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Technical Catalogue PNOZelog-Range August 2003 edition System configuration manual PNOZelog compact safety relays

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PNOZelog Technical Catalogue GB


  • Technical CataloguePNOZelog-Range

    August 2003 edition

    System configuration manualPNOZelog compact safety relays

  • Safe Automation from Pilz



    Individual solutions are a product of Pilzscomprehensive, innovative range of services.Specifically on the issue of safety we canoffer:

    Safety adviceRisk analysisSafety conceptsSafety checkProject managementDelivery of complete systems

    In conjunction with product training andseminars on current safety issues, you willreceive every support with your safetyrequirements.

    August 2003

    All rights to this publication are reserved byPilz GmbH & Co. We reserve the right toamend specifications without prior notice.Copies may be made for the users internalpurposes. The names of products, goods andtechnologies used in this manual aretrademarks of the respective companies.


    As leaders in innovation, we continuallymonitor, expand and improve our completerange of products and services, inconsultation with our customers.

    Overall solutions

    We tailor our range of products and servicesto meet our customers requirements. Aswell as individual components, Pilz can alsosupply overall, individual and open systems,concepts and solutions.

    Products for your safety

    Pilz is one of the key manufacturers in theareas of control and monitoring technology,controlling and signalling, sensortechnology, safe control technology,operating and monitoring and operatorterminals. Thanks to our comprehensiveproduct range we can supply both singleproducts and individual overall solutions always made to measure for your particularapplication requirement.

    You can find more details about Pilz and ourproducts and services on the Internet:

    Pilz, the company

    Pilz offers more than automationtechnology Pilz offers safe automationand for years has been a competent, reliablepartner for its customers in the most variedof industries. Today, as technology leader,and system/solution supplier, Pilz is one ofthe key brands within automationtechnology worldwide.

    Customer orientation

    At Pilz, real proximity to customers isevident at all levels, in all areas, and isexperienced through individualconsultation, total flexibility and reliableservice.

  • Introduction


    Exclusion of liability

    Our technical catalogue for the PNOZeloghas been compiled with great care. Itcontains information about our companyand our PNOZelog products. All statementsare made in accordance with the currentstatus of technology and to the best of ourknowledge and belief. However, we cannotexcept liability for the accuracy and entiretyof the information provided, except in thecase of gross negligence. In particular itshould be noted that statements do nothave the legal quality of assurances orassured properties. We are grateful for anyfeedback on the contents of this manual.

  • Contents


    Safe AutomationIntroduction






















    Logic connections

    Operation and fault diagnostics

    Technical details

    Unit-specific descriptions


    ServicePre-sales/after sales

    Order ReferencePNOZelog-range

  • 6

  • Safe Automation

    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/031-1

    1Contents Page

    IntroductionMachinery directive 1-2Risk analysis 1-3Risk assessment und graph 1-6Categories 1-7


  • Extract from:Machine safety On the basis of theEuropean safety standards/Winfried Grf

    1. Machinery directive

    This chapter is intended to shed light on thetechnical regulations included in themachinery directive and the correspondingEuropean (EN) standards, designed to turnthe European single market into a reality.According to the German safety equipment act(GSG), the introduction of the single Europeaninternal market on 1.1.93 meant thatnational standards and regulations of EUmember states had to be harmonised. Onaccount of the 9th ordinance of the GSGV,BGB1 Part I 5/93, all member states of theEuropean Economic Area (EEA) are to acceptthe machinery directive as an internal marketdirective and adopt it, unamended, into theirdomestic law, so that plant and machineryregulations within the EEA can be unified.This means that a German DIN, an EnglishBS or a French NF standard etc. isharmonised and converted into an ENstandard, to be valid throughout Europe bylaw. As this can be a very prolonged process,draft copies of the standards are madeavailable as prEN standards before they areratified. Where no EN or prEN standard is available,previous requirements for the design ofmachinery can be used for a transitionalperiod.The European standards for the machinerydirective are subdivided into a hierarchy ofA, B and C standards.

    A standards:Basic standards containing essentialinformation on the design, strategy andoperation of the European machinerydirective standardisation.

    B standards:Group standards, subdivided into B1 and B2standards. B1 standards detail theoverriding safety aspects while B2 standardscover the actual safety devices.

    C standards:Product standards containing detailedrequirements for specific machinery, withreference to the B standards.

    Two institutions are responsible for draftingthese standards, namely CEN for non-electrical standards and CENELEC forelectrical standards.

    Type A EN 292 Parts 1 and 2

    General principles for design EN 414

    Rules for the drafting and presentationof safety standards

    EN 1050Safety of machinery,Risk assessment

    Type B1 EN 294

    Safety distances to preventdanger zones being reached

    EN 349Minimum gaps to avoid crushingof parts of the body

    EN 954-1Safety-related parts ofcontrol systemsGeneral principles for design

    prEN 954-2Test, error lists

    EN 1037Prevention of unexpected start-up

    Type B2 EN 574

    Two-hand control devices EN 418

    E-STOP equipment (e.g. mushroom-headed stop buttons)

    EN 953Design of fixed and movableguards

    EN 1088Interlocking devices

    EN 60204Electrical equipment of machines

    EN 61496Electrosensitive protective equipment

    Safe Automation

    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    IntroductionMachinery directive




  • Type C EN 691

    Woodworking machinery EN 201

    Injection moulding machines EN 422

    Blow moulding machines EN 415

    Packaging machines EN 692

    Mechanical presses EN 693

    Hydraulic presses EN 775

    Industrial robots

    1.1 CE marking of machinery

    According to EU directive 89/392/EEC,since 01.01.1995 it has been necessary toapply a CE mark not only on completemachines but also on machines operatingnon-independently and interchangeableequipment. Since 01.01.1997, individualsafety components have also required CEmarking. This EU directive is binding for thewhole internal market, i.e. includingmachinery that does not cross anyinternational border. Even machinery madefor a companys own use must carry the CEmark.

    1.1.1 Recommended procedure

    The following procedure is recommendedfor the approval of machinery within theEEA:

    1. Check that the machine falls within thescope of the machinery directive

    2. Check whether any additional directivesthat provide for CE marking need tobe considered for this product; in thiscase you will need to check conformityto all the directives used

    3. Classify the products under the termsof the machinery directive (machine,components, ...)

    4. Check whether it is a dangerousmachine as detailed in Annex IV; inthis case you will need to contact anaccredited body

    5. Check which standards can be used toachieve the safety objectives

    6. Carry out a hazard analysis7. Generate the Technical Documentation8. Design and build the machine in

    accordance with the hazard analysisand the Technical Documentation

    9. Generate the declaration of conformity(Annex II A)

    10. Affix the CE mark

    1.1.2 Responsibility

    The machinery directive is geared towardsthe machine manufacturer. Everyoneinvolved in the design of the machine istherefore responsible for its safety. Forsafety, the hazard analysis represents animportant link between the technologies andit should be carried out at or before themachines design stage, in accordance withthe directive.The directive states: The manufacturer isobliged to carry out a hazard analysis inorder to determine all the hazards associatedwith the machine; the machine must then bedesigned and built in accordance with thatanalysis.It is advisable and economical, therefore, forall designers to be informed about therequirements of the machinery directive.

    2. Risk analysis

    Designers should carry out a risk analysis inorder to judge the regulations that need tobe taken into account, and to what extent.Standard EN 292: Safety of machinery.General principles for design, EN 1050:Principles for risk assessment and EN954-1: Safety-related parts of controlsystems should be used for this purpose.

