pr plan - final version

This PR plan will go into further depth about different strategies and tactics in order to attract and raise awareness about the mission of the Dove Self-Esteem Project among American women and young girl, to build up self-esteem, confidence and to reach their fullest potential. VHLC & Associates, Inc. Heidi Belanger Lillian Devine Cory Gilbert Victoria Wood December 2014

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Page 1: PR Plan - final version

This PR plan will go into further depth about different strategies and tactics in order to attract and raise awareness about the mission of the Dove Self-Esteem Project among American women and young girl, to build up self-esteem, confidence and to reach their fullest potential.

VHLC & Associates, Inc.

Heidi Belanger Lillian Devine Cory Gilbert

Victoria Wood

December 2014

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Situational Analysis

According to a Dove poll taken by all women around the world, the results were that only 4% considered

themselves beautiful. Girls are judged by their outer appearance and beauty from a very young age and can affect

their overall confidence and the decision-making process on a daily basis, because they do not believe that they are

not beautiful or worthy enough based on societal pressures and expectations of what the definition of beauty.

According to the Dove’s main website, the Self-Esteem Project was established and founded in 2004 to

develop and boost self-esteem to “help the next generation of

women grow up feeling happy and confident about the way

they look. At Dove, it is a belief that women and girls of all

ages should see beauty as a source of confidence, not anxiety.”

The overexposure of media images and expectations for girls

and women can impact the true meaning of beauty and affect

the way both girls and women view themselves, overlooking

what makes each individual unique and beautiful in their own

special way, instead of “doing exactly what everyone else is


Dove Real Beauty Campaign has been established to

raise awareness among girls and women to redefine the

definition of beauty and break stereotype of female expectations in society. The development of the Self-Esteem

Project focuses on building up young girls and women to realize their full worth and potential. Understand the

influence that others in their lives impacts how an individual makes assumptions and perceptions about themselves.


The main objective of the Dove Self-Esteem is

to raise awareness of the natural beauty and

self-empowerment and positively boost the

self-esteem of the lives of 15 million females

all ages by 2015. There is the intention to able to

educate all members of society on positive lifestyle and body image involve the rest of the population (49%) to join

the conversation about self-worth and confidence among all females in their lives . Especially at the elementary

level, it is important all young girls and women to be educated on the importance of positive body image and the

effects on their everyday life decisions involving personal, professional and educational matters that impact their

future aspirations.

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Key Publics

The target audience and desired demographics for the campaign message consist of all girls and women

within the American society, who are also considered to be the consumers of beauty products in the market. As a

consumerist society, females have been socialized from the very beginning of their lives that they are valued for

their personal appearance due to pressures from media messages, images and the people in their lives.

It is true that women in the United States have had made progress in many aspects of society over time, including

the right to vote, the establishment of Title Nine and equal employment opportunity; however the stereotypes

prevent any chance for further improvement and any ability to realize their potential and the value beyond their

looks. The topic of young girls and media is an issue that affects the lives of millions of women in this society, as

well as myself, and continues to raise questions on the role women play on a daily basis and into the future.

The media and usage of the Internet has changed the way we live on a daily basis and continues to

reinforce the social norms that we view ourselves in society. We have allowed the Internet to constantly bombard

our lives with media representations of how women are expected to represent themselves, which tends to be the

central concern of feminist media criticism and damage’s one perception of herself.

Exposure to the media on television and the Internet is part of the socialization process for a young girl to

find out where she fits and interacting with her peers. However, it is necessary for the intervention of the parents to

reprogram their daughters’ mindset, especially her mother, and reassure that the young girl’s natural beauty and

talents are the qualities that make her special and unique. Being raised in a technological-advanced society, young

girls are introduced to the society’s media image of the “ideal body” in all forms of popular culture


From the moment we are born, the process of stereotyping and the social expectation of gender roles has

played a significant role in the way we categorize different groups of individuals, based on what the media message

says. Statistics provided by Dove only proves that our society desperately needs to address the issues regarding to

the girls’ anxiety and social pressures

about their personal appearance, as there is

decrease in confidence among the next

generation of women leaders. On the

official Dove website, the results have

shown that only 11 percent of girls

globally are comfortable calling

themselves beautiful. Back in 2004, there

were 2 percent who considered themselves

attractive and beautiful, which is definitely

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progress that still have much more to accomplish though. If we continue to obsess with what other think about us,

then what time is there left to accomplish our sense of purpose in life and better ourselves?

It seems that the role of media is not the sole source of sexualization messages, but it may be the single

greatest source. The results of a conducted study suggest that 60% of middle school girls read “teen” magazines at

least two to five times per months . However, studies show the lack of influence that women tend to have within the

distribution of information and actually hold only 3% of clout positions in mainstream media, and 65% of women

and girls gave disordered eating behaviors.

According to a research study performed by Westminster University, the resulting data only provides that

constant exposure to thin models fosters body image concerns and disordered eating in many females. There are also

findings that indicate that 83% of teenage girls reported reading fashion magazines for about 4.3 hours each week,

as females during the developments years are overwhelming themselves with false messages and image of what

society expects females to act, speak and especially look like on a daily basis.

