pottawatomi county oklahoma history

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  • 8/2/2019 Pottawatomi County Oklahoma History


  • 8/2/2019 Pottawatomi County Oklahoma History


    settled, the groups built their Own houses, other denominations joined them, and soonTecumseh became known as a town of many churches.

    * * * * * *When the majority of Tecumseh citizens refused Shawnee's offer to move north

    with Choctaw, they tightened their suspenders and set about to find ways and means of

    staying in the race for supremacy. One railroad bubble after another burst until finally thebusinessmen organized their own railroad to connect with the Choctaw east of Shawnee.(Related in the chapter A Tale of Two Cities)

    The building of the court house in 1897 ended a county seat skirmish in favor ofTecumseh, and stabilized things for a time. The turn of the century found Tecumsehdefinitely out of the picture as a county metropolis, but still a prosperous county seat.

    Of those prosperous days at the start of the century S. P. Larsh recalls: Everybodywas young, ambitious and banded together with a burning desire to develop this country.We took time to get acquainted with folks, and did a whale of a: big business besides.Today chain stores, highways and a faster tempo have changed all this. There is no longersuch a distinct friendship between the customer and the merchant.

    The year 1903 found things around Tecumseh humming. A franchise had just beenvoted the Shawnee-Tecumseh Traction Co. for an interurban line. The Rock Island railwaybought the Lillian Russell and began extending the line to Asher. That year also foundthe Santa Fe building its road through the county.

    Statehood found Tecumseh in pretty good shape to withstand the financial shock ofprohibition. As in every other town of the county, the saloon business had been the greatestprop of prosperity, bringing in valuable trade from dry Indian Territory.

    But when saloon doors closed, the Indianola Business College, one of the mostextensive in the state, continued to turn out well-trained students. Jim Parker expanded hisnursery, the oil mill under the direction of J. W. Drake furnished employment for a score ofmen, and Benson Park was hailed as one of the most beautiful pleasure resorts in the state.An article in Sturm's Oklahoma Magazine, May, 1908, read Tecumseh's future is insuredbecause it is in the suburbs of Shawnee, the second city in the state and the most likely tobecome the permanent state capital.Meanwhile Tecumseh's school system had been expanding to provide more adequatefacilities. Although high school subjects were taught as early as 1895, the first two highschool diplomas were issued in 1905 to Emmett Klapp and Miss Mittie Cotton. The highschool building, on the present site of Willard school, burned in 1916 and was replaced bythe present building in Tecumseh Park.

    While the war was still in progress, Tecumseh fell heir to the State Industrial Schoolfor Girls that was moved from Oklahoma City by the legislature. It was through the effortsof L. P. Henderson, member of the state board of managers under Governor J. B. A.Robertson, that the school was placed at Tecumseh. Tecumseh citizens donated $800 topurchase a site, and Henderson secured the backing of the governor and the board ofmanagers.

    * * * * * *The coming of oil found Tecumseh well situated to reap a part of the golden

    harvest. Population jumped in a few months from 1,500 to 2,500 as many field workersfound convenient headquarters in Tecumseh. The town boomed, new buildings were

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    thrown up, Willard ward school was built on the old high school site, and a bond issue wasvoted for sewer system and construction of the Tecumseh lake.

    Loss of the county seat in 1930 ushered in the depression with double force. Theresultant loss in business, and high taxes for the lake bonds kept things at a standstill for atime. Then as the depression wore on Tecumseh began to adjust itself to the new

    conditions. People started laughing again when Uncle Sam began passing out some of hisgood money. A CCC camp was established at Tecumseh, stayed long enough to build apond in Tecumseh Park and to construct shelter houses and landscape the lake Dark. PWAworkers meanwhile graveled Tecumseh's streets, and others received work in the otherfederal projects.

    Tecumseh's largest New Deal plums did not come until early in 1936 withassurance of a $25,000 municipal auditorium and an overpass on the Norman highway. Agreat factor in securing these projects was Mayor Clyde Pitman. Material from the oldcourt house was salvaged and used in the new building. The auditorium will be a meetingplace for all civic groups and will be especially valuable as the annual banquet hall Of theTecumseh High School Alumni association.

    The alumni association was first organized some, time around 1905. Areorganization was effected a few years later, and today the group boasts it is the oldest andmost active such organization in the state.


    Klapps Drug Store--David D. Klapp and Mary M. Klapp moved in 1886 to Alphine inNo-Man's land, and organized their drug store February 3, 1886, which has beencontentiously operated by the same family since. They moved to Oklahoma City in June,1889, and operated a store two doors south of the Huckins hotel. Klapp became .the sixthregistered pharmacist in. Oklahoma equipment into a wagon and staked: a homesteadsoutheast of Tecumseh.

    'This wagon served as Klapp's Drug Store until a one-story frame building waserected at the corner of Main and Broadway. The business was moved to its presentlocation in 1898. Mr. Klapp died in 1910 and since then the business has been operated byhis widow and sons. Emmett, Claude, Roy and John are registered druggists. One livingdaughter, Esther Row, is a school teacher. Mrs. Mary M. Klapp was recently votedTecumseh's most useful citizen.

    Stevenson and Sons-- J. A. Stevenson and a brother operated one of the first gins inTecumseh in 1893. Machinery for the gin, which stood west of the present Rock Islandtracks and south of Washington Street, was delayed and by the time it reached Tecumseh,the town was stacked high with waiting cotton wagons. After ginning 1,000 bales that fallthe gin was moved to East Park Street.

    In 1904 Stevenson opened a gin, sawmill and store at Temple, near the presentTemple Hill school. The next year he sold the establishment and moved to a farmnortheast of Tecumseh. Then in 19026 Stevenson moved to Tecumseh to operate a grocerystore. In 1928 the firm moved to its present location on South Broadway. During 1935 theproduce end of the business paid $90,000 to Pottawatomie county fanners for poultry,cream and pecans.

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    Larsh and Hanon--For the first six months after he moved to Tecumseh in 1894, Larshoperated the Lee hotel. Then he became cashier in the Tecumseh National bank, and in1896 became general manager of the Tecumseh Railway company. The year 1893 foundLarsh in the hardware business with E. C. Nichols. In 1905 he bought Nichols out, then

    sold the business in 1908. After several years in Oklahoma City, Larsh returned toTecumseh to buy the Krouch brothers mercantile business. Six months later he was joinedby L. V. Hanon.

    Hanon had come to Tecumseh from Missouri in 1905. After being associated withLarsh and Nichols for a few months he moved to Wanette in 1906 to acquire a dry goodsbusiness. From 1910 to 1913 Hanon operated stores at Ryan, and at Sapulpa, returning in1913 to join Larsh in the present firm.Lon Boyd--In 1900 H. J. Boyd brought his family from Arkansas and established a grocerystore south of the old Opera House. In 1905 Boyd moved his store to the first door north ofthe old court house, and in 1907 he built the Boyd building. Lon Boyd started working in

    the store in 1910. H. J. left the business in 1916, and in 1922 Lon sold his interest in thestore to his brother, Carl, and started his own store on South Broadway. In 1931 he movedthe store to its present location.

    Boyd has seen many changes in the grocery business. In the early days there wereno tin cans, sliced bread or other modern doodads. Salt was sold from big barrels. Flourwas sold in 1,000 pounds lots. Often the 275 pound barrels of salt would stand in front orthe store until rain and weather had made them hard as rocks. To parcel it out, the clerkshad to wet down the salt, which of course would harden again after the customer bought it.How he was to serve it on the table was his own worry.

    Clarence Robison--In 1892 Clarence Robison came with his father to a farm northeast ofRomulus. The family had first moved to Indian Territory from Arkansas. In 1893 Robisonstarted to school in Tecumseh and in 1896 taught his first school north of Sacred Heart. Forthat three-month term Robison received $30 a month, which shocked people because it was$5 a month high. He later became principal of Tecumseh high school. In 1907 Robison waselected superintendent of schools and held that job until 1913 when he becamesuperintendent of schools at Wewoka. During his term in the county superintendent'soffice, Robison studied law. Then after serving a half year as superintendent of Tecumsehhigh school, resigned to become assistant county attorney in 1915. He was admitted to thebar in 1913.

    Robison began the practice of law in 1917, and was elected county judge in 1918,serving until 1923. Since that time he has been in private law practice. Robison was mayorof Tecumseh in 1919, and has been a member of the school board for 12 years.

