preaching and living the gospel of love€¦ · bd 4096 – serious admonitions about christian...

90 Living and preaching Living and preaching Living and preaching Living and preaching The The The The Gospel of Love Gospel of Love Gospel of Love Gospel of Love Revealed through the Inner Voice to Bertha Dudde in accordance with the promises of John 14:21 & 16:25

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Page 1: Preaching and living the Gospel of Love€¦ · bd 4096 – serious admonitions about christian neighbourly love bd 4128 – 'only he who remains in love remains in me, and i in him

Living and preachingLiving and preachingLiving and preachingLiving and preaching TheTheTheThe

Gospel of Love Gospel of Love Gospel of Love Gospel of Love

Revealed through the Inner Voice to Bertha Dudde in accordance

with the promises of John 14:21 & 16:25

Page 2: Preaching and living the Gospel of Love€¦ · bd 4096 – serious admonitions about christian neighbourly love bd 4128 – 'only he who remains in love remains in me, and i in him


Index :Index :Index :Index :



























BD 5019 - GRATITUDE...





































Page 3: Preaching and living the Gospel of Love€¦ · bd 4096 – serious admonitions about christian neighbourly love bd 4128 – 'only he who remains in love remains in me, and i in him




















Page 4: Preaching and living the Gospel of Love€¦ · bd 4096 – serious admonitions about christian neighbourly love bd 4128 – 'only he who remains in love remains in me, and i in him



I have been writing messages, received through the inner Word since June 15, 1937. In answer to the many requests of my friends I will give you a picture of my earthly life, a short explanation of what I received spiritually, and my

own feelings about all this.

I was born April 1, 1891, the second oldest daughter of an artist of Liegnitz in Schlesien, today’s Poland I had a

normally peaceful childhood, with six sisters in our parent home. I learned the cares of life at an early age. The desire

to make money to help my parents made me learn the trade of a seamstress. As the financial needs of my parents

continued, so the burden, and in this way I made myself useful.

My parents belonged to different denominations. Father was a Protestant -Mother a Catholic. We children were

brought up in the Catholic faith, but never experienced pressure or force to follow the practices of the church so that

each child in later years could pursue their own chosen course.

I myself was religious, but could not accept the doctrine of the Catholic system, although I respected the church. I

could not represent something on the outside that my inner conscience had not accepted. So I did not continue to

attend church, heard little preaching and had no knowledge of the Bible. I did not read any religious books or scientific literature and did not join any other group or religious sect.

Anyone knowing the Catholic teaching knows what a conscious struggle one finds himself in when he wants to

loosen himself from it. I also was not spared from this. But the question as to what is the Truth, and where it is to be

found, remained.

Often when I prayed the Lord's prayer I would beseech the Lord to allow me to find HIS kingdom. This prayer was

answered in June 15, 1937, as I prayed quietly and waited on the inner voice. In this attitude I persisted often, for a

wonderful peace came over me and thoughts which came to my heart, not my head, gave me comfort and strength.

Still I did not know that these thoughts were given to me, until in a strange dream I experienced something, which

later proved to be the Truth and caused me to write down these thoughts.

So on a certain day as I listened inwardly a stream of words came to me, which I wrote down. This was the first

message I wrote which started like this: "In the beginning was the Word, 'a TE-DEUM' to the Creator of

Heaven and Earth."

Then came doubt, ….did you write this by yourself? In short, I have wrestled, prayed and gone through many

struggles, but again and again the words came to me like a stream, a wisdom, which made me tremble. Then GOD HIMSELF took away my doubts. HE answered me and I acknowledged HIM as our Father, in HIS Word. My faith

grew, doubt diminished, and I received and wrote daily.

The contents of the writings were beyond my understanding. Phrases, which I had never heard of, or read about,

strange and scientific expressions and references continually came to me. Then came unheard of expressions of the

Heavenly Father's Love giving refuge and providing enlightenment to all the questions of life.

The "Words" came to me in the following manner: After sincere prayer and a short period of composure I listened

inwardly. Thoughts then followed coming to my mind, clearly, distinctly, and the words flowed smoothly always

three or four, one after another, like writing a radio announcement or a weather report, slowly so that I could easily

keep pace, writing line after line.

Now, I write the words in shorthand as a dictation without having any constructive or intellectual part in it. I am in no

way in a 'trance', nor do I even form the sentences, but it comes to me one word at a time, neither do I understand the

context while I am writing the words down.

After days, sometimes weeks, I transcribe the shorthand writings into longhand without changing or correcting a

syllable. Each dictation takes about half an hour. I must stress that this could not happen forcibly or in a state of ecstasy. It all takes place simply and consciously, without any excitement or influence of my own will. I can interrupt

myself at any time and finish the sentence after hours or days without reading the previous writing the dictated words

continue again.

My will is under no compulsion, all that I desire is to serve GOD and do what HIS Will wants me to do.

I can truthfully say that I was led into this Truth, and these concepts were, in all respect foreign to me. It was only

after years that I found confirmation of what I received, when I came to know the writings of Jacob Lorber. No one

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can imagine my joy when I discovered the literature of Jacob Lorber; "The Great Gospel of John" and the "Youth of

CHRIST" Then I understood that other people were given the Word of the Lord, that GOD had spoken to HIS

children at all times and that GOD will continue to do this in HIS endless Love and Mercy.

I found in Lorber' s writings the same as was given to me. I often could not understand the word that came to me, but

in HIS Love the Heavenly Father gave me the explanation. How wonderful are the innumerable manifestations in which the Father displays HIS exceeding great goodness.

It became clear to me that my short education, due to lack of money and my lack of time to read good books or visit

performances, became my advantage. I could now concentrate on my work from early morning to late at night, and

each day I received that precious spiritual Word without knowing for whom I received it.

It is because of my ignorance of the Bible and the Catholic doctrine that I accepted the Word from Above without

resistance. In my experience an earnest Catholic or Protestant whose knowledge is rooted in dogmatic theories is too

much bound to their dogma to accept and embrace Divine revelations without resistance.

Still there are scientists at several faculties who earnestly discuss these Divine teachings with increasing interest.

Their interest does not only concern the irrefutable explanation of the origin of matter and the possibility of its dissolution, but also the principle of the wrong teachings of different religions, systems and confessions. In the

messages I received these errors are recorded and everyone is urged to give instructions concerning these doctrinal

errors whenever there is an opportunity.

But everyone is free to take the LORD' s Word to heart or not. But whoever understands the spirit in the Father's

Word and does not act accordingly makes the distance between himself and the Father even greater. When he does

not follow the warning words of Love he puts himself inevitably under the law. He will also in the same measure

lack in Grace, disregarding GOD' s commandment of Love.

In GOD' s Grace people are led anew to the gospel, which emphatically points out the purpose of man's being. For

the merciful Love of GOD seeks to save all who still can be saved be fore the turning point comes. And it will come.

The end-time of which seers and prophets have proclaimed is now here. According to the revelations given to me, the

LORD does not differentiate between HIS children. "Come ye all to ME" sounds HIS call and blessed is he who

hears HIS call and follows HIM. GOD Loves HIS children. HE wants to make them all happy, even when they do

not want to know HIM.

Recorded Nov. 22, 1953


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‘This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater

love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends… These

things I command you, that ye love one another.’ John 15:12, 13, 17

Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we

ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoso hath this world’s good,

and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from

him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in

word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth…

… Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is

born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is

love. In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his

only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love,

not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation

for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another…

… God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him… If a

man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his

brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this

commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.’

1 John 3:16-18; 4:7-11, 16, 20-21

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B.D. 0343, March 22, 1938

Danger of selfishness.... Love for God and one’s neighbour....

God, the Lord, is ready to comfort you at all times, and He will do so in abundance if you trustingly turn to Him. Where

the Lord Himself takes care of every being in this way you will experience His grace every day.... He will steadfastly

guide your hearts towards the Eternal if only you strive for it. However, even a tiny amount of selfishness will weaken

the great grace of strength imparted to you by the Lord, because someone who puts his own ego into the forefront will

hardly enter the right path or remain on it. For love for God and one’s neighbour is the highest commandment which

comprises everything.... Should you not try to fulfil this commandment first?.... In that case, however, you should not place yourselves into the forefront…. Everything you own and are has been given to you by God, and to the same extent

you should give to your fellow human beings.... you should give them everything you deem valuable yourselves before

you consider yourselves and thereby love the next person as yourselves. In this way, you receive the same measure of divine grace from the Lord as the measure you have given to your neighbour. If you practise this highest duty, your life

on earth will still offer you incomparably wonderful things…. insofar as it will make your path to the Father easier and

you, constantly standing within the radiance of divine love, will be able to educate yourselves for eternity…. A short prayer to receive strength for all rightful actions will make even this commandment seem easy for you to accomplish,

and in lively communication with your spiritual friends you will penetrate the love and wisdom of God ever deeper and

learn to look upon everything from a spiritual point of view…. The commandment of love will stimulate you into

constant activity until the end of your life, and then you will not have lived your life on earth in vain but will have

helped the advancement of your soul. That which you do to your neighbour out of love will have been amply repaid to

you if you thereby reached a state of greater perfection and acquired the reward of heaven…. Amen

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B.D. 0548, August 16, 1938

Admonition to unite.... Peacefulness... Love....

You, who are in contact with each other on earth, should learn to get on together.... you should respect and love each

other, you should share your worries and make an effort to muster mutual understanding, all of you are, after all, your

Father’s children, all of you are a small part of the eternal Deity and therefore you are all the same living creations of

His love…. And if you deem yourselves entitled to consider yourselves better than another you will hardly be pleasing

to God, for it will become a stumbling block for you on your path to perfection. You must establish a relationship with

each other which corresponds to God’s will…. You will truly reap far more love where you sow love, and every heart

you meet with love will lovingly turn to you. It may mean overcoming yourself each time, yet the advantage for your soul is extremely valuable. Neighbourly love should be cultivated and never be neglected or even disregarded, for your

own strength will grow to the same extent as you consider your neighbour. Therefore, don’t let discord arise between

you, live in love and strive to balance everything with love, and don’t offer the other person any reason for unkindness. Your whole nature should become pure love; hence, you must also take care to always give love in order to receive even

more. And judge not, so that you will not be judged…. Time and again you should bear these few Words in mind if you

run the danger of making judgments about your fellow human beings.... Everyone has faults and weaknesses, and many don’t even recognise themselves and therefore treat others arrogantly, yet anyone who practices gentleness will also

approach such fellow human beings with the greatest patience and peacefulness and leave the responsibility of judgment

to the Lord, for He alone will make sure that these, too, will recognise His power and bear the last burden of their lives

with profound humility…. Yet you yourselves only ever ought to fulfil your task with greatest love, which consists of

uniting with each other…. of overlooking another person’s flaws and only aiming to serve the Lord in everything you

do, so that you will establish a relationship which only serves the purpose of proclaiming the kingdom of God to your

fellow human beings…. and all your efforts will be successful if you only ever make true love your driving force. If you make an effort to give love, it will fall on good ground and awaken love in turn…. yet love can never thrive in discord

but provide the evil power with ever more influence…. For that reason, try to abstain from all unkindness if you want to

unite yourselves with the One Who is true Love Himself…. Amen

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B.D. 1003, July 12, 1939

Admonition to exercise self-control.... Gentleness – Peacefulness….

Learn to restrain yourselves and become gentle and peaceful, for your time on earth is given to you as a probationary

period during which you should reach full maturity, training and shaping yourselves for the benefit of your soul. You

will hardly be able to fulfil your earthly task if you don’t strive for this first, for all your soul’s difficulties arise from

your own lack of self-control. And thus hear what the Lord Himself is proclaiming to you:

You, My children on earth, have to make an effort to treat each other with love.... You have chosen this stay on earth in the knowledge of what you are lacking; you have many opportunities to combat your weaknesses and mistakes, yet you

must also have the good will to make use of the possibilities offered and, through constant self-restraint, grow stronger

and overcome your mistakes. Bear in mind, My children, with how much patience I have to overlook your weaknesses again and again, and yet My love for you does not diminish…. Consider how much more reason I would have to

become impatient, and how I, nevertheless, in utmost patience and mercy, embrace My children again and lovingly

forgive them when they have trespassed…. consider that My life on earth demanded an abundance of patience towards

sinful humanity, which nevertheless did not recognise My love and repaid all the good I did for people with ingratitude,

and finally made Me suffer so indescribably….

How much did they humiliate Me and devised all sorts of torments and, without any blame, handed Me over to be

crucified…. And I patiently shouldered even this most bitter injustice and nevertheless did not withdraw My mercy

from those who wronged Me…. I implored the Father in heaven to forgive them their sins and did not turn away from humanity but tried to win them over with patience and love and thereby bring them redemption. And therefore you

should also practise the virtue of self-denial, one should live for the other and only ever endeavour to ease each other’s

suffering, so that you will become perfect and will not have lived your earthly life in vain. And sacrifice all your worries and pains to Me, and you will become as gentle as doves and communicate with each other patiently and with love, and

inner calm will enter your hearts…. and I will help you if you are in danger of losing yourselves. Amen

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B.D. 1029, July 29, 1939

‘Vengeance is Mine....’ Revenge....

‘Vengeance is Mine....’ says the Lord.... and therefore you should not exact vengeance, instead you should make an

effort to repay evil with good and not think about how you can revenge yourselves for the wrong done to you. For

anyone who suffers injustice and never entertains vengeful thoughts is gentle minded and patient, and his will

endeavours to eliminate injustice by doing nothing in order to obtain satisfaction for himself. And this is an immense

advancement for the soul.... It is certainly very difficult to be unjustly treated and yet consider the enemy with love,

nevertheless, it is extraordinarily beneficial…. The human being should always bear in mind that every feeling of

revenge shrouds the soul in darkness, that it can never become light and clear in a human soul where there is still room for thoughts of revenging the evil done by the other person. For such thoughts will inevitably lead to feelings of

unkindness and thus spiritual weakness. And the human being cannot be lovingly active if he does not put a stop to such

thoughts in him. For animosity is a tribute to the opponent…. Anyone who lives in animosity with his neighbour has already granted the evil power every right over him. Every feeling of hatred and vengeance must be banished from the

heart, for it will lead to other unclean thoughts, just as, vice versa, a devout and gentle character is only ever concerned

about not doing wrong to anyone, and that all injustice must be left to the responsibility of the divine Lord Himself. For only the Lord can judge the blame of two partners and what gave rise to the enmity. So if in earthly life hatred and

discord seem to prevail, the human being must especially try to eliminate these bad habits…. It is not enough for a

person to anxiously avoid an argument…. he must aim to adapt himself to the other person where possible and change

hostile feelings into the opposite. The success of such intention will be felt so indescribably beneficially, all hatred will

end since love, gentleness and patience will take its place, and the person will experience an inner sense of satisfaction if

he tries, where possible, to undo all injustice done to him with the weapon of love…. Love disarms all anger,

vindictiveness and the urge for revenge.... Love reduced the feeling of suffering injustice and will never consider retribution, for it strives for spiritual perfection and for this every degrading thought has to be excluded first, and the

Lord will take abode where the human being rises above himself and the heart has transformed itself to love, gentleness

and patience, for this is the inevitable basic condition for the Lord to reveal Himself and thus also practise patience with

His children…. Human revenge and retribution are not permissible where the soul wants to liberate itself from its

chains.... therefore, hand everything over to the Lord, for He is pure Love Itself and will exact vengeance according to

the law of love…. Likewise, you, too, should make an effort to practise love among each other and always and forever

fulfil the Lord’s will, Who cautions you against judging your fellow human beings’ unkindness too harshly…. Amen

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B.D. 1032, July 31, 1939

Compassion.... Sick and weak people....

Take care of the sick and the weak, and consider that they are suffering and need your help. You should be compassionate and constantly consider the welfare of these poor people, whose physical afflictions make their life

intolerable, you should try to alleviate this suffering and selflessly help them at all times. This is pleasing to God, and

since you are all children of God, one shall also be concerned for the other and not allow heartlessness or indifference

towards your fellow human being arise in you. How often do people pass by the sick and the weak without offering

them a comforting word, it is very depressing for these sufferers. They are helpless in their state and grateful for every

word granted by love.... And how often do they have to go without because no considerate word is spoken to them. They

are lonely, and their soul is seized by profound sadness, for it hungers for love and is only scantily considered….

And the Lord teaches compassion.... and promises eternal bliss, for compassion presupposes love, and only a labour of love will bring salvation to the soul. Compassion is purest neighbourly love, for it wants to help and expects nothing in

return…. A person can be ailing in body as well as in soul …. and bringing him help is always inexpressibly valuable….

speaking words of comfort to the physically weak and offering the psychologically sick and frail the right remedy out of

kind-hearted neighbourly love… For the body’s suffering will come to an end one day but not that of the soul unless it is

approached by active neighbourly love bringing it help to escape its adversity.

The weak and ailing person, however, needs twice as much support, for the body’s weakness often also lets the soul descend into helplessness, and it can only be helped by selfless love which, as it were, awakens the soul from its

lethargic state and thus stimulates it to take care of improving its condition. Then the human being will also bear his

physical suffering with patience, if only the soul has come to the right recognition on account of its fellow human being’s active help which supported it during its adversity.

Any actively compassionate person can bestow untold blessings, for the earthly child will feel this both earthly as well as spiritually, and the thus considered person will have to feel relieved and, on account of the spiritual strength which

shines across with every deed of love, turn his gaze upwards. And thus will love and compassion for sick and weak

people result in twice as many blessings…. It will help to improve the physical condition of the sick and weak and

simultaneously be extremely beneficial for the soul, and therefore, don’t forget to grant them your help and kind-hearted

sympathy, lift them up physically and spiritually, and thereby also let their time of suffering become a time of spiritual

maturing for them…. and the Lord will bless those who are full of compassion towards their suffering fellow human

beings…. Amen

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B.D. 1829, February 24, 1941

Fulfilment of duty....

You should never be content just to fulfil your duty but should do more than that, you should voluntarily accept a task

which people do not expect you to do but which you should do for love.... only then will you be lovingly active and only

this effort will be valued and bring you blessings for eternity. People who dutifully carry out their earthly work believe

themselves to have done enough. In that case their life is in fact a life of fulfilment of duty but nevertheless it is not a

conscious service of love…. Whatever a duty demands to be done invariably corresponds to worldly objectives. Anything that has a refining influence on the soul will neither be demanded nor carried out as a duty but it always has to

be done in absolute freedom of will, and this is why a soul’s progress can only be spoken of when the person works

above and beyond his duty and will not stop such kind-hearted activity.

However, anything the human being accepts for himself or imposes on others as an obligation only has earthly value,

since neighbourly love need not necessarily be the driving force of fulfilling a duty. There are, as a rule, human laws

which intend to uphold worldly order, the fulfilment of which are therefore effectively necessary in order to combat

people’s weak will, for many people would not carry out what they are duty-bound to do if a sense of duty had not been

cultivated in them. Everything they do is thus somehow or other conditional and results in some kind of earthly benefit.

An earthly way of life which only shows an endless string of deeds, all of which fit into the category of fulfilment of

duty, by no means have to result in a psychological state of maturity, for precisely this fulfilment of duty prevents

people from being truly lovingly active.

Although the fulfilment of duty cannot be portrayed to people as wrong or unnecessary, it nevertheless poses a certain

danger for the human being’s soul, for the more he uses it as a guiding principle of human life, the more significance he attaches to precisely this duty and the more he believes himself to be exempt from true activities of love, for he deems

his time sufficiently used and yet spiritually he stays behind if he fails to love, i.e., despite being fully occupied by

duties, he is not urged by love to do ‘more’…. to help his fellow human beings both spiritually and physically with deeds which are never demanded by people and therefore love can never become a duty either. Fulfilment of duty on its

own certainly ought to be recognised in an earthly way but it is of no importance for eternity, thus the human being must

do his utmost and try to be helpful of his own free will. He should not be content with fulfilling his duty but of his own

accord do ‘more’…. he should give and help with love, so that his soul will find salvation, which only ever benefits

from what the human being does of his own free will and in selfless neighbourly love…. Amen

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B.D. 2218, January 21, 1942

Love is the key to truth.... Activity of love inevitably results in realisation, and thus actions of love are the only way to truth. This is what the

earthly children need to know first and foremost. They will never ever attain the truth in any other way. If they receive

knowledge which appears acceptable to them without actively living a life of love, then it will be a work of deception by

Satan, or, if they are offered the truth, they will not recognise it as such and thus reject it. The pure truth will indeed be

offered to many yet dismissed precisely because people are lacking love…. But people like that cling to falsehood with

tenacity and it is impossible to explain to them that they are mistaken, that they are being led astray by wrong teachings.

Love is the key to truth, without it the access remains blocked….

Truth, however, is everything that comes from God…. Truth cannot be intellectually ascertained but is received from God through the heart. The human being can certainly receive the truth mentally, yet then he will always experience the

desire for God…. This desire, however, is love and love takes effect in deeds of selfless neighbourly love…. Only this

testifies to love of God. And then the person will think correctly, that is, the thoughts he receives will correspond to the

truth. They have arisen from the heart even though the person believes to have reached an intellectual conclusion. But an

unloving person’s thoughts will never correspond to truth, for then truth-fighting forces will exercise a strong influence

on such people’s thinking, since through their lack of love they open their hearts to such forces, thus they gain access

and use their power by confusing people’s thinking.

God is truth, God is love.... one without the other is unthinkable. Consequently, there can only be truth where there is

love…. Countless errors have come into the world due to people’s heartlessness, and the truth has been displaced. It can only spread amongst humanity again if it changes itself to love, and therefore love has to be cultivated first before a

person can attain realisation. All studies are futile if a person lacks love, for whatever knowledge he gains thereby....

either it will not correspond to the truth or it is dead knowledge, in as much as it will not further the soul’s higher development as long as it does not affect the heart, as long as it does not result in activity of love. And this is why all

spiritual knowledge has to be assessed by the guideline of love…. it has to flow from a helpful heart and teach helpful

activity in turn, then it will be truth, and God Himself will be the source of such knowledge…. Amen

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B.D. 2302, April 14, 1942

Emotional and intellectual thinking.... Truth…. Every human being deems himself as living in a state of realisation if he advocates an opinion he formed intellectually.

Nevertheless, this opinion need not always correspond to truth. God gave the human being intellect and free will, but He

also gave him a heart…. As long as the intellect wants to find a solution for a spiritual question without the heart, he will

hardly come close to the truth, for the truth comes forth from God and can only be received by the spirit and not from

the body which is, after all, of matter. Intellectual thought is merely a function of the body.... but the heart is the seat of

all emotions, the heart also shelters the divine spark of love and therefore the spirit, which is a part of God. A thought

born in the heart, thus originating from the divine spiritual spark, can therefore always claim to be based on truth, for the

spirit only imparts purest truth…. But whether the thought was born in the heart or is merely a product of rational

thinking depends on the heart’s ability to love. The more deeply the human being is able to love, that is, the more he strives for unity with God through loving activity, the clearer the thoughts will arise from his heart and enter the

person’s consciousness. For these thoughts are spiritual strength which flows forth from beings united with God and into

the heart of someone who likewise unites with God through his activity of love. Whereas intellectual thinking is merely

the function of physical organs, thus the utilisation of the human being’s received vital energy, which can also be used

by the person who exists without love, i.e. whose heart has little ability to love. Intellectual and emotional thinking

should thus be separated. The latter will always arrive at the truth, whereas intellectual thinking need not always be the

truth, even if one can speak of well developed reasoning power.

Only love is decisive, i.e. determinant of the truth. The human being has little information about the nature of thought,

and therefore the difference is not clear to him. The thought born in the heart only has one thing in common with intellectually gained spiritual knowledge, both have to reach the brain in order to penetrate into the person’s

consciousness, and this makes the human being assume that every thought originates in the brain, that it therefore was

intellectually achieved. Nevertheless, the mental knowledge of a loving person, hence a person whose life is a constant activity of love, has to be entirely differently judged than the purely intellectual thinking of someone with little capacity

to love. The former will come close to the truth, whereas the latter offers no guarantee for truth and knowledge. For God

reserves the truth for Himself and only distributes it to those who acknowledge Him, desire Him and demonstrate this

through activity of love. Consequently, that which flows forth from a loving heart can be accepted as truth without

hesitation, for such thoughts are subject to a certain surveillance through knowledgeable spiritual beings, whose

responsibility is the transfer of thoughts and which therefore diligently watch that the person will think correctly. For

through his activity of love the human being acquires the right and the claim for the light beings assistance, which now

guard the person from thoughts which contradict the truth…. Amen

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B.D. 2412, July 17, 1942

Spiritual coercion.... Human commandments.... Fighting the teaching of Christ…. All spiritual coercion has to be condemned because the human being’s action resulting from it cannot be valued by God.

Only complete freedom of will determines the value of people’s actions. Therefore they should be informed of Christ’s

teaching, but they should not be duty bound to lead a specific lifestyle as a result of rules and regulations, which they

will then dutifully and habitually observe. People should certainly be educated to think and behave correctly, but they

should only ever be shown the rights or wrongs of their actions. They have to be advised to practise love but they

should never be urged into actions by rules which do not match their inner will. Only the commandment of love should

be observed and therefore also taught.... because anyone who fulfils the commandment of love shapes his heart such that

it will want to carry out of its own accord those things which correspond to God’s will. However, commandments which

oblige a person to conduct his life in a certain way, even though a failure to comply with them does not demonstrate heartlessness towards other people, are not given by God, i.e. they are outside of Christ’s teaching, because this teaching

only preaches love which, however, does not aim to achieve the fulfilment of divine commandments by means of

external force.

The human being has to be able to shape himself in utmost freedom of will if this transformation of thought is to be of

value for eternity. Freedom of will, however, is restricted as soon as a dutiful transformation is demanded. Every good

deed which does not arise from the heart, i.e. which is not accomplished by the inner urge to carry out an action of love, will only be valued for what it is in reality…. an implementation of duty without warmth of heart. And there is great

danger that the human being will give too little account to himself about his thoughts and actions because he believes to

have done what he was meant to do on earth, and this belief has its foundation in the commandments which people had added to the teaching of Christ. Only the divine teaching of love is to be understood as the teaching of Christ, but never

humanly decreed commandments which aim to achieve something else than just true actions of love….

Where love is taught love also has to be practised, and actions of love should be understood to be everything that is

beneficial to other people. Thus the human being is merely expected to do good to his fellow human being, and

therefore the divine teaching of love will only expect people to fulfil those requirements which protect their fellow

human beings from damage or are of benefit to him. When the human being considers the wellbeing of his fellow

human being he is living within love, because it is urging him to help other people. This is the true activity of love

which is required from people by God and which was constantly practised by Jesus Christ on earth. However, if people

are demanded to do something, even though failing to comply by no means damages or injures other people, then this is

due to humanly decreed laws which should not be confused with the teaching of Christ.

