power point drizzler

Drizzler By Ellie Patrick, Anna Gibbs, Millie Conacher and Molly Sharman

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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By Ellie Patrick, Anna Gibbs, Millie Conacher and

Molly Sharman

Hello we are drizzler your new favorite app! if you've ever come home after a hard day and need to cook something quick and delicious , ever forgotten to make that birthday cake then you come to the right place we are simple friendly and tailored to your needs. with drizzler you can make a baking or cooking playlist and it will play for as long as it the recipe and then it will stop automatically! so tell your friens and start cooking! poo bumm

Elevator pitch

Our app hopes to target teens that our learning to start cooking on tt in the kitchen. many students go into a situation therefore going to fast food unhealthy option.ere own. In the future we would like to advise teens on healthy food and how to be independent where they go to uni however can’t cook the

About Dizzler

Problems We aim to make our app as original as possible by coming up with a simple solutions to the problems of our target market . The problem many teenagers face is that they either never learnt how to cook or feel it was too much work, so we created drizzler the app that helps solve these problems, our app provides straightforward recipes that are easy, quick and fun. Enabling those who buy our app to develop their skill and knowledge of cooking that we hope will help them later on in life.

Question We are Addressing

Drizzler addresses the BIG question of university. Though our app is open to all and is

generally very handy, we aim to help people attending university to be able to cook them

selves simple nutritious meals, instead of wasting too much money on take outs and

microwave meals.

Dealing With Competitors

Drizzler does not have a big competitor, our app is proven to be unique through our endless market research. However, there is a magazine available on the app store that provides recipes regularly, however it is aimed at a different age group and does not offer everything that Drizzler does.

Flow of App and Core Features

Home Page

Bakes Meals Music Upload a recipe

Your iTunes account

how healthy is this recipe?


Tips, tricks and equipment

Tips, tricks and equipment





Marketing Strategy

To make the app success firstly we plan to advertise our app on various social

media sites which enables our audience to gain information about Drizzler. For

example, we have made a Drizzler Instagram page to spread the word

about the app and post pictures of our meals and bakes.

App Design Mock-up

Social media is key for out apps success therefore we’d create various accounts to advertise or app heres and example.