the warren record (warrenton, n.c.). 1929-11-29 [p...

WRITER TELLS OF COUNTY HNNTERS . "Foxy" Tells How John Clay Powell Chases Foxes On Foot; Makes Good Time THORNTON RIDES HORSE And again we will have some more fox hunting with the Thornton and Powell pack of French Benbows and Walkers. These few lines are not upon dogs, but the men who love and follow the hounds. Some of them hunt on horses, some on foot and some on cars. John Clay Powell rides his two legged horse and is generally with the hounds or near enough to know what's going on. If some of the Golf players who want exercise would follow John Clay one day they would know what real exercise is. Their legs nrniiw hp hnw-bent following John Clay and those Benbows. Puffing I a good cigar, he seems to creep along, apparently covering no ground, but just follow him and you will lead a dogs life. He goes to hunt and knows not the miles he may cover in a day, nor does he care. Macon Thornton rides a horse, J sometimes a good one and sometimes a bad one. He doesn't give a kitty just so he is riding to hounds, and you can bet on him riding to them if the horse has legs. If mej horse gives out he will take to a car or to the woods trying to fol-l lew John Clay. In the busy sea-l son he does not hunt much, but loves to hear the phone call announcing two today and one yes-l terday, and to hear the good news that some young coming dog put itl over the pack. His keen cries put life and pep in the pack and the I hound that won't move when he cries fox isn't just right. Now comes Bug Neal, the veteran fox hunter of the county, who I'1 rides a good horse and stands erect in the saddle after a hard days w riding as a young soldier. With a a good old Virginia Cheroot in his inniith and in the hunting field he|Cl Is perfectly contented. He is al- 1 ways in hopes and never gives up r' until the last. He loves red dogs, w good mouths and enjoys harking o them on. He has never owned a dog that didn't love him above all t) tilings on earth. They will quit tl running a bad track just to see if v he is along and then go back to ^ work with more pep and better V work. c Old Willie Robinson belongs to c the gang and rides a good horse. v He enjoys entertaining the boys at s his home. If you don't believe he c is game, just try to stay with him. e That old long-legged horse will u lead you along. s Frank Overby also rides to the 11 hounds and has a fine saddler. He r doesn't say much but saws wood t: when the times comes. Frank knows a good dog and he hasn't much use for a sorry one. In case of accidents we have two I doctor fox hunters, namely Dr. c Rodgers and Dr. Macon. Little Dr. a Rodgers, "Pussy in Boots," hunts t on car, horseback and self-back or u any way just so he is there. He : comes and goes to and from the > field attending to patients and nursing his love for the chase. He makes everybody quit talking so he can hear the hounds and hear himself talk. And old Dr. Gid enjoys blowing his horn while the pack is running and not at the kill. His long suit i is harking to Big Rhodie. He loves 5 the sport, but like all doctors, is g handicapped in not knowing when a i 1 _ lie can go nor now iu«g ue tan s stay. |j Old Leach loves the sport and | has a horse that loves it just as | well. If Leach didn't think so much | of his horse he could tail some £ foxes. Leach loves to write up the \ hunts, and is sports writer for the | gang. j The colored hunters are Silas \ Cheek, Master of Hounds, Bob | Davis "Knapsack Toter" and horn \ blower. Old Silas has the world | beat on harking to harke-hark. He knows the game and has caught " his share. ' Bob Davis won't tell you what he carries in his knapsack, but he will tell you what there is in his old horn. If you haven't a dislike for music, he will make you weep. Hilliard and Hudson are wellknown to the boys and are "whip- pers in" when called upon. They love the sport and are generally along. Sol Williams keeps some good dogs and hunts with the gang. He is chief cook and on camps attends to feeding the boys and dogs. He knows his stuff when cooking time comes. Old Hooper laughs and lies for the crowd. "FOXY." YOU HAVE TO TELL TO SELL. THAT'S A FACT THAT IS BECOMING BETTER KNOWN EVERY DAY. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL OR BUY, USE RECORD WANT ADVTS. Warrenton, Who Wants a yyC |H A / yM ^ i >,K , 4*f* ^ JP >>>::::::-:::X.-:v:x::>":^ : , v->--v: /-: ' .2~t > How would you like to have a your Thanksgiving Day dinner? the gobbler isn't really aa big ai Doris Hill of the wies. a very jf mil in Mm mi Washington Comment ,/ By HOWARD F. JONES SR. 