prescription bobby dew mi#**!iitv...

1 j t ^ Mi#**! 1U1 93m W Novelized by AR From an original Serial produce CORPORATION, by 8 EDGAR RICE Author of TARZAN OF THE Chapter VIII MOCK MARRIAGE (Continued) Mary's terror changed suddenly to hope as she strained at her chains. Here was Tarzan! With his superhuman strength he wrenched one of the chains loose, and started to wrench the other. It did not snap so easily. From the pinnacle of elation John had been suddenly cast to the depth of murderous anger as one of the priests, recovering, staggered to warn him. In a towering rage he seized his long hunting knife, passed another to the priest, and on stealthy, cat-like feet they entered another, secret passage back of the ceremonial chamber followed by the other priest, now also armed with a knife. "Hurry, Tarzan," urged Bobby. "They will be here!" Tarzan tore again at the refrectory leg iron. From a secret panel in the rock wall back of him emerged three shadowy silent figures. Three long, murderous knives were raised in the darkness ready to strike without even a flash of warning. Chapter IX BLACK JOHN'S REVENGE Suddenly Tarzan sensed the peril behind him. He swung around as the last chain snapped and released Mary, just in time to catch in his grip of steel the arm that was descending with the dagger, in the dark. Single handed Tarzan was more tha na match for his attackers and for the others, also, that Black John had hastily mustered in the emergency. From a distance the venerable old Patriarch of the Lost Tribe was watching with troubled mien as he saw Tarzan vanquish one after another of the strongest young men of the tribe. His fear changed to a frown as he caught sight of Black John himself slinking off into the1 jungle. What was to become off I Ch ohe coach The $C?C ROADSTER.... 3*0 The IC^E PHAETON 34D The $CQC COUPE ".. 37D The itfC SEDAN 0/3 The Sport $/LQC CABRIOLET ... ° '3 The Convert- $71C /W«LANDAU... '*3 The Sedan $KQ(« Delivery....... The Light $4AA Delivery Chassis The 1 «A $K4C Ton Chassis .... 313 The l«/i Ton t/LCA Chassis with Cab "3v All prices f.o. b. factory Flint. Michigan COMPARE the delivered price as well as the list price In considering automobile values. Chevrolet's delivered prices Include only reasonable charges for delivery and financing. & SCOGGirs Warrenton, N. A SIX IN TIIE Warrenton, North ( HUE iitv S Hi Hi SH THUR B. REEVE, d by UNIVERSAL PICTURES peclal arrangement with BURROUGHS APES, THE CAVE GIRL, eta. them with this new terror loose in the very holy of holies within the (stockade? Hitherto they had relied on the craft and cunning of Black John and his so-called "magic." What now? The Patriarch knew only one law of life. That was to bow to the rulership of the strongest. And had not Tarzan proved himself the strongest of them all? Hven now he was giving the terrible jungle cry. A few moments and even the beasts would be there, doing his bidding. Quickly the Patriarch approached Mary. He bowed low. "Oh, White Princess! Beg Tarzan the Mighty to rule over us.he who is king of ihe Jungle,.lest we perish!" Mary had always felt a sneaking sympathy for the old man under the tyranny of Black John. She took his arm and led him toward Tarzan. Icfvilro Ta iwa n!" sllG X-/KJXX V Uti iikv) .. pleaded as she saw him at once ready to defend himself by attacking even this newcomer. "He wants you to be their take the place of Black John!" At first the mere idea was repugnant to Tarzan. But Mary coaxed. And what Mary wanted was quite a different stcry. He began to relent, then to be interested, finally to consider as the other members of the tribe gathered about. With aboriginal eagerness they were ready to yield fealty to the new overlord. Tarzan bowed to the honor of the inevitable, and elated the Patriarch turned to address the tribe swearing them to loyalty to ' tne new ieaaer. There was but one dissenter and he was not in the open. From a] hiding place in the tropical tangle Black John listened as he heard' himself deposed and Tarzan ele- vated in his place, listened long enough to realize that it was unsafe for him in that neighborhood, then Value j Price/ If you are considering t mobile, you owe it to y< Chevrolet Six against a value and price for pri iivi in me pi icc langi smooth, powerful, six motor.which delivers the gallon of gasoline.a velvety operation, with it ming and vibration, is beautiful bodies by Fishe stedt . . . rich, deep-1 adjustable driver's seal