his parents had a____________________ him at the age of 13. (övergivit)

4 He e____________________ two photos with the email he sent to his friend. (bifogade,

skickade med)

5 ‘Julie’s not eating much these days.‘

‘No, I know. She’s o____________________ in love again!’ (uppenbarligen)

6 His idea met with a very cool r____________________ from the others. (reaktion)

7 Is medical t____________________ free in the UK? (behandling)

8 It was a perfectly r____________________ decision. (förnuftigt)

9 The c____________________ of an arranged marriage is not easily understood in many

cultures. (begrepp)

10 It was an unwanted p____________________, so Diana decided to have an abortion.


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For further practice of this vocabulary and more, see your CD-ROM, chapter 1.Foan

E Choose the wordsChoose a word to fi ll the gaps. Two of the words will not be used.

assumption exaggeration obliviousattachments gratitude reinforceaware of interpret sordidentire invariably strap

1 Details of the Prime Minister’s ____________________ affair with a night club dancer

were splashed all over the News of the World newspaper.

2 Charles had a thick blue and white ____________________ around his suitcase to

easily identify it in the luggage reclaim bay.

3 When checking your email, be very careful about downloading ____________________

because they could contain a virus.

4 The woman spoke very little English, so I agreed to ____________________ for her at

the police station.

5 James had spent his ____________________ life in Borneo as a missionary.

6 They decided to ____________________ the bridge as it was too weak to take heavy

traffi c.

7 ‘I owe a great debt of ____________________ to my parents,’ said the actress with

tears in her eyes. ‘Without their encouragement and support I’d never have won this


8 ‘There were millions of people at the demonstration.’ ‘That’s an

____________________, Tom. The press said the numbers were just over 10,000!’

9 Young children are not always ____________________ the dangers of chatting on the


10 It’s pointless going on a seaside holiday in Britain in the summer as it

____________________ rains!

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5 Fighting Spirits Planner

Mahatma Gandhi

Looking at the text Discuss Vocabulary: Defi nitions Vocabulary: Opposites Writing

I Have Lived a Thousand Years

Discuss Looking at the text

Listening: The Handkerchief

Listen and react Discuss

Ellen MacArthur

Warm-up Looking at the text Discuss Vocabulary: Defi nitions Writing

Listening: An Interview with Stephen Hawking

Warm-up Listen and react Vocabulary: Fill in the missing words

Use of English: Word-building Vocabulary Expander: Words of similar meaning Why Do We Say That?

Refl ect Projects Books to read and enjoy

Resource Section: Word-building p. 149

Extra speaking activity: Group Challenge – What’s the question? p. 288

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 43978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 43 08-05-09 11.05.3608-05-09 11.05.36

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Mahatma GandhiAnswers p. 46


1 a stern magistrate

2 demur politically

3 a disrespectful child

4 remove his turban

5 treat people equally

6 regard you as a friend

7 he’s an outcaste

8 full of race prejudice

9 haphazard actions

10 a capricious politician

11 a famous port city

12 sit in a compartment

13 in the rear of the train

14 huddle up together

15 humiliate someone

16 feel very confused

17 proceed with the march

18 the turning point in his life

19 timely intervention

20 feel obliged to do it

21 utter a curse

22 take pity on him

23 invoke evil spirits

24 obtain a passport

25 a resident of Peru

26 a petty trader

27 a petty trader

28 an old acquaintance

29 prohibit guns

30 own property

31 designate an area

32 in a good location

33 exercise discretion

34 enforce a law

35 the simplicity of the idea

36 abstinence from drugs

37 abstain from intoxicants

38 a frugal life

39 show contempt

40 a British subject

anse invändabehandla kastlösdomare krypa ihopfortsätta kupéförvirrad milstolpe; vändpunktförödmjuka rasfördomargodtycklig respektlöshamnstad ta avi den bakre (delen) tillfälligingripande tvungen att

anspråkslöshet (lyckas) skaffa, fåbekant medborgareberusningsmedel omdömeegendom platsenkel; sparsam småskalig, enkelförakt svordomförbjuda tycka synd ominvånare upprätthållakalla på utse; bestämmaköpman återhållsamhet

