programmatic buying in india

Programmatic buying in India 2016 Indian media spends forecasts are out, India market continues to look promising on YOY growth as ad spends as % of GDP have been on lower side. The only market where print ad spends continues to grow at the back of regional and vernacular editions. TV is also forced to look at split runs, besides growth in FCT to drive growth. Jumping straight to the digital media where we see YOY 40%+ growth, key drivers for last 2 years have been seen as Mobile and Video and for the first time forecasts mentioned about Programmatic media in India. Programmatic buying in India is likely to witness triple digit growth in 2016, Why not? After all Advertisers, publishers and ecosystem partner all are likely to benefit out of this and it’s in early stages. In this article, I would focus on how publishers can benefit a lot by getting a few things right and needless to say they form key component of programmatic buying eco-system in India. Let me rename this post as Programmatic buying in India: How publishers can make best out of it First and foremost, let’s get this fear out that it’s going to cannibalise your yield or conflict your premium direct sales channel.

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Post on 13-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Programmatic buying in india

Programmatic buying in India2016 Indian media spends forecasts are out, India market continues to look

promising on YOY growth as ad spends as % of GDP have been on lower

side. The only market where print ad spends continues to grow at the back

of regional and vernacular editions. TV is also forced to look at split runs,

besides growth in FCT to drive growth.

Jumping straight to the digital media where we see YOY 40%+ growth, key

drivers for last 2 years have been seen as Mobile and Video and for the

first time forecasts mentioned about Programmatic media in India. 

Programmatic buying in India is likely to witness triple digit growth in 2016, Why not? After all Advertisers, publishers and ecosystem partner all are likely to benefit out of this and it’s in early stages.

In this article, I would focus on how publishers can benefit a lot by getting a

few things right and needless to say they form key component of

programmatic buying eco-system in India. Let me rename this post as

Programmatic buying in India: How publishers can make best out of it

First and foremost, let’s get this fear out that it’s going to cannibalise your

yield or conflict your premium direct sales channel.

I do not know of any large publisher where inventory sell thru averaged

over a year or even at quarter level has crossed 50-60%, except the month

of March or December where demand peaks up for known reasons. If you

are not using any outside demand, there are fair chances that first 45 days

of every quarter, you would have much lower demand coming it thru

premium sales force.

Page 2: Programmatic buying in india

So far most of the publishers have tried google ad network, native ads to

sell the inventory left over post what their field sales could sell at the

premium CPMs. The difference in yield between both in some cases have

been as high as 8-10X, some publishers have further gone ahead and

created more ad slots per page and opened up the inventory to open

exchanges to realise avg CPM of 0.3-0.5$,

This exactly is a recipe of disaster, More ads per page leads to poor user

experience, poor ad engagement, response and eventually leading to drop

in the effective CPM as buy side evaluates you for CTRs, Viewability &

view thru conversion. For some buyers this was actually a first time trial of

your site thru open exchange before considering your site for a large

volume PMP deals, while in short term we may see a lift in overall revenue

per page, at the same time poor user experience will lead you to spend

marketing $$ to get users back or acquire new users, end result is only

marginal revenue lift. Leaving your sales team with no other options but to

even further clutter your website with large format annoying ads.

Let’s look at how publishers can best prepare to get the most out

of Programmatic buys:

User behavioural data & Segmentation:

This is your biggest friend, use multiple sources of users engagement like –

pages/sections visited, ads clicked, searches done, social, CRM data and

bit of data modelling to come up with interest (also known as affinity) and

intent ( in-market) buckets of audiences, you can see some more content

around it here

Page 3: Programmatic buying in india

Every website has few sections which are in high demand & and perhaps

booked for entire month and a few are where hardly anyone cares to buy,

In India RON is something people don’t attach any premium to. Using

the audience data we can showcase ads to in-market audience even at

lesser known pages of your website at a relatively better CPM.

Let’s take an example from a Comscore top 5 publisher, On finance section

their CPM are 3$ and mostly sold out throughout the month. Same

publisher has 10x time the inventory across the site (read RON) which is

lying unsold even at a CPM of 0.4 $. How about if they offer us in-market

finance audience ad across their site (RON) at 1$ CPM, wouldn't that

benefit both buyer and publishers?

Not only that, if you have a high quality audience data, we would love to

evaluate it and use your data to target relevant audiences and you earn $$

for data alone.

Opening up your data & inventory channels to trading desks like AMNET,

will lead to much more new advertiser trials as it gives buy side flexibility to

keep evaluating your inventory with different advertisers in a dynamic

environment, without having to stress as we won't have to do manual

labours of getting fixed price physical RO for fixed property every time,

neither this approach gives us flexibility to make changes to the campaign

in terms of supply selection on the fly.

 If you are a publisher with premium inventory, data and header bidding,

please write to us.

If you are still contemplating making this move, please go thru this article

for in depth information Programmatic path to publishers for profit

If you are convinced and ready to take your first step, you may write

to  Sudipto @ Pubmatic or Liam @Rubicon.

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If you are a medium to large publisher and wants to make best use of

complete stack, you may connect with Prabhvir @doubleclick

 I would love to hear your views, comments and do watch out for my next

post on Programmatic buying in India for the advertisers

Should you have any questions/ require any help, please feel free to

write to me- [email protected]