'o the Editor: Your request that I write a eekly letter for the Press giving short summary of conditions here 1 respect to legislation can not be omplied with in the form in which would like to present them by eason of my official position. I -ould like to give "The low-down n the high-ups," as I see it. I would like to comment upon :ie propaganda being put out by tie syndicated writers like Sullian, for instance, who charges that be Coalition (the Democrats and Western Republicans) reduced the luty on pig iron from $1.50 to 75 er.ts because it was a Pennsylania product largely, ana that the tell mills would profit by the inreased rate, and that an increasd duty on Maganease (a metal sed in the process of making teel) was because of the fact that naganease was found in 38 States epresented largely by the Coaliion. THE FACTS IN THE CASE The facts in this case are: The ncome Tax Returns giving profits >f the Steel profits fter all expenses, and upon which he Industry paid into the Treasiry, were nearly a Billion Dollars ; James D. Randolph {k \ Motion Pieture Photographer 7 Free Lance | | News Reel and Commeroial | Telephone 1920 | > Warren Plains, N. C. ! £ ijMBflBMttWBMMMBMSMMttaMMMMfflBI I FLOWERS I for all occasions | Prompt Service I See i I E. T. ODOM $ r Warrenton, B | Telephone 100-J i Agent for Littleton Flower j| | ^ ^ Shop ^ ^ ^ * > >-mm< mm* »*« | Good | Printing | Lights the Way To Better Business People judge largely I by what they see and j nothing makes a better j j first impression than a j good printing job. | Can you afford to use anything less than the best? j Warren Record J North Carolina TH Bit of Turkey? I B Wr., H > M& pn : R::?M M|r 'v,iwp \*;V I* > ^ ?£k ^ monster gobbler like this one foi Well, who wouldn't.but. honest j he looks In comparison to prettj clever photographer arranged It all in the past seven years and under the present Republican tariff; that in addition they are exporting steel to every country, and therefore needed no increase, but rather a substantial decrease in rates. In respect to maganease, the Steel Industry was charged with desiring to place this product of our mines on the free list in order that they might get it brought into the country without paying a duty to the government, and our own miners be thrown out of employment. In fact, it was charged on the floor of the Senate that a contract had already bee-1 made with the Russian Government at a low cost to supply the demands of the Steel Industry, and, of course, our On Fifth Avenue/ I Jrtany of (he fatrestowe (heir beauty to .\fM LEMON JJlfr Matures' way to beauty For ale by M. R. BURROUGHS Warrenton, N. O. HUN at TRAI COME in and 1( line of hunt supplies. , Here you will se will interest you. Loaded Shells and good choice of Shot Traps, Duck Calls,! Collars, Remington ington Hunters' an and camp equipme You'll be pleased riety sportsmen's < for your selection. See our Sportsm play NOW. w a i\/r;w YY ,r\. iTinvc Com; M ... IE WARREN RECOR miners at a great disadvantage, and put them out of business, through selfish greed. Notwithstanding these facts, Mr. Mark Sulilivan sends abroad over our land the statement that the motive governing the Democrats and Western Republicans is to punish an industry in an Eastern State. I could give instance after instance where the people are being mislead by those who stand high in the councils of the Republican party. Examine the propaganda abroad in reference to the stock market crash. When the market went skyrocketing just after President Hoover's election it was "Hoover [Prosperity"; now when the crash comes and a panic has seized the market, it is called "DemocraticInsurgent Tariff tinkering." Senator Connally of Texas in the following interview gives the facts, and refutes the propaganda of "Democratic Tariff Tinkering." IN LINE WITH EFFORTS "The attempt the Republicans are making to create the impression that the crash in the stock market is due to the revision of the industrial rates in the Senate tariff bill is in line with their persistent attempts to deceive the public and to escape their own responsibility in the matter. "In the report of Senator Borah's reply to a New York banker who made the same charge direct, a leading newspaper adds: 'Senator Moses, Chairman of the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee, was back in the Senate today making the most of the