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 44978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 44 08-05-09 11.05.3608-05-09 11.05.36



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I Have Lived a Thousand Years/Ellen MacArthurAnswers p. 47


41 await deportation

42 a cramped room

43 a prelude to job losses

44 make a descent

45 a long incarceration

46 the frenetic pace of life

47 a ferocious dog

48 blonde plaits

49 inside the inferno

50 just a twist of fate

51 a prison inmate

52 savour the fl avour

53 a harrowing experience

54 overwhelming odds

55 essentially correct

56 circumnavigation of the globe

57 a long voyage

58 a hurricane warning

59 win an award

60 announce the news

61 work for charity

62 launch a new charity

63 empower people

64 negotiate storms

65 extraordinary courage

66 a rare commodity

67 a horrendous journey

68 prolonged suffering

69 no room for complacency

70 magnify an image

71 moderate his views

72 decrease in value

73 can scarcely move

74 an undulating sea

75 takes its toll

76 fade from sight

77 Incidentally, who are you?

78 a dense forest

79 The kettle’s boiling!

80 albeit a good one

en ödets nyck nedstigningfl ätor orkan, svår stormfängslande; inspärrande pris; belöningförkrossande (sjö)resaförvisning smaka påhektisk; frenetisk tillkännage, meddelahelvete trånghemsk upptakti grund och botten vild; våldsamintagen världsomsegling

avta, dämpas minska, avtadö bort ; förblekna om än; låt varafasansfull självbelåtenhetför övrigt, förresten starta; lanseraförstora, överdriva tät, kompaktge styrka utomordentligklara, passera vara, artikelknappt vattenkokarekräver sin tribut vågig, böljandelångvarig välgörenhet

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 45978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 45 08-05-09 11.05.3708-05-09 11.05.37

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Mahatma Gandhi Answers to p. 44


Fun Facts

21 svordom

22 tycka synd om

23 kalla på

24 (lyckas) skaffa, få

25 invånare

26 småskalig, enkel

27 köpman

28 bekant

29 förbjuda

30 egendom

31 utse; bestämma

32 plats

33 omdöme

34 upprätthålla

35 anspråkslöshet

36 återhållsamhet

37 berusningsmedel

38 enkel

39 förakt

40 medborgare

1 domare

2 invända

3 respektlös

4 ta av

5 behandla

6 anse

7 kastlös

8 rasfördomar

9 tillfällig

10 godtycklig

11 hamnstad

12 kupé

13 i den bakre (delen)

14 krypa ihop

15 förödmjuka

16 förvirrad

17 fortsätta

18 milstolpe; vändpunkt

19 ingripande

20 tvungen att

There are approximately 6.8 billion people in the world in 2008. In about 2026, India is expected to overtake China as the country with the world’s highest population.

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Between 21 March 1985 and 22 May 1987 Canadian Rick Hansen went round the world in a wheelchair. He travelled through 34 countries.

I Have Lived a Thousand Years/Ellen MacArthur Answers to p. 45


Fun Facts

61 välgörenhet

62 starta; lansera

63 ge styrka

64 klara, passera

65 utomordentlig

66 vara, artikel

67 fasansfull

68 långvarig

69 självbelåtenhet

70 förstora, överdriva

71 avta, dämpas

72 minska, avta

73 knappt

74 vågig, böljande

75 kräver sin tribut

76 dö bort ; förblekna

77 för övrigt, förresten

78 tät, kompakt

79 vattenkokare

80 om än; låt vara

41 förvisning

42 trång

43 upptakt

44 nedstigning

45 fängslande; inspärrande

46 hektisk; frenetisk

47 vild; våldsam

48 fl ätor

49 helvete

50 en ödets nyck

51 intagen

52 smaka på

53 hemsk

54 förkrossande

55 i grund och botten

56 världsomsegling

57 (sjö)resa

58 orkan, svår storm

59 pris; belöning

60 tillkännage, meddela

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Vocabulary check 5

A Choose the answerChoose the correct answer (a, b or c).

