preferred project report - nsw environment & heritage · bulk excavation and basement car...

Preferred Project Report Bulk Excavation and Basement Car Parking Barangaroo Stage 1 Submitted to Department of Planning On Behalf of Lend Lease (Millers Point) Pty Ltd September 2010 10051

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Page 1: Preferred Project Report - NSW Environment & Heritage · Bulk Excavation and Basement Car Parking Preferred Project Report | September 2010 JBA Urban Planning Consultants Pty Ltd

Preferred Project Report

Bulk Excavation and Basement Car Parking Barangaroo Stage 1

Submitted to Department of Planning

On Behalf of Lend Lease (Millers Point) Pty Ltd

September 2010 � 10051

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Reproduction of this document or any part thereof is not

permitted without prior written permission of JBA Urban

Planning Consultants Pty Ltd.

JBA Urban Planning Consultants Pty Ltd operates under a

Quality Management System. This report has been prepared and

reviewed in accordance with that system. If the report is not

signed below, it is a preliminary draft.

This report has been prepared by: Stephanie Ballango

20 September 2010

This report has been reviewed by: Lesley Bull

20 September 2010

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1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 PPR Structure 2

2.0 Project Update 3

2.1 Consultation 3

3.0 Key issues and Proponents Response 5

3.1 Noise and Vibration 5

3.2 Air Quality and Odour Impacts 18

3.3 Health Impacts 21

3.4 Water Quality Monitoring 23

3.5 Access and Construction Traffic Impacts 25

3.6 Waste Management 30

3.7 Relationship to Metro 31

3.8 Tree Pruning 33

4.0 Preferred Project 34

4.1 Description of Development Proposal 34

4.2 Changes Proposed by Preferred Project 35

5.0 Final Statement of Commitments 36

5.1 Administrative Matters 36

5.2 Traffic Management and Accessibility Impacts 36

5.3 Remedial Action Plan 37

5.4 Soil and Water 38

5.5 Metro Corridor Impacts 40

5.6 Waste Management 40

5.7 Air Quality and Odour 41

5.8 Noise & Vibration 41

5.9 Climate Change and Sea Level Rise 41

5.10 Heritage 42

5.11 Tree Removal Public Domain and Landscaping 43

5.12 Fire Engineering 44

5.13 BCA 44

5.14 Access 44

5.15 Future Project Applications 45


1 Figure 1 – Noise Logging Sites 7

2 Figure 2 – Option 1 – Diagonal Bridge Crossing 26

3 Figure 3 – Option 2- Sussex Street Bridge 27

4 Figure 4 – Gate 5 access road construction traffic arrangements 28

5 Figure 5 – Gate 4 access road construction traffic arrangements 29

6 Figure 6 – Extent of overlap between basement and Metro Corridor (ground plan) 31

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7 Figure 7 – Extent of overlap between basement and Metro Corridor (longitudinal section) 32


1 Table 1 – Summary of Measured and Construction Noise Goals 6

2 Table 2 – Site Specific Construction Noise Management Levels (dBA) for residential receivers 8

3 Table 3 – Site Specific Construction Noise Management Levels (dBA) – commercial receivers 12

4 Table 4 – Site Specific Construction Noise Management Levels (dBA) – pre-school receivers 15

5 Table 5 – Summary of Air Quality Impact Assessment amendments 19


A Response to Agency Submissions

JBA Urban Planning Consultants

B Response to Community Submissions

JBA Urban Planning Consultants

C Architectural and Landscaping Plans

Lend Lease Design

D Supplementary Excavation and Construction Noise and Vibration Assessment

Wilkinson Murray

E Air Quality Impact Assessment


F Environmental, Construction and Site Management Report

Bovis Lend Lease/Cardno

G Construction Traffic Management Report


H Water Quality Monitoring Requirements Report

Worley Parsons

I Human Health Impact Assessment


J Waste Management Report

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K Metro Interaction Report

Coffey Geotechnics

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1.0 Introduction

An Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) for Project Application MP10_0023

for bulk excavation and basement car parking was publicly exhibited for a period of four weeks between 7 July 2010 and 5 August 2010. In total 29 (10 agency) submissions were received in response to the public exhibition of the Project Application. The following key issues were identified with the proposal:

� the adequacy of the exhibited Noise and Vibration Assessment and predicted

noise levels;

� the adequacy of the exhibited Air Quality Impact Assessment and potential air quality and odour impacts;

� proposed construction traffic management arrangements;

� proposed hours of construction;

� water management and water quality impacts;

� contamination and remediation;

� waste management;

� urban design and public domain impacts; and

� relationship with, and potential impacts on, the Metro corridor.

The proponent Lend Lease (Millers Point) Pty Ltd (Lend Lease), and its specialist consultant team have reviewed and considered the Department’s comments, the agencies submissions, the City of Sydney’s submission and the public submissions and, in accordance with clause 75H(6) of the Environmental Planning and

Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act), has responded to the issues raised. This Preferred Project Report (PPR) should be read in conjunction with the Project Application EAR prepared by JBA Urban Planning Consultants Pty Ltd dated June 2010 and presents:

� further information and analysis with respect to a range of issues raised

in submissions that relate specifically to the development proposed by the Bulk Excavation and Basement Car Park Project Application;

� details the final Project Application, including a number of revisions to the

proposed scope of works; and

� a revised Statement of Commitments.

Key revisions to the Project Application include:

� inclusion of the southern retention wall down to rock level, which had been

inadvertently shown on the exhibited plans as a conventional wall;

� deletion of basement level CP6 to reduce the depth of excavation required by 3 metres from RL-27.000 to RL-24.000;

� re-allocation of car parking spaces across all levels of the basement parking

areas to ensure a maximum of 880 cars is shown;

� removal of some plant areas as a result of the car parking reconfiguration and

accordingly deferral of the final design of those areas to a future Project

Application (for built form), noting that the allocation of plant areas has always been proposed to be confirmed with future applications for buildings;

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� inclusion of spatial allocation of the Metro station/services box, resulting in a

marginal reduction in the size of the basement (station/service building box to be constructed by others);

� identification of deep soil zones and tree pits; and

� revision to the exhibited hours of construction.

In addition the updated reports appended to this PPR and the revised Statement of Commitments further detail the scope of amendments and ongoing commitments proposed by Lend Lease in the carrying out of this Project Application.

The following revised and supplementary plans and supporting documentation are

provided for clarification and are further discussed in Section 2.0:

� architectural and landscaping plans (Appendix C);

� Supplementary Excavation and Construction Noise and Vibration

Assessment(Appendix D);

� Air Quality Impact Assessment (Appendix E);

� Environmental, Construction and Site Management Report (Appendix F);

� Construction Traffic Report (Appendix G);

� Water Quality Monitoring Requirements Report (Appendix H);

� Health Impact Assessment (Appendix I);

� Waste Management Plan (Appendix J); and

� Metro interaction report (Appendix K).

1.1 PPR Structure The PPR is structured as follows:

� Section 2 – Project update;

� Section 3 – Issues Summary and Lend Lease’s Response;

� Section 4 – Preferred Project – Project Application;

� Section 5 – Revised Statement of Commitments; and

� Section 6 – Conclusion.

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2.0 Project Update

2.1 Consultation Since public exhibition of the Project Application, the following consultation has taken place. City of Sydney Council � 18th August, 30th August and 7th September DECCW

� August 24 and September 1, September 15 (site inspection)

Sydney Ports

� September 1

Transport NSW

� Ongoing review and discussion regarding the potential impacts of the development on the Metro Corridor.

� 29th July, 6th September and 13th September with Infrastructure Division (for Metro)

Adjoining Landowners and General Public

As outlined in the exhibited EAR, Lend Lease has established a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and is consulting with local residents and other relevant stakeholders as part of its ongoing community engagement program. The opportunity to participate has been provided through a number of direct and indirect mediums:

� the Barangaroo Display at Hickson Road attracted 3,000 visitors and 250

written comments;

� the Barangaroo Online Forum has attracted 1,400 unique visitors;

� some 6,500 have visited the Online Information Display;

� 400 people attended a series of four community forum events in Sydney’s

CBD, Parramatta and Caringbah;

� 9,000 people have visited the dedicated Barangaroo South Website since it

was launched on 16 June 2010; and

� Barangaroo South Information events and attendance at community meetings

have engaged with over 500 community members to date.

The extensive program of community engagement undertaken to date is aimed at

providing direct public feedback into the ongoing design process for Barangaroo South and enabling the community to develop a sense of ownership over the project. In relation to the Bulk Excavation and Basement Car Park Project Application specifically, Lend Lease has:

� issued the Barangaroo South newsletter in August 2010 to over 3,000 local

residents advising that the Project Application had been submitted to the

Department of Planning and detailing how the links could be accessed via the Barangaroo South website;

� notified an additional 85 individuals who have elected to be on the Barangaroo

South mailing list and 45 individuals from government departments and surrounding commercial properties and businesses;

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� engaged in face to face consultation with 14 building managers and tenants

from commercial properties and businesses surrounding the site to discuss the

upcoming works and potential impacts. All received a follow up communication

summarising the meeting and if necessary, any specific concerns relating to that property were addressed; and

� continued facilitating over 20 Community Forums and Information Sessions

with 500 + attendees throughout the duration of the project to discuss and

address issues arising from the proposed construction activities including dust, vibration, noise and traffic management.

