polyglot parallelism

Polyglot Parallelism A Case Study in Using Erlang and Ruby at Rackspace

Upload: phillip-toland

Post on 29-Jan-2018




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Polyglot ParallelismA Case Study in Using Erlang

and Ruby at Rackspace

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The ProblemPart 1

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20,000 network devices

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9 Datacenters,3 Continents

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devices not designed forhigh-throughput


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we need a high throughput solution

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the time spent in I/O is the primary


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if you want to speed things up you have to talk to more devices

in parallel

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The ProblemPart II

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huge blobs of data

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lots of backups equals big database

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ad-hoc searching is difficult but


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customer SLA means need to restore from

backup quickly

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an event must be generated for each device interaction

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migrations are problematic with that much data

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rigid schema made adapting to new devices difficult

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each device type has different properties

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“backup” means different things for each device type

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need to grow with the business

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Previous Solution

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multiple Ruby apps

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difficult to scale

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vendor device managers

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New Solution

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the simplest thing that could possibly


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most db writes come from

scheduled jobs

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Other Clients


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Joe Armstrong

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AXD301ATM Switch

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Dynamically Typed

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Single Assignment

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A = 1. %=> 1A = 2. %=> badmatch

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[B, 2, C] = [1, 2, 3].B = 1. %=> 1C = 3. %=> 3

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D = dict:new().D1 = dict:store(foo, 1, D).D2 = dict:store(bar, 2, D1).

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Concurrency Oriented

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-module(fact).-export([fac/1]). fac(0) -> 1; fac(N) -> N * fac(N-1).

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-module(quicksort).-export([quicksort/1]). quicksort([]) -> [];quicksort([Pivot|Rest]) -> quicksort([Front || Front <- Rest, Front < Pivot]) ++ [Pivot] ++ quicksort([Back || Back <- Rest, Back >= Pivot]).

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jobs framework

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Runner Worker CallbackModule



process processready





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“behaviour” is interface

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behaviour_info(callbacks) -> [ {init, 1}, {process_item, 3}, {worker_died, 5}, {job_stopping, 1}, {job_complete, 2}].

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running({worker_ready, WorkerPid, ok}, S) -> case queue:out(S#state.items) of {empty, I2} -> stop_worker(WorkerPid, S), {next_state, complete, S#state{items = I2}};

{{value, Item}, I2} -> job_worker:process(WorkerPid, Item, now(), S#state.job_state),

{next_state, running, S#state{items = I2}} end;

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handle_info({'DOWN', _, process, WorkerPid, Info}, StateName, S) -> {Item, StartTime} = clear_worker(WorkerPid, S),

Callback = S#state.callback, spawn(Callback, worker_died, [Item, WorkerPid, StartTime, Info, S#state.job_state]),

%% Start a replacement worker start_workers(1, Callback), {next_state, StateName, S};

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handle_cast({process, Item, StartTime, JS}, S) -> Callback = S#state.callback, Continue = try Callback:process_item(Item, StartTime, JS) catch throw: Error -> error_logger:error_report(Error), ok end,

job_runner:worker_ready(S#state.runner, self(), Continue),

{noreply, S}.

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story time

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ReSTful APIwith Webmachine

The Convention Over Configuration Webserver

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HTTP Request Lifecycle Diagram


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Webmachine Is Simple As Proven by the “Number of Types of Things”

Measurement of Complexity

If you know HTTP

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The 3 Most Important Types of Things In Webmachine

1. Dispatch Rules (pure data--barely a thing!)2. Resources (composed of simple functions!)3. Requests (simple get/set interface!)

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Dispatch Rules

GET /devices/12345

Webmachine inspects the device_resource module for defined callbacks, and sets the Request record’s “server”

value to 12345.

{ ["devices", server], device_resource, [] }

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• POEM (Plain Old Erlang Module)• Composed of referentially transparent functions*• Functions are callbacks into the request lifecycle• Approximately 30 possible callback functions, e.g.:

• resource_exists → 404 Not Found• is_authorized → 401 Not Authorized

* mostly

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Perma-404resource_exists(Request, Context) -> {false, Request, Context}.

Lucky Authis_authorized(Request, Context) -> S = calendar:time_to_seconds(now()), case S rem 2 of 0 -> {true, Request, Context}; 1 -> {“Basic realm=lucky”, Request, Context} end.

Resource Functions

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Requests• The first argument to each resource function • Set and read request & response data

wrq:set_resp_header(“X-Answer”, “42”, Request).

RemoteIP = wrq:peer(Request).

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content_types_provided(Request, Context) -> Types = [{"application/json", to_json}], {Types, Request, Context}.

to_json(Request, Context) -> Device = proplists:get_value(device, Context), UserId = get_user_id(Request),

case fe_api_firewall:get_config(Device, UserId) of

{ok, Config} -> success_response(Config, Request, Context);

{error, Reason} -> error_response(502, Reason, Request, Context) end.

Retrieving a JSON Firewall Representation

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primitive obsession

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[<<"easy as ">>, [$a, $b, $c], " ☺\n"].

“hi how are you”

<<“hello there”>>

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hashes vs records

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to loop is human,to recur divine

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Erlang conditionals always return a value

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design for testability

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don’t spawn,

use OTP

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Erlang changes very slowly

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3rd party libraries

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standard librarycan be inconsistent

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package management

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Phil: @philtolandhttp://github.com/tolandhttp://philtoland.com

Mike: @lifeinzemblahttp://github.com/msassak
