presentation - englisch - pakistan-malteser

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Page 1: Presentation - Englisch - Pakistan-Malteser

in co-operation with:

Copyright © 2003—2008 sectyelectronics. All rights reserved.

Advanced earthquake warning and management systemsecty lifePatron®

Page 2: Presentation - Englisch - Pakistan-Malteser

International attendance on the project

GeoForschungsZentrum PotsdamProf. Dr. Zschau

Sharif University of TechnologyDr. Bakhshi/ Iran - Teheran

Friedrich-Schiller-University JenaInstitut for geoscienceProf. Jentsch

Federal Institute For Geosciences And Natural Resources

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P- and S-waves of an earthquake

Earthquakes has Primary- and Secondary-waves

The P-wave doesn't bring any destruction and is harmless

The S-wave brings the destruction

The P-wave is approx. twice as fast as the S-wave

The P wave always reaches the system location first

You can say: “Earthquakes warn of themselves-I´m on the way“!

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Graphic presentation and mode of action of P- and S- waves

vertical movement horizontal movement

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smaller 2.0 M. described as a micro earthquake but not noticeable

2.0 up to 3.9 M. only of very few, mostly of resting person noticeable

4.0 up to 5.2 M. noticed by the most people

higher 5.3 M. aware by all people with frights

Richter scale – Strength of Magnitude

Here is it important what is Magnitude and what is intensity.The Magnitude is the energy in the EPI centre – there where is break of the platesThe intensity is the energy on the place where do you live and our system installed. See the foil 8 and 9

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I = not felt

II = scarcely felt

III = weak

IV = largely observed

V = strong

VI = slightly damaging

VII = damaging

VIII = heavily damaging

IX = destructive

Short form of the European Macroseismic

Scale EMS-98 of intensity

X = very destructive

XI = devastating

XII = completely devastating

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Approx. example of an earthquake of 8.9


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Approx. example of an earthquake of 6.2


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Approx. example of an earthquake of 5.3


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Approx. example of an earthquake of 4.7


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Approx. warning time

40 km distance to EPZ 8-12 seconds

80 km distance to EPZ 16-24 seconds

120 km distance to EPZ 24-36 seconds

160 km distance to EPZ 32-48 secondsWe don't talk about days, hours or minutes (sometimes is it possible). We have only seconds before the S

wave reaches the building. Till the S wave has reached its total highlight many seconds may pass. But these seconds together can save your and your families life. At the moment, people haven't warning time. They are confronted directly with the complete nature force and can react only if at all. With our system the people can reacted. Believe me, in a few seconds you can do a lot. For example: You live at ground floor you can run out of your house or you put yourself under a table or under a doorframe.

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What can we do in this time?Before and during an earthquake

Don´t jump out of the window or from the balcony

Take a seat under a doorframe, strap or a table

Keep away from windows, balconies and outer doors

Not using elevators/ lifts

Do not use stairways

Don´t smoking

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Look for protection in the open air

Not trying to leave the house. Exception: only if you are on the ground close to an exit leading directly to an open (garden or open space-not narrow streets) when the tremor begins

Away from buildings, bridges, street lamps and trees (danger of collapse)

Keep away from supply lines-electric cables

Do not cross bridges, crossing or underground tunnels

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After an earthquake(an aftershock is possible any time) Check if electric lines have been damaged (broken cables, sparks, hot


Gas shut off. Check if the gas pipeline have been damaged (smell, noise)

Close the main gas tap an inform the gas company

Help neighbours, especially children, senior citizens and injured persons

Listen to the radio for information and instruction from the Disaster Service

Take only documents and objects needed urgently along and leave the building over the stairwell

Providing the rescue teams with himself

Do not enter damaged buildings

Telephone in urgent cases only - no long telephone conversations

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Please note that the recommendations have been

developed based on state-of-art scientific knowledge. At

the same time, however, we are not responsible and

cannot be held liable for injury or damages resulting

from the recommended line of action.

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Real Earthquake: Turkey, Nov.1999, M=7.2



gives alert


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Advanced earthquake warning and management system

secty lifePatron®

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TA-EQ[m]- earthquake detector master

TABD- central serving and control station

gas solenoid valve

SIR- sirene optically/acoustically

TA-EQ[s] - earthquake detector slave

Application example - single family house

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TB-EQ[m]earthquake detector master

TABD- central serving and control station

gas solenoid valve

SIR- sirene optically/acoustically

TB-EQ[s] - earthquake detector slave


TBD-EMS- energy management system


TB PS- power supply

Application example - apartment buildings/ hotels

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Application example - industry

1. Automatic opening of the saftey gates 2. Gas interruption by gas solenoid valve

3. Crane track drives into saftey position 4. Elevator drives into saftey position

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Application example - village warning  




EQ = up to 16 earthquake detectorscan works in a net


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...Features of secty lifePatron®

earliest possible advanced earthquake warning through use of state-of-the-art electronic sensors (triaxial) and analytical methods

successfully scientifically supported and tested

8 different swelling values possible

increased security by redundant earthquake monitoring

objective advanced earthquake warning by means of beacons and sirens (105 decibels)

automatic security shut-down of all electronic energy systems

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...Features von secty lifePatron®

intelligent building management of all electronically operated building installations according to client-specific demands/wishes

encoded system access for authorized persons only

independent accumulator emergency power supply of the system

communication between all system elements via data bus

individual system solutions for private and commercial/ industrial customers favorable price-performance ratio

test alarm for schools-training

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...Features von secty lifePatron®

cost advantages for tenants of apartment buildings through shared use of the system

status LED and display (4x20 characters)

production according to highest quality standards DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2000 Lead-free components, leader cards and soldering means acc. to guideline till July 2006

Turkish earthquake admittance – TSE

temperature range -18° till +51,5° celsius

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TÜV Rheinland Group CologneDr. Switaiski

Federal Institute Materials Research and TestingDr. Klinger

TÜV Rheinland Group

Project company for the TSE admittanceautomatic gas shut off system,

reacting to seismic movements in Turkey

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Service and maintenance

Installation and first putting into operation by authorized specialist dealer

Battery change


Furthermore the plant is maintenance-free

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German Agro Action in Kabul – November 2006

Project: Afghanistan

Master Slave

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Project: Pakistan / Kashmir / Bagh – February 2007



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Istanbul – General Consulate of Czech Republic

Project Turkey:



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Project Turkey:

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Athens – City hall

Project Greece:


Equipment are installed in the building:1 Master2 Slaves6 sirens

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QVC building

Project Germany:


Slave gas valve

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W.I.N. AWARD 2006

The idea prize of

P.M. magazine and the initiative's

„Partner for Innovation“

Best Product 2006

1st place

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Plate tectonics of the earth

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in co-operation with:

Copyright © 2003—2009 sectyelectronics. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Advanced earthquake warning and management system secty lifePatron®

Thank you for your attention

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Application example 1 - village warning  


detectorslave 2

detectorslave 1

detectorslave 3


EQ = up to 16 earthquake detectorscan works in a net


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  Application example 2 - City warning

City Muzaffarabad



Secretariat OLD Secretariat NEW

S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8

M1 M2 M3


SiBT 750 SiBT 750 SiBT 750 SiBT 750 SiBT 1500SiBT 1500SiBT 1500


Page 38: Presentation - Englisch - Pakistan-Malteser

Advanced earthquake warning and management systemsecty lifePatron®

in co-operation with:

Copyright © 2003—2009 sectyelectronics. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Thank you for your attention