postclassical china. dynasty song name a characteristic of each chinese dynasty we’ve studied thus...

Postclassical Postclassical China China

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Postclassical ChinaPostclassical China

Dynasty Song

Name a characteristic of each Chinese dynasty we’ve studied thus far





Postclassical East Asia

Chinese dynasties




& influence on:




Changes & ContinuitiesResembled Han:

Repetition of dynastic cycleProfessional bureaucracy, exam systemConfucianism key among eliteDominance in greater East Asia

Changes:Greater support of long-distance trade & commercialization make China richest, most urban societyGreater unification of N & S ChinaNew Buddhist influence

Issues of Significance

Buddhism & Neo-Confucianism

Commercialization of Chinese economy

Spread & adaptation of Chinese culture beyond borders

Buddhism & Neo-Confucianism

Under Han:Confucianism, Daoism, & ancestor worship popular

Between dynasties:Confucianism suffers loss of credibilityForeign religions & Buddhism

Sui, Tang, Song:Confucianism revived in exam systemBuddhism promoted until late Tang (supplanted by Neo-Confucianism), but remained influential


Came via Silk Roads

Rich in texts

Preached about metaphysical

MonasteriesSocial functions



Reaction to Buddhist persecution

Continued practical study of politics & morality

Focused on social order

Neo?Emphasis on tradition

Greater religious emphasis

Buddhism & Neo-Confucianism

1. Why did Buddhism initially become popular in China?

2. Why was there a backlash against Buddhism?

3. What does the timing of this backlash say about progress of postclassical China?

4. What was the position of Buddhism following the repression?

Women in Chinese Society

Grab a red “World Civilizations” document reader from the shelf.

On pg.153-155, read the primary doc on women. Then answer:1. What roles for men and women are portrayed in the


2. What lessons is the Chinese reader supposed to learn from the story?

3. What does this story reveal about Chinese social structure more generally?

• If you finish…look at the pictures on pg. 62, 63, 65

Chinese Golden Age



Sui is to _____;

as Tang is to _____.

Sui Dynasty (589-618 C.E.)


Analogous to Qin

Sui vs. Qin

What similarities do the Sui & Qin share?

Give an example from the Sui dynasty to support each similarity.

Sui Dynasty (589-618 C.E.)


Analogous to QinShort-lived

Harsh rule

Completed infrastructure projects

Gained power through warrior nobility

Began restoration of civil service exams

Sui Dynasty (589-618 C.E.)

Impact on Daily Life?

Re-united ChinaGrand Canal:

Further unites N & S ChinaPromoted domestic trade connecting Yellow & Yangtze Rivers

The Chinese Renaissance

Tang-Song Era

Chinese Golden Age

What was it?

What caused it?


In what ways did the Tang try to address the weakness of the Sui?

What were the results of these efforts?

Tang Dynasty (618-907 C.E.)


Attempt to balance 2 powerful forcesMilitary strength

Civilian bureaucracy

Tang Dynasty (618-907 C.E.)


Military strengthMilitary family, devoted horsemen

Emphasized cavalry & horse breeding

Colonies of soldier-farmers along Silk Road

Large territory expanded Chinese rule conquered Korea in 668, northern Vietnam, expanded culture in Japan 

westward against Turkish tribes in Central Asia (influence in Afghanistan, Persia)

Tang Dynasty (618-907 C.E.)


Civilian bureaucracyPerfected civil service exams

Created a monetary system of copper coins & silk ribbons

Wrote a set of laws w/ planned revision every two decades

Tang Dynasty (618-907 C.E.)

Impact on Daily Life?Impact on Daily Life?

Agricultural growth & land reform Limit power of rural aristocracy

Gave some peasants a chance to gain wealth

Equal-field systemGranted equal amounts of land to each adult male in return for taxes

Tang Dynasty (618-907 C.E.)

Impact on Daily Life?Impact on Daily Life?

Trade thrivedInternal prosperity

Cities largest & most populous in world 

Ch'ang-an, capital: population = 2,000,000

Brought foreign influence into ChinaForeign fashions, music, cuisine, art from Central Asia, India, Persia, & Byzantium

Judaism, Nestorian Christianity

Flying Money

Tang Dynasty (618-907 C.E.)

Impact on Daily Life?Impact on Daily Life?

Trade thrived, but… Either under government monopolies (e.g., tea, salt, wine)

Or as "tribute" from foreign lands and reciprocal "gifts" going back out

Tang Dynasty (618-907 C.E.)

Reasons for Decline?Reasons for Decline?

Scholar class became entrenched1. Weak / young emperors manipulated

2. Granted scholars estates to promote bureaucratic jobs

• Took land from peasants & increased tax burden

3. Less focus on military• Defeat in 751 to Arabs on Silk Road

• Made Islam rather than Buddhism the dominant religion in Central Asia


In what ways did the Song try to address the weakness of the Tang?

What were the results of these efforts?

Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.)


Weakened military influence in favor of bureaucratic gentry

Civil-service exam expanded & number of bureaucrats increased

Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.)


Confucian bureaucrats in charge of the military

Hostile toward the military

Tended to be pacifistDownplayed status of soldiers, military skills, & athletics

Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.)

Impact on Daily Life?Impact on Daily Life?Political unity stimulated prosperity

Growth centered in maritime south

1. Independent merchant class grew in power

2. Technological advances meant new trade

3. Trade yielded exchange & cosmopolitan society

Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.)

Impact on Daily Life?Impact on Daily Life?1. Independent merchant class grew in

power• Non-governmental commerce widespread

But…• Commerce not respectable

• When someone accumulated wealth, bought land rather than invest in manufacturing

• Remained somewhat dependent favors of bureaucrats • Paid share of $$$ from enterprise to government

operations & personal gifts

Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.)

Impact on Daily Life?Impact on Daily Life?2.Technological advances meant new


Iron production



Improved ships & navigation tools

Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.)

Impact on Daily Life?Impact on Daily Life?3.Trade yielded exchange &

cosmopolitan societyRevenues 3x that of Tang era

New rice strain (Champa) allowed Chinese farmers to double output

Urbanization– Five cities of 1,000,000– Foreign trader establish durable neighborhoods

Paper money

Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.)

Reasons for Decline?Reasons for Decline?

2 phrase decline:

1. First, retreat to south

2. Then, total collapse

Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.)

Reasons for Retreat to South?Reasons for Retreat to South?

Weak military Little attention given to arts of warfare

Met defense needs through expensive mercenary nomads

Central Asian nomads harassed China’s northern borders for 200 yrs

Song royal family forced south

Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.)

Reasons for Total Collapse?Reasons for Total Collapse?

Fiscal difficulties Population growth outstripped economic growth

Bloated central bureaucracy: expensiveAlso, factions opposed reform, putting individual economic interests ahead of the common good

Inflation from paper money & raised taxes Rebellion

Sui Tang

Tang Song

Song Southern Song

Tang vs. SongTang vs. Song

So… Chinese Renaissance?

• Connections to past traditions • Role of & beliefs of philosophy• Ideals of man & education• Religious interactions• Changes in class structure• Technological & artistic advancement

Chinese Renaissance

Revival & reestablishment of Confucianism with Greco-Roman classics

Confucian ideal of scholar-gentry with concept of Renaissance Man

Buddhist and Neo-Confucian backlash with Roman Catholicism & Protestant reform

Urbanization & increased global trade & exploration

Growth of merchants class with growth of European middle class

Explosion of technology and artistic creativity, including art, literature, etc.

Increase in societal literacy due to moveable type printing