    Coopers--In 1905 J. M. Cooper established his first second-hand store near the oldTecumseh State bank, which stood back of the Willis garage. In 1910 Cooper bought theSam Mitchell second-hand furniture store on South Broadway, and moved his stock to thatlocation. Five, years later he acquired the Clinkscales undertaking and furniture businesswhich was in the present Cooper building. The stock was moved to the second-hand store,then in 1923 Cooper bought the Richardson furniture store which was located in the present

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    Boyd grocery building. The present location was remodeled in 1927 and the Richardsonstock moved there. The firm continued to handle second-hand furniture from the SouthBroadway store.

    Virgil Cooper has been manager of the furniture and undertaking business since1924. Virgil attended the Williams School of Embalming at Kansas City, served an

    apprenticeship at EI Reno, then returned in 192,7. Lynn went to the Kansas City school in1934 and is now assistant manager.

    Parker Nursery and Orchard Co.--In the fall of 1899 Jim Parker delivered his first orderof trees to Tecumseh from his Dutton, Ark., nursery. The next year he shipped $1,500worth of stock to a sales yard on the north side of the square. After a fire destroyed hisstock, Parker returned to Arkansas to work as a salesman. In November of that same yearParker returned to live in Tecumseh, later moving to Shawnee to obtain bettertransportation facilities. In 1907 when he was ready to plant a quarter million apple graftsand grow nursery stock in a big way, he learned that good lands could not be secured onlong-term rentals near Shawnee, so he purchased the tract on the west side of Tecumseh.

    Parker's apple tree business grew from 600,000 to a planting of two million graftsand fifty bushels of seed in 1911. During that year he grew more apple trees than any otherfirm in the nation, working under contract with firms in Nebraska, Iowa and Colorado.Many of the apples shipped from the west today come from Parker trees.

    In 1904 Parker planted 40,000 Elberta peach trees on crop contract, and in theseason of 1912 shipped 46 cars of peaches, mostly from crop contract orchards.

    Since then he has given his entire time to the nursery business, writing a number ofbulletins on fruit growing. In 1930 he published a 300 page book on How to Grow Fruitsand Flowers.

    Morgan's Pharmacy--In 1908 John and Criss Morgan came to Tecumseh from Missouriand opened a drug store. John was graduated from the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in1905. In 1910 the firm obtained a Rexall agency, and in 1915, of all things, they installedone of Tecumseh's first gas pumps. This goes to show there's nothing new under the sun.Twenty years ago Morgan's offered curb service and a greater variety of goods than themodern drug store holds. The pump was removed a few months later because there weren'tenough cars to buy the gasoline before it could evaporate. John has carried on the businesssince the death of Criss in 1921.


    First thing settlers in the Earlsboro district thought about doing after they had

    thrown up shelter on their quarter sections was to get a road through to the county seat. H.Barrett and his neighbors got together started chunking rocks into the low places anddragging trees out with their oxen. The first bridge was over Briar creek, Barrettremembers. We put a sight of work on that thing before we got it strong enough to hold aheavy wagon. You see we had to haul cotton to Norman.

    Shortly after the opening Lum Turner, who had staked near the Seminole line, southof the present Earlsboro site, filed application for a post office. He named it Lum, but thepost office department couldn't read his writing, and so called it Tum. Turner carried the

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    mail from Tecumseh on foot until Earlsboro itself was started when the Choctaw was builtthrough.

    J. A. Melton and Tom B. Fessenger platted out sections of their farm, and that yearfiled the Earlsboro townsite. For a time the settlement was called Boom-De-Ay, as in thefamous song, then the name was changed to honor a Choctaw railroad official.

    The first bale of cotton raised in this part of the county was an accident.Barrett had bought too much cottonseed for his cattle, and his wife began to naghim about the pile in the yard. Finally one day he could stand it no longer and so took theseeds out in the field and broadcast them.

    With no cultivation, these seeds sprouted into 2,800 pounds of cotton that fall. Thenext year the people, who were undecided about whether to grow cotton or wheat, followedBarrett's lead in the cotton business.

    Early merchants in Earlsboro included Eugene Arnett, Homer Knight and ScottBarker in the saloon business, and W. H. Starks. Mr. and Mrs. DeVault had kept a store atthe Tum post office.

    Another early settler in this district was Robert R. Hendon, who came here in 1892

    from Ardmore. The family settled three and a half miles southwest of Earlsboro and builtthe stone house on one of the highest spots in the county. It was a landmark for years.Hendon was elected to the legislature in 1912, then in 1914 moved to Earlsboro. Most ofHendon's children still are active in the county. Claude and Scott are prominent Shawneelawyers.

    * * * * * *St. Louis is a unique town. Like Topsy, it just grew. A few years after the opening

    John Bennett bought a part of the J. R. Simpson farm on the north side of the road and builta store. That is the only planning the town ever had. Others followed with blacksmith shopsand other stores, but no one ever thought of platting a townsite or electing a mayor oranything. Some bought from the W. S. Carson acreage on the south side of the road. In1911 the town had two cotton gins, a grist mill, blacksmith shop, general stores, no postoffice, and a well in the middle of the road.

    * * * * * *For some time George Cash had been operating a general store on his farm in the

    southeastern part of the county, and in 1896 decided to apply for a post office. He called itMaud in honor of a sister of Mrs. P. H. Cooper. The Coopers were married that year andsoon took charge of the post office, which they operated for 14 years.

    Early in 1903 two promoters, Challen Spinning and George Northrup, came tosurvey the Maud townsite. The town was laid out on the railroad that was being built fromAda, and was a mile northeast of Cooper's post office. Among the early birds was C. B.Billington, who had come from Tecumseh with a load of lumber which he stacked on theedge of the townsite, all ready to move in and start a lumber yard.

    When the town was opened the promoters tried to get Mrs. Cooper to move her postoffice to the townsite. A contract with a star route carrier from Earlsboro however kept thepost office where it was until the rail service was inaugurated a few months later.

    Maud was the first wet town on the new railroad which ran into Indian Territory,and enjoyed its saloon prosperity. All this in spite of the fact that the Coopers foughtbitterly every move to expand the liquor business and had refused to allow saloons neartheir old post office.

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    Billington moved into the town the first day and started building up his quarterblock. Soon J. C. Green moved to Maud from Tecumseh, where he had been since 1894.Green built a large home on the outskirts of town, became a successful farmer and horsetrader, and later became interested in the Farmers Lumber Company, the First National andthe Maud State banks.

    In 1905 the struggling young town got its first setback when a fire wiped out mostof the business district. Slowly the town built back. Green threw up the first brick structure.By 1910 the citizens had voted sufficient waterworks bonds to insure fire protection.

    Other early day Maud leaders include Sam F. Bailey, young school teacher atRemus who moved to Maud to become its first teacher; J. W. Maxwell, the first lawyer; Dr.Allen Bell, first physician, and R. A. Ogee, Sr., the first undertaker, who kept his supply ofcoffins in the barn on his farm.

    Maud rocked along through the years, enjoyed its position in the center of a largetrade area, and by 1926 had a population of 1,500.

    From Wanette and Sacred Heart, earliest settlements in south Pottawatomie county,pioneers began to branch out to establish other trading points in the area.

    The first months after the opening found settlers in the Avoca community busyclearing land, building roads and hauling supplies from Purcell. The summer of 1892Avoca's first school was established near what is now the Avoca cemetery. Early dayteachers include J. C. Fisher, B. C. Klepper, A. Floyd, F. M. Forston, Nora Kidd, MinnieSynder, A. C. Bray and Wheeler Hendon. 1

    In the fall of 1892 a post office was located three miles northwest of Avoca andcalled Adell, honoring Adele Bowles of the community. The next year the town of Avocawas started with R. Perkins opening the first general store. Other establishments followedand soon the place was a beehive of activity. Mrs. S. T. Bess was the first postmistress.Rutherford and J. b. Buckler built a cotton gin. M. F. Merrill started a blacksmith shop.Establishment of the town of Avoca was a natural development, since the clear, sparklingWewoka Springs had been a stopping place for travelers before the opening,

    This settlement prospered until the winter of 1901 when the Rock Islandconstruction from Shawnee started the Asher to townsite boom. Green Perkins remembersthat George McCurrey, postmaster at Avoca, loaded up the office one night and opened thenext day in Asher. A new post office was established in Avoca which was finally closed in1906.

    * * * * *Probably no other townsite in Pottawatomie County was opened with as such

    ballyhoo and fanfare as Asher. G. M. Asher, A. B. and W. C. Jones, promoters of Ashertownsite, employed Graham Burnham, a free lance newspaper writer living in thecommunity, to do the publicity work. Beautifully descriptive stories appeared in KansasCity and St. Louis newspapers. The new railroad, the large trade area, and the possibility ofa direct connection with Indian Territory across the river were played up. Result was, whenthe townsite was opened October 30, 1901, the group of eager pioneers included men fromall over the country, with many from Shawnee and Oklahoma City, and one from as faraway as Chicago.