entire chassis are fount advanced engineering.i ing 4-wheel brakes . . mechanism... and autoi But no mere recital of f< conception of Chevrolet we urge you to come i why over 500,000 peopli Chevrolet Six since Janu: I MOTOR C C. He PRJCF RANGE Carolina TF turned swearing to himself a dark oath to get revenge. > At once the village was in great excitement. It was an event of major importance to have a new chief and it called for a weird and elaborate ceremony of installation. Preparations were at once begun for it and the natives threw themselves into it with a will for it was indeed a great thing to have Tarzan fighting for them, not against them. Thus it was that when darkness settled down on the village that night the Patriarch and the entire tribe were assembled about the central fire with flares, the priests in weird costumes and the dancers outdoing themselves to make honor to Tarzan. It was more than even Bobby could stand after the wild events of the day. He had seen nearly all of the ceremony and his head was nodding so that he was almost ,1 TV v.*T nn vviorl t.VlP (t51t/Cp< IVlftl J CdlliCU linn uu viiv cabin and put him on his pallet of straw. It had been a great night for Mary, too. Every honor that was showered on Tarzan was like the gift of a jewel to her. She was tired but she was not going to miss a thing. She covered up Bobby, then thought that in the heat of the night he might need a drink. She took a hollow gourd to fill at the spring outside. Suddenly a hand, a strangely familiar hand, stole through a hole in tho wail nf the hut. then another was clapped over Bobby's mouth as he was jerked through the opening of the thatch, and an instant later the devilish Black John slunk back into the shadows of the jungle making his way as fast as he could with his burden. Across on the other side of the jungle fastness at last Black John stumbled into his secret camp which he had always kept ready against seme rebellious outbreak in the tribe. There he had built himself a lean-to and there now he flung the tired Bobby whom he had carried off and then tired out by his forced haste. Bobby was too! sleepy to do otherwise than heed Black John's threat to lie down, for it would have been the easiest thing in the world to have left the boy outside the circle of the firelight a pray to the strange night-prowlers of the jungle. For a moment Black John listened for sounds of pursuit. Hearing none he also settled down. His quick mind was going over his future course. What should it be? Back again to his life as a beachcomber, searching the sea eagerly for a sign of a ship? He sat bolt fa-Value or Price / he purchase of an auto>urself to check the new « j ny otner car.value jor ce! i of the four, is offered a -cylinder valve-in-head better than 20 miles to tnd whose smooth, quiet, :s complete lack of druma revelation. Here are ;r.with fittings byTern- tufted upholsteries and t. And throughout the 1 numerous examples of iuch as quiet, non-lock. ball bearing steering natic acceleration pump. matures can give you any :'s value leadership. So in and see for yourself e have chosen the new ary 1st! OMPANY nderson, N. C. OF TIIF FOJUH / ' IE WARREN REC01 upright. Those' papers he had seized from Mary! An evil smile overspread his face instantly. He reached into his pocket and pulled them out, scanning them eagerly, in the firelight. Here, then, was his plan, his way to turn defeat into a blazing success. Just let a ship appear and answer his signal and he would be in touch with civilization. That meant that he might use the very proofs of Tarzan's heritage for his own gain. He would be Lord Greystoke, heir to the title and the estates! He fell asleep dreaming of it. Men of Black John's calibre always fall because they seem never to give their opponents credit for having any sense. They always underestimate them. Any anyone 5 "DnHKir H7Q Q mat uixaeresuiiiatcu uwuj .. bound to lose cut sooner or later. Bobby had not been lying long before he began to watch furtively between the slits of almost closed eyes. As he saw Black John lose interest in watching him and become absorbed in the papers he had stolen from Mary, Bobby's boyish mind put the situation together well enough to realize that there were compensations for his kidnapping. He restrained himself until Black THE SHADOW OF - CAmur DFAIFTV mmm ui.min Don't you be afraid of advancing age. For nature endowed each baby "with a delicate, velvety skin. Properly cared for, its freshnes3 remains long after hairs are white. Soap and water will rot do, for the secret of permanent beauty lies ia nffaecfaJc/tik Lemon Cleansing Cream For sale by M. R. BURROUGHS Warrenton, N. C. Built to stand abuse nmmu PROOF that Dunlops are better BEFORE you need that tire or tires for summer, let us look over vour old dres and tell you about Dunlops. Every advantage of the world's greatest tirebuilding experience... 