practicalfileofvb workshop

Practical File Workshop On Visual Basic Submitted To: Submitted By: Prof Anil Sharma Alisha Korpal 1

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Practical File



Visual Basic

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Prof Anil Sharma Alisha Korpal



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Sno Topic Page no

1 Introduction to VB 3

2 Tool Box 4

3 Property 5

4 Description -- Properties 6

5 Description -- Controls 7

6 Application 1: Showing labels and text boxes 8

7 Description -- Command button 9

8 Application 2: To Perform Arithmetic Operations on two numbers 10

9 Description – Controls 13

10 App 3 : Detail of any option click 14

11 App 4 : Application Form 17

12 Description -- control 20

13 App 5: Traffic lights 21

14 App 6: Getting marks of student and print result in another form 24

15 App 7: Moving the list item across two different lists 28

16 App 8: Formatting Text 31

17 App 9: with the help of menus perform Arithmetic operation 36

18 App 10: Print the series on form 39

19 App 11: Puzzle 41

20 App 12: Print table on the Form 47

21 App 13: Getting a string input from user and move it along border 49


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Introduction to VB

Visual basic is an event driven programming. In event driven programming, the interface components have the ability to recognize user events and then, if possible a response is given to the event occurred. The response of identical interface components to an event can different in different situations. In addition, an interface component may also respond to multiple events.

In event driven programming an application is built up as a series of response to user event. For instance, you may consider a calculator application, which is good example of an application that is event driven.


It is successor of BASIC language.

VB supports event driven programming.

Common Programming Platform VB provides a common programming platform across all MS – Office applications.

Quick Development VB offers many tools that provide a quick and easy way to develop applications.

Wizards VB also provides many wizards that can automate tasks or even automate coding.

Quick Error Detection /Correction The VB development environment provides tools for quick editing, testing and debugging


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Tool Box

The toolbox is a collection of tools that act as a repository of controls you can place on a




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Each property has a name so we can work with a particular property, and each property has a

value that either we or Visual Basic assigns. For example, Visual Basic always names the

first command button we add to a project Command1. Therefore, the Name property for the

first command button holds the value Command1

Property Description


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Alignment : Determines whether text on the control, such as a label or

command button, is left-justified, centered, or right-justified on

the control.

BackColor : Specifies the color of the control's background, which you

select from a palette of colors when you open the property drop-

down list box of colors.

BorderStyle : Determines whether the control has a border around it.

Caption : Lists the text displayed on the control.

Enabled : Set by a drop-down list box, this property is either True if we

want the control to respond to the user or False if we want

the control not to respond to the user.

Font : Displays a Font dialog box from which you can set various font

properties, such as size and style, for a control's text.

ForeColor : Specifies the color of the control's foreground, which you select

from a palette of colors when we open the property's drop-down

list box of colors.

Height : Specifies the number of twips high the control is.

Left : Indicates the starting twip from the left edge of the form where

the control appears.

Mouse Pointer : Determines the shape of the mouse cursor when the user

moves the mouse over the control at runtime.

Name : Specifies the name of the control. As you saw in yesterday's

lesson, the Properties window displays the .

Tooltip Text : Holds the text that appears when the user rests the mouse

Cursor over the control at runtime (similar to ScreenTips).


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1. Selection Pointer

Selection pointer is used to select the pointer control from the tool box.

2. Label

The label control displays text. Although your user cannot alter the text that

appears on a label, you can, at runtime, change the label's text through code.

3. The Text Box Control

Use a text box control when we want the user to type something, such

as an answer to a prompt, when we want to collect values, such as

name and address information. Often, a default value is helpful for

users, and Visual Basic program can supply an initial value.


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Application 1

NOTE : Here no coding will be done because we are simply putting the label,

text box controls on the form so, there output will be like the above program .



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4. Command Button

Command button is used to perform some kind of

operations although other controls can also perform.

This button is used to begin, interrupt or end a process.


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Application 2:

WAP to add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers?

Step 1:

Create a form


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Step 2:

Start the coding

Private Sub cmd_Click()

Me.sum.Text = Val(txtnum1.Text) + Val(txtnum2.Text)

Me.sub.Text = Val(txtnum1.Text) - Val(txtnum2.Text)

Me.mul.Text = Val(txtnum1.Text) * Val(txtnum2.Text)

Me.div.Text = Val(txtnum1.Text) / Val(txtnum2.Text)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

MsgBox (" Hello Welcome to perform operations")

End Sub


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Step 3:

Execute the program


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5. Check Box

Check boxes are used to allow a user select multiple choices.

For example a student can choose any five subjects out of

available 7 subjects. Now the subject chosen the 5 subject

he/she wants to choose they can.

6. Option Box

An option button also known as radio button is used to display

an option that can be turned on or off. Usually option buttons

are used for a group of options wherefrom user can select just


For example a student can have option for choosing the

medium either Hindi or English so the student has to choose the

one option.

7. Frames

A frame control is used to separate different group of

controls on form.