Concept Plan Modification

Lend Lease submitted an EAR relating to the Barangaroo South Concept Plan Modification and Major Development SEPP Amendment to the Department of Planning on 6 August 2010. The Concept Plan Modification and Major Development SEPP Amendment EAR was on public exhibition until 10 September 2010. Lend Lease, and its specialist team, is currently reviewing and responding to the submissions received from

State authorities and agencies and the general public. As outlined in Section 6.1 of the exhibited EAR for the Bulk Excavation and Basement Car Park Project Application, the excavation and construction of the proposed basement levels is consistent with the approved Concept Plan (as modified). The current Project Application is a direct response to the combined effect of Conditions B3 and C1 of the approved Concept Plan and accordingly complies with the terms of the Concept Plan approval. The Project Application therefore does not rely on Lend Lease’s application to modify the approved Concept Plan and existing Major Development SEPP provisions. It should also be noted that the proposed bulk earthworks and basement car park construction works are also generally consistent with the Concept Plan Modification submitted to DoP and currently under assessment

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3.0 Key issues and Proponents Response Submissions in response to the public exhibition of the Bulk Excavation and Basement Car Park Project Application were received from the City of Sydney Council, State Government agencies and authorities, and the general public. The source of submissions is summarised as:

� State authorities and agencies – 9;

� City of Sydney Council – 1;

� Members of the public – 19

The key issues raised by public agencies and the community can be generally

summarised into the following categories:

� the adequacy of the exhibited Noise and Vibration Assessment and predicted

noise levels;

� the adequacy of the exhibited Air Quality Impact Assessment and potential air

quality and odour impacts;

� proposed construction traffic management arrangements;

� proposed hours of construction;

� water management and water quality impacts;

� contamination and remediation;

� waste management;

� urban design and public domain impacts; and

� relationship with, and potential impacts on, the Metro.

Lend Lease’s detailed response to issues raised specifically in relation to the Project Application is provided at Appendix A (City of Sydney Council and State authorities and agencies) and Appendix B (public submissions). The following section provides a detailed response to the key issues raised in submissions. The Preferred Project – Stage 1 Project Application, including revised

Statement of Commitments is detailed at Sections 4 and 5 respectively.

3.1 Noise and Vibration


The extent and tenure of construction noise impacts due to the proposed

construction activities has been raised as a matter of concern by Sydney Ports,

DECCW, NSW Housing, Leichhardt Council, and in public submissions. The basis for concern includes:

� the background noise levels have not been derived appropriately;

� the predicted noise assessment criteria have not been derived appropriately and

accordingly the proposed noise management levels, particularly for residential premises, have not been estimated correctly;

� the proposed hours of construction have not been appropriately justified,

particularly as the appropriate assessment criteria have not been adopted;

� alternative construction methodologies that may result in lower construction noise impacts have not been adequately explored; and

� the omission of noise impacts from the proposed works on the temporary

Cruise Passenger Terminal.

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Proponent’s Response

A supplementary Excavation and Construction Noise and Vibration Assessment and Environmental Construction and Site Management Report have been prepared (Appendix D and Appendix F respectively).

The supplementary stand alone Excavation and Construction Noise and Vibration Assessment has been prepared by Wilkinson Murray to determine the potential noise and vibration impacts at surrounding receivers (Appendix D). Noise objectives for construction have been established based on DECCW procedures and will be adopted by Lend Lease as targets to work towards in minimising noise impacts at surrounding residences and other identified sensitive receivers. Table 1 presents the surveyed noise levels for daytime, evening and night periods as defined in DECCW’s Construction Noise Guidelines. The locations of the surveyed noise logging sites are illustrated in Figure 1. Consistent with DECCW’s Interim Construction Noise Guideline, the daytime construction noise goal should not exceed the LAeq15min level by more than 10 dbA during standard construction hours, and 5dBA outside of standard construction hours. Tables 2 –

4 present the applicable noise criteria at residential, commercial (including the temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal) and pre-school receivers in the vicinity of Barangaroo South, predicted noise levels and identifies the expected exceedances.

Table 1 – Summary of Measured Noise Levels and Construction Noise Goals

Noise Logging


RBL (dBA) LAeq, period (dBA)

Daytime Evening Night Time

Saturday Daytime Evening Night Time


7-6pm 6-10pm 10pm-7am


7-6pm 6-10pm 10pm-7am


1 53 53 49 51 62 61 57 60

2 52 50 45 50 56 54 50 56

3 60 59 49 57 67 66 62 66

4 52 60 46 48 60 62 60 60

5 47 44 41 45 58 55 51 55

6 46 44 40 46 58 55 50

7 49 45 40 46 67 51 47 56

8 47 44 39 50 54 49 46 56

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Figure 1 – Noise Logging Sites

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Table 2 – Site Specific Construction Noise Management Levels (dBA) for residential receivers

Location Predicted

Noise Level

Day Evening Night Saturday (extended hours)

Day Night Criteria Exceedance Compliance Criteria Exceedance Compliance Criteria Exceedance Compliance Criteria Exceedance Compliance

Scenario A – Piling and Perimeter Retention System Walls (Stage 1A)

Hickson Road residences

65 57 63 2 No 58 – Yes 54 3 No 55 10 No

The Sussex Hotel

67 53 70 – Yes 64 – Yes 54 1 Marginal 62 5 No

High Street residences

55 49 57 – Yes 49 – Yes 46 3 No 50 5 No

Dawes Point residences

51 44 56 – Yes 49 – Yes 45 – Yes 51 – Yes

Balmain East residences

58 49 59 – Yes 50 – Yes 45 4 No 51 7 No

Darling Island Residences

64 56 57 5 No 49 7 No 44 12 No 55 9 No

Sydney Wharf Residences

66 57 57 7 No 49 8 No 44 13 No 55 11 No

Scenario B – Removal of Ground slab / Hardstand (Stage 1A)

Hickson Road residences

64 51 63 1 Marginal 58 – Yes 54 – Yes 55 9 No

The Sussex Hotel

65 47 70 – Yes 64 – Yes 54 – Yes 62 3 No

High Street residences

53 42 57 – Yes 49 – Yes 46 – Yes 50 3 No

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Dawes Point residences

50 37 56 – Yes 49 – Yes 45 – Yes 51 – Yes

Balmain East residences

49 38 59 – Yes 50 – Yes 45 – Yes 51 2 No

Darling Island Residences

60 45 57 3 No 49 – Yes 44 1 Marginal 55 5 No

Sydney Wharf Residences

60 45 57 3 No 49 – Yes 44 1 Marginal 55 5 No

Scenario C – Construction (Stage 1A)

Hickson Road residences

62 50 63 1 Marginal 58 – Yes 54 – Yes 55 7 No

The Sussex Hotel

59 39 70 – Yes 64 – Yes 54 – Yes 62 – Yes

High Street residences

52 48 57 – Yes 49 – Yes 46 2 No 50 2 No

Dawes Point residences

50 43 56 – Yes 49 – Yes 45 – Yes 51 – Yes

Balmain East residences

47 42 59 – Yes 50 – Yes 45 – Yes 51 – Yes

Darling Island Residences

48 42 57 – Yes 49 – Yes 44 – Yes 55 – Yes

Sydney Wharf Residences

50 40 57 – Yes 49 – Yes 44 – Yes 55 – Yes

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Scenario D – Bulk Rock Excavation (Stage 1A)

Hickson Road residences

63 53 63 – Yes 58 – Yes 54 – Yes 55 8 No

The Sussex Hotel

60 41 70 – Yes 64 – Yes 54 – Yes 62 – Yes

High Street residences

60 49 57 3 No 49 – Yes 46 3 No 50 10 No

Dawes Point residences

64 43 56 8 No 49 – Yes 45 – Yes 51 – Yes

Balmain East residences

55 41 59 – Yes 50 – Yes 45 – Yes 51 4 No

Darling Island Residences

49 42 57 – Yes 49 – Yes 44 – Yes 55 – Yes

Sydney Wharf Residences

50 39 57 – Yes 49 – Yes 44 – Yes 55 – Yes

Scenario E – Piling and Retention System Walls (Stage 1B)

Hickson Road residences

64 53 63 – Yes 58 – Yes 54 – Yes 55 9 No

The Sussex Hotel

60 44 70 – Yes 64 – Yes 54 – Yes 62 – Yes

High Street residences

52 49 57 – Yes 49 – Yes 46 3 No 50 2 No

Dawes Point residences

49 43 56 – Yes 49 – Yes 45 – Yes 51 – Yes

Balmain East residences

48 42 59 – Yes 50 – Yes 45 – Yes 51 – Yes

Darling Island Residences

52 44 57 – Yes 49 – Yes 44 – Yes 55 – Yes

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Sydney Wharf Residences

54 42 57 – Yes 49 – Yes 44 – Yes 55 – Yes

Scenario F – Bulk Excavation (Stage 1B)

Hickson Road residences

66 51 63 – Yes 58 – Yes 54 – Yes 55 11 No

The Sussex Hotel

55 39 70 – Yes 64 – Yes 54 – Yes 62 – Yes

High Street residences

61 47 57 4 No 49 – Yes 46 1 Marginal 50 11 No

Dawes Point residences

62 42 56 6 No 49 – Yes 45 – Yes 51 – Yes

Balmain East residences

53 40 59 – Yes 50 – Yes 45 – Yes 51 2 No

Darling Island Residences

58 41 57 1 Marginal 49 – Yes 44 – Yes 55 – Yes

Sydney Wharf Residences

52 38 – Yes 49 – Yes 44 – Yes 55 – Yes

Scenario G – Construction (Stage 1A)

Hickson Road residences

63 53 63 – Yes 58 – Yes 54 – Yes 55 8 No

The Sussex Hotel

62 46 70 – Yes 64 – Yes 454 – Yes 62 – Yes

High Street residences

52 50 57 – Yes 49 1 Marginal 46 No 50 2 No

Dawes Point residences

51 45 56 – Yes 49 – Yes 45 – Yes 51 – Yes

Balmain East residences

48 45 59 – Yes 50 – Yes 45 – Yes 51 – Yes

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Darling Island Residences

50 45 57 – Yes 49 – Yes 44 – Yes 55 – Yes

Sydney Wharf Residences

56 43 57 – Yes 49 – Yes 44 – Yes 55 – Yes

Table 3 – Site Specific Construction Noise Management Levels (dBA) – commercial receivers

Location Predicted

Noise Level

Day Evening Night Saturday (extended hours)

Day Night Criteria Exceedance Compliance Criteria Exceedance Compliance Criteria Exceedance Compliance Criteria Exceedance Compliance

Scenario A – Piling and Perimeter Retention System Walls (Stage 1A)

Lime Street (King Street Wharf)

