program review update 2015-16 kinesiology & recreation ii/std ii-a/ii.a.3-19...california; csu...

1 Program Review Update 2016 Program Review Update 2015-16 Kinesiology & Recreation (Report Due: October 15, 2016) Program Description (source: Faculty) Kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement with a cross disciplinary approach of exercise physiology, motor learning, motor development and biomechanics. Recreation is the study of leisure integrating social recreation, outdoor recreation, and fitness entrepreneurship. The Department of Kinesiology at College of the Desert is designed to provide curricula leading to an Associate Degree in Kinesiology. The primary purpose of the associate degree program is to prepare students to work in entry-level positions in fitness leadership, recreational sports management, athletic training, physical therapy, and corporate wellness. Our curricula will also provide a strong foundation of interdisciplinary and academic studies capped by specializations and work experiences thus helping prepare students to transfer to a four-year state college or university. The goal is to establish a tradition of excellence in developing independent, critical thinkers who possess a broad-based education, with an in-depth understanding of Kinesiology and its sub discipline’s or Recreation. Career paths chosen by students pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies in Kinesiology or Recreation commonly include: allied health professions, physical therapy, athletic training, occupational therapy, health and fitness, fitness professional, teaching, coaching, adapted physical education specialist, corporate wellness director, recreation or sport management. COD has transfer/articulation agreements with the California State Universities and University of California; CSU San Bernardino, CSU Long Beach, Ca. Poly. Pomona, CSU San Marcos, San Diego State and CSU Dominguez Hills, in disciplines/programs like Kinesiology, with emphasis in Exercise Science, Pedagogy, and Pre-Physical Therapy, Allied Health, Adapted Physical Education, Recreation Administration and Leisure Studies, Health and Wellness, and Public Health Promotion. However, transfer requirements at four-year colleges and universities vary from institution to institution; students should consult with a counselor for specific information regarding the transfer requirements of their preferred college or university. Kinesiology is currently viewed as a top major currently ranked as number three and heavily impacted in California State Universities. Our Kinesiology department also offers a Fitness Specialist certificate in our Career and Technical Education programs. This certificate prepares the students to work in the industry of group fitness and personal training. The 22 unit program promotes learning in the field of kinesiology, exercise science and leadership, athletic training, first aid and safety and provides a work experience internship that is strongly partnered with the community. The majority of the 22 units also transferable and apply to a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology. The certificate has a partnership with National Academy of Sports Medicine for additional options that may benefit the students. Students who choose not to major in Kinesiology find that coursework in the field can improve their ability to: think critically, apply kinesiology/human movement principles for optimum fitness, apply complex health concepts in the improvement of personal health, fitness and disease prevention, and integrate research in the field to contribute to personal and community well-being.

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Page 1: Program Review Update 2015-16 Kinesiology & Recreation II/Std II-A/II.A.3-19...California; CSU San Bernardino, CSU Long Beach, Ca. Poly. Pomona, CSU San Marcos, San Diego State and

1 Program Review Update 2016

Program Review Update 2015-16

Kinesiology & Recreation (Report Due: October 15, 2016)

Program Description (source: Faculty) Kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement with a cross disciplinary approach of exercise physiology, motor learning, motor development and biomechanics. Recreation is the study of leisure integrating social recreation, outdoor recreation, and fitness entrepreneurship. The Department of Kinesiology at College of the Desert is designed to provide curricula leading to an Associate Degree in Kinesiology. The primary purpose of the associate degree program is to prepare students to work in entry-level positions in fitness leadership, recreational sports management, athletic training, physical therapy, and corporate wellness. Our curricula will also provide a strong foundation of interdisciplinary and academic studies capped by specializations and work experiences thus helping prepare students to transfer to a four-year state college or university. The goal is to establish a tradition of excellence in developing independent, critical thinkers who possess a broad-based education, with an in-depth understanding of Kinesiology and its sub discipline’s or Recreation. Career paths chosen by students pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies in Kinesiology or Recreation commonly include: allied health professions, physical therapy, athletic training, occupational therapy, health and fitness, fitness professional, teaching, coaching, adapted physical education specialist, corporate wellness director, recreation or sport management. COD has transfer/articulation agreements with the California State Universities and University of California; CSU San Bernardino, CSU Long Beach, Ca. Poly. Pomona, CSU San Marcos, San Diego State and CSU Dominguez Hills, in disciplines/programs like Kinesiology, with emphasis in Exercise Science, Pedagogy, and Pre-Physical Therapy, Allied Health, Adapted Physical Education, Recreation Administration and Leisure Studies, Health and Wellness, and Public Health Promotion. However, transfer requirements at four-year colleges and universities vary from institution to institution; students should consult with a counselor for specific information regarding the transfer requirements of their preferred college or university. Kinesiology is currently viewed as a top major currently ranked as number three and heavily impacted in California State Universities. Our Kinesiology department also offers a Fitness Specialist certificate in our Career and Technical Education programs. This certificate prepares the students to work in the industry of group fitness and personal training. The 22 unit program promotes learning in the field of kinesiology, exercise science and leadership, athletic training, first aid and safety and provides a work experience internship that is strongly partnered with the community. The majority of the 22 units also transferable and apply to a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology. The certificate has a partnership with National Academy of Sports Medicine for additional options that may benefit the students. Students who choose not to major in Kinesiology find that coursework in the field can improve their ability to: think critically, apply kinesiology/human movement principles for optimum fitness, apply complex health concepts in the improvement of personal health, fitness and disease prevention, and integrate research in the field to contribute to personal and community well-being.

