presentation to the neh

FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES REQUIRING IMMEDIATE CORRECTIVE MEASURES In context of the published NEH 2007-2007 Mission Statement which is not being fulfilled completely until the remedial actions are taken. This is an independently funded and produced report with a sole intent of supplying information required for a more complete wisdom overall.

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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CORRECTIVE MEASURES In context of the published

NEH 2007-2007 Mission Statement which is not being fulfilled completely until the remedial actions are taken.

This is an independently funded and produced report with a sole intent of supplying information required for a more complete wisdom overall.

Democracy Can Break Down

When the communications channels required for this process to function become overloaded or overly complex.

When citizens have personally experienced this breakdown to the point of disillusionment over the system

These problems are not the fault of anyone or organization, rather they are inherent due to the complexities of today’s world.

The Founders of this nation could not have predicted the exponential technological progress of and information overload we live with today.

As communications become too complex for both citizens and elected officials to handle, the process starts to break.

When citizens have repeatedly and unsuccessfully tried to use the proper channels, disillusionment results.

Unless such is halted and reversed, the application of democratic principles will deteriorate faster and faster.

Reverse the Sense of Disillusionment over the perceived failure of the democratic process through action.

There will likely be trial and error involved. It is of great importance that the intention

and actions are made known to every citizen keeping true to equality under the law.

Citizens should feel their voices are heard, have some confirmation that such is the case via personal response.

Some recourse to address matters which have not been fixed yet must be easily accessible to all.

Recommendation: parallel pursuit of three items Inform the public this problem has

been recognized and corrective measures taken. Request their participation to collaborate on the solution.

Creation of a mostly technical committee to address technological issues.

Creation of a PR committee to address the Humanities side of the problem

A Collective Vision for the Future

A nation where the original principles set forth by the founders are still fundamentals, simply adapted to the changes of today.

Equality under law, where all voices are both heard and acknowledged, where injustices are corrected when identified.

All Rights granted under law are guaranteed to each individual in the real world tool.

The faster this process can be set in motion, the sooner the deterioration can be reversed.

SummaryThe most critical element is the reversal of

the sense of disillusionment that seems so common today.

Here is where the NEH, artists and musicians can accomplish the most good, reaching the greatest percentage of the population quickly and be trusted sources.

A journey of 1000 miles starts with the first step.