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Program Overview Workbook

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Program Overview Workbook

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Program Overview

• Building a multimillion dollar business is actually simple

• The right information… applied in the right order results in the building of a multimillion dollar business

• Few business owners know the right information… and even fewer apply it in the right sequence

Program Overview

• Only one out of nine of your target customers will see your well placed ad, and they have to see it a minimum of 3 times before they will begin to respond

• You have to run that ad a minimum of 27 times to get it in front of the majority of your target customers 3 times

• Who has that type of advertising budget these days

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Program Overview

• The future belongs to the smart business owner who understands and embraces online marketing

• The purpose of this program is to train you in knowing, understanding, developing and applying the essential online marketing and business growth fundamentals that are required to build a multimillion dollar business

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Program Overview

• We want to briefly review the topics we will be covering in-depth so we can ground you in the online marketing fundamentals that will enable you to…– generate a massive number of leads on demand– convert those leads into paying customers– reveal the secrets to creating a follow-up campaign that nurtures

your prospects who aren’t quite ready to buy initially

• Let’s give you a “sneak-peek” at what we have in store for you from this point forward

Online Presence

• We’ll begin by helping you create an “Online Presence”

• There are 30 million small local businesses in the U.S. alone and over 90 percent of them have no online marketing strategy

• Locally, more than 80% of customers use the internet frequently, and more than half of those internet users used it to search for local products and services

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Online Marketing– The Facts

• 97% of American internet users use the internet to shop

• 90% of online commercial searches result in offline brick and mortar purchases

• 82% of local searches follow up via an online store visit, phone call or purchase

Online Marketing– The Facts

• Statistics related to local search…

• 74% of internet users perform local searches

• 73% of all online activity is related to local content

• 66% of Americans use the internet for local search, like Google Local Search to locate a local business

• We’re going to reveal how you can best establish your online presence and position your business as the dominant player in your industry

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Email Marketing

• Next, we’ll tackle one of the most difficult online marketing methods for small business owners to execute effectively… Email Marketing

• Many businesses are neglecting two important marketing vehicles… their website and email marketing

• A well-designed website and email marketing are the essential elements business owners should focus on before diving into social media

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Email Marketing

• We’ll help you avoid the pitfalls when it comes to email marketing

• We’re going to show you how the marketing pros build a quality list of prospects

• We’ll explain how to nurture those prospects through the use of an auto-responder, as well as the secrets to writing and sending effective email campaigns

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Website Design & Layout

• Once your emails are generating leads, you need a place to send those leads to either request more information, receive further education about what you do, or to buy your product or service

• That place is your website, and we’re going to show you everything we know about Website Design and Layout

• When we finally reformatted our copy and increased the white space, signup rates shot up by a statistically significant 12%

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Website Design & Layout

• We’ve found other “tiny” tricks that, when added to copy, can help significantly increase your conversion rates

• Did you know that simply adjusting your site layout alone can boost your sales by up to 64%

• We’re going to show you a whole host of ways you can improve everything about your website and turn it into a lead capture, money-making sales tool for your business

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Search Engine Optimization

• Over 80% of website traffic comes from search engines

• Companies aren’t investing enough on SEO

• Most companies consider SEO important to their marketing success, but very few are actually doing it

• SEO ensures your web pages are accessible to search engines and structured in ways that help improve the chances they will be found… and listed close to the top

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Search Engine Optimization

• SEO copywriting targets keyword phrases in certain frequencies and densities

• 85% of the total factors for web page rankings in a search engine is based on things that happen off the page itself

• Search engine algorithms have evolved to treat the trust and authority factors of your domain, what others think about your content, and the words they use to describe it in links as an indication of quality and relevance

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Search Engine Optimization

• Modern SEO is all about crafting content so compellingthat other people want to promote it by linking back to you or sharing it, thereby increasing your trust and authority and attracting links to the pages you want to rank well for certain keywords

• We’ll provide you with a step-by-step online marketing strategy for creating content that scores links and ranks well in search engines