1 We made our way through a very _____ forest.

a) heavy b) strong c) dense

2 A _____ is an offi cial who acts as a judge in the lowest courts of law.

a) magistrate b) barrister c) prosecutor

3 The _____ from the mountain was more diffi cult than expected.

a) voyage b) descent c) view

4 This building is government _____.

a) property b) possession c) owner

5 The storm got worse and worse. In the end we were _____ to abandon the car and

continue on foot.

a) invoked b) overwhelmed c) obliged

6 Samantha wore her hair in _____.

a) fringes b) plaits c) ponytails

7 Don’t forget that shares can _____ as well as rise in value.

a) decline b) decrease c) shrink

8 ‘My parents still _____ me like a child!’ moaned Brian to his best friend.

a) treat b) handle c) behave

9 _____ John, did you know that Sue and Ben are planning to get married?

a) Albeit b) However c) Incidentally

10 Jeremy found it hard to cope with the _____ pace of life in New York and longed to be

back home in the relative calm of Bexhill-on-Sea.

a) assiduous b) frenetic c) prolonged

B Defi nitionsHere are defi nitions of 8 words. Can you work out what they are? To help you, the fi rst and last letters are given.

1 c____________________d A … room, etc. does not have enough space for the

people in it.

2 h____________________e A violent storm with very strong winds, especially in

the western Atlantic Ocean.

3 h____________________e To … someone means to say or do something which

makes them feel ashamed or stupid.

4 p____________________t If you … something, you forbid it or make it illegal.

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5 f____________________l People who are … or lead … lives, do not eat much

or spend much money on themselves.

6 a____________________e A person that you know but who is not a close


7 c____________________s Someone who is … often changes their mind unex-


8 i____________________e One of the people living in an institution such as a

prison or a mental hospital.

C Which word is it?Read through the questions below to fi nd the words. Choose from these.

deportation horrendous scarcely traderdisrespectful kettle take pity on voyage

Which of the above...

1 wouldn’t you want your child to be? ____________________

2 is a long journey by sea? ____________________

3 is another way of saying ‘feel sorry for’? ____________________

4 would you use to make a nice cup of tea? ____________________

5 fi ts into this sentence? I was so tired after running the marathon that I could … move.


6 might an asylum seeker be worried about? ____________________

7 is another word for ‘dreadful’ or ‘terrible’? ____________________

8 is someone who buys and sells things for a living? ____________________

D Fill in the missing wordsFill in the missing words by translating the Swedish words in brackets. To help you, the fi rst letter is given.

1 He was arrested for trying to o____________________a false passport.

(/lyckas/ skaffa, få)

2 In the distance they could see the gently u____________________hills of

Pembrokeshire. (böljande)

3 Do you think young people should be taught a____________________ from sex?

It might reduce the number of teenage pregnancies. (återhållsamhet)

4 A shop’s l____________________ is just as important as what it sells. (plats)

5 After working two years in the Far East, Paula felt an o____________________

desire to return home. (förkrossande)

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For further practice of this vocabulary and more, see your CD-ROM, chapter 5.

6 ‘You can’t arrest me! I’m a British s____________________!’ he protested.


7 ‘I shall treat that suggestion with the c____________________ it deserves,’ she

answered. (förakt)

8 My father agreed, a____________________ reluctantly, to lend me his car.

(om än, låt vara)

9 He muttered a loud c____________________ as the other driver suddenly cut

in front of him. (svordom)

10 Liverpool was once one of the most important p____________________

c____________________ in the world. (hamnstäder)

E Choose the wordsChoose a word to fi ll the gaps. Two of the words will not be used.

charity essentially prolongedcomplacency ferocious residentconfused harrowing savourdiscretion negotiate twist of fate

1 People are often ____________________ about all the different labels on food these


2 Some guard dogs – especially Rottweilers – can be really ____________________.

3 At sea, Ellen MacArthur often had to ____________________ severe storms.

4 This concert is for ____________________. It’s in aid of the ‘Save the Children’ fund.

5 Harold is a ____________________ of Australia.

6 Although she was a qualifi ed plumber, Margaret felt she had never really been

accepted into what was ____________________ a man’s world.