Nevertheless, there is great danger that the commandments of love will be ignored in favour of these humanly added

commandments and that the significance of Christ’s teaching of love will not be recognised, which is evidenced by the

fact that humanity, ignorant of its true value, wants to replace Christ’s teaching of love completely. Because it pays more attention to commandments which more or less enslave the human being because they represent spiritual coercion

to him. The world takes offence to this and is now attempting to fight against and replace everything, including the pure

teaching of Christ, which is only preaching love. Everything added by people to the divine teaching of love was only

done to infiltrate the pure teaching of Christ with error, because it is deviating from what Jesus Christ has left to people

as His Work. However, only what is of God will remain…. but human work will pass away…. Amen

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B.D. 3483, May 18, 1945

Work of love for erring souls.

Have mercy with erring souls, looking on them as sick ones who need help. Do not let them famish in their spiritual

needs. The need of the physical body comes to an end but the soul takes its needs with it into eternity. The soul can be

spared from this if it comes to the truth on Earth. This Truth you should bring to erring souls. Whenever you have the

opportunity to help them, speak to them about the Love of God, Who longs for them. Point out to them their immaturity,

which makes it impossible to come nearer to God. Show them the way to healing, to the only way, which leads the soul

to its goal, the Way of Love.

Show them that they cannot come to maturity, nor reach their goal without deeds of Love. This Earthly life is given to

them only for the perfection of their soul. Guide their thoughts to the spiritual. Urge them to think about the purpose of

their earthly Life, giving them an explanation about the meaning and the purpose of the creation, about their earthly mission and the purpose of suffering. Urge them to pay attention to their spiritual needs, having mercy upon erring

souls. Trying to help them is a work of Love, which is of tremendous importance. Do not let initial rejection deter you.

Bring them the Word of God and think at all times about your mission on Earth, which is a redeeming one.

Innumerable souls are in spiritual need, but they only see their physical need. They do not come to a self- commitment

that could bring them a ray of Light. They care only about better circumstances in their earthly life and do not realize

that this thirst is a result of their spiritual need. So this need must be removed before an improvement of their earthly life

can occur. Lead them into this knowledge. Help them to go the way of Love and they will thank you forever.

The closer it is to the end-time the greater the need will be. For God's opponent is winning power over souls, and his

influence is very harmful for them. The knowledge of the purpose and the meaning of their earthly existence may

protect them from Satan's influence. Those souls can, with good will, break away from his influence because they recognize him as wicked and God's adversary. But the soul has to be introduced to this knowledge. This work of mercy

is for you to accomplish whenever you have the opportunity. Your efforts will not be without success. The need is great

and the end is near. Every hour must be used for God's Kingdom. This is the will of God, which must be honored if you want to serve Him and be a vigorous worker in His vineyard. Amen

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B.D. 3697, February 25, 1946

Canon law… Love of neighbour and God’s Commandments

You shall not through ordinances or teachings initiated by man raise the degree of your soul-ripeness; for I assess man solely on his will to live the way that pleases Me, and to therefore keep the Commandments which I gave him in wise recognition of

their effectiveness. If man's ordinances therefore conform to My Commandment of love, and hence aim at spurning man

towards love, so that abiding by them signifies the practice of unselfish love of fellow man, then they also meet with My

approval. For then the working of My spirit becomes evident in those men who enacted such statutes.

Every other law has no worth before Me, and I place no store by its fulfilment, because the life-force streaming to you is to be

used exclusively for love-action, in order to attain to soul-maturity on earth. Your goal is to become perfect; but how are you

to become perfect without love? - How can you expect graces to flow your way through the keeping of ordinances whose

non-fulfilment is no offence against love?

It is the love of neighbour that proves to Me love towards me, your God and Father from eternity. He who does not love his

neighbour has no proper love for Me either, which would prompt him towards deeds of love for neighbour. If therefore you

pretend to, out of love for Me submit yourselves to regulations demanding performance of various external motions, then I do

not recognise such love, since these are mere formalities you keep up, to secure for yourselves rewards promised by men.

This is no love-action, through which alone you can substantiate to Me your love from the heart, through which alone you can gain beatitude. All external formalities, everything recognisable on the surface has not Myself but human will as its author.

To Me only unselfish love of fellow man is well-pleasing, although this also requires external deeds. That with which you pretend to please Me I do not demand of you, wherever same is not based on My commandments of love. I want only the

fulfilment of these Commandments together with sincere prayer demonstrating a will devoted to Me.

Only then can you gain possession of grace and power, for there are no ways to grace other than prayer and unselfish love.

Then however this flows to you without measure. Your entire life should be an interior one, without any pomposity; you

nevertheless are called upon to witness of Me openly, you are to confess My teaching, which you must strive to follow; you

are to openly stand up for your faith in Me, My name and My salvation works before the world: hence speak to fellow men,

so that they too recognise your mind and what you strive for, and that this is not for the terrestrial world but the kingdom of

the spirit. You are to prove yourselves as My adherents, as My proper children, in that your style of living corresponds to the

demands I made on you, and still do time and again, through My Word which is conveyed from above to those who as

mediators proclaim My will to you.

And if you want to fulfil My will, then your action has to be a constant acting from love, by which I shall once assess you in

eternity, and not for external gestures and transactions that bring you no benefit for your soul, but rather permit man to become careless towards keeping the only true commandment - to be active from unselfish love. AMEN

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B.D. 3744, April 15, 1946

Christ’s promises.... Conditions – Fulfilment….

Hold on to Christ’s promises and you will prevail over every struggle for existence…. He assured you of strength and

grace, He promised you spiritual and physical care, He guarantees your attainment of the final goal on earth…. eternal

life…. You can believe His Word unreservedly, it will come to pass as long as you meet the conditions which He

associated with all His promises. His promises depend on the fact that you try to comply with the will of the One Who

gave you your life. Earthly life is not just given to you for its own sake, but for the attainment of a purpose…. for

attaining utmost possible perfection on earth. Jesus showed you the path on earth and exemplified the life which will

lead you to perfection by giving people explanations in areas where they were still in the dark. He showed them the certain way, as well as its effect, in eternity.... setting conditions and making promises to you.... providing you are truly

devoted and meet the conditions in order to shape yourselves into perfection, every promise will take effect. You will

live in earthly and spiritual happiness and peace, as well as being constructively active. His conditions, however, consist of uninterrupted actions of love....

The prerequisite of every promise is loving activity, if it is to come true. If you meet this condition, you can live your earthly life in every way without worry, since then the Father in heaven will physically and spiritually take care of

you…. He will not let your soul and body suffer hardship, but will always improve matters in proportion to your will of

love…. His Word is truth and will remain so in all eternity. Firm belief in this provides you with inner peace and

certainty in regards to everything that happens to you, due to God’s will or His permission. And since, in accordance

with His Word, nothing can happen to you against His will, you should try to please His will…. love your Father of

eternity with all your heart, so that you will gain His love too, and show your love through doing kind deeds to your fellow human beings. God does not expect much from you, but He will not let go of this condition if His promises are to

fulfil themselves in you. Each one of His Words teaches you to love, because every one of His promises necessitates

love.... a genuine relationship with God and your neighbour, who is your brother, because you are all children of one Father. You can gain countless gifts of grace through unselfish actions of love and.... if you are lacking the strength for

it…. gain strength through sincere prayer. ‘Ask and you will receive....’

First, ask for spiritual values and ignore earthly needs, because God will add these once you strive to fulfil His will and

try to shape yourselves into love. Time and again Jesus Christ tries to impress on you in His teachings the importance of

striving for the kingdom of God . He is promising you eternal life and the Father’s care for your earthly life, providing

you aspire for God’s kingdom…. and every Word from His mouth is purest truth, and therefore has to provide you with

innermost peace and security, if only you have faith. Every earthly worry is unnecessary as long as you endeavour to

live up to divine will, as long as your actions of love will gain you God’s love and thus make his will inclined to you.

Therefore, do not doubt His Word, do not doubt that His promises will come true, but live in accordance with His sacred Word.... Live in love and in constant connection with the One Who is love Himself…. and then allow yourselves to be

guided. Trust in Him, confidently place your destiny into His hands and give yourselves completely to Him, then every

hardship will soon be taken from you because you no longer require it if you, in firm faith, purify and shape yourselves through actions of love to enter the kingdom of light after you discard your earthly body. For Jesus did not use His Own

Words but God spoke through Him, and His Word is truth and has to fulfil itself, providing the person complies with

His Word, providing he strives for God’s kingdom.... for eternal life…. Amen

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B.D. 3755, April 29, 1946

The commandment of love as life’s guiding principle…

You are unfailingly doing My will if you learn to love… Let My commandment of love be your guiding principle for

everything you do, think and say… Then you will gain My favour and will be blessed, spiritually as well as worldly, in

a manner that benefits your soul. You should not exclude anyone from your love nor refuse to help those who need your

help. Then you, too, will discover the secret of eternal love which forever fills all of infinity with its strength, thus it can

fill you to excess too so that you become a likeness of Me, as it is your goal on earth. Love has to be practised and for

that reason I allow the great hardship on earth because it motivates people’s actions of love, because hardship leaves countless people in need of help and gives other people the opportunity to help with compassion.

Therefore don’t let your hearts become hardened, be aware of the hardship surrounding you and help where and as you can. Follow My example, Who eased spiritual and earthly suffering on earth, Who helped the weak and sick, Who lifted

and healed their souls and bodies, Whose loving way of life has been an example to you and Who told you to follow it.

Be merciful, peaceful, gentle and patient, humble with all your heart and righteous in thought and action. Practice these

virtues since they are the result of love in your hearts… thus you have to make an effort, you have to become aware of

your faults and try to remove them, you have to banish all unkindness from your heart and strive towards the highest

perfection. If you lack the strength to do this then you have the prayer at your disposal, the deeply felt connection with

Me, which always guarantees you a supply of strength... because I don’t ignore any human being’s distress, least of all

his spiritual distress, I know every person’s will and give his soul strength and help in accordance with this will.

Let My commandment of love be the guiding principle of your thoughts and actions and you shall fulfil My will on

earth… Don’t harden your hearts as this is the greatest danger for you since then you will be entirely without strength

from Me. But if you ask for My help you won’t be asking in vain because My love for you is unchanging and takes hold of everyone who longs for it… but as I do to you also do to other people, then your way of life will correspond to My

will… Amen

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B.D. 3918, October 29, 1946

Selfless service in every walk of life.... Poverty.... Willingness to give....

Everything you do you should do in the knowledge that you are carrying out divine will. Therefore you have to entrust

all your thoughts, words and actions to Him, you have to request His blessing for this and entirely commend yourselves

to His divine guidance… you have to put His will completely in charge of your daily life, that is, you only need want

your way of life to be pleasing to Him and always do your best to attain His love. Then you can neither speak nor do

anything which opposes God and your life on earth will not be unsuccessful for your souls. You fulfil God’s will when

the commandment of love becomes the guiding principle of your life, then you live up to the most important law and God will bless you, spiritually as well as worldly.

Your purpose on earth is to serve unselfishly and you can do so in every situation, irrespective of whether you are poor or wealthy, great or small, respected and powerful or inconspicuously weak… You can always be of service providing

you want to be of service. Every human being is offered ample opportunity to serve kindly and no one should believe to

be in need of receiving help themselves and reduce their own resolve to give because he has nothing to give… Even the

poorest can give… and if he has no material wealth then he can give love and thereby awaken the love in others… he

can be willing to give and his will is then likened to a good deed. But at all times God only looks into the heart and no

impulse remains hidden from Him therein.

An outwardly apparent great act of love can be worthless in the eyes of God if the heart does not feel the love which

displays the deed; and even the smallest gift is pleasing to God if it is given with a loving heart. And anyone who honestly wants to give gladly will also give of the little he owns, he won’t fearfully question but share instead … And it

will be returned to him many times over because the Lord says ‘as you give so you shall receive…’ and His Word is

truth. Thus no one should keep his possessions anxiously to himself when he endeavours to live in accordance with God’s will, he should give gladly because his action of love will reward him with far greater blessings than his few

possessions could ever offer. Because he will receive exceptionally more, both earthly and spiritually … his soul will

mature, he will always be correctly guided because God Himself takes care of those who want to live as it pleases Him, and because His guidance is the guarantee to reach the goal. Only one factor is required of you: that you live with

love… that your thoughts, words and actions will always be guided by the love of your heart and that you devoutly

commend yourselves to Him, Who gave you your life so that your souls can mature… With His grace and strength you

are able to do everything, even during times of greatest physical and spiritual difficulties you can do deeds of kindness

providing you unite with the Eternal Love Itself through prayer, which will give you unlimited strength and grace

because you want to draw nearer to Him with deeds of love…. Amen

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B.D. 3920, November 1, 1946

Following Jesus.... A life of love and self-denial.... Anyone who is not as gentle and patient as Me, who does not practise his discipleship by discarding all attributes which

conform to My adversary, who does not persistently strive for virtues that are the hallmark of a divine being, will hardly

reach the goal of finding unification with the eternal Father Who is pure love Himself and Who can only unite with

living creations which, like Him, have become love. My life on earth should serve you as an example, for as a human

being I was subject to the same temptations as you because I had to take the only path which could lead a soul into


Like you, I had to fight against all longings of the flesh as well as against all attributes of an ungodly being or My life

could not have served you as an example if I had been born without all human flaws and able to bypass the test of My will. I had to experience the depths of earthly life, i.e. I had to have the opportunity to voluntarily refrain from the same

physical sins and avoid all incentives for them…. I had to fight against carnal longings and thereby strengthen and

prepare the soul in Me to unite with the spirit. The sinfulness in My surroundings often sorely tested My love and patience, yet I wanted to remain gentle and whole-heartedly humble without exalting Myself…. And I took pity on My

fellow human beings’ weakness for not resisting temptations, and My love intensified …. I wanted to help those on the

ground unable to get up by themselves.... For being human Myself I knew a person’s weakness, and this knowledge

increased My kindness and patience.

Being human Myself I was at all times able to put Myself into the situation of a sinful person’s soul even though I

Myself was without sin, even though I Myself, by virtue of My will, had remained victorious over all temptations of

body and soul. Yet I took the strength to do so from love, and every person practising love will also muster the strength

and resolve to fight against his faults and weaknesses, and he will also be victorious, for love itself is strength…. And therefore, every actively loving person will also practise all virtues which denote a divine being: he will be gentle and

patient, merciful, peaceable, humble and just.... For if he meets a fellow human being with love his thoughts are loving

too, and he fights all weaknesses and faults with ease. Follow Me.... live a life of love and self-denial like Me and you

will release yourselves from all sinful longings, you will not become subject to sin yourselves, you will bring yourselves

into line with the nature of eternal love and already find union with it on earth, and the attainment of your goal will be

certain for you. Hence, like Me, you too have to take the cross upon yourselves at all times, and you should not become

impatient, for if you sincerely appeal for My help I will help you carry it, and the more willingly the soul carries the

cross imposed on it by the Father’s love for the sake of its full maturity, the sooner it will deliver itself from earthly


Follow Me and take My life on earth as an example, and you will never become subject to sin again, you will release

yourselves by virtue of your determination and love, you will become free and infinitely happy beings, equipped with all

divine characteristics, you will be full of light and strength in the spiritual kingdom and live blissfully happy in eternity…. Amen

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B.D. 4000, March 16, 1947

Bible message is teaching of love.... Jesus’ explanation…. Transcripts….

You must be taught by the spirit within you or you will remain without knowledge. But it can only become active if you

live a life of love…. And therefore My mission as a human being on earth initially consisted of conveying the divine

teaching of love, for the human being’s compliance with it first had to change him such that it enabled the spirit within

him to become active and only then were further spiritual instructions possible. However, at the time of My life on earth

people had so much diverged from love that they had to be informed time and again and in ever greater detail of the

consequences of their heartlessness and the commandment of love had to be constantly preached to them, and I was only

able to initiate a few into profound knowledge. Yet it would not have been wise on My part to impart this knowledge to

people in general, because without love it remains dead knowledge without result. And therefore it was My will that My

disciples’ transcripts were preserved in such a form that they indeed lack profound knowledge but nevertheless contain

the teaching of love, and anyone who follows it will also penetrate into deeper knowledge if he seriously desires it.

I Myself have certainly shared an abundance of knowledge on earth, yet I also knew My listeners’ hearts, I was aware of

their degree of love, their will and their realisation of My Personality which made them accept the knowledge they were

offered as the only truth. I also instructed My disciples and through pouring out My spirit after My ascension I enabled

them to impart to their fellow human beings the same information they received through the spirit, and thus people who

were brought the Gospel by My disciples were well taken care of, but since a life of love is always a prerequisite in

order to understand profound spiritual knowledge and derive the blessing from it, the commandment of love was

intended to be passed on to future generations and was therefore written down by My disciples on My instructions, so

that it would be preserved as I had taught it on earth. And My way of life, which was meant to serve as an example to all people, was also a subject of the transcripts which, as My disciples’ legacy, were left to humanity but which are missing

more profound knowledge because this is My will. For anyone who wants to draw the knowledge from the Scriptures,

which indeed include My Word, but who is without love would not know what to do with it, because spiritual knowledge is the light which is only kindled through love, which can only burst into full radiance when the human

being’s spirit awakens and then enlightens the person from within. Academically imparted knowledge is only valuable if

it can be examined and assimilated in order to become intellectual property, but this is only ever possible with the

spirit’s assistance, which therefore makes love indispensable.

What is therefore more understandable than that I Myself on earth as well as in the transcripts, which came about

according to My will, only ever taught love and that the commandment of love must only ever be presented to people

first and foremost? What is more understandable than that the human being cannot be admonished often enough to

comply with this commandment in order to attain psychological maturity? All further knowledge is just the result of a life of love and will be imparted to each individual person as is beneficial to him. For as soon as his spirit has become

active he can receive unlimited knowledge, since the degree of wisdom he wants is determined by himself, and then he

will no longer need to accept it from books but it will be offered to him directly from the spiritual kingdom which, however, can only be understood by a person who has awakened the spirit within himself through complying with My

commandment of love, which will never be comprehensible to those who live without love and try to gain their

knowledge from books. This is just dead knowledge, only the spirit will give life…. only love will grant complete understanding…. Amen

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B.D. 4096, August 3, 1947

Serious admonitions about Christian neighbourly love....

Recognise your weaknesses and try to resolve them.... don’t become impatient when you should put yourselves into another person’s position, and be lenient…. don’t hurt his feelings, and take the commandment of love seriously when

your neighbour needs your active help or encouraging words…. Don’t provide any reason for argument but kind-

heartedly try to find agreement, take My example, I Who approached all people with a loving heart to win them over.

And thus you, too, should always try to win the other person’s heart; you should leave nothing undone that could

awaken love, for full understanding of the other person’s weaknesses can only manifest itself in love. And thus each one

of you should do this to the other, leave no opportunity unused to please with a kind word or a loving action, for if you

avoid hurting your neighbour, if you give him inner peace, you will do a truly Christian deed of neighbourly love which

will benefit you, for you will thereby strengthen him physically and spiritually. He will be placed into a state of love himself, he will feel love in return, and he will not fail to put his love into action. He will lessen his selfish love….

Be patient and gentle, meek and humble, and your life will become easier, for love is the best weapon against animosity,

and love forgives and endures, it gives and makes happy, it unites hearts, it heals wounds and will never be without

understanding of the other person’s weaknesses and faults and will finally triumph nevertheless, for love is strength

which achieves whatever it wants…. Amen

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B.D. 4128, September 22, 1947

‘Only he who remains in love remains in Me, and I in him….’

Love has to come alight in you if you want to be united with Me. Only he who remains in love remains in Me and I in

him. And thus you must feel impelled by your heart to give love to your fellow human being, to make him happy and

gain his affection, you have to be in constant harmony with him, you have to be a friend and brother to your neighbour,

you have to share joy and suffering with him and always endeavour to ease his fate on earth, and you must always be

willing to guide him correctly in spiritual matters, because the most important and most pleasing activity of love is to

save or benefit his soul. If you are impelled by love, that is, if you feel urged from deep within yourselves to carry out

works of love, I Am closely united with you, for the feeling of love already shows that I Am taking possession of you, it

is an overflowing of My strength of love to you, which is the result of your will turning towards good, thus an unconscious turning towards Me.

I can certainly draw all of you to My heart, I can instantly kindle love in you and in that case win all of you over for Myself, if I wanted to do so…. however, in that case I would have no living creations as My image but only judged

beings without free will as a sign of their divinity. But I want to work and create with perfect beings, I want to give them

ultimate happiness because My love for them is infinitely profound, and I can only do so if they have reached a particular degree which people should and can reach on earth. And this is why I must constantly admonish you to be

eagerly active in love, because I want to be united with you in order to be able to work in all fullness within you and

thus increase the strength of your love, so that you become divine beings yourselves, as was your destiny in the very


I want to be as one with you yet you must accomplish this merger of your own free will…. And this is why you have to

practise love yourselves, you must constantly make an effort to do good works, you must change your feelings if they have not yet come alight as love within you, you must want to be good then you will also be able to become it, for I will

bless such a will and give you strength to implement it. You must want to be united with Me and I will come to you and

take possession of you with the intention of never letting go of you or allowing you to separate yourselves from Me

again. For My love is so profound that it will not rest until total unification has taken place, because this was the original

state, because My living creations came forth from Me, because they are strength from Me which inevitably has to

return to Me again.… Amen

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B.D. 4305, May 19, 1948

Prayer for poor souls....

Souls in darkness suffer terribly. Their strength is depleted; it is a state of utter hopelessness as long as they don’t know about the strength of love, which can lighten their fate. They wander around, their will is lethargic, and they will remain

in this agonising state for an extremely long time if they do not receive help through prayer. You humans on earth are

able to help them if you lovingly remember such poor souls and would like to ease their plight. For only love will give

them strength. A prayer without love is worthless; it is a mere formality without effect. Only the degree of love

determines the amount of strength they will receive. And thus you have to visualise the fate of these poor souls and

know that they will beseech you to give them strength once they have felt the strength of love. They depend on your

help as long as they are still in the abyss, as long as they cannot increase their strength themselves through knowledge,

which, in the beyond, consists of loving actions for other needy souls.

Every kind, compassionate thought for those souls eases their plight, they feel this and then remain close to you. They

ask for your loving intercession by pushing themselves into your thoughts. Don’t forget them, don’t turn your thoughts

away from them. Give them a loving prayer and thereby help them to ascend. Alleviate their torment and, most of all,

demonstrate the power of love to them, so that their love for other distressed souls arises and, by helping these souls,

that they can liberate themselves from their own hardship. Their surroundings correspond to the state of their soul, dark

and desolate, and when a prayer for these souls rises up to God a faint state of twilight occurs which gives the soul a

glimmer of recognition and benefits the soul after the constant darkness. The degree of love in the intercession determines the brightness of light emanated into the darkness, and the soul turns towards the ray of light always

expecting and pleading for more rays. Grant them their wish, don’t leave them alone in their need, and give them the

help which you are still able to give to them. But also bring the Gospel to them in thought, remind them that they should lovingly consider others in their environment and help them to receive a blessing of light as well by giving to them in

turn what they received from you. You can alleviate immeasurable amounts of suffering, you can participate in the

redemption of these souls because the gift of strength through your prayer affects their will which then becomes active in the right way. The soul uses the strength it receives to lovingly help other poor souls, and it begins its ascent for

which it will be eternally grateful to you…. Amen

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B.D. 4574, February 27, 1949

Assessment of duties according to degree of love....

You should use all your energy to attain everlasting riches, that is, everything you think and do should be based on

helpful neighbourly love, then the salvation of your soul would be assured for eternity. My demand may seem

impossible to achieve to you and, yet, I don’t expect too much from you, nothing that cannot be done. However,

consider the fact that your daily fulfilment of duty can be understood differently, that you can do your duty without the

slightest feeling of love for your neighbour, thus you are of service to him as a matter of duty, but that you can also

carry out every action by being inwardly impelled through love and that these actions, although they are also daily duties, are assessed differently by Me and raise your maturity of soul. Love is everything, it values every action.

Consequently, a person can be ever so dutiful due to his correct nature, yet without love they will only be actions of the

body which I only reward in a worldly sense but which do not gain him spiritual wealth, for this entirely depends on the degree of love with which these duties are being accomplished. Thus you could gain so much more if you used all your

energy of life for active neighbourly love, so that everything you do is motivated by the will to help where your help is

needed. The actions you have to perform, where your free will is therefore excluded, are merely actions for the world,

although they can also incorporate a spiritual character…. hence, duties that are demanded are indeed acts of

neighbourly love but are, since they are dutifully performed, valued in a purely worldly sense by Me, because the love

of the heart is absent. I pay attention to the heart and won’t be deceived by pious words or expressions, I know how far

the heart is involved; but I bless everyone who complies with human demands purely because he is willing to help, who

carries out every work of duty with inner joy to help his neighbour and who therefore also turns his duties into a

voluntary activity and thereby utilises his energy of life which will result in abundant rewards in eternity. For he truly gathers spiritual possessions on earth and will not enter the spiritual kingdom poverty stricken, but, full of strength, he

will also be able to work over there wherever his love impels him, whereas even the most hard-working person on earth

will stand at the gate of death without strength and in a poor state because he only worked for the world, because helpful neighbourly love never impelled him to be active on earth but he only ever fulfilled his worldly obligations, admittedly

by diligently fulfilling his duty but only because he had to and not voluntarily. This is why the same activity and the

same amount of work can lead to entirely different success…. it can be purely remunerated in a worldly sense but also lead to everlasting rewards, and you should aim for the latter, so that your life on earth is not a waste of time, for you

will never be able to catch up in the beyond on what you neglected to do on earth…. Amen

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B. D. 4758, October 11, 1949

Re-incarnation... Light beings - Mission

I will never let you fall prey to error if you want to know the truth. And where you lack the right knowledge, where you

have the wrong idea, I will enlighten you Myself, because I do not want you to think wrongly. Although you only live

for a short time on this earth as a human being, it is not too short to enable you to achieve beatitude. During your life on

earth you are able to change your nature completely. You are able to entirely discard your selfish love, which was

strongly developed in you at the start of your earthly life, and change it into unselfish love for other people, and thereby

acquire a degree of maturity which will allow you to enter the spheres of light and thus be blissfully happy….

Yet the degree of beatitude in the spiritual kingdom varies considerably, depending on the extent to which the soul’s

state is receptive to the rays of light which affect it directly, which have their origin in Me and thus require My presence. Hence, it signifies unity with Me, and that can only happen with a being that has shaped itself into love. Therefore the

degree of love also determines the degree of happiness.... The human being is certainly able to attain this degree of love

while still on earth and depart from it as My true child. Then his fate will be infinite bliss.

But it is also possible for him not to achieve this perfection and yet shape his soul on earth through deeds of love such

that it becomes receptive to light. In that case he will have passed the test of earthly life by having turned his will

towards Me, and he will have proven it through labours of love. The kingdom of light will now accept his soul, which

subsequently will be able to develop further. However, it will never be able to reach the degree that can be achieved on

earth by a person who seriously strives for perfection. For his soul will be seized by Me and My emanation of light will

find no resistance, because the soul became crystallised through love and thus My love is able to permeate it completely.