    2.1 Risk limit

    EN 1050, 11/96The standard starts from the assumptionthat every machine constitutes a risk, that isto say, its risk without measurement andcontrol safety measures. This risk isdetermined by assessing the machine beforeany safety components are employed. If thelevel of the risk is above the justifiable risklimit, measures must be taken to reduce therisk. These are the measurement andcontrol safety measures; these should beused to reduce the actual residual risk tobelow the level of the justifiable risk limit.

    Risk limitThis is the highest justifiable riskassociated with a specific technicalprocess or condition. In general, the risklimit cannot be quantified. It is normallydefined indirectly on the basis ofestablished technical principles.HazardThis is the condition in which the risk isgreater than the risk limit.SafetyThis is the condition in which the risk isless than than the risk limit.Residual riskThis is the risk that remains after all therisk reduction measures have been takenRisk without safety measuresThis is the risk involved when no riskreduction measures are taken on amachine.

    Safe Automation

    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    IntroductionRisk analysis


    1 1

  • 2.1.1 Risk assessment

    Extracts from EN 1050, 11/96The risk assessment of plant or machinerymust include:

    The hazard, hazardous situation andevents that could cause harmThe foreseeable probability and severityof harmThe complexity of the machine withregard to safety and

    The complexity of the interactionbetween man and machine during alloperations, including foreseeablemisuse.

    2.1.2 Basic concept

    EN 1050, 11/96 Section 4.1Risk assessment is a series of logical stepsto enable the hazards associated withmachinery to be examined in a systematicway. Depending on the result, the risk

    assessment is followed by risk reduction inaccordance with EN 292. Repeating thisassessment results in an interactive processwhich is used to eliminate the hazard as faras possible and to implement safetymeasures.

    The risk assessment includes:A risk analysis containing:a) determination of the machines design

    (effective) limits (see EN 1050);b) hazard identification;c) risk estimation;and risk evaluation.

    2.1.3 Information for risk assessment

    EN 1050, 11/96 Section 4.2The information for risk assessment and anyqualitative and quantitative analysis shall

    include the following:The machines design (effective) limitsSafety requirements for the individual lifephases of the machineryDesign drawings and other means ofestablishing the nature of the machineryType of energy supplyAny accident and incident history(if available)Information about potential damage tohealth which can be attributed tooperation of the machinery

    Safe Automation

    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    IntroductionRisk analysis


    This information shall be updated as thedesign develops and when modifications arerequired.

    The absence of an accident history, a smallnumber of accidents or low severity ofaccidents shall not be taken as anautomatic presumption of a low risk.

    Point 2.1.4 not shown.

    2.1.5 Combination of elements of risk

    EN 1050, 11/96 Section 7.2.1The risk associated with a particularsituation or technical process is derivedfrom a combination of the followingelements:

    Severity of harmProbability of occurrence of this harm,which is a function of: the frequency and duration of the

    exposure of persons to the hazard the probability of occurrence of a

    hazardous event and the technical andhuman possibilities to avoid or limitthe harm



  • 2.1.6 Elements of risk

    Riskrelated to the considered


    is a function of

    Severityof the possible harm forthe considered hazard


    Probability ofoccurrence of that harm in

    consideration of the

    frequency and duration ofexposure to the hazard

    Possibility to avoid or limit the harm

    Probability of occurrence of ahazardous event

    Several methods have been developed forthe systematic analysis of these elements ofrisk.See EN 1050, 11/96 Annex B.

    2.2 Harm

    2.2.1 Severity

    EN 1050, 11/96 Section 7.2.2The degree of possible harm can beestimated by taking into account thefollowing criteria:

    The nature of what is to be protected:a) personsb) propertyc) environmentThe severity of injuries or damage tohealth:a) slight, normally reversibleb) serious, normally irreversiblec) deathThe extent of harm, for each machine:a) one person affectedb) several persons affected

    2.2.2 Probability of occurrenceof harm

    EN 1050, 11/96 Section 7.2.3The probability of harm occurring is the keyfactor. Experience shows that everyconceivable unpleasant event can occur inreality. This rather general statement couldbe viewed as an exaggeration when referringto the design of a plant or machine. This iswhy the standard allows the frequency andduration of exposure to the hazard and thepossibility of avoiding it to be included inthe assessment. In certain circumstancesthis can result in optimum protection forpersonnel together with a reduction in costs.

    2.2.3 Frequency and durationof exposure

    EN 1050, 11/96 Section on the need to access the dangerzone:

    The nature of access,The time spent in the danger zone andThe number of people requiring access

    must be assessed because they couldincrease the probability of an accident.

    2.2.4 Probability of occurrenceof a hazardous event

    EN 1050, 11/96 Section to the standard, the probability ofoccurrence of a hazardous event can bederived from:

    The reliability of the technology usedOther statistical dataAccident history (if available)History of damage to health from similarplant or machineryRisk comparison, (see EN 1050, 11/96)

    Note: The occurrence of a hazardous eventcan be of technical or human origin.

    2.3 Harm to people

    2.3.1 Persons exposed

    EN 1050, 11/96 Section 7.3.1Risk estimation shall take into account allpersons exposed to the hazards (seeEN 292-1 Section 3.21).

    2.3.2 Type, frequency and duration ofexposure

    EN 1050, 11/96 Section 7.3.2The estimation of the exposure to the hazardrequires analysis of and shall account for allmodes of operation of the machinery. Inparticular this affects the need for accessduring setting, teaching, processchangeover or correction, cleaning, faultfinding and maintenance (see EN 292-1,section 3.11).

    Safe Automation

    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    IntroductionRisk analysis



    1 1

  • Safe Automation

    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    IntroductionRisk assessment and graph


    3. Risk assessment

    EN 954 -1, prEN 954 -2The European standards EN 954 -1,prEN 954 -2 define categories andrequirements and describe characteristics ofsafety functions and design principles forsafety-related parts of control systems.This includes programmable systems for alltypes of machinery and related protectivedevices. They apply to all safety-related partsof control systems, regardless of the type ofenergy used, (e.g. electrical, hydraulic,pneumatic, mechanical). However, they donot specify which safety functions andwhich categories shall be used in a particularcase.EN 954-1 and prEN 954-2 contain details ofsafety requirements and orientation aids forthe design, construction, programming,operation, maintenance and repair of safety-related parts of control systems formachinery.They also apply to all machinery applicationsfor professional and non-professional use.Where appropriate, they can also apply tothe safety-related parts of control systemsused in other technical applications withsimilar hazards.The categories used in the standards aredesigned to allow for component faults andto accept fault exclusion. (Fault exclusionmeans that a fault can be excluded if thechances of it arising are improbable.) Inorder to have objective and verifiable criteria,EN 954 publishes lists of potentialcomponent faults which need to be taken

    into account when evaluating safety-relatedparts of control systems. These lists offaults do not claim to be exhaustive and, ifnecessary, additional faults should also beconsidered.

    In general, the following observations onfaults should be borne in mind:

    Two independent, random faults shallnot occur simultaneouslyShould a fault cause other componentsto fail, the first fault and all consequentfaults shall be viewed as a single faultSystematic multiple faults shall beviewed as single faults

    The following faults should be consideredon electrical/electronic components:

    Short circuit or open circuit, e.g. shortcircuit to the protective conductor or toany bare conductive part, open circuit ofany conductorShort circuit or open circuit in singlecomponents, e.g. position switchesNon drop-out or non pick-up ofelectromagnetic components, e.g.contactors, relays, solenoid valvesNon-starting or non-stopping of motorsMechanical blocking of movingelements,e.g. position switchesDrift beyond the tolerance values foranalogue components, e.g. resistors,capacitorsOscillation of unstable output signals inintegrated, non-programmablecomponents

    Loss of entire function or partialfunctions in the case of programmablecomponents (worst case behaviour)

    Note from the standards committee:

    The categories are not intended to be usedin any given order or in any given hierarchyin respect of safety requirements.