7 I fi rst met Mary at a conference in Manchester. Then by a curious

____________________ we met again a month later in New York. Three months

after that, we were married!

8 The BBC showed ____________________ television pictures of the famine in


9 ‘Despite signs of an improvement in the economy, there is no room for

_________________________,’ said the Prime Minister.

10 What I’ve just told you is confi dential, but I know I can rely on your ______________.

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 50978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 50 08-05-09 11.05.3808-05-09 11.05.38



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er8 How It Works PlannerTo Infi nity and Beyond

Warm-up Vocabulary: Fill in the missing words Discuss

A Brief History of Inventions

Warm-up When and what?

Missing details: The Life of Thomas Edison Use of English: Find the mistakes

Listening: Who Lives, Who Dies?

Warm-up Listen and react A moral dilemma Who’s who in medicine in Britain?

The Democratic Driver

Warm-up Discuss Vocabulary: Defi nitions Writing

The Pig


Read My Lips Discuss

Just Do It!

Warm-up Follow-up Looking at the text Discuss Writing

Do It Again?!

Warm-up Looking at the text Vocabulary: Words of similar meaning

Vocabulary Expander: Phrasal verbs 2 I Never Knew That! Why Do We Say That?

Refl ect Projects Books to read and enjoy

Resource Section: On Speaking p. 138.

Extra vocabulary activity: Types of people, p. 291

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 67978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 67 08-05-09 11.05.4308-05-09 11.05.43

68 Kop


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To Infi nity and Beyond/A Brief History of Inventions/The Democratic Driver/The Pig

Answers p. 70


1 to infi nity and back

2 kill a civilian

3 an absolute requirement

4 verify the news report

5 withstand pressure

6 strap on skis

7 an extended visit

8 exposed to radiation

9 car maintenance

10 increase buoyancy

11 on completion of the test

12 a fl ooded mine

13 enable him to do it

14 the forerunner of computers

15 hurt his jaw

16 take the escalator

17 for internal use

18 change a light bulb

19 buy a new refrigerator

20 orbit the moon

21 a reusable container

22 commute to work

23 stuck in a traffi c jam

24 the advert’s tag line

25 display common sense

26 display common sense

27 emerge from the bushes

28 oblivious to the noise

29 show great audacity

30 a mortgage on the house

31 an oblong shape

32 try to dissuade someone

33 hesitate momentarily

34 traffi c congestion

35 the principal cause of cancer

36 take the tram to work

37 drive me round the bend

38 a juicy chop

39 a juicy chop

40 show remorse

avslutning käkebestyrka; bekräfta långvarigcivilperson oändlighetfl ytförmåga rulltrappaföregångare röra sig i en banaglödlampa spänna fastgöra det möjligt stå emotinvändig underhållkrav utsatt förkylskåp översvämmad

avlång; rektangulär pendlaavråda saftigdyka upp sloganfräckhet spårvagnför ett ögonblick stockninggöra mig tokig sunt förnufthuvudorsak trafi kstockninginteckning; lån visa, uppvisakotlett ånger; samvetskvalomedveten; glömsk återanvändningsbar

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 68978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 68 08-05-09 11.05.4408-05-09 11.05.44



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Read My Lips/Just Do It!/Do It Again?!Answers p. 71


41 an average of two a day

42 correct usage

43 don’t shoplift

44 transcend time

45 the allure of a pretty face

46 ease of availability

47 indulge in a luxury

48 food was scarce

49 boost her confi dence

50 feel comforted

51 extend him an invitation

52 fi nally seal a deal

53 essential for life

54 reek of perfume

55 an approachable boss

56 with great expectation

57 a lunatic idea

58 live in squalor

59 go to elementary school

60 get plastered (sl.)

