port state control committee instruction 48/2015/04p€¦ · port state control committee...

Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599 E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org PORT STATE CONTROL COMMITTEE INSTRUCTION 48/2015/04P Paris MoU Policy on the Training of New Entrant PSC Officers and the Professional Development Scheme for PSC Officers INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................... 2 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 2 GOALS AND PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................... 2 APPLICATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................... 2 RELEVANT DOCUMENTATION ...................................................................................................................... 2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................. 2 TRAINING OF NEW ENTRANT PORT STATE CONTROL OFFICERS..................................................... 2 SYLLABUS OF COMPETENCE (SOC) FOR NEW ENTRANT PSC OFFICERS ...................................................... 3 SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES ......................................................................................................................... 3 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME FOR PORT STATE CONTROL OFFICERS (PDS) ........... 3 COMMON ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCE (CAC)........................................................................................ 3 KEEPING OF RECORDS ............................................................................................................................ 3 ANNEX 1: SYLLABUS OF COMPETENCE ....................................................................................................... 4 ANNEX 2: SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES........................................................................................................ 19 ANNEX 3: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME ................................................................................... 20 ANNEX 3. 1 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION SURVEYS MAPPED WITH THE PSCO SYLLABUS OF COMPETENCE (SOC), AS AMENDED (LIMITED LIST). ......................................................................................... 23 ANNEX 4: COMMON ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCE CONTENT, STRUCTURE AND PROCEDURE(S) ............. 24 ANNEX 5: EXAMPLE OF RECORD KEEPING ................................................................................................. 25 ANNEX 6: ENTRY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PARIS MOU AND EMSA TRAINING PROGRAMMES .................... 26 Revision 6 Page 1 of 26 PMoU Confidential

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Page 1: PORT STATE CONTROL COMMITTEE INSTRUCTION 48/2015/04P€¦ · port state control committee instruction 48/2015/04p Paris MoU Policy on the Training of New Entrant PSC Officers andthe

Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org


Paris MoU Policy on the Training of New Entrant PSC Officers and the Professional Development Scheme for PSC Officers

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 2

GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 2

GOALS AND PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................... 2 APPLICATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................... 2 RELEVANT DOCUMENTATION ...................................................................................................................... 2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................. 2

TRAINING OF NEW ENTRANT PORT STATE CONTROL OFFICERS ..................................................... 2

SYLLABUS OF COMPETENCE (SOC) FOR NEW ENTRANT PSC OFFICERS ...................................................... 3 SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES ......................................................................................................................... 3


COMMON ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCE (CAC)........................................................................................ 3

KEEPING OF RECORDS ............................................................................................................................ 3

ANNEX 1: SYLLABUS OF COMPETENCE ....................................................................................................... 4 ANNEX 2: SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES ........................................................................................................ 19 ANNEX 3: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME ................................................................................... 20 ANNEX 3. 1 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION SURVEYS MAPPED WITH THE PSCO SYLLABUS OF COMPETENCE

(SOC), AS AMENDED (LIMITED LIST). ......................................................................................... 23 ANNEX 4: COMMON ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCE – CONTENT, STRUCTURE AND PROCEDURE(S) ............. 24 ANNEX 5: EXAMPLE OF RECORD KEEPING ................................................................................................. 25 ANNEX 6: ENTRY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PARIS MOU AND EMSA TRAINING PROGRAMMES .................... 26

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Introduction The PSC Committee decided during their 42nd session that the papers developed on the training and development of new entrant and experienced Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) should be redrafted in a PSCC Instruction, thereby enhancing the harmonization of the competence of port state control officers. The Paris MoU training policy is a framework of documents for Member States to enhance the harmonization and standardization of the knowledge and proficiency of PSCOs in the Paris MoU region 1).

General This Instruction covers the different requirements for PSCOs to comply with the qualification and the related minimum level of competence.

Goals and Purpose This instruction aims to provide guidance with regard to the application of the relevant documents relating to the training, development and maintenance of competence of PSCOs of the Paris MoU.

Application and responsibilities This instruction applies to all New Entrant and Authorised PSCOs of the Paris MoU member States. The minimum requirements for new Entrant PSCO, as stated in Annex6 of the Paris MoU 2), remain in force and have to be complied with. It should be noted that member States are responsible for the training of PSCOs, both theoretical as well as practical. Member States should use these documents when designing new training programmes, evaluating and updating existing programmes Member States are responsible to ensure that PSCOs enrol in the appropriate courses. Member States remain responsible for the authorization and revalidation of PSCOs at the end of the training programme.