Page 2: Program Review Update 2015-16 Kinesiology & Recreation II/Std II-A/II.A.3-19...California; CSU San Bernardino, CSU Long Beach, Ca. Poly. Pomona, CSU San Marcos, San Diego State and

2 Program Review Update 2016

Students Served (source: Faculty) The Department of Kinesiology serves approximately 4,885 students at College of the Desert. Over half of our students are Hispanic and many first generation to attend college. Approximately 95% of our students reside in the Coachella Valley and its immediate surrounding areas. We serve and represent all students encompassing a wide variety of classes along with our local AA degrees requiring two units of Kinesiology classes. Our students receiving AA degrees in Kinesiology and certificate completion of the fitness specialist are on the rise. We anticipate continued growth in diverse Kinesiology offerings at the east end of the valley. The new multipurpose room has recently been completed and we project future growth and expansion of our courses to meet the community’s needs. Our Personal and Community Health courses continue to show strong enrollment reaching 495 students and remaining a gateway course for student success. There were 249 students enrolled last year in our popular Women’s Self Defense Health and Fitness course with a high student success rate and serving as another important gateway course. There were over 239 students enrolled in First Aid and Safety demonstrating continued growth. There were 57 students enrolled in Exercise Leadership showing strength in our Fitness Specialist certificate. There were 38 students pursuing courses in Recreation. There was 35 students enrolled in a variety of diverse adapted Kinesiology activity courses.

Discipline/Program Learning Outcomes (source: Curriculum Specialist) Upon successful completion of the Kinesiology program, students will: 1. Apply Kinesiology principles to fitness and sports. 2. Interpret current research in the field of Kinesiology, Allied Health, Recreation and Fitness that

will enhance their ability to design and implement programs. 3. Explain how the study of movement, health science and behavior modification can improve one’s

ability to think critically and contribute to overall wellness. 4. Assess their personal state of wellness. 5. Demonstrate proficiency in First Aid and CPR. 6. Apply knowledge and develop skills in the care, prevention, and management of athletic injuries. 7. Apply knowledge and develop skills in exercise leadership. 8. Apply knowledge and develop skills in community recreation sports management. 9. Value learning as a lifelong endeavor designed to enrich one’s life. 10. Exhibit habits of intellectual exploration, personal responsibility, and well-being. 11. Recognize and value the human body as an integrated organism with systematic functions such as

movement, nutrition, growth, reproduction, and aging. 12. Make informed decisions with self-awareness in practical matters including college and career

readiness including resume and portfolio building. 13. Apply learning in exercise science and exercise prescription as well as leadership through the

fitness specialist certificate. 14. Employ nutritional strategies and exercise for lifelong health and wellness. 15. Demonstrate basic principles of anatomy and biomechanics to prepare students for majoring in

athletic training and pre-physical therapy. 16. Recognize risk reduction strategies of personal safety and demonstrate viable self-defense options

if under attack. 17. The role of professionalism in the fitness leadership position. 18. The role of public health issues and its impact on our own personal and community health. 19. Apply for transfer into a healthcare program at a four year school including athletic training, pre-

physical therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic care and pre-med. (Sports Medicine) 20. Succeed in the four-year program by being academically prepared in areas such as anatomy,

medical terminology and emergency medical procedures.

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3 Program Review Update 2016

Course Level Assessment Completed (source: Faculty & OAC Coordinator) (See Appendix G of Academic PR) See Assessment Schedule

Changes Implemented as a Result of the Assessments (source: Faculty utilizing OASR form) 1. We have two full time faculty members, a Kinesiology director and administrative assistant to

assist with student learning outcomes and assessment. 2. After reviewing some of our Kinesiology Women’s Self Defense Health and Fitness courses, there is

a high student success rate and interest in the course. We increased the course offerings to 4 x a semester, and one offering over intercession and the summer session.