61 move cautiously

62 he’s well-known apparently

63 a seedy hotel

64 word soon spread

65 feel wretched

66 a state of inertia

67 not quite comprehensible

68 easily fl ustered

69 a little wrong-footed

70 smile indulgently

71 create a buzz

72 a tedious programme

73 lots of chatter

74 to speak in tongues

75 spill your guts to her

76 suffocate his victim

77 jostle through the crowd

78 bulge outwards

79 jam the entrance

80 fl ood the land

användning räcka utberusad snattaelände stinkaförväntning tillgängliggrundskola tillgänglighethänge sig åt tjusninghöja; stärka träffa en överenskommelsei genomsnitt tröstadknapp, otillräcklig vansinniglivsviktig överskrida, gå utöver

begriplig rykte, pratdet sprider sig, ryktet går sjabbigdigna, svälla ut slöhetfylla, blockera tala i tungorförsiktigt tråkig; tröttsamförtvivlad, olycklig trängasförvirrad uppenbarligen, till syneskväva ur balansmed överseende vräka ur sigpladder översämma

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 69978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 69 08-05-09 11.05.4408-05-09 11.05.44

70 Kop


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Global Positioning System (GPS) is a system of 24 linked satellites that allows people to pinpoint their exact position anywhere on Earth. The system is operated by the American Department of Defence and was fi rst used by aircraft and ships.

To Infi nity and Beyond/A Brief History of Inventions/ Answers to p. 68The Democratic Driver/The Pig


Fun Facts

21 återanvändningsbar

22 pendla

23 trafi kstockning

24 slogan

25 visa, uppvisa

26 sunt förnuft

27 dyka upp

28 omedveten; glömsk

29 fräckhet

30 inteckning; lån

31 avlång; rektangulär

32 avråda

33 för ett ögonblick

34 stockning

35 huvudorsak

36 spårvagn

37 göra mig tokig

38 saftig

39 kotlett

40 ånger; samvetskval

1 oändlighet

2 civilperson

3 krav

4 bestyrka; bekräfta

5 stå emot

6 spänna fast

7 långvarig

8 utsatt för

9 underhåll

10 fl ytförmåga

11 avslutning

12 översvämmad

13 göra det möjligt

14 föregångare

15 käke

16 rulltrappa

17 invändig

18 glödlampa

19 kylskåp

20 röra sig i en bana

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 70978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 70 08-05-09 11.05.4508-05-09 11.05.45



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Read My Lips/Just Do It!/Do It Again?! Answers to p. 69


Fun Facts

61 försiktigt

62 uppenbarligen, till synes

63 sjabbig

64 det sprider sig, ryktet går

65 förtvivlad, olycklig

66 slöhet

67 begriplig

68 förvirrad

69 ur balans

70 med överseende

71 rykte, prat

72 tråkig; tröttsam

73 pladder

74 tala i tungor

75 vräka ur sig

76 kväva

77 trängas

78 digna, svälla ut

79 fylla, blockera

80 översvämma

41 genomsnitt

42 användning

43 snatta

44 överskrida; gå utöver

45 tjusning

46 tillgänglighet

47 hänge sig åt

48 knapp, otillräcklig

49 höja; stärka

50 tröstad

51 räcka ut

52 träffa en överenskommelse

53 livsviktig

54 stinka

55 tillgänglig

56 förväntning

57 vansinnig

58 elände

59 grundskola

60 berusad

There are more than 70 countries where people drive on the left. These include the UK, Japan, Australia, South Africa, Thailand, Ireland, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, New Zealand and Pakistan.

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 71978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 71 08-05-09 11.05.4508-05-09 11.05.45

72 Kop


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Vocabulary check 8

A Choose the answerChoose the correct answer (a, b or c).

1 ‘How many satellites do you think there are _____ the Earth at the moment?’

‘I haven’t a clue. Hundreds probably.’

a) looping b) jostling c) orbiting

2 This machine is an early _____ of the modern computer.

a) forerunner b) ancestor c) type

3 After weeks of heavy rain, the farm and surrounding area was completely _____.

a) overrun b) fl ooded c) wretched

4 In Europe, women live longer, on _____, than men.

a) whole b) general c) average

5 Which of these is a part of the face?

a) elbow b) jaw c) ankle

6 Open the windows, please. This room _____ of garlic!

a) reeks b) boosts c) chokes

7 The prisoner seemed to show no _____ for the terrible crime he had committed.

a) embarrassment b) consciousness c) remorse

8 He wanted to emigrate to New Zealand, but his family managed to _____ him from

doing so.

a) persuade b) dissuade c) disable

9 Aspirin _____ thins the blood and prevents it from clotting.

a) eventually b) thoughtfully c) apparently

10 What a _____ orange!

a) juicy b) sweetly c) softy

B Defi nitionsHere are defi nitions of 8 words. Can you work out what they are? To help you, the fi rst and last letters are given.