71 60 70 1 Marginal 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 1 Marginal

30 Hickson Road

61 53 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Shelley Street

74 61 70 4 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 4

Temporary Cruise Terminal

56 48 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Scenario B – Removal of Ground slab / Hardstand (Stage 1A)

Lime Street (King Street Wharf)

65 46 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

30 Hickson Road

69 53 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Shelley Street

77 54 70 7 No 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 7 NO

Temporary Cruise Terminal

55 42 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

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Scenario C – Construction (Stage 1A)

Lime Street (King Street Wharf)

57 48 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

30 Hickson Road

61 45 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Shelley Street

65 45 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Temporary Cruise Terminal

54 53 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Scenario D – Bulk Rock Excavation (Stage 1A)

Lime Street (King Street Wharf)

58 51 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

30 Hickson Road

61 46 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Shelley Street

71 47 70 1 Marginal 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Temporary Cruise Terminal

65 57 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Scenario E – Piling and Retention System Walls (Stage 1B)

Lime Street (King Street Wharf)

60 51 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

30 Hickson Road

57 43 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Shelley Street

61 44 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Temporary Cruise Terminal

58 57 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

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Scenario F – Bulk Excavation (Stage 1B)

Lime Street (King Street Wharf)

61 49 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

30 Hickson Road

59 44 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Shelley Street

67 45 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Temporary Cruise Terminal

65 51 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Scenario G – Construction (Stage 1A)

Lime Street (King Street Wharf)

61 56 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

30 Hickson Road

61 45 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Shelley Street

65 46 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

Temporary Cruise Terminal

56 54 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes 70 – Yes

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Table 4 – Site Specific Construction Noise Management Levels (dBA) – pre-school receivers

Location Predicted

Noise Level

Day Playground Day Internal Noise

Day Night Criteria Exceedance Compliance Criteria Exceedance Compliance

Scenario A – Piling and Perimeter Retention System Walls (Stage 1A)

Billabond Child Care Centre

61 53 65 – Yes 55 6 No

KU Lance Pre School

55 49 65 – Yes 55 – –

Scenario B – Removal of Ground slab / Hardstand (Stage 1A)

30 Hickson Road

60 46 65 – Yes 55 5 No

KU Lance Pre School

53 42 65 – Yes 55 – –

Scenario C – Construction (Stage 1A)

30 Hickson Road

57 48 65 – Yes 55 2 No

KU Lance Pre School 52 48 65 – Yes 55 –

Scenario D – Bulk Rock Excavation (Stage 1A)

Billabond Child Care Centre

58 51 65 – Yes 55 3 No

KU Lance Pre School

60 49 65 – Yes 55 – –

Scenario E – Piling and Retention System Walls (Stage 1B)

Billabond Child Care Centre

60 51 65 – Yes 55 5 No

KU Lance 52 49 65 – Yes 55 – –

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Pre School

Scenario F – Bulk Excavation (Stage 1B)

Billabond Child Care Centre

61 49 65 – Yes 55 6 No

KU Lance Pre School

61 47 65 – Yes 55 6 No

Scenario G – Construction (Stage 1A)

Billabond Child Care Centre

61 56 65 – Yes 55 6 No

KU Lance Pre School

52 50 65 – Yes 55 – –

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Having regard to Tables 2 – 4, key observations are as follows:

Residential Receivers

� all construction noise levels are well below the highest construction noise level

of 75 dBA;

� the greatest potential exceedance at residences is likely to occur during

extended hours of construction on Saturdays; and

� Although within acceptable limits, the most potentially affected residences are:

- Hickson Road and other residences overlooking residences immediately to the east of the site particularly on Saturday afternoons;

- High Street and Dawes Street residences during periods when haulage of excavated materials to the Headland Park occurs;

- residences to the west of the site, represented by the Darling Island receivers.

- It is predicted that the noise from stationary plant such as the Bentonite plant will result in an exceedance of night criteria.

Commercial Receivers

� General compliance with the 70 dBA noise objective is expected, with

exceptions being, properties at Shelley Street where exceedances up to 7 dBA

are predicted which is within acceptable limits during standard construction hours.

� At restaurants and cafes at the northern end of Lime Street and the Shelley

Street precinct, construction noise levels up to 65 dBA are predicted.

Pre Schools

� Construction noise levels in play areas are predicted to comply with the 65

dBA noise objective for active recreation area.

� In the case of internal areas an exceedance of internal noise objectives by up to

6 dBA when windows are open is expected.

Temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal

� Maximum noise levels of up to 65 dBA are predicted. At these noise levels

effective communication will be achieved in the terminal at distance of up to 1m between persons in the terminal using a normal voice effort.

It has been determined that noise from construction activities during the day period will potentially exceed established construction noise management goals. The planning and management of construction activities must take into account the sensitivities of surrounding residents so as to minimise the impact of construction activities at these receivers. Subject to the implementation of the following management and mitigation measures noise impacts will be reduced to within acceptable levels through:

� installation of barriers between the construction site and the temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal;

� localized treatments of fixed plant such as the bentonite plant and installation

of barriers on the western (water) side of the site;

� installation of noise barriers on the southern and western boundaries of the


� use of rocksaws and rippers, and smaller rockbreakers with quiet

“cityhammers”, where feasible;

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� provision of respite from noise producing activities during extended hours of

operation, where practicable;

� selection and maintenance of “quiet” equipment and plant with noise control

kits installed where practicable;

� auditing of plant to select equipment that generates the lowest commercially

available noise levels;

� appropriate planning of construction activities to provide respite to residences

from noise activities; and

� effective community consultation and complaints management.

Other issues such as cumulative noise impact and OH&S issues have also been reviewed and assessed and have been determined as being manageable. Furthermore, the impact from traffic along the road network is not considered to be acoustically significant due to the fact the majority of the truck will haul spoil

within the boundaries of the site rather than using the public road network. A revised Noise and Vibration Management Plan has also been prepared to assist Lend Lease in managing the environmental issues associated with this project. Further, the Environmental Construction and Site Management Plan has been updated to adopt the findings and the recommendations of the supplementary Excavation and Construction Noise and Vibration Assessment and to specifically detail the reasonable and feasible management measures and community consultation that will be employed by Lend Lease during construction works. In addition, Lend Lease has further considered alternative excavation construction techniques and these have been adopted as part of the supplementary Construction Noise Impact Assessment. While some limited percussive piling may be required as part of the works, it is envisaged that the majority of basement perimeter retention systems are now proposed to be constructed utilising cast in

ground/displacement concrete piling techniques such as reinforced concrete diaphragm and augured reinforced concrete piled wall systems. The elimination or significant reduction of percussive piling to the basement perimeter retention systems and its replacement with cast in situ concrete piling and wall techniques will significantly reduce the noise impacts arising from basement excavation works. The initial Construction Noise Impact Assessment was undertaken on the basis of extensive excavation of rock using heavy rockbreakers at the surface level across the majority of the proposed basement. Recently completed geotechnical investigative works have now determined that the extent rock at the existing surface is minimal and that the forecast construction noise levels arising from rockbreakers can be significantly reduced. Vibration associated with excavation activities is predicted to comply with

established human comfort criteria and not result in damage to surrounding structures.

3.2 Air Quality and Odour Impacts


The concerns raised by Sydney Ports, DECCW, Leichhardt Council and in public submissions in relation to air quality and odour have been categorised into four key issues: � the appropriateness of the baseline assumptions and criteria adopted to model

and predict air quality and odour impacts;

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� the adequacy and range of the recommended control measures and any proposed contingencies;

� greater clarification regarding the number and location of exceedances predicted for each sensitive receptor; and

� the need to include additional properties into the area captured by the Air

Quality Impact Assessment (AQIA), and any subsequent air quality monitoring program, such as: - KPMG and ground floor tenancies;

- Macquarie Bank;

- King Street Wharf retail precinct;

- temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal; and

- Harbour Control Tower and Moores Wharf site.


An updated AQIA has been prepared by AECOM in accordance with DECCW’s requirements and now provides a detailed modelling scenario whereby proposed controls are demonstrated to effectively control emissions, predicting no additional exceedances of the relevant assessment criteria (Appendix E). Modifications to the methodology and assumptions have been made to make the assessment better reflect site practices and conditions. Details of the original assumptions/parameters and the changes made in the revised assessment are summarised in Table 5 below.

Table 5 – Summary of AQIA amendments

ParamParamParamParametereteretereter Original Original Original Original AssumptionsAssumptionsAssumptionsAssumptions

Revised Revised Revised Revised AssumptionsAssumptionsAssumptionsAssumptions

Reason for ChangeReason for ChangeReason for ChangeReason for Change

Meteorological data 36 nodes of


data entered

into CALME

TAPM-generated data

used only where


observations were not


Advice from DECCW

regarding preferred




Emissions calculated

from both materials

handling and vehicle


Emissions calculated

from materials

handling emission

factors only.

Emission factors used

for materials handling

found to

already include

exhaust emission.

Vehicle emissions Modelled all vehicles

as volume sources.

Stationary vehicles

modelled as stack

sources to allow

exhaust gas

characteristics to be

more accurately


Vehicle emissions are

more accurately

represented as

stack emissions with

thermal buoyancy

from hot exhaust


Odour emissions Emissions of


naphthalene and total

xylenes combined.


flux based on data

from a previous

assessment of a

gas works site.

Additional pollutants

added (cyanide,

toluene, and


Alternative calculation


investigated, but

deemed inappropriate

for this site. Measured

data from gas works

site were used to

compare odour fluxes

determined to be


Request from DECCW


include additional

pollutants and review

applicability of

previous assessment

to this project.

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ParamParamParamParametereteretereter Original Original Original Original AssumptionsAssumptionsAssumptionsAssumptions

Revised Revised Revised Revised AssumptionsAssumptionsAssumptionsAssumptions

Reason for ChangeReason for ChangeReason for ChangeReason for Change



Assumed road and

stockpile water sprays


would be used.

Included wind breaks

and bulldozer

watering in addition to

stockpile and haul

road water sprays.