    The first family on the ground was that of J. W. Bristow, who started a restaurant.The first buildings housed the Jim Duncan general store, the Sam Pearce blacksmith shop,the Gloyd lumber office, the Canadian Valley and Asher State banks, the Mammoth store,

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    promoted by Shawnee men and later sold to Scott' and Hampton, who turned it later to Mr.and Mrs. Walter Atkins.

    Among the town's first industries were a brick plant operated by the Bobiers, asawmill near the depot owned by Estes, and a gin built by Tom Lovelady. The first drugstore was opened by Charlie Pottinger and J. M. Remington, both of Shawnee. The first

    furniture store was that of Pickens and Snider. Snider, who had been the first jeweler m thecounty at Tecumseh, was in charge of that end of the Asher business. Walker Olds openedhis newspaper plant and began publishing the Asher Altruist.

    A four room school house was soon built in the north part of town, with TheodoreShackelford as superintendent. Since then two new buildings have been constructed, andtwo districts have been consolidated with the Asher school.

    The first church in Asher, the First Baptist, had its origin as an interdenominationalchurch at Avoca. Rev. William Lowther was the first minister. Among the first Baptistmembers were the T. S. Prices, Harry Scotts, Hamptons, and Hookers.

    Next was the First Methodist, organized by F. M. Forston, Dixie Hazlewood, theUmphenhours, M. W. James, the Snoots, Rawlings and others. Ashers third church was

    the Church of Christ.The town soon became a center of baseball interest. Manager Frank Walker sent thefame of the Asher Indians far and wide. Both Waner boys, now in the big league, playedfor a time on the Asher diamond.

    Asher had many small fires in the early years, but in 1922 two blocks of the bestbusiness houses went up in flames. This was a strong blow for a town that hah fought anuphill battle since its much publicized opening. The railroad into Indian Territory failed tomaterialize, and even a highway bridge was long in coming. Construction of the Highway18 Bridge served to offset the fire loss. Since that time Asher's valiant citizens have hadtheir hands full keeping the ravenous South Canadian from eating away their preciousbridge.

    __________________1. Avoca data from Green Perkins.

    * * * * * *These county pioneers who had grown to love the peace and contentment of life in

    their small towns, were unexpectedly knocked from their easy chairs in 192:6 by whatmight be called a tremendous explosion. At least that was the effect.

    Earlsboro felt the detonation first. The oil field with all its gold and all its sin was atthe door. Overnight oil magic made worthless lots valuable. Old shacks brought high rents.Others were built. Then as the din and excitement settled down to a steady buzz of activitypermanent buildings were thrown up. The city saddled itself with a huge debt to build fiveand a half blocks or pavement, a $225,000 waterworks plant, and a $14,000 gym. In 1936the town had settled back to pre-oil status with a sickening hangover from the big jag, thehighest tax rate in the county.

    The country community of St. Louis rocked with excitement when the JohnStandridge gusher blew in near the town. Garages were turned into bedrooms. Tentsoccupied every available space. Later the town that had existed for years was incorporated,in 1928, and a post office was built. Soon the town had water, gas and lights. Oil gold builta modern high school. And today, St. Louis is still the unique town. With a $50,000

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    monthly payroll, the place has no hotel, only two patches of sidewalk, and a few stonebuildings, but the well in the middle of the road has been taken out.

    Maud repeated the story, only on a more elaborate scale. Oil pushed the town of1,500 into the 10,000 class. The business district that had originally been all inPottawatomie County, extended across the county line. J. C. Green, who had sworn he

    would never sell the acreage surrounding his country home, finally yielded to pressure andadded two Green additions to the town. The boom had reached Maud more gradually fromthe east and so by the time the St. Louis and Maud fields really got underway, Maud wasadding new homes, new buildings, a new high school and gym, stately churches, an iceplant and a larger telephone building. Like Earlsboro, Maud has a little hangover. The endof the boom coincided with the start of the depression, and many buildings were leftvacant. But today the town is prospering with the large trade area it has always enjoyed,plus the trade from a still active oil field.

    Last of Pottawatomie county towns to feel the magic touch of oil was Asher. Herethe same story was enacted, with oil bringing prosperity, new people, new buildings.Overnight the quiet town was transformed into a roaring oil city. The peak of the boom

    passed long ago, but Asher still derives a great deal of its business from continued oilactivity, especially in the Asher- Wanette district.

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    When Santa Fe engineers went through the county mapping their proposed railroad,

    they found Burnett, Moral and old Wanette thriving communities in the southwesternsection.After Burnett came in a slow second in the county seat contest, the town had settled

    down to become a good country trading town. The first school was built from $200 saloonlicenses assessed by the commission. Bill Wesselhoft was named the town's first mayor andElza Klinglesmtth opened a grocery store. Others moved in to boost the population of BillGriffenstein's young city.

    A few miles to the south Brooks Walker picked a sandy crossroads for his store andin 1894 opened a post office and called it Moral because he allowed no saloons in town.Moral once had two busy doctors, two general stores, a hotel and numerous businesshouses. Principal occupation of the citizens is said to have been the catching of squirrels for

    Kansas City and St. Louis parks.When the construction crew arrived they changed this picture, just as they dideverywhere they brought their rails and ties. Burnett picked up and moved to becomeMacomb. Moral moved three miles north and a mile west to become Tribbey, W. B.Trousdale and his family established Trousdale in 1904, a few miles south of Tribbey andWanette moved north to meet the newcomer.

    Principal drawing cards of Trousdale, Tribbey and Macomb today are their first rateconsolidated schools. Tribbey's school was one of the few operating the full nine months in1934, due largely to support from the pipeline pumping station located in the district.

    Forty years ago Norman W. Paine was a student in the Trousdale School. Paine isnow serving his third term as superintendent of the Trousdale system. Highlight of thisterm has been construction of a $10,000, four room grade building through governmentaid. Trousdale became a union graded school in 1919, comprising four districts. In 1936the high school had 56 students, and the district showed a total school enumeration of 234.

    * * * * * *The town of Wanette probably has had more locations and more names than any

    other settlement in the state. First, in 1874, it became Clardyville, or Pleasant Prairie, nearthe present site of the Wanette cemetery. In 1876 J. W. Clinton succeeded Mrs. Isabel A.Clardy as postmaster, and the place was moved two miles north and four miles west of thepresent Wanette and named Wagosa, according to the story related by Ben Clardy. Then in1877 Mrs. Trousdale followed Clinton in the post office job, and the place was moved backto the cemetery site and called Oberlin. Later when a more adequate water supply wasneeded for the cotton gin, the town was moved south 10 become old Wanette, near theJohnsonville crossing, on the Joe Melot alotment.

    Construction of the Santa Fe meant another move for the settlement. February 3,1903, sale of lots began in new Wanette. After the railroad came through the town enjoyeda healthy period when it was a great cotton shipping center, with direct connection with thegulf.

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    Today the highways have taken away some of its former prestige, but Wanette isstill the center of an excellent farming area, and boasts of a $40,000 school plant. The townhad the first high school in the south end of the county.


    Indian Territory played only a small part in the Civil war, its chief role being that offurnishing 'supplies for the Confederacy. The only known encounter that occurred in thispart of the territory took place on the ridge due east of Dale across the river.

    The story, as told to C. C. Patton of Dale, by Union veteran Tom Whipple, is that atroop of Confederate soldiers had been foraging through this country for some time. Uniontroops got orders to march double-quick and rout the enemy. At the crack of dawn thenorthern soldiers, including Whipple, arrived at the ridge where the southern troops werepreparing breakfast. Taken by surprise, the Confederates tried to defend their position, butwere quickly routed and sent scampering southward. Earthworks are still visible on theridge.

    The community that was to be known later as Dale figured next in our history whena post office was established and called King, for Indian John King on whose ranch it waslocated. G. A. Newsom was the first postmaster.

    Later the post office was moved to a location south of the present city or Dalewhere Mrs. W. M. Kennedy became the postmistress. The coming of the Choctaw presagedanother move for the settlement, this time to the present site. G. W. Hitt, J. C. Schaless,John Brusha and R. D. Vaughn plotted the townstte, on quite a pretentious scale. But theydidn't get the settlement without a fight. A few miles north of their site, Mike Seikel hadlaid out his own townsite and called it Dale. When Seikel saw he had the losing side, herelinquished the name to his rivals.

    It was Mrs. Kennedy who wrote an interesting chapter in Dale history when shedefied the railroad construction crew with the family shotgun and stubborn determination.The road had failed to close negotiations for a right-of-way across the Kennedy farm. Andso during the night this pioneer woman moved her cabin onto the right-of-way, built afence around it, and held the furriners off until they paid up.