40 years ofit... goes into each Dunlop Tire. And the Dunlop Surety Bond, backed by both Dunlop and the American Surj ety Company, guarantees Dunlop Tires for one hill year against accident, collisions, blow-out, misalignment, stone-bruises, almost every conceivable tire hazard ... even if you think the trouble was your fault Come in today. See a specimen copy of this Surety Bond, Warrenton Service Station Warrenton, N. C. RP w John was snoring deeply and regularly. And as he did so his own fatigue departed and he felt refreshed with the night air. At last Bobby decided that the time was ripe to carry out the plan he had evolved. He crept stealthily from the lean-to toward the man asleep by the dying fire with the papers still clutched in his hands. Carefully Bobby loosened them from the almost supine grip now and extracted them. Then as fast as ever he could Bobby backed away from the sleeping villain. Unfortunately Bobby did not have eyes in the back of his head.' He backed right into a bush of brambles, and the long thorns tore, his clothes smartly as he repressed his own exclamation of pain andi side-stepped. Luck was against him. He toppled over a jar that was in the dark shadow of the bush, smasmng it. Instantly the alert senses of Black John caught the sound. He roused from his sleep, sprang to his feet, rubbing his eyes which adjusted themselves to the darkness like an QJUTfoudbe L'yfjP^snrpvised am*** of it will take to make your home look NEW. That's because Kurfees Paint contains 20% to 40% more lead per gallon and will cover (hide) and protect more surface for less cost. ^ A Every year more OAo7 pure property owners M/olead 3is£oveyr that 20% OXIDE there is some"I7ZZTZ thing different 100% lUrC and better about Thoroughly Kurfees paint. Genuine J*' u= fow Vou Linseed OU hOW little it Will y . i ^ ^ 111 <»* laKeto pamiyuur house right. Allen, Son & Co. Warrenton, N. C. I ^ ^|.a..M.. I n rr Ther( wo You us and that it: time e terest. Citizens I i"Thel RE »»»»»»»»»»»»»»smmmumnn nton, North Carolina FRin k\t . animal's. His first instinct was about the boy.and sure enough he A a ^ had fled from the lean-to. He could ^ O Q hear him, too, crashing through the is a Prescription jungle in his frightened haste. It . . °n or might be death to Bobby in the Bilious rlppe' Dew night. Black John cared nothing T. . ever and Mais? for that. If Bobby were dead he e most s^y remedy ^ would lose his hold on Mary, ^ Bobby was Black John's hostage to jypTHnc ». fate. He hallooed after the boy and * SHE.\pj\' pursued, now trying to frighten him EYE-SIGHT special^ against nmning into jungle perils, Office over now seeking to coax him back. 1111 of Warren warrenton, N. C. j (To be continued) B 1 ^ IA ovTSTMinm j 1 ^^^^/%I)VANT)VWs| *UTH| (JIBINITK I imgg II I AU-STH^J If I F the many the refrigerator^ advantages of To place the radl.' GeneralElectric Re- ^ ating colls any*' frigerators, two are especially where else cuts down their' vital.the hermetically sealed, efficiency. ^ | on-top mechanism and the The new all-steel cabinets all-steel warp-proof cabinet, are now available in aU sizes, I The small family size is hut The mechanism in any eleo 8215, at ^ fact^. ^ trie refrigerator has hut one convenient time payments, purpose-to absorb heat from Ligten Jn on the Gcntral the food. It must be permitted Electric Hour,broadcast everj to radiate that heat rapidly. Saturday evening, 8 to 9 Eut. As heat naturally rises, it can era Standard Time, over the be radiated from the top of N.BX. network of 42 station* GENERAL $ ELECTRIC E ALL-STEEL REERICEKATORE |W. R. Strickland f WARRENTON, N. C. S tmttmmttmmmmmmmmxmttmmmtmrnmmtmmtmmmm of it With | Safety I 41 I 3 are no speculative risks or rries with a bank account. H can deposit your money with I forget it, with the assurance jj| is safe all the time, and all the H arning a steady rate of in- I 4 Bank &. Trust Company I HENDERSON, N. C. I \eaAiner Rrttilt in This SsprtixYtl" ia wi mtm'mrwmwmw waw w . . . HH SOURCES 13,000,000.00 I