3. We also incorporated some innovative interactive lectures, activities, case studies and new methodologies such as flipping the classroom discussions and analysis of personal safety strategies.

4. After reviewing the summer session course of Introduction to Kinesiology and analyzing the data we see a high student success rate of 97%, (82 % A’s, 10 % B’s, and 3% F’s).

Program Requirements from outside agencies (source: Faculty working with Dean) 1. NATA - National Athletic Trainer's Association 2. ACSM - American College of Sports Medicine 3. NSCA - National Strength and Conditioning Association 4. ACE - American Council on Exercise 5. CVBC- Coachella Valley Business Community 6. NRPA-National Recreation and Parks Association 7. CPRS-California Parks and Recreation Society 8. NASM- National Academy of Sports Medicine 9. CrossFit 10. Yogafit 11. Kinesiology Advisory Team, College of the Desert Faculty, Fitness Specialists, Community members

involved in Kinesiology, Medical Staff, Physicians, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists 12. AYSO 13. Incight (disability and sports) 14. Cal State San Bernardino and Palm Desert Campus 15. Rape, Aggression and Defense, RAD programs 16. Christopher’s Clubhouse 17. Coachella Valley Sexual Assault Association 18. CCCPE- California Community College Physical Education 19. Ironwood Country Club 20. Yoga Alliance 21. IMPACT- credential for concussion management

Student Success Data (source: Office of Institutional Research) Courses: BUAC 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Student Success Rate: 80.2% 76.7% 79.9% 79.8% Retention Rate: 90.4% 87.4% 89.3% 88.8% Note: Success rate is the percent of students who earned a grade of A, B, C, or Cr/P in course out of total enrolled in course at census. Retention rate is the percent of students retained in course until the end of the term out of total enrolled in course at census. Click here for more information on Success; Click here for more information on Retention

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4 Program Review Update 2016

Click here for more information on FTES and # of Sections

Narrative Interpretation (source: Faculty) 1. We demonstrate strong enrollment. 2. Our FTE’s have dropped modestly, but we anticipate future growth with our course offerings and

the completion of the new multipurpose room in Indio. 3. Kinesiology courses have a high student success rate with a 79.8 % average and a retention rate of

88.8% demonstrating their value to the college and our students. 4. Our department has continued and has future plans to continue developing more innovative

courses, certificates and degrees that meet the diverse needs of our students and our community.

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5 Program Review Update 2016

Resources: Staffing (source: Research Office)

FT Faculty by Load:

Click here for more information on Faculty Staffing Resources

Narrative Interpretation (source: Faculty) 1. Program continues to be substantially below the district average of full time to part time faculty. 2. We currently have two full time faculty and a Director of Kinesiology. 3. The Division of Kinesiology has a PT to FT faculty ratio of 12 to 1, which is significantly below the

college average. We have been operating at a FT/PT ratio below 25/75 for the past couple years. The two full time faculty members are maxed out on overload, spread thin with coverage of committee assignments and college and community events.

4. The enrollment data in the past two years shows our enrollment as growing and our program as stable.

5. Kinesiology is involved in the strong workforce task force with the fitness specialist program, sports medicine AA and CTE degree and very involved in exploring more certificate and programs for our students.

6. Kinesiology has continued to expand in distance education offerings for students. 7. The FT/PT ratio that we currently have results in critical lack of effective support for adjunct

faculty. 8. Our department had many diverse teaching needs that address the following courses; numerous

specialized activity and fitness classes, Health, First Aid and Safety, Introduction to Kinesiology, Adapted Physical Education, Athletic Training, Fitness Specialist certificate, Women’s Self-defense Health and Fitness, Men’s Self-defense Health and Fitness and Recreational Leadership that require quality instruction and experience to meet the demands of the students and the surrounding community.

9. There is a new multipurpose room in the Indio facility to provide growth opportunities in many of our courses.

10. There are more courses, curriculum to develop, new degrees and certificates that could be created if we had more full time faculty.

11. It is also challenging to represent our department in committee representation and shared governance with only two full time faculty.

12. Our department looks at growing and developing more in non-credit CTE courses and more CTE certificate programs that would require more Full time faculty to meet the needs of the students and the programs.

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6 Program Review Update 2016

Facilities (source: Faculty) A) List of all facilities (Please indicate if any of these were added last year):

1. Gymnasium 2. Fitness Center 3. Simonds Athletic Performance Center 4. Training Room Sports Medicine Center 5. Football stadium 6. Baseball field 7. Softball field 8. Soccer Field 9. Multipurpose room 104 10. Classroom 103 11. Locker Rooms

B) Assessment of adequacy of current facilities: 1. Our fitness center offers a wide variety of classes for our students, faculty and staff. There is

a continuing need to update our equipment. 2. We only have one lecture classroom Kine 103. This makes it challenging to offer the variety of

diverse courses to meet our student’s needs. We currently ask to reserve Liberal Arts 10 to meet the needs of our expanding Kinesiology courses.