Relevant documentation A range of documentation was developed for member States to develop and evaluate both the level of competence of their PSCOs and the training programmes in place. Chapter 2 of this instruction discusses the application of the different documents and exceptions, if any.

Definitions and abbreviations The PSCC Instruction containing “Definitions and Abbreviations” serves as general document and is to be used in conjunction with this Paris MoU document.

Training of New Entrant Port State Control officers For new entrant PSC officers a framework was developed to ensure that all relevant knowledge and practice is included in the training before a PSCO is authorized by a Member State to perform PSC Inspections.

1)+2) Members of the EU shall take EU Directive 2009/16/EC, into account.

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Syllabus of Competence (SoC) for New Entrant PSC officers

The SoC for New Entrant PSCOs provides Member States with the required elements and level to be included in the training programme prior the authorisation as PSCO.

The complete training programme of new PSCOs has to cover all elements listed in the SoC table, included in Annex 1.

Member States should particularly take note of column 4 of the table. This column indicates the level of knowledge, understanding or application that is required. Page 2 of the SoC gives a detailed explanation of the requirements. The SoC will develop continuously; the references made in column 5 will need to be amended, to incorporate amendments to the MoU and the relevant instruments.

Special Circumstances There may be circumstances under which a New Entrant PSCO is not able to complete the Syllabus of Competence. Therefore Member States are allowed to apply the “Special Circumstances” clause in a number of predefined cases. A description of the Special Circumstances is included in Annex 2.

Professional Development Scheme for Port State Control officers (PDS) The Professional Development Scheme (PDS) for PSC Officers has been developed to give member States a standard for the level of competence of PSC officers within their Administration. It warrants a minimum level of knowledge and proficiency through a certain number of PSC inspections per year and attending different training and development programmes. The document is included in Annex 3.

Common Assessment of Competence (CAC) There may be circumstances in which the requirements for the PDS cannot be met. For these instances the CAC has been developed. The CAC is explained in Annex 4.

Keeping of records In the future the SoC, PDS and CAC could be subject of an audit or a Peer review that include the records of training programmes. An example of record is included in Annex 5. The Member States are invited to inform the Secretariat of any problem that they experience when applying the SoC, PDS or CAC into their national training programmes. Annex 1 Syllabus of Competence for New Entrant PSCO Annex 2 Definition of “Special Circumstances” Annex 3 Professional Development Scheme Annex 4 Common Assessment of Competence Annex 5 Example of Record Keeping Annex 6 Entry Requirements for Paris MoU and EMSA training programmes

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Annex 1: Syllabus of Competence

Completion of Training for New Entrant PSCO The completion of the training of a new entrant PSCO consists of three separate steps

Elements of training programme Content Reference material

1 National Training Programme

Any training programme devised by National Administrations.

Syllabus of Competency for new Entrant PSCO3 Paris MoU text and its Annexes National Legislation4

2. EMSA/PMoU Seminar EMSA / PMoU training programme

Paris MoU text and its Annexes

3. Assessment by the member State

The national Administration will devise a means of assessment


Additionally a New Entrant PSCO shall, at least, complete the following DLP

• Paris MoU procedures • ISM • Human element

o 1 of the 3 modules ILO/MLC, STCW, The Human Element) • Conventions (i.e. SOLAS, MARPOL, Load Line, etc)

o 4 of the 15 modules

3 At least 15 of the 25 required inspections in the SoC have to be performed before attending the New Entrant Seminar and the remaining inspections shall be performed before the assessment by the member State. 4 Member States of the EU should also include the relevant EU legislation Revision 6 Page 4 of 26

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Completion of Competency The completion of the Competency is the Authorization of the PSCO by the Member State to perform port State control inspections

Authorization by Member State

Completion of Competence for New Entrant PSCO

1. It has been agreed that the training of a new entrant PSCO is the responsibility of the national Administration. However to introduce a system which would lead to more harmonization of the competency of PSCO this Syllabus of Competency is introduced.

2. The classification is to be used to indicate increased levels of complexity in knowledge, ability and application.

The table below explains this classification The classification steps are: Examples of suitable expressions of conduct:

Level 1 Know of: Must be able to repeat information received by memory/ the PSC Manual.

Describe, state, acquire knowledge of, identify, give an account of, recognize.

Level 2 Understand: Must be able to explain information received in their own words and use the instruction.

Explain, phrase, interpret, calculate, put forward, demonstrate, explain with own words, give examples.