And now you will understand that this degree of beatitude requires the prerequisite of just one earthly life, or there would be less merit, thus the reward would also have to be reduced. You will understand that unification with Me has to

take place voluntarily and with utmost effort on earth already, and that this bliss is My gift in return for absolute

devotion to Me, which I will also reward with My undivided love. It therefore follows that it would be an act of injustice

on My part if I gave the same reward to souls who did not make use of their earthly life in the same way….

Every human being has the same opportunities to achieve maturity. All means of help are at his disposal, he is able to

request blessings, that is, utilise any amount of blessings, and with correct use of will every human being is able to reach

the goal of becoming perfect, because he is only required to shape himself into love, and love can be practised by every

person if he wants…. I truly do not expect anything unattainable from you humans, since the help of Jesus Christ is

available to you after all, which so strengthens the right will that it can be put into practise. You humans could all become blissfully happy if only you wanted to.... Consequently, the right will has to be rewarded accordingly; the soul

has to be rewarded differently in the spiritual kingdom than a soul who was negligent in its self-discipline during its

earthly life, who did not take its endeavour for perfection seriously. A soul like that will have, understandably, attained a different degree of light, even though it can also be called blissful, because it has lifted itself out of darkness, out of the

state of complete ignorance, because it will have become a recipient of light, albeit to a lesser degree….

The soul in the spiritual kingdom is able to ascend to ever greater beatitude, for the constant emanations of light it

receives will increase its degree of light. This explains why a re-incarnation on earth for the purpose of full maturity

would be unnecessary as well as pointless, since the soul’s past memory has to be taken away and only free will would

be decisive once again, which could just as well fail. In that case, the already achieved degree of light would be at risk;

whereas in the spiritual kingdom the soul will keep what it has already achieved and is able to work with it most

successfully. The return of a being of light to earth for the purpose of a mission is an act of utmost love and mercy, because every liberated soul finds life in the flesh intolerable once it has but a glimmer of knowledge.

A being which departs from earth so immaturely that it will find itself in utter darkness, will indeed stay close to earth, but it is usually unaware of its lost physical life. It has an immense craving for earthly possessions, yet to return a being

like that to earth would truly be neither wise nor loving, for its will would never endeavour towards higher development,

because the greed for matter needs to be overcome. This is far more difficult on earth than in the spiritual kingdom, where the being is able to recognise the insubstantiality of matter, and disassociation from it already signifies the

beginning of its ascent. A being with a faint glimmer of awareness is extremely happy in its spiritual state and will never

long for the restraint of earthly life again.

But to possess a faint glimmer of awareness means to possess a small amount of knowledge that corresponds to the

truth, and this possession makes the being very happy already, because it is able to work with its spiritual wealth…. thus

it is urged by love to share its possession with needy souls.

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However, every deed of love increases the influx of light, it increases knowledge and intensifies beatitude. Such a being

will never surrender its free spiritual state in order to return to earth because it realises that it is able to ascend in the

spiritual kingdom and that its work is needed….

When, by comparison, a being of light incarnates on earth, it is an act of utmost love and mercy, which already needs a

high degree of love, for it involves helping misguided people living in utter darkness who require exceptional help so as not to descend into the abyss. Such an incarnation can result in the childship to God.... the highest degree of perfection

which, however, can only be gained in earthly life; for the soul has to take the same path in the flesh with all temptations

by the powers of darkness. It enjoys no privileges as a result of its former maturity, merely a total descent into the abyss

is impossible since it is protected by spiritually mature souls who will indeed help but not force its will. As a human

being it has to struggle and fight and has no past memory. It has to live a life of love in order to then serve its fellow

human beings as a guide. This soul’s earthly fate will be far more difficult yet it will reach the goal, because its earthly

progress was motivated by love, and love is strength which conquers everything, which achieves everything. And since

it signifies the unification with Eternal Love Itself it will also always find support from Me…. Amen

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B.D. 4837, February 14, 1950

Retribution – Atonement.... Eternal Order.... Forgiveness through Christ....

Retribution exists on this earth for all deeds, both good and bad, you cannot sin with impunity, just as you can’t do

something good without being rewarded, yet neither fear of punishment nor the expectation of reward should determine

whether you perform an evil deed or a good one. Pure love for your neighbour should prevent you from harming him,

instead you should help him, hence be willing to be of service to him, you should do good for the sake of it and abhor

evil because it is evil. Thus is My will and corresponds to My eternal order; it is the law of the spiritual and therefore

also the earthly kingdom to live in My eternal order so as to be happy, and anyone who revokes this law of order is in a

wretched state and will be judged accordingly, that is, he will join those spiritual beings which oppose My will, thus

likewise disregard My order. The being will be able to realise its wrong there, if it wants to, and likewise have the opportunity to make up for it. Yet this requires an extraordinarily strong will as soon as the being has departed from

earth, whereas on earth it can much more easily realise as well as make amends for its wrong doing…. Nevertheless,

according to divine justice every wrong doing must be atoned for, and you humans should consider this as long as you live on earth. This is why love is constantly preached to you, this is why the Gospel, the teaching of Christ, is made

accessible to you, so that you will reconsider, recognise your wrong doing and make an effort to make amends through

good deeds, so that you make an effort to live a life of love, which is and forever remains the law of My eternal order. There is retribution, and you can consider yourselves fortunate if you are already allowed to make amends on earth, for

it is extremely difficult in the beyond to dispose of your guilt, so difficult, that you will need an incomprehensibly long

time for it, while on earth you may take refuge in the One Who died on behalf of your guilt of sin…. Yet this always

requires the realisation of your guilt and the will to dispose of it through a righteous atonement or through the help of

Jesus Christ, Whom you must call upon for forgiveness of your guilt, but this necessitates that you despise it yourselves

and have the firm will to become better and to enter My law of eternal order…. to live a life of love according to My

will…. Amen

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B.D. 4868, March 29, 1950

Neighbourly love....

What you do to the least of My brothers, you do unto Me, and thereby you demonstrate your love for Me and for your

neighbour. For a deed of neighbourly love also testifies to your love for Me and will enrich you far more than you have

given up. And who is your neighbour? Every needy human being who approaches you with a request for help is your

neighbour, regardless of whether he voices it or whether it remains unspoken. For you will recognise yourselves when

your help is needed and appropriate as soon as the spark of love in you flares up and you are affected by your fellow

human being’s adversity. Yet you can live in abundance and accomplish a deed of neighbourly love without sacrificing

anything, but it will not be regarded as such if you lack love, if you help in order to dispose of an irritating petitioner or to shine before your fellow human beings. So many motives can prompt a person to render help, yet I only value a deed

of merciful neighbourly love impelled by your heart. And you will experience the fact that, when love grows cold in

people’s hearts, help for other people will only occur due to organisation and deeds of love will effectively become routine, which certainly can alleviate people’s adversity but which cannot be classed as deeds of neighbourly love, as

the fulfilment of My commandment of love, and which therefore cannot have any redeeming effect either. The right

hand should not know what the left hand is doing.... it should be a quiet giving; yet material gifts alone cannot be described as deeds of neighbourly love. Every other help, every kind look and every caring word can be valued as a

deed of love if it comes from the heart. People’s spiritual and psychological adversity is often even greater than their

earthly adversity, there you should actively help by giving encouragement and comfort in suffering, by lifting people up

spiritually, by conveying My Word and leading them back to faith, where it is necessary. All this is part of the

commandment of neighbourly love, and I only expect a soft and compassionate heart for you to be able to fulfil My

commandment of love for Me and your neighbour and also awaken love in your neighbour’s heart, who thereby can be guided on the right path and you will have acquired a double reward. However, you should not help for the sake of

reward but only for love of Me, then all your deeds will be blessed…. Amen

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B.D. 4890, May 5, 1950

The reward of a life of love, blissful fate in the beyond....

Those of you who heed My will on earth are granted a blissful fate. I expect nothing else from you other than that you

conduct yourselves on earth like your Father’s children, that you love and help one another like true children of the same

Father do. No other commandment is given to you by Me, for true love includes everything, from true love emerges

everything that leads to unification with Me. Consequently, true love is all you need to strive for on earth. Your nature

must shape itself into love, it must become again as it once was when it originated from Me, the Eternal Love.... Then

you can stay in your true home again, in the kingdom of light, in My presence and illuminated by My strength, which

signifies eternal beatitude for you. A blissful fate is granted to you if you respect My will…. Therefore, make My will

your own, live in Me and with Me, and My will shall be yours too. To live according to My will is all I expect of you. But anyone who lives according to My will cannot be anything but good, and thus is kindness of heart also the evidence

that a person has entered into My will, that he is a true child of his Father. And I watch over My children with all love

and care, consequently they can go through earthly life without worry as soon as they feel themselves as My children and are closely united with Me through love, which characterises the human beings as My children. Be kind to each

other, support each other in every adversity, try to keep all suffering at bay and help wherever possible. Prove

yourselves as My children, and your Father’s love will be your eternal reward…. Amen

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B.D. 4961, September 2, 1950

Love for God and one’s neighbour....

Whatever you want people to do to you when you suffer adversity you should also do to them.... That is the

commandment of neighbourly love, which is the most important commandment for you because it includes the love for

God at the same time. For whoever loves his neighbour like his brother also loves the Father above all else, Whose child

is the neighbour. And thus you humans know what you ought to do in order to become blessed, for these two

commandments are the epitome of My will, the fulfilment of which is your earthly task. If you pay attention to these two

commandments of love for God and your neighbour you will be unable to commit a sin but will live to please Me, and I

will bless you in turn by increasing your realisation and wisdom, light and strength. Yet you humans also know that you

are repeatedly approached by the opponent in order to push you off the right path, in order to make you desert Me. And

therefore he will try to prevent you from arousing My favour…. He will try to stop you from loving Me and your neighbour and time and again persuade you to transgress these commandments of Mine. He will make you conscious of

the fact that you are more important, that you should think of yourselves first and thus let selfish love dominate, so that

you will have no understanding for your fellow human being’s hardship and neglect Me in favour of your own endeavours…. earthly possessions, which are temporary.

And thus you will have to decide, you will have to choose Me or My adversary.... you will have to fulfil My commandments or perish in selfish love, for My adversary only wants your ruin. But the love you give Me and your

neighbour will make you happy, for this love is truly strength and increases spiritual possessions. Your one and only

purpose in life is to help your fellow human being, for selfless neighbourly love is the right means of release for your

soul, it is the purchase price for eternal beatitude. In the spiritual kingdom, however, love is natural, whereas on earth it

is an effort to rise above oneself, because selfish love still constitutes a strong counterweight which, however, is

wrongly directed love and locks the entrance to the kingdom of the blessed spirits. Love comes forth from Me and leads

back to Me again, but anyone who is without love has voluntarily excluded himself from My circuit and is therefore at risk of falling prey to the one who is entirely without love because he is My opponent. That is why he has to be fought,

love shall be practised and therefore My commandment always be complied with; you shall shape yourselves into love

through selfless labours of love so that you will correspond to My fundamental nature, so that you will liberate

yourselves from your enemy’s bondage, so that you will unite with Me and be eternally happy…. Amen

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B.D. 4986, October 21, 1950

Love.... Pleasure of giving.... Reciprocated love.... Belief in Christ’s act of Salvation....

Awaken to new life.... Try to kindle the flame of love in you, constantly provide it with new nourishment and thereby

ignite your love for God, which will make you eternally happy. Then you will be assured of eternal life, a state of

abundant strength and light in unlimited freedom. Then you will be able to do whatever you want, you will have

conquered death, for all lack of strength, all weakness will fall away from you and you will live and be blissfully happy.

Yet this can only be accomplished by love and love cannot be given to you, you must kindle it in yourselves. You must

help where help is needed and, animated by the feeling of inner happiness, constantly accomplish new deeds of love,

then you will always keep the fire within you burning, you will feed it and be constantly active with unselfish love. Only the pleasure of giving spurs you into renewed kind-hearted activity, and you will experience this when you look into a

needy fellow human being’s eyes after you have helped him. This reward is far nicer than material payment, for it is

reciprocated love which shines forth from these eyes. Then you will have kindled love in your fellow human being’s heart again, a tiny spark will have been ignited by you and once again the flame of love will spread and communicate

itself to other people. Only a united activity of love can redeem the human race from the state of spiritual hardship it

finds itself in. Only loving activity results in light and grace and leads you to God, the eternal Love Himself. However, the closer it gets to the end the more love will grow cold amongst people, since they only live for their own ends and

have no heart for the suffering of their fellow human beings. The distance to God will therefore become ever more

obvious, the gulf between people and God will have almost become unbridgeable, the darkness in people’s hearts

impenetrable, for the light of love will not be able to shine forth and therefore not provide illumination, and the One

Who would be able to help is not called upon, because He is not acknowledged…. Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer,

will be unable to distribute the blessings of His act of Salvation, He will not be approached for them because people don’t believe in Him. And this is the worst situation, for then they will lack all strength and support without which,

however, they cannot become happy. People no longer believe what they are advised to believe, and if they don’t

acknowledge the divine Redeemer they will not call upon Him either, consequently they are spiritually unenlightened and therefore suffer profound hardship. They are already in a state of death and could certainly be delivered from it yet

never without love, never without divine grace, but the human will must always profess to it first. Try to awaken

yourselves to life.... you are able to do so if only you wanted it…. Practise unselfish neighbourly love and you will find it easy to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of the world and as the Son of God, for then the spirit within you

will enlighten you, so that you will be able to believe because you live a life of love. Awaken to new life, for the hour is

close at hand when it will be decided as to whether the soul has chosen life or death. Make use of every opportunity to

actively practise neighbourly love, and you will experience the beneficial feeling that you are infused by new life….

Then you will have conquered death and need not fear the final end, for then you will be living in light and truth, and

you will live eternally…. Amen

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B.D. 5019, December 13, 1950


Your love for Me also results in your gratitude for everything I give to you, even if you don’t put your feelings of

gratitude into words it nevertheless is in your heart, into which I can look at any time. The mouth often voices what the

heart is not aware of, and such words mean nothing to Me. But the heart can feel without expressing itself with words,

and I only take such feeling into account. A person’s heart, having received kindness, will also respond with love and be

thankful to the giver. But to accept a gift without gratitude betrays innermost heartlessness, it betrays arrogance towards

a fellow human being which makes him feel entitled to have received something. The same also applies to Me, so that the humble person always accepts My gifts of grace with a grateful heart, be they spiritual or earthly offerings I give to

Him in My love. Humble childlike love is always evidence of gratitude.... Thus words are not necessary for Me, yet you

should not fail to express your thankfulness towards your fellow human being so as not to hurt the giver and repay his love with unkindness. Although someone who only gives for the sake of gratitude certainly lacks the right love for his

neighbour every well-intentioned gift should nevertheless be gratefully acknowledged so that the giver shall also learn

to know the pleasure of giving, so that the giver’s love will be kindled by the pleasure of the recipient, for a warmly felt

gratitude can inspire further giving, which will always be a blessing for the giver and the recipient. Gratitude is

inseparable from love, because a grateful word without love cannot be called true gratitude. But the life, thoughts and

actions of a loving person constitute never-ending gratefulness towards the One Who created him, for his will also

belongs to Him, He owns the love of his heart which, bowed down in most profound humbleness, receives every gift

from Him with emotion. This gratitude is pleasing to Me, since I also possess the love of My living creations which will

then always receive beyond measure, so that they become blissfully happy…. Amen

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B.D. 5203, September 4, 1951

Help for suffering souls... Love redeems

In the beyond everything that helps the soul to strive upwards is appreciated. Love that is sent to immature souls is their

only rescue as long as they cannot lift themselves by their own strength, that is, as long as they cannot work in Love

because of their lack of power. Whoever strengthens such souls has My blessing because they are motivated by Love.

Love that is shown to these immature spirituals produces results one way or another, be it on Earth or in the beyond.

Love is never powerless. All deeds of Love are a source of strength.

So you can help greatly if Love inspires you to think of suffering souls who depend on your help. Everything you do to

strengthen them and liberate them is pleasing to Me. There is so little Love among the people on Earth. Seldom do they

think about souls in the beyond because they do not believe in life after death. This has a very bitter effect on souls in

the beyond, who remain lost and powerless in dark surroundings, unable to help themselves. Every kind thought, every

loving wish for their well being lifts them up for which they are thankful.

But very few thoughts reach souls who are in darkness so they remain in great need. Thus you can understand that

people who want to help them are always surrounded by many souls who make their presence known, begging for help. You all are surrounded by such souls, but very few of you listen to them, very few of you have the willingness to help

and the faith that you can help through prayers and loving thoughts. A most of souls do not have any intercessor on

Earth and try therefore to approach those places where God's power is manifested. They beg you for help. Grant their request. Do everything that Love urges you to do and know that My blessings rest upon you when this Love moves to

help them.

Always try to help. You can loosen many chains and give many bound souls freedom. First of all you help them by

giving them strength, which they use through your example of willingness to help other souls as you help them. Do not

forget that they depend on your help, because My Grace and Mercy does not condemn anyone. But their stubborn heart

has to be touched first with a ray of Love before they will accept My Grace.

I Myself lead these souls to you. They need the urge to begin the road of development in the beyond. But without loving help they suffer endlessly in the same condition and do not find their way upwards. Pray for them. Never target them,

because their suffering as a result of their unbelief and selfishness is great. If you want to help them I am always willing

in My Grace and Mercy to draw them upwards out of the night of death to the Light of Life. Because I cannot withstand

your Love, which you show to those unhappy souls and I forgive their guilt because of your Love. Amen

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B.D. 5303, January 26, 1952

Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character....

You humans have to go through a process of revival or you will be unsuitable for the spiritual kingdom, for the spheres

of light. This means that you humans, the way you are in earthly life, don’t have the necessary maturity to reside in the

kingdom of light. You need a completely different attitude in order to become an acceptable occupant of the spiritual

kingdom, and you are meant to achieve this state on earth, which is indeed possible. Hence you have to go through a

certain process of transformation, and you have to undertake it of your own accord. Your character cannot be forcibly

changed, thus your state at the end of your earthly life is determined by yourselves, and corresponding to your willingness to change your soul will leave your body.... either receptive to light or still surrounded by dense layers

which cannot bear any emanation of light…. But who knows this, which person ponders this when he is informed of it

and takes changing his character seriously?....

Every person has to refine himself, he has to discard faults, weaknesses and bad habits and teach himself humility,

gentleness, peacefulness, patience, compassion; every person has to shape himself into love in order to combine all these

virtues within himself, then he will have shaped himself such that he can be admitted into the kingdom of light, then his

nature will be deified, then he will have adjusted himself to My fundamental nature and thereby will have enabled Me

Myself to enter into union with him, for everything that had separated us will have been consciously removed. The

transformation of his character is the path which leads to Me, he will have achieved his earthly goal and discarded the

last heavy cover as soon as he leaves his body in order to then live eternally as a blissfully happy spiritual being. Only

then will the real life begin….

Let these words come alive in you: Real life begins for you when you enter the kingdom of light…. Everything prior to

this has only been the ladder, the preparation time for the actual life which, however, has to be acquired during this preparation time. You humans eagerly and undauntedly work for earthly life since you consider this alone important,

and you regard it as an end in itself. Yet you do not consider the actual life because you do not believe in a continuation

of life after the death of your body. Oh, you are fools…. Your purpose of life is an entirely different one than just working for your body’s well-being. You are informed of this time and again yet you don’t believe it, and therefore you

don’t change your character either, and that is your downfall…. For if you are not suitable to enter the kingdom of light,

but I neither can nor want to destroy you since you originated from Me, you will have to carry out your transformation

elsewhere, and that can also mean a great fall and a gradual ascent corresponding to My eternal plan, if the opportunity

of attaining maturity in the beyond is not available to you…. Sooner or later you will have to undertake this change of

character in the stage of a human being, not even My love can release you from this.

The stage of a human being is, however, the final stage in an incredibly long process of development through all

creations on earth. As a human being you will have to accomplish a conscious change of will and character if this process of development is to reach a successful end with your physical death on earth…. Then your earthly course of

life will irrevocably come to an end…. Nevertheless, progress can continue in the spiritual realm, the soul can still

recognise its wretched state in the spiritual kingdom and try to improve itself, but this necessitates much help from the beings of light or through human intercession. But the being can also slide down again into the deepest abyss because it

did not recognise and try to change itself…. Then it will have to accept an appalling fate in order to join the process of

change after an infinitely long time again, when it has to prove itself once again…. Amen

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B.D. 5314, February 10, 1952

Love is the key to the spiritual kingdom....

You will only be able to comprehend Me through love.... There is no other way you can win Me, no other way to recognise Me but through love. And thus you have the key which will open the door to My heart for you, the gate into

the spiritual kingdom, to your Father’s house. Without this key all access will remain blocked, everything My love,

wisdom and omnipotence has created in the spiritual kingdom will remain hidden from you, without this key all

knowledge of truth will remain concealed, you will lack all divine wisdom because without love you will be engulfed by

darkness, since only love will give you light…. thus leading you into realisation. You would be incredibly mighty if you

would heed My Words and live a life of love…. For love is also strength and nothing would be impossible for you if

you would change your nature into love. Hence, with these Words I Am giving you the promise of an abundance of light

and strength, of blissfulness, through the inflow of My Fatherly love, if you just unite yourselves with Me through deeds

of love, if you just reciprocate My love for you…. Yet you don’t believe My Words or you would all endeavour to live a life of love.

Why don’t you put it to the test…. Let go off all selfish love, look around yourselves and wherever you see hardship try

to bring help, wherever you find people suffering physical or psychological ailments try to heal them, give to them

earthly and spiritually whatever they need, give them food and drink, and let go of your possessions if you thereby can

ease the hardship of people in need. Try it and you will experience the truth of My Word, you will grow in strength and

light, you will rise above your own earthly suffering, nothing will affect you which previously appeared to weigh you down, you will feel the strength of love in yourselves and the happiness of your union with Me, which you establish

with every deed of love, will compensate you a thousand fold for what you have given away…. You will recognise Me

and feel My hand holding you, you will feel the flow of My love’s strength pour into you and, being spiritually brightly enlightened, you will be able to hear and behold what otherwise is hidden to you humans….

Take the test and believe My Word, practise love…. and you will win Me and never ever lose Me again…. Believe Me, for I truly won’t instruct you wrongly, I want you to become blessed, and since only love is able to turn you into happy

beings I constantly just urge you to love….

Yet then you will have to combat the spirit within you which is lacking all love and to which you owe your earthly

existence…. He impels you to selfish love, he wants to extinguish the divine spark within you, he wants to prevent you

from living a life of love. Hence you will have to fight it, that is, you have to fight your own cravings which only

increase your selfish love and weaken the true love towards Me and your neighbour, so that you will be unable to

experience the strength of love yourselves…. Fight against it and follow Me, accept these Words in your heart and act

accordingly, and your fate will be the complete union with Me and infinite bliss…. Amen

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B.D 5322, February 23, 1952

Consequencess of unkindness in the beyond... Unkindness has far-reaching consequences on earth as well as in the beyond. For it surrounds the soul with the densest

of covers, so that no ray of light can penetrate it and it forever remains in darkness. Light is everywhere, yet where it

cannot penetrate the human soul there is darkness. Love, however, radiates light and illuminates the soul from within,

the covers dissolve, and then the light from outside can exert an effect…. the soul becomes enlightened…. Thus, on

earth ‘enlightenment’ denotes knowledge of the eternal truth, of the meaning and purpose of earthly life and ever-

increasing love for God…. But in the kingdom of the beyond receiving light is guaranteed to the soul who became

enlightened on earth through love…. Darkness has gone forever, everything is revealed to the soul, no uncertainty exists

for the soul any longer, nothing is incomprehensible or impossible, for due to love it has become full of light and

strength itself….

Hence, unkindness is the soul’s eternal ruin, for a soul who still languishes in profound darkness is wretched. It has

become a victim of the one who is devoid of love himself and also wants to prepare this state for souls who allow themselves to be influenced by him, who are full of selfish love and only ever treat their fellow human beings unkindly,

because they are seduced by Satan, because he wants to transfer his own feelings into people in order to enslave them.

Unkindness is the death of the soul.... it poisons people’s thoughts, so that the results of thinking are lies and ill-will

which generate acts of hatred and, in turn, will result in evilness again. And neither can it be otherwise, for where there

is love there is God.... where unkindness and hatred reveal themselves there is Satan. And he reigns, so that he can truly

be recognised as the souls’ greatest enemy, who not only pursues and tries to gain people on earth, but with increased

malice works on and tries to influence the souls in the beyond in order to hasten the hardening of their hearts and pull

them ever deeper into the abyss.

And because heartlessness has such a frightening effect in the beyond it can only be countered with love…. souls in the

beyond need to be given lots of love, which effects the ailing soul like medicine by which it can be healed if people do

not stop giving them love…. Even the most stubborn souls of darkness can be changed by rays of love, unwillingly at

first, yet once they feel the blissful relief they will not let go of it again…. Love is the most effective weapon against the

opponent who cannot endure it, who takes flight and therefore will rather drop his victims than allow himself to be

touched by rays of love. For this reason you should fight against unkindness and know that it will lead into ruin, whereas

deeds of love will open the kingdom of light for you, and with love you can also help those to attain the light who still

languish in darkness as a result of their loveless and unkind way of life on earth. Only love can help them and release

their restraints, only love can make all of you blissfully happy…. Amen

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B.D. 5358, April 9, 1952

Power of love to heal the sick and perform miracles

Whoever has Love has power within and will be able for every task, if he does not lack in faith. Love brings faith to life

but first must be awakened, that is to say; one must first concern himself about what he should believe, then Love will

give him strength so that he has no doubts and thus be able to accomplish all. So Love is very valuable because it makes

all things possible. But you do not see the value of the power of Love. You could accomplish miracles, you could heal

the sick, you could banish worry….

Truly nothing would be impossible if you could bring the Love within you to its highest development and believe in its

power. So it is not so much a gift that I have given you when you are able to do all this but rather it is the natural result

of your Love-force when you have acquired power through that Love. You need not seek to acquire a gift to heal the sick, perform miracles or other such things since these are not abilities for which you can train. You must only allow the

Love within you to become stronger, and strive for spiritual perfection, which will be evident by such abilities….

because Love can accomplish anything.

Whoever yields himself fully to Love and through this becomes convinced in his faith draws from Me and feels himself

as My child, as belonging to Me. He can think nothing else but that all his work will succeed, for I am standing at his

side. Love however must be in his heart completely filling his being, making him glad to deny himself for whatever his

fellowman lacks. True Love is totally unselfish and ask nothing for itself, constantly sharing and dominated by the

principal of giving but sill indescribably happy. Such Love which springs from the depth of the heart can accomplish anything it desires --- whatever it wishes shall come to pass.