8. Combo Box

A combo box control combines the feature of a text box and a

list box.

9. List Box

A list box control display a list of item from which the user can

select one or more items


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Application 3

WAP to show the option button?

Step 1:

Make a form


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Step 2:


private Sub Command1_Click()

If Option1.Value = True Then

MsgBox (" An input device used to type and enter data")

ElseIf Option2.Value = True Then

MsgBox (" An input device used for clicking various things")

ElseIf Option3.Value = True Then

MsgBox (" An output device used to display data")

ElseIf Option4.Value = True Then

MsgBox (" An output device used to print data")

End If

End Sub


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Step 3: Execute


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Application 4

WAP to make an application Form?


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Step 2

Private Sub Command1_Click()

MsgBox (txtname.Text & Cmbqual.Text & ",your data has been submited")

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

txtname.Text = ""

Me.Option1.Value = True

Cmbqual.Text = "B.A"

chkmusic.Value = False

chkpaint.Value = False

chkread.Value = False

End Sub


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Step 3:



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10. Timer:

The timer control is an invisible control which is added to form

if some task is to be repeated regular intervals


The shape control is a graphical control that is used to display a

rectangle, oval, circle or rounded square.


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Application 5:

WAP to show the working of timer?


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Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

If Shape1.Visible Then

Shape2.Visible = True

Shape1.Visible = False

Shape3.Visible = False

ElseIf Shape2.Visible Then

Shape3.Visible = True

Shape2.Visible = False

Shape1.Visible = False

Else Shape3.Visible Then

Shape1.Visible = True

Shape2.Visible = False

Shape3.Visible = False

End If

End Sub


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Step 3:



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Application 6:

Getting the particulars form the user and printing the result in

another frame?


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Private Sub cmbstream_Click()

If cmbstream.ListIndex = 0 Then

Me.lblsub1.Caption = "Economics"

Me.lblsub2.Caption = "Accounts"

Me.lblsub3.Caption = "Law"

Me.lblsub1.Visible = True

Me.lblsub2.Visible = True

Me.lblsub3.Visible = True

Me.txtm1.Visible = True

Me.txtm2.Visible = True

Me.txtm3.Visible = True

ElseIf cmbstream.ListIndex = 1 Then

Me.lblsub1.Caption = "C"

Me.lblsub2.Caption = "VB"

Me.lblsub3.Caption = "Java"

Me.lblsub1.Visible = True

Me.lblsub2.Visible = True

Me.lblsub3.Visible = True

Me.txtm1.Visible = True

Me.txtm2.Visible = True

Me.txtm3.Visible = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdexit_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub cmdres_Click()

Me.lblname.Caption = "Name: " + Me.txtname.Text

Me.lblroll.Caption = "Roll No.: " + Me.txtroll

Me.lblstream.Caption = "Stream: " + Me.cmbstream.Text

Me.lblm1.Caption = Me.lblsub1.Caption + ": " + Me.txtm1


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Me.lblm2.Caption = Me.lblsub2.Caption + ": " + Me.txtm2

Me.lblm3.Caption = Me.lblsub3.Caption + ": " + Me.txtm3

If ((Val(txtm1.Text)+Val(txtm2.Text)+Val(txtm3.Text)) / 3)>=40 Then

Me.lblres.Caption = "Pass " & "(" & ((Val(txtm1.Text) +

Val(txtm2.Text) + Val(txtm3.Text)) / 3) & "%)"


Me.lblres.Caption = "Fail " & "(" & ((Val(txtm1.Text) +

Val(txtm2.Text) + Val(txtm3.Text)) / 3) & "%)"

End If

Me.Width = 9500

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.lblsub1.Visible = False

Me.lblsub2.Visible = False

Me.lblsub3.Visible = False

Me.txtm1.Visible = False

Me.txtm2.Visible = False

Me.txtm3.Visible = False

Me.Width = 5000

End Sub


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Application 7:

Moving the list item across two different lists.


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Private Sub cmdexit_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

List2.AddItem (List1.Text)

List1.RemoveItem (List1.ListIndex)

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

List1.AddItem (List2.Text)

List2.RemoveItem (List2.ListIndex)

End Sub


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Application 8:

Changing the text and applying font


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Private Sub Check1_Click()

If Check1.Value = 1 Then

Text1.FontBold = True


Text1.FontBold = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Check2_Click()

If Check2.Value = 1 Then

Text1.FontItalic = True


Text1.FontItalic = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Check3_Click()

If Check3.Value = 1 Then

Text1.FontUnderline = True


Text1.FontUnderline = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Combo1_Click()

If Combo1.ListIndex = 0 Then

Text1.FontSize = Combo1.Text

ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 1 Then

Text1.FontSize = Combo1.Text

ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 2 Then

Text1.FontSize = Combo1.Text

ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 3 Then


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Text1.FontSize = Combo1.Text

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Combo2_click()