Level 3 Be able to apply: Must be able to apply information received without instruction in a normal situation.

Apply, choose, solve, distinguish, test, use, accomplish, classify, ascertain, construct, fulfil, arrange, make use of, carry out, perform.

3. Please note that the references made in column 5 will continuously need to be amended, to incorporate amendments to the MoU and the


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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Syllabus of Competency for New Entrant PSCO

Competency Subject Methods for demonstrating competence as required by the member State

Criteria for evaluating competence as required by the Member State

Reference to relevant material

1. Competency in port State control

1.1 The structure of Paris MoU (PSCC, TEG, Task Forces, MAB Secretariat etc), the history of port State Control within the Paris MOU and other MOU’s.

1.1 Completing any national training regimes which demonstrates knowledge of the inspection regime with respect to the Inspection procedures


.1 The Paris MoU Annual Report

.2 Paris MOU Website

.3 PSCC Instruction Rules for Procedure for the Port State Control Committee (PSCC) .4 PSCC Instruction Terms of Reference for the Technical Evaluation Group (TEG) .5 PSCC Instruction Terms of Reference for the Task Forces (TF’s) .6 PSCC Instruction Terms of Reference for the Memorandum Advisory Board (MAB)

.7 PSCC Instruction – Criteria for official status of various organisations in the Paris MoU .8 The website of the other MOU’s .9 The EC Directives, if relevant, on Port State Control and on RoPax .10 The EMSA website to gain understanding of EMSA & EU with regard to PSC.

1. Competency in port State control

1.2 The Paris MOU text and Annexes 1.2a Transposition into national legislation. 1.2b The IMO Resolution on PSC.

1.2 Completing any national training regimes with respect to the EU Directive, if appropriate, and national legislation 1.2a National Legislation 5 1.2b Be aware of the resolution


.1 The Paris MoU and its Annexes – Paris MOU Manual, section legal references 2a.1 Relevant National legislation transposing the Paris MoU and its annexes, the EU Directive on PSC, the EU Directive on Ropax .2b.1 IMO resolution A.787 (19) as amended by Resolution A.882(19) Procedures for PSC .2b.2 Paris MoU Manual for PSCOs, Section IMO/ILO documents

5 Member States of the EU should also include the relevant EU legislation. Reference should also be made to relevant national regulations Revision 6 Page 6 of 26

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Competency Subject Methods for demonstrating competence as required by the member State

Criteria for evaluating competence as required by the Member State

Reference to relevant material

1.1 Competency in the Manual for port State control

The use of all the Manual for Port State Control Officers

Completing any national training Completing of the DLP module on the Paris MOU Procedures.

LEVEL 2 .1 Paris MoU Manual for Port State Control Officers

2. Competency in the relevant instruments (international conventions)

2.1 The status of the relevant instruments with regard to the Paris MoU and the regulations and laws that contain provisions with regard to port State control, including the relevant national legislation 6 2.2 Understand and be proficient in the use of Rule check

Completing any national training regimes with respect to the relevant instruments and the EU Directives were relevant As part of the national training regime National training including practical application


.1 Paris MoU Manual for PSCOs .1.1 Section Legal references Section IMO/ILO documents: Table of ratification of IMO/ILO conventions .1.2 Paris MoU Text Annex 10 .2 RuleCheck .2.1 User Manual of Rule check

6 Member States of the EU should also include the relevant EU legislation. Reference should also be made to relevant national regulations Revision 6 Page 7 of 26

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Competency Subject Methods for demonstrating competence as required by the member State

Criteria for evaluating competence as required by the Member State

Reference to relevant material

3. Competency in the Targeting system

3.1 The application of the principle of the Ship Risk Profile 3.2 The application of the principle of the targeted Flags 3.3 The application of the

principle of Recognised Organisations (RO) Performance

3.4 The application of the

principle of Company Performance

3.5 The application of the principle of the parameter “Type of Ship”

Completing any national training regimes with respect to the Ship Risk Profile. Completing any national training regimes with respect to the targeted Flags Completing any national training regimes with respect to RO Performance Completing any national training regimes with respect to Company Performance Completing any national training regimes with respect to Ship Risk Profile


Paris MoU Text Annex 7 Paris MoU Text Annex 7 Section Paris MoU performance tables / explanation - Black, Grey and White List Paris MoU text Annex 7 RO Performance table Paris MoU Text Annex 7 Paris MoU Text Annex 7 IMO/ILO Documents - IMO definitions of all type of ships