situation.' "Following the election of Mr. Hoover, it will be recalled, when the stock market went sky-rocketing, it was boastfully referred to in the press as a 'Hoover market.' The present attempt to hold the Democratic and Progressive Republican Best Purgative for the congestion, reduces cci. nlicAtions. hastens recover I,~"vTr1boyd~! CIVIL ENGINEER Law Building Henderson, N. C. Office Phone 118 Home Phone 10 j TERS id »PERS 5t us show you our ers' and trappers' 0 many things that new fresh stock of Cartridges.and a, guns, Rifles, Game Hunting Coats, Dog Game Loads, Remd Trappers' Knives ?nt to choose from. 1 with the wide vasquipment we offer ten's Window Dis- i naruvvaic pany tMwuwwwanmtmmmmmmffifc .n Warrenton, revision of the tariff responsible for the collapse of the 'Hoover market' is just a 'smoke screen' of Chairman Moses and his Republican associates for the purpose of heading off a reference to the Wall Street crash as the 'Hoover panic' n the campaign of 1930. "All through the Coolidge administration stock inflation was boosted by multiplied statements of our 'unexampled prosperity,' its permanency and its growth. In the last campaign, Mr. Coolidge's Secretary of Labor was telling his audiences everywhere that even the humblest working man had a 'chicken in the pot.' The country and everybody in it was pictured as rolling in wealth. Is it any wonder that the stock gambling element took advantage of this political propaganda and Get-Rich-Quick psychology to build up a super-prosperity superstructure of their own,' which has now crashed about their ears and carried many to financial ruin? i "There has been a continual beating of drums and blowing of trumpets that Mr. Hoover's election meant just 'one grand sweet song' with additional prosperity and huge profits, which stimulated an already artificial market. The action on the tariff bill has nothing to do with the collapse. The wtmmuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiii Old Man J Winter 1 Is About To Get You. ;;; Let me check over ::: your water pipes, let :! i me provide heat for ::: your home. Act before Winter gets you. Call Hull j The Plumber 219-J Warrenton, N. C. PA PR We ha' with tP of this years. It is ou cultura and w( view oi future Citizens E L"The L RE .a 0 -J. v.. . ; / North Carolina pj^j principal changes made in the in-1 dustrial schedules of the tariff bill have been to eliminate some of the exorbitant rates, put there by a bound and gagged House, and the unjustifiable increases made thereto by the Senate Finance Committee. In some instances we have increased rates that should be increased. The Democratic and Progressive Republican Senators are standing for tariff stabilization. "The artificial stock market began to topple long before the Senate undertook to deal with rates of any kind. The first big crash came before any rates were actually changed, ahd at a time when the regulars were supposed to have everything in their own hands. "Whatever political responsibility there is in connection with the collapse of the stock market it must rest with the prty whose leaders furnished much of the wind to blow :; LOOK It is better to be safe tl Have foresight NOW by a complete set of our latest i a minute to adjust them. We carry a reliable line right. Let us care for your 1 &°bl Gat %* > - » . £" T-r '*'iviii fa"?irjj'jS T^miV TT" KITNr IN OGRE ve been intimately ass le progress and deveL section for more thai ir desire to promote tt ,1 possibilities of this s j invite your account v ? building a credit relal years. "T"ttniMiiHMnwn >ank &. Trust < XJX:XTT^T7X> COM M r JL JLJL/11 lit ending Bank in This Si SOURCES $3,000,00( DAY, NOVEMBER 29,1* lup the bubble; who tookiT^B 1 credit tor the 'Hoover n^, J 1 who are now trying to esc^ jB 1 share ot responsibility {0t Ision to the bursted bubble 1 'Hoover panic.' 1 "Our consciences are ^ I every known tact relating >0^B 1 political stimulation ot ^B Ificial market and its I against the leaders ot the^^^B lean party who now seektog^^B Itrom under the wreck by ,^B 1 usual methods oi trying to to^^H 1 the people all the time." \ Patronize the advertiser. ^B I is a Prescription tor ^B 1 Colds, Gripps, Flu, D<a]H 1 Bilious Fever and Mali^B lit is the most speedy remedy equipping your car today it I nodel tire chains. It takes onl; I > of auto accessories. Prices oitt's I -> ' *' 1 k" JBe £RS I Br Hi iSS I t h It oci ate r\-nm^rit" ^Rr B il ci I ° ie agi'i- B section, nth the K ftc Company E ection" IV

