presentation zeroes in on successful cin

From Zero to CIN: A Case Study of One Health Care Community’s Journey to Form a Clinically Integrated Network in Nine Months Jason Barrett Charmaine T. Chiu David W. McMillan February 6, 2014

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Building a clinically integrated network (CIN) that brings together a hospital and community physicians, does not have to be a long, difficult process. In a presentation given at the 2014 AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law Institute, PYA Principal David McMillan, Flagler Hospital Chief Operating Officer Jason Barrett, and Smith Hulsey & Busey Attorney Shareholder Charmaine T. Chiu followed one healthcare community’s journey to form a CIN in nine months.


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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

From Zero to CIN:A Case Study of One Health Care

Community’s Journey to Form a ClinicallyIntegrated Network in Nine Months

Jason BarrettCharmaine T. ChiuDavid W. McMillan

February 6, 2014

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Background – Flagler Hospital

• Non-affiliated 335-bed acute care hospital in St.Augustine, Florida.

• Most physicians on 250-member medical staff insmall, independent practices.

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Strategic Environment

Internal Challenges Traditional medical staff

relationship between thehospital and its physicians andbetween physicians.

No forum to share ideas orconsider common strategy.

Limited trust on which to buildbroader clinical or economicrelationships.

External Challenges Anticipated revenue reductions.

Threatened competition fromregional health systems.

Healthcare reform uncertainty.

Private payer reform.

Local employers looking tohospital for leadership onstrategies to reduce costs.

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Board of Directors Leadership

• Through facilitated strategicplanning, Board concludedhospital-physician alignment keyto meeting challenges

– Opportunity to reduce costs bychanging physician behavior

– Shared interest in protecting marketfrom outside competitors

– Clinical integration key to paymentand delivery system reform

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

• Board made daring decision to delegate leadership tophysicians of clinical integration strategy development

• Several recognized physician leaders recruited to ClinicalIntegration Committee

Board’s Charge to the CIC:

9 months to educate and gain commitmentfrom physicians to develop successful CIN

Promoting Buy-in:The Clinical Integration Committee (CIC)

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Five Steps To Develop aClinically Integrated Network

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Proposed Timeline

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Physician Education andConsensus-Building

November 2012 – February 2013

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Defining Clinical Integration


Core Functions:

• Align provider interests

• Promote Evidence BasedMedicine

• Facilitate care coordination

• Negotiate and manage payercontracts

Additional Support Services:

• Back office functions

• HR

• Compliance

• Cooperative strategic planning

• Cooperative product linedevelopment


• “Clinically Integrated Network”

• Lean Infrastructure to provideprovider accountability

• Vehicle for independentproviders to jointly negotiatewith payers

• Access to

1. Patients

2. Payment

3. Actionable Information


Clinical Integration is:

• An active and ongoing programto evaluate and modify practicepatterns by participatingproviders

• Designed to create a highdegree of interdependence andcooperation amongindependent physicians

• With the objective of ensuringquality and controlling costs

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014


Quality andOperations




Formation of CIC Workgroups

• CIC appreciated need forbroader physicianparticipation indevelopment process

• Created five workgroups(comprised of physiciansand supported by hospitaladministration)

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Workgroup Assignments


Communications/Network Development



Develop detailedorganizational chart for PHOto operate CIN

Review, revise, approve PHOoperating agreement

Develop PHO Board electionprocess

Quality/OperationsDefine process to establish/enforce standards of care andsupport care coordination

Explore opportunities forhospital efficiencies and MSOservices

Identify PHO strategicplanning and staffing needs

Identify CIN technology needsand related budget

Develop RFP and schedule forIT solution implementation

Devise medical staffeducation and recruitmentstrategy

Prepare 3 year financialprojections with anticipatedexpenses and income fromparticipation fees, sharedsavings, and network accessfees

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

• CIC and workgroup members (50 physicians)participated in two-day summit

– Foster physician buy-in

– Develop CIN governance structure

• Consensus-driven process created physician ownershipand commitment to continuing process

• Key Lesson Learned:

– Start with governance to build necessary trust throughappropriate balance of power

Physician Summit

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Creating Consensus-drivenGovernance Structure

February 2013 – April 2013

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Evolution of the GovernanceStructure

Build a Straw Man

Allow leaders to make the Straw Man theirown

Do not be carried away by minutiae

Be flexible to the desired changes

Listen, Listen, Listen

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

• Is a separate physician organization (“PO”) useful, desirable, necessary?

• If so, how should PO be structured and governed?

• How would PO facilitate trusting relationship among physicians andbetween physician and hospital?

• How would physicians relate to hospital if no PO is formed?

“Stuff the Straw Man”


(Governing Board)


Group Practice

Preliminary Questions Posed to Physicians:

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Stuff the Straw Man





(Governing Board)

Hospital(Governing Board)




(Optional Ownership Structure)





Contract(Admin MSO)


• What would be PHO’s purpose?

• How should PHO be structure and governed?

• How would PHO facilitate trust relationship betweenhospital and physicians?

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Stuff the Straw Man


Group Practice

Physician HospitalOrganization

(“PHO”)(Governing Board)

Hospital(Governing Board)




(Optional Ownership Structure)





Contract(Admin MSO)


QualityImprovement/Peer ReviewCommittee




Subcommitteesby specialty

and/or diseasecategory


s Committee



Clinical Co-ManagementCommittee







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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Physicians’ Consensus Decision

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Governance Takeaways• 1 vote physician block (majority vote of 7 physician


• 1 vote hospital block (majority vote of hospitalmembers)

• “Forces” consensus-driven decision making

Governance structure is the critical decision inCIN formation.

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Medicare Shared Savings Program

• Initial resistance, but came to appreciate revenuepotential

• Regulatory requirements provided framework

• Application deadline forced discipline in task completion

• Value of waivers for organization with large number ofindependent providers

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Formalize PHO

• Board unanimouslyaccepted CIC’srecommendations at April2013 board meeting

• 20+ physicians soughtboard membership

• All medical staff membersinvited to participate,more than half accepted

• Participants voted forPHO’s initial physicianboard members

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Formalize PHO• Drafting formational documents

– Articles of organization

– Operating agreement

– Participation agreement (terms ofmembership)

• Approval of formational documents

– Separate legal counsel for hospital andphysicians

– Organizational meeting

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Formation to Operations

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Keys To Success Empower physicians to lead the process

Education is key

Foster culture of trust

Get everyone in same room and set expectation that they own the process

Don’t focus solely on the big picture – a step-by-step implementation planis essential

Enlist an honest broker

Build and maintain lines of communication between and among physicians andhospital executives.

Develop straw man to which hospital and physicians can react

Revise and refine model based on input

Develop and implement work plans for network development and deployment.

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AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law InstituteFebruary 5-7, 2014

Contact Information

Jason BarrettChief Operating Officer

Flagler Hospital

Charmaine T. ChiuAttorney ShareholderSmith Hulsey & Busey

David W. McMillanPrincipal

Pershing Yoakley & Associates, P.C.