A strong living faith places its hope in Me and the fulfillment of its request will not be sought in vain. Also everyone can avail himself of My power and accomplish the same as I on earth accomplished but only if he is filled with Love.

Then, I did not give him this power but he has it in himself rightfully acquired through deeds of Love.

He has then returned to his original state, he has not taken something unrightfully but rather has become again what he

was in the beginning…. Light and Power and man cannot help but radiate Light and Power if he has Love.

So it is necessary for you to mould yourself to Love to be God-like and accomplish anything. And of course you want to

do that which is in accordance with My Will, since Love is also the source of Wisdom and can only act in My Will.


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B.D. 5432, July 8, 1952

Thinking and acting righteously.... Love your enemy....

You ought to think and act righteously. This includes meeting all people with love and not excluding anyone, for all

people are My children, who should love each other…. thus you should not deny your love to any person while granting

it to another, because you should not make judgments if one of your brothers has done wrong but leave the judgment to

Me, as I Am truly a righteous Judge. It is certainly difficult for you to feel the same love for all people, but if you

consider that you all have only one Father, if you consider that His love created all of you and that His love always and

forever belongs to His living creations, even if they don’t want to know Him…. if you are aware yourselves of being

seized by the Father’s love and feel constantly sheltered by His loving care, then you should not curtail your Father’s love, but this is what you would be doing if you acted and thought unkindly of your fellow human beings who are, after

all, My children too whom I love…. Even those people you think you can’t love have a soul, although it is frequently

pitiable because it lingers in profound spiritual hardship…. precisely because the human being is bad and thus does not awaken love in you. Were you, however, able to see the hardship of such a soul you would, if you only had one spark of

love in you, want to help it with deepest compassion and would not rest until you have reduced this soul’s suffering.

Then you would only see the soul, the human being as such would no longer seem detestable to you but you would support him like a completely blind person and forget whatever he has done to you. And you should always remember a

fellow human being’s soul if he cannot awaken love in you.... The soul’s torments are inconceivable, and I have mercy

upon every soul and would like to help it…. Nevertheless, I cannot infringe upon its free will, I must allow it to take its

own path.... you, however, can grant it love and thus so influence a person that he, too, can ignite love in him and

thereby reduce his soul’s spiritual hardship. Hence, you can help where I Am effectively powerless as not to endanger

the person’s free will. And you will only think righteously if you help a fellow human being, who is still bound in sin, to attain the level which you have climbed already, for you were helped by My grace when you were still weak and My

grace also wants to help those who are still below yet held captive by My adversary…. And you should help to loosen

the shackles, you should lovingly bring the children who have gone astray back to Me, the eternal Father, you should help them to find the same that you have found through My love and My grace…. Amen

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B.D. 5547 & 5548, December 4-5, 1952

True Christianity.... following Jesus

A faithful Christian must also live according to his belief, that is, he must follow Jesus Christ, Who exemplified to

people the right kind of life on earth and thus requires faith in His act of Salvation in order to be acknowledged by Him

as a Christian. The Christian doctrine must be followed from the heart, for Christ requires love from people, a love

which lacks self-interest and has therefore a redeeming effect, a love which is willing to make sacrifices, a love which

Jesus demonstrated through His death on the cross. Thus, to be a true Christian means to shape one’s inner nature into

love in the belief in Jesus Christ, for the human being is incapable of this change of character without faith in Him. He can indeed believe in Him and yet not live in love…. In that case, however, it is merely a conventional faith, an

intellectual faith, which may well give credence to the existence of Jesus, the man, and perhaps even His crucifixion, but

which has no idea about the significance of the sacrifice the made by the man Jesus on behalf of fellow human beings. For the understanding of this only comes to him when he practices love, because only then will his spirit give him the

right understanding through his heart.... This is why ‘being a Christian’ first means to live a life of love, then the human

being will also testify to Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of the world. However, a person lacking unselfish love will never

be a Christian, even if he declares himself as such before the world…. For the concept of Christianity is not a question

of believing that Jesus existed, the point is that the person lives as Jesus Christ had lived on earth in order to be able to

rightfully call himself a Christian. This is why there is no true Christianity in this world anymore, despite churches and

doctrines, for the spirit of Christ is missing. People are unredeemed because Jesus Christ can no longer be effective

where love does not exist…. And love has completely grown cold among people…. Whether poor or rich, whether high

or low, they all lack love, the most important aspect of Christianity….

People no longer make use of Jesus’ act of Salvation; they stand outside the circle of those who died on behalf of Jesus

Christ. They certainly see the cross because they cannot deny Jesus Christ, the man, and His crucifixion, but it has become utterly irrelevant to them, they merely speak words without meaning and strength, because only love reveals the

understanding in the first place but love has died away. For such people Jesus Christ died in vain on the cross and yet

they call themselves Christians…. Not one of them realises the significance, not one of them makes the effort to be a true Christian, and many people contemptuously look down on those who, in their eyes, are heathens or unbelievers

because they are not part of an official church or community…. And all these will one day have a dreadful awakening if

they depart from earth in an unredeemed state and are required to give account of their way of live, if their degree of

love is so low that it emits no ray of light on entry into the kingdom of the beyond…. Then they will have to look for the

Redeemer of humankind first and will hardly find Him, because they will have lacked the right faith in Him and yet,

without it they will never be able to become happy…. Oh, if only you humans knew what you are giving away on this

earth because of your half-hearted attitude towards the most important things…. if only you knew how bitterly you will

regret it one day…. You will never be able to become blissfully happy without love…. You must travel your path on

earth as true Christians, you must follow Him, that is, keep His commandments, only then will your faith in Him be a living one, only then will you profess Jesus Christ before the world…. You will stand up for Him and, having been

redeemed by Him, also be able to provide your fellow human being with the right explanation as to the fact that and why

He has to be acknowledged, as to fact that and why eternal life is not possible without the redemption through Jesus Christ and that only the right way of life in the spirit of Jesus will be valued before God and not the outwardly displayed

Christianity which, in truth, is no Christianity at all…. Amen

(December 5, 1952) I want to provide you with an addition so that you realise how exceptionally important it is that you

acknowledge Jesus, the son of man, as God and Redeemer of the human race…. My love for you humans did not want

you to stay in sin, isolated from Me, which caused your wretchedness. I Myself was unable to approach you since in

your state your were incapable of enduring My presence or you would have perished in the fire of My love. Nevertheless, without Me it was impossible for you to be saved, and therefore I had to approach you in a concealed way,

certainly influencing you with My strength of love yet in a garment which would not frighten you, from which you

would not have had to escape…. in a garment which was similar to your own…. I had to approach you as a human being.... First, you should understand that the reason why I had to come to you was to help you. Then you will also

understand why I came in a form similar to yours…. Yet even this stay of My Divinity in a human being had to proceed

according to law, which was certainly possible but it was unknown to you.... that My spirit of love was able to manifest

itself anywhere as long as the basic requirement had been fulfilled…. where love was present. Thus Jesus, the human

being, offered Me the opportunity to manifest Myself in Him by living a life of love, for I can only be in My substance

where love exists…. Divine love wanted to help you and therefore chose a form in which it was able to take abode

without contravening the law of eternity which, however, would have happened had I embodied Myself in a sinful

human whose love and will were opposed to Me. Love wanted to help you and since Jesus, the human being, was full of

love He accomplished that which was of help to you…. He atoned for your guilt. Being a God of justice I was unable to simply write off an offence which had not been atoned for yet, but I was able to accept atonement accomplished on your

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behalf but only if it was carried out voluntarily and for love. This is what Jesus, the man, did and thereby became your

Redeemer.... I, the eternal Love Itself, was in Him and therefore love made the said sacrifice…. I Myself died for you on

the cross, for I Myself was in the human being Jesus.

You ought to look at the act of Salvation from this point of view, then you will also understand that you can only receive

salvation if you believe in Jesus Christ as the Saviour, but this requires you to comply with His teaching, to follow him, otherwise your belief is a mere play of words, for true faith will only be brought to life through love…. If you want to be

known as Christians then you must make an effort to live a life of love; you cannot adopt this name for yourselves if you

live in complete opposition to His teaching, and His teaching requires love for God and for the next person. Thus, to be

a Christian means to conduct yourselves in a Christian spirit, like the human being Jesus did on earth, to practise selfless

neighbourly love and to always remember that you can only be redeemed by acknowledging Him as the Son of God and

Redeemer of the world…. and by demonstrating this through living a life of following Jesus…. Amen

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B. D. 5571b, January 7, 1953

Formalities, Ceremonies... True Church Service... In every church where I Am proclaimed you will learn the basic doctrines which can guide you into eternal bliss. If you

only hear them and let them fade away they will be of little use to you; but if you allow them to penetrate your heart the

seed will be fertilized and grow, soon covering the whole field, your heart, with abundant vegetation. Life will be

awakened in you and Christ's doctrine, My Word, which was made known to you, will yield glorious fruit. Your soul

will mature and you will move towards perfection. Therefore every church which makes My Word accessible to you can

help you to achieve maturity. However, the prerequisite is your acceptance of My Word, and you are offered this Word

when the teaching of Christ is imparted to you, which also informs you of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour of

the world…. You humans are only able to achieve beatitude through Jesus Christ, consequently you also have to know

of Him and His act of Salvation. And since you can only gain perfection by fulfilling His commandments of love, you also need to be instructed in His doctrine….

As to where and how this doctrine will be imparted to you is irrelevant, but it is very important that you receive it. Therefore I will bless everyone who proclaims My Word, who tries to bring Me closer to people, who bears witness of

Me, Who lived on earth as the man Jesus and brought salvation to humanity. Thus everything that will help to acquaint

people with My suffering and death on the cross, with My human manifestation and act of Salvation, that will help to

encourage them to follow Jesus, to live a life of selfless love for other people, is in accordance with My will and blessed

by Me, irrespective of which school of thought aims to achieve this. However, anything exceeding this, anything not in

accordance with My teaching of love, anything which is a burden to people because it interferes with human free will,

anything which contradicts My simple way of life on earth, anything which was added to My divine commandments of

love at a later time, will incur My displeasure and is not right for the development of true members of the church, which

I Myself established on earth. Because where love is taught it also has to be applied by the teachers themselves…. i.e. where there is suffering it should also be alleviated…. And whoever receives material wealth from Me should also use it

in the service of neighbourly love, he should ease suffering to the best of his ability.

If this first commandment is disregarded, no blessing can be expected either, even if My teaching of love is proclaimed.

For then they are nothing but idle words which have not yet achieved a change of disposition, thus My Word has not yet

penetrated the heart, the person’s heart has not yet come alive, My Word will have fallen on stony ground and therefore

not be able grow. Nothing other than a life of love will enable you to acquire an eternal life of bliss, and My Gospel will

only be truthfully proclaimed to people where this doctrine is preached quite firmly. And the true church service takes

place where My teaching of love is given full expression, which is pleasing to Me and which will result in inconceivable

blessings for you…. Amen

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B.D. 5635, March 25, 1953

All willingness to help is blessed by God....

Believe in My Words that I bless everything which is done with the intention to help. The willingness to help is

unselfish neighbourly love which can never arouse My displeasure. And I often give you humans the opportunity to put

your will into action, I stimulate your thoughts and also give you the strength to accomplish whatever you feel impelled

to do. Just don’t strive for earthly gain by doing so, for only unselfishness characterises the right kind of love; you

should always want to give but never want to achieve anything for yourselves by your action. Consequently, wherever

you think you are able to help you should never hold yourselves back, for your labour of love not only helps to reduce

suffering but also awakens reciprocated love and therefore achieves the noblest purpose…. to kindle love in the person’s heart who receives the labour of love and thereby to give life, for only love awakens life and can therefore also soften an

obstinate heart and achieve a transformation which signifies redemption for the bound soul. Never allow yourselves to

be held back from active unselfish neighbourly love and send kind thoughts to your fellow human beings, remember their souls which are in spiritual darkness, on earth as well as in the kingdom of the beyond, and try to bring them light

by igniting love in them through kind-hearted deeds…. You can have an incredibly richly blessed influence on all those

who live in darkness by merely loving them, by including them in your heart of love and giving them a lot of love, which they will feel with gratitude and reward with love in return…. Never fear that you are doing wrong if you want to

help.... For I see your will and this alone is valued by Me…. The hardship is enormous and any reduction of it is an act

of mercy, a loving deed, the consequences of which you are incapable of recognising…. But where love is active there

will always be detectable success which consists of activity of love again, and this shall spur you into untiring loving

activity, so that every ray of light will be felt beneficially on earth as well as in the beyond and ignite again…. so that

every small flame will spread and radiate light and that, where the light is shining, there will also be happiness…. so that you therefore make those happy, whom you lovingly take into your heart, whom you grant love…. be it on earth or in

the kingdom of the beyond…. Amen

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B.D. 5901, March 12, 1954

Bringing the Gospel to souls in the beyond

Deliver the gospel to souls in the beyond. Remind them of My commandments of Love which must be fulfilled even in

the world hereafter, if the soul would rise to the heights. Give them knowledge of My Will which always requires a

turning to Me, and must take place to be apprehended by My Love.

It is the same on Earth as in the spiritual Kingdom those who are at first directed against Me must have a change of

will. This can happen only through Love, for an unselfish act of Love is the first step toward Me, bringing strength to

such a one.

The souls who are powerless in the beyond are poor in Love, and you must explain to them that they can only expect

help when they are willing to share Love with those who, like them, are equally poor in Love and unhappy. Without Love their thinking is wrong, and as on Earth beings can come to them and teach them wrongly without them being

aware of the error. Only a soul willing to help recognizes the Truth. So you must first present to the soul My

commandments of Love and draw to their attention that these have been given to them that union with Me can only

be restored by fulfilling these commandments of Love, for deeds of Love provide strength and also helps them


You can teach those souls again and again, but if they are not willing to Love they will not believe you, or understand

you. So if you are willing to help them it must be your earnest and serious intention to encourage them and appeal to

them to help other souls that are in need. Only this readiness to Love can open their spiritual eyes and ears, then they can understand everything that you lay be fore them.

My Gospel is only the doctrine of Love, because everything else comes by itself, if 'they follow My doctrine of Love. To bring souls in the beyond knowledge only, would be of no use, because as long as they are not willing to perform

deeds of Love they shall not understand, because in the beyond, as well as on earth, deeds of Love must be

performed, but this always demands a willingness to do so, otherwise the soul is without power.

As long as the soul thinks only about itself and its sorrowful condition, there is no possibility to give it help or to

convey strength. It must first turn its eyes to its surroundings, or if it is alone in a barren region its thoughts should go

out to the people on earth that it could have helped but failed to do so.

The soul must feel sorry and have a desire to make restitution. Then to that soul beings in need will come and as soon

as it is willing to help them it will immediately receive strength to carry out its intentions. First of all this Love has to

be inflamed which can take a long time, but through loving support from the earth of a human being, urged by a

loving will to help and trying to teach, it is possible that he can give to the soul an explanation about its needs.

Love achieves everything and Love overcomes everything. Love itself is the force, which helps the soul to salvation.

But as long as the soul only considers itself it will be very difficult to free it from its unpleasant condition. However, it can become tender and loving when it gets touched by small rays of Light. These are sparks of Love, which shall

always touch and ignite its heart.

Every soul who feels the darkness as a pain will be pleasantly touched by such rays of Light and in this is its hope

that it goes after the Light, and that it is also willing to help other souls to this Light.

Love should always be preached to these souls. Love, which found it’s crowning in Jesus Christ and His work of redemption. At first no other knowledge is necessary for those souls. They should know about the reason for their

distress and how they can remove it.

Only when they have this discernment their ascent is sure, only when they themselves want to do deeds of love do

they receive strength to work in Love and accept steadily more strength and go on in continually brighter Light.

Light makes these souls exceedingly happy and in their happiness comes the willingness to love constantly greater.

Through this a single soul in the beyond can perform an extensive work of redemption.

Because as well as it understands itself, so shall it also bring its knowledge to other souls and try to urge them to the

same endeavor in Love. For as on earth, so it is in the spiritual Kingdom: Love God above all and your neighbor as

yourself. Amen

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B.D. 5905, March 17, 1954

‘The measure you give....’

The measure you give will be the measure you receive…. You should not anxiously calculate what you think you ought

to give, you should hand out what you are inwardly urged to, for only that which you give out of love will be judged,

and if you love, you won’t be calculating but giving generously. By doing so you will not become poorer as you will be

amply rewarded, you will never go without for I will truly abundantly return it to you, I will bestow the same love upon

you, and that truly to a far greater extent. This promise of Mine is applicable spiritually and earthly, for you should

alleviate people’s hardship everywhere, you should give to your fellow human being what he requires.... And the

spiritual hardship is far greater still than the earthly one, this is why the spiritual care of the poor has been entrusted to

you, especially to those of you with spiritual riches at their disposal and who shall always share this wealth. All those who have possessions themselves should share their possessions. Yet their wealth will not diminish, for the more they

share the more they will receive. I can only grant spiritual wealth - and thus also give the assurance that I will not let

them go without - to people if they comply with My request to consider their fellow human beings, because they lack what they need to help them attain beatitude…. Anyone who shares earthly possessions acquires spiritual wealth and, at

the same time, also receives earthly possessions according to requirement.... And the more wealthy he is the more

generous he can and should become, for it will be a blessing for him as well as for the needy, love will flare up brightly, because every expression of love awakens love in return and because…. where love is kindled…. I Myself can be and

thus distribute My gift without limitation. Love must flare up in the human heart, then receiving and giving can take

place without measure; yet without love every gift is mere calculation or formality which is not judged by Me as a gift

of love. Let your fellow human beings’ hardship speak to you. Spiritual as well as earthly suffering should awaken your

sympathy, then your heart will be involved, then every gift will trigger joy in the giver as well in the recipient, and then

I will also be able to give because your love motivates Me to do so, and then your wealth will increase…. you will be endowed in a spiritual and earthly way and will never again have to go short, for My love and grace will flow to you

without measure…. you may receive without measure according to My promise ‘the measure you give will be the

measure you receive….’ Amen

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B.D. 5927, April 12, 1954

Following Jesus.... Living a life of love....

You all should take My conduct on this earth, My life, as an example, which was purely a life of selfless neighbourly love…. Try to follow Me and only ever try to live a life of love too, then you will take the same path and surely reach

the goal. I descended to earth because people were taking the wrong paths which never led upwards but only ever took

them further down. And for this reason I showed you the right path and called upon all people to follow Me on this

path…. And I instructed people because they failed to realise why a life of love would enable them to ascend, why they

were weak and without strength and how they could remedy this weakness…. I informed them about the strength of

love and gave them the evidence of truth about My teaching by proving My strength and thereby also the result of a way

of life in love, as I exemplified it on earth…. I knew about people’s great spiritual hardship but I also knew the means to

remedy it, and thus I made a constant effort of persuading people to apply these means…. The hardship of the last days

is the same, and so are the means whose use will guarantee that the human being can ascend from the abyss…. Yet people ignore what I taught them…. they don’t follow Me because they don’t believe in Me and My teaching. They are

leading an earthly way of life which is far apart from Mine; they completely ignore love and are therefore not taking the

path of ascent.... For without love there is no connection, without love there is a broad gulf between you humans and

your God and Father of eternity….

Only love bridges the gulf, only love is the path to the Father’s heart, and only love is the strength which lets you take

the ascending path that requires strength and effort. Anyone who refuses to take the path of love will never be able to lift himself out of the abyss, and My hand cannot take hold of him to pull him up either, for he would never take hold of it

as long as he is without love.... He has to follow Me of his own free will, for I do not exert any coercion if a person still

resists Me. Love tolerates no compulsion yet it redeems those who are held captive…. I can only instruct you humans and strongly admonish you to practise neighbourly love, showing that you want to be able to emulate Me, so that I can

help you because you have the will to follow Me. This is why you should always bear My way of life in mind and make

every effort to be like Me, and then you will surely experience My help, for anyone who keeps his eyes on Me will also receive the strength to take the path of following Jesus…. and he will indeed reach the goal of being united with Me….


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B.D. 5961, May 19, 1954

God’s chain of love

Let capture you by My Love, and you will be free from him who is without any Love and who seeks therefore to

deprive you also of My Love when you are his slaves. My Love indeed winds a solid band around you; it chains you in a

way to Me. However, you will support these fetters with joy and happiness, and will not want to loosen them. You will

devote yourself to Me, as your God and Lord, but you will also recognize in Me the Father to Whom you rush to meet

and to show Me also your Love.

The chain of My Love does not constrict you; you will not leave Me in Eternity, but you are completely free Creatures;

you are My children who inherit the goods of the Father and therefore act and Create with Me and are Blissful. Because I do not tie the band of My Love against your will, I wait until you yourself are ready to be bound, until you surge

forwards to Me, and thus I lay hold of you and never let you go again.

In order that you want to be devoted to me now and ever-more, I speak to you because I want you to learn to recognize

Me as your God and Father, Whose Love was yours from the earliest beginning, and that you recognize Me as Love.

Because you have to know Me beforehand in order to long for Me. And I give Light to you, because within you it is still

dark. I am yet so hidden for your eyes, so that you are not able to recognize Me. And therefore, you have no desire to

unite yourself with Me until your eyes become aware of a gentle radiation that issues from Me and falls soothingly into your heart. And then you open your heart to Me and want Me to enter. Then you long already for My Nearness and then

you will do everything to keep Me, and then are you also received by My Love that keeps you then captive. You are

happy and you do not ever want to leave Me.

Let Me hold you with My Love and you are already blissful Creatures on Earth. Enter consciously into union with Me

and you will free yourself from the enemy of your soul, who cannot follow you when you seek My Nearness. Think that

the longing for Me already makes you free because then I Myself can come closer to you, and where I am, My opponent

flees. Throw away an oppressing chain and you will submit with pleasure to My Might, and let you bind voluntarily and

be pleased in that captivity, because in My Love you will be eternally happy. Amen

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B.D. 5963, May 21, 1954

Love ‘He who remains in love remains in Me....’

In unity with Me you find your peace of mind. Your longing is satisfied as soon as you know yourselves to be as one

with Me, if you have united with Me through love or heartfelt prayer sent to Me in spirit and in truth. Prayer is the will

for unity with Me, activity of love, however, is the fulfilment, for ‘He who remains in love remains in Me and I in

him….’ Love is the most important…. and everything that is described as the maturing of the soul, the return into the

Father’s house and eternal beatitude depends on deeds of love…. And if you always only keep these words in mind ‘He

who remains in love remains in Me and I in him….’, if you always only remember that I Am Love Itself, then you will

consider the fulfilment of My commandments of love to be the most important thing, and then you will endeavour to live a life of love in order to be thereby eternally united with Me. Love is everything.... it is redeeming strength, it is

light, it is the divine principle, the centre of eternal order.... If a human being exists without love then he has completely

left this order, his thoughts and activity are completely in opposition to God, he is spiritually blind, that is, he is ignorant, and he is unredeemed in the hands of the adversary who wants to exclude him from all happiness….

I Am Love Itself, heartlessness is My adversary.... and anyone who therefore desires to be united with Me, who wants to

attain Me must live a life of love, for then I must also be with him, because love is and has been My fundamental

substance for eternity. I certainly bestow unlimited blessings, I certainly grant you what you don’t deserve and don’t

strive for by yourselves, yet all My gifts of grace only intend to achieve one thing, that you shape yourselves into love,

for even if I would like to bestow everything upon you…. you would nevertheless remain dead without love, without

love you would remain judged beings…. you would only ever remain My living creations but never ever be able to

become My children. Only love can accomplish My living creations’ deification, only love can unite us, otherwise you will always just lead a miserable existence as isolated beings outside of Me. And this is why the first and most important

commandment is to love God above all else and your neighbour as yourself…. And your spiritual state on earth as well

as in eternity one day depends on your fulfilment of this commandment.... This is why I instructed My disciples to go into the world and proclaim My divine teaching of love to humanity…. this is why I Myself exemplified to people on

earth a life of love and sealed My teaching of love with the death on the cross, which I suffered on behalf of My fellow

human beings because of My greater than great love…. because I recognised their infinite hardship and wanted to help them.

And as long as you humans ignore these commandments of Mine you will be unable to achieve beatitude, no matter how

profoundly you humble yourselves in the dust before Me, pleading for My mercy…. My love for you cannot be

exceeded any more and I want to win all of you over for Me, yet My bliss only consists of your reciprocated love, and

you must grant this to Me voluntarily…. And your appeal for mercy has to be based on your desire for Me because you

love Me.... and because you realise how far-away you still are from Me. You must try to reach Me, you must want to

achieve unity with Me, and therefore you must live a life of love yourselves or unity will never be possible to achieve.

Consider the fact that with every deed of love you draw the eternal Love Itself to yourselves…. but that It cannot enter your hearts if they are still completely contradicting God’s fundamental nature…. You only unite with Me through love,

and that is what you ought to bear in mind and seek to fulfil the commandment of love as the most important…. you

ought to know that no human being can become blissfully happy without love. Amen

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B.D. 5982, June 22, 1954

Spoilt doctrine of Christ… Commandment of love

You are being taught the pure gospel and are learning to recognize the difference between My pure gospel and that

which is now being taught on earth as My Word. You learn to recognize that My Word has been changed in so far as

that it is being interpreted and, consequently, observed differently -that only little attention is given to that which is

essential whilst the unessential is being stressed and the result is the rather poor spiritual success.

I showed mankind the only practicable way, teaching and living in accordance with My teaching, thus walking the path that all men should walk to come to Me. It is the 'path of love' which alone can secure heaven for a person, i.e., that after

his physical death he can enter the spheres of light where his soul has a blissful existence close to Me. Now there is a

deviation from My doctrine which can only be found hidden in a structure of man made additions, wrong interpretation and the observance of unimportant commandments which were never given men by Me and present the great danger

that the only essential commandment is disregarded and thus remains unfulfilled.

What good does it do you people if you castigate yourselves, if you perform compulsory rites or worship Me with your

lips, if you do not recognize the commandment of love as the foremost and fulfill it?!

You believe to worship Me with countless ceremonies, but you can only worship Me if you do what I demand of you –

love Me and your fellowmen!

As long as you still find a lack of love, when looking at yourselves honestly, you are not yet on the right path, even if

you keep bending your knees and castigating yourselves. This demanded by men and performed only for men whom

you want to convince of your piety. But you are far from true piety as long as you do not give your fellowmen that love which also proves your love for Me, while you let your neighbors live in greatest need and distress without trying to

help, while you indulge in outward gestures paying homage to the world through mundane pomp -through all that for

which you invented the term: 'in the honor of God '.

I do not want to be worshipped in such a way while there is still misery crying to Me which you could alleviate if you

engraved My commandments of love in your heart! Whilst I was walking on earth, I cared for the needy, the poor, the

sick and the oppressed.

You who claim to by 'My followers on earth' what are you doing for the poor, sick and oppressed?

As long as you could help but do not, you are not My true followers, whether you call yourselves that or not.

