presentation skills presenter: rony jose thekkel date: mar 18 th 2011

PRESENTATION SKILLS Presenter: Rony Jose Thekkel Date: Mar 18 th 2011

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Page 1: PRESENTATION SKILLS Presenter: Rony Jose Thekkel Date: Mar 18 th 2011


Presenter: Rony Jose ThekkelDate: Mar 18th 2011

Page 2: PRESENTATION SKILLS Presenter: Rony Jose Thekkel Date: Mar 18 th 2011


Common Understanding


Presentation Skills helps you get your message understood by PEOPLE

Page 3: PRESENTATION SKILLS Presenter: Rony Jose Thekkel Date: Mar 18 th 2011

Objectives of Presentation Skills Session

By the end of this session, you will know: Steps involved in making a presentation Structure of a presentation How to communicate effectively

You will also get an opportunity to present and receive feedback!

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Steps in making a Presentation

Planning Preparation Delivery – Making the Presentation

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Step 1 Planning 3Ws & Time

3Ws Why? (Purpose) What? (Topic & Scope) Who? (Audience)

Time Limit

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Step 1 Planning 3Ws & Time


Why? Purpose or Objective of your

presentation. For eg. to inform, educate, persuade etc.

The Why? helps to determine the What?

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Step 1 Planning 3Ws & Time


What? Topic & Scope Not more than 4 to 5 key points,

organize material around these key points or themes

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Step 1 Planning 3Ws & Time


Who? Know your audience to tailor your


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Which audience would you prefer to face?

Unknown Known or

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Step 1 Planning 3Ws & Time

Unknown Known

WHO? Know your AudienceHow many? Average Age & Experience? Cultural Background? Level of knowledge? What would be relevant or useful to them?

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Step 1 Planning 3Ws & Time

Time Plan what you will cover based on how

much time you have After you prepare your presentation,


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Step 2 Preparation Research your topic, organize the information by

preparing an outline

Create the Structure of the Presentation Introduction, Body & Conclusion

Practice Remember "There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave.“ Dale Carnegie

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Step 2 – Preparation: Structure of the Presentation Introduction

Interesting Opening to Attract Attention Set context - Give an overview of what you will be talking about

Body Clear, simple, key messages – Rule of 3Give examples from own experience

ConclusionSummarize key points or final perspective in a memorable wayBudget time for Q & A and feedback

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Step 3: Delivery

Tips for Communicating Effectively

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Step 3: DeliveryTips for Communicating Effectively

Manage your anxiety – “It’s ok!” Have a positive attitude – enjoy yourself! Emotions are contagious – Your energy

levels & enthusiasm influence the audience

Self - “Feel good to perform well”

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Step 3: Delivery Tips for Communicating Effectively

Language Use simple language, avoid jargon

Avoid using repetitive

sounds or phrases Errrrrrrr….


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Step 3: Delivery Tips for Communicating Effectively

Talk TO people, not at them Eye contact with each person Tone - Natural, Friendly & Conversational Rate - Not too slow or fast Interact: ask questions, acknowledge the

other person, paraphrase what is said, facilitate discussions

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Step 3: Delivery Tips for Communicating Effectively

Presentation & People Focused Be flexible & responsive to the

needs of the audience

Stick to your time

"No one ever complains about a speech being too short!"

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Step 3: Delivery Tips for Communicating Effectively

Use Humour, Smile!

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Step 3: Delivery Tips for Communicating Effectively

Communicate with your entire body

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Step 3: Delivery Tips for Communicating Effectively

Use Visual Aids

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Steps in making a Presentation

PLANNING3 Ws - Why? What? Who? & Time

PREPARATIONResearch the topic, Structure the Presentation, Practice

MAKING THE PRESENTATIONFeel Good & Focus on the People!

Use Simple Language & your Body to Communicate Visual Aids, Exercises

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Activity – Present for 2 mins on a topic of your choice

Keep in Mind Introduction

Open with a bang! Give Outline – Say what you will be talking about

Body Maximum 3 key messagesInvolve Audience – give an example, ask a question etc.

ConclusionSummarize - give the essence of your message - with a bang!

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Thank You!