1 o____________________g An … shape has four straight sides, two of which are

longer than the other two, and four angles of 90°.

2 m____________________e A loan of money which you get from a bank or building

society in order to buy a house.

3 c____________________n A person who is not a member of the armed forces or

the police.

4 p____________________d An informal or slang word for ‘drunk’.

5 s____________________t To … is to steal goods from a shop or store by delibe-

rately leaving without paying for them.

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 72978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 72 08-05-09 11.05.4508-05-09 11.05.45



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6 m_____________________y For a very short time; briefl y.

7 s______________________y If you describe a place as …, you disapprove of it because

it is dirty and unpleasant and is possibly connected with

immoral or illegal activities.

8 i______________________y A point so far away that it can never be reached.

C Which word is it?Read through the questions below to fi nd the words. Choose from these.

chop display essential tediouscommute escalator lunatic tram

Which of the above...

1 can you travel to work by? ____________________

2 is another word for ‘show’? ____________________

3 can you eat? ____________________

4 is found in a shopping mall and the underground? ____________________

5 is to travel regularly by bus, train, car, etc. between your place of work and your home?


6 fi ts into this sentence? Oxygen is … for all life. ____________________

7 is another word for ‘dull’ or ‘boring’? ____________________

8 means crazy, ridiculous or extremely stupid? ____________________

D Fill in the missing wordsFill in the missing words by translating the Swedish words in brackets. To help you, the fi rst letter is given.

1 Do you think r____________________ plastic wine bottles will ever catch on?


2 We now have a Europe with practically no i____________________ borders.

(inre; invändiga)

3 What is the minimum entrance r____________________ for this course?


4 You don’t need any special skills for this job – just c____________________

s____________________. (sunt förnuft)

5 The new one-way system should ease traffi c c____________________ in the town centre.


6 After the elections, opposition groups began to e____________________.

(dyka upp)

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74 Kop


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For further practice of this vocabulary and more, see your CD-ROM, chapter 8.

7 At times, Jimi Hendrix’s technique seemed to t____________________ the limitations

of the guitar. (överskrida; gå utöver)

8 Hospital beds in the country were s____________________ and medicines were

practically non-existent. (knappa, otillräckliga)

9 Is it true that even Inuits use r_________________________. (kylskåp)

10 He was out of work and living in s____________________. (elände)

E Choose the words

Choose a word to fi ll the gaps. Two of the words will not be used.

allure exposed round the bendavailability extended traffi c jambuoyancy fl ustered usagecompletion principal cause withstand

1 Workers at the nuclear plant were ____________________ to high doses of radiation.

2 The boat was built to ____________________ just about every weather condition at


3 Satisfactory ____________________ of the course does not, however, guarantee you a


4 All holidays on offer are subject to ____________________.

5 ‘The children have been driving me ___________________________ lately,’ moaned

Janet to her mother.

6 Air can be pumped into the diving suit to increase ____________________.

7 Smoking is probably the ___________________________ of lung cancer.

8 An accident on the M4 caused a long ____________________ between junctions 40

and 42.

9 Charles has never been able to resist the ____________________ of a big city,

especially the exciting nightlife there.