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Page 1: Prescription Bobby Dew Mi#**!iitv · 2016-06-04 · 1 j t ^ Mi#**! 93m1U1 W NovelizedbyAR From an CORPORATION,original


j t ^Mi#**!1U193m W

Novelized by ARFrom an original Serial produce




(Continued)Mary's terror changed suddenly

to hope as she strained at herchains. Here was Tarzan!With his superhuman strength he

wrenched one of the chains loose,and started to wrench the other.It did not snap so easily.From the pinnacle of elation

John had been suddenly cast to thedepth of murderous anger as one

of the priests, recovering, staggeredto warn him. In a towering ragehe seized his long hunting knife,passed another to the priest, and on

stealthy, cat-like feet they enteredanother, secret passage back of theceremonial chamber followed by theother priest, now also armed witha knife."Hurry, Tarzan," urged Bobby.

"They will be here!"Tarzan tore again at the refrectoryleg iron.From a secret panel in the rock

wall back of him emerged threeshadowy silent figures. Three long,murderous knives were raised inthe darkness ready to strike withouteven a flash of warning.


Suddenly Tarzan sensed the perilbehind him. He swung around as

the last chain snapped and releasedMary, just in time to catch in hisgrip of steel the arm that was descendingwith the dagger, in thedark. Single handed Tarzan was

more tha na match for his attackersand for the others, also, that BlackJohn had hastily mustered in theemergency.From a distance the venerable old

Patriarch of the Lost Tribe was

watching with troubled mien as hesaw Tarzan vanquish one afteranother of the strongest young men

of the tribe. His fear changed toa frown as he caught sight of BlackJohn himself slinking off into the1jungle. What was to become off


Chohe coach

The $C?CROADSTER.... 3*0The IC^EPHAETON 34DThe $CQCCOUPE ".. 37DThe itfCSEDAN 0/3The Sport $/LQCCABRIOLET ...

° '3The Convert- $71C/W«LANDAU... '*3The Sedan $KQ(«Delivery.......The Light $4AADelivery ChassisThe 1 «A $K4CTon Chassis ....

313The l«/i Ton t/LCAChassis with Cab "3vAll prices f.o. b. factory

Flint. Michigan

COMPAREthe delivered priceas well as the listprice In consideringautomobile values.Chevrolet's deliveredprices Includeonly reasonablecharges for deliveryand financing.


SCOGGirsWarrenton, N.


Warrenton, North (

HUEiitvS Hi Hi SHTHUR B. REEVE,d by UNIVERSAL PICTURESpeclal arrangement with


them with this new terror loose inthe very holy of holies within the

(stockade? Hitherto they had reliedon the craft and cunning ofBlack John and his so-called"magic." What now?The Patriarch knew only one law

of life. That was to bow to therulership of the strongest. And hadnot Tarzan proved himself the

strongest of them all? Hven now

he was giving the terrible junglecry. A few moments and even thebeasts would be there, doing hisbidding.Quickly the Patriarch approached

Mary. He bowed low. "Oh, WhitePrincess! Beg Tarzan the Mightyto rule over us.he who is king ofihe Jungle,.lest we perish!"Mary had always felt a sneaking

sympathy for the old man underthe tyranny of Black John. She

took his arm and led him towardTarzan.

Icfvilro Taiwan!" sllGX-/KJXX V Uti iikv) ..

pleaded as she saw him at once

ready to defend himself by attackingeven this newcomer. "He wantsyou to be their take theplace of Black John!"At first the mere idea was repugnantto Tarzan. But Mary coaxed.

And what Mary wanted was quitea different stcry. He began to relent,then to be interested, finally toconsider as the other members ofthe tribe gathered about. Withaboriginal eagerness they were

ready to yield fealty to the new

overlord. Tarzan bowed to thehonor of the inevitable, and elatedthe Patriarch turned to address thetribe swearing them to loyalty to


tne new ieaaer.There was but one dissenter and

he was not in the open. From a]hiding place in the tropical tangleBlack John listened as he heard'himself deposed and Tarzan ele-vated in his place, listened longenough to realize that it was unsafefor him in that neighborhood, then

