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  • 8/4/2019 PRASAD PARAB


  • 8/4/2019 PRASAD PARAB


    Definition- Using the News press to carry positive stories about your company of

    your product cultivating a good relationship with local press representatives.

    Public relation is opposite of advertising .In advertising , you pay to havemessage place in newspaper spot. In public relations, the article that featuresyour company is not paid for. The reporter whether broadcast or print, writesabout or films your company as a result f information he/she received and

    researched.Advertising means to provide more and more guidance and information to

    people and to attract the attention of people towards specific product orcompany. Publicity is more effective than advertising for several reasons. Firstpublicity as far more cost. First publicity is far more cost effective thanadvertising. Even if it is not free, your only expenses are phone calls and mailing

    to the media.

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    Second, publicity has greater longevity than advertising. An article about your business

    will be remember far longer than an Ad.

    Publicity also reaches a far wider audience than advertising generally does. Sometimes,your story might eve be pick up by national media, spreading the word about yourbusiness all over the country.

    Newspaper advertising is very effective every single day millions of people start theirday by picking up a newspaper. It is easily accessed by anybody and this makes it a verygood choice for most people to advertise. One effective way of taking advantage of sheernumber of people reading the newspaper is to have your advertisement printed out forweekend newspaper. This is because a significant number of people do not have work onweekends.

    Newspaper advertising is known to generate as a much better response than manyother forms of advertising. Another reason to choose a printed word as your means ofadvertising is that extensive research has pointed out that it is possible to generate about 5pounds for every one pound spent.

  • 8/4/2019 PRASAD PARAB


    7 Key Steps To identify Your Target Market AndDeveloping Well-Thought

    Public Relation Compaign.

    1. Write your positioning market2. List your objectives

    3. Identify your target customers

    4. Identify your target media.

    5. Develop story angles.6. Make the pitch.

    7. Follow up.

  • 8/4/2019 PRASAD PARAB


    Advantages Of Advertising In Free Community Papers

    Beneficial to Advertisers- Free community newspapers are publicationthat typically provide local news and information on weekly basis. Theymay arrived at your home via postal mail or newspaper carrier. Free

    community papers offer a variety of benefits for advertisers , especially forsmall business that have or wish to establish a strong presence in the localcommunity .

    Reach- Community newspapers allow you to reach a vast number ofpotential customers. According to the association of Free community

    newspapers the total circulation of community newspapers in the unitedstate has reached more than 100 million as of 2010.

    Growth- Paid newspaper have seen their circulation of community dropdrastically over past several years, as younger people have turned tointernet and television for news and information. In contrast the freecommunity newspaper industry continues to grow.

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    Target Marketing The different types of community papers allow you to targetspecific a market segments. For example an alternative newspaper may specialize innews stories about the environment, so if you are selling a green product you will ableto reach readers who may have strong interest.

    Lower Cost- Free Community newspapers typically have lower advertising cost thandaily newspapers. This is especially important if you are just starting out with yourbusiness and are operating on a shoestring budget. You can also use communitynewspapers advertising to test market a new business before jumping in with both feet.

    Business Image- Since community newspapers deals with local issues, they tend to be

    ready by people who have strong interest in or strong ties to community . Byadvertising in community papers, you can project yourself and your business as beingpart of local scene. Consequently, readers may choose your product over a competingregional or national brand as a show of support for local business.

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    When consumers need to make a inform choice for shopping, they rely onnewspapers nearly3 times more than nearest media option. More than any othermedium when consumers went information on home products, hardware,grocery, furniture, real estate, new vehicles, what is on sales or local events theyturn to newspaper. Overall it source they rely on most for advertising, Notsurprisingly, over half for females polled showed hey prefer newspaper foradvertising.

    Grocery beware. Consumers by a wide margin depend upon newspaper. Unlikesome media, whose advertising message nay be gone in 60 seconds. Newspaperhas staying power overall people who read a weekly newspaper, keep it around fora week or more. A weekly reader will keep a paper for just over four days andmajority of papers are read by more the persons in the household.

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    While facing at least 1000 advertising impression each day, isnt it nice to know

    that newspapers readers are almost half admit they read the entire paperthoroughly. Plus, many read and re-read the paper giving multiple opportunity toimpress. Just when you thought the news couldnt get better. These peoples thenpass their spouse, significant other, or child. Newspaper advertising it pays to beseen .

    Daily newspaper readers tend to interactive. Over 63% are beware of theirlocal newspapers website and near those people have visited it. How important isthis newspapers in education ? A recent study showed that over thirty threepercent of those people that do attained the school education also do not read thenewspaper .

    Over 74% of newspapers readers earn $25000 or more annually. The older aMissourian gets the more likely they feel like newspapers cover the communitybetter. 71% of those female weekly newspapers readers polled have a homedelivery. They also ALL read paper .Daily at 96.8% clip.