3bis Competency in Inspection Priority

2.1 The Scheme for Priority Inspection 2.2 overriding factors 2.3 unexpected factors

2.1 Completing any national training regimes with respect to Priority Inspection and DLP – Paris MoU –Procedures 2.2 Applying the overriding factors under the correct conditions 2.3 Applying the unexpected factors under the correct conditions


Paris MoU Text Annex 8

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Competency Subject Methods for demonstrating competence as required by the member State

Criteria for evaluating competence as required by the Member State

Reference to relevant material

4. Competency in conditions and Types of inspection

4.1 The different inspection types, why they have been developed and the criteria for applying the correct inspection type in respect to the following:

Completing any national training regimes with respect to clear grounds and the different types of Inspections: .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 7 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s]

.3 Identifying the correct inspection type where applicable.

The national training course could include the following:

LEVEL 3 .1 Paris MoU Text Annex 9 .2Paris MoU Text Annex 9

.3 Paris MoU text Annex 9

PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on Guidelines on Flag State Exemptions

1. initial inspection 4.1 Apply initial inspection under the correct conditions

LEVEL 3 Paris MoU Text Annex 9

2. more detailed inspection 4.2 Apply the more detailed inspection under the correct conditions

LEVEL 3 .2 Paris MoU Text Annex 9

2.1 clear grounds 3. expanded inspection

4.2.1 Apply clear grounds under the correct conditions 4.3 Apply the expanded inspection under the correct conditions


2.1 Paris MoU Text Annex 9 .3 Paris MoU Text Annex 9

4. concentrated inspection campaigns (CIC) 4.4 Understand the function and

application of CIC’s


Paris MoU Text Annex 9

7 25 is the minimum number of (supervised) port State control inspections a new Entrant PSCO is expected to complete in the training period, further mentioning of the 25 inspections in this table, refer to this footnote. At least 15 of the 25 required inspections in the SoC have to be performed before attending the EMSA/PMoU Seminar and the remaining inspections shall be performed before the assessment by the member State. Revision 6 Page 9 of 26

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Competency Subject Methods for demonstrating competence as required by the member State

Criteria for evaluating competence as required by the Member State

Reference to relevant material

5. The role and function of the Information System

The role and function of the Information System with regard to port State control

Completing any national training regimes with respect to: 5.1.1 the role and function of the Information System 5.1.2 the significance of the correct input into the Information system

LEVEL 2 .1 Paris MoU Text Annex 3 .2 Paris MoU Text Annex 3

6. Competency in the Information System

The use of the Information System

Completing any national training regimes with respect to:

6.1.1 Able to retrieve the relevant information from the Information System for an inspection

6.1.2 Recognise significance of correct input into the Information System

6.1.3 Able to interpret the relevant information on a vessel, including the history of inspections on a vessel. Undertake the relevant approved DLP

LEVEL 3 .1 Paris MoU Text Annex 3

7 Competency in input in Information System

The Paris MOU procedures on the correct input in the Information System.

Completing any national training regimes with respect to Information System input. .1 undertaking the relevant approved DLP module

LEVEL 2 Paris MoU text Annex 3

8. Competency in port calls and reporting obligations

How the PSCO uses ship arrival, departure and port movement data

Completing any national training regimes with respect to port calls and reporting obligations


Any relevant national information

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Competency Subject Methods for demonstrating competence as required by the member State

Criteria for evaluating competence as required by the Member State

Reference to relevant material

Postponement The Paris MOU procedures for postponement of an inspection

Completing any national training regimes with respect to postponement

LEVEL 2 Paris MoU Text Annex 9

9. Competency in Boarding and starting an inspection

The Paris MOU procedures for boarding and starting an inspection

Completing any national training regimes with respect to boarding and starting an inspection .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking DLP module on Paris MoU Procedures


PSCC Instruction Code of Good Practice for Port State Control Officers

10. Competency in the Certification and Document checks

The Paris MOU procedures for certification and document checks

Completing any national training regimes with respect to certification and document checks .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s]


Paris MoU Text Annex 10

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Competency Subject Methods for demonstrating competence as required by the member State

Criteria for evaluating competence as required by the Member State

Reference to relevant material

11. Competency in ILO

The Paris MOU procedures of checking ILO matters

Completing any national training regimes with respect to ILO matters .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s] on the ILO


.1 The Merchant Shipping Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976 (ILO Convention No 147) (ILO 147) .2 The protocol of 1996 to ILO Convention No. 147 (ILO 147 PROT 96 .3 MLC 2006 Paris MoU Text Annex 2 PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on ILO 180 work and rest hours