Key Messages

Traditional Slogans: 1) What you see within yourself can impact you tomorrow

2) True beauty comes within and reflects on the outside

3) Don’t let society define your self-worth and beauty

Hashtag: #DoveRealBeauty, #SelfEsteemProject #BeautyWithin

Strategy 1 – Social Media Challenge

Create an online campaign on social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) to spread the love

and support among one another and one self, to discourage negativity and challenge the social expectations

of what media says girls and women need to look and act like. Encourage women and girls to take a 30-day

beauty challenge and post one picture and positive comment about themselves every day; in the first

posting, tag five people who have been roles model and an inspiration to encourage them to take the

challenge (#DoveBeautyChallenge)

Every day, an individual would post one positive photo and comment of themselves with the hashtag

#MeetEmma to be entered into the contest to spend the day with Emma Watson and be part of the making

of the Dove Self-Esteem Project. All participants must be thirteen years of age and entry deadline would be

the last day of the social media 30-day challenge on all social media platforms. Only one entry per person

per social media medium. There will be two winners from each form of social media, with travel and hotel

expenses paid by Dove, to bring the girls to film at the company’s headquarters in Englewood, New Jersey.

Create and distribute a press release that will be sent out to the media (newspapers, magazines, etc.),

elementary-high schools and also make available on our website.

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Strategy 2 – Influence and Educational Programs

Develop self-esteem and self-worth programs into regular education curriculum with public school health

departments and employment institutions with speakers and workshops to increase productivity and self-

development. Establish The Influence Circle, an open-end discussion to analyze and understand the importance of

the different people in your life that have impact and interact with on a daily basis; how do their own perceptions

and views of their own self affect how you look at yourself

Inside circle- family, friends

Outer circles – teachers, coaches, other adults, media

Real Stories Interview Questions:

The Influence Circles within the school and workplace development programs are established to

encourage girls and women to feel comfortable discussing these issues and concerns in a safe, protected

environment to build their self-esteem and confidence in their educational, professional and personal lives

to understand their daily actions and decisions.

1. Growing up, how did you feel about your body?

2. What do you think has caused you to feel this way?

3. Do you think the media has an influence on body image for young girls?

4. By integrating programs in schools, do you think this will help with

body image and self-esteem for young girls?

5. How has the Self-Esteem Project helped you?

6. After being involved with the project, how do you feel about yourself?

7. What Dove products make you feel the most beautiful and why?

8. What do you think can be done to promote positive body image and self-


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Girls Scout Program:

The development of a new badge would consist of requiring its members to complete a self-esteem course

with their other local troops. This course will include ways of seeing yourself as beautiful and being confident in

your body. It is important to implement these concepts and ideas to girls at a young age to make sure they grow up

with this mindset. This way these girls can help to motivate each other and bring each other up when they are feeling


The Self-Esteem Project is about making sure young girls feel confident with themselves, not just their body but

their ideas and opinions too. This badge process and course will consist of activities and exercises created to help

young girls generate a positive lifestyle and positive reinforcement for their friends around them. This new badge for

the Girl Scouts will create:

More interest in girls becoming Girl Scouts

Improvements in self-worth and body image

Ads promoting the Girl Scouts and Self-Esteem Project pairing and new badge

Proceeds from Girl Scout cookies can go to Self-Esteem Project and vice versa

A way for young girls to become educated on these ideas discussed in the Self-Esteem


Excitement and something new for the Girl Scouts

The new badge can have the Dove symbol on it and can represent mainly the Self-Esteem Project. And by

completing this course and earning this badge these young girls can be a part of the influence circles in their schools

to help to bring these ideas and actions to their classrooms and peers.

1. Girls will participate in activities that promote self-esteem:

a. Go around to fellow Girl Scouts posters and write what they like about them

b. Girls stand in circle with eyes closed and girls stand outside of circle and someone lists off good

qualities and if you think someone in the circle with their eyes closed holds that quality you tap

them on the shoulder

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c. Allows girls to anonymously share the things they like about each other

d. Create influence circles within the troops

e. Allow girls to feel comfortable in their troop to discuss private topics

Fold Out Label Promotion

Use real life story interview answers as testimonials in labels that will be attached to all of our products.

The labels will fold out where there will be an array of information, including facts, interviews, The Self Esteem

Project information, etc. This is to spread awareness through our products to consumers.

Men Involvement:

Involve all boys and men in the conversation revolving the topic of female self-esteem and confidence in

the Self-Esteem Project. Statistics proved that women in the United States make up 51 percent of the population.

What can we do make further progress in building self-esteem and confidence among all women and girls? Invite

the men in our lives to join the conversation!

Half the issues with self-esteem issues and lack of confidence among women and girls in the United States

involve not what girls and women think about themselves and the judgment made about others, but comes from the

social assumptions and expectations from our brothers, boyfriend and husbands.

