presentation date: 2 december 2015 1. 2 t able of content 1.0 introduction 1.1 relationship ethics...

PRESENTATION DATE: 2 December 2015 1

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Page 1: PRESENTATION DATE: 2 December 2015 1. 2 T ABLE OF CONTENT 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Relationship Ethics and Business 1.2 The Sources 2.0 Problem Statement


PRESENTATION DATE: 2 December 2015

Page 2: PRESENTATION DATE: 2 December 2015 1. 2 T ABLE OF CONTENT 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Relationship Ethics and Business 1.2 The Sources 2.0 Problem Statement



1.0 Introduction

1.1 Relationship Ethics and Business

1.2 The Sources

2.0 Problem Statement

2.1 Product Halal & Haram

2.2 Counterfeit Products

2.3 Ihtikar

2.4 Price Increasing

3.0 3 Facts

3.1 Issues and Challenge

3.1.1 Cadburry (Halal & Haram Products)

3.1.2 Fake Eggs (Counterfeit Products)

3.1.3 Sugar (Ihtikar)

3.1.4 Price of Chicken (Rising Price)

3.2 Concept of tawhid

3.2.1 The Presence of Allah

3.2.2 Dead is Not The End

3.3 Implication

3.3.1 Individual

3.3.2 Society

3.3.3 Economy

4.0 Discussion 4.1 The dealer should be responsible for both of their speech and deeds

4.2 Oppression of consumer

4.3 Put someone else first and always being helpful

4.4 Betrayed of human

4.5 Provocation

4.6 Brittle and collapse family institution

5.0 Recommendation & Suggestion

6.1 Quality Control

6.2 Warning and Punishment

6.3 Training and Motivational

6.0 Conclusion

7.0 References

8.0 Questions

9.0 Answers

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•Ethics and company•Ethics and businesses•Good ethics is a good business

The sources

•Primary Sources•Secondary Source•Islamic Jurisprudence

Primary Sources

Al-Quran Hadith• Ijma’• Qiyas

Secondary Sources• Istihsan

Masalihul Mursalah• ‘Urf

• Istishab• Qaul Sahabi Sadduz Zarai

Islamic Jurisprudence• Actions are by

intentions Certainty is not removed by doubt

• Literally a difficulty allows ease

Harm is to be removed• Custom as a sources of

Islamic law

Page 4: PRESENTATION DATE: 2 December 2015 1. 2 T ABLE OF CONTENT 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Relationship Ethics and Business 1.2 The Sources 2.0 Problem Statement



Counterfeit Products


Price increasing


Page 5: PRESENTATION DATE: 2 December 2015 1. 2 T ABLE OF CONTENT 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Relationship Ethics and Business 1.2 The Sources 2.0 Problem Statement



• Cadburry (halal & haram)

• Fake eggs (counterfeit product)

• Sugar (ihtikar)• Chicken (rising price)

Issues & Challenges

• Felt the presence of Allah

• Dead is not the end

Devine (Tauhid) • Economic

• Society• Individual


Page 6: PRESENTATION DATE: 2 December 2015 1. 2 T ABLE OF CONTENT 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Relationship Ethics and Business 1.2 The Sources 2.0 Problem Statement


DISCUSSION The dealer should be responsible for both of their speech and

deeds Oppression of consumer Put someone else first and always being helpful Betrayed of human Provocation Brittle and collapse family institution

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Quality Control

Warning & Punishment

Training & Motivation

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Understand the Islamic ethic and the sources in Islam will help to avoid from unethical issues that happens today.

“This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.”

(Al-maidah : 3)

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BOOKS Al-Quran Muhammad Nasri Md. Hussain., & Muhammad Ahmad. Etika Perniagaan Pendekatan

Perspektif Islam. Prentice Hall. Selangor. Velasquez, M. G. Business Ethics Concept and Cases. Pearson Education, Inc

ARTICLES Ahmad, S. K. (n.d.). Kekurangan barangan: Peruncit dalangnya! Retrieved October 3, 2015,

from Bernama. (2206).Ahmad, S. K. (n.d.). Kekurangan barangan: Peruncit dalangnya! Retrieved

October 3, 2015, from Bernama. (2006). Peniaga sorok gula, taktik desak kerajaan naikkan harga. Retrieved October

3, 2015, from a_taktik_desak_kerajaan_naikkan_harga

Barangan tiruan dan pengguna ( yang-dimaksudkan-dengan-barangan.html)

Counterfeit.(n.d.)American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved October 02 2015 from

JOURNAL Mohammad Ghozali., Nor ‘Azzah Kamri. (2015). Keperibadian Islam dan Profesionalisme

Dalam Pekerjaan: Satu Analisis Teoritis. Jurnal Syariah, Jil. 23, Bil. 2, pp 255-286. Yuli Mutiah Rambe., & Syaad Afifuddin. (2012). Pengaruh Pencantuman Label Halal Pada

Kemasan Mie Instan Terhadap Minat Pembelian Masyarakat Muslim. Jurnal ekonomi dan Kewangan, Vol.1, No1.

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What are the relationship between divine and unethical issues?

• The people who understand very well about the divine will believing that dead is not the end of the life. There have the day of judgement where all the things did by an individual will be asked by God. Therefore, they will avoid from doing in unethical attitude.

What does JAKIM do to ensure that halal products are compeletely free fron haram substances?

• A few officers appointed by JAKIM will conducted a visit to the certain premises and ensure that it is following the halal standard issuing by JAKIM or else the premise will be confiscated.

What is the responsibility of traders to curb inflation?

• Traders responsibility for resolving the problem of inflation is an adequate supply of goods at all the times, keep prices stable and affordable, do not raise prices with impunity and the importance of customer loyalty.

What are the effects and implications of the legal angle IHTIKAR?

• The scholars are unanimously saying that Ihtikar belongs to prohibited acts and haram. This is explained by verses of the Quran which states that every act of oppression, mischief and inconvenience, including ihtikaar, is forbidden by Islam. This activity clearly affects the users.

What is an alternative to solve financial crisis?

• Conventional marketers believe that unethical attitude can help them to gain wealth. However, in Islamic, there are too many guide for us to trade fairly. Neither party will be winner nor loser.

What is government role if trader rising good’s price dramatically?

• Such law to prevent restrictive practices established and enforced accordingly business to promote healthy and fair competition in market.