3. We need a classroom for an Allied Health Lab which is critical for our future sports medicine degree, and CTE certificate programs.

Equipment and Supplies (source: Faculty) 1. Our TRX frame needs a shaded over structure and concrete pad underneath to adequately utilize

the equipment and continue to meet the needs of our students. 2. Additional equipment and supplies are needed to adequately prepare student athletic trainers

who need to be familiar with modalities, equipment, rehabilitation, and supplies. 3. Our Kinesiology activity classes need to be updated with additional equipment such as kettlebells,

TRX straps, and glute ham developer. 4. Our women’s self-defense and Men’s self-defense classes needs more equipment and pads for

class management and safety. 5. Our future goals are critical to develop an Allied Health (Exercise Science) lab to provide practical

application of our sports medicine degree, clinical opportunities for our students in, and measurement and evaluation options in our CTE fitness specialist program and our Kinesiology majors.

Program Challenges (source: Faculty working with Dean) 1. We need more full time faculty to meet the diverse course offerings and population of our

students. 2. Kinesiology is currently ranked third in the list of majors at Cal State’s and we need more full time

faculty to continue to increase course offerings, certificate and degree completion. 3. We want to continue to increase transfer rates of Kinesiology majors. 4. We have courses that reflect a lot of student interest and we could offer more sections and

generate more FTE’s, with facility availability, and increased Full Time faculty. It would be ideal to have another classroom reserved for Kinesiology lecture courses.

5. The enrollment in Indio will have anticipated growth due to the completion of the multipurpose room and our program would benefit from a full time faculty member teaching these courses and advising the students.

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7 Program Review Update 2016

Program Challenges (source: Faculty working with Dean) 6. It is also somewhat demanding developing creative and innovative curriculum, more degree

options to meet our student’s needs and advanced certificate offerings with only two full time instructors.

7. Our program could continue to research and develop more non-credit CTE courses that could provide job related skills and employment opportunities along with the Strong Workforce Initiative.

8. Our department would like to develop new Kinesiology transfer courses in the area of lifelong learning.

9. It is a continued challenge to provide appropriate academic advisement for our students with only two full time instructors.

10. It is also somewhat problematic to only have two full time instructors who are spread thin on many different committees and sub committees to make sure we have a strong presence and participate in shared governance.

11. Faculty work with our Dean and Director on the possibility of an Allied Health Lab (exercise science applications) to accompany our Kinesiology courses.

Report on completion of program objectives last year (objectives were specified on PRU two years ago) Other Program Accomplishments (source: Faculty) 1. Full time faculty have helped to create a strong Kinesiology advisory team by reaching out to

community members who specialize in fitness, allied health, recreation, non-profit agencies, and athletic training.

2. Our program offered its first ever Men’s Self Defense and Health and Fitness course, and our Kinesiology director and adjunct faculty went to specialized training with the Rape, Aggression and Defense Systems.

3. Full time faculty went to Advanced Training for Women’s Self Defense and adjunct faculty went to training for the Basic Women’s Self Defense for Rape, Aggression and Defense Systems.

4. Our advisory team suggested was highly comprised of teachers from the high school health care academies. They really supported our idea of developing a sports medicine AA degree.

5. Faculty developed curriculum for clinical courses that would provide hands on learning opportunities and valuable experience for our students majoring in Sports Medicine and Allied Health.

6. Faculty has been involved in curriculum development and approval in the early stages of our Sports Medicine, AA degree.

7. Faculty has been involved in outside clinics and learning opportunities along with the help of the faculty development fund.

8. Faculty are diligently utilizing SLO’s and implementing modifications for their classes. 9. We have continued to increase enrollment and offer more courses in the following; Introduction

to Kinesiology, First Aid and Safety, Personal and Community Health with distance education opportunities, and more Women’s Self Defense Health and Fitness.

10. The number of students in our adapted classes has grown. 11. Our faculty has developed curriculum for new non-credit certificates that provide CTE job related

skills and employment opportunities. 12. Our department is involved in Flex presentations, community outreach and many shared

governance opportunities. 13. Faculty attended California Community College Physical Education conference to network and

learn about new CTE programs and certificate options for students in Kinesiology. 14. Faculty have participated in lectures and activities at Cal State San Bernardino, Eisenhower

Hospital and lululemon. 15. Faculty continuing to develop more distance education opportunities for our students. 16. College certified ACSM partnership with, Exercise as Medicine, promoting health, fitness,

educational and club opportunities for students.