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Page 1: The Warren record (Warrenton, N.C.). 1929-11-29 [p ] · WRITERTELLSOF COUNTYHNNTERS "Foxy" Tells How John Clay Powell


. "Foxy" Tells How John ClayPowell Chases Foxes OnFoot; Makes Good Time


And again we will have some

more fox hunting with the Thorntonand Powell pack of FrenchBenbows and Walkers. These fewlines are not upon dogs, but the

men who love and follow thehounds. Some of them hunt on

horses, some on foot and some on

cars. John Clay Powell rides his

two legged horse and is generallywith the hounds or near enough to

know what's going on.

If some of the Golf players whowant exercise would follow John

Clay one day they would knowwhat real exercise is. Their legsnrniiw hp hnw-bent following JohnClay and those Benbows. Puffing Ia good cigar, he seems to creep

along, apparently covering no

ground, but just follow him and

you will lead a dogs life. He goesto hunt and knows not the mileshe may cover in a day, nor does he

care.Macon Thornton rides a horse, J

sometimes a good one and sometimesa bad one. He doesn't give a

kitty just so he is riding to hounds,and you can bet on him riding tothem if the horse has legs. If mejhorse gives out he will take to a

car or to the woods trying to fol-llew John Clay. In the busy sea-lson he does not hunt much, butloves to hear the phone call announcingtwo today and one yes-lterday, and to hear the good news

that some young coming dog put itlover the pack. His keen cries putlife and pep in the pack and the Ihound that won't move when he

cries fox isn't just right.Now comes Bug Neal, the veteranfox hunter of the county, who I'1

rides a good horse and stands erectin the saddle after a hard days w

riding as a young soldier. With a a

good old Virginia Cheroot in hisinniith and in the hunting field he|ClIs perfectly contented. He is al- 1

ways in hopes and never gives up r'

until the last. He loves red dogs, w

good mouths and enjoys harking o

them on. He has never owned a

dog that didn't love him above all t)

tilings on earth. They will quit tl

running a bad track just to see if v

he is along and then go back to ^

work with more pep and better V

work. c

Old Willie Robinson belongs to c

the gang and rides a good horse. v

He enjoys entertaining the boys at s

his home. If you don't believe he c

is game, just try to stay with him. e

That old long-legged horse will u

lead you along. s

Frank Overby also rides to the 11

hounds and has a fine saddler. He r

doesn't say much but saws wood t:

when the times comes. Frank knowsa good dog and he hasn't much use

for a sorry one.

In case of accidents we have two I

doctor fox hunters, namely Dr. c

Rodgers and Dr. Macon. Little Dr. a

Rodgers, "Pussy in Boots," hunts ton car, horseback and self-back or u

any way just so he is there. He :

comes and goes to and from the >

field attending to patients andnursing his love for the chase. Hemakes everybody quit talking so hecan hear the hounds and hear himselftalk.And old Dr. Gid enjoys blowing

his horn while the pack is runningand not at the kill. His long suit iis harking to Big Rhodie. He loves 5the sport, but like all doctors, is ghandicapped in not knowing when a

i 1 _

lie can go nor now iu«g ue tan s

stay. |jOld Leach loves the sport and |

has a horse that loves it just as |well. If Leach didn't think so much |of his horse he could tail some £foxes. Leach loves to write up the \hunts, and is sports writer for the |gang. jThe colored hunters are Silas \

Cheek, Master of Hounds, Bob |Davis "Knapsack Toter" and horn \blower. Old Silas has the world |beat on harking to harke-hark. Heknows the game and has caught "

his share. '

Bob Davis won't tell you what hecarries in his knapsack, but he willtell you what there is in his oldhorn. If you haven't a dislike formusic, he will make you weep.

Hilliard and Hudson are wellknownto the boys and are "whip-pers in" when called upon. Theylove the sport and are generallyalong.Sol Williams keeps some good

dogs and hunts with the gang. Heis chief cook and on camps attendsto feeding the boys and dogs. Heknows his stuff when cooking time

comes. Old Hooper laughs and lies

for the crowd."FOXY."