    The risk assessment will indicate whether thetotal or partial loss of the safety function(s)arising from faults is acceptable. It is clear,therefore, that discussions over whetherproduct XY should be category 2, 3 or 4goes against the intentions of the standardscommittee and is not in the spirit of thestandard. Most machines have a front and aback. The dangerous side is the front,because it is generally from there that themachine is assembled and operated. Theback of the machine is less dangerousbecause it can usually be encased by metalplates and guard rails.

    3.1 Risk graph

    EN 954 -1, Annex B 12/96This risk evaluation must be carried outseparately for each application.The graphic below may be helpful.

    Starting point for risk estimation for thesafety-related part of the control system

    S Severity of injuryS1 Slight (normally)

    reversible) injuryS2 Serious (normally

    irreversible) injury,including death.

    F- Frequency and/or exposuretime to the hazardF1 Seldom to quite often and/or

    the exposure time is shortF2 Frequent to continuous and/or

    the exposure time is long 1


  • Safe Automation

    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03



    P- Possibility of avoidingthe hazard(generally related to the speed andfrequency with which the hazardous partmoves and to the distance from thehazardous part)P1 Possible under specific conditionsP2 Scarcely possible

    B, 1-4 Categories for safety-related partsof control systems

    Preferred category for reference pointsPossible categories which can requireadditional measuresMeasures which can be overdimensioned for the relevant risk

    The risk is a statement of probability thattakes into account the anticipated frequencyof a hazard occurring and the consequentseverity of injury. Appropriate measuresshould be used to reduce the anticipated riskto the level of safety required for theapplication.

    3.2 Overview of categories

    The main point of this summary is to classifythe safety requirements of control systemsinto five sensible categories, irrespective of thetechnology. These range from simple tocomplex requirements, such as single faulttolerance, redundancy, diversity and/or self-monitoring.

    System behaviour

    The occurrence of a fault can lead to theloss of the safety function

    As for category B, but with greater safety-related reliability of the safety functions.

    The occurrence of a fault can leadto the loss of the safety function betweenthe checks.The loss of the safety function is detectedby the check.

    When the single fault occurs, the safetyfunction is always performed. Some but notall faults will be detected.Accumulation of undetected faultscan lead to the loss of the safety function.

    When the faults occur the safety function isalways performed.The faults will be detected in timeto prevent the loss of the safety function.

    Summary of requirements

    Safety-related parts of control systems and/or their protectiveequipment, as well as their components, shall be designed,constructed, selected, assembled and combined in accordance withrelevant standards, so that they can withstand the expectedinfluence.

    Requirements of B shall apply.Use of well-tried components and well-tried safety principles.

    Requirements of B and the use of well-tried safety principles shallapply.Safety function shall be checked at suitable intervals by the machinecontrol system.

    Requirements of B and the use of well-tried safety principles shallapply. Safety-related parts shall be designed so that: a single fault in any of these parts does not lead to a loss of the

    safety function; and whenever reasonably practicable, the single fault is detected.

    Requirements of B and the use of well-tried safety principles shallapply. Safety-related parts shall be designed so that: a single fault in the control system does not lead to a loss of the

    safety function; and the single fault is detected at or before the next demand upon the

    safety function. If this is not possible, then an accumulation of faultsshall not lead to a loss of the safety function.

    Principles toachieve safety

    Mainlycharacterised byselection ofcomponents.

    Mainlycharacterised bystructure.

    Mainlycharacterised bystructure.








    1 1

  • Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/031-8



  • 2-1




    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Content Page

    PNOZelog-rangeIntroduction PNOZelog-range 2.1-1

    Definition of symbols 2.1-1Definitions 2.1-2

    Overview PNOZelog-range 2.2-1Safety PNOZelog-range 2.3-1

    Safety assessments 2.3-1General safety requirements 2.3-1Intended use 2.3-1Applications in accordance with EN 954-1, Category 4 2.3-1Safety distance 2.3-1

    Description PNOZelog-range 2.4-1Safety features 2.4-1Operation 2.4-1Functions 2.4-1Operating modes 2.4-1

    Installation PNOZelog-range 2.5-1Commissioning PNOZelog-range 2.6-1

    Requirements 2.6-1Input devices for PNOZ e1p, PNOZ e1.1p , PNOZ e1vp,PNOZe5.11p, PNOZe5.13p2.6-1Input devices for PNOZ e2.1p and PNOZ e2.2p 2.6-1Input devices for PNOZ e3.1p and PNOZ e3vp, PNOZ e5.13p 2.6-1Input devices for PNOZ e4.1p and PNOZ e4vp 2.6-1

    Logic connections PNOZelog-range 2.7-1Examples of logic connections 2.7-2

    Operation and fault diagnostics PNOZelog-range 2.8-1Errors 2.8-1Examples 2.8-2Error codes 2.8-3

    Technical details PNOZelog-range 2.9-1Approvals 2.9-4Accessories 2.9-4



  • PNOZelog-range


    2 2

    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Contents Page

    PNOZelog-rangeUnit-specific descriptions 2.10-1

    Comparison of PNOZelog units 2.10-1PNOZ e1p 2.10-2

    Intended use 2.10-2Description 2.10-2Terminal configuration 2.10-2Wiring 2.10-2

    PNOZ e1.1p 2.10-4Intended use 2.10-4Description 2.10-4Terminal configuration 2.10-4Wiring 2.10-4Logic inputs 2.10-6

    PNOZ e1vp 2.10-7Intended use 2.10-7Description 2.10-7Terminal configuration 2.10-7Wiring 2.10-7Logic inputs 2.10-10

    PNOZ e2.1p 2.10-11Intended use 2.10-11Description 2.10-11Terminal configuration 2.10-12Wiring 2.10-12Logic inputs 2.10-13

    PNOZ e2.2p 2.10-14Intended use 2.10-14Description 2.10-14Terminal configuration 2.10-15Wiring 2.10-15Logic inputs 2.10-16

  • 2-3




    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Contents Page

    PNOZelog-rangePNOZ e3.1p 2.10-17

    Intended use 2.10-17Description 2.10-17Terminal configuration 2.10-17Wiring 2.10-17Logic inputs 2.10-19

    PNOZ e3vp 2.10-20Intended use 2.10-20Description 2.10-20Terminal configuration 2.10-20Wiring 2.10-20Logic inputs 2.10-23

    PNOZ e4.1p 2.10-24Intended use 2.10-24Description 2.10-24Terminal configuration 2.10-24Wiring 2.10-24Logic inputs 2.10-26Connecting several safety mats 1.10-27

    PNOZ e4vp 2.10-28Intended use 2.10-28Description 2.10-28Terminal configuration 2.10-28Wiring 2.10-28Logic inputs 2.10-31Connecting several safety mats 2.10-32

    PNOZ e5.11p 2.10-33Intended use 2.10-33Description 2.10-33Terminal configuration 2.10-33Wiring 2.10-33Logic inputs 2.10-36

  • PNOZelog-range


    2 2

    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    2 2

    Contents Page

    PNOZelog-rangePNOZ e5.13p 2.10-37

    Intended use 2.10-37Description 2.10-37Terminal configuration 2.10-37Wiring 2.10-37Logic inputs 2.10-40