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Video Marketing

• We’ll take things a step farther by giving you the insider’s scoop on the best ways to use video marketing

• One increasingly popular component of social media is online video

• It’s becoming a common method of communicating and sharing

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Video Marketing

• You can build a rapport with your audience

• You will instantly become more personable

• It can be a powerful way to promote your brand

• You can motivate potential clients to act quicker

• If your competitors do it and you don’t, you could be losing potential clients

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Video Marketing

• It’s often easier for you to retain the attention of your target audience

• You can develop a level of trust beyond what’s possible in writing alone

• It’s an inexpensive marketing approach

• You’ll show that you’re keeping up with technology

• You often experience increased visibility in the search engines

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Video Marketing

• You don’t have to type anything for a change

• You can demonstrate your expertise

• You can show your creativity

• You can show your “fun side”

• You can show your human side by posting a not-quite-perfect video

Video Marketing

• You can give your audience a way to benefit from your knowledge passively… since it’s a lot easier to watch a video than read a screen of text

• You can provide targeted training

• You’ll become more memorable

• Consistent videos can build a different audience than you now have access to

• You can “show” instead of “tell”

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Video Marketing

• You can reach more of your target audience

• It can help you establish yourself as an expert

• You can get people to come back to your site more frequently

• You can tap into the emotions of your audience

• You’ll make it easy for your viewers to pass on your message to others

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Video Marketing

• You can use your videos to make announcements, share news and offer special deals

• It’s entertaining for your viewers

• Video marketing is the next logical step in your businesses marketing strategy

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Link Building

• Link building quickly increases your site’s visibility traffic

• It’s one of the top ways to get ranked in search engines

• If another website links to your site it’s telling the search engines that they like your site and find it valuable

• If a high ranking site links to you… their vote is worth much more than a site that’s just a landing page full of ads

Link Building

• You want to attract as many inbound links to your site as possible

• The best way to get inbound links is to provide something of real value to readers

• Be sure you add link building to your online marketing to-do list

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Conversions & Analytics

• The number of leads you produce versus those who actually buy and tracking those statistics so you can constantly improve

• If a prospect asks you for something, calls you or requests information, that’s when they’re excited about your offer

• Their excitement rapidly declines, and you can improve your lead conversion by connecting with them and provide them with quality information

Conversions & Analytics

• One key tracking measure you must use is Google Analytics

• If you have a website, you need to start tracking your stats

• Google Analytics is a great tracking tool… and it’s free

• You can receive advanced segmented reports or very basic reports that any novice small business owner can easily understand

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Conversions & Analytics

• Google Analytics revolves around conversion rates

• Converting a prospect into a client is your ultimate goal

• Another excellent tool is Google Alert

• Knowledge is power on so many levels…– your industry– your customers– your competitors– your company's market presence

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Joint Ventures / Affiliates

• We’re going to give you specific, in-depth information on the cultivation of joint ventures and your affiliate program

• Promoting them is the simplest way to make money online

• Learn why offering an affiliate program is almost always the quickest way for you to find new customers for what you sell

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Joint Ventures / Affiliates

• Affiliate marketing is where a business rewards third parties for bringing them new visitors and customers

• The phrase describes a relationship between two or more parties that agree to undertake a singular economic activity together

• Joint ventures are a combination of your efforts with others so both parties reap substantial profits

Joint Ventures / Affiliates

• A joint venture is a single-purpose shared business activity between two or more business concerns

• They can create massive profits without a lot of expenditure, equipment, staff, facilities, risk and workload

• Joint ventures are simply the fastest, easiest, safest and best way to see a dramatic increase in your revenue

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Driving Traffic

• Getting traffic and visitors to your website is like getting customers in the door of an offline business

• Some of the topics we’ll be covering include…– actual methods to drive in more traffic– online advertising– email marketing– various social sites