I rate only the fulfillment of My commandments of love because everything else: profound faith, recognition of the

truth, union with Me and, finally, everlasting bliss resulting from love and can never be gained without love, and this

makes it obvious why the spiritual need on earth is so great and why people have no faith and walk in error.

My pure doctrine is the doctrine of love, which I taught on earth. When this is taught and practiced, men move within

truth and have entered the path of the imitation of Jesus.

But if you disregard these commandments, no amount of outward performance will help your soul. You will remain in

error and thus pass into the spiritual world. For I rate solely the degree of love attained by your soul until the hour of

your death. Amen

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B.D. 6017, August 6, 1954


You expect compassion from Me and should therefore also grant it those who ask you for it…. You should consider that

you are all sinful and that My mercy and compassion protects you from the fate of going astray forever…. Consider, that

My death on the cross was an act of compassion of immense proportion, for I took pity upon your adversity which was

caused by your own fault…. I took pity on your weakness and your darkness even though they were the just

consequences of your sins…. My love for you was greater than My righteousness, My love accomplished an act of

profound mercy…. it took upon itself your guilt of sin and atoned for it. Hence, you, too, should practise mercy, you,

too, should overlook your fellow human being’s fault and only see the immense hardship he got into and help him to rise above it again, always remembering that you, too, experienced My mercy or have to lay claim to it if you want to

attain forgiveness for your sins…. Your love must be so great that you dispose of all guilt in order to help your brother.

Your compassion should start where justice would like to come to the fore…. because all of you, without exception, need My mercy in order to be redeemed from your guilt. An act of compassion is the evidence of genuine neighbourly

love, it is proof of a gentle and sympathetic heart which may always count on receiving mercy from Me as well, for

wherever I detect pure and unselfish love My love is always willing to help. Therefore, don’t harden your hearts even if a rejection seems to be justified.... Practise mercy and act as you would act towards a fellow human being who

innocently incurred destitution…. Grant him love and be willing to help him in every way. Try to ease his fate and know

that you thereby awaken love in return and can achieve far more…. that, spiritually, you do him a favour too; for his

soul will sense your love and feel urged to respond to it…. And where love is kindled, there is also hope for

redemption.... Amen

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B.D. 6086, October 22, 1954

Earthly task: Fulfilment of the commandments of love....

Every one of you was given a task, and every one fulfils it according to his will, for every human being’s will is free. But to know your task is a prerequisite, and this knowledge is conveyed to you through My Word…. which

subsequently can indeed be heard and adhered to but also be dismissed…. the consequences of which, however, you will

have to bear yourselves. Anyone who complies with the requirements of My Word fulfils My will, hence also his earthly

task, and therefore this person can also speak of spiritual progress. Yet even the earthly-minded person should know that

one day he will have to be answerable for his failure…. that he was not offered the Word as a message of My will

without reason…. that he must also heed it if he wants to fulfil his earthly task…. He must know that his life will not

last forever and that he ought to utilise his short life on earth for eternity. And to utilise it means to first fulfil My

commandments of love…. by doing so he will then become worthy of My love and receive the strength to improve his

soul…. to accomplish the psychological work which is the purpose of his earthly existence. Every one who endeavours to live in love will also know that he was not placed on earth arbitrarily or without reason but that this is connected to

the attainment of a goal, and he will sincerely strive towards this goal…. towards unity with Me….

However, anyone who disregards love, who only tries to achieve for his own advantage, closes his own entrance into

eternal life…. for he lacks love, which alone is the key to happiness. He also lacks realisation, he doesn’t know anything

about the meaning and purpose of his earthly existence nor does he accept an explanation about it. Fulfilment of My

commandments of love for God and ones neighbour will assure that the human being gains realisation, and anyone who uses My commandments as a guiding principle for his life on earth will have to become enlightened. He cannot go

astray; his path will infallibly lead into the spheres of eternal bliss, for he utterly submits himself to My will, he leads his

life within My eternal order, he is in constant contact with Me and therefore receives strength in abundance. And he, in turn, will only use this strength for implementing deeds of love again, for he will be impelled to do so by My spirit

which is in direct contact with Me and unable to influence him in any other way than in a good way…. Thus he will

fulfil his earthly task by trying to integrate himself as well as his fellow human beings with the eternal order, by trying to establish the eternal order within himself and, in line with his realisation, also help his fellow human beings to submit

themselves to Me and My will, so that that they, too, will establish this contact with Me and achieve the purpose of their

earthly lives…. Amen

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B.D. 6121, November 27, 1954

The right amount of selfish love.... ‘As yourself....’

Making a sacrifice on behalf of your fellow human being is true unselfish neighbourly love.... in that case you love your

fellow human being more than yourselves. And if you give to him what you find desirable yourselves then you also love

him as you love yourselves…. I only require this neighbourly love, i.e. this, too, has to be voluntarily practised in order

to result in spiritual blessings for you…. However, if you are also willing to make sacrifices, if you voluntarily go

without in order to give to your fellow human being, then this neighbourly love will be far more valuable and as a result

the soul’s achievement will be far bigger…. The human being is granted a certain amount of selfish love because it is

needed for the fulfilment of earthly tasks, so that the human being can sustain his physical life, so that he can give what the body requires to himself in order to be able to live his earthly life…. It is just that this selfish love should not be

exaggerated, so that the person does not consider his fellow human being.… so that he only ever gives to himself and

thereby directs his love wrongly…. This is why I added the Words: ‘as yourself….’

And thus the human being will be able to use this guideline in relation to his thoughts and actions.... he must, if he wants

to fulfil My will, consider his fellow human being in the same way as he considers himself. And depending on his

heart’s willingness to love the human being he will then find it either easier or more difficult to comply with My

commandment. But anyone who considers himself less important than his fellow human being will have an

exceptionally loving heart, and he will very easily attain perfection.... Yet everything is left up to you…. I certainly gave

you the commandment of love, but someone who doesn’t want to fulfil it will ignore the commandment…. whereas a

person who loves will not need My commandment. Only love which becomes spontaneously active without having been

prompted by commandments is the right kind of love. But a human being whose attention has been drawn to My commandment of love can also carry out deeds of love without being inwardly prompted, by at first merely being

encouraged to do so as a result of this commandment…. until the spark of love within him ignites increasingly more and

makes the person happy when he kind-heartedly helps his neighbour.

Nevertheless, only what is motivated by love for his fellow human being will be assessed.... Love your neighbour as

yourself…. Everyone possesses love for himself, and rightly so, but it must not exceed his love for a fellow human being which, however, is the case if a person ignores his fellow human being’s adversity by believing that he cannot

share anything with him because he doesn’t own much himself…. He shall also share the little he has with him and it

will not cause him any harm, for if he is motivated by love he will be richly rewarded…. since the measure he uses will

be the measure he will receive from Me Myself…. A loving person, however, will not think about it first, he will also

give at a loss, and his reward will be truly great in heaven…. For the more he sacrifices, the more he pleases his fellow

human being, the richer he will become…. He will be permitted to receive much love and be united with Me because he

has changed himself to love…. Amen

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B.D. 6236, April 12, 1955

Accountability before God’s judgment seat....

One day you all will have to justify yourselves before God’s judgment seat.... make sure that you can step before Him

without fear and trepidation; make sure that you will be acceptable in God’s eyes so that you may share His kingdom

with Him…. This is a serious admonition, for you will greatly regret it one day, if you neglect to subordinate yourselves

to His commandments, if you pay no attention to His will on earth and then realise the consequences of your

indifference and opposition. As yet you all still have the opportunity to change if you don’t live the right way, if you

don’t care about God’s will, your earthly task is still constantly pointed out to you, the Word of God is still made

accessible to you and His might is time and again revealed to you through all kinds of events…. You can still change if you seriously want to.... However, once your hour has come, when you are called up from this world, then the hour of

your accountability will also have come, and you will no longer be able to undo anything nor catch up on what you have

done or neglected to do during your earthly life, then you will be judged according to righteousness and justice, then all your sins will be revealed and you will recognise yourselves…. for then you will live in darkness and find yourselves in

a miserable state…. which, however, you created for yourselves through your way of life on earth…. Don’t live

carelessly from day to day, consider the fact that you were only permitted to embody yourselves on earth for a purpose, that you did not arbitrarily come into existence as a whim of the Creator…. that you were given a goal and that this goal

can only be reached if you subordinate yourselves to God’s will, if you adapt yourselves to divine order…. if you work

at improving yourselves, so that everything which had left the order will live in eternal order again…. when you, who

are imperfect, shape yourselves to perfection again by fulfilling the divine commandments, which demand love for Him

and your neighbour. God gave you these commandments because you were devoid of love which, however, is the

epitome of divine order…. He gave them to you as a guiding principle for your life on earth, according to which you can therefore conduct yourselves in life…. Only the fulfilment of these commandments is His will.... which He time and

again proclaims to you through His Word…. Thus, listen to His Word and try to live up to it by only ever accomplishing

works of love in order to thereby come ever closer to Him. Then you truly need not fear the day of Judgment, then you will be able to step before God’s judgment seat, before His eyes, and He will be well pleased with you…. the hour of

passing away from this earth will also be the hour of your redemption and you will be able to enter the spiritual realm in

a free and unburdened state…. Abide by My admonition which sounds to you from above, don’t be half-hearted and indifferent because you deem the day of passing away still to be distant…. Bow to His will and fit in with it…. live in

love, because then you will live in and with God and one day you will be accepted in His kingdom, where love reigns

supreme and where love bestows beatitudes without limitation…. Amen

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B.D. 6360, September 20, 1955

Social contributions....

How often do you humans rely on the fact that you will receive help, and how often is it possible for you to offer it in

turn, for no-one can rely on himself alone, everyone needs the help of his fellow human beings, just as everyone gets

into situations to help another person. Yet people endeavour to achieve complete independence from their neighbours

and also to rid themselves from giving help…. They try to lawfully regulate what should be a voluntary service of help,

and everyone tries to derive the greatest possible benefit for himself again from this regulation…. What would be

extremely highly valued for every individual person’s soul as unselfish neighbourly love is changed into an involuntary duty, and there is no benefit for the soul as long as all voluntary activity of love is excluded.

According to human estimation all earthly hardship could be averted from people in this way, and this is no doubt also the intention of those who feel responsible for people’s serious difficulties since they cannot be concealed and burden

the latter…. And as long as unkindness prevails amongst humanity even these endeavours are a blessing in as much as

people will not perish in misery…. Nevertheless, it cannot solve people’s spiritually low level, for this requires activity

of unselfish neighbourly love…. People have to be touched by other people’s hardship to kindle the love in them....

There has to be the kind of adversity amongst people that will stimulate a kind-hearted person into actions of love….

Help can be rendered in every respect to a fellow human being through words of comfort, through caring sympathy,

through active assistance…. Yet human life, above all, relates to the overcoming of matter…. the transformation of

selfish love into selfless neighbourly love.

The human being should let go of what is desirable to himself in order to give it to a fellow human being who is in need

of it…. This is why wealth is unevenly distributed, precisely in order to motivate this will to give, since a person can

learn to overcome matter at the same time and thereby make the greatest gift to himself by detaching himself from material possessions in order to alleviate a fellow human being’s hardship…. Only what is voluntarily relinquished will

reap a rich reward for a person, for only free will demonstrates love, whereas all other contributions a person has to

make are entirely devoid of love, indeed, they are more likely to harden a person’s heart as he suppresses in himself the will to give in the belief of having done enough for other people’s well-being. Yet no matter how much people try to

ease economic poverty in this way.... the human being will still be affected by hardship in other ways, on the one hand

for his own benefit, but on the other hand in order to move a fellow human being’s heart into providing help…. in order

to touch it, so that the spark of love ignites, so that love will not grow completely cold amongst people….

And precisely those people with very hardened hearts are frequently affected by non-material problems, so that they

have to take a different path if they are to be helped: their pleasure of earthly possessions will be taken from them….

what they did not want to give to alleviate other people’s hardship they will then no longer be able to enjoy

themselves…. Material belongings will now lose their value, and blessed is the person who deals with this in the right way…. who now voluntarily relinquishes it in order to give it to needy fellow human beings…. Blessed is the person

who ultimately acquires his fellow human beings’ love as a result of good deeds, which alone will follow him into

eternity…. Then his hardship will not have been unsuccessful for his soul…. Amen

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B.D. 6610, July 31, 1956

Proclaiming Jesus’ teaching of love is urgently needed....

My Gospel shall be spread throughout the world.... I gave this instruction to My disciples while I still lived on earth, and

I give My disciples of the last days the same instruction today, for it has become more necessary than ever to convey to people My Gospel, the Gospel of love, which is unfamiliar or no longer taken seriously by everyone, even though it is

well known. People have distanced themselves from Me because they no longer live in love, thus I cannot be with them

either. And a life without love will result in certain death for you…. Hence it has become imperative that people be

informed, that My teaching of love is proclaimed to them again, that the danger they are in is brought home to them if

they fail to live according to My commandments of love, and what they will achieve if they shape themselves into


My teaching of love has to be proclaimed to all nations of this earth, and therefore I send My disciples into the world

again.... The teaching material I give to them and which they shall distribute is exquisite, so that people can once again be taught in the same way which I preached on earth as the man Jesus in order to bring salvation to people from their

lifeless and constrained condition.

More than ever it has become necessary to emphasise the divine teaching of love, for it is observed far too little. What

should be normal for people such as loving each other like brothers and doing for each other what is customary amongst

brothers is no longer known to them, everyone just thinks of himself, and everyone regards his fellow human being as

his enemy rather than his brother…. There is no community which unites with love, unselfish neighbourly love has almost disappeared but selfish love has grown ever stronger, and therefore people are at great risk of delivering

themselves to death and having to linger in this sleep of death for eternities again…. but which they can escape if only

love is kindled and practised in their hearts once more. For this reason I repeatedly prioritise love, I Myself constantly preach love; the essence of My Word, which is transmitted to you directly from above, only ever consists of love which

motivates Me to help you, and which has to be practised by you, too, if you want to remedy your soul’s hardship, if you

want to wake up to life and not ever lose this life again.

And I awaken servants for Myself everywhere.... disciples, which I instruct again as during the time of My life on earth,

disciples, to whom I proclaim My pure Gospel with the instruction to pass it on, because I know that people have to be

informed of the Gospel of love, of their earthly task to deliver themselves from their bondage and darkness through

unselfish love. For although people know My commandments of love they nevertheless speak of them thoughtlessly,

they don’t consider them in their hearts and act accordingly….

And therefore their attention needs to be drawn to them again, time and again they have to be spoken to and stimulated

to act with love, they have to be told that they can only become blessed through love because only through love can they come closer to and establish the unity with Me, which has to take place without fail in order to be happy. And thus there

is no other mission more urgent than this: to proclaim My teaching of love or to revive it again with reference to the One

Who suffered for love and died on the cross. For all people have to be informed of Him Who exemplified to them a life of love, Who was motivated by love to endure utmost suffering and an excruciating death in order to save humanity

from the night of death….

People shall only be taught to look after their fellow human beings with unselfish love, to approach them like brothers

and to treat them like brothers…. Only that guarantees their own salvation, but a heartless way of life inevitably drives

people into My adversary’s hands, who is devoid of all love. Yet until the very last day of this earth My messengers will

still preach love, until the last day they, as My disciples of the end time, will proclaim the Gospel of love, for only the

person who accepts it will escape the end and experience My love and mercy to the same extent as he has practised it

himself…. Amen

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B.D. 6703, December 1, 1956

One shall serve the other.... Bargaining products, occupation….

Every human being’s task is to help his fellow human being, for this reason I endowed people differently, conferred

various abilities on them, gave them different degrees of strength and also shaped their circumstances so diversely that

the right co-existence between people also necessitates a mutual exchange of the gifts which are at everyone’s disposal.

And thus everyone shall give to the other what he has and what the other is missing.... Each person shall be of service to

the other…. because it is the human being’s task in earthly life to redeem himself through helpful neighbourly love….

On the one hand I indeed demand unselfish neighbourly love but on the other hand this love should also be correctly acknowledged and rewarded in a just manner. And thus every occupational activity can also contribute to the attainment

of the soul’s maturity if the person always strives to be of service to his fellow human being, if he carries out his work

with love and thereby wants to please…. if he doesn’t merely follows his occupation for the sake of payment.

In this way people’s co-existence will always be beneficial and also guarantee a state of tranquillity and peace and a

certain lack of worry as long as I Am included…. thus love for Me and other people is clearly being fostered. For then

everything will fall into place by itself because people live their lives in divine order. However, people have now left

this order completely, for their every thought and intention only intends to increase their earthly wealth, and whatever

they do generally lacks love for other people whilst material desire is very dominant…. It no longer is a mutual service

but rather a wanting-to-enrich-oneself at the expense of the other person. And the attribute of almost every occupation is

that it is purely regarded as an income and not as a helpful balance where needed by fellow human beings. Every

person’s work has become a bargaining product to a greater extent, and even the work for Me and My kingdom often lacks unselfish love…. even this work is frequently considered an ‘occupation’ that is only carried out for the sake of


And where material thoughts and inclinations predominate, no spiritual blessing, no spiritual progress will be

accomplished, and this, too, explains the spiritually low level which is experienced by humanity in these last days.

People’s thoughts only revolve around matter, and thus My adversary uses his every influence on them, for the material world is his world, and all matter is spiritual substance which is well below the human being…. and this is what people

are striving for. If they could detach themselves from matter, then helpful love would express itself and peaceful

harmony could be recognised on earth too, and people would comply with their real task on earth. Yet love has grown

cold amongst people, and therefore My adversary has great power, and the greed for material wealth keeps growing the

nearer it is to the end. Yet people who unselfishly consider their neighbours and put their strength at their disposal will

be doubly blessed…. Although they won’t acquire earthly riches their spiritual wealth will be immense and remain

when all worldly things have vanished. For no-one will be able to enjoy his possessions for much longer, and woe to

those who have no other but earthly riches to show…. their desire for matter will be fulfilled…. They will become

matter themselves, and an infinitely long time will pass before they will get released again from their hard constraint, which they nevertheless had endeavoured towards of their own free will and therefore shall also receive according to

their will…. Amen

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B.D. 6796, April 1, 1957

‘Whoever remains in love....’ Strange gods....

Whatever causes you to form a bond with Me is a blessing for you humans, because the goal of your earthly life is to

revoke your separation from Me which you once voluntarily endeavoured towards yourselves …. thus uniting with Me again of your own free will. And whatever helps you to do so is therefore good…. Hence the will to reach Me is

decisive for achieving your goal on earth, and this determination also includes that you live a way of life that is pleasing

to Me, for being of sincere will you will never want to sadden Me again, you will never delight in sin if your will and

your love are intended for Me.

But the connection with Me can only be achieved by practising love, because where love exists I Am present Myself.

‘Whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him….’ Without love there can be no bond with Me, no matter

how loudly and eagerly the mouth would like to affirm its will for Me. Only love is the evidence of this, for love and I

are the same, and acknowledging Me and fulfilling My will is the same as working with love….

You humans should know that no-one can and will approach Me if he lives without love…. Only love connects us, and

love demonstrates the rejection of My adversary and return to Me.... With your fall into the abyss you turned away from

Me and rejected My love, thus you also became completely heartless. Your change of will on earth therefore has to

consist of your desire to be illuminated by Me again and of igniting love in yourselves again which will unite you with

Me once more.

The more sincere your determination, the more you will think of Me, of your God and Creator of eternity, Who wants to

be recognised and loved by you as a Father. And soon your thoughts will be engrossed in Me, for then I will not leave

you again, I will not release you anymore, I will constantly court your love because love is the most solid bond between us which cannot be undone again by any hostile power.

I want to own all your love.... you shall not have any other gods beside Me…. you should not strive for anything else with the same love, for whatever you endeavour or love in your innermost being that is your God…. irrespective of

whether it concerns honour and fame, earthly possessions or even the people you love…. You must not value anything

more than Me, I want to be to you the highest and most desirable Being in heaven and on earth. I want your whole heart,

and as long as you still share it, the bond with Me is not yet established, for whatever fills your heart stands between Me

and you….

Every person’s will is free, he can turn wherever he wants, but the goal on earth will only have been accomplished when

he turns to Me. But there is great danger in the fact that the human being considers many things desirable and that My

adversary places everything before his eyes to prevent him from forming this heartfelt bond with Me…. and that he also brings additional gods close to the person just to divert his thoughts from Me, for they are all strange gods permeating a

person’s thoughts if I Myself Am not the essence of his innermost thoughts….

Therefore you humans should seriously scrutinise who or what moves you most, you should ask yourselves whether you

are as close to Me as a child is to its father, whether the connection with Me is your first and only goal.... and you should

push everything from your thoughts which stands between Me and you, you should give Me first place in your heart and

make no concessions whatsoever. For your return to Me can only take place through the unification with Me, and you

have to seek and find this of your own free will, because no-one else can establish it on your behalf…. Amen

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B.D. 6813, April 23, 1957

Fulfilment of humanly decreed commandments will not replace actions of love...

You humans have to understand that there is no substitute for loving actions, that you will not be able to acquire eternal bliss by other means as long as you ignore My commandments of love, as long as you do not act with unselfish love for

your neighbour. Whatever else is recommended to you, apart from this active love, as being beneficial or promising

happiness, is worthless and will not lead you one step forward in your perfection. And you will be offered much that

will supposedly result in happiness …. Thus you often disregard the only helpful means to bliss. I required nothing else

from you humans apart from complying with My commandments of love.... I gave you no other commandments but

those which only ever necessitate your love for your neighbour, I only preached those guiding principles which intended

to improve the relationship between yourselves and your fellow human beings, because I wanted to kindle the love in

you which you were lacking and which had caused your wretched situation. And thus My continued concern simply

relates to increasing your willingness to love, because the ability to love is inherent in all of you but your will to put it into practice is extremely poor. Consequently, only a person who, like Me, will simply preach love can be My true

representative on earth, because he alone will show people the right path which leads to Me, to blissfulness.

However, you should not believe that you can replace your deeds of love with other actions or customs; you should not

believe that I will be content with the compliance of commandments which were not decreed by Me and whose

implementation without love is completely worthless. You won’t receive any ‘blessings’ for it because I will not take

notice of such actions and customs and neither will it save souls, because these are just human promises which I will never be able to sanction. Only love will save you from regressing into the abyss, only love will guide you into

perfection, and love will always express itself with actions, because love will urge a person from within to work in

divine order.

But you humans are seized by a certain amount of indifference regarding My commandments of love because you were

led into thinking wrongly…. Because you were urged to comply with ecclesiastical commandments which people added to My commandments as their own work…. You now fearfully attempt to meet these ecclesiastical commandments, but

rarely or never pay attention to My requirements yet nevertheless believe to live a just and Christian life. This is a

serious error which was also brought into the world by My adversary.... Because your only purpose of earthly life is to

kindle love and let it flare into the brightest light because this denotes the unification with Me from Whom you once

separated. However, only love will be able to achieve this unification, and not the means which were given to you as

‘commandments’ for the attainment of eternal life, such as formal prayers, indulgences, actions and the conferring of

blessings which are known as ‘sacraments’, which must only be regarded as ceremonies and formalities and will not

provide you with any spiritual success, neither on earth nor in the kingdom of the beyond.

My adversary tried to prevent what the compliance with My commandments of love will achieve by distracting people’s

attention from them with external formalities and false teachings and presenting his arrangements as their priority….

Because he knew that he would find many victims, because love required people to make an effort and they are not gladly willing to make sacrifices. Thus time and again love has to be emphasized to be the first and most important, time

and again I have to remind people of My commandments of love for God and other people, time and again I have to

instruct them that everything else is useless without love and that actions of love cannot be replaced by anything else….

But this teaching is not taken seriously, people prefer to follow those humanly added commandments more readily

because My adversary still has great influence over such people and is trying to prevent their return to Me by all means.

Nevertheless, My teaching of love, which I preached on earth, is known to people and everyone with genuine aspiration

will also recognise it as a priority and not be content with pointless outward appearances, with everything that did not

originate from Me…. Amen

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B.D. 7249, January 8, 1959

‘The measure you give will be the measure you receive….’

You shall receive a good measure.... The measure you give to your neighbour shall be the measure you receive again,

according to My promise. My love constantly wants to give and make you happy, My love wants to provide for you in

abundance, but love can simply only join love, therefore, if I want to bestow happiness upon you, you must do the same,

you must want to give and make those people happy in your environment who want to accept your love. I cannot give

love to a person with a heart of stone, who is not lovingly active and therefore neither deserves love nor wants to be

made happy himself…. But wherever I recognise love I give without restriction, and My gifts are truly not scanty. And

if I then see the effort My children make to please each other, if I see that they try to alleviate hardship, that they are

willing to give to a needy fellow human being, then I Am truly also willing to consider a friendly giver because of My love for him. The measure you give will be the measure you receive again. But it should not be understood that you only

do such works calculatingly in order to receive again in return…. Only true unselfishness, the urging of the heart to

please, is valid before My eyes. And to the same extent I will also shine My love upon the person who only lets his love speak when he gives whatever it may be. All possessions are included in this promise of Mine, earthly as well as

spiritual ones…. and likewise I will consider the giver in an earthly and spiritual way. For both the fellow human being

as well as the lovingly active person require earthly and spiritual possessions during their earthly life, yet more attention should be given to spiritual possessions, for these alone ensure the soul’s salvation, and anyone who considers the

salvation of his soul first need not worry about the preservation of his earthly life. Here, too, he will receive from Me

depending on his conduct towards his neighbour. And so you can receive without limitation, both spiritually as well as

earthly, if only you always remember My promise ‘The measure you give will be the measure you receive….’

You need never fear to go short yourselves if you overexert yourselves…. I don’t count the cost, I give to you ‘unmeasured’, that is, according to the love you imparted with your gifts. And truly, you will not be disadvantaged even

if you relinquish without qualms what you might possibly need yourselves. You will not go without and be able to

gather a rich harvest again, because My love knows no bounds either when it wants to make you happy. For this reason, no hardship need exist on earth if you all bore My promise in mind, for you would help each other and I would help you,

whenever the need arises. But anyone who anxiously calculates as not to disadvantage himself by helping another

person will not gain many blessings, for his love and trust in Me is still very small, nevertheless, I have to demand both in order to be able to give and to make him happy without restriction. You have a Father Who only ever wants to give

joy to His children, but He wants His children to be of the same spirit, so that they, too, would like to please and that

everything done by a child is expressing love. Then My love can be so evidently directed towards the children that it

gives and causes joy without measure and goal, so that the children recognise their Father in His gifts and love Him with

such depth of feeling that it impels the child towards the Father in order to join Him forever, in order to be and to remain

His Own for all eternity…. Amen

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B.D. 7294, February 27, 1959

Fighting selfish love....