ValuejPrice/If you are considering tmobile, you owe it to y<Chevrolet Six against avalue and price for priiivi in me pi icc langismooth, powerful, sixmotor.which deliversthe gallon of gasoline.avelvetyoperation, with itming and vibration, isbeautiful bodies by Fishestedt . . . rich, deep-1adjustable driver's sealentire chassis are fountadvanced engineering.iing 4-wheel brakes . .

mechanism... and autoi

But no mere recital of f<conception of Chevroletwe urge you to come iwhy over 500,000 peopliChevrolet Six since Janu:



Carolina TFturned swearing to himself a darkoath to get revenge. >

At once the village was in greatexcitement. It was an event of

major importance to have a new

chief and it called for a weird andelaborate ceremony of installation.Preparations were at once begunfor it and the natives threw themselvesinto it with a will for it was

indeed a great thing to have Tarzanfighting for them, not againstthem.Thus it was that when darkness

settled down on the village thatnight the Patriarch and the entiretribe were assembled about thecentral fire with flares, the priestsin weird costumes and the dancersoutdoing themselves to make honorto Tarzan.

It was more than even Bobbycould stand after the wild events ofthe day. He had seen nearly allof the ceremony and his head was

nodding so that he was almost,1TV v.*T nn vviorlt.VlP

(t51t/Cp< IVlftl J CdlliCU linn uu viiv

cabin and put him on his pallet ofstraw. It had been a great nightfor Mary, too. Every honor thatwas showered on Tarzan was likethe gift of a jewel to her. She was

tired but she was not going to missa thing. She covered up Bobby,then thought that in the heat of thenight he might need a drink. Shetook a hollow gourd to fill at thespring outside.Suddenly a hand, a strangely

familiar hand, stole through a holein tho wail nf the hut. then anotherwas clapped over Bobby's mouthas he was jerked through the openingof the thatch, and an instantlater the devilish Black John slunkback into the shadows of the junglemaking his way as fast as he couldwith his burden.Across on the other side of the

jungle fastness at last Black Johnstumbled into his secret campwhich he had always kept readyagainst seme rebellious outbreak inthe tribe. There he had built himselfa lean-to and there now heflung the tired Bobby whom he hadcarried off and then tired out byhis forced haste. Bobby was too!sleepy to do otherwise than heedBlack John's threat to lie down, forit would have been the easiest thingin the world to have left the boyoutside the circle of the firelight a

pray to the strange night-prowlersof the jungle.For a moment Black John

listened for sounds of pursuit.Hearing none he also settled down.His quick mind was going over hisfuture course. What should it be?Back again to his life as a beachcomber,searching the sea eagerlyfor a sign of a ship? He sat bolt

fa-ValueorPrice /he purchase of an auto>urselfto check the new

« /»jny otner car.value jorce!i of the four, is offered a-cylinder valve-in-headbetter than 20 miles totnd whose smooth, quiet,:s complete lack of drumarevelation. Here are;r.with fittings byTern-tufted upholsteries andt. And throughout the1 numerous examples ofiuch as quiet, non-lock.ball bearing steeringnatic acceleration pump.matures can give you any:'s value leadership. Soin and see for yourselfe have chosen the newary 1st!

OMPANYnderson, N. C.



IE WARREN REC01upright. Those' papers he had

seized from Mary! An evil smileoverspread his face instantly. He

reached into his pocket and pulledthem out, scanning them eagerly,in the firelight. Here, then, was

his plan, his way to turn defeat intoa blazing success. Just let a shipappear and answer his signal andhe would be in touch with civilization.That meant that he mightuse the very proofs of Tarzan'sheritage for his own gain. He

would be Lord Greystoke, heir tothe title and the estates! He fellasleep dreaming of it.Men of Black John's calibre alwaysfall because they seem never

to give their opponents credit for

having any sense. They alwaysunderestimate them. Any anyone

5 "DnHKir H7Q Qmat uixaeresuiiiatcu uwuj ..

bound to lose cut sooner or later.