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8 Program Review Update 2016

17. Essentials for Fitness Professionals is another new course that is part of our Fitness Specialist certificate and will be offered each year.

18. One of our full time faculty is chairing the Outcomes and Assessments committee and part of the Senate Executive team.

Current Program Objectives (taken from last year’s PRU) 1. Continue to grow our department with hiring of new Full Time and Part Time Instructors 2. Continue to offer a variety of courses to meet the diverse needs of the community 3. Continue to explore the Strong Workforce Initiative and the development of more CTE diverse

programs in Kinesiology 4. Research and continue to develop more non-credit CTE courses in Kinesiology providing important

job related skills and employment opportunities 5. Include our Kinesiology Advisory Team on discussions and opportunities for our students both in

academics, career and job growth 6. Continue to explore new certificates and degree options in Kinesiology, Sports Medicine, and

Health and Fitness 7. Expand our course offerings to meet the growth and demand of the east and west end of the

valley and continue to work with the Director of Education centers

Program Objectives for next year (source: Faculty, working with Dean as needed) 1. Faculty continuing to work with Dean on development of new curriculum, degree options, CTE

certificates and noncredit courses. 2. Faculty working with Dean to develop an Allied Health (Exercise Science) Lab that could possibly

be utilized with Health Science, Nutrition and Nursing. 3. Faculty working with Dean to explore the Strong Workforce Initiative and how Kinesiology, course

offerings, certificates and degrees can be expanded.

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9 Program Review Update 2016


Program Name: _______________________________________ 1. NEEDS


* TCP = “Total Cost of Position” for one year is the cost of an average salary plus benefits for an individual. New positions (not replacement positions) also require space and equipment. Please speak with your college Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to add related office space, equipment and other needs for new positions to the appropriate form and mention the link to the position.

1 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

List faculty positions needed for the upcoming Academic Year. Please justify and explain each Faculty request based on rubric criteria for your college. Place titles on list in order (rank) or importance.

Indicate New (N) or

Replacement (R)

Annual TCP*

1. Kinesiology Full Time Faculty Reason: Our enrollment data over the past two years indicates our program is growing and is stable. We are well below the FT/PT ratio of 75/25 percent. We see growth opportunities in the East and West ends of the valley. There is many diverse needs and valuable skills needed to teach our multitude of classes. We are involved in the Strong Workforce Initiative developing new courses, programs and certificates. Kinesiology is growing and expanding in distance education opportunities for our students.


2. Kinesiology Full Time Faculty Reason: Our enrollment data over the past two years indicates our program is growing and is stable. We are well below the FT/PT ratio of 75/25 percent. We see growth opportunities in the East and West ends of the valley. There is many diverse needs and valuable skills needed to teach our multitude of classes. We are involved in the Strong Workforce Initiative developing new courses, programs and certificates. Kinesiology is growing and expanding in distance education opportunities for our students.


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10 Program Review Update 2016

Program Name: _______________________________________


* TCP = “Total Cost of Position” for one year is the cost of an average salary plus benefits for an individual. New positions (not replacement positions) also require space and equipment. Please speak with your college Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to add related office space, equipment and other needs for new positions to the appropriate form and mention the link to the position.

2 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

List classified staff positions needed for the upcoming Academic Year. Please justify and explain each Classified Staff request based on rubric criteria for your college. Place titles on list in order (rank) or importance.

Indicate New (N) or

Replacement (R)

Annual TCP*

1. Reason:

2. Reason:

3. Reason:

4. Reason:

5. Reason:

6. Reason:

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11 Program Review Update 2016

Program Name: _______________________________________


* TCP = “Total Cost of Position” for one year is the cost of an average salary plus benefits for an individual. New positions (not replacement positions) also require space and equipment. Please speak with your college Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to add related office space, equipment and other needs for new positions to the appropriate form and mention the link to the position.

3 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

List administrator positions needed for the upcoming Academic Year. Please justify and explain each Administrator request based on rubric criteria for your college. Place titles on list in order (rank) or importance.

Indicate New (N) or

Replacement (R)

Annual TCP*

1. Reason:

2. Reason:

3. Reason:

4. Reason:

5. Reason:

6. Reason:

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12 Program Review Update 2016

Program Name: _________________________________________

2. Equipment (excluding technology) Needs Not Covered by Current Budget

List Equipment or Equipment Repair Needed for the upcoming academic year. Please list/summarize the needs of your unit on your college below. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance.