Lend Lease indicated


breaks in the form of

perimeter hoardings

would be used for the


Modelling results Exceedences predicted

No exceedences

predicted with

modified assumptions.

Methodology and

assumptions deemed

to more

closely represent

actual site

conditions and work


Sensitive receptors Modelled 96 ground-

level receptors


Added Lance

Kindergarten (High St)

and 38 Hickson Road

(ground floor and top

floor café)

Request from Lend

Lease to include.

Source: AECOM Revised Air Quality Assessment, 10 September 2010

In the context of the amendments to the AQIA, AECOM concludes “Dispersion

modelling using CALPUFF and meteorological data generated for the site using

TAPM (based on local meteorological data) was used to estimate ground level

concentrations of particulates (TSP and PM10), NO2, odour and contaminants

(primarily heavy metals, VOCs and PAHs) at sensitive receptor locations. No

exceedances of NO2, odour or contaminants were predicted”. In addition, the AQIA states that “Provided the on-site activities are implemented

in a manner consistent with the assumptions made by this modelling report (in

accordance with proven and industry standard dust and odour management

techniques) exceedances of DECCW criteria are not predicted to occur.”

Notwithstanding the above, Lend Lease’s detailed response to air quality and odour impact issues raised specifically in relation to the Project Application is provided at Appendix A (City of Sydney Council and State authorities and agencies) and Appendix B (public submissions). In response to the specific concerns raised by authorities and in public submissions: � Lend Lease’s revised AQIA has been updated to address the cumulative

impacts on Sydney Ports’ landholding and port operational facilities at Barangaroo South and concludes that no exceedances of accepted criteria are anticipated at the Passenger Terminal subject to the implementation of the industry standard management and mitigative measures.

� Whilst Lend Lease agrees that any air quality monitoring program should be expanded to include the Harbour Control Tower and Moores Wharf, air quality impacts at these receptors are likely to be predominantly derived from the works under MP 10_0047 Headland Park Early Works. Accordingly, air quality monitoring should be undertaken by the Barangaroo Delivery Authority as the proponent of the Headland Park Early Works.

� The AQIA has also been updated to more comprehensively address the cumulative impacts arising from the Headland Park works under MP 10_0047. The AQIA concludes that “On the basis of the cumulative pollutant

concentrations predicted by AECOM, which include emissions from both the

bulk excavation and emplacement activities, particulate emissions from the

bulk excavation works are not considered likely to substantially affect

particulate concentrations at Headland Park“. � The updated AQIA directly responds to DECCW’s technical specification and


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- provided a detailed modelling scenario whereby proposed controls are

demonstrated to effectively control emissions, predicting no additional exceedances of the relevant assessment criteria;

- been updated to specify the number of exceedances that are predicted for each sensitive receptor as required by DECCW;

- rechecked emission calculations, model configuration and model output files as required by DECCW. No errors have been found;

- adopted criteria specified in Table 7.2a of the Approved Methods for the Modelling and the Assessment of Air Pollutants in NSW;

- a Benzo(a)pyrene criteria of 0.0004 mg/m3 has been adopted in accordance with DECCW’s request;

- modified the CALMET meteorological data file to remove the perceived

over-reliance on TAPM data. The CALMET file was re-run using surface

observations only and TAPM upper air files. Only TAPM surface data

parameters not able to be sourced from surface stations have been used in the CALMET data e.g. cloud cover data;

- been updated to provide detail on baseline control measures to be

implemented which correspond to measures assumed by the dispersion modelling;

- been revised to include additional air quality management contingencies;

- modified the emissions inventory to ensure no double counting of PM10 emissions;

- added additional text to the AQIA to further justify the methodology used by AECOM to predict odour impacts; and

- added additional Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) to the list of VOC’s

initially identified for the odour predictions (i.e. “all known substances”) as required by DECCW.

� The Lend Lease Remedial Action Plan proposes a number of odour control,

suppression and management strategies during the excavation of odorous material, where practicable.

� The AQIA commits Lend Lease to the treatment of contaminated material on

site (where required) within negative pressure temporary structures (fitted with appropriate controls).

� The AQIA has demonstrated that it is not necessary in all cases to undertake

excavation of odorous materials within negative pressure temporary structures

(fitted with appropriate controls) and that other odour mitigation techniques

may be more appropriate. Such alternate techniques are discussed in the updated AQIA.

� Financial compensation to adjoining properties for possible future maintenance

and cleaning is beyond the scope of the Project Application, particularly given

the demonstration of acceptable impacts arising from the Project Application, described above.

The Statement of Commitments has been revised to require Lend Lease to manage odour and air quality issues in accordance with the strategies identified in both the RAP and the updated AQIA. Further discussion of the human health impacts is also considered below.

3.3 Health Impacts


Submissions received from Sydney Ports, DECCW, Housing NSW and the public have raised the following health impacts as matters for concern:

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� confirmation required that the proposed bulk excavation works and basement

car park construction activities, and particularly the remediation works, do not pose a health risk to Sydney Ports operational staff;

� the protection of all site personnel, neighbouring communities and cruise

terminal passengers needs to be ensured, particularly where prolonged exposure to noise and dust emissions and contaminant vapours may occur; and

� general health impacts that may arise from air quality and dust impacts.

Proponent’s Response

The exhibited Health Impact Assessment prepared by AECOM has been updated to address the various authority and public submissions (Appendix I). In addition, updated Construction Noise and Air Quality assessments have been prepared as part of the PPR (Appendix D and Appendix E respectively). Refer to Sections 3.1 and 3.2 above for further detail. The updated Human Health Impact Assessment indicates that the main potential for human health impacts is considered to be through the inhalation of dust originating from contaminated soil. Dermal contact and oral ingestion of deposited dust are considered to pose insignificant risk of health impacts. Construction

workers, nearby residents and children staying at the childcare facility at 30 The Bond on Hickson Road may potentially encounter site derived dust or odours. To ensure that potential human health impacts on nearby sensitive receptors are minimised, the pollutant management measures listed in Table 4 of the updated Human Health Impact Assessment will be implemented. With the implementation of effective control measures, it is expected that the risk of exposure to harmful pollutant concentrations would be low and within acceptable limits. The updated Human Health Impact, Air Quality Impact and supplementary Construction Noise Impact Assessments set out appropriate management measures and mitigation controls to be implemented (where required) where prolonged exposure of site personnel, neighbouring communities and the temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal to construction noise, dust emissions and contaminant vapours, is anticipated. Further protection will be achieved through:

� most workers along Hickson Road and south of the site are indoors, reducing exposure duration and intensity through buildings;

� covering of trucks hauling soil within and from the site;

� on-site water-spraying of exposed soil areas for dust control;

� minimising the stockpiling of soil within the site;

� volatile emissions minimisation using, where practicable, vapour tents over relevant areas;

� placement of tarpaulins over stockpiles; and

� utilisation of perimeter hoardings and barriers

In addition, for workers on and adjacent to the site, health risks are considered moderate but manageable through:

� on-site dust control measures;

� contaminated soil work area zoning;

� use of appropriate personal protective equipment (mandated by works undertaken);

� dust migration off-site site being controlled; and

� further dilution of dust occurring prior to reaching receptors.

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The Statement of Commitments has been amended to require Lend Lease to manage potential long term exposure of noise and dust emissions and contaminant vapours in accordance with the updated Human Health Impact, Air Quality Impact and supplementary Construction Noise Impact Assessments provided with the


3.4 Water Quality Monitoring


Key issues raised by DECCW and City of Sydney Council in relation to water quality impacts include: � water management options have not been proposed; � criteria have not been provided to determine water treatment and discharge; � additional information is required in relation to water quality:

- water volume management;

- anticipated volumes of water generated on-site including potential volumes of groundwater and stormwater discharges;

- volumes of wastewater to be treated on-site;

- volumes for recycling/reuse; and

- volumes to be discharged to sewer; and

� the need for Lend Lease to demonstrate that best practice urban stormwater

management including WSUD principles will be implemented.

DECCW has requested that the following additional information be provided in relation to water monitoring:

� criteria for nominating areas/sources of site water as clean or contaminated;

� protocols and decision criteria for whether site water will be directed to

stormwater, a water treatment plant, to sewer or to a liquid waste facility;

� water discharge criteria and monitoring frequencies;

� details of a more intensive monitoring program for sediment basins, stormwater

discharges; reuse water and ambient waters;

� details of specific discharge and monitoring points for onsite waters including

collected groundwater seepage into excavations, sediment basins for clean or

contaminated areas, discharge points to stormwater drains, and ambient monitoring locations in Darling Harbour and Johnstons Bay;

� suitability of Johnstons Bay as a reference for turbidity data or a monitoring plan to determine its suitability;

� consideration of tidal currents, circulation patterns in Darling Harbour and the

position of stormwater discharge points with regard to monitoring location(s) outside the turbidity curtain; and

� potential criteria for wastewater discharges.

In addition, DECCW has requested Lend Lease provide the following additional information in relation to stormwater and sediment controls and operational procedures:

� better description of stormwater and sediment control measures for specific

locations on the site;

� sediment control systems to be implemented on site.

� an operational plan for contaminated water and sediment control systems;

� a fuller description of the water management measures;

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� proposed controls to prevent contaminated water being discharged to Darling

Harbour, including alternatives.

Proponent’s Response

The exhibited Water Quality Monitoring Requirements Report prepared by Worley Parsons has been updated to address DECCW’s and City of Sydney’s issues (Appendix H). The revised report nominates criteria for the future Water

Monitoring Plan. Lend Lease has also committed to the preparation of a detailed “Water and Stormwater Management Plan” which will be produced for the approval of DECCW to address:

� water volume management;

� anticipated volumes of water generated on-site including potential volumes of groundwater and stormwater discharges;

� volumes of wastewater to be treated on site;

� volumes of recycling/reuse; and

� volumes to be discharged to sewer.