Who Wants a

yyC|HA/yM ^ i >,K , 4*f* ^JP

>>>::::::-:::X.-:v:x::>":^: , v->--v: /-:



How would you like to have a

your Thanksgiving Day dinner?the gobbler isn't really aa big ai

Doris Hill of the wies. a very

jf mil inMm mi




'o the Editor:Your request that I write a

eekly letter for the Press givingshort summary of conditions here

1 respect to legislation can not beomplied with in the form in whichwould like to present them by

eason of my official position. I-ould like to give "The low-downn the high-ups," as I see it.I would like to comment upon

:ie propaganda being put out bytie syndicated writers like Sullian,for instance, who charges thatbe Coalition (the Democrats andWestern Republicans) reduced theluty on pig iron from $1.50 to 75er.ts because it was a Pennsylaniaproduct largely, ana that thetell mills would profit by the inreasedrate, and that an increasdduty on Maganease (a metalsed in the process of makingteel) was because of the fact thatnaganease was found in 38 Statesepresented largely by the Coaliion.THE FACTS IN THE CASEThe facts in this case are: Thencome Tax Returns giving profits>f the Steel profitsfter all expenses, and upon whichhe Industry paid into the Treasiry,were nearly a Billion Dollars

; James D. Randolph {k\ Motion Pieture Photographer 7

Free Lance | |News Reel and Commeroial |

Telephone 1920 |> Warren Plains, N. C. ! £


I FLOWERS Ifor all occasions |Prompt Service

I See iI E. T. ODOM $

r &£Warrenton, B

| Telephone 100-J

i Agent for Littleton Flower j||^ ^

Shop^ ^ ^

*> >-mm<mm* »*«

| Good| Printing| Lights the Way To

Better BusinessPeople judge largely I

by what they see and jnothing makes a better jj first impression than a

j good printing job. |Can you afford to use

anything less than thebest?

j Warren Record


North Carolina TH

Bit of Turkey?I

BWr.,H >

M&pn :

R::?MM|r'v,iwp \*;V

I* >^?£k^

monster gobbler like this one foi

Well, who wouldn't.but. honestj he looks In comparison to prettjclever photographer arranged It all

in the past seven years and underthe present Republican tariff; thatin addition they are exportingsteel to every country, and thereforeneeded no increase, but rathera substantial decrease in rates.

In respect to maganease, theSteel Industry was charged withdesiring to place this product ofour mines on the free list in orderthat they might get it brought intothe country without paying a dutyto the government, and our own

miners be thrown out of employment.In fact, it was charged on

the floor of the Senate that a contracthad already bee-1 made withthe Russian Government at a lowcost to supply the demands of theSteel Industry, and, of course, our

On Fifth Avenue/ IJrtany of (he fatrestowe(heir beauty to


JJlfr Matures' way to beautyFor ale by

M. R. BURROUGHSWarrenton, N. O.



COME in and 1(line of hunt

supplies., Here you will se

will interest you.Loaded Shells andgood choice of ShotTraps, Duck Calls,!Collars, Remingtonington Hunters' an

and camp equipmeYou'll be pleased

riety sportsmen's <

for your selection.

See our Sportsmplay NOW.

w a i\/r;wYY ,r\. iTinvc


M ...

IE WARREN RECORminers at a great disadvantage,and put them out of business,through selfish greed. Notwithstandingthese facts, Mr. Mark Sulilivan

sends abroad over our landthe statement that the motive governingthe Democrats and Western

Republicans is to punish an industryin an Eastern State. I couldgive instance after instance wherethe people are being mislead bythose who stand high in the councilsof the Republican party.Examine the propaganda abroad

in reference to the stock marketcrash. When the market went skyrocketingjust after PresidentHoover's election it was "Hoover[Prosperity"; now when the crashcomes and a panic has seized themarket, it is called "DemocraticInsurgentTariff tinkering." SenatorConnally of Texas in the followinginterview gives the facts,and refutes the propaganda of"Democratic Tariff Tinkering."


"The attempt the Republicansare making to create the impressionthat the crash in the stockmarket is due to the revision ofthe industrial rates in the Senatetariff bill is in line with their persistent

attempts to deceive thepublic and to escape their own responsibilityin the matter."In the report of Senator Borah's

reply to a New York banker whomade the same charge direct, a

leading newspaper adds: 'SenatorMoses, Chairman of the RepublicanSenatorial Campaign Committee,was back in the Senate today makingthe most of the situation.'"Following the election of Mr.