You should only possess a small amount of selfish love and then you will find it easy to fulfil My commandments of

love for God and your neighbour. Selfish love cannot be small enough, for this alone prevents the human being from

performing selfless neighbourly love which is, after all, the most important thing in earthly life if the soul is to reach

perfection. But selfish love clings to every person as a legacy of the one who is devoid of all love, who loves himself

above all else or he would not have become My enemy and adversary, who lays claim to everything himself and wants

to take all authority away from Me. He alone wants to possess, and every kind of selfish love is a demand for possession, hence an acceptance of his plans and a distancing from Me, Who is Love Itself. As long as selfish love still

prevails within the human being he will not care about his neighbour nor change his nature into love, which first of all

requires curbing his selfish love.

And so you humans can only ever be informed of the fact that you are still subject to My adversary’s influence as long

as your selfish love is still predominant, and that should motivate you to fight against yourselves…. You should always

place your fellow human being’s hardship into opposition with your own wishes and try to consider your fellow human

being consistently more and do without for his sake. Then your soul will progress greatly, in fact, only the degree of

your selfish love enables you to assess the state of your soul, and you should never believe that your work of improving

your soul is right as long as you haven’t overcome your selfish love, which is the best indicator for your soul’s maturity.

But you can rest assured that I will help you overcome yourselves if only you have the sincere will to achieve this

degree of maturity where your neighbour’s fate is closer to your heart than your own. Then you will also receive strength, because I bless every sincere will and help you not to weaken in your determination to become perfect.

However, without this fight against your selfish love it is not possible, without this fight you will never selflessly take care of your neighbour, you will never experience the feeling of love which wants to please as long as you are still

imbued by desiring love, which is My adversary’s share. And he will keep you enchained until you have freed

yourselves by being victorious over your selfish love, which is a major advantage for your soul and which can only mature if the human being eagerly improves himself, if he constantly tries to fulfil My will which is always merely

expressed in My commandments ‘Love God above all else and your neighbour as yourself….’ Amen

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B.D. 7380, July 7, 1959

The being’s re-transformation....

You should not forget that the Eternal Love brought you to life, that therefore your fundamental nature was love as I Am

Myself and that you must revert to your fundamental nature again from which you had distanced yourselves, i.e., you had changed yourselves into the opposite. And this re-transformation into love must take place again, for you cannot

remain separate from Me forever, hence My activity and reign will always aim to return you to the state you were in at

the beginning. My nature is love, only love could have emanated from Me and as a spiritual being be likewise destined

to be active in love. But then it also had to work in My will, and as long as this was so the beings were also intimately

connected to Me, they were constantly permeated by the strength of My love and thus the beings were like Me. Yet they

did not remain that way.... they turned their will against Me and used the strength of love flowing to them to act in

opposition to My will. They gradually distanced themselves from Me, and every distance also signifies a weaker flow of

strength, which became ever less because the beings in arrogance and wrong thinking rejected it themselves. For as a

result of their resistance they also lost the light of realisation, they fell into the abyss where the darkness engulfing them became ever thicker until their spiritual substance hardened and they became solid substance, which only My will

changed again by forming them into creations in which they could give up their resistance.

Hence they must endure a state wherein they remain in complete weakness so that they can be awakened to life again

one day, and in accordance with My will therefore animate creations in which the slow process of maturing takes place.

This is the stage of the ‘bound’ will where only My will applies and thus the being fulfils its task in the state of

compulsion until it has reached the maturity when it can receive its free will again. For one day it has to be demonstrated again that you came forth from ‘love’. And one day love has to flare up in you and urge towards Me again, one day you

must voluntarily request the strength of love from Me and through a life of love unite with Me once more, which ought

to happen during your lifetime on earth. But then the process of reintegration will have been accomplished, then the being which, according to My will, was once created by My love will have voluntarily returned to the state of adopting

its fundamental nature again and of its own free will become as perfect as it was once created by My will…. Then the

work I planned by creating you will have been accomplished, to turn you into My children whom I was unable to create on account of free will, instead, every being has to achieve this itself but then it will also be infinitely happy in

eternity…. Amen

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B.D. 7528, February 22, 1960

Spreading the Gospel.... Jesus Christ....

Every person who proclaims the Gospel to the souls…. who tries to bring My Word consisting of the divine teachings of love to his fellow human beings, contributes towards their redemption…. Everyone who reminds his fellow human

beings to love proclaims this Gospel when he simultaneously teaches that these are the most important commandments I

have given to people, and when he informs them of the results of fulfilling these commandments. Everything that

contributes towards educating people to love is already redemption work, because the human being redeems himself

through love alone and because love has to be practised in order to thus enable the salvation of one’s own soul…. For

love will always seek contact with Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer, Who only now can bring true redemption to the

person believing in Him….

The human being has to find Jesus Christ without fail because redemption without Him is impossible.... And thus every person renders redemption work if he points or leads his fellow human beings to Jesus Christ…. This is vineyard work,

it is a spreading of the seed…. which is the divine teaching of love…. into the human hearts. It is a conscious effort

performed by a person for the benefit of his fellow human beings’ souls.

Anyone who has found Jesus Christ himself, who has found redemption from sin and death through Him, will then not

grow tired of proclaiming Him to his fellow human beings and will also help him to become redeemed…. anyone who

has found Jesus Christ will not rest until his fellow human being has found Him too, and thus he will keep talking about love and inspire his fellow human being to also take the path of love which has Jesus Christ as its goal…. He will not

rest until the other person has also found deliverance from sin and death.

As long as the human being is still distanced from the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ his love has not yet become

powerful in him, for this love knows and acknowledges the divine Redeemer and cannot help but proclaim Him…. And

he who has found Jesus Christ can’t help himself but to proclaim His Gospel of love to everyone he comes into contact with.... He will be constantly active on His behalf and thereby lead many souls to Me, for he makes My Word accessible

to them, which is the task of everyone who receives My Word himself, who desires it and to whom I therefore speak….

irrespective of whether this happens directly or through reading or hearing My Word. For it is always Myself Who

speaks to you humans if you desire to hear My Word.... This is why proclaiming My Gospel is extremely necessary, and

everyone will be blessed who accepts this mission of helping to redeem his fellow human being’s soul, of making the

knowledge accessible to him of how and why he has to be redeemed if he wants to become happy one day….

Anyone who lives with love has found Jesus Christ and the light of realisation shines in him.... but anyone who is not

yet redeemed has to be educated, the image of the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ has to be brought home to him and he has to be reminded to turn to and appeal to Him that he, too, should find redemption through Him and His act of

Salvation…. And therefore every person spreading My Gospel throughout the world is blessed, for he leads long lost

souls to Me who will find salvation through Jesus Christ Himself, Who has redeemed him, too, with His blood…. Amen

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B.D. 7531, February 25, 1960

Distributing the divine Word....

You shall proclaim My pure Gospel.... There is great spiritual hardship amongst people who no longer hear My pure Word because they don’t believe, because their faith is not alive or it would enable them to understand My Word

wherever it is offered to them…. For if they requested it with a living faith then they would also truly receive the Word

such that they could understand and draw strength from it. But people lack this living faith, just as the messengers lack

the strength of spirit which would enable them to accept My Word directly from Me, or even allow Me to speak through

the messengers to people Myself. For only the Word that is conveyed by Me has the strength to penetrate a person’s

heart and become effective. And thus you should mention everywhere that My Word is sent to you directly from above

and that it can truly give you the blessing of the Gospel if you accept it gratefully and are not just hearers but true doers

of My Word.

You should proclaim My Word wherever the opportunity presents itself, for people have to know about My Gospel,

they have to know about My divine teaching of love, they have to know My will in order to live on earth accordingly, in

order to fulfil My commandments of love and always use My Gospel as a guiding principle for their way of life. For

only then can a change of character occur in the human being, only then can he shape himself to love and fulfil the

purpose of his earthly existence. Hence I convey My Word from above to you humans time and again, hence I use

every opportunity to reveal Myself to a human being in order to get access to all people through him, in order to inform

everyone of My will and My commandments.

And whatever you humans can do in order to spread My Word, in order to carry it into the world, should be done by

you, and your fellow human beings’ attention should be drawn to the extraordinary grace bestowed on people by receiving My Word. You should acquaint them with the living God with Whom you should associate, Who wants to be

accepted into your hearts and Whom you have to approach by yourselves if you want to unite with Him. You should

inform them that I Am people’s eternal Father and also want to be acknowledged by them as their Father…. You should encourage them to acquire a living faith and thus proclaim the commandments of love, the fulfilment of which will

awaken in them a living faith and their spirit, so that they then will strive towards Me of their own accord and establish

the union with Me because their nature has changed into love, and love thus strives towards love…. For it is the Eternal

Love which reveals Itself to you humans, it is the Eternal Love Which longs for Its children, it is the Eternal Father Who

bends down to you in order to inform you of His will. And the messengers of My Gospel will be blessed; they will

experience My grace and My protection as long as they live on earth and also one day in the spiritual kingdom, for they

have been faithful servants to Me who will receive their reward…. Amen

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B.D. 7563, March 30, 1960

Neighbourly love....

You will always benefit when you look after a neighbour in need…. because you will always be fulfilling My will which is expressed in My commandments of love for God and your neighbour. But you should practise love for your

neighbour of your own free will, you should feel prompted from within, only then will you kindle the spark of love in

you, and only then will your soul mature. Your every thought, word and action has to be based on love if it is to have a

spiritual effect, or you will only ever accomplish earthly duties without the slightest gain for your soul….

It is always just a matter of love.... of the inner urge to do good, to help where it is needed, to please and bring joy to

where the opportunity presents itself…. it is a matter of the person’s inner nature which should become completely

absorbed in its love for Me and the next person, which overcomes all selfish love and is completely imbued by love, so

that I Myself can be present in him and thus work in him through My spirit. Then the human being cannot be anything but good and will always live in unity with Me, then the earthly world can no longer tempt him but in thought he will

always be in the spiritual world since the spirit in him determines his every thought and intention.

But as long as a person’s thoughts are held captive by the world it will not be possible for him to develop love in

himself, for then the world will still appeal to his selfish love and this will be satisfied first, which will always be at the

expense of the next person. In that case he has to be noticeably confronted by his fellow human being’s suffering; he has

to see a lot of misery in order to motivate himself to help and to enable the spark of love within him to ignite so that he feels the benefit of a good deed. Hence much tribulation has yet to be experienced on earth, because love has grown cold

amongst people, because My messengers of love are hardly ever appreciated and thus the spiritual hardship, which can

only be remedied by love, is also extensive.

People’s lack of love is spiritual hardship which always entails earthly hardship too, therefore the latter will continue to

increase in the last days in order to still touch human hearts and awaken in them merciful neighbourly love. However, only a few people will escape this spiritual adversity, for selfishness is gaining the upper hand and that also means that

worldly love will become ever more widespread, that people will become enslaved by matter and in their pursuit of it

also prepare their later fate, that they will again become matter which they had already surmounted in the past.

And there is only one way out from this banishment, and this way out is and remains love…. Not even My love can

release you from the commandment to practise love, for love is the first law, and without love no one can become

blessed …. Amen

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B.D. 7638, July 2, 1960

‘The measure you give will be the measure you receive….’

And you will receive the same measure you give to your neighbour.... you will receive to the same extent as you are

willing to give, you need never suffer hardship if you share your possessions with your fellow human being in need….

And I will bless you at all times, because you will be acting according to My will by merely being lovingly active. You

should know that your reward in heaven will only be small if you only selfishly consider yourselves on earth, if you get

as much out of life as possible without considering your neighbour; in that case you will have received your reward on

earth already, then you will receive earthly possessions which are transient because you aren’t acquiring the love which

can follow you into eternity…. Yet you should give with love, the prospect of reward should never motivate you to be

lovingly active, for then true love will be missing which turns your offerings into true gifts in the first place. And you will receive the measure you give yourselves.... You will receive in a spiritual and earthly way according to your will to

give and be able to travel your earthly path richly blessed and never suffer adversity. The reward you receive in the

spiritual kingdom for your way of life will make you very happy, for every deed of love results in light and strength in the beyond, with which you will subsequently be able to work for your own blissful happiness…. I Myself will give to

you, just as you gave to your neighbour…. except that My gifts are boundless, that I give an abundant measure, that My

love for you will reflect your gifts a thousand fold and that you therefore will not suffer deprivation, neither on earth nor in the spiritual kingdom. Hence you can gather immense wealth for yourselves on earth, which will follow you into

eternity…. if only you always let neighbourly love speak, if you take notice of the other person’s adversity and try to

reduce it. And this adversity can be spiritual as well as earthly…. If you ease his spiritual adversity, your spiritual gain

will be great indeed, for then you will be providing for yourselves for eternity and one day the soul will be grateful to

you for what you offered it. Earthly adversity will come to an end because the human being will not live on earth

forever. Spiritual adversity, however, is persistent and can last for an infinitely long time if the soul does not receive help to release itself from it. And since I send you an unlimited amount of spiritual knowledge, you should also pass it

on and thereby please your neighbour, who will experience spiritual adversity for as long as he does not know the truth,

as long as he has not found the path to Me and seriously thinks about his purpose on earth. You can help him to do so, then you will truly have carried out an act of Christian neighbourly love, for which you will be richly rewarded one day,

for then you will have worked on My behalf, you will have tried to attract your neighbour to Me and allowed Me Myself

to speak through you, which will never be without blessing for you and for your neighbour. For every person suffers adversity who has not yet actively approached Me, and every person shall be offered the opportunity to establish a

heartfelt relationship with Me, his God and Creator of eternity…. For I want to be a Father to him and I want to be

recognised by him as his Father.... and if you help him with this and thereby return My child to Me, your work for Me

and My kingdom will be blessed. And I will give to you as you give to others, and you will never go short, neither in a

spiritual nor earthly way, for your Father in Heaven grants you gifts in abundance, because He loves you…. Amen

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B.D. 7642, July 6, 1960

Living in divine order is fundamental law....

You are unable to revoke the divine laws but you can act against them.... Yet the latter will never be beneficial for you,

for only the human being living within divine order is fulfilling God’s will, and only this person can become perfect as

long as he lives on earth. But to obey divine order means to live a life of love, for love is divine law…. Love is God

Himself, Who is the most perfect Being in infinity. Thus, without love there cannot be perfection, and since bliss and

perfection belong together, no human being can be blissfully happy without love. But people can also ignore this law,

and this was done by the beings when they deserted God and plunged into the abyss…. thus they had acted against

divine order but were nevertheless unable to repeal love itself…. they just were no longer able to stay within the cycle of this love and therefore they remained without love themselves…. Their will turned against the divine law, their will

rejected God’s illumination of love, that is, they stepped out of the divine order, they became heartless themselves and

thereby also violated divine law…. They fell into sin.... for everything which opposes love is sin and therefore also opposes God Himself. And the logical result of the apostasy from God was therefore an unhappy state, because the

being absolutely has to live in divine order if it wants to be happy, that is, it constantly must be able to receive and give

love, for love is the fundamental law of eternity, which is and forever will remain the first divine law.

You humans can enter into the divine order again at any time if you make love the basic principle of your lives, if you

only ever allow your thoughts and actions be determined by love…. Then the past state of blissful happiness will soon

be granted to you again, for then you will live according to divine law, then you will fulfil God’s will, and then you will

also unite yourselves again with the Lawmaker of eternity, with God, Who is love Himself. And your character will be

the same as it was in the beginning.... God’s emanated strength of love, which is now forever merged with God, but as an individually self-aware being it is able to enjoy the inconceivable happiness which it is given by the Eternal Love


If the being contravenes the divine order it will only ever harm itself but never be able to revoke the eternal law. It will

only ever get into a wretched state from which it can only be released if it is willing and makes the effort to enter into

divine order again. And this is the meaning and purpose of earthly life, for the soul…. the once fallen being…. at the start of its embodiment as a human being is not within this order, but always outside of it. However, it can attain the

state, it can completely submit itself to divine order again, and the soul can completely change itself to love and also

have submitted itself to divine order. And then the being will be happy again as it was in the beginning, for if it is love

in itself it will also correspond to God’s fundamental nature and unite itself again with Him, from Whom it once had

originated…. Amen

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Bertha Dudde, 7690, September 3, 1960

Message to the formal Christians....

You humans only have one way to achieve maturity of soul on earth: you have to live in love. I repeatedly tell you that you can only become blessed through love. Time and again I have to present My commandments of love as a priority to

you, because there is no substitute for a life of love, since nothing can help you achieve bliss if you do not live up to My

commandments of love… Hence you can do what you like... you can zealously observe the laws decreed by people…

you can comply with all regulations which are supposedly necessary… but your spiritual development will not progress

one iota if you disregard love. Consequently, in all your undertakings you should consider carefully whether you are

motivated to do something by the love within you or whether you merely comply with ‘commandments’ which were

given to you by people and which are in no way related to a ‘labour of love’… You should always carefully think about

the reasons of your thoughts and actions and attach no importance to anything devoid of ‘love’.

Particularly people who feel denominationally committed apply My commandments of love half-heartedly… They give

their sole attention to traditional customs, they fulfil ‘duties’ which, they are told, are important, but by doing so they do

not further the maturity of their soul … and yet they should know that the maturing of their souls is the only reason for

living on earth… But I keep emphasising that a life of love is absolutely necessary to achieve it, that nothing else will

substitute unselfish works of love. Irrespective of how eagerly they perform the commandments decreed by people, they

will not be able to accomplish the slightest progress for their souls… Therefore, everything you humans do is worthless

if love is not the determining factor. And when you say ‘Everything in honour of God...’, how can you honour Me if you do not love Me? And how can you love Me if you ignore the hardship of your fellow human being who is, after all, your

brother? How can God’s love be in you if you lack compassionate love for other people by which alone you prove your

love to Me? You live a wrong life if you feel committed to denominational customs and traditions, to ceremonies and implementations of duty, you are wasting the energy of life which is given to you by Me for gaining spiritual strength on

earth, and this can only be acquired by deeds of love…

You humans, do take earthly life seriously, do not live so indifferently that you won’t even consider whether your God

and Father can be satisfied with your mere fulfilment of formalities… Consider what I Myself might ask of you if I

stayed with you again as a human being, if I walked across your earth again as a human being… Do you think that I

could feel pleased that you humans exist in a dead faith, that you only mechanically perform things which can never be

of any value in My eyes? How do you humans imagine your God and Father to be? How can you humans reconcile My

wisdom with what you have built, with what you believe to be the ‘church of Christ’ …? How could I find pleasure in

traditions and customs, in activities which are presented to you as ‘My will’? I can and will only take pleasure in those

carrying out works of love.... I will only ever acknowledge things that have their basis in love, and souls can only

mature fully when the human being transforms himself into love, when he fights the love of self and becomes absorbed in unselfish love for his fellow human being… Because you are lacking love and should acquire it again while you live

on earth.... You have to live a life of love or your life on earth will be in vain and you will never reach you goal… Amen

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B.D. 7708, September 24, 1960

True neighbourly love: Passing on the divine Word....

You cannot accomplish a greater work of neighbourly love than unselfishly distributing My Word, the Gospel, which your fellow human beings have to know in order to travel their earthly path successfully. Spiritual work is not valued by

fellow human beings because it doesn’t generate earthly success, yet as soon as you are spiritually active, expect no

earthly rewards and only impart to your fellow human beings what I Myself offer you from above…. you are truly doing

works of neighbourly love which extend into eternity, for they are helping the souls to mature, they can prepare them for

entry into the kingdom of light when the soul discards its earthly body and has to leave everything behind…. Then it

will have spiritual possessions to take across into eternity. You shall provide and bestow upon others just as I have

bestowed upon My disciples the bread of heaven, the water of life…. This is the greatest gift of love which you can give

to your fellow human beings…. it is true neighbourly love if you unselfishly carry out the tasks which are necessary to

pass on My Word, for I Myself want to address people through you, since they are unable to hear My voice directly.

People are suffering great adversity, for they only use their earthly life to acquire earthly profits and yet shall consider

their soul, which ought to mature during their earthly life. Whatever you therefore undertake in order to lead your fellow

human beings onto the path of faith…. whatever you undertake on My instruction in order to proclaim the Gospel to

them is selfless neighbourly love and blessed by Me. You yourselves are not yet aware of the great gift which you

receive from Me every day, you are as yet unable to estimate its value and its significance or all of you, who know about

the working of My spirit, would eagerly distribute what is sent to you by My love and grace.

You don’t realise that you are able to scatter seed which can bear glorious fruit.... you should not leave the seed unused,

and you should always rely on My help, for where you get into difficulties My angels and guardians are ready to help and protect you, so that you can just do your spiritual work in order to bring help to those who won’t find the right path

without you. For there are still many I want to address through you, and to do so I only require your will to be of diligent

service to Me…. I accept your service, for I Am only able to speak through a human mouth, given that people’s state is already too unspiritual as to speak to them in any other way, and their freedom of will has to be upheld. Yet you shall

derive strength from the fact that I promise you My support as soon as you are just willing to take care of your

neighbour’s spiritual adversity. There is not much time left, and the Words I speak to you will sound increasingly

admonishing; however, you only need to entrust your will to Me and then you will also conduct yourselves in

accordance with My will. And everything will sort itself out if you commend yourselves to Me with complete trust and

only ever let Me reign.

Thus, all of you who are of service to Me, accept My blessing and work tirelessly in My vineyard, for the day is soon

over and the night is approaching…. a turning-point is coming earthly and spiritually, the time of the harvest is coming.... the day of Judgment is approaching…. But first I still want to win souls over for Me, and you shall help Me

and consider your neighbour with love…. You shall work for Me and My kingdom, you shall proclaim My name in the

world and testify to My working in you, so that people will be able to believe and become blessed…. Amen

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B.D. 7720, October 5, 1960

Dangers of psychic reception....

And time and again I admonish you to love, because only love will awaken the spirit within you to life so that it can

manifest itself. You ought to know that the spirit’s manifestation is of incalculable value for you, because then you will receive My Word in all its purity since I Myself will be able to speak to you through the spirit. You should know that

love activates spiritual powers in you which you have always possessed but which lay buried within you since your past

apostasy from Me. Thus the higher you ascend through love the more these spiritual forces will develop again and your

nature will change once more into the original being that you were at the beginning when you were still in My image….

supremely perfect entities which were able to be creative and active like Me for their blissful happiness…. You

relinquished love of your own free will.... and must voluntarily strive for love again, you must open yourselves to My

illumination of love so that My spirit will flow into you again, and thus all past abilities will awaken to life and you will

enter into active communication with Me once more. However, I also want you to know that My adversary will try to

influence you in the same way; he, too, would like to express himself through you and could succeed if you submit yourselves to him. Then he will be able to take possession of you and transfer his will onto you, then you will also be

able to speak but what you say will be a jumble of thoughts which will lack all clarity, and you will not benefit from it.

And therefore I seriously caution you against submitting yourselves in weakness of will to spiritual powers which

misuse you; I warn you against psychic communications which you humans often cannot distinguish but which always

denote a danger, which cannot be called the working of the spirit but are simply messages from different spheres of the

spiritual world and only rarely guarantee the pure truth. Even people who are still far removed from love are able to

receive psychic communications, for as soon as they submit themselves in weakness of will to a spiritual power they will be possessed by it, and they won’t offer any resistance if these powers come from the lower spheres of the spiritual

world. But anyone who ignites the flame of love within himself will inevitably establish contact between his spiritual

spark and Me, the eternal Father-Spirit. And this person can only pass on truth, he actually receives My Word, he is addressed by Me directly and can only be taught the truth….

And I would like to warn all of you through this Word that you should not believe every spirit, that you should turn to Me Myself and only appeal to Me for truth. You should not ask questions, you should not desire to know that which My

wisdom keeps hidden from you, you should not ask these spirits about earthly matters.... You should only ever trustingly

come to Me with all your concerns and I will truly answer you through your heart.... if only you pay attention to your

thoughts, your inner impulses and intentions…. Then I will speak through your heart to you and you will truly not need

advice from spirits of whom you don’t know to which sphere they belong, for they disguise themselves well, and you

will often consider them good spirits, whereas in fact they only cause confusion and try to stop people from their direct

communication with their Father of eternity. I so gladly want to speak to My children.... but I can only do so if you

shape yourselves into love, because only love can speak to love. Hence you should all come directly to Me and, by just

sincerely uniting with Me and listening attentively, you will also hear Me Myself within you…. you will be able to enter into a dialogue with Me and even problems you entrust to Me will clearly resolve themselves. And if you live a life of

love My voice within you will become increasingly clearer, for then the spiritual spark within you will be addressed by

its eternal Father-Spirit and audibly reveal itself to you. But don’t think that you will receive My communication in a roundabout way if love is not within you as yet. The working of the spirit and psychic receptions must be

distinguished from each other…. Admittedly, each time a spiritual force is at work but just as there is light and darkness,

the forces of light will also always have to fight against the forces of darkness…. Light is where love can be found, and

therefore love alone determines the degree of truth which forms the basis of these spiritual messages…. And love

approaches Me directly, since I Am Eternal Love…. Love resists communications which do not originate from Eternal

Love Itself. And Eternal Love wants to be in direct contact with you…. I want to be addressed by you yourselves so that

I can also speak to you Myself. And that is the ‘working of My spirit’ within you, which I constantly announced to you

with the Words ‘I will send you the comforter, the spirit of truth….’ Love is everything, and only through love can you

unite yourselves with Me. And I want to receive this love from you and truly, you will be guided into all truth….’ Amen

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B.D. 7811, January 30, 1961

Love one another....

One law applies to all of you, that you shall love one another and thereby also prove your common bond with Me. And

even if you are bothered by the thought that you have no inner bond with your fellow human being whom you should

love, you shall nevertheless remember his soul which is still subject to the constraint of the body, and you shall know

that the soul belongs to Me even if its will is still opposing Me. For you are all My children and therefore shall consider

your fellow human being as your brother and strive towards the Father together. Love shall unite you, then you will

demonstrate that you are children of the same Father. And this love shall stop you from every suspicion or judgment of your neighbour, love shall help you bear his every weakness and fault; you should only ever bear in mind that his soul

can still have a low degree of maturity and the human being therefore behaves as he does, even if you dislike it. You

should not pass harsh judgments for then you will also motivate Me to judge you in the same way, for not one of you is without fault, not one of you has as yet reached a degree of maturity which excludes imperfections and weaknesses, and

yet I endure you with greater than great love and patience and don’t pass harsh judgments upon you. And therefore I

gave you the commandment: love your neighbour as yourselves.... If you fulfil this commandment of neighbourly love

then you will spread a merciful veil across his faults and weaknesses, and you will only ever try to help him and only

ever awaken mutual love in him if you let him feel your love.