The Water and Stormwater Management Plan will also detail;

� criteria for nominating areas and different sources of site water as clean or


� water monitoring protocols and decision criteria for whether site water will be

directed to stormwater, a water treatment plant, to sewer or to a liquid waste facility;

� water discharge criteria and monitoring frequency for parameters listed in the

“Water Quality Monitoring Requirements” document prepared as part of the exhibited EAR;

� details of an initial more intensive monitoring program for sediment basins,

stormwater discharges; reuse water and ambient waters to help determine potential water quality impacts and ongoing monitoring protocols;

� details of specific discharge and monitoring points for onsite waters including

for collected groundwater seepage into excavations, sediment basing for clean

or contaminated areas, discharge points to stormwater drains, and confirmation of ambient monitoring locations in Darling Harbour and Johnstons Bay;

� suitability of chosen reference site(s) based on turbidity data from a proposed

monitoring program;

� consideration of tidal currents, circulation patterns in Darling Harbour and the

position of stormwater discharge points with regard to the positioning of monitoring location(s) outside the turbidity (silt) curtain; and

� criteria development for wastewater discharges that would trigger a review of

water management systems.

In response to the City of Sydney Council’s WSUD related comments, and as stated in the exhibited EAR, Lend Lease is aiming to exceed national best practice in regard to reduction of suspended solids and nutrients. Gross pollutant traps, swales and bio-retention systems will be considered for the design of the treatment process (under future Project Applications). The Statement of Commitments has been revised to reiterate Lend Lease’s WSUD targets. Further, additional Commitments have been drafted to reaffirm Lend Lease’s commitment to implementing the recommendations of the revised Water Quality Monitoring Requirements Report.

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3.5 Access and Construction Traffic Impacts

3.5.1 Issue

The City of Sydney noted that there are potential pedestrian movement issues associated with the landing of the Barangaroo Pedestrian Link as a result of the

reduction in footpath area adjacent to KPMG. The key issues raised in relation to construction traffic impacts include:

� the need to manage conflicts between construction traffic and traffic and

pedestrian movements when a large ship(s) has docked at the temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal at Wharf 5;

� a requirement for further details in relation to the intersection layout,

manoeuvring, queuing and operating arrangements proposed at the intersection of the on-site haulage route and the Wharf 5 access road;

� the cumulative impacts of surrounding construction works and particularly the

proposed Headland Park and Northern Cove development;

� the potential disruption to CBD vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist traffic during

peak periods, and particularly to public transport services and the need for Lend

Lease to provide greater detail of the proposed controls to be implemented during construction works.

3.5.2 Response

Lend Lease recognises the importance of the Barangaroo Pedestrian Link and is

facilitating its integration into the overall scheme for Barangaroo South. However, it should be noted that Transport NSW is responsible for the design and delivery of the Barangaroo Pedestrian Link. Notwithstanding this, Lend Lease has considered two design options that could potentially be further investigated in consultation and coordination with Transport NSW. Figures X and X demonstrate that Barangaroo Pedestrian Link will not be compromised by the project application works.

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Figure 2 – Option 1 – Diagonal Bridge Crossing

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Figure 3 – Option 2- Sussex Street Bridge

In terms of construction traffic impacts, the exhibited Construction Traffic Management Report has been updated to address the various authority and public submissions (Appendix D). Following discussions with Sydney Ports Authority, the

Construction Traffic Management Plan has been updated to specifically address the key impacts on the temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal and Harbour Control Tower. The updated Construction Traffic Management Plan also describes in more detail the proposed temporary traffic management arrangements to be implemented to address traffic impacts during Sydney Ports’ operation of the temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal. Additional vehicular and pedestrian traffic surveys were undertaken during two large ship berthing days to determine the potential movement patterns to, from and around the site during typical berthing days. The surveys indicate that approximately 2,300 to 3,000 vehicles (buses, taxis and coaches) access the temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal over a 10 hour period, with peak traffic activity generally occurring between 9.00 am and 3.00pm. The temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal generates between 1,300 and 2,000

pedestrian movements on larger ship berthing days. Departing passenger movements generally occur during the morning period and arriving passengers occur during the afternoon period.

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To effectively manage the potential conflicts between construction vehicles and vehicle and pedestrian traffic on ship berthing days, Arup has recommended:

� the installation of signage to redirect passengers along Hickson Road to the

new temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal access point;

� maintaining of an existing access via Gate 4 to service the passenger terminal

cargo hall and the Sydney Ports Control Tower (HCT);

� installation of traffic signal controls that manage the conflict between

construction vehicles and Cruise Passenger vehicular and pedestrian traffic on

berthing days. A manual override function will be available to control personnel to manage any unusual peaks in activity.

In addition to the above, Lend Lease has committed to further consultation with Sydney Ports in relation to the preparation of an “Operational Protocol” regarding the traffic management arrangements where the haul route between the Stage 1 excavation site and the site of the Headland Park interfaces with the pedestrian and vehicular traffic servicing the temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal at Gates 4 and 5 (The Crossings). The “Operational Protocol” will be prepared prior to operation of The Crossings and will establish an agreed framework for their management on ship days during:

� unforseen events that lead to significant congestion of traffic either within

exiting or entering the terminal;

� a major breach of security within the passenger terminal requiring the closure

of the terminal;

� a major Health and Safety incident; and

� a major environmental incident.

Since exhibition of the Project Application, Arup has undertaken further analysis of

the proposed access and manoeuvring arrangements associated with the on-site

haulage route and the Wharf 5 access road to determine traffic flows and any

potential impacts on Sydney Ports operations, particularly during berthing days (Figures 4 and 5).

Figure 4 – Gate 5 access road construction traffic arrangements

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Figure 5 – Gate 4 access road construction traffic arrangements

The analysis indicates that subject to the following measures and controls being

implemented, the proposed construction traffic management works will have minimal impact on Sydney Ports facilities and operations providing:

� relocation of the security fence line arrangements are implemented (to Sydney Ports’ satisfaction);

� provision of alternate temporary accommodation arrangements and facilities for

Sydney Ports staff upon the demolition of the Gate 5 gatehouse structure are provided;

� reconfiguration of the internal vehicle crossing at Gate 4 (refer Figure X) as a

priority control intersection with stop signs on the haul route and priority given to vehicles servicing ships;

� a double left turn lane within Hickson Road has been proposed for times when

taxis are queuing to enter the site;

� a right turn bay to accommodate up to 4 vehicles is proposed to allow

southbound through traffic to continue.

A number of the above arrangements will be required to be implemented within the City of Sydney Council’s Hickson Road road reserve. Lend Lease will obtain the required approval(s) under the Roads Act, 1993 from the City of Sydney prior to commencing the proposed road works. It should be noted that any required approval under Section 138 of the Roads Act, 1993 cannot be refused if it is necessary for carrying out the project and is required to be substantially consistent with the Project Application approval (refer Section 75V(1) of the EP& A Act). Arup has verified that the only other major construction project within the vicinity of Barangaroo South is the Headland Park and Basement construction works. Accordingly, the cumulative impacts of both Lend Lease’s Bulk Excavation and Basement Car Parking works and the Barangaroo Delivery Authority’s Headland Park Early Works have been assessed. At peak, there will be 104 peak hour car/utility/van driver trips, however the majority of these will occur outside the peak AM and PM periods. Modelling and intersection analysis indicates that traffic

flow and intersection operation will experience minimal disturbance, compared to existing conditions. A number of post construction and operational traffic matters have been raised by Transport NSW, Transport and Infrastructure, City of Sydney and in public

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submissions. Lend Lease’s detailed response to issues raised specifically in relation to the Project Application traffic matters is provided at Appendix A (City of Sydney Council and State authorities and agencies) and Appendix B (public submissions). The Statement of Commitments have been revised to reiterate Lend Lease’s commitment to undertaking the development in accordance with the

recommendations of the updated Construction Traffic Management Plan.

3.6 Waste Management


The DECCW considered the exhibited Waste Management Plan (Appendix R of the exhibited EAR) lacked sufficient detail. DECCW consequently recommended a condition of approval be imposed by the Minister for Planning on any Project Approval requiring Lend Lease to prepare a revised Waste Management Plan that addresses:

� the management of stockpiles, contamination and sediment;

� the in-situ classification of waste material, including the proposed sampling

locations and methodology that will be used to classify waste, and in particular contamination hotspots;

� the concrete crushing and screening plant proposed to be installed on site

during construction, and in particular:

- the location and dimensions of the concrete crushing plant;

- estimated quantities of concrete to be crushed per day;

- measures that will be employed to prevent or minimise dust emissions associated from concrete crushing; and

- measures that will be employed to prevent or minimise noise impacts arising from concrete crushing activities;

� the means and frequency of transporting waste within, and from, the site;

� the proposed de-watering process, including details of any on-site water

treatment plant; and

� any contingencies that will be implemented to manage and mitigate excavation

activities and contaminated soil treatment operations, particularly in relation to the expected volumes of materials excavated at the site.

In addition, DECCW requested Lend Lease comply with DECCW”s Classification Guidelines and commit to retaining all collected sampling and classification data for the life of the project.

Proponent’s Response

A revised Waste Management Plan has been prepared by Lend Lease’s consultant Arup to rectify and update minor anomalies in the exhibited waste management plan (Appendix J). The Statement of Commitments has been revised to require Lend Lease to preparea detailed waste management plan addressing all of the matters identified by DECCW in its submission, including compliance with DECCW’s Classification Guidelines (Section 4).

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3.7 Relationship to Metro


Transport NSW expressed concern that the scope of bulk excavation activities and construction of the basement car park did not adequately address structural and engineering issues associated with the approved CBD Metro infrastructure (MP 09_0036).

Proponent’s Response

Coffey Geotechnics has prepared a short report that considers the implications of the Bulk Excavation and Basement Car Park Project Application on the approved CBD Metro (Appendix K). The report also addresses Transport NSW’s Sydney

Metro Network Line 1 Guidelines which aim to protect the structural integrity of CBD Metro related infrastructure by providing guidance for future development

along the approved corridor. The retention system required to support Lend Lease’s basement car park coincides with, and crosses over, the CBD Metro corridor’s “protection zone” – an area that must not be encroached upon by development unless it can be demonstrated that any proposed encroachment would not have unacceptable structural impacts to the CDB Metro corridor. In addition, the retention system is located immediately west of Hickson Road and is expected to coincide with the CBD Metro station box. The Margaret Street West entry and exit ramp also passes over the Metro corridor. The areas of overlap are illustrated in Figures 6 and 7.