If Combo2.ListIndex = 0 Then

Text1.FontName = Combo2.Text

ElseIf Combo2.ListIndex = 1 Then

Text1.FontName = Combo2.Text

ElseIf Combo2.ListIndex = 2 Then

Text1.FontName = Combo2.Text

ElseIf Combo2.ListIndex = 3 Then

Text1.FontName = Combo2.Text

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Combo2.AddItem "Times New Roman"

Combo2.AddItem "Arial"

Combo2.AddItem "Shruti"

Combo2.AddItem "Monotype Corsiva"

End Sub

Private Sub Option1_Click()

If Option1.Value = True Then

Text1.BackColor = vbCyan

End If

End Sub


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Private Sub Option2_Click()

If Option2.Value = True Then

Text1.BackColor = vbBlack

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Option3_Click()

If Option3.Value = True Then

Text1.BackColor = vbYellow

End If

End Sub


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Application 9:

With the help of menus perform arithmetic operations


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Private Sub add_Click()

Me.answ.Text = Val(txtnum1.Text) + Val(txtnum2.Text)

End Sub

Private Sub divi_Click()

Me.answ.Text = Val(txtnum1.Text) / Val(txtnum2.Text)

End Sub

Private Sub min_Click()

Me.answ.Text = Val(txtnum1.Text) - Val(txtnum2.Text)

End Sub

Private Sub mult_Click()

Me.answ.Text = Val(txtnum1.Text) * Val(txtnum2.Text)

End Sub


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Application 10

To print the series


1 2

1 2 3

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5


Private Sub Form_Click()

For r = 1 To 5

For c = 1 To r

Print c;




End Sub


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Application 11

To make a puzzler


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Private Sub Command1_Click()

If Command2.Caption = "" Then

Command2.Caption = Command1.Caption

Command1.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command4.Caption = "" Then

Command4.Caption = Command1.Caption

Command1.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

If Command1.Caption = "" Then

Command1.Caption = Command2.Caption

Command2.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command3.Caption = "" Then

Command3.Caption = Command2.Caption

Command2.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command5.Caption = "" Then

Command5.Caption = Command2.Caption

Command2.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

If Command2.Caption = "" Then

Command2.Caption = Command3.Caption

Command3.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command6.Caption = "" Then

Command6.Caption = Command3.Caption

Command3.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub


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Private Sub Command4_Click()

If Command1.Caption = "" Then

Command1.Caption = Command4.Caption

Command4.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command5.Caption = "" Then

Command5.Caption = Command4.Caption

Command4.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command7.Caption = "" Then

Command7.Caption = Command4.Caption

Command4.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

If Command2.Caption = "" Then

Command2.Caption = Command5.Caption

Command5.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command4.Caption = "" Then

Command4.Caption = Command5.Caption

Command5.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command6.Caption = "" Then

Command6.Caption = Command5.Caption

Command5.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command8.Caption = "" Then

Command8.Caption = Command5.Caption

Command5.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

If Command3.Caption = "" Then

Command3.Caption = Command6.Caption

Command6.Caption = ""


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ElseIf Command5.Caption = "" Then

Command5.Caption = Command6.Caption

Command6.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command9.Caption = "" Then

Command9.Caption = Command6.Caption

Command6.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

If Command4.Caption = "" Then

Command4.Caption = Command7.Caption

Command7.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command8.Caption = "" Then

Command8.Caption = Command7.Caption

Command7.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()

If Command5.Caption = "" Then

Command5.Caption = Command8.Caption

Command8.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command7.Caption = "" Then

Command7.Caption = Command8.Caption

Command8.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command9.Caption = "" Then

Command9.Caption = Command8.Caption

Command8.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub


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Private Sub Command9_Click()

If Command6.Caption = "" Then

Command6.Caption = Command9.Caption

Command9.Caption = ""

ElseIf Command8.Caption = "" Then

Command8.Caption = Command9.Caption

Command9.Caption = ""

End If

End Sub


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Application 12:

Print a table on the form


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Private Sub Command1_Click()

For k = 1 To 10

Print Val(Text1.Text) * k


End Sub



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Application 13

Getting a string input from user and move it along with the border


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Private Sub cmdstart_Click()

Me.Label1.Caption = Me.Text1.Text

Me.Timer1.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub cmdstop_Click()

Me.Timer1.Enabled = False

Me.Timer2.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub cmdexit_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Timer1.Enabled = False

Me.Label1.Left = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Click()

Me.Text1.Text = ""


End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

If Me.Label1.Left <= 6600 Then

Me.Label1.Left = Me.Label1.Left + 10

ElseIf Me.Label1.Top <= 6600 Then

Me.Label1.Top = Me.Label1.Top + 10


Timer1.Enabled = False


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Timer2.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()

If Me.Label1.Left >= 0 Then

Me.Label1.Left = Me.Label1.Left - 10

ElseIf Me.Label1.Top >= 0 Then

Me.Label1.Top = Me.Label1.Top - 10


Timer1.Enabled = True

Timer2.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub


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