11.b Competency in MLC

The Paris MoU procedures of checking on MLC matters

Completing any national training with respect to MLC matters .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s] on the MLC

LEVEL 3 Paris MoU Text Annex 2 PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on MLC 2006

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Competency Subject Methods for demonstrating competence as required by the member State

Criteria for evaluating competence as required by the Member State

Reference to relevant material

12. Competency in SOLAS

The Paris MOU procedures of checking SOLAS items

Completing any national training regimes with respect to SOLAS items. .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s] on SOLAS

LEVEL 3 .1 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, (SOLAS 74) .2 the Protocol of 1978 relating to SOLAS 74 (SOLAS PROT 78) PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on Electronic Charts PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on Security Aspects PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on Checking Voyage Data Recorder PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on the ISM Code PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on Control of GMDSS PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on Operational Drills PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on MSDS Sheets PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on IMDG Code PSCC Instruction – Guidelines for checking Compliance of ECDIS

13. Competency in Manning/ STCW

The Paris MOU procedures for checking Manning and STCW

Completing any national training regimes with respect to Manning and STCW .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module on STCW


.1 The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW 78) .2PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on STCW including manning

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Competency Subject Methods for demonstrating competence as required by the member State

Criteria for evaluating competence as required by the Member State

Reference to relevant material

14. Competency in ISM

The Paris MOU procedures for checking ISM

Completing any national training regimes with respect to ISM. .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module on ISM


.1 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, (SOLAS 74) .2 the Protocol of 1978 relating to SOLAS 74 (SOLAS PROT 78) .3 the Protocol of 1988 relating to SOLAS 74 (SOLAS PROT 88) PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on the ISM Code

15. Competency in ISPS

The Paris MOU procedures for checking ISPS

Completing any national training regimes with respect to ISPS. .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s] on ISPS


.1 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, (SOLAS 74) .2 the Protocol of 1978 relating to SOLAS 74 (SOLAS PROT 78) .3 the Protocol of 1988 relating to SOLAS 74 (SOLAS PROT 88) PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on Security

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Competency Subject Methods for demonstrating competence as required by the member State

Criteria for evaluating competence as required by the Member State

Reference to relevant material

16. Competency in MARPOL

The Paris MOU procedures for checking MARPOL

Completing any national training regimes with respect to MARPOL .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s] on MARPOL


.1 The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocols of 1978 and 1997 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78) PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on CAS PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on MARPOL Annex 1 PSCC Instruction – Guidelines for Stopping on Operation PSCC Instruction – Guidelines for Crude Oil Washing PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on Unloading and Stripping PSCC Instruction – Tanker and Bulker inspection Guidelines PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on checking Tanker Damage Stability PSCC Instruction – Guidelines MARPOL Annex VI

17. Competency in Load line

The Paris MOU procedures for checking Load line

Completing any national training regimes with respect to Load Line .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s] on Load Line


.1 The International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (Load Lines 66) .2 The Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines 1966 (LL PROT 88) PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on Thickness Measurements PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on for PSCOs for checking Thickness measurements

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Koningskade 4 P.O. Box 16191 2500 BD The Hague The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 70 456 1508 Telefax: +31 70 456 1599

E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Competency Subject Methods for demonstrating competence as required by the member State

Criteria for evaluating competence as required by the Member State

Reference to relevant material

18. Competency in Tonnage 69

The Paris MOU procedures for checking Tonnage

Completing any national training regimes with respect to Tonnage .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s] on Tonnage


.1 The International Convention on Tonnage Measurements, 1969 (Tonnage 69)

19. Competency in the ColRegs 72

The Paris MOU procedures for checking ColRegs

Completing any national training regimes with respect to Col regs .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s] on the Col Regs


.1 The Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREG 72)

20. Competency in the AFS

The Paris MoU procedures for checking the Anti-Fouling Systems on board ships

Completing any national training regimes with respect to AFS .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s] on the AFS


.1 International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships, 2001 (AFS2001) PSCC Instruction AFS Guidelines

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Competency Subject Methods for demonstrating competence as required by the member State

Criteria for evaluating competence as required by the Member State

Reference to relevant material

21 Competency in the Bunker Convention

The Paris MoU procedures for checking Bunker Convention

Completing any national training regimeswith respect to Bunker Convention .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s] on the Bunker Convention

LEVEL 3 .1 the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on Bunker Convention

22. Competency in CLC 92

The Paris MOU procedures for checking CLC 92

Completing any national training regimes with respect to CLC 92 .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s] on CLC 92