10 Steven arrived late for the meeting, looking hot and ____________________.

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 74978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 74 08-05-09 11.05.4508-05-09 11.05.45



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Key to Vocabulary checks

Chapter 1

A Choose the answer 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 b 8 a 9 b 10 c

B Defi nitions 1 suicide 2 solemn 3 illiterate 4 bloke 5 puppy 6 extend 7 occur 8 marital

C Which word is it? 1 patient 2 dandruff 3 brainwave 4 annoy 5 recently 6 factual 7 bewildered 8 brake

D Fill in the missing words 1 notorious 2 behaviour 3 abandoned 4 enclosed 5 obviously 6 response (reaction) 7 treatment 8 reasonable 9 concept 10 pregnancy

E Choose the words 1 sordid 2 strap 3 attachments 4 interpret 5 entire 6 reinforce 7 gratitude 8 exaggeration 9 aware of 10 invariably

Chapter 2

A Choose the answer 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 b 8 c 9 a 10 b

B Defi nitions 1 engrossing 2 shutter 3 wrinkles 4 groan 5 gradually 6 unconscious 7 furnace 8 quest

C Which word is it? 1 double space 2 distinguished 3 accuracy 4 annual 5 advanced 6 attempt 7 pinch 8 fl ung

D Fill in the missing words 1 certify 2 nuclear weapons 3 precious 4 strand 5 shrimps 6 apparent 7 exceptional 8 edition 9 pure 10 times table

E Choose the words 1 fairy tale 2 overlook 3 complexity 4 high-brow 5 perilous 6 novelty 7 limit 8 impact 9 margin 10 severe

Chapter 3

A Choose the answer 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 b 8 c 9 a 10 a

B Defi nitions 1 pushy 2 necklace 3 dawn 4 retch 5 brass 6 peers 7 toddler 8 giggle

C Which word is it? 1 elbow 2 astonishing 3 burgundy 4 tense 5 sentence 6 basin 7 decelerate 8 hook

D Fill in the missing words 1 extraordinarily 2 involuntary 3 folly 4 reminder 5 soared 6 indignantly 7 pounded 8 limp 9 track-and-fi eld 10 anxious

E Choose the words 1 transfer 2 cage 3 ought to 4 askew 5 ignored 6 shoved 7 fi erce 8 consistent 9 stabbed 10 obit

Chapter 4 A

A Choose the answer 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 c 9 c 10 a

B Defi nitions 1 scholar 2 replica 3 rational 4 bustling 5 munch 6 roughly 7 villain 8 cheer

C Which word is it? 1 breeches 2 mournful 3 bladder 4 tavern 5 recall 6 glove 7 dagger 8 deny

D Fill in the missing words 1 Henceforth 2 Merchant 3 gentle 4 grief 5 honourable 6 plaster 7 minor 8 wig 9 playwright 10 orchard

E Choose the words 1 trap door 2 pelting 3 connection 4 attached 5 chiefl y 6 precious 7 drawings 8 companion 9 herbs 10 shape

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 91978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 91 08-05-09 11.05.5008-05-09 11.05.50

92 Kop


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Chapter 4 B

A Choose the answer 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 b 8 b 9 c 10 a

B Defi nitions 1 melodious 2 astonishment 3 gruel 4 grace 5 scatter 6 apprentice 7 eager 8 beam

C Which word is it? 1 panting 2 detect 3 stray 4 worthwhile 5 inevitable 6 voracious 7 ailments 8 captivity

D Fill in the missing words 1 exertion 2 trivial 3 mischievous 4 succession 5 misery 6 snores 7 yawned 8 carpenter 9 thrust 10 odious

E Choose the words 1 restored 2 fl aw 3 animated 4 sequel 5 reckless 6 winked 7 homage 8 ventured 9 sew 10 insignifi cant

Chapter 5

A Choose the answer 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 b 8 a 9 c 10 b

B Defi nitions 1 cramped (expected

answer) Also possible: crowded

2 hurricane 3 humiliate 4 prohibit 5 frugal 6 acquaintance 7 capricious 8 inmate

C Which word is it? 1 disrespectful 2 voyage 3 take pity on 4 kettle 5 scarcely 6 deportation 7 horrendous 8 trader

D Fill in the missing words 1 obtain 2 undulating 3 abstinence 4 location 5 overwhelming 6 subject 7 contempt 8 albeit 9 curse 10 port cities

E Choose the words 1 confused 2 ferocious 3 negotiate 4 charity 5 resident 6 essentially 7 twist of fate 8 harrowing 9 complacency 10 discretion

Chapter 6

A Choose the answer 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 c 8 c 9 b 10 a