*Indicate whether Equipment is for Instructional (I) or Non-Instructional purposes (N)

Annual TCO**

Cost per Item



Total Cost of

Request 1. DSA approved shade structure, 30 x 40 x 10 plus TRX

concrete pad, water fountain Reason: This is critical for safety for kinesiology classes, CTE programs and community needs

(N), (I) $40,000-$45,000

2. TRX Installation Reason: This is critical for kinesiology classes, CTE programs and community needs

(I), (N) $9,750

3. Bod Pod Reason: This is critical for kinesiology classes, CTE programs, community needs and an Allied Health Lab.

(I), (N) $55,395

4. Metabolic Cart Reason: This is critical for kinesiology classes, CTE programs, community needs and Allied Health Lab.

(I), (N) $27,775

5. DSA approved second shade structure, 30 x 40 x 10 plus TRX concrete pad, water fountain Reason: This is necessary for our kinesiology classes and community needs due to lack of facilities and extreme weather conditions

(N), (I) $40,000-$45,000

6. Rogue; Monster Swing Arm GHD Reason: This is a critical and a safety issue, our current one is unsafe.

(I) $1,360.13 1

7. Kettlebells Reason: This is necessary for our TRX and Kettlebell and other fitness courses.

(I) $670 17

8. Anatomical Leg and Arm Musculature from Ward’s Science Reason: This is necessary for our Sport’s Medicine and other Kinesiology courses.

(I) $7,551.36 4

9. Century Bob XL Opponent bag Reason: This is Critical for Safety in our Women’s and Men’s Self Defense courses when working with large groups of students.

(I) $ 1,574.95 5

10. Dynamix medicine balls Reason: Necessary for Multiple Activity Classes (I) $763.40 9

11. Oslo stop watches Reason: Necessary for Multiple Activity Classes (I) $556.77 32

12. Versa Bars Reason: Necessary for Multiple Kinesiology Classes (I) $1,073.13 22

13. R.A.D. Self Defense Equipment Reason: This is critical for safety in our Women’s and Men’s Self Defense Classes for element of safety in

(I) $1,877.60

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13 Program Review Update 2016

* Instructional Equipment is defined as equipment purchased for instructional activities involving presentation and/or hands-on experience to enhance student learning and skills development (i.e. desk for student or faculty use). Non-Instructional Equipment is defined as tangible district property of a more or less permanent nature that cannot be easily lost, stolen or destroyed; but which replaces, modernizes, or expands an existing instructional program. Furniture and computer software, which is an integral and necessary component for the use of other specific instructional equipment, may be included (i.e. desk for office staff). ** TCO = “Total Cost of Ownership” for one year is the cost of an average cost for one year. Please speak with your college Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to check with your department chair to clarify what you current budget allotment are. If equipment needs are linked to a position please be sure to mention that linkage.

training when working with large groups of students. 14. TRX suspension trainer

Reason: This is critical for safety in our TRX and Kettlebell training classes.

(I) $988.56 6

15. Spin Bikes Reason: This is necessary for Adapted Physical Education classes and a variety of Kinesiology fitness classes

(I) $16,000 20

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14 Program Review Update 2016

Program Name: _________________________________________ 3. Technology (Computers and equipment attached to them) ++

Needs Not Covered by Current Budget: 4 NOTE: Technology: excludes software, network infrastructure, furniture, and consumables (toner, cartridges, etc)

TCO* Annual

Priority Equipment Requested

New (N) or

Replace-ment (R)

Program: New (N) or Continuing


Location (i.e Office, Classroom,


Is there existing Infra-


How many users


Has it been repaired


Cost per item

Number Requested

Total Cost of Request

1. Usage / Justification

Bod Pod GS for body fat analysis and for students community and also a source of revenue

(N) (N) (C) Classroom $55,395

2. Usage / Justification

Metabolic Cart for Vo2 max assessment and Metabolic Cart for Vo2 max

(N) (N) (C) Classroom $27,775

3. Usage / Justification Two I-Pad Air 2 (N) (C) $1,400

* TCO = “Total Cost of Ownership” for one year is the cost of an average cost for one year. Please speak with your college Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to check with your department chair to clarify what you current budget allotment are. If equipment needs are linked to a position please be sure to mention that linkage. Please speak with your Microsupport Computer Supervisor to obtain accurate cost estimates. ++ Technology is a computer, equipment that attaches to a computer, or equipment that is driven by a computer.

Remember to keep in mind your college’s prioritization rubrics when justifying your request.

4 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “justification” section of this form.

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15 Program Review Update 2016

Program Name: _________________________________________ 4. Facilities Needs Not Covered by Current Building or Remodeling


List Facility Needs for the upcoming academic year. (Remodels, Renovations or added new facilities) Place items on list in order (rank) or importance.