With these Word I address all those of you who are still inclined to expose your neighbour’s faults, for thereby you

demonstrate your own lack of love which subsequently gives you no right to judge your neighbour. And by doing so you

become sinful yourselves, for you contravene the commandment of love…. Therefore, if you want to be My children you must also make an effort to fulfil the Father’s will, which only ever wants you to love one other or else you belong

to My adversary, who is devoid of all love and always tries to influence you into opposing the law of love. And do you

love your brother if you are angry with him? If you emphasise his flaws and weaknesses, if you judge him harshly? You must learn to endure his weakness and help him…. Then you will carry out My will, and then your conduct will also

result in blessings, you will gain him as your friend, he will take your example to heart and will want to emulate you,

and his inner being will be full of love for you as well, for love awakens love in response, and then you will also prove that you are the children of the same Father, Whose nature is pure love. And then My love will embrace you ever more

closely and your hearts will become increasingly more willing to love, so that they will pass this love on to the next

person and then you will indeed be My true children, as it is My will…. Amen

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B.D. 7847, March 10, 1961

Only love will achieve the return....

I want to guide you into beatitude.... consequently I will also do everything that will put you into the state of maturity when you yourselves have the will to become blessed. Love, however, guarantees this state of maturity, love guarantees

happiness, because love signifies unification with Me and then I can also give you the bliss caused by My emanation of

love. Thus time and again I encourage you through My Word to do kind deeds, I arrange your earthly fate such that you

will have many opportunities to serve with love…. I try to ignite the spark of love in you which spreads and seizes

everything with its glow. You can only become blessed through love because it was your original state, since you once

came forth from My love and therefore were love yourselves in your fundamental substance…. And you were happy in

your original state since you were closely connected to Me and thus constantly received My emanation of love which

could only be bliss.

The fact that you changed your nature into the opposite of yourselves, that you rejected My emanation of love, that you

turned towards the one who was devoid of all love, has made you wretched too…. But you are My living creations, and

My infinite love will not allow you to be eternally wretched, for love wants to bestow happiness, love wants to know

happiness and make happy…. and My love will never end…. Thus, as long as you are wretched because your nature is

still imperfect, since it has not changed back into love, I will pursue you with My love and thus never leave you to

yourselves…. and consequently you cannot be lost forever. But you can prolong the time of your wretchedness

yourselves, you can let an infinitely long time pass by without endeavouring to change your nature, and you provide the evidence of this in your earthly life or you would make use of this short earthly life in order to regain your state of


And therefore I often have to intervene harshly, I have to bring the immense earthly hardship home to you which could

prompt you into lovingly assisting your fellow human beings, and I have to let you experience such hardship yourselves

so that you feel for yourselves how soothingly another person’s kind deed can affect you, and thereby you will become motivated yourselves to reciprocate such actions of love…. For only love can achieve a change of your nature, only love

will put you into the original state again where you are happy. Yet My love takes all your weakness and faults into

account, My love knows your imperfection, your weakness of will and former resistance and yet reveals itself to you

anyway, it will help you time and again during earthly and spiritual hardship in order to gain your love too…. For then

you will be saved for all eternity.

And if you always just open your eyes and look around yourselves during your earthly life you will be able to recognise

My infinite love which is intended for you, My living creations. For everything around you was only created for you,

creation emerged for the sake of your return, you experience your existence as a human being for the sake of your return, and for the sake of your return I reveal Myself every day through happenings and experiences of all kinds. For I

don’t want to leave you in wretchedness, I want you to recognise Me in earthly life as your God and Creator, as your

Father Who loves you and to Whom you shall belong again as in the beginning….

And truly, one day you will be blessed again, one day you will push towards Me full of love, one day you will return to

Me as children into your Father’s house…. And I will always help so that you won’t delay this return due to your own

fault…. but I will always leave you your free will which is part of supreme blissfulness since it is the evidence of your

divinity. And therefore you have to become active yourselves, you have to live in accordance with My commandments

of love, you have to improve yourselves and shape your nature into love, you have to fight against selfish love and

engross yourselves in unselfish neighbourly love…. Yet without love you cannot become blessed…. Amen

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B.D. 7867, April 9, 1961

God's endless love wants to give itself away

Having lived on earth a life according to My Will, you will enter into the spheres of heavenly blessedness. Yet not

this promise shall cause you to live right, but the love to Me Who will prepare this blessedness for you, because I love you immeasurably and wish to possess your love.

I have created you out of My Love, and this Love will everlastingly never vanish. When, same day, you stand within the Light, the concept of love has become understandable also for you - a concept which you as man cannot grasp as

long as love still is lacking within you.

To be without love is a condition of unblessedness for every creature out of Me, because this is also a condition of

lack in strength and light, with- in which happiness is unthinkable.

A life according to My Will is, however, a life within love and this also brings back to you the condition of

happiness. After the death of your body you enter into My Kingdom, which opens up to you undreamed splendors

that My Love has prepared for all My beings who join with Me again in love. Love can only make happy and seek union…. for love wants to give itself away and wishes to make happy because

this is the nature of love.

My Love was super mighty and wanted to give itself away. I created beings, which I could give Myself. I created

vessels who accepted the current of My Love and Myself joined up with these beings and caused the Beam of Love

to flow unceasingly into them. In other words, I prepared for them blessedness in abundance!

That they resisted being beamed upon by My Love had, however, a special reason, but this did not prevent Me from

persecuting these beings with My Love; only they themselves felt no longer any happiness, since they resisted,

because they had separated from Me. Yet, since Love never ceases, it will never remain inactive, but strive to gain

back what had fallen away from it. My Love has never ceased to woo for what had apostatized from Me and I will do

it until they all have returned to Me voluntarily.

No being can forever exclude My beaming of Love, because Love is a power which does not remain without effect,

and because the resistance on the part of the beings becomes steadily less and will some day vanish. Ultimately they

will open up again in order once more to become blessed by My Love for all eternities.

What has found its way back to Me will leave Me no more. It can no longer sink back into the depth. What has

wandered the road through the depths and back with the final result of having again reached the height, is united with

Me insolubly, for it has reached perfection, which even I could not give to the beings, because for this the free will is

needed, also to maintain perfection and to prove it. I could obtain by force their love, but then one never could speak

of unlimited happiness.

Love never permits enforcement; love must voluntarily return to Me. Man can show this, if he lives on earth

according to My Will and be- comes love, which is his original nature. In My domain everything is Love!

You all are expected to enter into this Kingdom of Love. You all are expected to be immeasurable blessed if you

again join up with Me… your Father since eternities. His Love created you and will always follow you though you had separated from Me.

But you will not forever remain separated from Me because My Love is stronger than your will of resistance. Some

day you will surrender to My Love because it will inflame within you and grow to the highest glow, and because I

shall then be the only goal and object of your love and remain so forever. Amen

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B.D. 7893, May 14, 1961

Perfection means conformity to divine will....

A living faith can truly move mountains.... You would be able to be in command over all the elements of nature if you had this living faith…. You would be able to transmit your will unto people and animals if in living faith you wanted to

relieve their earthly distress…. Then you would always work with My strength, for in living faith you are most sincerely

united with Me and able to use My strength without limitation. But what does it mean to possess a living faith?.... To

possess such a high degree of love it means that you are fully enlightened, that you know of all correlations and thus

also know of your past nature, when you came forth from Me in an exceedingly powerful and perceptive state…. The

knowledge you possess now.... having become love yourselves…. will not let you doubt anything because you also

correctly recognise Me and My nature, which is love, wisdom and might in itself…. And since you once were created in

My image you also realise that the same power is inherent in you when you are united with Me, or, because you are

united with Me…. But then you will also use your power according to your inner realisation. You will never attempt to accomplish something that would not be in line with My will, for then your will is the same as Mine because you will

have reached the light, the correct knowledge…. It is not possible to have a living faith without love.... Love, however,

also ensures insight into My eternal plan of Salvation…. Love guarantees that you think and act correctly, that your will

is in line with Mine, that you will not work against My eternal plan of Salvation if you have the right kind of realisation,

if you live in the light of truth. For although you will possess a living faith which enables you to accomplish everything

you will nevertheless not use your inherent strength of faith to work contrary to My love and wisdom…. for your will,

which has conformed to Mine, prevents you from doing this, so that every deed of love for your neighbour accomplished by your living faith will also correspond to My love if it serves his salvation of soul.

For My goal is and will remain that My living creations shall attain beatitude, the maturing of souls, the return of the once fallen spiritual beings to Me. And My love and wisdom will only ever manifest itself according to this goal. And

since I have always known people’s will My eternal plan of Salvation is based on it, and it cannot be revoked by people

who still lack profound realisation…. If you want to be powerful on Earth and accomplish great things you must ignite the love within yourselves into a bright fire…. But this fire of love radiates brightest light, and in this light you will

recognise Me and My nature, which is love, wisdom and might…. In that case, however, you will know about My goal

and My extraordinarily wise plan of love…. And then it will truly not occur to you to work in opposition to this plan….

You would only ever try to influence your fellow human beings with love, so that they, too, will shape themselves to

love, because you recognise that love is the only path to the pinnacle, to Me and to eternal life…. A living faith is the

sign of a soul’s highly advanced maturity, of a high degree of love, which gives life to this faith…. And with such faith

you truly can also move mountains…. But you will always act as one with Me because your love has closely united you

with Me. And then you also know My will, you feel it in your heart and act accordingly. But this will can never be

directed in opposition to My love and wisdom…. For no wrong will can take effect in you either, then you, too, shall only think and want as I do, then for you, too, only the spiritual being’s salvation will be important and you will want to

help the souls which still linger in darkness. Earthly longings, however, will be alien to you and never prompt you into

using the strength of faith.... Amen

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B.D. 7947, July 22, 1961

Life of love protects from error... Teaching of love - first and most important truth!

I have to emphasize time and again that only truth can bring you joy…. How often was error explained to you already and you do not recognise it as such. By this I only refer to mental concepts which do not relate to earthly knowledge but

extend into the spiritual realm, which you humans will never be able to prove, which can only be believed. This mental

information, however, must correspond to the truth if it is to have beneficial effects.... You can be totally devoid of

knowledge and need not endeavour to learn anything either.... but then your life as a human being is completely

meaningless, for you will never attain its purpose: your perfection. But if the wrong knowledge is given to you, your

earthly life can be equally pointless, because wrong knowledge is darkness of spirit…. But you should live in light, only

then will you fulfil the purpose of your earthly life: your soul will mature fully, for you will live a conscious life and your conduct will be in accordance with My will. Consequently, imparting the truth and accepting it has to be the first

condition for you to reach your goal…

But you have free will, and this alone determines your attitude to truth. Only this determines whether you will ask for

truth and want to reject error…. and then the truth will be offered to you with certainty, then you will walk on earth in

the light of truth in every way and arrive at your goal. This will, however, is only weakly present amongst people, they

mostly accept everything indifferently, and because of their indifference the error adheres to them far more…. they do

not recognise it as such, and their earthly life can then have been in vain unless they become spiritually enlightened

through a life of love and are saved from the downfall. And the crucial factor for a person is his decision to live a life of

love, because then he will also be able to differentiate between truth and error….

And thus, he should consider the divine teaching of love as the first and most important truth…. If he accepts it as pure truth and lives accordingly, it will be easy for him to recognise wrong teachings concerning the spiritual realm as

misguided, and he will dismiss them…. But if other, humanly conceived, doctrines are presented to a person as credible

they can very easily take precedence over his love for Me and one’s neighbour, or I will no longer be regarded as the most perfect Being and therefore love cannot be offered to Me either…. And then error has won already, it has spread

darkness and clouded people’s thoughts….

Only truth will bring you true light…. And all of you are able to attain truth, for I do not withhold it from anyone who

desires it. And you should know that the desire for truth will grow ever stronger when you fulfil the divine

commandments of love. Hence, were love is preached to you, you will also be instructed in truth, for as soon as a

preacher emphasizes the love for Me and for one’s neighbour his thoughts are enlightened and his words will therefore

always be truth…. He will deter misguided spiritual knowledge and never preach it to you, because he will be prompted

by love to proclaim only the pure truth.

And thus My constant reminder to you is that you should give full expression to My divine teaching of love.... Then you

will not run the risk of falling prey to error, and your earthly life will certainly not be a waste of time.... You will walk brightly lit paths, you will be thoughtful and spiritually enlightened, for love is the Divine within you, I will always be

present in you when you remain within love…. Only true thoughts can be where I Am, because I Myself will enlighten

you through the spirit, which only ever will impart pure truth to you…. Amen

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B.D. 8032, November 4, 1961

What is love?.... Changing selfish love into neighbourly love....

And time and again you are reminded to live a life of love. For love is the strength that redeems you, love is the path which leads to Me, love is My fundamental element, and therefore anyone who lives in love is intimately connected

with Me, because he inevitably draws Me, Who is love Himself, close to himself…. But what does it mean to live a life

of love in accordance with My will?....

You should change selfish love, which is your nature at the beginning of your incarnation as a human being, into selfless

neighbourly love, that is, you have to change the demanding, wanting-to-own love into selfless, giving, wanting-to-

please love, which alone can be called ‘divine love’. For My adversary knew how to change this divine love within you

into the opposite, how to instil the desire for anti-divine things, he knew how to arouse longings in you humans which

you sought to fulfil; he has lowered selfish love into your heart, and you have to try to change it again during the time of your earthly life into divine, selfless love.

And thus you should practice unselfish neighbourly love; you should think less about yourselves and take a personal

interest in your fellow human beings’ fate instead…. You should make people happy and emanate sincere love, for only

this love is divine; it is the love which connects us again in time and eternity. For this reason people’s attention should

repeatedly be drawn to their earthly task of shaping themselves into love; time and again they should be reminded of My

commandments of love, and at the same time they should be informed of the effect a life of love has for the human being’s soul, they should also be given the reason why I require love from people…. it should be explained to them that

they had fallen into the abyss because they had rejected My love, because they had left My order, because they had

placed themselves outside of My flow of love and thus also turned their nature into the opposite. People have to be instructed of the fact that strength of love also guarantees ‘life’, whereas without love the being is dead albeit it lives an

illusive life as a human being…. They should know that they live on earth in order to acquire eternal life for

themselves, and that eternal life also requires a degree of love which necessitates a conscious struggle against selfish love. The human being should know that the ‘love’ I want should only ever be understood as the selfless, giving and

wanting-to-please love. And if he now aims to change his nature into love he will then also soon experience the

effectiveness of divine love…. he will learn to understand everything, he will become enlightened, he will emerge from

spiritual darkness, he will arrive at the ‘understanding’, he will be permeated by My spirit and be able to teach, for his

inner realisation will give him the ability to transfer it to a fellow human being, although he, too, first must have reached

this enlightened spiritual state due to his deeds of love in order to muster the understanding for it…. in order to

recognise the conveyed knowledge as truth.

Love has to result in a clear spiritual state, otherwise the fulfilment of My commandment of love will only ever be feigned by words but the evidence will fail to materialise itself. Love comes first, love is the Divine, love is the fire

which irrevocably will also radiate light.... Thus wisdom has to be recognisable where true love is practised, so that a

person’s reasoning is correct, so that an inner light is kindled within him and he then will also speak with wisdom, because the spirit in him expresses itself, because I Am able to speak through him Myself and My Words are truly light

and life and provide evidence of most profound wisdom. And thus the effect of a life of love has to be identifiable, for

‘whoever remains in love remains in Me and I in him….’ and thus My spirit works wherever I can be, and this expresses

itself such that you will truly no longer doubt My presence…. Amen

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B.D. 8034, November 6, 1961

The significance of realisation....

I will talk to you time and again, My children, for I know that you require My Word which shall give you the strength for your path of earthly life. You should always know that I Am present with you if just one thought from you is

touching Me, if you wish to be in contact with Me. And when I Am present with you My strength also has to flow into

you. Your soul needs this strength in order to mature fully, and this is why you will always achieve progress if you let

Me speak to you…. the light permeating you has to become increasingly brighter, and that also means ever more

profound realisation, it means progressive knowledge, it means clarity of thought and a correctly directed will. My

speaking to you will guarantee this, for the strength flowing from Me to you has to take effect and thus bear witness of

itself in the form of increased wisdom. And all you humans should desire light, you should all try to escape from the

spiritual darkness and request more spiritual information. For in what ignorant state did you enter life on earth?.... And

although your intellect begins to become active.... can you penetrate spiritual spheres with it? Dense darkness remains in you, and all spiritual concepts remain unresolved and indistinct as long as you don’t feel the desire to receive an

explanation. And until you do, the purpose of your earthly life will also remain unknown to you and you will be dead in

spirit, despite the fact that you live physically…. And can you be satisfied if you have no knowledge at all about the

reason and purpose of your earthly life? Are you content with your lightless existence on this earth with only earthly

goals to strive for?

This state of darkness is not a happy state, and you should recognise it as unsatisfactory yourselves and try to receive an inner light, for only then will the unsatisfactory state change, and you will experience inner happiness when you receive

the knowledge which explains to you the purpose of your earthly life. You should request such enlightenment and

therefore also pay attention to My Words which are given to you by My messengers, if you are not yet able to hear Me directly. You should endeavour to enlarge your spiritual knowledge, for this knowledge is the light which was lacking in

you at the beginning of your embodiment but which can be kindled and then shine brightly within your hearts…. For the

light is emanated by My spirit, the tiny spark of love which, as part of Me, rests within you and has to be ignited by yourselves through love…. Thus love irrefutably has to result in wisdom…. the result of a life of love irrefutably has to

make profound knowledge accessible to you, for the ‘fire of love’ emanates the ‘light of wisdom’…. Your spiritual state

will have to become bright, the spiritual darkness will have to disappear, you will have to become able to recognise all

correlations, you will have to learn to understand Myself and My reign and activity, and you will have to be able to offer

explanations yourself, because then I can be active in you Myself and thus you will only think, act and speak in

accordance with My will….

The degree of realisation is decisive for the degree of maturity of soul, for I do not speak of dead knowledge which is

academically passed on to you, but I speak of living knowledge which is the only meaning of ‘realisation’. I speak about the ‘Wisdom of God’, which can only be gained through love, which can only come to earth through the ‘working of the

spirit’ and is received by a heart which allows rays of bright light to enter it because it is full of love…. It is only given

by love and only love will receive it…. whereas the same knowledge remains dead knowledge for the person who still lacks love. And you all should endeavour for the light of realisation to illuminate you, for only then will you approach

the state of the brightest light again, which made you happy in the beginning and which you all have to reach in order to

be happy again…. Amen

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B.D. 8082, January 19, 1962

God is love....

Everything arose from God’s strength of love.... He Himself is the primary source of strength, His fundamental element is love, thus He is love Himself…. And yet He is a Being Which works and creates with wise judgment…. He is a Being

Which puts Its thoughts into effect, Which constantly brings forth new creations that radiate His strength of love into

infinity. This, however, always serves its purpose, it is not arbitrarily effective but its result is determined by God’s

wisdom and might…. God is love…. You humans will not understand this statement as long as you are unable to

comprehend the nature of love, which necessitates shaping yourselves into love. For you will always look at love as a

characteristic which you confer to the highest and most perfect being. But that this Being is love Itself will remain

incomprehensible to you as long as you live on earth as a human being.

And you all emerged from this love, you are emanated strength, you yourselves are love in your fundamental nature …. but likewise you are beings with the ability of thought and will…. the evidence of an ‘entity’…. Hence, nothing arose

and will continue to arise haphazardly.... Everything is very wisely considered; all things are the thoughts of a

supremely perfect Being Which you humans call ‘God’…. And this Being reproduced Itself…. It brought forth the same

beings from within Itself, It emanated Its strength of love and gave it forms …. It created…. Everything created by God

is and remains love in its fundamental substance. It is and remains strength which shall become effective in accordance

with divine will…. If, however, it is prevented from being effective then divine order will be changed…. The principle

of love will be turned into the opposite. The Being Which is love, wisdom and might Itself…. thus ‘God’…. will be resisted, which the beings He had brought to life could indeed accomplish because He had also endowed them with free

will as His images …. But in that case the being will leave its lawful order.... it will turn itself into the opposite…. it will

certainly carry on existing, but it will no longer allow the strength of love to become effective and that will signify solidification, it will signify a standstill, it will signify the death of what once radiated as ‘life’ from God….

The human being’s fundamental substance is love, yet on the whole he is still in opposition to the One Who had emanated him as a being…. And therefore he does not recognise what love is …. For this reason the nature of God, Who

is love Himself, is also incomprehensible to him. For love is simultaneously light, Which, however, provides little

enlightenment for the human being while his love is still feeble. Hence he is also unable to recognise God’s nature, he

can only believe the information he receives regarding it, but as soon as such reports accord to the truth they will also

enlighten him, for then he will endeavour to change his nature into love, and he will also turn to the Being Which is

supremely perfect and begin to recognise It as the ‘Eternal Love’….

But he will never be able to fathom God’s nature, for He is the eternal centre of strength, whereas all created beings are

emanated but very tiny sparks of strength which would never be able to behold the primal fire without ceasing to exist…. A person would be able to perceive the love, wisdom and might of a perceptible God on earth already if he is of

good will and opens his heart for the illumination of love again by the Being he originated from…. For this supremely

perfect Being reveals Itself to His living creations….

And the greatest evidence of love of the One, Who is love Himself, is that He reveals Himself, that He provides His

created beings with information about Himself as far as they are able to grasp it…. and that He thereby wants to re-

ignite their love to make it effective again in line with the fundamental element…. so that His living creations will re-

enter the eternal order in order to create and work as it was in the beginning…. Amen

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B.D. 8436, March 11, 1963

The correct way of life is not enough to mature fully....

If you consider that only deeds of love take effect on your soul after the death of your body and that all earthly intentions, thoughts and actions will not result in any kind of benefit for the soul in the spiritual realm, you truly would

not live your earthly life so indifferently…. And even if you faithfully fulfil the duties earthly life demands of you, even

if you do everything in everyday life in order to live a correct life in the presence of people…. each and every deed is

without value for what alone is everlasting… for your soul…. as it cannot take any earthly acquired possessions along,

all earthly knowledge stays behind, all earthly treasures and every person’s reputation is worthless if the soul enters the

kingdom of the beyond deprived of spiritual possessions. Only spiritual aspirations and actions of love yield everlasting

spiritual treasures for the soul….

And people are so often conscious of their own importance just because they are leading a correct way of life even though they only have their earthly actions or a certain amount of order in their living conditions in mind and fail to

consider that the purpose of earthly life is a different one than improving their physical well-being…. they fail to

consider that a human being’s every activity has to be supported by love, that it has to be motivated by love if it is to be

of value for the soul after the death of the body. And if you now observe all the things that are done and said by you or

in your environment, and how seldom they are caused by love, then you have to admit that everything is in vain and

only serves your attainment of earthly purposes. And you would be shocked if you could feel your soul’s deprivation as

physical discomfort, for then you would never be able to enjoy your life again…. Yet your soul is unable to express itself so obviously because then you would only strive to live a different kind of life due to selfishness so as not to feel

this daily and hourly discomfort, and then such striving would also be worthless. But you should consider what value

every earthly attainment has for you, since you know, after all, that your stay on this earth won’t last forever.... But you don’t believe in the continuation of the soul’s life after death, and that is why you are so half-hearted and disregard your

soul. You believe that you will cease to exist at the moment of death and one day will bitterly regret that you have not

made better use of the time on earth; you will regret not having loved more, which each one of you can do, since a tiny spark of love smoulders inside of him that he only needs to kindle…. Every human being can also experience for

himself the benefit of a deed of love done to him by a fellow human being…. And thus he could benefit his neighbour

too, it would certainly not be to his disadvantage, for the inner satisfaction of his action would inspire him into ever

more actions of love and his selfish love would decrease at the same rate as his love for his neighbour grows….

No human being suffers a loss, for whatever he gives out of love he will receive a thousand fold in return on earth or one

day in the spiritual kingdom and then be exceedingly blessed, because the time on earth when he should thus rise above

himself is only very short, whereas the soul in the spiritual kingdom can eternally enjoy the riches it has acquired on

earth. People live indifferently, eagerly undertaking earthly work, eagerly increasing their earthly possessions, using all their energy of life for entirely negative actions, because they constantly just create transient values…. Their soul’s

immortality however …. is not taken into account by them, they do not take loving care of it, it has to starve and then

enter the kingdom of the beyond in a miserable state where it only finds what its love as a human being on earth has provided for it…. And if this life were without love then the soul would be without light and strength and would

approach a painful fate, for only through deeds of love is it able to mature on earth ….

And therefore people should not say ‘After all, I am not doing anything evil….’ The human being has to do good deeds

born of love in earthly life, only then will he be able to enter the kingdom of the beyond without self-reproach even if he

has not yet achieved a high degree of love, he will surely be able to attain it in the beyond providing that the light has

been kindled so that the soul will not enter the spiritual kingdom in complete darkness…. Amen

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B.D. 8576, July 31, 1963

The meaning of earthly life.... Kind-hearted activity….

Time and again I want to inform you of the circumstances relating to your process of earthly life as a human being,

because this knowledge makes you live your life responsibly, as soon as you believe in it. It can also be presented to you

and met by complete unbelief, yet during your earthly life you will repeatedly get into situations when you will reflect

on the purpose of your existence, and then such thoughts will indeed arise in you time and again and you will remember

the conversations which were intended to provide you with an explanation. And every thinking person will also reflect

on it and, depending on his will, come to the right conclusion. I simply don’t want the human being merely to deal with worldly issues but I want him to drift into an area which is unverifiable and yet cannot be denied, if it is seriously

thought about…. For only if the human being travels this path intellectually will his course of life be successful for his

soul, the maturing of which is the meaning and purpose of earthly life.

Hence it is essential for the human being to be repeatedly reminded of the fact that he is not just living on earth for the

sake of acquiring an outwardly good living standard and riches…. Although by and large he will not want to believe it

nor can he be forced into believing it but he will nevertheless dwell on it occasionally and then also be able to change

his mind, so that he will intellectually occupy himself more with the realm which cannot be proven to him. And then it

will depend on his general way of life whether he will become a believer, for as soon as he does not disregard kind-

hearted activity, as soon as he is prepared to help and is of good will, he will also learn to believe and advance in his

development. This is why fellow human beings shall only ever just be encouraged to carry out deeds of love, which can

often already be achieved by being a good example…. Then unbelief will also diminish, for love will invariably awaken a living faith. Hence it is absolutely necessary to live a life of love in order to attain faith….

Love between people, however, has grown cold and hearts will have to be touched in order to become willing to love, for every human being has the ability to love, since I instilled in him a tiny spark of My spirit for his earthly life…. And

the willingness to love can, in turn, only be aroused by great adversity, by serious strokes of fate affecting people where

one person depends on the other and a willingness to help comes to the fore, providing a person is not entirely hardened and therefore My adversary’s follower, who subsequently will be hopelessly lost when the time for the maturing of his

soul comes to an end. Earthly life is at a standstill without love, the soul cannot gain anything and remains in its

previous state, if it doesn’t descend even further into the abyss from which it had already worked its way up and just had

to cover the final ascent. Without love it cannot move one step forward, and no human being can be forced to love, it is

a matter of free will but the only option to reach the goal on earth for the soul to become perfect and change into its

fundamental nature again.