B Defi nitions 1 prosperous 2 euphoria 3 discard 4 obsolete 5 mammal 6 spacious 7 summit 8 recycle

C Which word is it? 1 effortlessly 2 regret 3 stew 4 Numerous 5 retreat 6 gross 7 forehead 8 reveal

D Fill in the missing words 1 decent 2 jar 3 agitation 4 ornamental 5 savour 6 inherently 7 crest … ridge 8 bewitching 9 decaying 10 exposures

E Choose the words 1 vivid 2 riotous 3 embrace 4 account for 5 glows 6 twinkling 7 rundown 8 compassion 9 acknowledge 10 potential

Chapter 7

A Choose the answer 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 a 6 c 7 b 8 b 9 c 10 b

B Defi nitions 1 damp 2 bracelet 3 remote control 4 propose 5 evict 6 thigh 7 hearse 8 mean

C Which word is it? 1 eloquent 2 coffi n 3 stillborn 4 folding 5 response 6 coronation 7 replaced 8 visible

D Fill in the missing words 1 gravel 2 gaze 3 nursery school 4 assert 5 initially 6 assassination 7 comfort 8 ripped 9 jumpy 10 stale

E Choose the words 1 wailing 2 carburetor (AmE) 3 premonition 4 indelible 5 disasters 6 immortalized 7 redo 8 commitment 9 assemble 10 cardboard box

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 92978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 92 08-05-09 11.05.5008-05-09 11.05.50



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Chapter 8

A Choose the answer 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 b 9 c 10 a

B Defi nitions 1 oblong 2 mortgage 3 civilian 4 plastered 5 shoplift 6 momentarily 7 seedy 8 infi nity

C Which word is it? 1 tram 2 display 3 chop 4 escalator 5 commute 6 essential 7 tedious 8 lunatic

D Fill in the missing words 1 reusable 2 internal 3 requirement 4 common sense 5 congestion 6 emerge 7 transcend 8 scarce 9 refrigerators 10 squalor

E Choose the words 1 exposed 2 withstand 3 completion 4 availability 5 round the bend 6 buoyancy 7 principal cause 8 traffi c jam 9 allure 10 fl ustered

Chapter 9 A

A Choose the answer 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 b 8 c 9 a 10 c

B Defi nitions 1 stationary 2 wristwatch 3 encyclopaedia 4 fl ow 5 toot 6 formerly 7 pedestrian 8 futile

C Which word is it? 1 tranquil 2 fl uent 3 cream 4 sleeve 5 seize 6 gasp 7 strait 8 chatty

D Fill in the missing words 1 far-fetched 2 haze 3 urge 4 diverted 5 veer 6 circumstances 7 omniscient 8 passably 9 momentum 10 self-conscious

E Choose the words 1 frantic 2 scenery 3 volunteers 4 enroll 5 ripe 6 evidently 7 assume 8 genie 9 encompassed 10 vast

Chapter 9 B

A Choose the answer 1 a 2 b 3 b (steal = stjäla) 4 a 5 c 6 c 7 b (beech = type of tree) 8 a 9 c 10 a

B Defi nitions 1 bilingual 2 affl uent 3 paradox 4 subservient 5 cherish 6 jettison 7 vanish 8 heritage

C Which word is it? 1 mourn 2 squandered 3 townships 4 virtue 5 distinguishing 6 luxurious 7 pinstripe 8 distinctive

D Fill in the missing words 1 shameful 2 simplistic 3 convulsion 4 substantial 5 clutch 6 revised 7 oppression 8 betrayal 9 undercurrent 10 immense

E Choose the words 1 dreary 2 authentic 3 safeguard 4 counterpart 5 astonishing 6 obliterated 7 grunt 8 predominant 9 emerge from 10 game park

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 93978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 93 08-05-09 11.05.5108-05-09 11.05.51


Other Useful Words and Phrases

English Swedish

978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 94978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 94 08-05-09 11.05.5108-05-09 11.05.51


978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 95978-91-44-05071-3_01_book.indd 95 08-05-09 11.05.5108-05-09 11.05.51

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