It would necessary to include men and boys to participate in the social media campaigns and understand

how their presence can affect their own sisters, girlfriends and wives. Men can use their invisible male privilege in

this post-modern society to help women boost their self-esteem and realize their real beauty is the confidence that

they portray on a daily basis. It is not the purpose to embarrass and target them for the common female insecurities;

but allow them to be honest in a safe environment on the topic of such social assumptions and expectations.

Encouraging young boys

and men to join Dove’s

conversation about The Self-Esteem

Project gives women the

satisfaction and support that they

need to realize their fullest

potential. To reach out to the male

audience, Dove could seek out the

opportunity to establish an

information booth in a men’s

clothing store such as Men’s Wear

house, Brooks Brothers and all boy

clothing departments to speak with men of all ages during the period of two months. Ask them the following

questions with the permission to record their responses:

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Think about your wife/girlfriend/sister for a moment. What makes her beautiful and special in your eyes?

Do you think the media’s perception of beauty and worth views her the same way? If not, why?

Get the men in our lives thinking and truly understand the societal pressures and scrutinizes that women

deal with every day, and let them know that they are beautiful in their own way. To continue to the conversation,

encourage them to join the social media challenge with one positive posting with a photo an d message about

important female(s) in their live, using the hashtag (#RealGuysKnowRealGirls).

Involvement with The Self-Esteem Project could eventually lead to a Dove Men’s Campaign for Self-

Esteem, because boys and men also need help with self-esteem, confidence and what it really means “to be a man.”

Like girls and women, it is known that all boys and men frequently suffer from self-esteem and confidence. This is a

concern that we, as a society, do not always recognize to be an issue and it’s necessary to address it before

developing any further. We are only human and need that constant boost of self-esteem and confidence and

reminder of our fullest potential, both women and men. Supporting one another can lead to mutual respect and


Men who become involved would be provided the following survey questions to develop the conversation

and perspective with the other half of the population:

1. How do you define true beauty?

2. When you hear the word “beautiful” what do you first think of?

3. What characteristics about a girl, in your opinion, make her most beautiful?

4. Do you think the media’s perception of beauty is accurate? If not, why?

5. Where does true beauty come from? From the inside or the outside?

6. Who or what influenced your definition of true beauty?

7. Do you think the media influences your idea of true beauty?

8. About what percent of commercials or ads use “beauty” as a focal point?

9. Do you think the media showcases women in a negative or derogatory light?


10. Only skinny women are beautiful. True/False

Strategy 3 – Real Stories as Advertisements

Possible Partnerships: These involvement of other female-related organizations would allow the chance to spread

the message and develop relationship with the community and its members.

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Girls Scouts of America

Cosmopolitan Magazine

Women’s Health Magazine

Girls, Inc.

ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa &

Associated Disorders)

Seventeen Magazine

Celebrity Endorsements/Spokesperson:

Establish celebrity endorsements as a spokesperson for The Self-Esteem Project, to show the average

female consumers that the pursuit of true beauty, happiness and making peace with your body can be made possible

for all. Beauty can be highlighted and enhanced with the Dove products used by others in the spotlight of the media.

Emma Watson – The former Harry Potter series actress was recently appointed the 2014 UN Women

Goodwill Ambassador and helped launch the HeForShe campaign, which

calls for men to advocate for “gender equality.” Watson would spread the

message throughout a Dove Self-Esteem campaign commercial, with no

makeup on, her hair not done, with simple clothes on. The short scene will

cut to her in a photo shoot with her voice in the background:

“As a new spokesperson for the Dove Self-Esteem Project I am excited to watch this

program grow and touch the lives of many women and men.”

“The Dove Self-Esteem Project has reached over 14 million people by the end of 2014 and by

the end 2015 we are looking to touch the lives of over 15 million people.”

“This project has allowed me to feel beautiful in my own skin and have a new respect for myself

and my self-esteem.”

“If you are looking to be a part of this project please go to the Dove Self-Esteem Project website

and click get involved. We can always use more women to be role models to our younger


Real Girls Commercial:

Along with the 30-Day social media challenge 2 winners each from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, the

conversation with Emma Watson could involve 4-5 girls aging 8-12 sitting on bench in white room, dressed

in plain clothing (with parental written permission)

Ask each girl the following on how they feel about their bodies

o Do they feel self-conscious about their bodies

“Remember: Beauty comes from within”

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o Do they feel beautiful

o Do they think they need makeup to feel beautiful

o Do they think they need expensive clothing to feel beautiful

Once girls answer the first questions, ask why they think they feel this way?

o Who has an influence on their self-confidence and self-esteem





Role Models

Have Emma Watson come on and discuss that every word you say and decision you make can have a huge influence

on young girls and the way they feel about themselves and to think twice before you talk negatively about yourself

or your body because those words .

The commercials would then be aired on YouTube and several televisions networks such MTV, Disney Channel,

Nickelodeon, and Lifetime. The Self-Esteem Project would set up interviews for Emma Watson to discuss her work

regarding the campaign with Oprah Winfrey, The View, The Ellen Show, Michael and Kelly and Good Morning

America to effectively launch the entire campaign and further involvement with the American public.