And so the divine teaching of love has to be proclaimed time and again, people’s attention must be drawn to the

commandments of love for God and other people, time and again they have to be touched by adversity and misery so that their spark of love will ignite and turn into a bright glow. And this is why I keep educating teachers for Myself on

earth who preach love to their fellow human beings, who proclaim My will to them and try to introduce them to the kind

of knowledge which can only be gained through living a life of love…. This is why I send the disciples into the world again during the last days, so that they will proclaim My Gospel which I convey to earth Myself…. Time and again I

work visibly and remarkably in order to be believed, because people have greatly distanced themselves from belief

already and no longer visit the places where My Word is proclaimed, and because even there My Word has lost its

strength if the preachers of My Word are not spiritually awakened…. People shall come alive, they shall learn to gain a

living faith, because only then will they strive towards Me and learn to love Me and then also advance in their

development…. Without love, however, they will achieve nothing on earth…. No matter what is done, it always has to

be based on love or they will be dead works…. You humans should know all this and question the motives of what you say, do and think…. And only if you are urged by love will everything you think, speak and do be good before My eyes

and gain you a higher degree of maturity…. But everything is futile without love… For you only live on earth for the

sake of changing your life into a life of love, and only this is and will remain your goal, so that through love you will unite with Me, the Eternal Love Himself…. Amen

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B.D. 8584, August 10, 1963

Love for God is demonstrated through neighbourly love....

I always keep telling you the same: take care of your fellow human being in his adversity.... help him, irrespective of

whether he suffers spiritual or physical distress; practice unselfish neighbourly love and you will fulfil the purpose of

your existence. For you only demonstrate your love for Me when you give love to your neighbour, who is your brother.

I Am a Father to all of you; I long for your love which should apply to all My living creations who have emerged from

Me. Your fellow human beings very often suffer hardship, and it will mainly concern spiritual difficulties in which you

should help them, for earthly difficulties will come to an end but spiritual adversity continues and will always require help, regardless of whether they are on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond.

Spiritual adversity largely consists of unkindness and therefore the soul’s imperfect composition which, however, should mature in earthly life through love.... Hence, if you love your neighbour it can awaken reciprocated love and

encourage the other person to change his nature if he wants to emulate you, if you are an example to him by living a true

life of love.... Giving love is the greatest help.... but you should also make the Gospel known to your neighbour, that is,

you should also describe his Creator and Provider as a God of love Who is everyone’s Father and therefore wants to be

called upon as a Father....

You should only ever try to impart spiritual knowledge to your fellow human being, and you will help his maturation if

you offer everything to him with love. Yet you should also support your neighbour in earthly adversity and thereby

likewise inspire reciprocated love, for love is strength in itself and will never remain ineffective unless your neighbour still completely belongs to My adversary, then he will reject you and not experience the results of love. And you will

only ever mature through actions of love.... consequently every opportunity should be used by you to act with love....

And notice should be taken of every hardship suffered by your fellow human being, you should not pass him by indifferently and leave him in distress, for then you are heartless yourselves and do not fulfil your earthly purpose which

solely consists of accepting your fundamental nature again, of becoming the love you were in the beginning.

The commandment of love will always be the first and most important one, and the Gospel which teaches you to love

God and your neighbour will always have to be proclaimed to people.... However, you will never show love to Me if

you ignore your neighbour, no matter how strongly you are moved by your emotions.... True love for Me can only be

expressed in loving activity for the next person. And thereby you also prove your love for Me. But anyone who is

half-hearted and indifferent in his love for his neighbour will never feel true love for Me, for how can a person love Me

Whom he cannot see, if he ignores his brother whom he can see....

Love between people has grown cold in the last days, and therefore they are also very distant from Me Who, as Eternal

Love, can only unite with a person through love.... And this is why the spiritual adversity is so great, for to be heartless also means to be without faith, without knowledge and without strength.... Furthermore, it means to still be subject to the

power of the one who is devoid of all love and who will always stop people from acting with love.... but who also wants

your downfall by keeping you away from Me. And he is the one you have to resist, you have to try to contact Me and you will only ever attain this through loving activity.... For this reason I say ‘What you do to the least of My brothers,

you have done to Me....’ I Myself consider your love for your fellow human being as love for Me....

How else would you be able to demonstrate your love for Me?.... If you believe in Me and that I, as a Father, grant love

to all My children, then you also have to return My love as children, and then you also know that all you humans are

regarded by Me as children, that you are all the same.... living beings who originated from Me, and you have to love one

another and move towards Me together.... But one also has to carry the other, you have to protect the other from suffering harm, you have to help him in all kinds of difficulties, you have to stick together and establish this true

relationship between brothers and then strive towards your eternal Father together. Only then will you have the kind of

love for each other which I require of you humans, because you are the same in your fundamental substance.... because you came forth from the divine strength of love.

And once the relationship between you humans has changed, once all your thoughts and actions are determined by love,

you will also become more perfect, you will become again what you had been before: living creations permeated by

love which only ever work for each others beatitude.... For where love exists there also has to be a receptacle for this

emanated love, irrespective of whether I Myself as the primary source, or you as terminals of My strength of love re-

emanate this love.... there always has to be a vessel into which you can radiate your love....

And thus on earth this vessel is your fellow human being.... the person next to you to whom you give your love, which you receive from Me.... For you cannot give anything that you wouldn’t have received from Me first.... I nurture the

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spark of love in you such that My love enlightens you consistently more and inspires loving actions, and this work will

apply to your neighbour again, for you will be inclined to be constantly of assistance once My love is able to enlighten


And your activity of love for your neighbour demonstrates to Me that you accept My rays of love, that you open your

hearts and grant entrance to Me and My love.... it demonstrates to Me that you are committed to Me in love again or you would keep your hearts closed and I would be unable to work in you. And you will always mature providing you don’t

lead a one-sided life but always consider your fellow human being and take a personal interest in his physical and

psychological circumstances, providing you try to lead him on the path to Me and also support him in earthly adversity

if he approaches you and requests your assistance. You are living together for the purpose of mutual maturing. And you

will always be given the opportunity to carry out actions of helpful love.... You just have to be of good will and allow

yourselves to be guided always in view of Me, your God and Creator, Whom you acknowledge as a Father and to

Whom you show the love of a child.... Then you will love each other as brothers and benefit each other.... And then your

soul will mature on earth and achieve its goal: through love it will unite with Me, the Eternal Love, and then you will be

blissfully happy forever.... Amen

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B.D. 8626, September 25, 1963

People lack love and faith....

People keep distancing themselves from Me ever further, they want to believe less and less, for since they don’t live a life of love they cannot attain a living faith either and a dead faith is completely worthless, because they will easily

relinquish it completely when they have to profess whether they are for or against Me. For people will have to make this

decision, irrespective of whether it will be demanded of them by the earthly authorities or as a result of harsh strokes of

fate, when only the right decision can provide them with help in earthly adversity. Without faith they are lost, for then

they belong to My adversary, who wants to destroy humanity’s every faith in a God and Creator. Only a life of love will

result in a living faith, and then there will be no further danger of falling prey to My adversary. For a living faith

establishes the connection with Me and any hardship can be resolved because the human being believes in My power to

do so, and also because he is convinced that My love will determine Me to help. Yet people who utterly lack faith in a

Being Which is full of love, wisdom and power can be called poor and miserable. For even if they are quickly helped by My opponent in earthly calamities their souls will nevertheless be irrevocably lost, for they have abandoned all contact

with Me and are therefore hopelessly subject to him. And many people will have to expect this destiny of being

completely controlled by My adversary and will also have to share his fate at the end of the earth, so that they …. when

he is placed in chains …. will be banished again into the creations of earth and must travel the path through these new

creations once more.

Yet this happens in accordance with the will of every individual soul, and nothing can be done for their salvation other than to keep proclaiming the Gospel of love to people, to tell them what will await them if they live without love and

therefore also without faith. Time and again people shall be called; time and again they shall be invited to turn their back

on the world and to step into spiritual spheres.... Time and again they shall be reminded of the purpose of their earthly life so that they cannot claim to have been entirely without knowledge. Admittedly, they will pay no credence to your

words but they shall not be left without warning either, for I will continue to cross their path and by means of

misfortunes try to change their thinking…. since the possibility of changing their will still remains until their death and no opportunity shall be missed. And thus there will be a never-ending struggle for every soul My adversary wants to

keep. And if you, My servants on earth, only succeed in persuading your fellow human beings to believe in a God and

Creator from Whose Power they originated…. if you only succeed in motivating them to carry out deeds of love, then

there is also the possibility that they will learn to gain faith, that they will seriously think about it…. especially when

they have to recognise the fleeting nature of earthly things and begin to long for everlasting possessions.

Every change of mind can denote salvation for these human beings, and a person can still change his mind until he dies.

This is why you, My assistants, should leave no stone unturned in order to awaken in people the belief in a loving Power

Which wants to regain all people for Itself…. You shall also inform them of the fact that you are in direct contact with this Power and that It conveys comprehensive spiritual knowledge to you which clarifies the human being’s real purpose

of existence. There is always the possibility that a person will respond and listen to you, and in that case he is already

saved for sure, for as soon as I Am able to speak to him Myself he will feel affected by it and form an opinion….

This is why you are repeatedly summoned to work diligently; this is why I won’t stop seeking to attract the love of souls

which are still distant from Me. This is why people often suffer great earthly hardship in order to motivate them into

performing kind-hearted actions for their fellow human beings. And then it is not hopeless, for every deed of love

connects the human being with Me and at the same time disconnects him from My adversary.

If only people would believe that only love can deliver them from the enemy of their souls…. that love would also grant

them realisation and could gain them a living faith, even in the Redeemer Jesus Christ. And a living faith in Him

signifies definite deliverance from sin and death…. Love, however, has grown cold and therefore faith has also vanished, and no person can become blessed without love and faith, without love and faith My adversary is still

dominating his soul and it cannot enter the life which lasts forever…. Amen

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B.D. 8678, November 19, 1963

The most important commandment has to be fulfilled: Love....

You, who want to serve Me, will repeatedly be reminded of the immense spiritual darkness which necessitates My

Gospel to be carried into the world, which alone is the true light that can penetrate the darkness providing it is offered in

all purity, just as it once originated from Me and is now conveyed to you from above to earth again. For only truth is

the true light.... but what became spoilt will only ever intensify the darkness. However, the reason why the darkness is

so extensive is because many lies and errors were added to the spiritual knowledge which guaranteed the most brightly

shining light when it came forth from Me.

And so it is necessary that people are correctly instructed, that they receive clarification about areas which so far were

closed to them or were not truthfully brought to light. It is only important that people change their nature to love, that they overcome their selfish love and change it into selfless neighbourly love…. And this important teaching, the

fulfilment of My commandment of love, was placed into the background whereas other teachings came to the forefront

and people’s endeavours were pushed in the wrong direction. Commandments are being observed and fulfilled which

are utterly immaterial and don’t lead to any kind of advancement for the soul. And love is being put aside which

simultaneously means that the light cannot shine brightly, that it only glows faintly…. that people’s realisation, their

knowledge of truth, is therefore poor…. that they exist in a spiritually darkened state, that they have an entirely wrong

view of life, that they only ever strive for material possessions because no inner light is shining for them, which can only

be kindled by love.

If all preachers preached nothing else but love.... if people were only ever encouraged to give up their selfish love and

practise selfless neighbourly love …. truly, then they would also live in the light of realisation, they would recognise the

irrelevance of earthly commodities, they would establish the right kind of relationship as of a child to its Father, for all this results in selfless, divine love…. Instead people are given misguided teachings, they are obliged to perform deeds

and customs which can only be valued as external formalities and can never result into changing the state of the soul,

because I only value what results in a living relationship with Me…. and this living bond with Me can only be established through kind-hearted activity. And therefore I will continue sending My messengers into the world to

proclaim the Gospel of love to people.... And I Myself will always convey the pure Gospel to you who want to accept it

and pass it on…. For by way of divine love, which you ought to practise, you will attain a living faith, you will arrive at

the inner certainty that I Am close to you and that you can associate with Me directly. And by way of the light, which

was kindled in you by love, you will also receive the kind of knowledge which corresponds to the truth, you will no

longer live your earthly life in a blind state but possess truthful knowledge regarding the reason for your life on earth

and the goal you are supposed to reach…. hence also regarding the earthly task you ought to fulfil.

And as soon as you know the truth you will also achieve spiritual progress, your earthly life will not be in vain, you will become more and more perfect.... which, however, is only the result of receiving the pure truth from Me. And this is

what you much search for and desire, then you will also partake of it…. Then you will always be considered by Me, and

then My adversary will have lost all claim on you, as soon as your nature has changed itself into love again, as you were in the beginning…. Amen

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B.D. 8711, December 30, 1963

The bond of love shall connect everyone without distinction....

Only love will always and ever lead you to perfection.... And this love has to flare up deep within your heart, it has to fill your whole being and motivate your every intention and action, then you will come ever closer to perfection, then

you can say that you are reborn, for you have changed yourselves into your fundamental nature again. But only few

people achieve this high degree of love while still on earth, yet I already accept their will as evidence of love…. the will

to reach Me, the desire for My presence, always proves their love for Me already ….

You humans are unable to muster this burning love for Me and all created beings, which deifies you on earth already,

you live in a world devoid of love, and that also has an effect on those who themselves are willing to love but who, due

to recurring unkindness, are inwardly inhibited from loving actions which, however, would awaken reciprocated love.

And yet you should carry out this work on the soul, you should even love where you are hated, and you will rise above yourselves and become capable of ever greater love. And you may well believe it, it is possible for you to do.... if only

you always appeal to Me Myself for strength where you are too weak yourselves.

There is no special merit in loving something that is good and beautiful…. Yet to show love to a person who treats you

badly or has many shortcomings and faults is far more difficult but also far more commendable, and then your degree of

love will rise indeed and you will draw ever closer to Me, the Eternal Love. In order to be able to do this you have to

open yourselves to My ray of light.... you have to appeal to Me to soften your hearts, to work in you Myself as soon as you cross the path of people who don’t mean well or who do not appear amiable to you. Consider the fact that all human

beings are My living creations, that I want to regain all people as My children, that you all have the same Father, but

that not all people have achieved the same degree of maturity which they should and would be able to achieve on earth. But the bond of love should connect all of you, for only by way of love can you also help these less mature people to

achieve a higher degree of perfection, for no ray of love sent forth by you will be without effect, it will always have a

beneficial effect on the soul which is still surrounded by dense layers.

You are able to show love to such persons if only you consider the poor quality of their souls, which still have to

struggle and fight for a long time until they are spiritually fully mature. And if you…. as soon as you are confronted by

such a person…. immediately remember Me and My emanation of love, which is available at all times and only wants to

be seized by your hearts…. thus just a brief call to Me in Jesus is enough for Me to illuminate you and enable you to

love your fellow human being, whom I do not send without reason to cross your path, for he as well as yourselves

should mature through such meetings, which you inwardly dislike….

You should never put your own interests first, you should never ask whether such meetings are beneficial for yourselves but always take notice of the other person’s situation and try to help him, for would I let something happen to you that

would be harmful for your soul? Love should glow ever more brightly within you, and My ray of love will always flow

to you.... But if you consider to evaluate a human encounter and take earthly measures to avoid it then your action, at that moment, is not in contact with Me and you cannot expect any help from Me either.

Everything you encounter in earthly life only happens to you for the sake of maturing your soul, and you should not

avoid it but handle (meet) this with the use of My strength, and you will be able to derive rich blessings for yourselves

as well as for your fellow human beings. You are truly able to develop a high degree of love in you if only you call upon

me mentally and appeal for My flow of strength, thus for My illumination of love, and open yourselves to receive it.

And therefore it also requires that you do not exclude Me from your thoughts…. And this is the key, it is the only

explanation you need to reach your perfection still on earth…. For as soon as your thoughts constantly embrace Me the

flow of My strength of love also has to affect you constantly, and then I can always be present with you too…. My presence, however, gives you the evidence of your union with Me, which is only ever achieved by love. Hence love

could totally deify you on earth already, yet as you are rarely able to raise it to a high degree you will also have to suffer

and through suffering dissolve the soul’s cover…. Still, no matter what happens to you, everything is well considered and will only ever be in your best interests as soon as you are willing to return to Me and enter into final union with Me,

which will guarantee you eternal life in blissful happiness. Amen

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B.D. 8786, March 21, 1964

‘The measure you use will be the measure you receive....’

And regardless of how impossible it seems to you, I will intervene (affect you extraordinarily) when the time is right, for

nothing is impossible to Me.... Just try to raise your degree of love, make an effort to live in accordance with My will, take care of your fellow human being in his adversity and demonstrate your love for Me by seeing in your fellow human

being your brother, who has also come forth from Me in order to inherit beatitude one day. Believe that love alone is

enough in order to accomplish the greatest miracles, in order to make things happen which you would humanly find

impossible. Yet I Am a God of love, wisdom and might…. I can do anything, but at what time My might will express

itself is always determined by My love and wisdom. And truly, with your will, with your love you can determine My

will and My love, you can apply coercion on Me which I will extremely gladly put up with, because love will never be a

nuisance but always ever give pleasure….

And if you grant Me your love, My love will also express itself such that it will make you happy. I will give you humans the most diverse tasks, I know how and in which way every person can help, and I also know, whether and

when he is willing to help, and I will send people his way whom he can please with his helpfulness, to whom he will

give what they urgently require, be they earthly or spiritual possessions…. By passing on earthly possessions you are

always demonstrating love to Me, for whatever you do to the least of My brothers you do unto Me (Matthew 25:31-

46!).... Furthermore, you also prove to Me that you have already overcome matter and are spiritually progressing…. But

if you pass on spiritual possessions then it is My work that I send people to you whom you should consider spiritually,

whose souls are going hungry and are in urgent need of your help to nourish them, so that their souls will strengthen and recover. This helpfulness will be particularly rewarded by Me, for it signifies a distribution of spiritual possessions

which will give life to the soul. And whoever is thus of service to Me by passing on what he is receiving from Me

directly.... whoever has the salvation of his fellow human being’s soul at heart, can be absolutely certain of My support, for he is implementing a labour of love which has to be far more highly valued, because he first has to feel sincere love

for Me and for his fellow human being in order to acquire the possession of these spiritual values which he shall share

again…. And then I will also always show Myself to him as a loving Father, I will guide him on earth and bless all his ways.... And My promises will fulfil themselves such that I will also work in an unusual way when the time is right.

All people in spiritual and earthly adversity are your neighbours, and you shall give to them what they require…. You

should have the sincere will to help them and, truly, you will then also always have the means which you should pass on

again, be they of a spiritual or material kind. Therefore, don’t calculate anxiously but be generous, for the measure you

use will be the measure you receive (Luke 6:38), what you give with love will be rewarded to you a thousand fold,

always depending on the degree of love which impels you to help. So, don’t worry, for I will take care of you.... always

just work at improving yourselves, so that you will resist all temptations, that you will not become heartless and put

your degree of maturity at risk, and then you will also always be allowed to feel My love to an extent that you will feel My presence and be happy…. I love you, and I am all-powerful, thus I want to make you happy and I Am also able to

do so. However, My love knows (recognises) when the time is right that I can affect you in an unusual way, that you

will obviously experience My love and I can release you from all adversities of body and soul…. For My willingness to help is far greater than yours, and My gifts of grace are immeasurable, which I can and want to bestow on everyone who

loves Me and keeps My commandments…. Amen

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B.D. 8816, June 21, 1964

Faith comes alive through love

All I can say to you is that you will only gain a strong and unwavering faith through a life of love, for love unites you with Me and subsequently will convince you of My strength which is at your disposal to use in accordance with your

will. And thus you are constantly admonished by Me to shape yourselves to love so that you will once again adapt your

nature to Mine, then all your abilities will return to you as well, which are merely buried within you waiting to break

through again, depending on the degree of love you develop…. However, if you make use of My strength in the belief

that this strength of Mine lets you cope with everything then your soul’s degree of maturity is already high, and then it

becomes evident what you can achieve, for I do not deny you My strength…. after all, I want to give you everything so

as to help you become perfect and I take pity on you in your weakness. Nevertheless, I cannot work in you contrary to

My eternal order.... This working simply requires a living faith which only comes alive through love. And this is the

faith you need in order to cope with the onslaughts of the last battle, for only then will you prove whether you support Me or fall away when you are put under pressure….

Even so, I will make sure that My Own will rely on Me, that their strength of faith will keep growing, that they will be

able to draw strength from Me, Who will be so close to them that they can sense Me and no longer do anything without

My instruction…. And then the strength of faith will reveal itself.... they shall receive what they need, be it earthly food

that is denied to them by hostile forces…. or be it My Word which will strengthen them in abundance. Then their faith

will be strong enough to profess Me before the world…. and thus they will also prove themselves in the last battle of faith, so that they will belong to the flock of those who will be lifted away, who believe that everything is possible

which proves My existence. This is why they are not astounded by the process of the rapture, for their faith accepts

everything that is beyond the law of nature, that is miraculous, and thus also the new earth with all the creations which did not exist on the old earth, whose magnificence and glory is incomparable.

Hence I have great expectations of those who want to be My Own: with the help of My Word they will still have to fortify their faith to a point that enables them to stand firm, for never before has a battle like this taken place on earth,

and it will require much strength in order to endure it…. But I want to help you by speaking to you Myself and revealing

My infinite love which only seeks to attract your reciprocation in order to provide you with the strength to remain

steadfast. And the reward I promise you in return will be a life in the paradise of the new earth, a life in association with

Me, Who can always be present where love exists since only love can be the foundation of a living faith….

This is why the first and last commandment will only ever be ‘Love God above all else and your neighbour as

yourself….’ Then you fulfil your earthly task and one day will be able to enter the kingdom of light and beatitude, and

you will be able to behold God…. Amen

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B.D. 8829, July 13, 1964

Pretended worship….

The importance of enlightening you regarding the contamination of the doctrine supposed to be from Me is shown by

the fact that people who mainly observe human additions are ignoring My teaching. Time and again I have to stress that

only the doctrine of love is the essence of My Gospel. As soon as you realise that the sole purpose of your earthly life is

your transformation to love, you will understand the significance of My teaching of love and liberate yourselves from all

ceremony which, in My eyes, is nothing but ceremony, worthless formality. How much time people spend with

pretended worship, performing everything from habit, displaying their undeniable spiritual decline, not making the least effort to practice love…. the only commandment I taught humanity as I walked across the earth. And the reason for this

is that love has grown cold amongst people….

What, then, is the use of such 'divine service' where you fulfil duties which I cannot value? And you believe you can

make up for all your heartless actions by more eager church going and fulfilment of performances invented by men. You

believe to think and act righteously, and yet you are mistaken, for there is no one among you who listens to the voice of

the spirit. This is the case because you are exposed to adverse influences causing you to refrain from forming your own

opinion, thus preventing you from finding the truth…. and thus you, who describe yourselves as leaders of people, are

preventing them from allowing the spirit to work within them. For what the spirit would teach a person is quite contrary

to your system, and you call him a heretic whilst, in fact, he is My disciple, called to bring the truth to people and

chosen by Me as a vessel for the reception of My spirit in order to reveal this truth to you.

You humans should only turn towards love, you should fight the love of self and always just practice the love for your

neighbour…. Then you will experience a blessing that is supreme…. Your thinking will be right, your spirit will teach

you from within and you will free yourselves from all wrong doctrines. You will seek solitude more often and receive a richer blessing than by the 'divine service' in which you now participate. However, he who has love will also recognise

the error as human work, except he believes in it so profoundly and lively that I shall not destroy such faith…. which

will bring him so close to Me that he will want to do everything he believes to be good before My eyes. But then I will judge such people according to the degree of their love and will give them sudden enlightenment as they depart from

this earth.

However, such people are scarce, most merely observe customs while their faith is dead…. It cannot come alive because

they lack love, which quickens faith. Although I keep preaching love from above, humanity has become so unspiritual

that they do not listen to what I have to say to them. And thus they will perish on Judgment Day, for no one can attain

beatitude without love …. Amen

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B.D. 8869, October 17, 1964

The path through Satan's world

The world is Satan’s domain and yet you have to pass through it because all of you are more or less still attached to the lord of this world, since you have not yet completed the last work of spiritualising yourselves in this world…. you are

still imperfect and therefore not entirely free from his control…. However, you are all aware of My will which only ever

asks you to selflessly love your neighbour. Hence you know what will bring you closer to perfection and therefore you

shall only ever endeavour to release yourselves from selfish love and turn it into love for your neighbour. Then you will

detach yourselves more and more from his world, you will pass through this world and it will no longer hold on to you,

but has to release you if you want to carry out this will of Mine. Then your earthly life will only be a short stage on the

path to your eternal home, you will remove your fetters with My help, for then you have surrendered to Me, and

wherever your goal is, there is also your heart.... Your longing applies to Me and this world has nothing else to offer

you, it can no longer stop you on your path of ascent.... However, if you don’t carry out this change from selfish love into unselfish neighbourly love you will take your last short path across the earth in vain…. then you will remain

attached to the one who wants to pull you into the abyss again.

Yet I cannot force your will, you have to strive for this change entirely of your own accord so that you will be able to

gain immeasurable happiness. For this reason you cannot be given absolute proof of what will await you in eternal life if

you strive towards Me, or what will happen to you if you deliver yourselves to My adversary…. or you would be

compelled to believe which, however, cannot be valued as ‘faith’. Even so, My Word explains everything to you and besides, you have within yourselves the still small voice of conscience which warns and admonishes you…. You,

however, drown out this voice in you with the world and ignore it, but there is not a single human being whose attention

is not somehow drawn to the consequences of his way of life…. And therefore no-one can evade the hour of responsibility when he stands at the gate to eternity…. I approach people time and again trying to inform them of My

will, which requires nothing other than shaping themselves into love, and by means of strokes of fate try to bring Myself

to their attention so that they will call upon Me in their distress, when I shall truly be willing to help; yet I cannot reveal Myself more distinctly than through My direct speech from above so as not to compel anyone’s will.

But you lack faith and don’t value My Word from above as a truly significant blessing which is to help you in your lack

of resolve…. If only you would get used to the idea that My Word might be true so that you could arrange your life

accordingly, then much would be gained already, for I look at the slightest will concerning Me and will help you find

Me completely…. so that you no longer attach too much importance to the world, that you detach yourselves from it and

thus also from its master. Just your will to free yourselves from his bondage is seen by Me as your first step of return to

Me, and I will bless all further effort and give you the strength to accomplish what will lead to your release from him.

Nevertheless, you must take the path through the world, for it is the last opportunity to liberate yourselves from the one who is lord of this world, and you must pass this last test of will if you want to enter the kingdom of beatitude…. Amen

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‘And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he

had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? And Jesus

answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one

Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all

thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like,

namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater

than these. And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one

God; and there is none other but he: And to love him with all the heart, and with all the

understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as

himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. And when Jesus saw that he

answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man

after that durst ask him any question.’

Mark 12:28-34