Hoover, it will be recalled, whenthe stock market went sky-rocketing,it was boastfully referred to in

the press as a 'Hoover market.' Thepresent attempt to hold the Democraticand Progressive Republican

Best Purgative for

the congestion, reduces cci.

nlicAtions. hastens recover

I,~"vTr1boyd~!CIVIL ENGINEERLaw Building

Henderson, N. C.Office Phone 118 Home Phone 10 j

TERSid»PERS5t us show you our

ers' and trappers'

0 many things thatnew fresh stock ofCartridges.and a,guns, Rifles, GameHunting Coats, DogGame Loads, RemdTrappers' Knives?nt to choose from.

1 with the widevasquipmentwe offer

ten's Window Dis-

i naruvvaic



revision of the tariff responsiblefor the collapse of the 'Hoover market'is just a 'smoke screen' ofChairman Moses and his Republicanassociates for the purpose ofheading off a reference to the WallStreet crash as the 'Hoover panic'n the campaign of 1930.

"All through the Coolidge administrationstock inflation was boostedby multiplied statements of our

'unexampled prosperity,' its permanencyand its growth. In the last

campaign, Mr. Coolidge's Secretaryof Labor was telling his audienceseverywhere that even the humblestworking man had a 'chicken in thepot.' The country and everybodyin it was pictured as rolling inwealth. Is it any wonder that thestock gambling element took advantageof this political propagandaand Get-Rich-Quick psychologyto build up a super-prosperitysuperstructure of their own,'which has now crashed about theirears and carried many to financialruin? i

"There has been a continualbeating of drums and blowing oftrumpets that Mr. Hoover's electionmeant just 'one grand sweetsong' with additional prosperityand huge profits, which stimulatedan already artificial market. Theaction on the tariff bill has nothingto do with the collapse. The


Old Man JWinter 1

Is About To Get You. ;;;

Let me check over :::

your water pipes, let :!i me provide heat for :::

your home.

Act before Winter getsyou. Call

Hull jThe Plumber


Warrenton, N. C.


PRWe ha'with tPof thisyears.

It is ou

culturaand w(

view oifuture

Citizens EL"The L




-J. v.. . ;


North Carolina pj^j

principal changes made in the in-1dustrial schedules of the tariff billhave been to eliminate some of theexorbitant rates, put there by abound and gagged House, and theunjustifiable increases made theretoby the Senate Finance Committee.In some instances we have increasedrates that should be increased.The Democratic and ProgressiveRepublican Senators are

standing for tariff stabilization."The artificial stock market beganto topple long before the Senateundertook to deal with rates of

any kind. The first big crash came

before any rates were actuallychanged, ahd at a time when theregulars were supposed to haveeverything in their own hands."Whatever political responsibilitythere is in connection with the

collapse of the stock market it mustrest with the prty whose leadersfurnished much of the wind to blow

:; LOOKIt is better to be safe tlHave foresight NOW by

a complete set of our latest i

a minute to adjust them.

We carry a reliable line

right. Let us care for your

1 &°blGat

%* > - » .

£" T-r '*'iviii fa"?irjj'jS


INOGREve been intimately ass

le progress and deveLsection for more thai

ir desire to promote tt,1 possibilities of this s

j invite your account v? building a credit relalyears.


>ank &. Trust <XJX:XTT^T7X>COM M rJL JLJL/11 lit

ending Bank in This Si

SOURCES $3,000,00(

DAY, NOVEMBER 29,1*lup the bubble; who tookiT^B1 credit tor the 'Hoover n^, J1who are now trying to esc^ jB1 share ot responsibility {0tIsion to the bursted bubble1 'Hoover panic.'1 "Our consciences are ^I every known tact relating >0^B1 political stimulation ot ^BIficial market and itsIagainst the leaders ot the^^^Blean party who now seektog^^BItrom under the wreck by ,^B1usual methods oi trying to to^^H1 the people all the time."

\ Patronize the advertiser. ^B

I is a Prescription tor ^B1 Colds, Gripps, Flu, D<a]H1 Bilious Fever and Mali^Blit is the most speedy remedy

equipping your car today it Inodel tire chains. It takes onl; I> of auto accessories. Prices

oitt's I->

' *' 1 k"JBe



iSS Ith


ociater\-nm^rit" ^Rr

B ilci

I °

ie agi'i- Bsection,nth the K


Company Eection" IV