    Applications 2.11-1PNOZe1p, e1.1p, e1vp: E-STOP, Category 4, EN 954-1 2.11-3PNOZ e1p, e1.1p, e1vp: Light barriers, Category 4, EN 954-1 2.11-7PNOZ e1p, e1.1p,e1vp: Zone control limit switch, Category 3, EN 954-1 2.11-11PNOZ e1p, e1.1p, e1vp: Gate combination, Category 3, EN 954-1 2.11-15PNOZ e2.1p, e1.1p: Operation with safety gate open, Category 4, EN 954-1 2.11-21PNOZ e1.1p, e2.1p: E-STOP - Two-hand control, Category 4, EN 954-1 2.11-25PNOZ e1p, e4vp: Guarding with the safety gate open, Category 3, EN 954-1 2.11-29PNOZ e1p, e4.1p: Monitoring the work area, with signal lamp,Category 4, EN 954-1 2.11-33PNOZ e4.1p: Safety mat monitoring with evaluation via a PSS,Category 3, EN 954-1 2.11-37

  • Introduction





    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    This system manual describes the unitsfrom the PNOZelog-range: PNOZ e1p PNOZ e1.1p PNOZ e1vp PNOZ e2.1p PNOZ e2.2p PNOZ e3.1p PNOZ e3vp PNOZ e4.1p PNOZ e4vp PNOZ e5.11p PNOZ e5.13p

    The first part of the manual containsinformation relating to the whole productrange. This is followed by descriptions ofthe specific units. The last chapter containsvarious application examples.

    The manual is divided into the followingchapters:1 IntroductionThe introduction is designed to familiariseyou with the contents, structure and specificorder of this manual.2 OverviewThis chapter provides information on themost important features of the productrange and provides a brief overview of theapplication range.3 SafetyThis chapter must be read as it containsimportant information on safety regulations.

    4 Description of the PNOZelog-rangeThe description contains information aboutthe functions that are identical on all units.5 Installing the unitsThis chapter describes how to install theunits.6 CommissioningThis chapter contains important guidanceon wiring the units.7 Logic connections on the unitsThis chapter describes how the units can belinked together logically. Real circuitdiagrams can be found in the chapterentitled Application examples.8 Operation and fault diagnosticsThis chapter describes how the unit reactsduring operation and how faults aredisplayed.9 Technical details of the PNOZelog-rangeThis chapter contains the technical detailsrelevant for all units in the PNOZelog-range.10 Unit-specific descriptionsThese descriptions refer exclusively to thespecific features for the unit, such asintended use, description, parametersettings and wiring of individual units.11 Application examplesThis chapter is a collection of applicationexamples.

    Definition of symbols

    Information in this manual that is ofparticular importance can be identified asfollows:

    DANGER!This warning must be heeded! Itwarns of a hazardous situation thatposes an immediate threat ofserious injury and death andindicates preventive measures thatcan be taken.

    WARNING!This warning must be heeded! Itwarns of a hazardous situation thatcould lead to serious injury anddeath and indicates preventivemeasures that can be taken.

    CAUTION!This refers to a hazard that can leadto a less serious or minor injury plusmaterial damage, and also providesinformation on preventive measuresthat can be taken.

    NOTICEThis describes a situation in whichthe unit(s) could be damaged andalso provides information onpreventive measures that can betaken.

    INFORMATIONThis gives advice on applications andprovides information on specialfeatures, as well as highlighting areaswithin the text that are of particularimportance.

  • Introduction



    2 2.1

    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Redundancy: The application of more thanone identical element, in order to ensurethat if one element malfunctions, a secondelement is available to guarantee that thefunction is maintained.

    Reset button actuation time (min):Period for which a reset button must beoperated and then released to trigger asuccessful start.

    Safety output: Safe output usingsemiconductor technology

    Switch-on delay at S35/S36: After a signalis supplied to S35/S36, the period thatelapses before the safety outputs changestate.

    Switch-on delay autom. reset:After supply voltage is applied or the safetyfunction is released, the period that elapsesbefore the safety outputs change state.

    Switch-on delay man. reset:After the reset button has been operated,the period that elapses before the safetyoutputs change state.

    Switch-on delay (on initial start after UB isapplied): After supply voltage is applied, theperiod that elapses before the unit is readyfor operation.


    AND connection: Connects two or moreunits. Start-up can only occur when all thestart-up conditions are met.

    Auxiliary output: Non-safety-related outputusing semiconductor technology.

    Danger zone: Zone within or aroundmachinery in which a person is exposed torisk of injury or damage to health.

    Delay-on de-energisation when the safetyfunction is triggered: After a safetyfunction is triggered at a device input, theperiod that elapses before the safetyoutputs carry a low signal.On units which contain the letter v in theirname, it is possible to set the delay-on de-energisation period.

    Delay on energisation: See Switch-ondelay

    Detection of shorts across contacts:Detection of a short circuit between theconnection leads of two adjacent contacts(S12/S22).

    Diagnostic function: Signal data from thePNOZelog which is stored at auxiliaryoutput Y32, ready for download to the PLC,when Y32 has been switched to adiagnostic output.

    Earth fault detection: Detection of a liveconnection between an external conductor,or conventionally insulated neutralconductor, and earth or earthedcomponents, as the result of an error.

    Feedback loop: Circuit for monitoringexternally connected contactors or relaysvia a PNOZelog. The N/C contacts are usedto check whether the relays or contactorshave assumed their safe condition beforethey are re-operated.

    OR connection: Connects two or moreunits. Start-up occurs when at least one ofthe start-up conditions is met.

    Positive-guided contacts: Contacts whichare mechanically connected in such a waythat N/C and N/O contacts can never beclosed at the same time.

    PSS: The Pilz PSS-range comprisesmodular and compact programmable safetysystems for use in plant and machinerysafety circuits.

    Reaction time: See Delay-on de-energisation when the safety function istriggered

    Test pulse output: When wiredappropriately, specific pulses are applied tothe inputs via the test pulse outputs. Thisenables the detection of shorts acrosscontacts.

    Test pulses: Pulse signals specificallygenerated by the safety relay.

  • Overview


    2.2-1Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Unlike conventional PNOZ units, units in thePNOZelog product range are predominantlyelectronic in structure. The safety andauxiliary outputs use semiconductortechnology, which means they require nomaintenance and are wear-free. For thisreason, the PNOZelog-range is also suitablefor applications with frequent operations orcyclical functions.

    The electronic structure makes the unitsflexible. Parameters on a unit can be set tosuit a number of application areas. Theparameters are set through the wiring (e.g.jumpers). With the correct circuitry it ispossible to achieve categories 2, 3 and 4 inaccordance with EN 954-1.

    Units in the PNOZelog-range can be linkeddirectly via the outputs and via specialinputs, which enable a logic AND-ORconnection between the units.

    Fig. 2-1: Structure of PNOZelog units



  • 2.2-2Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected]


  • Safety


    2.3-1Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Safety assessments

    Before using a unit it is necessary toperform a safety assessment in accordancewith the Machinery Directive. The units asindividual components guarantee functionalsafety, but not the safety of the entireapplication. You should therefore define thesafety requirements for the plant as a whole,and also define how these will beimplemented from a technical andorganisational standpoint.

    General safety requirements

    Always ensure the following safetyrequirements are met: Only install and commission the unit if

    you are familiar with the information inthe operating instructions or this systemmanual, as well as the relevantregulations concerning health and safetyat work and accident prevention.

    Only use the unit for the purpose forwhich it is intended and comply with boththe general and specific technical details.

    Transport, storage and operatingconditions should all conform to EN60068-2-6, 01/00 (see general technicaldetails).

    Sufficient fuse protection must beprovided on all capacitive and inductiveloads.