• Facebook• Twitter• LinkedIn

• We’ll show you how to tap into the traffic generating power of directories, webinars, tele-seminars, blogs, video sites, online classifieds, forums and link building strategies

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• You’ll discover how to quickly and effectively drive targeted traffic to your website using pay-per-click advertising

• The beauty of PPC is you only pay when someone clicks on your ad

• Studies show almost 50% of searchers never go beyond page one

• PPC is one of the best ways to get on that first page

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• There’s no other advertising channel that lets you pay only when someone takes action on your ad

• This is referred to as pay for results, and we question any media who doesn’t feel confident enough in their ability to produce results for their customers

• If their media will help produce results, why wouldn’t they want to share in the profits?

• PPC is the only one that does

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Social Media

• The social web… often referred to as “web 2.0” and social media are dramatically changing the way we communicate

• Marketing using social media marketing is essential

• Current statistics place social media and social networking usage above that of email

• 74% of the North American public is online using the Internet

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Social Media

• Prospects are talking about you and about your business… whether you’re part of the conversation or not

• You need to know what’s being said about you, your brand, your competition, your industry and your target customer

• We’ll help you tap into the enormous marketing and revenue-generating power of social media… and provide you with some ideas, suggestions and tools that you can use to generate immediate income for your business

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Social Media

• Social media marketing is the development of marketing strategies and tactics that use social media and its online communities to…– generate exposure for your business and build your company brand– enhance and monitor your reputation and manage relationships– increase traffic to your website and build communities– develop qualified leads and create opportunities– conduct market research and provide customer service– publicize events, new products and services– increase your sales

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Articles & Press Releases

• Article marketing is the process of promoting any site, any service, any idea or business opportunity with short informative articles that you write or have written for you, and then you distribute them to various sources

• We'll teach you everything you need to know about article directories and ezine publishing

• We're going to make sure you understand RSS feeds and blogs, and how to position them on your own site so they’re effective

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Articles & Press Releases

• You can repurpose article content in a multitude of ways

• Anyone can do article marketing… even if you hate to write

• If you’re list building, lead generating or setting up lead capture pages -these are all things that can be marketed effectively using article marketing

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Articles & Press Releases

• News releases… also called press releases are an important part in any public relations campaign and when it comes to marketing your business

• All press releases are structured the same way

• We’ll teach you that structure and make you a press release writing maverick

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Craigslist & eBay

• Learn how to build a fully stocked eBay store where you can sell all types of products from the comfort of your own home

• You’ll find out how to pick the perfect eBay product niche, get tips on setting up your store and how to sell more products to your new eBay customers to increase your profit

• If you have a winning strategy to market your products and attract and retain customers you can make a great living on eBay

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Viral Marketing

• Marketers today are creating branded video content

• Their goal is to engage audiences with authentic, inspiring, entertaining content… and to encourage those viewers to share that content with their friends

• Branded video content works… one campaign delivered a 110% lift in consumers’ purchase intent

• People will watch a video three times longer when it has been shared by a friend as opposed to finding it themselves on a website

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• Outsourcing can help you do all of this and more

• Before you rush into outsourcing everything from setting up your website to creating a drip campaign… you must know your options and the opportunities those options present to your business and its bottom line

• Any outsourcing that you do needs to come AFTER you have personally rolled up your sleeves and got involved at some level in the activity that you’re going to outsource

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• You have to manage the people that you’re outsourcing

• There are definitely language and cultural differences that need to be understood and dealt with in order to effectively outsource to other countries. If you go in blind about the tasks which you’re outsourcing you’re adding an unnecessary layer of complexity on top of the language and cultural challenges you will face

• Commit to understanding and doing the initial work yourself that you’ll ultimately outsource

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• Outsourcing is a great way to leverage your time and funds

• You can outsource work on a piecemeal basis, meaning one job at a time, or possibly have a part time or a full time team of people working for you effectively and efficiently while saving you from the potential headache and big expense of running and housing your own local staff

• Our job will be to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision if outsourcing is right for you and your business