Figure 6 – Extent of overlap between basement and Metro Corridor (ground plan)

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Figure 7 – Extent of overlap between basement and Metro Corridor (longitudinal section)

Coffey Geotechnics has concluded that bulk excavation and construction of

retention systems for the basement car park will not compromise the structural integrity of the Metro corridor and station box subject to appropriate structural options, such as temporary ground anchors and tie backs, being implemented during construction. In addition, Coffey Geotechnics has advised:

� vertical structural elements can be designed above and/or within the protection

zone without encroaching on the actual tunnels, and accordingly significant stress distribution within the protection zone or adjoining areas is not expected;

� groundwater levels are not predicted to change as a result of the Project Application works;

� no additional loads on the CBD Metro corridor are expected;

� no deformation of the CBD Metro corridor support structures are expected; and

� the construction methodology proposed for the vertical elements is not

anticipated to affect the CBD Metro corridor.

The Margaret Street West entry and exit ramp is proposed to be supported by piled foundations or other suitable footings on either side of the Metro corridor. Coffey Geotechnics has determined that vertical structural elements associated with the ramp will pose a low structural risk to the Metro corridor. Transport NSW has reviewed Lend Lease’s revised report and indicated general satisfaction with Lend Lease’s responses to the concerns raised during exhibition of the Bulk Earthworks and Basement Car Park Project Application. Notwithstanding, we note that recent Part 3A approvals within or adjacent to the CBD Metro Corridor have been conditioned to require proponents to enter into appropriate arrangements with Transport NSW to ensure that potential impacts of any approved development on the Metro Line 1 corridor are satisfactorily

addressed. Lend Lease would accept a similar condition of approval and accordingly a new Statement of Commitment has been drafted to reiterate Lend Lease’s commitment to working with Transport NSW to resolve any Barangaroo South related matter.

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The Statement of Commitments has also been revised to reiterate Lend Lease’s commitment to undertaking the Project Application in accordance with the recommendations of Coffey Geotechnics’ report.

3.8 Tree Pruning


The City of Sydney has raised concern that the proposed level of pruning will have a significant impact on the health, condition and form of the retained trees within the City’s Hickson Road road reserve. Notwithstanding the above, Council has recommended that the Tree Management Plan committed to by Lend Lease should be submitted to Council for approval to ensure all trees recommended for retention are protected in accordance with AS 4970 Protection of Trees on Development Sites.

Proponent’s Response

As outlined in Section 6.15 of the exhibited EAR, the Tree Health and Assessment Report (Appendix L of the exhibited EAR) has confirmed that there are no ecological impacts associated with the proposed removal and pruning of the identified trees and other vegetation on the site, and particularly those where limbs

and roots cross the site boundary and encroach into the Barangaroo site. Whilst the City of Sydney Council’s Tree Preservation Order (TPO) applies to all trees in the City of Sydney LGA and provides that:

� a person must not cut down, remove, wilfully destroy, transplant, lop, prune,

ring bark, injure or poison any tree above or below ground, without the written consent of Council; and

� a person must not wilfully or deliberately fail to plant, protect or care for a tree,

which is required to be planted, protected or cared for as a condition of

consent under the TPO, or fail to carry out any other activities required as a condition of consent under the TPO,

the level of pruning required to facilitate the proposed construction works is wholly within the Barangaroo site for which the Minister for Planning is the approval authority, under the provisions of Schedule 3 of the Major Development SEPP. Accordingly the TPO does not apply to works within the bounds of the

Barangaroo site. Although the TPO does not apply to the Barangaroo site, the environmental impacts of the proposed pruning can be supported as the trees within the Hickson Road and Sussex Street road reserves that overhang the site boundaries are:

� known for their ability to survive in hostile growing conditions, severe pruning

and in difficult environments;

� not representative of remnant vegetation found at Millers Point;

� not rare or an endangered species; and

� able to be readily purchased in advanced size from 75 litre bag size.

The exhibited EAR commits Lend Lease to the preparation of a Tree Management Plan to outline the proposed range of tree protection measures that will be implemented during works to minimise any impacts on the trees proposed to be retained. Lend Lease has committed to the preparation of the Tree Management Plan to DoP’s satisfaction (as the agency acting on behalf of the Minister for Planning) and generally in accordance with City of Sydney’s Tree Management Policy. Lend Lease’s proposes to submit the Tree Management Plan to DoP prior to the commencement of any tree related works. The scope of tree pruning therefore does not raise any adverse unmanageable impacts.

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4.0 Preferred Project In accordance with its commitment to address the concerns of the Department of Planning, authorities and the public, Lend Lease has modified its proposal. Lend Lease has also taken the opportunity to make some minor amendments to the exhibited scheme as a result of the ongoing design process. The architectural drawings of the revised development have been prepared by Lend Lease Design are located at Appendix C.

4.1 Description of Development Proposal This Project Application seeks approval for:

� demolition of any existing structures and footings, part of an underground

caisson wall, hardstand areas, removal of piles, and removal of existing

vegetation within Blocks 1, 2 and 3 and within the adjacent public domain

area, which have not been previously approved to be demolished or removed under MP 07-0077 Demolition Works;

� site establishment, including provision of concrete crushing infrastructure,

environmental protection structures, de-watering infrastructure, and groundwater treatment;

� bulk earthworks for the purposes of excavating for the basement within Blocks

1,2 and 3 and the adjacent public domain area;

� on-site treatment and remediation of contaminated soils;

� transportation of excavated material to temporary locations to the site of the

Headland Park for future placement and land forming by the Barangaroo Delivery Authority under its Headland Park Early Works Project Application;

� temporary stockpiling of excavated material across the Barangaroo site as


� transportation and disposal of material off site, where required;

� structural works, comprising the construction of:

- foundations (piling, caps and footings);

- basement levels;

- perimeter retention system to basement walls; and

- all associated elements and structures;

� up to 880 car parking spaces which equates to the car parking required to

support GFA as envisaged by the approved Concept Plan for Blocks 2 and 3,

and part of Block 4 (noting that it has been displaced by the enlarged Southern

Cove) in accordance with the car parking rates approved under the Concept Plan;

� indicative parking layout, loading, plant location, bicycle parking and associated


� road works, including the extension of Margaret Street (known as Margaret Street West in the approved Concept Plan) and Lime Street;

� construction of temporary vehicular access from Hickson Road and permanent

vehicular access from Margaret Street West;

� associated utilities and infrastructure works including decommissioning and/or

relocation of services as outlined in the Infrastructure Concept Plan at Appendix S; and

� temporary use of the basement for construction related storage and activity.

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This Project Application does not seek consent for the following development, which will be the subject of separate future Project Applications as relevant:

� building works, including the core/foundations for future commercial and

residential buildings and the public domain above the basement level;

� the final total number and allocation of car parking spaces relevant to the

amount and land use mix of GFA ultimately approved within the overall Stage 1 development;

� detailed layout and operation of the car parking associated with each building;

� any retail uses in the basement;

� any precinct infrastructure services other than those identified in this Project


� permanent access to the basement from Hickson Road, which is proposed to

be provided once remediation of the DECCW Declaration Area has occurred;

� construction of any future basement areas outside the Project Application Site;


� detailed landscaping and public domain works, which will be the subject of

future Project Applications for Blocks 1-4 and the public domain/foreshore precinct.

4.2 Changes Proposed by Preferred Project As outlined above, the Bulk Excavation and Basement Car Park Project Application has been revised in response to the matters raised in submissions and as part of

the ongoing design process. Revised Architectural and Landscaping Plans are included at Appendix C. A summary of the key changes are:

� inclusion of the southern retention wall down to rock, which had been

inadvertently shown on the exhibited plans as a conventional wall;

� basement level CP6 has been deleted to reduce the depth of excavation required by 3 metres from RL-27.000 to RL-24.000;

� the car spaces have been re-allocated across all levels of the basement parking

areas to ensure a maximum of 880 cars are shown;

� some plant areas have been displaced as a result of the car parking

reconfiguration and accordingly have been deferred to a future Project

Application (for built form), noting that the allocation of plant areas has always been proposed to be confirmed with future applications for buildings;

� spatial allocation for the Metro station/services box has been included in the

plans (refer to south eastern corner of site), resulting in a marginal reduction in the size of the basement;

� deep soil zones and tree pits have been clearly shown on drawings A014 and

A015 – coloured in green with a note (previously no colour or notes shown); and

� revision to the exhibited hours of construction.

In addition the updated reports appended to this PPR and the revised Statements of Commitments further detail the scope of amendments and ongoing commitments proposed by Lend Lease in the carrying out of this Project Application.

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5.0 Final Statement of Commitments In accordance with Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act

1979, the following are the commitments made by Lend Lease to manage and minimise potential impacts arising from the proposal. These commitments replace the draft commitments included with the EAR. Words proposed to be deleted are shown in bold strike through and words to be inserted are shown in bold italics.

5.1 Administrative Matters Lend Lease commits to obtaining any required approval from RailCorp for works

impacting upon the 33kV gas cable running along Hickson Road prior to the

commencement of the relevant works.

Lend Lease commits to assisting the Barangaroo Delivery Authority in obtaining

any required approval for the potential transportation of contaminated materials

from DECCW under the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste)

Regulation 2005.