    Do not open the housing or make anyunauthorised modifications.

    You must observe the warning notes givenin other parts of this manual. These arehighlighted visually through the use ofsymbols.

    NOTICEFailure to keep to these safetyregulations will render thewarranty invalid.

    Intended use

    The intended use depends on the unit and istherefore explained in the chapter with theunit-specific descriptions.

    Applications in accordance withEN 954-1, Category 4

    Two loads may be connected to each safetyoutput on a PNOZelog unit, even onCategory 4 applications. Requirement:exclusion of shorts across contacts andexternal power sources (e.g. install in acontrol cabinet).

    Safety distance

    The following information is absolutelyessential when using safety devicesinvolved in area or access guarding:When the safety device is triggered, there isa delay before the machine comes to astandstill:The distance between the safety device andthe nearest danger zone must be largeenough for the hazardous movement to



    come to a standstill before the operator canreach the danger zone. All access directionsmust be taken into account.According to EN 999, Approach speed ofparts of the body for the positioning ofsafety devices, this minimum distance iscalculated using the following formula:

    S = K x T + C

    S = Minimum distance between the dangerzone and the detection point,detection level or protected field;

    K = Approach speed of the body or partsof the body (depends on the detectioncapability);

    T = Systems overall stoppingperformance:

    Machines overrun time+reaction time of the safety device+reaction time of the safety relays(release time/response time whensafety function is triggered)

    C = Additional distance in millimetres,based on intrusion towards the dangerzone prior to actuation of the safetydevice:(depends on the detection capability)(resolution), type and position of thesafety device))

    Example:A machine has an overrun time of 500 ms.The danger zone is protected by a lightguard with a reaction time of 20 ms and adetection capability of 30 mm.A PNOZe1.1p is used as the safety relay(release time 35 ms).

    Calculating the safety distance between themachine and the outer edge of the safetymat:

    Approach speed: 2000 mm/sMachines overrun time: 500 msReaction time of safety device: 20 msReaction time of safety relay: 35 msDetection capability: d = 30 mm

    S 2000 mm/s (0.5 s + 0.02 s + 0.035 s) +128

    Safety distance 1.238 m

  • Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/032.3-2



  • Description


    2.4-1Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Safety features

    The relay meets the following safetyrequirements: The circuit is redundant with built-in self-

    monitoring. The safety function remains effective in

    the case of a component failure. A disconnection test periodically checks

    the safety outputs, irrespective of thestatus of the outputs

    The unit has an electronic fuse.


    Each unit has one or more specific basicfunctions, such as E-STOP monitoring,safety gate monitoring. The units react thesame, irrespective of these basic functions:If the start-up condition of the specific basicfunction is met, there will be a high signal atthe output Out1 (see Fig. 4-1).The output Out1 is AND/OR-linked,depending on the wiring of the logic inputsS35 and S36 (not on the PNOZ e1p). Theresult of the logic operation can be found atsafety outputs 14 and 24.On units which contain the letter v in theirname (e.g. PNOZ e1vp), the safety outputscan have delay-on de-energisation. Theauxiliary output Y32 is alwaysinstantaneous.


    If there is a high signal (+24 VDC) at inputY5 for at least 250 ms, output Y32 willswitch to the diagnostic function. It iscontrolled via a driver that is available asan accessory or that you can createyourself. If input Y5 is open or low formore than 300 ms, Y32 will operate as anauxiliary output.

    An AND and an OR input (not PNOZe1p) enable several units to form a logicconnection. The inputs have switchdelays, which are added together witheach unit that is linked.

    Operating modes

    The operating modes depend on theindividual unit. Please refer to the unit-specific descriptions for details of whichoperating modes are available.

    Single-channel operation: Input wiringin accordance with EN 60204, no redun-dancy in the input circuit; earth faults inthe input circuit are detected(prerequisite: power supply must meetthe regulations for extra low voltages withsafe separation).

    Dual-channel operation: Redundantinput circuit; earth faults in the inputcircuit are detected (exception: two-handcontrol devices), with or withoutdetection of shorts between the inputcontacts.

    Automatic reset: Unit is active as soonas the input circuit and feedback loop areclosed.

    Monitored reset: Unit is not active untilthe reset button has been operated andthen released. This eliminates thepossibility of the reset button beingoverridden, triggering automaticactivation.

    Detection of shorts between contactsis enabled by pulsing the input circuits.This operating mode is automaticallydetected on start-up.

    Start-up test prevents an automaticrestart when voltage is removed andreapplied. The unit checks whether safetygates that are closed are opened andthen closed again when supply voltage isapplied.

    Increase in the number of safetycontacts available by connecting acontact block (e.g. PZE 9P) or externalcontactors.

    Two-hand operation: The two-handcontrol device must be activated byoperating two buttons simultaneously. Ifone or both of the buttons are released,the unit interrupts the control commandto close the press. The closing movementcan only be restarted when both buttonshave returned to their start position(released) and are pressed again.Fig. 4-1: Operation of PNOZelog units



  • 2.4-2



    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

  • Installation


    2.5-1Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    A notch on the back of the unit makes itsuitable for DIN rail attachment: Use the notch on the back of the unit to

    attach it to a DIN rail. Secure the unit on a vertical DIN rail

    (35 mm) using a retaining bracket or endangle.

    The unit can be installed in any position.

    CAUTION!The safety relay should be installed ina control cabinet with a protectiontype of at least IP54.All units that are linked via the AND/OR inputs must be installed in thesame control cabinet.

    Fig. 5-1: Dimensions of the PNOZelog



  • 2.5-2Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03



  • Commissioning





    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03


    Please note the following when preparing tocommission the unit: The unit and the input circuits must

    always be supplied by a single powersupply. The power supply must conformto the protective extra low voltageregulations (PELV) with safe isolation.

    Use copper wiring that can withstandtemperatures of 60/75C.

    Torque setting on the connectionterminals (M3 slotted-head screws):0.5...0.6 Nm.Calculating the max. cable runs I

    max at the

    input, reset and feedback circuit:


    = max. overall cable resistance (seetechnical details)R

    l /km = cable resistance/km

    Cables that have to be laid outside thecontrol cabinet must be protected frommechanical damage, e.g. by installingthem in a conduit.

    Output 14, 24: at no-load, a capacitanceof max. 2 nF can be driven.

    Safety outputs 14 and 24 shouldexclusively be used for safeapplications. The safety outputs must notbe connected to PLC inputs.

    Output Y32 is an auxiliary output, e.g. forcommunication with a PLC or textdisplay.

    Safety outputs 14 and 24 may not beconnected to PSS inputs (with theexception of the units PNOZ e4.1p andPNOZ e4vp).

    Sufficient fuse protection should be usedwhen driving capacitive or inductiveloads.

    Only contactors with positive-guidedcontacts should be used for safetyfunctions.

    When commissioning and duringoperation, please note the following:The safety outputs are constantly checkedvia test pulses. This may generate ahumming noise on the connectedcontactors, which does not affect thefunction (contactors are not damaged,contacts remain closed). The test pulsesalso mean that, when measured with amultimeter, the voltage at the safety outputsis less than 24 VDC.