.1 The International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992

23 Competency in BWM

The Paris MOU procedures for checking BWM

Completing any national training regimes with respect to BWM .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s] on BWM


.1 International Convention for the control and management of ships’ ballast water and sediments, 2004 PSCC Instruction – Guidelines on Ballast Water Management

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E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Competency Subject Methods for demonstrating competence as required by the member State

Criteria for evaluating competence as required by the Member State

Reference to relevant material

24A Competency in Inspection actions and reporting Actions

The Paris MOU procedures for taking actions, which may include reporting procedures and following up of actions

Completing any national training regimes with respect to inspection actions and reporting actions .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s]

LEVEL 3 PSCC Instruction – Guidance on Action Taken including Detention

24B Competency in detention, prevention of operation and banning

The Paris MOU procedures following a detention including which may require follow up detention, release to a repair yard, initiating banning and lifting banning.

Completing any national training regimes with respect to detentions. .1 Undertaking a minimum number 25 inspections under supervision satisfactorily AND .2 Undertaking the relevant approved DLP module[s]


PSCC Instruction – Guidance on Action Taken including Detention

25 Regional Commitment and Fair Share

The Paris MOU procedures which may include Regional Commitment and Fair Share

Completing any national training regimes with respect to Regional Commitment and Fair Share

LEVEL 1 Paris MoU Text Annex 11 PSCC Instruction – Calculation of the regional commitment

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E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Annex 2: Special Circumstances Definition of Special Circumstances8 1. Following PSCC 40 and TEG 16 the TF has been asked to develop guidance on the items which should be considered and recorded as part of the special circumstances under which the New Entrant PSCO may perform less than 25, but never less than 15, PSC inspections under supervision during their training. 2. During plenary debates various points were raised could be included or highlighted in this definition, these have been included in the draft below with comments. 3. Special Circumstances are circumstances which are beyond the control of the responsible administration and which make it unreasonable for a new entrant PSCO to reach the minimum number of supervised inspections during their training. 4. The MS shall record every case of Special Circumstances, which it applies to a PSCO including a description of the special circumstance, cf. paragraph 3. Special Circumstances can only be applied to a maximum of 15% of the PSCOs employed by the Member State. 5. Special Circumstances cannot be used to justify a new entrant PSCO failing to reach the minimum number of inspections if either of the following conditions apply: a. The new entrant is employed in an office with more than 30 foreign ship calls per year which are eligible for an inspection. b. It is reasonable for the new entrant to travel to another office to carry out a supervised inspection. 6. A new entrant PSCO carrying out fewer than 25 inspections shall carry out a minimum of 15 supervised inspections with at least one inspection in each of the following categories: - a more detailed inspection - an expanded inspection.

8 This document was agreed at PSCC 41, May 2008 Greece

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E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Annex 3: Professional Development Scheme Criteria for the application of the Professional Development Scheme (PDS) for Paris MoU Port State Control Officers (PSCOs). The Professional Development Scheme (PDS) for PSC Officers has been developed to give member States a standard for the level of competence of PSC officers within their Administration. This Annex describes the contents and the requirements of the PDS.

The PDS contains the following elements:

a) The standard is the PDS: each MS should strive to ensure that all PSCO’s comply with the provisions of the PDS. This should be the goal, to be achieved for all PSCO’s.

b) If due to external and exceptional factors the PSCO cannot fully comply with the requirements of the PDS the MS may apply an alternative arrangement (see item j). If the MS has applied this, the PSCO remains validated to act as PSCO.

If the PSCO can not fully comply with the requirements of the PDS, which may include the factors as mentioned under item j below, then a Common Assessment of Competence (CAC) has to be completed before the PSCO can be re-validated as a PSCO.

a) The responsibility for PDS for existing PSCOs remains with the Member State (MS). This is

consistent with the training programme for new entrant PSCOs. b) The existing training and development opportunities provided by Paris MoU and Paris

MoU/EMSA such as Seminars, Refresher Training Courses, Expert & Specialized Training and Distance Learning Modules are combined with development at a National Level to provide a PDS for PSCOs.

c) Inspections, training & development activities relating to Port State Control are allocated points.