5.2 Traffic Management and Accessibility Impacts

Construction works will be undertaken generally in accordance with the revised

Construction Traffic Management Plan (Revision E) prepared by Arup dated

September 2010. LL Lend Lease makes the following commitments regarding construction traffic control:

� the site traffic control recommendations for each worksite gate entry or exit

point (including all appropriate signage) should be determined by means of a “Traffic Control Plan” to be prepared by an RTA accredited contractor;

� each site entry and/or exit gate number and the name or other description of its

proposed activity should be clearly signposted for the benefit of all approaching site traffic, in particular emergency services vehicles;

� the vehicular traffic movements at each of the site entry or exit gates for traffic

to and from Hickson Road will potentially need to be controlled by a flagman to

ensure no potential traffic safety conflicts occur between the site truck traffic and pedestrians on the adjacent footpath;

� the installation of signage to redirect passengers along Hickson Road to the

temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal access point;

� maintaining of the access to Gate 4 to service the cargo hall associated with

the temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal and the Sydney Ports Control Tower;

� installation of traffic signal controls at Gate 5 that manage the conflict between

construction vehicles and Cruise Passenger vehicular and pedestrian traffic on

berthing days. A manual override function will be available to control personnel

to manage any unusual peaks in activity;

� relocation of the security fence line arrangements to Sydney Ports’ satisfaction;

� provision of alternate temporary accommodation arrangements and facilities for

Sydney Ports staff upon the demolition of the Gate 5 gatehouse structure;

� reconfiguration of the internal vehicle crossing at Gate 4 within the site as

illustrated in the Revised Construction Traffic Management Plan (Arup,

September 2010) or as subsequently amended, as a priority control

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intersection with stop signs on the haul route and priority given to vehicles

servicing ships;

� a double left turn lane within Hickson Road has been proposed for times when

taxis are queuing to enter the site; and

� a right turn bay to accommodate up to 4 vehicles is proposed to allow

southbound through traffic to continue unimpeded along Hickson Road.

It should be noted that the exhibited Transport Management and Access Plan

(Supplementary) prepared by Arup and dated June 2010 included as Appendix E

in the Bulk Excavation and Basement Car Parking PA1 Environmental Assessment

Report Barangaroo Stage 1 (JBA Urban Planning Consultants Pty Ltd, June 2010)

may be amended from time to time.

Lend Lease will obtain the required approval(s) under the Roads Act, 1993 from

the City of Sydney and/or RTA prior to commencing the proposed road works.

Lend Lease commits to further consultation with Sydney Ports and the

development of an “Operational Protocol” regarding the traffic management

arrangements where the haul route between the Stage 1 excavation site and the

site of the Headland Park interfaces with the pedestrian and vehicular traffic

servicing the temporary Cruise Passenger Terminal at Gates 4 and 5 (The


The “Operational Protocol” will be prepared prior to operation of The Crossings

and will establish an agreed framework for their management on ship days during:

� unforseen events that lead to significant congestion of traffic either within

exiting or entering the terminal;

� a major breach of security within the passenger terminal requiring the closure

of the terminal;

� a major health and safety incident; and

� a major environmental incident.

5.3 Remedial Action Plan The remediation works will be undertaken to make the site suitable for the proposed uses as envisaged under the approved Concept Plan. Remediation works will be undertaken in conformance with the Overarching RAP (ERM) and the site specific RAP (AECOM). A HHERA will be prepared and set Site Specific Target Criteria (SSTC) to detail specific remediation works. An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) will be prepared prior to commencement of works. The EMP will detail:

� surface water and ground water management;

� air quality management; and

� noise and vibration management.

A ground water monitoring plan will be prepared post remediation and provided to

DECCW and the Auditor prior to the issue of the relevant occupation certificate.

Lend Lease will obtain a Section B Site Audit Statement for the proposed

remediation works and will provide a copy to DECCW prior to obtaining the

relevant construction certificate.

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5.4 Soil and Water Lend Lease commits to implementing the recommendations of the revised Water

Quality Monitoring Requirements Report prepared by Worley Parsons dated

September 2010.

LL Lend Lease makes the following commitments regarding soil and water management:

� to manage any potential water quality impacts, water quality monitoring will

undertaken as described in the Water Quality Monitoring Requirements report at Appendix X;

� the following water quality control measures will be implemented:

� appropriate excavation methods, installation of turbidity (silt) curtains, erosion

and sediment control measures, dewatering and water treatment, routine visual

inspections, stormwater management, water quality monitoring, and monitoring of weather and tides;

� water quality monitoring activities required for the bulk excavation and car park

basement activities would be incorporated into a Water Quality Monitoring Plan developed for the overall project;

� additional water quality monitoring will be undertaken during construction

operations in response to potential water quality exceedance events when required;

� water quality criteria that will be applied for this project will be generally based

on recommendations provided in the ANZECC Guidelines; and

� manage potential acid sulphate soils, the implementation of the Acid Sulphate

Soils Management Plan prepared by AECOM (June 2010) included as Appendix

I in the Bulk Excavation and Basement Car Parking PA1 Environmental

Assessment Report Barangaroo Stage 1 (JBA Urban Planning Consultants Pty

Ltd, June 2010).

Prior to the issue of the relevant construction certificate, Lend Lease commits to

the preparation of a detailed Water and Stormwater Management Plan that

addresses the specific water quality and water monitoring matters identified in

DECCW’s submission, as follows:

The Water and Stormwater Management Plan will include the following


� water volume management;

� anticipated volumes of water generated on-site including potential volumes of

groundwater and stormwater discharges;

� volumes of wastewater to be treated on site;

� volumes of recycling/reuse; and

� volumes to be discharged to sewer.

The Water and Stormwater Management Plan will also detail:

� criteria for nominating areas and different sources of site water as clean or


� water monitoring protocols and decision criteria for whether site water will be

directed to stormwater, a water treatment plant, to sewer or to a liquid waste


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� water discharge criteria and monitoring frequency for parameters listed in the

“Water Quality Monitoring Requirements” document prepared as part of the


� details of an initial more intensive monitoring program for sediment basins,

stormwater discharges; reuse water and ambient waters to help determine

potential water quality impacts and ongoing monitoring protocols;

� details of specific discharge and monitoring points for on site waters including

for collected groundwater seepage into excavations, sediment basing for clean

or contaminated areas, discharge points to stormwater drains, and confirmation

of ambient monitoring locations in Darling Harbour and Johnstons Bay;

� suitability of chosen reference site(s) based on turbidity data from a proposed

monitoring program;

� consideration of tidal currents, circulation patterns in Darling Harbour and the

position ofstormwater discharge points with regard to the positioning of

monitoring location(s) outside the turbidity (silt) curtain. Note that the location

may not be a fixed point so that it can account for potential plume movement

under different conditions. Alternatively, more than one location may be

needed; and

� Criteria development for wastewater discharges that would trigger a review of

water management systems. These criteria will trigger operational responses

that help in ensuring licence conditions are not exceeded.

The Water and Stormwater Management Plan will also detail:

� Stormwater and Sediment Controls

- A detailed description of measures for stormwater and sediment control for

specific locations on the site.

- Silt curtain arrangements for the protection of Darling Harbour as a

secondary protection control.

� Operational Procedures

- An operational plan detailing how contaminated water and sediment control

systems will be implemented, operated and maintained.

- A description of the operation and maintenance of environmental protection

structures and the like such as (not limited to) silt curtains, bunding and

filtration systems, dewatering plant and methodology etc.

- Details of the prevention of contaminated water being discharged to Darling


� Wastewater and Effluent Reuse on site

- Criteria for wastewater or effluent reuse for either contaminated or clean

sources of water.

- Management practices for reuse of treated wastewater from contaminated


Lend Lease is committed to designing stormwater infrastructure at Barangaroo

South facilitating either reuse of stormwater via building based rainwater tanks or

alternatively treated to National Best Practice with an integrated approach to

Water Sensitive Urban Design.

Lend Lease commits to entering into the necessary arrangements and obtaining

the necessary approvals for water supply, sewer and stormwater connections

from the relevant authorities, as required. A Water Servicing Coordinator will be

engaged as suggested by Sydney Water in its submission as relevant to the

proposed works.

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5.5 Metro Corridor Impacts

Lend Lease commits to undertaking the bulk earthworks and basement car park

project application generally in accordance with the recommendations of:

� Metro Interaction Report prepared by Arup dated June 2010; and

� Comment on Impacts of Retention System and Excavation on Future Sydney

Metro Construction in relation to the Bulk Excavation and Basement Car

Parking Project Application (MP 10_0023) prepared by Coffey Geotechnics and

dated 3 September 2010.

In addition, Lend Lease commits to:

� continuing to work with Transport NSW during the ongoing detailed design of

the bulk excavation and basement car park construction works to resolve any

impacts on the Metro Line 1 corridor directly attributed to the development of

Barangaroo South;

� during the design and construction of the bulk excavation and basement car

park construction works, considering the future operations of metro railway

tunnels in the vicinity of Barangaroo South, especially in relation to noise,

vibration, stray currents and electromagnetic fields;

� prior to the issue of any occupancy certificate, providing Transport NSW with

drawings, reports and other information related to the design, construction and

maintenance of the bulk excavation and basement car park construction works

to allow Transport NSW to fully understand the interaction between the

approved development and the Sydney Metro Line 1; and

� entering into appropriate arrangements with Transport NSW to ensure that the

potential impacts of any approved development on the Metro Line 1 corridor

are satisfactorily addressed.

5.6 Waste Management Construction works will be generally undertaken in accordance with the Waste

Management Plan (WMP) prepared by ARUP.

Construction works will be generally undertaken in accordance with the revised

Waste Management Plan prepared by Arup dated September 2010.

In addition, Lend Lease commits to the preparation of a detailed Waste

Management Plan prior to commencement of construction works that addresses:

� the management of stockpiles, contamination and sediment;

� the in-situ classification of waste material (where practicable), including the

proposed sampling locations and methodology that will be used to classify

waste, and in particular contamination hotspots;

� the concrete crushing and screening plant where proposed to be installed on

site during construction, and in particular:

- the location and dimensions of the concrete crushing plant;

- estimated quantities of concrete to be crushed per day;

- measures that will be employed to prevent or minimise dust emissions

associated from concrete crushing; and

- measures that will be employed to prevent or minimise noise impacts arising

from concrete crushing activities;

� the means and frequency of transporting waste within, and from, the site;

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� the proposed de-watering process, including details of any on-site water

treatment plant; and

� any contingencies that will be implemented to manage and mitigate excavation

activities and contaminated soil treatment operations, particularly in relation to

the expected volumes of materials excavated at the site.