    Input devices for PNOZ e1p, PNOZ e1.1p,PNOZ e1vp, PNOZ e5.11p, PNOZ e5.13p

    When selecting input devices, you mustcomply with the technical details of theinput circuits on the PNOZelog units. Tohelp you in your selection, Pilz hasperformed application tests with a numberof input devices. The following input devices

    have passed the application test: Light barriers:

    - SICK FGS- SICK C4000- Honeywell MEYLAN- CEDES Safe 4- OMRON F3SN-A

    Limit switches:- Schmersal AZ 16-02- Guardmaster ferrocode- Euchner NP1-628AS- Euchner CES-A-C5E-01 (only when

    operating without detection of shortsacross contacts)

    - Euchner CES-A-C5E-01 (only with testpulse wiring)

    - Euchner NM11KBPlease note: Euchner proximity switch operated with

    detection of shorts across contacts:Distance PNOZelog - Euchner proximityswitch: max. 1 km

    The following may not be used: Light barriers:

    - STI Minisafe 4600 Limit switches:

    - Euchner CES-A-C5E-01 with pulsesignals

    The following is generally valid: Inputdevices with mechanical contacts (relays)can be used in operating modes with orwithout detection of shorts across contacts,provided you comply with the technicaldetails provided by the manufacturer. It isnot always possible to use input devices

    with semiconductor outputs when operatingwith detection of shorts across contacts.

    Self-testing light barriersSelf-testing light barriers are only permittedas input devices if the PNOZelog isoperated without detection of shorts acrosscontacts.

    Input devices for PNOZ e2.1p andPNOZ e2.2p

    Only two-hand buttons may be connectedto the two-hand control devices. Pleasenote that the devices are designed fordifferent contacts: PNOZ e2.1p: Two-hand buttons with one

    N/C and one N/O contact PNOZ e2.2p: Two hand buttons each with

    one N/O contact

    Input devices for PNOZ e3.1p,PNOZ e3vp, PNOZ e5.13p

    Permitted input devices are: Pilz safety sensors PSEN 2.x Position switch with N/C / N/O


    Input devices for PNOZ e4.1p andPNOZ e4vpOnly Mayser type SM/BK safety mats thatoperate according to a 4-wire technologyprinciple (without monitoring resistor) maybe used.

  • Commissioning





    When using safety mats, please note thefollowing: Where there are several safety mats,

    these should only be connected in series. It is essential to note the information

    given in Annex B.4 of EN 1760-1,regarding the installation of safety mats

    If you are using a safety mat system withreset function, the reset must occuroutside the danger zone, but with a viewinto the danger zone.

    The function of the safety system mustbe tested at regular intervals.

    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

  • Logic Connections


    2.7-1Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Units in the PNOZelog product range can belinked logically via special AND/OR inputs.One exception is the PNOZ e1p. This doesnot have any special logic inputs, but canbe linked to other units via the safetyoutputs (from Version 3.0). From Version 3,safety outputs from the PNOZmulti can alsobe AND/OR connected with PNOZelogunits.

    INFORMATIONThe logic inputs exclusively recognisesignals from the safety outputs onPNOZelog units and on PNOZmultiunits (from Version 3). These have aspecial pulse code which the logicinputs check.

    Please note the following when linkingseveral units: PNOZ e1p: : : : : From Version 3.0, safety

    outputs on the PNOZ e1p can belogically linked to the safety inputs onother PNOZelog units.

    Safety outputs to which loads areconnected may also be linked to thesafety inputs of a max. of 4 PNOZelogunits (Example 1).

    Up to 50 safety inputs from PNOZelogunits can be connected to safety outputswith no load.

    Only safety outputs from Pilz PNOZelogunits and PNOZmulti units (from Version3) may be AND/OR connected. The unitwith the lowest category determines thecategory of the whole circuit inaccordance with EN 954-1.

    All linked PNOZelog units must beconnected to the same supply voltage.

    The AND/OR inputs have switch delays,which are added together with each unitthat is linked (Example 3).

    All units that are linked via the AND/ORinputs and their connection leads mustbe installed in the same control cabinet.

    WARNING!A high signal at the OR input of aPNOZelog unit overrides its safetyfunction. The safety outputs will thenenergise, irrespective of the status ofthe input circuits.

    Muting functionThe OR input can be used for the mutingfunction. In doing so the safety device isknowingly suspended. Depending on theapplication area (see relevant C standard),this suspended status must be displayed viaa lamp. This lamp must either be redundantin design or must be monitored for shortcircuit and open circuit.

  • Logic Connections


    2.7-2Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Examples of logic connections

    In all the application examples, 2 loads mayalso be connected to the safety outputs.

    Example 1:Prerequisite: All units must be in thesame control cabinet.A load is connected to the safety outputon Unit 1. An additional 4 PNOZelog unitsare also connected to this output via theAND input.

    Fig. 7-1: Max. one load and 4 PNOZelog units at an output



  • Logic Connections


    2.7-3Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Fig. 7-2: Logic connection with additional loads in onecontrol cabinet

    Fig. 7-3: Logic AND connection with 2 PNOZelog units



    Example 2:Prerequisites:All units must be in the same controlcabinet. The possibility of a short circuitbetween +24 VDC and a safety outputmust be eliminated!Two PNOZelog units are AND-linked. Asboth units are in the same controlcabinet, loads may also be connected tothe logic connection line (Fig. 7-2).

    Example 3:Prerequisite:All units must be in the same controlcabinet.Unit 3 is AND-linked to Unit 2, Unit 2 isAND-linked to Unit 1. If outputs 24 and14 on Unit 1 switch from a high to a lowsignal, the signal from output 14 on Unit2 will also switch from high to low viaAND input S36. In turn this will switch offthe AND input on Unit 3 (Fig. 7-3).The units delay times are added togethervia the logic AND connection.

  • Logic Connections


    2.7-4Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Fig. 7-4: External contacts in the logic connection line, all elements in one control cabinet



    Example 4:Prerequisite: All units must be in thesame control cabinet.The logic connection line between Unit 1and Unit 2 contains the contacts of theexternal contactors from Unit 4. Thismeans that Unit 4 and Unit 1 can set theoutputs on Unit 2 and Unit 3 to low(Fig. 7-4).

  • Logic Connections


    2.7-5Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Fig. 7-5: Logic input can shut down outputs



    Example 5:Prerequisite: All units must be in thesame control cabinet.Unit 1 and Unit 2 are OR-linked. If theoutput from Unit 2 has a low signal, Unit1 alone will control the status of theoutputs on Unit 3. If Unit 2 sends a highsignal to the OR input of Unit 3, a highsignal will be present at the outputs ofUnit 3, irrespective of the status of itsinput circuit.

  • Logic Connections


    2.7-6Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

  • Operation and Fault Diagnostics


    2.8-1Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    During operation, 3 LEDs indicate the unitsoperating status and the fault conditions.The unit is ready for operation when: The POWER LED lights upand The LEDs CH.1 and CH.2 are both lit

    (high signal at the safety outputs)or The LEDs CH.1 and CH.2 are both

    out (low signal at the safety outputs).

    LED CH.1 is assigned to safety output 14,LED CH.2 to safety output 24.

    INFORMATIONSupply interruptions lasting longerthan 20 ms are detected as anerror. The LEDs indicate an errorand the safety outputs carry a lowsignal. The plant or machinerydriven via the safety outputs will beshut down. The unit can only berestarted by switching the supplyvoltage off and then on again.