In order to complete the PDS the PSCO must gain a minimum of 30 points within a 5-year period.

d) There are activities that are compulsory (e.g. a minimum of 10 PSC inspections to be carried out

per year and the DLP on Paris MoU Procedures) and others that contribute to complete the minimum number of 30 points in the 5-year period. (See attached table)

e) All recorded inspections (including Ropax inspections) inserted in the Inspection database may

be counted with the required compulsory inspections. f) The proposed activities, training & development opportunities that can contribute towards the

PDS are (as in the attached table): 1. Undertake Port State Control Inspections 2. Attend EMSA/Paris Mou Seminar 3. Attend Paris MoU Port State Control Seminar 4. Attend Paris MoU Expert Training 5. Attend Paris MoU Specialized Training 6. Attend National Seminar on Port State Control 7. Attend National Revalidation Course 8. Paris MoU Distance Learning Modules.

g) The National Seminar on PSC and National Revalidation Seminar shall comply at least with the

standard that reflects the Syllabus of Competency for New Entrant PSCO. h) MS will be responsible for maintaining records for their PSCO regarding the PDS, stating clearly

how many points have been attained to complete the scheme after five years. These records should be easily and ready available for audit.

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E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

i) Distance Learning Programme (DLP) is auditable and is the responsibility of each MS. The

completion of a specific DLP module, for the points in the PDS, will count only once every 12 calendar months.

j) When a PSCO, through external and exceptional factors, cannot fully comply with the

requirements of the PDS the MS may apply an equivalent arrangement for an individual PSCO providing the MS considers that quality of PSC inspections are assured. External and exceptional factors are circumstances which are beyond the control of the responsible administration and which make it unreasonable for a PSCO to fully complete the activities and development opportunities included in the PDS. The MS shall record every case of External and Exceptional factor which were applied to a PSCO. The elements included in the CAC shall be recorded

k) Where activities, training and development opportunities that are to be considered to contribute

towards the PDS are not fully achieved within the 5-years period then a Common Assessment of Competence (CAC) should be satisfactorily completed.

l) Records shall be kept and be auditable (by e.g. Paris MoU, EC/EMSA or ISO auditing company,

where applicable).

m) For a Flag State Survey to be included in the PDS it needs to comply with the following requirements:

- The flag State Survey shall cover several relevant instruments - The scope of the flag State Survey shall be equal to an Expanded Inspection in Port State


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National Paris MOU


Development of basic competency

Paris MoU, procedures and relevant Conventions as stated in Completion of Competency Continuous performance.

• Undertake Port State Control Inspections

• Compulsory 5 points, to be achieved in a 5-year period, by carrying out AT LEAST 10 inspections per year.

NO Flag state surveys may be included at this level

- Credit system: 5 points to be achieved in a 5 years period, as a minimum

- Auditable • 10 points, to be achieved in a 5-year

period, by carrying out AT LEAST 25 inspections per year

Flag state Surveys maybe included to a maximum of 25% of the total number of inspections performed

• 20 points to be achieved in a 5-year period, by carrying out AT LEAST 40 inspections per year

Flag state Surveys may be included to a maximum of 25% of the total number of inspections performed

Update of competency, improvement

Continuous improvement and updating of basic knowledge

• Completion of the DLP module on the Paris MoU Procedures

• Compulsory once at least every 5 years, no earlier than 3 months before the date of revalidation.

• or within 6 months when significant new version is released as a result of major changes in procedures

- Credit system: 5 points achieved for the revalidation scheme

- Auditable


Harmonisation of procedures

Exchange of points of views and experience

• Attend EMSA/ Paris MoU Seminar Complementary & optional

- Credit system: 10 points achieved for revalidation scheme

- Auditable

Contributing activities to the professional development scheme

Improvement and harmonisation

• Attend Paris MoU Port State Control Seminar Complementary & optional

Any combination of these activities would be acceptable.

- Credit system: 5 points achieved for the revalidation scheme per each activity. Responsible for full control: Member State

- Auditable

• Attend Paris MoU Expert Training Complementary & optional

• Attend Paris MoU Specialized Training Complementary & optional

• Attend National Revalidation Course Complementary & optional

• Attend National Seminar on Port State Control Complementary & optional

• MAKCS DLP Modules Complementary & optional

Professional development scheme: Compulsory + Optional items must add up to 30 points in a 5 years period in this scheme

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E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Annex 3.1 International Convention surveys mapped with the PSCO Professional Develpments Scheme (PDS), as amended (limited list).