    Newspaper web site have minimally change a reading habit.

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    Targeting possible through

    profiling readership.Good level of market coverage.Local advertising possible.

    Inexpensive medium when use selectively.Reinforcement medium.Can be preserved.

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    Static media, not suitable for product demonstration.

    Potential for poor reduction, sometimes limited to black andwhite print.Quality of paper use is not very effective and reduces theattractiveness of ads.Possibility of an individual advert being lost on page ofadverts.Short time span i.e. yesterdays newspaper become todays.

    Rubbish information reading people may skip ads.

  • 8/4/2019 PRASAD PARAB


    Name- Rohan J. Shingare.

    Roll No- 248Std- S.Y.B.M.S.

    Sub- Pubic Relation

    managementProject Name- Role Of Public

    relation In Print Advertising

  • 8/4/2019 PRASAD PARAB


    The term Advertising has originated from the Latin word Advertere whichmeans turn the mind towards. Advertising means to provide more guidance andinformation to people and attract the attention of people towards the specificproduct.

    Advertisings are found in many places and in many forms. One of this formknown as Print advertising. Advertisements in this category include those that areprinted on some type of paper handled by the potential audience. This include

    offers sent through the mail and posted in newspapers.

    A print Advertising only be effective if people see it. One method of printadvertising aims to attract people to products and services as they are reading orscanning publication. Print advertising is term use for any type of advertising onphysical paper. Newspaper or Magazines ads, brochures, flyers, newsletters,postcards and booklets.

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    1.Canvas View2.Easy To read


    4.Helpful to firms.

  • 8/4/2019 PRASAD PARAB


    Public relation is opposite of advertising. In advertising, you pay to have your messageplaced in newspaper, T,V. or Radio spot. In public relations, the article that feature your

    company as a result of information he/she received or researched. So here PR plays a veryimportant role in print advertising.

    Publicity is more effective than advertising. For several reasons. First, Publicity is farmore cost-effective than advertising. Second, Publicity has greater longevity thanadvertising. Publicity also reaches afar wider audience than advertising generally does.

    Publicity ahs grater credibility with public than thus advertising. Readers feel that if anobjective third party magazine, newspaper or radio reporter is featuring your company,your must be doing something worthwhile. Pr is excellent tool in growth of businessbecause it gives you exposure you dont have to pay directly.

    So PR manager plays a important role in maintaining PR in Print advertising.

  • 8/4/2019 PRASAD PARAB





    What is Newspaper advertising ?

    Newspaper advertising is one of the common way to advertise in manycountries. It is often cheaper than broadcast advertising newspaperadvertising usually provides advantages of greater market share in manylocations. And newspaper advertising does not depend on targetaudience having television or radio at a certain time in order to receive

    the message of advertisement.

    Newspaper advertising comes in two major division displayed orsatisfied. Newspapers also considered display ads are those that spanmultiple columns horizontally and often include graphics or borders.

    Classified newspaper advertising is in column advertising that followsthe natural flow of the column down the page vertically.

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    1. Targeting is possible through profilingleadership.

    2.Good Level Of market Coverage.3.Local advertising possible.4.In-expensive medium when used

    selectively.5.Reinforcement medium.6.Can be reserved Articles/Cuttin s etc.

  • 8/4/2019 PRASAD PARAB


    1. Static media, not suitable for product demonstration.

    2. Potential for poor reproduction, sometimes limited toblack and white print.

    3. Quality of paper used is not very effective and reducesthe attractiveness of ads.

    4. Possibility of an individual advert being lost on page ofadverts.

    5. Short-life span, i.e. yesterdays newspapers becometodays

    6. Rubbish informal readings people may skip ads.

  • 8/4/2019 PRASAD PARAB


    Magazine advertising is the ads you see placed throughoutpublication. Starting up or magazine is dependant on a few factors

    but one of the most important is advertising. Magazine advertisingcan make or break a publication. Nearly all business depends on therevenue generated by their advertisers to stay in the business.

    It is very important to have magazine advertising in place beforeanew publication is place on the market. At the beginning therevenue from ads can pay for staff wages and help with the start upcost. Not only that but the right type of advertisement placedthrough a magazine can also boost the magazine sales.

  • 8/4/2019 PRASAD PARAB


    1. Magazines advertising is relatively ad life and

    repeated ad exposure. Magazines are often keptfor months. Your message keeps selling.

    2.Excellent picture reproduction quality, and the

    paper is far superior to newsprint.3. Advertising messages are more images relatedand less price oriented.

    4.Excellent pass-along value.

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    Disadvantages Of Magazine advertising

    1. Limited flexibility in terms of ad placements.2. Higher production cost.

    Magazine advertising is only one type ofadvertising. When allocating your advertising

    budget, its important to consider several types.-including radio, television , newspaper , and directmail before making a final decision. Each has its

    own advantages and disadvantages.