    LEDLEDs unlit

    POWER flashing

    CH.1 and CH.2 flash simultaneously at regularintervals (PNOZ e1p only)CH.1 and CH.2 flash alternately

    PNOZ e2.1p, PNOZ e2.2p: LED CH.1 orCH.2 flashes briefly (50 ms on, 250 ms off)PNOZ e2.1p, PNOZ e2.2p: LEDs CH.1 andCH.2 flash briefly (50 ms on, 250 ms off)CH.1 or CH.2 flashes a code

    ErrorSupply voltage is missing, too low, wronglyconnected

    1.) Unknown operating mode, initialisation phase,start not executed2.) Two-hand control unit: Feedback loop openError in the wiring of input circuit S11, S12, S21,S221.) Feedback loop open on start-up

    2.) Only one channel of the input circuit is open oris partially operatedSimultaneity conditions not met

    One button is defective

    Error coding, see Table 8-3

    RemedyApply supply voltage: A1 - +24 VDC and A2 - 0 VDCPermitted voltage range: 19.2 ... 30 VDC

    1.) Depending on operating mode: Press resetbutton or perform start-up test.2.) Close feedback loopRectify wiring error, restart unit

    1.) Close feedback loop, open input circuit, start unitagain2.) Open both input circuit channels

    Release two-hand pushbuttons and press again.

    Change the button

    See Table 8-3Table 8-1: Display of fault conditions

    Number of flashes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Decimal error code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0

    Table 8-2: Relationship between number of flashes and decimal error code


    Fault conditions are indicated by flashingthe LEDs. Some errors are displayedthrough periodic flashing (see Table 8-1);with other errors it is possible to establishan error code through the number offlashes.These errors are always indicated by threeshort flashes at LED CH.1 or CH.2. After alonger pause, the LED will then flash at one

    second intervals. The number of LEDflashes corresponds to a digit in the errorcode. The error code can consist of up to 4digits. The digits are separated by a longerperiod without flashing. The entire sequenceis constantly repeated.

    The error code can also be read into a PLCvia the diagnostic output. In this case theerror code will appear as a hexadecimalsequence. The process of reading and

    transferring data to a PLC is described inthe PLC Drivers manual.

    INFORMATIONLeading zeros are not transmitted.Error code 0: 16 flashes


  • Operation and Fault Diagnostics


    2.8-2Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03


    Error code 1, 3:LED CH.1 or CH.2 flashes 3 times, briefly Pause Once for one second Pause 3 times for one second each

    Error code 1:LED CH.1 or CH.2 flashes 3 times, briefly Pause Once for one second

    Error code 1, 0:LED CH.1 or CH.2 flashes 3 times, briefly Pause Once for one second Pause 16 times for one second each

    The key to the error code is describedoverleaf in Table 8-3.

    I Code for error messageII Code for 1st digitIII Code for 2nd digitIV Code for error message repeated

    Fig. 8-1: Error code 1, 3

    Fig. 8-2: Error code 1

    Fig. 8-3: Error code 1, 0



  • Operation and Fault Diagnostics


    2.8-3Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Decimalerror code1234...910...1, 01, 11, 910, 114, 51, 21, 31, 121, 131, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 111, 105, 10

    8, 1

    Number of flashes

    3x short - 1x long - 3x short3x short - 2x long - 3x short3x short - 3x long - 3x short3x short - 4x long - 3x short...3x short - 9x long - 3x short3x short - 10x long - 3x short...3x short - 1x long - 16x long - 3x short3x short - 1x long - 1x long - 3x short3x short - 1x long - 9x long - 3x short3x short - 10x long - 1x long - 3x short3x short - 14x long - 5x long - 3x short3x short - 1x long - 2x long - 3x short3x short - 1x long - 3x long - 3x short3x short - 1x long - 12x long - 3x short3x short - 1x long - 13x long - 3x short3x short - 1x long - 4x long - 3x short3x short - 1x long - 5x long - 3x short3x short - 1x long - 6x long - 3x short3x short - 1x long - 7x long - 3x short3x short - 1x long - 8x long - 3x short3x short - 1x long - 11x long - 3x short3x short - 1x long - 10x long - 3x short3x short - 5x long - 10x long - 3x short

    3x short - 8x long - 1x long - 3x short


    Faulty wiring, short circuit

    Operating mode changed during operationIn the initialisation phase, short circuit betweenthe safety outputs and +24 VDC

    During operation, short circuit between thesafety outputs and +24 VDC

    During operation, short circuit between thesafety outputs and 0 VDCor UB

  • Operation and Fault Diagnostics


    2.8-4Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Decimalerror code8, 28, 314, 132, 0, 02, 0, 1

    2, 0, 2

    2, 0, 3

    Number of flashes

    3x short - 8x long - 2x long - 3x short3x short - 8x long - 3x long - 3x short3x short - 14x long - 13x long - 3x short3x short - 2x long - 16x long - 16x long- 3x short3x short - 2x long - 16x long - 1x long- 3x short3x short - 2x long - 16x long - 2x long- 3x short3x short - 2x long - 16x long - 3x long- 3x short


    Supply interrupted, possibly caused by a short toearth


  • Technical Details



    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/032.9-1

    Supply voltageVoltage tolerancePower consumption at UB without loadResidual ripple UBSwitching capability

    2 outputs under load

    1 output under load

    Voltage and current atInput circuit, reset circuit,Feedback loopAuxiliary output, test pulse outputs

    AND/OR inputsSupply interruption before de-energisationDelay-on energisation

    Monitored resetAutomatic resetManual reset

    Delay-on de-energisation(= reaction time at e4 * p) when safetyfunction is triggered and at S35/S36

    Instantaneous safety outputs

    Delayed safety outputs(e * vp 10)

    (e * vp 300)

    AccuracyRepetition accuracy

    Simultaneity input circuitsSwitch-on delay(at the first reset after applying UB)

    PNOZ e1p, PNOZ e1.1p,PNOZ e1vp24 VDC80...125%2 WDC: 20%

    UB 26.5 V: 2.0 A/50WUB > 26.5 V: 1.5 A/40WUB 26.5 V: 2.7 A/70WUB > 26.5 V: 2.2 A/50W

    24 V/5 mA DC24 V/0.5 A DC24 V/5 mA DC 20 ms

    max. 260 ms, typ.180 msmax. 180 ms, typ.100 ms

    e1vp, e1.1p: 35 mse1p:40 ms

    0/0.15/0.5/1/2/3/5/7/10 s0/15/25/50/100/150/200/250/300 s+/- 10% + max. 40ms+/-5%

    3 s

    PNOZ e2.1p, PNOZ e2.2p

    24 VDC80...125%2 WDC: 20%

    UB 26.5 V: 2.0 A/50WUB > 26.5 V: 1.5 A/40WUB 26.5 V: 2.7 A/70WUB > 26.5 V: 2.2 A/50W

    24 V/5 mA DC24 V/0.5 A DC24 V/5 mA DC 20 ms

    max. 260 ms, typ.180 msmax. 180 ms, typ.100 ms

    40 ms

    0.5 s -10%

    3 s

    PNOZ e4.1p, PNOZe 4vp

    24 VDC80...125%2 WDC: 20%

    UB 26.5 V: 2.0 A/50WUB > 26.5 V: 1.5 A/40WUB 26.5 V: 2.7 A/70WUB > 26.5 V: 2.2 A/50W

    24 V/5 mA DC24 V/0.5 A DC24 V/5 mA DC 20 ms

    max. 210 ms, typ.50 msmax. 260 ms, typ.30 ms

    40 ms

    0/0,15/0,5/1/2/3/5/7/10 s

    +/- 10% + max. 40ms+/-5%

    3 s

    PNOZ e5.11p, PNOZ e5.13p

    24 VDC80...125%2 WDC: 20%

    UB 26.5 V: 1.5 A/40WUB > 26.5 V: 1 A/25WUB 26.5 V: 2 A/50WUB > 26.5 V: 1.5 A/40W

    24 V/5 mA DC24 V/0.5 A DC24 V/5 mA DC 20 ms

    max. 260 ms, typ.120 msmax. 210 ms, typ.60 ms

    35 ms

    3 s

    PNOZ e3.1p, PNOZ e3vp

    24 VDC80...125%2 WDC: 20%

    UB 26.5 V: 2.0 A/50WUB > 26.5 V: 1.5 A/40WUB 26.5 V: 2.7 A/70WUB > 26.5 V: 2.2 A/50W

    24 V/5 mA DC24 V/0.5 A DC24 V/5 mA DC 20 ms

    max. 260 ms, typ.180 msmax. 180 ms, typ.100 ms

    35 ms

    0/0.15/0.5/1/2/3/5/7/10 s0/15/25/50/100/150/200/250/300 s+/- 10% + max. 35ms+/-5%