    Dale has enjoyed a quiet history, with no murders and no fatal accidents within thecity limits. Only the occasional rampages of the river have broken the quiet contentment ofthe town. Its outstanding institution is the consolidated school with an average dailyattendance of 320. The school became consolidated in 1915. One of the members of theschool board then was Joe Seikel, successful Dale farmer, who had the first contract fortransporting pupils from across the river. Seikel used wagons and teams before truckswere installed.

    The Seikel farm north of Dale is one of the best in the area, being made up mostlyof rich bottom land valuable for alfalfa, hogs and chickens.

    * * * * * *A few miles up the right-of-way from Dale, the Choctaw gave birth to another town, calledMcLoud for John McLoud, railroad attorney.

    Early maps show a Kickapoo city located on a trail through this country fromMuskogee, and in the approximate location of old McLoud, across the river in theKickapoo country. When the Choctaw started building through the country, the village by

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    the river was quite a settlement. The low ground however was undesirable, and it becameimperative to move to the railroad. So the citizens picked up and came across.

    Promoters of the move and the townsite committee that laid out new McLoud,included Ed Kelly, John W. Moyle, C. M. Webb and Leander G. Pitman. 1 The first censusshowed 787 citizens, and the 1930 census gave a population of 812, showing that McLoud

    has held her own during times when most small towns have dwindled to nothing. Thismodern small town is the trade center of a prosperous agricultural section. Top educationalfacilities are offered in the consolidated school.

    * * * * * *In the days before statehood all-powerful railroads changed maps and altered destinies.They built towns and killed towns. They built Dale and McLoud and killed Keokuk Falls,once proud city of the Pottawatomie panhandle.

    The town was named for Keokuk Falls on the North Canadian River, which in turnwas named for Moses Keokuk, Sac and Fox chief whose allotment adjoined the falls. Thetown came into existence the opening day with Perry Rodkey president of the 'board oftrustees, and A. B. Hammer and Walter Fields, members. In 1888 Keokuk had sold his

    allotment to Henry C. Jones, who became the town's first postmaster.The first white family in the community was that of W. P. Johnson, who built theKeokuk hotel which was a lunching place for passengers on the early-day Stroud-to-Shawnee bus. Johnson was perhaps the greatest believer in the home place of athlete JimThorpe. He continued to buy lots long after everyone else had lost faith, and when thecollapse was complete, found himself holding dozens of worthless town lots.

    Construction of the Fort Smith and Western through Lincoln County startedKeokuk on the down road before the turn of the century. But prior to that the town hadboasted a flour mill, whisky distillery, prosperous business section, beautiful falls, and aweekly Keokuk Call edited by Mickey McGill. Even the river has walked off and leftKeokuk Falls.

    This little place that tried so hard to be a town was infamous for its saloon feud, andfor the fact that its position on the territorial line offered a favorable hideout for outlaws.But early day residents will testify that the wild character of the town has been overdrawn.Most of its 300 citizens were law abiding, paid their school taxes and went to church everySunday. Saloon men often taught Sunday school classes.

    ______________1. Paper by Jimmy Seikel


    Many of the pioneers who opened Pott country in 1891 were looking for good farm

    land. Once on their quarter sections, they rolled up their sleeves, chopped out the oak treesand put in cotton and other crops. For the first few years the farmers prospered greatly. Thevirgin soil lavished its fertility on the struggling youngsters.

    Then slowly the continual cultivation began to sap the soil's energy. The farmersbegan to notice their land produced less, but few of them stopped to wonder why.

    The two Canadian rivers are known geographically as plains rivers. They are olderstreams that have cut through the red beds, and have leveled off broad bottomlands. Littleriver and Salt creek, on the other hand, are young streams of local origin which are cutting

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    deeply in the red beds and causing a great deal of this county's erosion worries. This,coupled with the fact that rainfall increases as you travel southeast in the county, hascaused a population shift that leaves great portions of the western and southern areas of thiscounty with less population than in 1908. The west half of the county, the more erodedarea, averages 20 rural inhabitants to every square mile, while the eastern part boasts a.

    rural population of 90 a square mile, almost the largest in the state, and due in a greatdegree to oil development.In their eagerness to get land into cultivation these early farmers also cut down

    hundreds of pecan trees. The ones they left standing bore their fruit and dropped it to wasteon the ground. It wasn't until around 1920 that farmers began to realize they'd beendestroying and throwing away a valuable asset. Immediately they began to care for theirpecan trees and to plant more. Culture has grown until pecans today are one of the two bigmoney crops of the county, alfalfa being the other. County farmers got $125.000 in 1935for their pecans.

    * * * * * *Pottawatomie County was one of the seven choice agricultural counties in the state

    picked in 1911 by the Rockefeller foundation for home demonstration work. Each countyreceived $50 monthly to start the work. Mrs. Kib Warren drew the job of getting someoneto start the work here. Failing in that, she took over the job herself, though she knewnothing of canning and had never driven a horse before. A few months in class equippedher to sponsor canning activities, then she set out to teach the farm women how to make themost of their gardens.

    That year Mrs. Warren organized a number of clubs, six of which really functioned.The New Hope district was especially active. The women experienced some difficulty incarrying on their work. Farmers were afraid the canners might set fire to their barns, and sothe women gathered at Mrs. Warren's home in Shawnee to do their work.

    At the state fair that fall the Pottawatomie canning exhibit took third prize. Nosmall factor in that victory were the bright red tomato labels Mrs. Warren pasted on thejars, the choice position at the entrance to the exhibit building, and the daily re-canninggiven the kraut that hadn't been put up correctly. In those days the judges didn't taste thefood, just looked at it. And so as long they could keep the kraut looking right, everythingran smoothly.

    From that time on home demonstration, and later 4-H club work, was graduallyexpanded. In 1922 the Farm Women's Federation was organized in Shawnee. That yearalso saw the appointment of Miss Virginia Allen as the first official home demonstrationagent. At the end of Mrs. Emma Stewart's term in 1935 there were 35 home demonstrationclubs with 700 members, and 30 4-H clubs with an enrollment of 1,003.

    In 1929 these farm women led the state contest at Stillwater in individual winners,and Mrs. Joe Seikel, Dale, was named one of five Master Oklahoma Farm Homemakers ina contest sponsored by the Farmer Stockman and the Stillwater extension division. Mrs.Seikel was picked from 600 contestants Because of the versatility of her work. In 1935Mrs. Seikel became president of the state home demonstration council when that group wasorganized.

    * * * * * *Poultry and dairying have never figured extensively in Pottawatomie county

    agriculture, but have always been good side activities. Two cheese plants constructed in

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    Shawnee have done a great deal in the last three years to help the dairy farmer. Poultryfarmers were hard hit by the depression, but are gradually beating their way back to theprofit side of the ledger, aided greatly by several hatcheries, the largest of which is theParkin Hatchery on West Main Street in Shawnee.

    Parkin first located his hatchery on Mission hill in 1928. He moved to town when

    fire destroyed his plant in 1929. Parkin started with a 64,000 egg capacity and now has acapacity of 204,000 eggs. The fall of 1935 Parkin included another incubator andcompletely electrified the plant.

    The first few years, Parkin had to ship in most of his eggs from Kansas. Slowly hebegan to interest farmers in purebred stock, until today he is buying a million eggs a yearfrom 140 local farmers, paying them 8 to 14 cents above the market price.

    Parkin was one of the first to begin sexing chicks in 1930. That same year hepioneered in the production of hybrid chicks. Cross-breeding was then still in theexperimental stage. But since then cross-breed chicks have proved themselves to be morevigorous. Tests have shown the hybrids have 1.4 per cent mortality the first three weeks,while purebreds have 6.3 per cent.

    One well known result of the depression was the Agricultural Adjustment Act withits crop control and subsidies to farmers participating. One of the most active local farmersin this campaign was Raymond Walker, who for two years was president of the countycorn-hog program.

    Walker has lived on his farm in southeastern Pottawatomie County since 1909when he came here with his father, W. T. Walker. Walker was for ten years a teacher incounty schools, then began devoting his entire time to his 100 white-faced cattle, hogs, anda general balanced farming program. Walker has taken a great interest in pecan culture,grafting nursery stock to all the seedlings that have sprouted on his South Canadianbottomland, and has become a leader in soil conservation work. He is vice-president of theKonawa soil conservation association, and was a field worker under the AAA conservationprogram.

