potential livestock value chain interventions

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Potential livestock value chain interventions. LIVES Research planning workshop March 26-28, 2013 Addis Ababa . Livestock value chain interventions. Production Input/service supply interventions Processing/marketing interventions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Potential livestock interventions LIVES

Potential livestock value chain interventions

LIVES Research planning workshopMarch 26-28, 2013Addis Ababa 1Livestock value chain interventionsProduction

Input/service supply interventions

Processing/marketing interventions

Livestock specific knowledge/capacity development interventions

Livestock production interventionsBreeds



Market oriented animal husbandryLivestock input/service supply interventionsMultiplication systems for (improved) breedsVeterinary drugs supplyHealth servicesSupply feeds, accessoriesImproved breeds

DairyPeri - urban fluid milk system crosses with exoticsRural local butter system crosses Jersey, Borana, Begait, FogeraSmall ruminantsCrosses with exotic breedsImproved local breeds (through ram selection)Large ruminantsMainly male animals/oxen from improved dairy butter breeds within the same location or pastoral areas crosses with Borana

Improved breedsPoultryPeri urban (semi) commercial system: exotic egg and broiler types Rural semi commercial system: local breeds ApicultureNo improved bees some characterization is on-going by Holetta research)Breed/animal multiplication and servicesOn farm reproduction (part of animal husbandry practices)Specialized servicesPrivate AI services (dairy/beef)Hormone assisted mass insemination (dairy/beef)Heifer breeding farms in rural areas(dairy)Community breeding schemes (small ruminants)Production day old chicks (poultry)Pullet producers (poultry)AI for poultry Bee colony multiplication/AI (apiculture)

Fodder development interventions Grazing area developmentEnclosures, cut and carry, rotational use,fertilization, over sowingConservation of grasses (hay, silage)Planted fodder backyard, cropland, irrigation plotPerennial grassesPerennial and annual (rotational) legumes Conservation (hay,silage)Crop residuesIncrease through cereal/pulses crop improvement (new varieties, feed/food) Treatment chopping, urea, molassesConservation (silage)Use of horticultural crop residues (banana, leafy vegetables)

Input/service supply interventions for planted fodder development interventionsManagement system communal grazing areasSupply of forage seeds/ cuttingsFTCsPrivate farmersLinkages with regional/federal level seed suppliersMechanical chopping/bailing services

Market oriented animal husbandryAnimal reproduction fertility managementHousing Feeding and wateringHealth mortality Waste management Business scale Timing QualityAnimal identification/record keeping

Supply of inputs/services interventions for market oriented animal husbandry District level coops and/or private shops stocking required inputs (feeds, drugs, accessories) using hub approach and agro dealership linkages Community animal health worker system (dairy, large/small ruminants) Women vaccination workers (pullets)Credit products to purchase commercial inputs and scale up operations Livestock processing/marketing interventionsCollective action to reduce sales/processing cost per unit of product (hub approach)Milk collection centersWomen butter groups for home processing of local butterPrivate/cooperative dairy processing: fluid milk/table butter (peri urban) and local butter in rural areasMarketing groups large & small ruminantsCreate linkages including contract farmingDairy farmers/milk collection centers with processorsApiculturist with export abattoirs/honey processorsPoultry/dairy producers with institutional consumers Quality/food safety improvementMilk/butter quality testing/paymentSlaughtering hygiene

Livestock & environment interventionsUtilization of manure for biogass production Zoning of livestock production in peri urban areasCreate synergies between grazing areas development and apicultureFewer/higher producing animals to reduce methane emissionLivestock specific knowledge/capacity development interventions Commodity specific platformsAnimal and forage husbandry trainingTraining individuals/communities in commodity specific service delivery and input productionGrazing area managementCommunity breeding schemes Mass inseminationHealth service deliveryForage seed multiplicationPullet production/day old chick productionBee colony splitting Training processors in food quality and safety Equipment/supplies for market oriented livestock development for demonstration testingEar tags/chipsElectronic recording devicesE-readersMobile milking machinesQuality testing equipmentHeat detection devicesHormonesChoppers/ bailersIncubatorsBio gas electric generators/storage bagsModern housingThank you