Annual TCO*

Total Cost of Request

1. DSA approved shade structure, 30 x 40 x 10 plus TRX, concrete pad, water fountain Reason: For Kinesiology TRX and kettlebell classes


2. TRX installation Reason: For Kinesiology TRX and kettlebell classes $9,750

3. DSA approved shade structure, 30 x 40 x 10 plus, concrete pad Reason: Another outside opportunities for classes $40,000

4. New classroom for Allied Health (Exercise Science)Lab Reason: Critical for Kinesiology Sports Medicine courses, and our CTE fitness specialist program

5. Lights at tennis courts Reason: For safety and equitable training opportunities for our students

6. Lights for softball fields Reason: For safety and equitable training opportunities for our students

7. Lights for soccer fields Reason: For safety and equitable training opportunities for our students

8. Grass track out on field area for Kinesiology fitness classes (Australian grass track model) Reason: Need a measured area for Kinesiology classes

* Please contact your college VP of Business or your Director of Facilities, Operations and Maintenance to obtain an accurate cost estimate and to learn if the facilities you need are already in the planning stages.

5 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

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16 Program Review Update 2016

Program Name: _________________________________________

5. Professional or Organizational Development Needs Not Covered by Current Budget*6

List Professional Development Needs for the upcoming academic year. Reasons might include in response to assessment findings or the need to update skills to comply with state, federal, professional organization requirements or the need to update skills/competencies. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Some items may not have a cost per se, but reflect the need to spend current staff time differently. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance.

Annual TCO*

Cost per item

Number Requested

Total Cost of Request

1. Continue exploring other degree options of our current Transfer Model Curriculum in Kinesiology Reason: Increase student and program success

2. Continue to work on curriculum and program approval from the Chancellor’s office in Sports Medicine Reason: Increase student and program success

3. Continue to research and develop other CTE certificates in Kinesiology Reason: Increase student and program success

4. Continue to develop more non-credit certificates and programs in Kinesiology Reason: Increase student and program success

*It is recommended that you speak with Human Resources or the Management Association to see if your request can be met with current budget.

6 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

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17 Program Review Update 2016

Program Name: _________________________________________ 6. Student Support Services (see definition below**)

Services needed by your Program over and above what is currently provided by student services at your college. These needs will be communicated to Student Services at your college 7

List Student Support Services Needs for the upcoming academic year. Please list/summarize the needs of your unit on your college below. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Not all needs will have a cost, but may require a reallocation of current staff time. 1. Develop an allied health lab to assist students with data collection of fitness assessment, body

composition, vo2 max, nutritional planning and tracking etc. Reason: This is critical for sports medicine degree, clinical offerings, and our current CTE programs.

**Student Support Services include for example: tutoring, counseling, international students, EOPS, job placement, admissions and records, student assessment (placement), health services, student activities, college safety and police, food services, student financial aid, and matriculation.

7 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

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18 Program Review Update 2016

Program Name: _________________________________________ 7. Library Needs Not Covered by Current Library Holdings 8

Needed by the Program over and above what is currently provided. These needs will be communicated to the Library

List Library Needs for the upcoming academic year. Please list/summarize the needs of your unit on your college below. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance. 1.

Reason: 2.

Reason: 3.

Reason: 4.

Reason: 5.

Reason: 6.


8 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

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19 Program Review Update 2016

Program Name: _________________________________________ 8. Learning Support Center Services Not Covered by Current budget *.

List Learning Support Center Services Needs If your unit is responsible for running a learning support center such as the Writing and Reading Center, the Math Learning Center, Computer lab or similar learning support center please address those needs here. These do not include laboratory components that are required of a course. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance.

Total Cost of Requests If the cost is the responsibility of an administrative unit you

do not need to list it here.

Cost per item

Number Requested

Total Cost

Ongoing (O) or

one-time (OT) cost

1. Reason:

2. Reason:

3. Reason:

4. Reason:

5. Reason:

*It is recommended that you speak with your college IMC and/or Lab Coordinators to see if your request can be met within the current budget and to get an estimated cost if new funding is needed.

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20 Program Review Update 2016

Program Name: _________________________________________ 9. OTHER NEEDS not covered by current budget 9

List Other Needs that do not fit elsewhere. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Not all needs will have a cost, but may require a reallocation of current staff time. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance.

Annual TCO*

Cost per Item

Number Requested

Total Cost of Request

1. Reason:

2. Reason:

3. Reason:

4. Reason:

5. Reason:

6. Reason:

Completed by: Wendy Ansley

Date: October 14, 2016

9 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

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21 Program Review Update 2016

Career and Technical Education Program Review Addendum

In compliance with Education Code Section 78016 (a) Every vocational or occupational training program offered by a community college district shall be reviewed every two years by the governing board of the district to ensure that each program, as demonstrated by the California Occupational Information System, including the State-Local Cooperative Labor Market Information Program established in Section 10533 of the Unemployment Insurance Code, does all of the following:

1) Meets documented labor market demand; 2) Does not represent unnecessary duplication of other manpower training programs in the area; and, 3) Is of demonstrated effectiveness as measured by the employment and completion success of its students.