Bobby had not been lying longbefore he began to watch furtivelybetween the slits of almost closedeyes. As he saw Black John loseinterest in watching him and becomeabsorbed in the papers he hadstolen from Mary, Bobby's boyishmind put the situation together wellenough to realize that there were

compensations for his kidnapping.He restrained himself until Black


Don't you be afraid of advancingage. For nature endowed each baby"with a delicate, velvety skin. Properlycared for, its freshnes3 remains longafter hairs are white.Soap and water will rot do, for the

secret of permanent beauty lies ia


Cleansing CreamFor sale by

M. R. BURROUGHSWarrenton, N. C.



PROOFthatDunlopsare betterBEFORE you need that

tire or tires for summer,let us look over vour olddres and tell you aboutDunlops. Every advantageof the world's greatest tirebuildingexperience... 40years ofit... goes into eachDunlop Tire.And the Dunlop SuretyBond, backed by both Dunlopand the American Surjety Company, guaranteesDunlop Tires for one hillyear against accident, collisions,blow-out, misalignment,stone-bruises, almostevery conceivable tire hazard... even ifyou think thetrouble wasyourfaultComein today. See a specimencopy of this Surety Bond,

Warrenton ServiceStation

Warrenton, N. C.

RP w

John was snoring deeply and regularly.And as he did so his own

fatigue departed and he felt refreshedwith the night air.At last Bobby decided that the

time was ripe to carry out the planhe had evolved. He crept stealthilyfrom the lean-to toward the man

asleep by the dying fire with the

papers still clutched in his hands.Carefully Bobby loosened themfrom the almost supine grip now

and extracted them. Then as fastas ever he could Bobby backedaway from the sleeping villain.Unfortunately Bobby did not

have eyes in the back of his head.'He backed right into a bush ofbrambles, and the long thorns tore,his clothes smartly as he repressedhis own exclamation of pain andiside-stepped. Luck was againsthim. He toppled over a jar thatwas in the dark shadow of the bush,smasmng it.

Instantly the alert senses of BlackJohn caught the sound. He rousedfrom his sleep, sprang to his feet,rubbing his eyes which adjustedthemselves to the darkness like an

QJUTfoudbeL'yfjP^snrpvisedam*** of

it will take to make your homelook NEW. That's becauseKurfees Paint contains 20% to

40% more lead per gallon andwill cover (hide) and protectmore surface for less cost.

A Every year moreOAo7 pure property ownersM/olead 3is£oveyr that20% OXIDE there is some"I7ZZTZthing different100% lUrC and better aboutThoroughly Kurfees paint.Genuine J*' u= fow VouLinseed OU hOW little it Will

y . i ^

^ 111 <»* laKeto pamiyuurhouse right.

Allen, Son & Co.Warrenton, N. C.

I ^ ^|.a..M..

I nrr


Youus andthat it:time e


Citizens I



nton, North Carolina FRin k\t .

animal's. His first instinct wasabout the boy.and sure enough he Aa ^had fled from the lean-to. He could O Qhear him, too, crashing through the is a Prescriptionjungle in his frightened haste. It . .

°n or

might be death to Bobby in the Bilious rlppe' Dewnight. Black John cared nothing T. .

ever and Mais?for that. If Bobby were dead he e mosts^y remedy^would lose his hold on Mary, ^Bobby was Black John's hostage to jypTHnc ».fate. He hallooed after the boy and * SHE.\pj\'pursued, now trying to frighten him EYE-SIGHT special^against nmning into jungle perils, Office overnow seeking to coax him back. 1111 of Warren

warrenton, N. C.j (To be continued)B1 ^



F the many the refrigerator^advantages of To place the radl.'

GeneralElectricRe- ^ ating colls any*'frigerators, two are especially where else cuts down their'vital.the hermetically sealed, efficiency. ^|on-top mechanism and the The new all-steel cabinetsall-steel warp-proof cabinet, are now available in aU sizes, I

The small family size is hutThe mechanism in any eleo 8215, at^ fact^.^trie refrigerator has hut one convenient time payments,purpose-to absorb heat from Ligten Jn on the Gcntralthe food. It must be permitted Electric Hour,broadcast everjto radiate that heat rapidly. Saturday evening, 8 to 9 Eut.As heat naturally rises, it can era Standard Time, over thebe radiated from the top of N.BX. network of42 station*


|W. R. Strickland fWARRENTON, N. C. S


ofit With |Safety I

41 I3 are no speculative risks or

rries with a bank account. H

can deposit your money with Iforget it, with the assurance jj|

is safe all the time, and all the Harning a steady rate of in- I

4Bank &. Trust Company IHENDERSON, N. C. I

\eaAiner Rrttilt in This SsprtixYtl"ia wi mtm'mrwmwmw waw w . ..HH

SOURCES 13,000,000.00 I