In undertaking the bulk excavation and basement car parking works, Lend Lease


� apply the EPA’s Classification Guidelines; and

� retain all collected sampling and classification data for the life of the project.

5.7 Air Quality and Odour Lend Lease commits to undertaking the bulk excavation and basement car park

construction works generally in accordance with the findings, recommendations

and mitigative strategies of the revised Air Quality Impact Assessment prepared by

AECOM (10 September 2010).

A monitoring program will be implemented that includes monitoring of PM10 levels, which will allow reactive management of elevated dust concentrations, and monitoring of TSP concentrations using high volume air samplers, which will additionally allow the analysis of heavy metals concentrations to validate the modelling results.

5.8 Noise & Vibration All construction activities will be managed in accordance with the Noise and

Vibration Management Plan prepared by Acoustic Logic.

Lend Lease commits to undertaking the bulk excavation and basement car park

construction works generally in accordance with the findings, recommendations

and mitigative strategies of the Supplementary Excavation and Construction Noise

and Vibration Assessment prepared by Wilkinson Murray (September 2010).

The supplementary Construction Noise Impact Assessment states: “Housing

NSW’s assets are at a distance from the construction site that predicted vibration

levels associated with rockbreakers will be well below both structural damage and

Human Comfort vibration criteria.” Notwithstanding this, prior to commencement

of works, Lend Lease will undertake a dilapidation survey of a selected number of

dwellings within the Millers Point area that Lend Lease believes are representative

of the overall building stock and offer an appropriate benchmark of the condition

of all properties.

5.9 Climate Change and Sea Level Rise To mitigate these residual and co-incidental risks of climate change and sea level rise, LL Lend Lease commits to:

� generally selecting materials to prevent accelerated degradation of

infrastructure and buildings;

� consideration given to locating key infrastructure at elevated locations typically

closer to Hickson Road (such as substations);

� providing for safe exit routes above storm flood height levels; and

� noting the recommendations set out in ARUP’s Climate Change and Sea Level

Rise Report (Appendix CC) regarding the potential adaptive management of the

seawall / public domain elements. Future Project Applications will be designed

to ensure the future seawall’s height or public domain elements may be

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incrementally increased should future research, change in Government policy or

actual events suggest that sea level rise will be greater than current projections.

5.10 Heritage

5.10.1 Non-Indigenous Archaeology LL Lend Lease makes the following commitments in relation to non-indigenous archaeology:

� Undertake a program of archaeological investigation with an excavation

director appointed to manage the program.

� Testing of areas of impact within the study area should be carried out to

determine the nature and depth of archaeological remains and to assist the development of an archaeological management strategy.

� Based on the archaeological integrity of the remains, a program of

archaeological salvage and recording will be required. Salvage would include sampling sections of the site, such as:

- Recording a number of sections of the later 19th century wharfage, notably the Grafton wharf.

- The maritime infrastructure, stores and reclamation in Portion 20, Block 2.

- If possible the remains of Henry Bass’ early shipyard and associated

reclamation and expansion of the site, but dependent on contamination issues.

- The nature of the area’s reclamation fills should be investigated – these will be present throughout the study area.

- Evidence for the early topography and natural landform and how this was modified through time.

� Develop a strategy for recording as much of the gasworks as possible within

the constraints of the contamination to human health and safety.

� The archaeological sampling and recording need to be undertaken according to

Heritage Branch guidelines and best practice archaeological methodologies.

This will then feed into the future interpretation and produce a detailed record of the site.

� The proponent or the Barangaroo Delivery Authority will need to provide a repository for the artefacts recovered from the site.

5.10.2 Indigenous Archaeology � A program of Aboriginal archaeological sub-surface testing will be undertaken

prior to the redevelopment of Barangaroo Stage 1.

� The program of sub-surface testing will be undertaken in partnership with the

Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council.

� If any Aboriginal “objects” (as defined under the National Parks and Wildlife

Act 1974) are located during the course of the testing program, the

Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council should apply for a Care Agreement with the DECCW to enable them to keep the objects.

� If, during the course of the redevelopment, any previously undetected

Aboriginal “objects”, artefacts or sites are uncovered, work must cease in the

vicinity of that object, artefact or site and further advice sought from the archaeologist who undertook the program of sub-surface testing.

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� Interpretation of the Aboriginal history of the site will be included in the

redevelopment proposals.

5.10.3 Interpretation Strategy An Outline Interpretation Plan has been prepared by Tanner Architects and is located at Appendix FF. The Plan, which was prepared for the entire Barangaroo Stage 1 area:

� identifies the themes and messages considered significant to the Stage 1 area;

� develops a conceptual approach to interpretation of the Stage 1 area, using a

variety of means;

� proposes locations for specific interpretation to enhance the understanding of the heritage significance of the Stage 1 area; and

� recommends methods and media appropriate to the interpretation of the Stage

1 area.

Where appropriate interpretation options recommended in the Strategy will be implemented through the basement areas. During the excavation works any archaeological relics or other cultural artefacts identified will, where appropriate, be incorporated into future public displays.

The exhibited Interpretation Strategy prepared by Tanner Architects and dated

June 2010 included as Appendix FF in the Bulk Excavation and Basement Car

Parking PA1 Environmental Assessment Report Barangaroo Stage 1 (JBA Urban

Planning Consultants Pty Ltd, June 2010) may be amended from time to time.

5.11 Tree Removal Public Domain and


� A Tree Management Plan will be prepared to the Department of Planning’s

satisfaction with the relevant tree protection measures to minimise any

potential impacts on the trees proposed to be retained. The Tree Management

Plan will be prepared prior to commencement of any works that impact upon


The City of Sydney Council’s standards for the design and construction of

public domain elements over basement slabs will be considered where

appropriate during the ongoing design documentation process, particularly in

relation to:

- minimum soil depths between top of slab and finished levels of public

domain and soft landscaping;

- the ongoing management and maintenance of any waterproof membranes

to the basement slabs; and

- the need for drainage easements and covenants to cover public domain

stormwater infrastructure and other service infrastructure.

� The ongoing design documentation process will consider where relevant the

following City of Sydney Council policies as relevant to the scope of the

Project Application:

- Sydney Streets Design Code;

- Public Domain Manual;

- Exterior Lighting Strategy;

- Sydney Lights Design Code; and

- Development Specification for Civil Works – Design and Construction.

� Lend Lease commits to providing high quality hoardings around the site,

including along the foreshore walk

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Hoardings will be treated with graphics and other designs consistent with an

overall coordinated high quality Barangaroo communications strategy to be

endorsed by the Barangaroo Delivery Authority.

5.12 Fire Engineering The fire safety of the basement will be developed to meet the Performance Requirements of the Building Codes Australia. This will be achieved either through meeting the Deemed to Satisfy Provisions noted in the BCA; or, where the design of the building falls outside of the prescriptive nature of the codes, through performance based fire engineering design. A Fire Safety Strategy will be prepared in consultation with the NSW Fire Brigade,

building certifiers, building insurers and relevant stakeholders to address:

� Safe egress provisions for all basement occupants. Fire engineered solutions

may be required to allow extended travel distances in order to address the

functional requirements of the site and constraints of the above ground urban landscape;

� The individual fire risks associated with loading docks, substations, data

centres, storage areas and fuel stores, whilst maintaining the functional requirements of the spaces; and

� Require wherever possible the central and coordinated placement of fire safety

measures having regard to the future above ground buildings’ fire systems. This will include:

- water storage for fire safety systems;

- sprinkler pumps; and

- hydrant pumps.

Stakeholder consultation will be undertaken early in the design process to provide

Lend Lease with the opportunity to appropriately resolve all fire safety engineering matters and proposed evacuation strategy(ies).

5.13 BCA The proposed development will comply with the BCA and where there are areas that do not comply with the deemed to satisfy provisions, an alternate solution prepared by a suitable qualified person will be prepared to ensure compliance with

the Performance Requirements of the BCA. Where items for which an alternate solution is prepared relate to Category 2 items under the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2000, approval will be required by the NSW Fire Brigade as part of the Construction Certificate process.

5.14 Access � The proposed design will utilize the Federal Disability Discrimination Act (DDA),

AS 1428 series, AS2890.6, BCA part D3 to develop appropriate design

documentation, to provide adequate access provisions for people with disabilities.

� Bovis Lend Lease and Morris Goding Accessibility Consulting will examine key

physical elements, to identify physical barriers, and incorporate solutions as a suitable response to disability statutory regulations.

� The design will be developed to ensure the principles of the DDA are upheld.

Under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), it is unlawful to discriminate

against people with disabilities in the provision of appropriate access, where

the approach or access to and within a premises, makes it impossible or

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unreasonably difficult for people with disabilities to make use of a particular service.

� The car parking design will comply with the requirements of AS2890.6 and

include requirements for accessible paths of travel and seamless integration within the basement car parking under the draft DDA Premises Standards.

� The developed design of the basement car parking will provide a consistent

accessible environment through detailed design and planning of integrated

accessible network of paths of travel to the precinct and associated ferries and

public transport. This will include the provision of appropriate continuous

accessible paths of travel, circulation areas, signage, lighting, handrails, stairs,

ramps, lifts, accessible car parking layout and positioning, accessible pedestrian and transport linkages.

� The statutory & regulatory guidelines to be encompassed in the developed

design to ensure effective appropriate and safe use by all people including those with disability will be in accordance with:

- Federal Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)

- Draft DDA Premises Standards

- Building Code of Australia (BCA) Part D3

- AS 1428.1 - 2009 (General Requirements for Access)

- AS 1428.4.1 - (Tactile Ground Surface Indicators)

- AS 1735.12 - (Lift facilities for persons with disabilities)

- AS 2890.6 - (Car Parking)

5.15 Future Project Applications

� Lend Lease commits to the following matters in future project applications (as

relevant) application of the NSW Industrial Noise Policy (INP) in the formulation

of noise objectives for static plant and equipment associated with the future

development of the site.