SN Activity/Certification International

Convention, Code Reference

SoC Competence: Reference No. and Level


International Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (PSSC) – Survey

SOLAS No 12 – Competency in SOLAS, No 13 - Competency in Manning /STCW, No 17 - Competency in Load Line, Level 39

2 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (SEC) – Survey

SOLAS No 12 – Competency in SOLAS, Level 3


Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate – Survey

SOLAS No 12 – Competency in SOLAS, No 17 - Competency in Load Line, Level 3

4 Load Line Survey Load line convention No 17 - Competency in Load Line, Level 3

5 International Safety Management Certificate (SMC) – Audit


Level 3 – Competency in ISM

6 Maritime Labour Certificate (MLC) – Survey MLC, 2006 No. 11- Competency in ILO; Level 3

7 MARPOL - IOPP/ IAPP – Survey

MARPOL 73/78 No 16 – Competency in MARPOL Level 3


1. Only those surveys can be included that were performed on ships falling within the scope of SOLAS Ch 1 Reg 1 (Application), excluding those vessels mentioned in SOLAS Ch 1 Reg 3 (Exceptions)"

2. Flag State convention surveys will contribute towards the PDS only when they lead to the issue/endorsement of some form of statutory certification.

9 Level 3 refers to the level of knowledge required in the Syllabus of Competence for New Entrant PSCO’s.

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E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Annex 4: Common Assessment of Competence – content, structure and procedure(s)

This paper examines the elements that describe a CAC for Port State Control officers. 1-Where activities and development opportunities that are to be considered to contribute towards the PDS are not fully achieved; a Common Assessment of Competency (CAC) should be satisfactorily be completed.

2-The CAC has to be completed within a period of 12 months. 3-The CAC comprises of the following elements, which, together will attest to the:

.1 competence

.2 knowledge

.3 understanding

.4 proficiency of a person to be authorized to do Port State Control Inspections. 4-Content The following elements are part of the framework for a CAC:

.1 successfully complete a national training program, which includes the Syllabus of Competency (SoC) for New Entrant, Paris MoU text and its Annexes. .2 15 supervised inspections, including at least one more detailed inspection and one expanded inspection .3 the completion of at least 6 different DLP programmes:

-DLP on Procedures, -2 modules from The Human Element group -3 other modules regarding the Relevant Instruments, to be decided with supervisor or equivalent)

.4- attend the EMSA/PMoU Seminar

.5- discussion on the written assessments of the DLP’s with the supervisor (or equivalent) .6- a concluding interview with the PSC supervisor (or equivalent) The Member State shall record the elements in the CAC.

5–The Member State should re-validate the PSCO if all above mentioned criteria are fully achieved. Note: With the exception of the EMSA/Paris MoU Seminar (item 4.4), all elements of the CAC are performed and completed within the National Administration. The supervised inspections, national training courses and the case discussion (items 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5 and 4.6 above) are national responsibilities. Items 4.3 and 4.4 are the same for all member States.

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E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Annex 5: Example of record keeping The excel sheet, as presented in the image below, can be used as a simple database in which the progress of PSCOs in the PDS can be monitored.10

10 The page can be downloaded from the Paris MoU internal website Revision 6 Page 25 of 26


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E-mail: [email protected] Internet : www.parismou.org

Annex 6: Entry Recommendations for Paris MoU and EMSA Training Programmes

EMSA/Paris MoU Seminar Candidates for the EMSA/Paris MoU Seminar are expected to have completed their national training, which includes the required DLPs, as described in the Syllabus of Competence. A tick-box on the registration for the Seminar is included to confirm this.

Professional Development Scheme The DLPs were developed to help PSCOs prepare for the training programmes of the Paris MoU and EMSA, and to contribute to their professional development. Knowledge and experience of participants of training programmes can vary widely. Therefore, completion of the modules may help to provide the PSCOs with basic knowledge on the subject of the training programme and allow the participants to achieve a similar level of basic knowledge on which the lecturers can expand. The module on Paris MoU Procedures is to be completed by all PSCOs every five years; therefore it is not included in the table.

Training programme DLP Additional remarks

Expert Training The Human Element

MLC,2006 STCW ISM The Human Element

Minimum 3 out of four should be completed

Expert Training: Safety and Environment

ISM Engine Room MARPOL Annex I MARPOL Annex II MARPOL Annex III MARPOL Annex IV, V, VI Safety Equipment Fire Fighting

Minimum 3 out of eight should be completed

Specialized Training Bulk cargoes

ISM Cargoes Safety of navigation TBC - IMSBC code

Minimum 3 out of four should be completed

Specialized Training Tankers

ISM Engine Room MARPOL Annex I MARPOL Annex II MARPOL Annex III Security and Civil Liabilities

Minimum 3 out of six should be completed

EMSA / Paris MoU Seminar All available DLPs

A minimum of 3 DLPs should be completed, including the Inspection Procedures DLP

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