The CTE Launchboard The CTE Launchboard is a statewide system supported by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and hosted by Cal-PASS Plus. The Launchboard is free to use but a login and password need to be requested. You can request a new account here.

Once in the Launchboard, you have access to reports summarizing program outcomes and detailed tables with historical, regional, and state comparison data.

After this selection, you can pick the college, sector or program (by TOP code) and year. Please note that for some measures, like wages and employment, the most current data is 2 or 3 years prior.

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22 Program Review Update 2016

The data in the Launchboard comes from the CCCCO MIS data, EDD UI Wage data, CTE Outcomes data, EMSI labor market information on jobs and salaries, and Insight Center for Community Economic Development.

1. Meets documented labor market demand

Yes. The program is meeting the labor market demand. According to the data on the CTE Launch Board. In the next 5 years, until 2019, there will be 41 athletic trainer positions, 27 exercise physiologists, and 749 fitness trainers and group exercise instructors. The training and education we offer in the Kinesiology Program at College of the Desert will help the student prepare for a successful career in the positions demonstrated by the CTE Launch Board.

2. Does not represent unnecessary duplication of other manpower training programs in the area

According to the CTE Launch Board data, Colleges in our Region that offer Kinesiology courses in order program size include the following: Victor Valley, College of the Desert, Riverside, Crafton Hills, Moreno Valley, Norco and San Bernardino. Of the numerous colleges in the Region, only Victor Valley College provides more courses in Kinesiology than College of the Desert. We anticipate future growth in College of the Desert within the East and West Valley, new noncredit courses, and future development of new AA degrees and CTE certificates.

3. Is of demonstrated effectiveness as measured by the employment and completion success of its students.

From my personal observations, we see continued growth in Kinesiology and other sub disciplines within Kinesiology. In the past three years we have had 19 students transfer with AA degrees and 19 students earn certificates. For the most part the other colleges in our region are lacking in Kinesiology course offerings, CTE certificates and noncredit course opportunities. We can continue to grow and develop in the strong workforce initiative and develop these areas.

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23 Program Review Update 2016

We also have a very high student success rate within our program and we believe our courses are gateway courses to improving student success as a whole at College of the Desert.

The Office of Institutional Research can help with this information as well as other information

you might need.

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24 Program Review Update 2016

Course Level Assessment Completed (source: Faculty & OAC Coordinator)





AR DUE 1 - 3a 3b - 5 6 1 - 3a 3b - 5 6 HE-001 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-001 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-002 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-003 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-004 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-005 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-006 new course not offering

KINE-007 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP new course Spring 13

KINE-008 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-015 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-040 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-041 14/SP 14/FA 15/FA 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-042 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP

KINE-043 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP

KINE-044 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-045 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-046 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-047 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-048 09/FA 10/SP 11/SP Not offering

KINE-050 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-051 10/FA 11/SP 11/FA Not offering

KINE-052 11/SP 11/FA 12/SP Not offering

KINE-053 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA

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25 Program Review Update 2016





AR DUE 1 - 3a 3b - 5 6 1 - 3a 3b - 5 6

KINE-054 11/FA 12/SP 12/FA Not offering

KINE-055 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-056 11/SP 11/FA 12/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-057 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-059 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-060 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-061 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-062 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-063 11/FA 12/SP 12/FA Not offering

KINE-064 09/FA 09/FA 09/FA 10/FA 11/SP 11/FA

KINE-065 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-066 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-067 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-068 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 13/SP 13/SP 13/SP

KINE-071 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-072 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-074 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-077 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-078 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-079 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-080 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-082 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-086 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-087 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-091 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-093 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-094 11/SP 11/FA 12/SP

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26 Program Review Update 2016





AR DUE 1 - 3a 3b - 5 6 1 - 3a 3b - 5 6

KINE-095 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP

KINE-096 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP

KINE-097 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

KINE-098 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

KINE-099 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA

RE-001 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

RE-002A 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

RE-002B 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

RE-002C 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

RE-002D 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP Not offering

VSM-011 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP

VSM-014 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA

VSM-022 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

VSM-033 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP

VSM-040 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP

VSM-053 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

VSM-064 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

VSW-015 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP

VSW-023 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

VSW-041 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA

VSW-054 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

VSW-057 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

VSW-065 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP

VSW-074 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP