president’s message 2016 kindness is made to...

2016 KINDNESS IS FREE By Jaime L. Soderland, MBA, PCAM It was a pleasure to see the great turn out at the President’s meeting. The meeting’s purpose was to discuss the Engineering Report regarding the drainage. The definition of Community was evident in the atmosphere of the entire room. Thank you to all of those who attended. I am not sure if most folks know that being kind is a selfish act. When one is kind it is the most rewarding feeling anyone can give themselves. It is also one of the only self-serving acts wherein the giver and the recipient both win. Best of all it is absolutely free. “This bright new day….complete with 24 hours of opportunities, choices, and attitudes. A perfectly matched set of 1440 minutes. This unique gift, this one day, cannot be exchanged, replaced or refunded. Handle with care. Make the most of it. There is only one to a customer.” - Anonymous PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE By Judy Fosbrook, President My message this month is a follow-up to the presentation made to the association presidents on April 19th. At that meeting, the Community Association presented in detail the program that needs to be addressed throughout the community. The engineering firm for the original developer, EMK Consultants of Florida, Inc., has prepared a detailed drainage map and report of the conditions of the major flow channels identifying areas requiring major maintenance. This EMK report has been given to the presidents and is also available on the ELWCA website ( The drainage report and map are included in the Financial Information section. The map is in pdf format that may be enlarged on your computer. Whenever anyone talks about East Lake Woodlands, the word “community” is often added because that is in fact what we are. Even though there are 50+ individual associations, we do not operate in isolation. What one of us does, or doesn’t do, impacts others. This will be most evident with the planned drainage maintenance plan and related costs. The Association’s attorney has stated that “the maintenance of the Community Facilities is one of the primary purposes of the Community Association (which is empowered to do so in its organization documents)”. Further he states that the master drainage system is included in that maintenance. The plan as presented by the engineering firm has identified what segments and structures of the drainage system benefit only the Community as a whole; what segments and structures benefit only one or a few individual developments; and what segments and structures benefit the County Club. Based upon the engineering calculations of contributory runoff, the engineer has proposed a fair allocation of the maintenance costs of the system among the benefitted entities with the Community’s share borne by the Community Association; and the shares of individual developments and the Club borne by those entities. This program will only succeed if everyone realizes that we are a community! Failure to maintain one part of this drainage maintenance plan will impact others. Doing nothing is not an option. We will continue to update this plan in future articles as well as on the website. VP NOTES: By Keith Crank, Vice President and Controlled Access Chairman A Quiet Month Thankfully it has been a pretty quiet month. As of publication deadline the SunTrust inbound gate has yet to put back into service. Hopefully it will be back up and running shortly. I have been asked this question a couple of time recently so I thought I would once again answer it in the Heron. At our manned gates (Tampa Road and Eastlake Road) cars entering the community must merge from two lanes into one. State law says that the cars on the right must yield to the cars in the left lane because it is the main entrance into the community. The resident lane merges into the visitor lane. Many residents have asked why they do not have priority upon entrance into the community. Unfortunately as I have stated previously our residents must yield to the visitors. Another point of contention is the Sunflower exit on to Tampa Road. This exit is a single lane but drivers constantly try to make it two lanes. By doing this, the driver on the right always has an obstructed view of the oncoming traffic on Tampa Road. Not only is this a peril but at the same time remember drivers making a U-Turn on Tampa Road have the right of way. Another point I would like to address the speed which the unmanned gates open and close. These gates are set to certain industry standards and are checked periodically and adjusted if necessary. So please have a little patience when approaching the gates. Should you ever need emergency remember to call 911. If you need assistance from our community patrol please call 727- 785-7384. You can get in touch with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office for all non-emergencies by calling 727-582-6200. PCSO INSIDE THE STAR HUMAN TRAFFICKING By Judy Gauron, Controlled Access Committee Millions of Americans - children and adults - are victims of human trafficking and Pinellas County is taking steps to put an end to it. Sheriff Bob Gualtieri joined Clearwater Police Department Major David Dalton and several community advocates at the Board of County Commissioners meeting January 12th, as Commissioner Charlie Justice issued a proclamation declaring January 10th-16th Human Trafficking Awareness Week in Pinellas County. Appropriately, the Commission later in the meeting passed an ordinance requiring public awareness signs be placed in certain establishments, including rest areas, turnpikes, service plazas, weigh stations, primary airports, passenger rail stations, and welcome centers. “Probably the greatest challenge that we have in conducting these investigations is getting the initial information that there is a human trafficking problem occurring - because oftentimes, they’re reluctant,” Sheriff Gualtieri said at the meeting. “Victims who are out there or people who know those who may be victims - get the word to them that there is help. We are here, and there are resources available.” Website: • Administrative line: 727-582-6200 ECRWSS EAST LAKE WOODLANDS RESIDENT PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID TAMPA, FL PERMIT #1502 ECRWSS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION FOR EAST LAKE WOODLANDS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Volume 16 | Issue 5 | 2016 WWW.EASTLAKEWOODLANDS.COM

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Page 1: PRESIDENt’S MESSagE 2016 KINDNESS IS made to the association presidents on April 19th. At that meeting, the Community ... in

2016 KINDNESS IS FREEBy Jaime L. Soderland, MBA, PCAM

It was a pleasure to see the great turn out at the President’s meeting. The meeting’s purpose was to discuss the Engineering Report regarding the drainage. The definition of Community was evident in the atmosphere of the entire room. Thank you to all of those who attended.

I am not sure if most folks know that being kind is a selfish act. When one is kind it is the most

rewarding feeling anyone can give themselves. It is also one of the only self-serving acts wherein the giver and the recipient both win. Best of all it is absolutely free.

“This bright new day….complete with 24 hours of opportunities, choices, and attitudes. A perfectly matched set of 1440 minutes. This unique gift, this one day, cannot be exchanged, replaced or refunded. Handle with care. Make the most of it. There is only one to a customer.” - Anonymous

PRESIDENt’S MESSagEBy Judy Fosbrook, President

My message this month is a follow-up to the presentation made to the association presidents on April 19th. At that meeting, the Community Association presented in detail the program that needs to be addressed throughout the community. The engineering firm for the original developer, EMK Consultants of Florida, Inc.,

has prepared a detailed drainage map and report of the conditions of the major flow channels identifying areas requiring major maintenance. This EMK report has been given to the presidents and is also available on the ELWCA website ( The drainage report and map are included in the Financial Information section. The map is in pdf format that may be enlarged on your computer.

Whenever anyone talks about East Lake Woodlands, the word “community” is often added because that is in fact what we are. Even though there are 50+ individual associations, we do not operate in isolation. What one of us does, or doesn’t do, impacts others. This will be most evident with the planned drainage maintenance plan and related costs. The Association’s attorney has stated that “the maintenance of the Community Facilities is one of the primary purposes of the Community Association (which is empowered to do so in its organization documents)”. Further he states that the master drainage system is included in that maintenance.

The plan as presented by the engineering firm has identified what segments and structures of the drainage system benefit only the Community as a whole; what segments and structures benefit only one or a few individual developments; and what segments and structures benefit the County Club. Based upon the engineering calculations of contributory runoff, the engineer has proposed a fair allocation of the maintenance costs of the system among the benefitted entities with the Community’s share borne by the Community Association; and the shares of individual developments and the Club borne by those entities.

This program will only succeed if everyone realizes that we are a community! Failure to maintain one part of this drainage maintenance

plan will impact others. Doing nothing is not an option. We will continue to update this plan in future articles as well as on the website.

VP NotES:By Keith Crank, Vice President and Controlled Access Chairman

A Quiet Month Thankfully it has been a pretty quiet month. As of publication deadline the SunTrust inbound

gate has yet to put back into service. Hopefully it will be back up and running shortly. I have been asked this question a couple of time recently so I thought I would once again answer it

in the Heron. At our manned gates (Tampa Road and Eastlake Road) cars entering the community must merge from two lanes into one. State law says that the cars on the right must yield to the cars in the left lane because it is the main entrance into the community. The resident lane merges into

the visitor lane. Many residents have asked why they do not have priority upon entrance into the community. Unfortunately as I have stated previously our residents must yield to the visitors. Another point of contention is the Sunflower exit on to Tampa Road. This exit is a single lane but drivers constantly try to make it two lanes. By doing this, the driver on the right always has an obstructed view of the oncoming traffic on Tampa Road. Not only is this a peril but at the same time remember drivers making a U-Turn on Tampa Road have the right of way. Another point I would like to address the speed which the unmanned gates open and close. These gates are set to certain

industry standards and are checked periodically and adjusted if necessary. So please have a little patience when approaching the gates. Should you ever need emergency remember to call 911. If you need assistance from our community patrol please call 727-

785-7384. You can get in touch with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office for all non-emergencies by calling 727-582-6200.

PCSo INSIDE thE StaRhUMaN tRaFFICKINgBy Judy Gauron, Controlled Access Committee

Millions of Americans - children and adults - are victims of human trafficking and Pinellas County is taking steps to put an end to it.

Sheriff Bob Gualtieri joined Clearwater Police Department Major David Dalton and several community advocates at the Board of County

Commissioners meeting January 12th, as Commissioner Charlie Justice issued a proclamation declaring January 10th-16th Human Trafficking Awareness Week in Pinellas County.

Appropriately, the Commission later in the meeting passed an ordinance requiring public awareness signs be placed in certain establishments, including rest areas, turnpikes, service plazas, weigh stations, primary airports, passenger rail stations, and welcome centers.

“Probably the greatest challenge that we have in conducting these investigations is getting the initial information that there is a human trafficking problem occurring - because oftentimes, they’re reluctant,” Sheriff Gualtieri said at the meeting. “Victims who are out there or people who know those who may be victims - get the word to them that there is help. We are here, and there are resources available.”

Website: • Administrative line: 727-582-6200



































Official PublicatiOn fOr East lakE WOOdlands cOmmunity assOciatiOn

Volume 16 | Issue 5 | 2016

Page 2: PRESIDENt’S MESSagE 2016 KINDNESS IS made to the association presidents on April 19th. At that meeting, the Community ... in

East LakE WoodLands Community assoCiation - may 20162

HOA Publishers, Inc. 727-403-5506

5420 Pioneer Park Blvd. Suite C Tampa, FL, 33634 Submit articles to:

www.HOApub.comProduction Manager ...... Claudia HuertaDirector of Bus. Development ..Jarrod Wallach

The East Lake Woodlands Heron is distributed free by HOA Publishers to all East Lake Woodlands residents, paid for through ad revenue. The Eastlake Woodlands Board of Directors welcomes all residents to submit positive and informative articles about our community.

Total Circulation: 4,500Mailed to all homes in East Lake Woodlands and available online.

www.EastLakeWoodlands.comThe Heron assumes no responsibility for the advertising contents of its publication. No endorsement of any product or service is made by the Heron and none should be inferred. We reserve the right to reject any advertisement that we believe would not benefit the residents of East Lake Woodlands. We do not knowingly accept objectionable or fraudulent advertising.

Judy Fosbrook, PresidentChairman: Administrative [email protected]

Keith Crank, Vice PresidentChairman: Controlled Access [email protected]

Janet Peterson, treasurerChairman: Finance [email protected]

Chuck Fairman, SecretaryChairman: Roads [email protected]

Pam Brown, DirectorChairman: Grounds/Irrigation [email protected]

Richard Corrigan, DirectorChairman: Government [email protected] hunt, DirectorChairman: Communications [email protected] Picker, DirectorChairman: Lakes/Drainage [email protected] WhiteheadChairman: [email protected] L. Soderland, [email protected] and Associates720 Brooker Creek Blvd. #206 Oldsmar, FL 34677813-433-2000



tampa Road gate 727-785-7384 or North gate 727-785-1465March 2016

Patrol Officers responded to 64 CallsComplaint Calls 27(Noise, speeders, solicitors,Domestic disputes,

trespass, Fireworks, Suspicious persons/cars)Parking Violations 115Irrigation Calls 2Motor Vehicle/ Pedestrian Accidents 1Crimes Reported 5

(Vandalism to mailboxes, gates, Grass damage, stolen bikes, dumping. All other criminal activity)

Miscellaneous/Other 29(Welfare checks, pets, wildlife, all others)

The Sheriff monitored 33 hours during January 2016Performed 3 Hours of Presence/Visibility.Citations 1, Warnings 59Top speed: MPH 51/30, 28/20 MPH


like us on facebook


FoR thE FIRSt tIME IN taMPa Bay: DUo BaLLooN NoN SURgICaL WEIght LoSSBy AJ Bidani, MD

More than 78 million ( 1 in 4) Americnas suffer from obesity. For many diet and excercise may not be sufficient. Now, for the FIRST TIME in Tampa Bay we have a REVOLUTIONARY non surgical option for people who are struggling with weight loss. It is the Reshape dual balloon. It is 2 seperate silicone balloons which attached to each other. They are placed with an endoscope into the stomach and then filled with 2 cups of salt water(saline) and a blue dye. They take space in the stomach and make you feel “full” and help you lose weight.

In addition one gets free 12 months of dietary coaching with a specially trained registered dietican, free wi-fi scale, free Fitbit and access to patient portal with weight & activity logging and support group.

The duo balloon is limited for patients with BMI of 30-40( eg. a 5’4” person with weight of 175 lbs or more), in whom diet and excercise have not been enough to achieve weight loss targets.

Benefits: The Reshape dual balloon was shown to help people lose weight. People with dual balloon lost more( almost twice as much) weight than people who recieved diet and excercise counseling alone. The goal is to jump start weight loss and keep it off with diet and excercise counseling.

Good things about the Reshape dual balloon:

(1)20 minute procedure (2)No surgery needed (3)Balloon can be taken out at anytime if not tolerated (4) Continue to eat foods you like, but in smaller amounts (5) 1 year of dietary counseling and support to keep weight loss long term.

How to decide about the Reshape procedure:

The reshaoe procedure is right for you if you are an adult with body mass index( BMI) from 30-40 and have failed to lose weight by diet and excercise alone. You must also have some co-morbid conditions ( eg. high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure ). During the treatment with the dual balloon you must continue to follow the recommended diet and exercise. Please contact us at 727-393-1155 or

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hURRICaNE SEaSoN: aRE yoU REaDy?by Claudia Faiola

Hurricane season begins June 1st and ends November 30th. In the event we are threatened by a hurricane it is important that you and your family are prepared. Here are some things you need to do:

• Create a disaster plan • Complete home improvements• Organize important papers so you can grab them quickly if

necessaryPrepare an Emergency Survival Kit

•Stay kit: one-week supply of food that requires no cooking, drinking fluids, non-electric can opener, one gallon of water per person per day, cups, plates and plastic utensils, cooler, ice and pet food

• First Aid Supplies: bandages, gauze pads and tape, soap and anti-bacterial gel, scissors and tweezers, sunscreen, pain reliever and anti-itch cream

• Tools and Emergency Supplies: flashlights, battery-operated radio, extra batteries, matches or lighter in water proof container, maps with shelter locations, shut-off wrench and other tools, paper and pencil and plastic sheeting and tarps

• Sanitation: Portable toilet (5-gallon bucket, heavy trash bags, chlorine bleach) toilet paper and moist tissues, feminine supplies and personal hygiene items

• Clothing and bedding: One complete change of clothing and shoes per person, sturdy shoes or boots, rain gear, blankets and sleeping bags

• Kids and entertainment: Favorite nonperishable snack, powdered milk, favorite toy, diapers and wipes, blanket and pacifier, board games, coloring books and colors, playing cards, etc.

Know your evacuation zone• Check out the following website:

apps/knowyourzone/• Call Pinellas County Interactive Hurricane Evacuation Inquiry Line

at 727-453-3150

• Check your county utility bills and the Truth in Millage (TRIM) sent by property appraiser, they will contain your evacuation zone.

If you need additional information or have questions regarding your evacuation level, evacuation shelters, or general preparation please contact East Lake Fire Rescue at (727) 784-8668, or visit our website at

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Management & Assocs.813-433-2000AberdeenCluster 1Cluster 2Cluster 3Condo 5Cross CreekCypress 1ELW Community Assn.EnclaveGreenhaven 1Greenhaven 2Greenhaven 3 & 4PinewindsPinnacleQuail ForestSilverthorneSt. AndrewsWoodlands EstatesWoods LandingWorthington

Self-ManagedAvenelLake Shore VistaWarwick HillsAmeri-Tech Prop. Mgmt.727-726-8000Condo 2Condo 4Condo 7CreeksideTurtle Creek 1 & 2Caliber Management727-796-1996Condo 1Condo 6Citadel Management727-938-7730Cypress 3Woodlake Run 1, 2 & 3Associa Gulf Coast (813) 963-6400Condo 3

E.L.W. MaNagEMENt CoMPaNIESElite Property Mgmt.727-224-1871The Meadows Hunter’s CrossingFirst Choice Management727-785-8887The Cove at East Lake WoodlandsLake EstatesPreserveWoodridge GreenHoliday Isles Prop. Mgmt.727-548-9402Cross PointeInnovative Community Mgmt.727-938-3700MuirfieldJim Nobles727-447-8949Stonebriar

Progressive Mgmt.727-773-9542Cypress 2Cluster 4Cluster 5Heatherwood/Laurel OaksPatio HomesProperty Group of Cent. Fla.727-771-7753Diamond CrestIsleworthResource Management727-796-5900DeerpathHunter’s TrailSentry Management727-799-8982KingsmillCypress ITurtle Creek 3 & 4

As of 3/23/2016

SECURItyBy John Fernsler, resident member of East Lake Woodlands Community Association, Inc. (ELWCA)

As a kid growing up in a very small town, I knew nothing about creating a “civil society.” I knew that if I did anything wrong I’d be turned over to my parents who would administer swift “justice.” That was small town civil society.

East Lake Woodlands (ELW) contains many times the number of people than there were in that small town, and many more who travel in, by, or through on any given day. How can ELWCA help create a more civil society? Deterrence. Controlling access at gates. Providing regular, and properly designed, security patrols throughout neighborhoods of ELWCA members. Plus the organic elements of neighbors looking out for neighbors, and themselves, through, e.g., closing garage doors, locking cars and doors, and reporting suspicious activity.

Keith Crank, an ELWCA board member, with the Controlled Access Committee, aided by advice from Allied Barton (security contractor) and a Pinellas County Sheriff’s Deputy, oversees security operations and reporting here. More information can be found in each issue of the Heron, and on the web site. The ELWCA Board considers these matters at each of its regular meetings.

In the opinion of a different Sheriff’s Deputy, the more people circulating the more crime deterrence that results. How do we compare in crime rates with other communities? ELW and other communities are so dis-similar (layout, location, population, monitoring, reporting) that accurate comparisons cannot be made. Controlled gates and carefully designed security patrolling definitely make for positive crime deterrence outcomes. Worth the price? Based on past experience and what I’ve learned about ELW, I think so.

At its core, a civil society needs individuals who love others, who avoid stereotyping and group rejection, who restrain their baser instincts, and who show respect for others, despite differences of opinion and background. Unfortunately, many of us buy into images portrayed in media stories, situations comedies, political campaigns, and hate organizations. Can we pursue our better selves? I think we can, and must.

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20 feet tall with a spread of only six to twelve feet. The inconspicuous male and female flowers appear on separate plants and are followed in fall and winter by translucent red berries on the female trees. The flowers attract bees and other pollinators for several weeks in early April and birds love the winter fruit. Purchase plants with berries on them (females) if you want a berry-producing tree. Weeping Yaupon Holly is adaptable to a wide range of cultural conditions from dry to wet, acid to alkaline soil pH, and sun to part-shade. It is very drought tolerant, and is one of the best of the small-leaved evergreen Hollies for use in southern landscapes. Light pruning may be necessary to maintain shape

4. Dade County Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii var. densa) grows slower than the native species Slash Pine, reaching about 40 feet tall with a rounded crown in about 30-years. Slash Pine is self-pruning of its lower branches, is somewhat pyramidal when young and as it ages it forms an open, rounded canopy creating a light, dappled shade beneath. This allows just enough sun to filter through for maintenance of under plantings of dogwoods, azaleas, camellias and other plants which thrive in this high, shifting shade. Aggressive root competition takes place beneath Pines so the shrubs and lawn beneath and around the canopy can require more frequent irrigation, particularly during the dry season. Pines have deep roots except in poorly-drained soil where all roots tend to be shallow.

5. Butterfly Bush/Tree (Cassia bicapsularis) is a sprawling, semi-evergreen shrub that reaches a height of eight to ten feet with an equal spread. The blossoms resemble golden butterflies. The yellow flowers appear in the fall when little else is in bloom. If damaged by frost, the stems should be cut back and vigorous new sprouts should emerge when the weather warms. Appropriate training can produce a small specimen

EaSt LaKE WooDLaNDS CoMMoN aREaS UPgRaDE - FIRSt LaNDSCaPED MEDIaNBy Pam Brown, ELW resident

I have received many positive comments about the new landscaping of the median in Woodlands Parkway directly across from the Country Club. The Landscape Committee is glad that our work is appreciated. I have also received requests to list the

plants that we used along with a little about their care. We selected plants that require less care and that are also drought tolerant.Ground Cover:

1. Perennial Peanut (Arachis glabrata) is the ground cover that rings the median. This plant spreads rapidly and once it completely covers an area will out compete most weeds. Perennial peanut has high resistance to drought, nematodes, and pathogens and has minimal fertilizer needs. It is not only beneficial to the environment since it requires little to no supplemental nitrogen or phosphorus fertilization or pest control, but it also is aesthetically pleasing, can be walked on, and has edible, peanut flavored flowers. It can be damaged if we have a severe winter with hard freezes, but it should re-grow from the root system.Trees:

2. Texas Wild Olive (Cordia boissieri) is native to North America. It is an evergreen tree which reaches 20 feet in height with a 10 to 15- foot spread. The silvery green leaves are velvety and the trumpet-shaped white flowers appear nearly year-round. The olive-like, white fruits (not related to culinary olives) have a sweet flesh relished by birds and other wildlife. They are edible, but probably should not be eaten in quantities. Wild-olive should be grown in full sun or partial shade on well-drained soils and is highly drought tolerant. This tree is hardy to about 20-degrees F, but it can lose its leaves in a severe frost.

3. Yaupon Holly (Ilex vomitoria ‘Pendula’) is a Florida native that has a very distinct, irregular, weeping form. This tree is most often seen 15 to

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tree. Trees often require staking to hold them upright. Butterfly bush needs full sun for best growth and flowering. This plant is tolerant of many soil conditions, and needs little care once established. Plant it and forget about it, except for occasional watering during drought. This is a good plant for highway or sidewalk medians.Filler Plants:

6. Coontie (Zamia floridana) is a Florida native with feather-like, light green, leathery foliage. Foliage emerges from a large underground storage root in the early years before a trunk develops. Growing best with some shade, coontie can tolerate full sun and grows on a variety of soils as long as it is well-drained. Watering should be done with moderation, if at all, once established. But like any plant, plenty of water is needed for estabishment. Pest problems include sooty mold, mealy bugs, and scale. Florida red scale must be controlled by regular spraying (use Neem oil) because it can be fatal to coontie. The alata butterfly caterpillar feeds only on the coontie. This plant is cold hardy.

7. Dwarf Fakahatchee Grass, Florida Gamma Grass (Tripsacum floridana) is an herbaceous perennial originating in South Florida that forms a dense, upright clump of leaves. These flat blades of grass grow from a short, thick, underground rhizome. This grass attains a height of about two to three feet and spreads to form a large clump. The flowers appear in somewhat showy spikes, with rust-colored anthers. These spikes appear in the spring and summer. Tripsacum needs full sun or light shade in the landscape and adapts to dense and light soils. It is tolerant of wet soil conditions but is also quite drought tolerant. It is listed as an endangered plant in Florida.

8. Elliott’s Lovegrass (Eragrostis spectabilis) is a low, graceful, fine-textured grass with beautiful, silvery-blue leaves and masses of tiny, delicate flower spikes. It forms clumps of narrow powder-blue foliage that rises to about 18-24 inches tall (to three feet with ample irrigation). Clumps spread outward slowly with short rhizomes. The 3 foot tall flowers stalks rise in mid to late spring, opening into a buff colored haze of flowers that lasts into fall and winter. This drought tolerant grass prefers full sun to light shade and well drained soil. This plant can be used in a natural lawn with only one mowing required in the spring; however, it is not tolerant of foot traffic.

9. Holly Fern ( C y r t o m i u m falcatum) is a great drought-tolerant, cold hardy choice for the shady garden and it can also take partial sun. These ferns form loose two to three-foot tall clumps of deep green leathery leaves. The leaves have pointy edges that give it a holly-like appearance. They can be used as a border plant, ground cover, or in a woodland garden. Some pests can be found on Holly ferns: scales, mites, mealybugs and snails are found when the watering is excessive. However, those bumps on the bottom of the leaf are not pests - ferns reproduce by dust-like spores produced under the leaves.

10. Fakahatchee Grass (Tripsacum dactyloides) is a perennial grass is about three to seven feet tall and it forms a large tuft of leaves. The leaf blades are arching and up to 2½ feet long and 1½ inches across. This plant grows in a variety of soil types and it slightly drought tolerant. Fakahatchee grass is related to corn and deer can gobble up the hard seeds. This grass grows large and stately, so it is a good idea to allocate plenty of room for it to grow. Cut it back in winter to about 10 inches, but be careful, the leaf blade edges are sharp. It is tolerant of wet soil conditions but is also quite drought tolerant. It is one of the most shade tolerant grasses, and naturalizes readily in a moist site. It is listed as an endangered plant in Florida.

11. Scrub Palmetto (Sabal etonia) has an S-shaped or contorted subterranean stem with the crown bud held below the soil surface. This palm is 3 to 4 feet tall, and there are about 5 to 8 living palm leaves present at any given time. The leaf blades are fan shaped with Y-shaped split tips. The spring flower stalks are half as long or as long as the leaves and bear small, white flowers followed by small, shiny black berries. The scrub palmetto is not easy to find. It makes a nice massed ground cover. They are especially effective in the shade of existing pine trees. This palm should have a full sun to partial shade position in the landscape. This drought tolerant plant is adaptable to many soil types as long as they are well-drained.

Common Areas Upgrade continued from pg 5

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oUtSIDE thE gatESBy Dick Corrigan,Community Relations Committee Chairman

Mother nature is doubling down in 2016. Although the recent clear skies and balmy breezes of early April would belie the fact, we are facing the tail end of one of the strongest El Nino seasons on record. Death Valley is in bloom and California reservoirs, at least in the north, are full. In Florida we can expect

continued periodic rains and some heavy weather patterns through June or so. We have already experienced some heavy wind storms that damaged over 60 homes in Pasco. The El Nino season will overlap with the onset of HURRICANE season which begins June 1 and lasts through November. While the evidence is still out on how El Nino impacts the Atlantic hurricane season (does in encourage or inhibit hurricanes from forming off the coast of North Africa?), the probability of hurricanes forming in the Gulf may increase slightly given warmer waters and uncertain wind patterns at altitude. These Gulf hurricanes are more threatening to the Tampa Bay area. So make sure your flood and hurricane insurance is up to date. Equally important is to have an evacuation plan and an appreciation for the damage that will need to be cleaned up even when you get back to your homes. Pinellas County Utilities has recently published a guide to El Nino as well as a pamphlet on Flood Information. Look in your utility bill for these informative pieces. You can find out more by going to and clicking on flooding, or other topics such as El Nino. And think of your neighbors as well. It would be a shame if your 80 year old neighbor got left behind while you and your family safely evacuated.

A number of interesting things are happening in Pinellas County over the next few months on the political side. County Commissioner David Eggers has held a successful town hall at the East Lake Library in March and plans another one at the Palm Harbor Recreation Center in May. See for details. In addition, the State Representatives will be speaking on the results of the recently closed legislative session in Tallahassee on April 18, also at the Palm Harbor Recreation Center. This event is sponsored by CNCN and you can go to their website at for details. Upcoming events on the political side include meetings with the County Commissioners as a group in May and the beginning of discussions

on the extension of the Penny for Pinellas tax which expires next year. The County Commissioners have begun the process of solicitation of ideas for projects that might be supported by this revenue source so get your ideas in. You can direct them to the Commissioners themselves or go through your Community Association for East Lake Woodlands which maintains a membership on the CNCN Board. That organization meets regularly with the commissioners in an attempt to represent the needs and improvements to the East Lake corridor voiced by residents and community associations. In addition, and you will see the signs soon, this is an election year so every position from President through U.S> Senator down to the East Lake Fire District will be on the agenda with primaries in the late summer and of course the final elections in November. While I am sure the Pinellas County races will be more civil than the national primaries seem to be; they are still HUGE as we get to choose our federal, state and local officials for the upcoming governing cycle. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the candidates and the issues. It looks like we are in for a blustery few months from both the weather AND the politicians.

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hIStoRICaL BItS aND PIECESBy Paul J.H. Leaser


James Butler “Wild Bill Hickok” walked the streets of Abilene, Kansas

wearing a Prince Albert coat, checkered trousers, and a silk vest embroidered with floral designs. Over his shoulder he had a cape with a flowered silk lining; about his waist, and he wore a matched set of ivory-handle Colts.

thE SIZE oF a MaN:For the wheelchair-bound Franklin D Roosevelt, the position of

his cigarette holder was said to have been a “power gesture.” He was consistently having to look up to others who were able to stand. His smoking was a tool he used to give himself a larger presence..

Addendum: One of my collector friends sent me this interesting, thought-provoking quote: “For the first time in history does a nation have complete gun registration. Our streets are safer, our police more efficient.” Adolf Hitler, April 15, 1935


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In all my years as an interior decorator, I am asked more questions about furniture arranging than anything else. So here are a few suggestions you might consider when facing the “furniture placement dilemma!”1. Place large furniture pieces first

It’s definitely a mistake to start with your smaller pieces. I guarantee your frustration level will increase if you try to start the process with small tables and accent pieces.

2. In rooms with vaulted ceilings, place large furniture pieces close to the highest wall

Furnishings such as oversized entertainment armoires immediately come to mind. Can you visualize a large entertainment center placed on a small wall opposite a high wall in a vaulted room? Balance and symmetry would immediately fly out the window.

3. Try angling your furnitureWhen your furniture pieces, chairs, sofas, love seats, are all lined up flat

against a wall, you lose he opportunity to create interesting conversational groupings, not to mention the fact that your room would resemble an office waiting area!

4. When selecting furniture for smaller rooms, follow these rules of thumb:• Pieces with round corners will work best• Don’t select large or oversized pieces• Try to find case goods that are tall and shallow to give your small

space more height• Open shelving styles will help your space seem more expansive• Opt for a more tailored look in upholstered pieces

oUtSIDE thE gatESBy Dick Corrigan,Community Relations Committee Chairman

There is no shortage of activities for active people in the East Lake Woodlands area. The East side of Lake Tarpon is gradually developing a character of its own with the expansion of the East Lake Library and the improvements to the ball fields and other facilities at the East Lake Recreation Services

District up on Keystone Road. Both facilities are managed under the auspices of the Palm Harbor Community Service Agency, Inc. (PHCSA) , although funding for the two facilities comes from taxes paid at the East Lake Fire District level and are not comingled with Palm Harbor funds, for example. However, without a true “town center” and currently limited physical space at the library, a lot of activities are sponsored by the Clubs of the communities that run along the McMullen Booth/ East Lake Road corridor up to the county line.

Some of you may have seem a flyer that came with a recent East Lake Woodlands Country Club mailer (or the e-version if delivered to you that way). that enumerated the various club sponsored activities available and presented opportunities for ELW residents to broaden their horizons. Included in the flyer were synopses of the Photography Club, the Book Club, the Cellar (wine) Club, Women of the Word Bible study, Duplicate Bridge, Ladies Social Bridge, First (new to the game) Bridge, Mah Jongg the two women’s golf leagues, (Nine Holers and the Women’s Golf Association) and the Men’s Golf Association. Quite an impressive range activities that might be of interest to all East Lake residents.

An example of an activity that is not specifically under direct Club sponsorship is the Camp Gladiator fitness program currently available in the Club parking lot. Camp Gladiator is a fitness chain offering 4 times a week outdoor camps for groups including cardio, strength & agility training. Many of you may have seen the enthusiastic participants as you drive by. Looking at these opportunities led me to think of other possibilities for activities at the East Lake Club. These might include

• Travel Club - focusing on foreign and domestic adventures that ELW residents might enjoy• Fantasy sports clubs • An International Affairs Discussion Group - interaction on the topics facing the world today• Gardening Club - landscaping, native plants or wildflowers (to supplement Brooker Creek and/or the Library)• Computer Classes - wow your grandkids with your Twitter feeds• Political Discussion Groups - with a Presidential election coming, this could be HUGE!

If you have ideas and are willing to put in a little initial legwork, Pam Ziarkoski, Member Relations at the Club can be helpful in getting you started.

OTHER NOTES:The East Lake Library has received a $1,000,000 grant in the

recently passed Florida State Budget for expansion of its facilities. The initiative was sponsored by State Senator Jack Latvala so see the library for details. In addition a drive to raise funds for an expanded parking lot is underway with a raffle scheduled for June 4. See the Library website at www.eastlake for details on these and other library programs now ongoing.

CNCN held its Annual Fundraiser on Saturday, April 2 with a second round of Casino Night. Proceeds will be used to support F.E.A.S.T food pantry of Palm Harbor and Adaptive Golf Experience (which supports veteran amputees and other veterans suffering from various medical problems) In addition the organization is offering a $1,000 scholarship for a student from both East Lake High and Palm Harbor University High School. See more details at their website

Page 10: PRESIDENt’S MESSagE 2016 KINDNESS IS made to the association presidents on April 19th. At that meeting, the Community ... in Dr. Tara Rusoff Dr. Stephanie Coates

Eye Exams, Contacts, Outside Prescriptions, Insurance accepted Location: East Lake Rd and Tampa Rd – East Lake Woodlands Shopping Center

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the trees to be able to get the attention of females. This is a very interesting form of communication that is done through vibrations. Males will also vocalize sounds to find a female. When he does, he will hop on her back for several hours.

Once mating has occurred, the female will lay a clutch of approximately 40 eggs, either in the water or on a leaf above a pond. Small tadpoles will emerge from them in a matter of days. They will be independent immediately and have to care for their own needs. It can take weeks or months, depending on the location and environment, before they develop

into a frog. Red-eyed Tree Frogs can live up to 5 years in the wild, but there is a very high mortality rate.

Red-eyed Tree Frogs, despite their conspicuous coloration, are not poisonous, nor are they endangered. But, certainly their habitat continues to shrink at an alarming rate.

Please see all of my favorite photographs on my web site at:

aNIMaL oF thE MoNthCoSta RICa’S RED-EyED tREE FRogBy Jake Jacoby

As most of you know, I normally write an article about a particular bird. But occasionally, I take a picture of something else that really intrigues me and begs to be the subject of an article. So, this article will feature the Red-eyed Tree Frog that I

photographed on my trip to Costa Rica in March of 2016.

“It’s not easy being green”. Kermit T. FrogI was totally captivated by this small,

iconic, rain-forest amphibian that sleeps by day stuck to leaf-bottoms with their eyes closed and body markings covered. When disturbed, they flash their bulging red eyes and reveal their huge, webbed orange feet and bright blue-and-yellow flanks. This technique, called “startle coloration”, may give a bird or snake pause, offering a precious instant for the frog to spring to safety.

Many scientists believe the Red-eyed Tree Frog developed its vivid, scarlet peepers to shock predators into at least briefly questioning their meal choice.

Their neon-green bodies may play a similar role in thwarting predators. Many of the animals that eat Red-eyed Tree Frogs are nocturnal hunters that use keen eyesight to find prey. The shocking colors of this frog may over-stimulate a predator’s eyes, creating a confusing ghost image that remains behind as the frog jumps away.

Red-eyed Tree Frogs have sticky pads on their feet that allow them to

stay balanced and in place. They can leap very far and fast with swift movements. They are very different in color than other types of frogs and that is one of the reasons that I found them to be so interesting. Their belly is soft but the top of the body is very rough. They have an excellent sense of hearing with eardrums located behind their eyes. If the eardrum is smaller than their eye, then the frog is a female. If the eardrum is the same size as the eye, then the frog is a male. Also, as you can see in the photographs, they have very large eyes in relation to their size. While they live predominately in the rainforest, they are usually found living in the trees and are very seldom on the ground. They always live close to the water, but do not live in salt water.

Walking and climbing account for most of the movement of the Red-eyed Tree Frog. They can hop, but their environment tends to make other types of movement more practical for their survival. At night, they can be heard croaking and making a variety of other types of vocalizations. They tend to live alone, but their habitat may be in very close proximity to each other. They will usually stay around one another when they are mating. But, as soon as the mating activity is completed, they return to their solitary existence.

The diet of the Red-eyed Tree Frog is made up of moths, flies, crickets, and other types of insects. They have a very long sticky tongue that they flick out to catch their prey. Frogs tongues are attached to the front of their mouths rather than the back like humans. When a frog catches an insect, it throws its sticky tongue out of its mouth, and wraps it around its prey. The frogs tongue then snaps back and throws the prey down its throat.

Mating occurs around the age of 3 years. Males will shake branches in

FactoidWhat is a Tadpole?

A tadpole is the larval stage in the life cycle of an amphibian, particularly that of a frog or toad. They are usually wholly aquatic, though some species have tadpoles that are terrestrial. When first hatched from the egg they have a more or less globular body, a laterally compressed tail and internal or external gills. As they grow they undergo metamorphosis during which process they grow limbs, develop lungs and reabsorb the tail. Most tadpoles are herbivores and during metamorphosis, the mouth and internal organs are rearranged to prepare for an adult carnivorous lifestyle.

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FOR SALEJazzy chair select had for a year barley used. - 727-771-2890Whirlpool Dishwasher in good condition. $150 obo - 727-793-4076Whirlpool Stove in good condition. $150 obo - 727-793-4076Whirlpool microwave in exec. condition. $50 obo - 727-793-4076Whirlpool refrigerator in exec. condition.$300 obo - 727-793-4076Klipper Tabletop Tennis Racquet Stringer for sale. Comes with tools/box. - 727-735-1885Karate gear for sale. 6’ wood bo w/ case. Used pair of sais. - 727-735-1885Antique grandfather clock for sale. Great condition. You haul. - 727-735-1885Steel handcart w/ rubber wheels $45 - 727-784-75352 Office panels 5’X5’ steel frame grey fabric $50 each. - 727-784-7535Steel office/utility table, legs fold under $75 - 727-784-75354 five gal. plastic gas cans $10 each - 727-784-7535Coffee table by Stanley - Luna finish (lite oak) wood & glass 36” square; in VERY good condition; $175. Call 727-366-1127Entertainment armoire by Stanley - Luna finish (lite oak wood} 35” W x 58” H; excellent condition. Two doors on top area that slide to sides of TV ; two cabinet doors on bottom. $150. Call 727-366-1127 Ping-pong table FREE you haul. - 724-612-1645 Pampered Chef kitchen tools for sale - 727-793-4076 PartyLite candles products for sale. - 727-793-4076 TV 62” Mitsubishi WD-62327 DLP rear projection high definition. Good condition with a nice picture. Comes with owners guide, original unused remote and complete set of Monster Cables. ELW resident. 813 240-0019Singer sewing machine in wooden cabinet $50.00 727-787-179642” Round glass top pod iron table with 4 matching chairs $175.00 727-787-1796Magic Chef Microwave Oven with Turntable Model M15-10P asking $25.00 727-784-8883Over 500 used golf balls in good shape for sale - Callaway, Nike, Titleist, Bridgestone, etc. $8 a dozen. Located in East Lake Woodlands - can deliver. Call or text 508-733-5209.Athena Leila Baby Changing Table, Two drawer, Cherry, new, still in box, some

assembly, Was $172 New, asking $100. 727-641-2735.Yamaha upright piano for sale; $1,800. Country French white color in good condition. Just needs a tuning. Call: 727-434-7834Goalrilla Adjustable Basketball Hoop - Model GSiii 54 inch backboard. In ground mountable. Like new. $500 OBO. Call 727-785-84864 piece Panasonic phone set $40.00 Power pressure cooker $70.00. NuWave induction cooktop including pans & cookbook $70.00. 5”x5” wooden Sudoku game w/pegs $15. Pedal exerciser $25. 727.787-4994

for rent COBBS LANDING - PALM HARBOR1BR Condo. Maple cabinets, granite counters, stainless appliances, wood laminate & ceramic floors, screened porch. W/D, water & basic cable included. Gated community w/pool. $700/mo. 727-688-0945.River Ridge The Oaks 7925 Chadwick Drive New Port Richey Florida 34654. 3 BDRM 2 Bath Master walk in closet. Eat in Kitchen , living room , dining room open floor plan laundry room 2 car garage, all rooms ceramic tile, deposit required. $ 900.00 per month. Screened Lanai large back yard. Community Pool Included. 727-946-7455

Job seekersStart your own business backed by a company with more than a century of quality and service for only $10.00. Contact: Julie Potter, Avon Independent Sales Representative. Call: 727-810-1352 or e-mail me at [email protected] or visit my website:

Help offered NAR-ANON FAMILY - 727-463-0820Helping Hands 4 u. Errands,Shopping,etc. - 727-512-4844 NAR-ANON -Are you effected by by someone’s addiction? Do you keep trying to make things better and nothing helps? We are a world wide fellowship that offers help by sharing our experience, strength, and hope. Join us Saturdays @ 10:00 A.M. 207 Buckingham Ave. East – Oldsmar (United Methodist Church) For additional meetings: or call 1-888-947-8885Alzheimer’s Family Organization Are you a Primary Caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s Disease or other Dementia?

You are not alone. Support Groups, Respite, Education, Wanderer’s Bracelet or Pendant and additional tools for your support. 727-848-8888.Recovery International Abraham Low Self-Help system, a weekly support group for people suffering from anxiety, panic attacks and symptoms caused by fear and anger. Tuesdays, 1pm, Lake View Community Church, 475 East Lake Rd N., TS. 727-942-4095. Free, offerings appreciated.

PEtS & PEt CAREFlorida Poodle Rescue, Pinellas Rescued Animals in need of good homes. Suncoast Animal League, 1030 Pennsylvania Ave., Palm Harbor. 727-786-1330 Doodle Rescues: all kinds, ages and size poodle mixes waiting for new homes.

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Butler Plumbing ServicesLet The Butler Do It!

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REaL EStatE toDay!Hugh A. Lichter, M.A. REALTOR®, Century 21 East Lake Realty

The rainy season is here and it’s always good to make sure we have gone through the Emergency Preparedness Plan process! A few simple steps will make sure we have a plan in place no matter what the emergency.

It’s important to identify both what emergencies we need to plan for and then create the plan.

The types of emergencies we have here in Florida’s West Coast would be storm related, fire, home intrusion, and medical.

In general, for the stormy season, we want to have on hand supplies of flashlights and/or battery driven lamps, plenty of batteries, a radio or access to one in a vehicle, water, and non-perishable foods. Some homeowners have generators, and like flashlights, it’s good to keep them tuned, fueled, and batteries checked.

In addition, you may also want to have a can opener, clothing and shelter items like blankets, sleeping bags, tent, non-electric cooking gear, bathroom tissue, paper towels, and baby wipes for cleanup. For planning purposes, a 3 day supply is good, and that means 1 gallon of water per person per day.

Some folks like to add to this with Infant and pet supplies, medications, glasses or contact lenses, waterproof matches or lighter, copies of your bank and credit cards, driver’s license, and other ID cards, and some cash.

Do you have a designated safe area in your home to go to during an emergency? Obviously, we will evacuate in the rare instance this may be necessary, but storms change direction, and it’s good to have a safe area in the interior and away from windows.

Does each member of your family know what to do in case of an emergency? There should be lists of certain numbers posted somewhere that everyone is aware of, like in the kitchen. This should contain 911, any medical doctors, other family members to call in an emergency, etc.

First aid kits or a good supply of first aid items are important. Supplies should be checked occasionally to make sure that there is always a good supply.

Emergency preparedness isn’t only about supplies. It’s important to have also have your navigation system set up with a route away from the coast, and/or have this planned out with family members. And it’s important to make sure every family member knows her/his role in the plan!

For home security, we’ve devoted an entire issue to this, but it’s good to have a home security plan in place. This, too, can be simple and easy, and deterrence is easier than you might think. Pets, lights/lamps on timers, outdoor lights on solar switches, regular checks on door locks and windows, “neighborhood awareness”, and safeguarding of valuables will help to reduce your chances considerably.

And, for medical emergencies, everyone’s phone should have 911 pre-programmed and have phones nearby you when you sleep.

Smoke detectors should be checked annually and if battery driven, batteries replaced. Smoke detectors should be replaced every 5 years or less, and always have plenty of charged fire extinguishers.

Most of us have lived here in Florida and never had more than an inconvenience of power and cable outages, but one can never be too prepared with good planning and a good plan!

Remember: If you are even thinking of selling, you owe it to yourself to have a conversation with a real estate professional. We can give you sound advice and good, solid local market info that will greatly assist you. And, if you or someone you know is even thinking of buying, a real estate professional is best able to go over price, payment, location, and value information for this very large decision.

I would be happy to be that real estate professional for you, your friends, and your family!

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