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  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar


    Protein SynthesisProtein Synthesis

    From: Protein Data Bank PDB ID: 1A3N

    Tame, J., Vallone, B.: Deoxy Human Hemoglobin. 1998

    By pooja

  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar


    contentcontent IntroductionIntroduction


    Ribosome StructureRibosome Structure TransferTransfer RnaRna ((TrnaTrna))

    Translation 4 Steps:Translation 4 Steps:





    Posttranslational ModificationPosttranslational Modification

  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar


    Structural and functional components ofStructural and functional components oforganisms.organisms.

    Composed ofComposed ofamino acidsamino acids

    order of nucleotides in DNAorder of nucleotides in DNA determinesdeterminesorder of amino acids in a proteinorder of amino acids in a protein

    One geneOne gene codes for one proteincodes for one protein


  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar




    The process of converting the information in aThe process of converting the information in a

    sequence of nitrogen bases in mRNA into asequence of nitrogen bases in mRNA into asequence of amino acidssequence of amino acids

    Occurs onOccurs on ribosomesribosomes

    Involves a 3Involves a 3rdrd type of RNAtype of RNA

    Transfer RNA (Transfer RNA (tRNAtRNA))

  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar


    Ribosome structureRibosome: an organell to covalently link amino acids based on mRNA

    sequence (genetic information) using charged tRNAs

    M a large complex (2500kD in bacteria) including proteins and

    rRNAs (central to ribosome functions)

    N number/cell: 20,000 (bacteria), 200,000 (yeast)

    O bactria:70S = 30S (16S rRNA)+ 50S (23S, 5S rRNA),

    eukaryotes: 80S = 60S (28S, 5.8S, 5S rRNA) + 40S (18S rRNA)

    P amounts: 2/3 of mass; rRNA, 1/3; proteins (about 78 proteins in


    Q Bacterial ribosome structure:

    i) 30S: 16S r RNA determines structure, some flexibility (protein synthesis), 4

    domains of rRNAs, 21 proteins

    ii) 50S: solid, immobile, 23S and 5S rRNAs

    iii) Interface between 30S and 50S: mostly rRNAs, devoid of proteins, the sitewhere mRNA and tRNA bind during protein synthesis (A, P, E sites)

  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar


    Transfer RNA (Transfer RNA (tRNAtRNA))

    Function is toFunction is to bringbring amino acids toamino acids to ribosomesribosomes

    to be assembled into proteinsto be assembled into proteins

    Made up of about 75 nucleotidesMade up of about 75 nucleotides

    EachEach tRNAtRNA moleculemolecule ONLYONLY recognizesrecognizes ONEONEamino acidamino acid

  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar


    Transfer RNA (tRNA)Transfer RNA (tRNA)

    Top of tRNA moleculeTop of tRNA molecule One amino acidOne amino acid

    Bottom of tRNA moleculeBottom of tRNA molecule Three nitrogen basesThree nitrogen bases

    calledcalled anticodonsanticodons

    AntiAnti--codonsbecause they paircodonsbecause they pairwith codonsonmRNAmoleculeswith codonsonmRNAmolecules

  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar


    Translation (protein synthesis)Translation (protein synthesis)

    Information in mRNA translatedInformation in mRNA translated

    into primary sequence of a proteininto primary sequen

    ce of a proteinin 4 steps:in 4 steps:




  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar


    Translation (protein synthesis)Translation (protein synthesis)


    Each amino acidEach amino acidactivated byactivated byreacting with ATPreacting with ATP

    tRNA synthetasetRNA synthetaseenzyme attachesenzyme attachesactivated aminoactivated aminoacid to ownacid to ownparticular tRNAparticular tRNA

    Adapted from: Bettelheim FA and March J (1990) Introduction to Organic and

    Biochemistry (International Edition). Philadelphia: Saunders College

    Publishing p398

  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar


    Translation (protein synthesis)Translation (protein synthesis)


    mRNA attaches tomRNA attaches tosmaller body ofsmaller body ofribosomeribosome

    Initiator tRNA attachesInitiator tRNA attachesto startcodonto startcodon

    Larger body of ribosomeLarger body of ribosomecombines with smallercombines with smallerbodybody

    From: Tortora, GJ & Grabowski SR (2000) Principles of Anatomy andPhysiology (9th Ed). New York: John Wiley & Sons. P88.

  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar


    Translation (protein synthesis)Translation (protein synthesis)

    ELONGATIONELONGATION Anticodon of next tRNA binds toAnticodon of next tRNA binds to

    mRNA codon at A site ofmRNA codon at A site ofribosomeribosome Each tRNA specific for oneEach tRNA specific for one

    amino acid only, but someamino acid only, but someamino acids coded for by up toamino acids coded for by up to6 codons6 codons

    Order of bases in mRNAOrder of bases in mRNAcodons determine which tRNAcodons determine which tRNAanticodons will align andanticodons will align andtherefore determines order oftherefore determines order ofamino acids in proteinamino acids in protein

    Amino acid at A site linked toAmino acid at A site linked toprevious amino acidprevious amino acid

    Ribosome moves along oneRibosome moves along onecodon and next tRNA binds at Acodon and next tRNA binds at Asitesite From: Tortora, GJ & Grabowski SR (2000) Principles of Anatomy andPhysiology (9th Ed). New York: John Wiley & Sons. P88.

  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar


    Translation (protein synthesis)Translation (protein synthesis)


    Final codon on mRNAFinal codon on mRNAcontains terminationcontains termination


    Releasing factors cleaveReleasing factors cleavepolypeptide chain frompolypeptide chain fromtRNA thatcarried finaltRNA thatcarried final

    amino acidamino acid mRNA released frommRNA released from

    ribosome and brokenribosome and brokendown into nucleotidesdown into nucleotides

    From: Tortora, GJ & Grabowski SR (2000) Principles of Anatomy and

    Physiology (9th Ed). New York: John Wiley & Sons. P88.

  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar


    Posttranslational modification

    Proteolysis: a part of the maturation pathway of many proteins

    M Removal of signal polypeptide

    N Disulfide formation

    O Glycosylation: N- & O-glycosylation

    P Cleavage at specific sites

    P Methyl, phosphoryl, fatty acyl groups

    Q Acetylation at N-terminal

    R Amidation at C-terminal

    S D-configuration of amino acid

  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar


  • 8/4/2019 Pooja Seminar