    The AAA helped in a money way, but the most important gain is the lesson thefarmer has learned, believes Walker. Their eyes are opened to the value of gettingtogether, The AA.A forced farmers to start keeping records and to check what politicianstell them. It has made businessmen of them.

    Walker sees great possibilities in the new erosion control program, as does his co-worker, County Agent .Tames Lawrence. The big development in the next ten years or sowill be the tuning up of the soil, Lawrence says. Soil in this county has lost 50 per centof its fertility in the last 25 years. Farmers are waking up to the necessity of checking thisloss, and the government is coming through with the proper co-operation.

    And so as this book goes to press, Pottawatomie county agriculture stands at thecrossroads. For 45 years farmers have taken from the soil with little thought of puttinganything back now theyre setting themselves to build their soil to insure future agriculturalprosperity.


    In Pottawatomie County History

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    An index of those who have boon or still are active in the many activities that go to

    make up local history.






    ADAMS, LOTTIE RAY - From Texas via Indian Terr., 1893. Member pioneer Keokuk Fallsfamily. Began teaching school 1898; taught at McLoud, Tecumseh, Shawnee, Wewoka. MarriedHenry Adams of Shawnee 1910. Associated with him in Shawnee oil business since 1925.

    ARCHER, ALEX M. - From Texas via Ardmore 1893. Born 1854 in Tennessee. Married FannieCollins 1872. Children are George Edward, William P., Mattie, Roberta, Sam, John Adelaide andRaymond. Settled on farm west of Asher. Built farm from a log cabin in woods to one of mostproductive and most attractive in neighborhood. Baptist, Democrat, Woodman of the World,Fraternal Union.ATKINS, ROBERT TOLBER- From Tennessee 1902. Moved from Shawnee to Asher that year.Partner for time of Dr. J. M. Byrum in Remington and Pottinger drug store. Operated hotels atOklahoma City, Lawton, Konawa, Centrahoma, Fletcher, and Bliss; operated Bruce hotel, Centralhouse and Kentucky hotel at different times in Asher. Atkins was born 1860 at Corinth, Miss.;married Fannie Scott 1881. Walter born 1882, Herbert 1886, Peyton 1888, Paul 1892, Grace 1896.Atkins Methodist, Democrat; Mrs. Atkins First Christian.ATKINS, WALTER - Son of R. T. Atkins, civic booster before and during oil boom. For yearsmember city council, school board, commercial club. In early days worked in first stores in Asher,later owned his own. Married Emilee Hooker 1908. Phil Hooker born 1913, Jackque Lee 1917. Mrs.Atkins first telephone operator in Asher operated the first beauty parlor in town with only a pair ofcurling tongs. She now operates an up-to-date establishment in Wewoka. Atkins manager ofWewoka J. C. Jones storeBARKER, MRS. STELLA - From Texas in 1897. Born 1876 at Webb City, Ark. Daughter ofAlexander Clevenger. Married 'V. C. Barker 1898. One son, George, born 18S9. Baptist, Republican,past matron of Tecumseh chapter No. 30, O. E. S.BARTON, D. O. - From Texas 1901. Lived in Brown vicinity until 1921 when he moved toShawnee. Deputy sheriff under Grover Butler for f our years ; member Shawnee police force twoyears; deputy under Sheriff Bill Roberts four years; deputy under Sheriff Walter Mosier

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    BASSON, SALLIE - From Texas 1903. Married T. S. Bason of Hill county, Texas.Minnie O. born 1882, J. W. 1886, Ed J. 1901. Bason was expert cotton farmer. Lateroperated shoe shop, which his wife continued to operate for a time after his death in 1923.Mrs. Bason has attended Baptist services continually for 20 years.


    BEATY, D. N. - Keokuk feud.BENSON, CHARLES J.


    BERRY, LAVELLE - To Konawa from Arkansas. Miss Berry was born 1911 atSpringfield, Ark. Education at Konawa, Oklahoma College for Women. Bethany Peniel,and East Central, pecializing in music. Teacher in Asher schools 1932.

    BILLINGTON, C. B. - Came to Tecumseh in 1901, moved to pioneer at Maud opening1903. Spent 1915 in Tecumseh, returned to Maud, then moved to Shawnee 1920. Onceoperated lumber yards at Tecumseh, Macomb, Tribbey and Maud. Active in early Maudbusiness, in drilling first oil well in county and still active oil man.

    BOYD, LON - From Arkansas in 1900 with father, H. J. Boyd. Married Lucille Copeland1913. Lon Jr. born 1914, Mary Lucille 1919. Mason, Modern Woodman of America,Democrat, Methodist, Commercial club.

    BOYD, LON JR. - Son of Lon. Graduated Tecumseh high school 1932. Teaching inTecumseh public schools after two and half years at East Central Married Dorothye GrayNovember 1935.BROWDER, A. L. - From Alabama in 1907. Born 1885 in Alabama. Married IdaColeman 1910, daughter of pioneer family east of Asher. Lubie born 1912, Rosetta 1911.Browder has been Asher business man for last ten years. Brother, Bailey Browder, waskilled while attempting to halt robbery of the Canadian Valley bank.BUCKLER-J. B. - From Kentucky in 1891. With partner named Rutherford, built first ginat what became Avoca. Perkins family nearest neighbors at time. Trustee of Avocatownship for 15 years. Born 1863 at Owensboro, Ky. Married Dosia Edgmon 1888.Children Nora Bell, now Mrs. John McClure, Nola. now Mrs. A. E. Herndon, and Claud allof Asher.BURNETT, JOHN H. - From Iowa to Shawnee 1892. Father, G. S. Burnett, donated teamto build grade for Shawnee Tecumseh railroad He had operated a "hack" line fromShawnee to Tecumseh. When railroad opened, started Burnett Transfer Co. John H. Burnetthad first job carrying mail on horseback between Tecumseh and Moore. For three trips aweek he received $10 a month. Made runs into Cherokee Strip and Kickapoo country, then

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    got allotment in Comanche country. 1901 went to work for Choctaw railroad in Shawnee.Shawnee's first Chief of Detectives. 1907 became special agent for Rock Island. In becamechief special agent of a district with headquarters in El Reno. Married Iva Collins 1908.Martha Lucille only daughter. Active in Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association ofOklahoma.

    BUTLER, MRS. GROVER C. - From Kansas 1893. Daughter of Oliver W. Grimwood,born 1867 at Mt. Vernon. Ohio. Married Grover C. Butler 1906. Grover C. born 1884,Pulaski, Tenn., came to Brown community 1892. County sheriff 1921-25. Tecumseh chiefof police 192832 when he was killed while in line of duty. Children A. Glenn, G. Wilson,F. Grimwood.BYRUM, J. KNOX





    COLVERT, DR. GEORGE W. - Pioneer Tecumseh doctor. Married Lila Gould Culbertson 1910.

    COOPER, J. LYNN - Member Cooper Furniture and Undertaking firm. Educated Tecumseh publicschools and Williams School of Embalming, Kansas City.

    COOPER, JAMES McDONALD - From Arkansas 1904. Born 1882 in Arkansas.Married Delia Boyd 1899. Three sons: Virgil, Lynn, H. J. Established what is now CooperFurniture and Undertaking Co. 1905. Presbyterian.COOPER, JUDGE LEROY

    COOPER, P. H.

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    COOPER, VIRGIL McDONALD - Born Tecumseh. 1905. Graduate Tecumseh high school andWilliams School of Embalming. Kansas City. Two years apprenticeship Wilson Mortuary at El Renoand Mrs. C. L. Forster Funeral Home, .Kansas City. Manager Cooper Furniture and Undertaking Co.Married Mickey Morton 1929. Children: Jeannine and Bobby .Jim. Presbyterian. A. F. & A. M., M.Y. A., Chamber Commerce.

    COPPAGE, MRS. VIOLA CHAMBLEE - Married Orner Dodson Coppage 1896. Children: JuliaMarie, Celia Dodson. Arrived Pott. County 1917. Business and Professional Women's club,Daughters of the Confederacy, member guardian Woodman Circle 1934. Reporter Woodman Circle1936, member executive board American Legion Auxiliary 1934. Christian, Democrat, director WPA sewing room Shawnee, 1936.CROMWELL, JOE


    DRAKE, J. V. - Came to Tecumseh in early years, operated oil mill for 25 years. Mrs.Drake active club woman and writer.DURHAM, MRS. LOLA C., founder Tecumseh high school alumni association. EdBason is head of the state Industrial commission.EDWARDS, FOY - Born Lincoln county 1903, son of William Thomas and EssieEdwards. Educated public schools Tecumseh, Indianola business college, Oklahoma A. andM. college. Married Grace V. Rowell 1934. One son, Thomas Foy Edwards, Lawyer,Mason, Methodist, Democrat.ENLOW, ESTER M. - From Wisconsin via Indian Terr. 1898. Born 1858 in Wisconsin.Married Sol Enlow 1887 in Indian Terr. Children: Davis, Hugh, Champ, Myrtle, Edith,Edwina. After Enlow's death, Mrs. Enlow moved near Tecumseh. After living in Shawneefor time moved to Asher. Disposed of property during boom, now living at Wardville.Okla.ESTES, E. L

    ESTES, W. C.



    FENN, TAMES ARTHUR - From Kansas in 1892. Born 1871 in Missouri. MarriedJoanna Mae Dwelle 1896. Educated Kansas public schools, University of Oklahoma andOklahoma A. and M. College. Odd Fellow, former Republican now Democrat, active inBoy Scout leadership. Residence Norman.

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    FLEET, REV. W. L. I n church service here 35 years. Arrived 1898 south of Earlsboro.Organized and built Church of Christ in Tecumseh in 1924. Started ministerial work in1913, and in 1915 became missionary, helping in church construction. Became full pastorTecumseh church 1926.

    FLEET, ROBERT FRANK- Son of Rev. and Mrs. Y. L. Fleet, born Maud 1902. Married1925 to Theodocia Guilliams, daughter J. A. Guilliams. Both graduated Tecumseh highschool, attended Oklahoma University. Robert Van born 1927, Donald Frank 1931.Residence 1936 Claremore.FORD, J. LLOYD

    FORTSON, DR. J. L. - From Texas via Indian Terr. 1913. Born in Louisiana, educatedMarshall, Tex., public schools, Baylor University, University of Texas and Tulane. MarriedGertrude Vaughan 1911. Children: John Lake, Vaughan, Elizabeth. Now active doctor atTecumeh. Democrat, Mason, Presbyterian.

    FORTSON, DR. T. L.FORTSON, ELIZABETH RICHARDSON - Born 1867 in Texas. Educated Louisianapublic schools, Keachi college, Keachi, La., Louisiana State Normal at Natchitoches.Taught school in Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma. Moved to Tecumseh 1935. Democrat,BaptistFOSTER, A. T.


    FOWLER, D. C.

    FOX, FRANK - From Cherokee nation 1892. Born March 10 that year. Married AltaPittman 1914. Jack 1920, Cleta Joy 1929. Mrs. Fox born Pott. County 1895. Fox wassheriff 1924-28.FUNK, MRS. R. V.


    GETTYS, T. W. - From Kansas 1891. In 1884 married Miss Marvilla Carson while inKansas. Children: Claude, Mabel, Marvilla. Charles. Deputy Sheriff under W. B.Trousdale. Residence, Sheridan, Wyoming.GOREE. TOM - From Texas via Indian Terr. 1916. Deputy court clerk.HATFIELD, JOHN, P.

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    HAWKINS, MRS. LUCY FALMER - Born Troy, Alabama, married J. C. Hawkins there.Educated Wesleyan Music College at Mason, Georgia, University of Oklahoma, Scared Bible schoolin Kansas City, Ellenberg Music Studio, Montgomery, Ala. Taught in Tennessee, Alabama, Texasand Oklahoma. Employed at Industrial School for Girls at Tecumseh, then moved to Asher tobecome primary teacher

    HENDERSON, M. M.HENDON, ROBERT R. - From Texas via Indian Terr. 1892. Settled on famous Hendon placesouthwest Earlsboro. Hendon active in county affairs until death in 1929, serving in the 1912 statelegislature. Mrs. Hendon died 1933. Children: V. B. 1883, Lillie 1885, Scott 1887, Claude 1891,Robert 1894, Bryan 1896, Emily 1889, Sallie 1898, Gordon 1901, Easterbelle 1904, Lottie 1906,Catherine 1908HEY, ROSCOE E. - From Kansas to Tecumseh 1925. Born 1893. Educated Kansas StateAgriculture college, receiving electrician's diploma in 1920. Married Cecil C. Goodell of Tecumseh,Kan., 1918. Children: Wendell C., Marvin Roscoe, Lester T., Maxine (died in infancy), Enuna Lou

    and Anna Marie. Methodist, American Legion.HIBBARD, J. G. - From Arkansas 1892. Born 1845. Married Flora Morris 1881. Minnie born 1882,J. Robert 1886, S. L. born 1896, Arthur Lee 1900, James M. 1903. Baptist, Republican. Eight yearsAsher postmaster. Family active in Asher affairsHIGH, MRS. SARAH C. E. - Married William L. High 1896 in Kansas. Children: Mary (died ininfancy), Clarence Emory (deceased), William R. Mr. and Mrs. High moved to Shawnee in 1899.Presbyterian. Eastern Star, American Legion Auxiliary, 'V. C. T. U. pioneer.HOERLEIN, MRS. J. -Daughter of William R. Nichols and Mary E. Boy kin Nichols who came tothis county in 1892. Their children: Edward H. 1875, Nathaniel 1880, Ernest 1886, J. Aaron 1894:Ralph E. 1896, Florence 1877, Pernie 1878, Maud 1882, Cordie 1884, Celia Janie (Mrs. Hoerlein)1889. W, R. Nichols was a charter member of Shawnee First Methodist church, dairyman, farmer,and restaurant operator. Died 1899.HOPKINS, HOLBERT THOMAS - Born in Mississippi. Education at Freed Hardeman College inTennessee, East Central, Ada. Married Ollie Pearl Coleman 1916. Agnes Juanita born 1918, TolberTyson 1921. Came to Asher from Mississippi 1920. Church of Christ, Democrat, Mason. ChairmanAsher city council 16 years, now city clerk Principal Asher high schoolHUNTER, B. H.


    JOHNSON, C. W.

    JOHNSON, IDA - Born 1874. Married Bernhard Bollman (born in Minnesota 1865) 1898.Children: Sophia C. 1900, (married to Troy G. Garrett 1927), Bernhard F. Bollman 1908, (married toMargaret Critz 1935.

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    JOHNSON, JACOB - Born Washington, D. C., 1823. Married Sophie Viewx at Indianola, Kan.(now Topeka) in 1856. Children: Rachel Johnson Hale, Richard, Loren, Andrew, Sadie JohnsonGoulette, Ida .J. Bollman, Emma J. Goulette, David, Katie J. Craig, Syrphine, James, and Jacob.

    JOHNSON, W. P.


    JORDAN, REV. M. - From Alabama 1891. Born 1872. Homesteaded in Cleveland County.Ordained as Baptist minister 1900. Preached, held funerals, married people over wide area. 1907moved to Tecumseh. Advocated good roads during his term as county commissioner. Married 1892to Nellie Newton Saxby. Democrat, moderator of Friendship Baptist Association for years. Children:Everett Miles, Carrie Lee Jordan Borwell, Goldie Linna Jordan Brooks, Rosa Maye Jordan Thomas.


    KELLOGG, L. E. - From Illinois to Tecumseh 1900. Born 1893. Educated Tecumseh schools.Married Gillie Lee Kellogg 1917. Children: Dorothy Lee, Doris Allene, J. E. Jr. Charlie L. Cole andMollie A. Cole wife's parents. Democrat, Methodist, Odd Fellow. Connected with Wood & Co.,Shawnee, since 1923. Residence, Tecumseh.KENNEDY, MRS.


    KING, O. C. - Born 1897 in Missouri. son of Joe and Clara King. Came to Oklahoma from Texas1904. Married Polly A. Taylor 1923, daughter McClain and Idunia Taylor. Mason, O. E. S Elk,Christian, Democrat. One son, Richard McClain, born 1924. County treasurer 1931-35KLAPP, MRS. MARY M.


    KNIGHT. C. A. - Arrived in county 1910 to become active in law and insurance. Member1919 state legislature. Tecumseh postmaster beginning 1934. Mrs. Knight national

    president of P. E. O. 1931-1933. national organizer 1925-27. She is the only woman in thesouthwest or south to hold the president's chair.LARSH, S. P.

    LAZEKBY, MRS. WALTER - Mary Hervey Lazenby. Daughter of F. P. and RachelHervey, born 1868 in Arkansas. Married Walter Lazenby 1892. Children: Rachel, nowMrs. William McLelland, Hervey Lewis, Walter Jr. and William Preston. Resident of

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    Shawnee since 1902. Southern Presbyterian, Democrat, Pottawatomie County Historicalsociety, Daughter of the Confederacy, Daughters of the American Revolution.LAZENBY, HERVEY - Born 1895 in Arkansas. Educated in Shawnee schools. MarriedBondeline Bishop 1916. She was born at Bonham, Tex., 1895. Southern Presbyterian.

    LISLE, A. C. - Graduated from University of Oklahoma School of pharmacy 1917. Afterthe war bought in Williams Lisle drug store at McLoud, which he still operates. Membercounty excise board 1936.LOVIN, C. H. - Born 1893 near Davis. Okla., son of Rev. J. H. and Annie Lovin. Movedto this county 1901, locating west of Maud. Educated Ray school, Maud schools and O. B.U. 1914 married Una Rye. Geraldine born 1916, Gladys 1917, Robert 1920. Charles Rye1929. Democrat. Shrine. Missionary Baptist church.LOWTHER, HENRY H. - Born 1859 in Canada, son of Rev. W. D. Lowther and Hannah

    Hserni.lton. From Pauls Valley to this county 1905. Married Catherine Christine McMahonin Kansas 1890. Children: Dixon (Word war fatality), Albert A., Annie May. Baptist,Democrat. Albert is pastor of Baptist church at Oilton. Educated at East Central and O. B.D., had first charge at Davenport. Ordained 1934, he was called to Bowlegs, then went toOilton.LOWTHER, WILLIAM J. - Born 1867 in Canada, son of Rev. W. D. Lowther.

    Educated Paoli. Kan. Came to county 1901 from Pauls Valley. Married that year to ElziaRebecca Wood of Asher, whose parents were J. H. and Mary A. Woods. Children: Jennie,William C. Winnie. Baptist. Democrat.LUTTRELL, HOMER H. - Born 1909, Lamar, Okla., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Luttrell.Came to this county in 1916. Educated at Norman high school and University of Oklahoma(1928). Married Consuello Severe 1931, who received her degree from East Central, 1932.Yvonne La Vene born 1934, Ramona Lou Ann, 1936. Democrat, consulting geologist.MAJORS, ISOM E. - Born 1877 Tennessee. Came to Asher 1905. Married Charlotte JaneWeldon. Carrie Myrtle born 1898. She married Roy Cox. Cox is civic leader and activeattorney at Blackwell. Mr. and Mrs. Isom Majors have been closely associated with ruralpeople the last twenty years. Majors was for many years a prominent produce dealer. Since1934 he has been associated 'with Mrs. Majors in rural circulation work for the ShawneeNews Star. Majors began working for the The News in 1920. She is now manager of ruralcirculation in the south Pottawatomie county area.

    MALONE, PATRICK B. - From Iowa in 1892. Lived at Tecumseh for time. then movedto farm northeast of - Tecumseh where he still resides. Born 1882 in Illinois. son of Jamesand Anna Malone. Educated rural schools of this county. Sacred Heart, St. Benedict'sschool in Shawnee. Married Ethel Williams 1930, daughter of Owen and Sarah Williams.Employed state board agriculture 191011. Road and bridge construction work in thiscounty 1912-14. Undersheriff for Fred Romberg 1915-16. 1919-21 again with State

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    Agricultural board. 1923-31 road construction for county. 1936 is jailer under Sheriff V. C.Mosier.McBRIDE, J. T. - Born 1886. Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McBride. Came to county in1891 from Arkansas. Married 1908 to Edna Cawthon, daughter of S. H. Cawthon. Ethel

    born 1910, Edythe 1912. Lois 1919, Josie Mae 1921. Jimmie Jr., 1923. Democrat, OddFellowsMcGINNIS, G. E.

    MEYER, ROBERT J. - Son of Rev. and Mrs. William Meyer, born at Tecumseh in 1893.Married Birdie L. Oliver 1929. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Oliver. Children: NormaJeanne, Donald elbert. Presbyterian, Republican.MILLER, HOOKIE, and The Corner

    MORGAN, JOHNMORRELL, MRS. BEATRICE HAGGARD - Born 1903 in Cleveland County. Came tothis county when three months old. Graduate Macomb high school, student at East Central.Married Howard V. Morrell 1924 at Los Angeles. Democrat, Christian Science. She andher husband have been in business at Corona. Calif., since 1926.MOSIER, W. C.

    NEGAHNQUET, STEPHEN - Born 1853 near Topeka, Kan. Caine with father whenPottawatomie moved in 1870s. Stephen's father influential in getting Benedictine fathers toestablish Sacred Heart. After Stephen the elder died, his son carried on, becominginfluential in tribal affairs. Member committee Citizens Band of Pottawatomie for years,member first state legislature. Many oil welts brought in on place near Asher. Died April24, 1936, at Davis. Children: Joe, Albert, Tom, Al and Steve, Katherine Seabolt and RosiePhillips.

    NISBETT. DR. B. F. - Homesteaded near Trousdale 1891. Moved to Tecumseh 1909.Made Cherokee Strip run 1893, then returned. Educated Vanderbilt. Member 6th and 7thterritorial legislatures, state legislature in 1912. A factor in developing county's first oilplay. Wife, Carrie Lee Nisbett. Children: Mrs. Claine Hoole. Earlsboro; Mrs. Sue Poplin,Seminole; Mrs. Banner Combs, Duncan; Martha and Henry, Tecumseh; and Tom,Oklahoma City.

    PAINE, CHARLES RAYMOND (Andy) -Born near Tribbey 1910. Educated McClainschools, Trousdale high school, Rosedale high school, East Central, O. U. Grade principaland coach Elmore City two years. Teacher Washington high school two years. Now atElmore City. Methodist, Master Mason. Married Jimmie Taliaferro 1932. One daughter,Norma Lucille born 1933.

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    PAINE, GORDON L. - Born Keokuk Falls 1905. Educated Tribbey and Solomon'sTemple grade schools, Washington high school. A. B. and Masters at O. U. TaughtConnors Agricultural College, Warner. Master Mason. Elected fourth term high schoolprincipal Washita and Johnson County.

    PAINE, NORMAN WPAINE, NORMAN W. - Born Texas 1880, son of W. C. and Mary E. Paine. Moved here1891 to attend first school south Little river at Old Griffin, July 1893. Drove ox team todrag logs for first school in area. Educated Shawnee high school 1895-96, University ofOklahoma. Teaching continuously since. Except for two years in Texas, all of it in thisdistrict. Married Lily Jones 1904. Children : Carrol, Gordon L., Charles Raymond (Andy),and Norma. All except Carrol, who died in infancy, graduates O. U. Member FirstChristian, A. F. & A. M., 1. O. O. F. First O. E. A. card dated 1895. Serving third termsuperintendent Trousdale schools. Mrs. Paine Presbyterian, Eastern Star. Both graduatedEast Central 1931

    PARKER, JIMPATTON, C. C. - Settled in Dale community 1895 with father, have been prominentsince. Came to county in 1893, moved near Dale 1894, then to townsite 1895.PELPHREY, JESSE - From Texas 1897. Occupied same home in Shawnee since. Drygoods business three years, cotton buying many years, then in grocery business, 13 yearscity councilman. Children: Mrs. Mary Aline Christian, Mrs. Ruth Loriene Gardiner. Mrs.Pelphrey president County Historical Society.

    PETERS, T. E. - Born 1890, son of Timothy Edwin and Malta Edwards Peters, educatedDallas public schools, North Texas normal, North Texas Teachers college, OklahomaBaptist university A. cum laude 1928), masters from Colorado 1931. Married 1913 toNora Jones. Southern Methodist, Democrat, Mason, principal and teacher Shawnee schoolslast 20 years. Children: William Edward born 1914, Charles 0. 1918.PETTIGREW. C. E. - Three terms county clerk. Married daughter of H. C. Pybas,Trousdale, 1909. One son, Marvin, lives in Shawnee. Mrs. Pettigrew born on farm nearArdmore 1889.PIERSON. HARRY A. - From Iowa 1902. In bank with C. J. Benson and F. B. Reed (oldOklahoma National organized by W. S. Search). 1914 started insurance, now oldestexclusive agency in Shawnee. Secretary county exemption board during war, chartermember Rotary, member Red Cross executive committee, had charge fourth dist. 1933-34.Rotary dir. 1930. Sec. park board 1926-31, chairman community chest drive 1934,president community chest 1936.PITMAN, CLYDE - Mayor Tecumseh 1936. Instrumental in getting federal projects foroverpass. Civic auditorium. County attorney two terms.

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    PITMAN, L. G. - Pioneer Tecumseh citizen. Secretary first O. U. board regents. Helpedlayout McLoud, came to Tecumseh 1895. County attorney 1898-1902, superior judge1914-1930

    RATCHFORD, REX - Principal Macomb schools 1932, became superintendent 1935. Asboy lived near Maud two years with father, W. T. Educated East Central.RICE, DR. EDGAR EUGENE - Born 1899 Illinois. Moved to Shawnee 1902 when threeyears old. Educated Shawnee high school, University of Oklahoma, Northwestern,Internship in Cook county hospital, Chicago, post-graduate study at University ofEdinburgh and Vienna. 1929. Married Mary Louis Alexander 1928. First Christian,Republican, Elks, A. F. & A. M., Indian Consistory McAlester, Shrine, India Temple,Oklahoma City. County, state and American medical societies, fellow American College ofSurgeons. Began Shawnee practice with father 1926.RIDDLE, H. T. - Came with father, W. M., to settle near Dent 1894. Moved into Shawnee

    1913. 1906 interested Prague bank. Now vice-president American National.ROBERTS, THELMA - Born 1915 near Tecumseh, daughter V. A. Roberts. GraduateTecumseh high school, 1933. Elected county Pioneer Princess 1934. EmployeeSouthwestern Bell TelephoneROBINSON, MRS. RUBY GUILLIAMS - Born 1912 in Tecumseh, daughter J. A.Guilliams. Graduate Tecumseh high school, Draughan's Business College. Democrat,Presbyterian. Married Carl N. Robison 1932.ROBISON, CLARENCE - From Arkansas via Indian terr. 1892. Married Irene Buzaard1916. Mrs. H. Robison came from Kansas with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Buzzard. Fatherone of men organizing first Dale school 1896. Mrs. Robison taught at Dale 1910-15.Children: Louise, ] 917; Aggie Joe, 1919; Lou Alice, 1921; Clarence Jr., 1924.

    ROSEBUSH, E. L. - Born 1870, Erie, Kan. Married Sue Allen at Erie 1900. Educated Eriehigh school, State Normal school. Supt. schools Erie and Florence 1896 to 1902. BankerPrescott, Kan., 1903-9. Moved Tecumseh 1909, bought out E. \V. Miller's Tecumseh Statebank. President of it and successor, Tecumseh National, 1909-32. Republican, Methodist,Mason, Odd Fellow, Modern Woodman, Knights of Pythtas, Chamber of Commerce. Mrs.Rosebush born 1873. Educated Baker University. P. E. 0., W. C. T. U. Children: Mrs.Marion Sundt 1901; Allen, 1903; Foster (killed in accident 1929), born 1908; William,1914 (died 1932).ROYSTER, DR. J. H. - 1899 passed territorial medical board. 1897 had come to oldWanette from Kansas. Moved new Wanette 1903. Educated Chanute, Kan., high school,and Louisville medical college, 1905.SCOTT, CAPTAIN S.

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    SCOTT, JUDGE HENRY W., Judge in Choctaw case

    SEARCH, W. S.


    SHAVELAND, KITTlE PARKS MUNDAY - Born Honey Grove, Tex. One daughter,Ruckey Parks, now Mrs. Herbert Nichols, Tecumseh. First located at Avoca in hardwareand furniture business. Later moved to Asher. Carried on business after Mundy's death.After some years married Tony Shaveland, Rock Island engineer.SMITH, T. D. - Born 1868 Ohio. Came Oklahoma City 1889, Tecumseh 1891. In businesshere since opening. Director of bank 30 years, once vice-president. Married Minnie DoraOliver 1899. James F. Oliver, father, drove first stage into Tecumseh, carried first mailbetween Tecumseh and Oklahoma City.

    SMITH, TOMSNIDER, NELSON R. - came to county at opening. Married Kate Rush 1894. One childdied at birth. Baptist, Democrat. Snider first located jewelry shop at Tecumseh. Mover toAsher 1901 as member Pickens-Snider business. Nervous breakdown brought retirement.Since Mrs. Snider has been carrying on business in Asher. Mrs. Snider teacher in earlyTecumseh school. Asher postmistress eight years. Active as business woman and as newscorrespondent for many yearsSTEVENSON

    STONE, GEORGE - Born 1867 in Arkansas. Grew to manhood in Benton county, Ark.Married Margurite F. Jones 1890. Moved Texas 18n, then to southeast part of Clevelandcounty 1898. Moved to Asher 1902. Children: Mrs. in Minnie Johnston, Oklahoma City:Mrs. Pearl Grafton, Texarkana; L. J. Stone, Oklahoma City; George Stone. Memphis; Mrs.Edith Tanner, Oklahoma City: Mrs. Marie Hamilton, Detroit; Mrs. Marguerite Bispling,Houston: James Bryan Stone died 1898: Mattie Stone died 1911. Legislature watchman1903: register deeds 19051911. Employee school land department 1915. Steward at FortSupply hospital 1916-1919. Insurance business since, now at Tecumseh.STRANGE, W. T. - Born 1866 Alabama. Came to county 1927 from Ardmore. MarriedCordia Lane 1893. Children: William Lane, Fern and Wilma (all deceased), \V. T. Jr., JohnR. and Thomas. Methodist, Democrat. Strange located in Asher following Wamego oilboom. President Chamber of Commerce during boom days at Asher. Was early dayhardware "drummer." Later took position with Oklahoma City firm, making Pottawatomiecounty on his rounds.

    STUTSMAN, Dr. N. Keokuk feud

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    SWEET, MITTIE COTTEN - Born 1887, daughter of J. L. and Josephine Cotten. Fatherwas county clerk five years. Came to county 1901 from Texas. Educated Tecumseh highschool, O. U., Baptist University, Columbia, Colorado and California. Taught: Tecumseh19051910: McLoud 1912; Collierville, Tenn. high school 1913; Shawnee 1914-17; Te-cumseh 1917-22; Ardmore 1922-24; Pauls Valley 1924-26: East Central summer sessions

    1925-26; Tecumseh high school principal 1920-22. Married 1926 to .Jerome A. Sweet.Residence, Colusa, Calif.TAYLOR, MISS HELEN - Graduated Tecumseh high school 1908, early member alumniassociation. Began teaching career immediately. Later had two years at O. D., also summerterms. Tecumseh high school principal since 1922.


    THOMAS, ABBOT - First Sacred Heart abbot under state jurisdiction, 1896. Abbey hadbeen under direct supervision of Rome prior to that time with Abbot Robot in charge.

    TOOLEY, WILLIAM - Born 1904. From Texas to Oklahoma 1917. Married Annie MayLouther 1926. Bettie Lou born 1927 near Asher; William Early born 1932. Mr. and Mrs.Tooley are active young folks in Asher activities. Baptist, Republican, Mason.TROUSDALE, W. B.


    WARD, MRS. NINA - Born 1867 in Iowa. Came to Oklahoma 1882, to this county 1892.Married 1887 to James T. Tallent. One daughter, Mrs. Dolly Taylor, in Texas. Tallent died1892. Mrs. Ward filed claim west of Tecumseh seen after. Worked in Chisholm's tent hotel,there met George Ward whom she married 1895. Children: Ernest born 1897; Violet WardKnight of Mountain View, Mo., born 1899. Mrs. Ward Batist, Democrat, charter memberRebekah lodge, active in Y. C. T. U.WARREN KIB



    WELDON, W. A. - Came to Asher 28 years ago, and since has held practically everylocal office of importance; school board member for years. Ardent sports fan. Father ofMrs. Isom Majors.WEST-ALLEN The Corner

    WILLINGHAM, F. E. - Born 1903 Indian terr. Educated Francis high school, EastCentral. O. U. 1925 coach and principal two years under Tecumseh school superintendents,

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    R. L. Clayton and A. W. Dagley. Coached again 1828 after Haskell McManus resigned.Superintendent schools since. Married 1933 to Marion Cordell. Democrat. Mason,Christian, Eastern Star.

    WILSIE, W. H. - Born 1889 Arkansas. Came with parents to Asher 1897. Married Sarah

    E. Asher 1914. Christian church, Independent in politics. Children: William Harold Jr.,1915; Robert, 1917. Wilsie past patron of Asher Masonic lodge, past patron Eastern Starchapter. Mrs. Wilste one of most useful community workers for last 20 years. Teacher 18years. First P. T. A. secretary, head of Red Cross, school board clerk, seven years secretaryEastern Star, first secretary of Patron's club, now Civic club.

    WOODWARD, JOHN EDWARDS - 1911, Walters. Educated Walters, O. U. Phi BetaKappa. Mason. Southern Baptist. Married 1935 to Norma Paine. Principal Trousdale highschool 1933-35. Now teacher in El Reno high school.WYATT, T. C.

    ZEIGLER, MRS. ELMER - One of few now living who came from Kansas withPottawatomie tribe in 1870. Daughter, Mrs. Bonnie Hays, one of first children born incounty. Mrs. Zeigler born 1853, now resident Bronaugh, Mo.