    3 s

  • Technical Details




    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/032.9-2

    Switch-on delay at S35/S36Min. reset button actuation timeclosed/openAirgap creepageClimatic suitabilityEMCVibration in accordance withFrequencyAmplitudeAmbient temperatureStorage temperatureProtection typeMounting (e.g. control cabinet)


    Max. overall cable resistance RlmaxInput, reset and feedback circuit

    s/channel: detects shorts across contactss/ch. w/o detection of shorts across contactsd/channel: detects shorts across contactsd/ch. w/o detection of shorts across contacts

    Reset and feedback circuit:d/channel: detects shorts across contactsinput circuit, safety mat clear

    Max. safety mat resistanceCross section of external conductors1 core flexible2 core with the same cross section flexiblewith crimp connectors, no plastic sleeveflexible without crimp connectors or withTWIN crimp connectors

    PNOZ e2.1p, PNOZ e2.2p

    max. 200 ms , typ. 120 ms

    100 ms/100 msDIN VDE 0110-1, 04/97EN 60068-2-78, 10/01EN 60947-5-1, 01/00EN 60068-2-6, 04/9510 ... 55 Hz0.35 mm-10 ... + 55 C-25 ... + 70 C


    2 kOhm

    0.25 ... 2.5 mm2

    0.25 ... 1 mm2

    0.25 ... 1.5 mm2

    PNOZ e4.1p, PNOZe4vp

    max. 210 ms , typ. 60 ms

    100 ms/0msDIN VDE 0110-1, 04/97EN 60068-2-78, 10/01EN 1760-1, 08/97EN 60068-2-6, 04/9510 ... 55 Hz0.35 mm+5 ... + 55 C-25 ... + 70 C


    2 kOhm150 Ohm150 Ohm

    0.25 ... 2.5 mm2

    0.25 ... 1 mm2

    0.25 ... 1.5 mm2

    PNOZ e5.11p, PNOZe5.13p

    max. 210 ms , typ. 60 ms

    100 ms/100 msDIN VDE 0110-1, 04/97EN 60068-2-78, 10/01EN 60947-5-1, 11/97EN 60068-2-6, 04/9510 ... 55 Hz0.35 mm-10 ... + 55 C-25 ... + 70 C


    1 kOhm

    2 kOhm

    0.25 ... 2.5 mm2

    0.25 ... 1 mm2

    0.25 ... 1.5 mm2

    PNOZ e3.1p, PNOZe3vp

    max. 200 ms , typ. 120 ms

    100 ms/100 msDIN VDE 0110-1, 04/97EN 60068-2-78, 10/01EN 60947-5-2, 08/99EN 60068-2-6, 04/9510 ... 55 Hz0.35 mm-10 ... + 55 C-25 ... + 70 C


    1 kOhm1 kOhm2 kOhm

    0.25 ... 2.5 mm2

    0.25 ... 1 mm2

    0.25 ... 1.5 mm2

    PNOZ e1p, PNOZ e1.1p,PNOZe1vpMax. 200 ms , typ. 120 ms

    100 ms/100 msDIN VDE 0110-1, 04/97EN 60068-2-78, 10/01EN 60947-5-1, 11/97EN 60068-2-6, 04/9510 ... 55 Hz0.35 mm-10 ... + 55 C-25 ... + 70 C


    1 kOhm1 kOhm2 kOhm

    0.25 ... 2.5 mm2

    0.25 ... 1 mm2

    0.25 ... 1.5 mm2

  • Technical Details



    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/032.9-3

    Terminal bolt torque setting

    Housing materialFrontHousing

    PNOZ e2.1p, PNOZ e2.2p

    0.5 ... 0.6 Nm

    ABS UL 94 V0PPO UL 94 V0

    PNOZ e4.1p, PNOZe4vp

    0.5 ... 0.6 Nm

    ABS UL 94 V0PPO UL 94 V0

    PNOZ e5.1p, PNOZe5vp

    0.5 ... 0.6 Nm

    ABS UL 94 V0PPO UL 94 V0

    PNOZ e3.1p, PNOZe3vp

    0.5 ... 0.6 Nm

    ABS UL 94 V0PPO UL 94 V0

    PNOZ e1p, PNOZ e1.1p,PNOZe1vp0.5 ... 0.6 Nm

    ABS UL 94 V0PPO UL 94 V0

  • Technical Details




    Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/032.9-4


    PNOZ e1p PNOZ e1.1p PNOZ e1up PNOZ e2.1p PNOZ e2.2p PNOZ e3.1p PNOZ e3up PNOZ e4.1p PNOZ e4vp PNOZ e5.11p PNOZ e5.13p

    Approvals Accessories

    PLC driversSafety relays in the PNOZelog-range have adiagnostic interface for outputtingdiagnostic data to a PLC. The transmissionof the diagnostic data is controlled by inputY5; the diagnostic data is issued at outputY32.To read and evaluate the diagnostic datayou will need to program a driver for thePLC.Pilz supplies drivers for PLCs from variousmanufacturers. These are available on thePLC Drivers CD, under order number874 130B.

  • Unit-specific Descriptions

    2.10-1Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Comparison of PNOZelog units

    Common features were described inChapters 2.2 2.9. Only the featuresspecific to individual units are describedhere. Table 10-1 shows the differencesbetween the units. The pages that followprovide information on intended use, wiringand unit-specific data for each individual


    PNOZ e1p

    PNOZ e1.1p

    PNOZ e1vp

    PNOZ e2.1p

    PNOZ e2.2p

    PNOZ e3.1p

    PNOZ e3vp

    PNOZ e4.1p

    PNOZ e4vp

    PNOZ e5.11p

    PNOZ e5.13p

    Table 10-1: Differences between the PNOZelog units

    Feedback loop

    In series to reset circuit,monitoredAt terminal Y6,monitored

    At terminal Y6 and/or Y7,monitored

    At terminal Y6 and/or Y7,monitoredAt terminal Y6 and/or Y7,monitoredAt terminal Y6,monitored

    At terminal Y6 and/or Y7,monitored

    At terminal Y6,monitored

    At terminal Y6 and/or Y7,monitored

    At terminal Y6 and/or Y7,monitoredAt terminal Y6 and/or Y7,monitored

    Detection of shortsacross contactsWith terminal Y4 and A1

    with Y4 and A1/S11,depending on the logicAND/OR connectionwith Y4 and A1/S11,depending on the logicAND/OR connectionAlways with detection ofshorts across contactsAlways with detection ofshorts across contactsWith Y4 and A1/S11/S23, depending on thelogic AND/OR connectionWith Y4 and A1/S11/S23, depending on thelogic AND/OR connectionAlways with detection ofshorts across contacts

    Always with detection ofshorts across contacts

    Always without detectionof shorts across contactsAlways without detectionof shorts across contacts

    Logic inputs


    One AND and one ORinput

    One AND and one ORinput

    One AND and one ORinputOne AND and one ORinputOne AND and one ORinput

    One AND and one ORinput

    One AND and one ORinput

    One AND and one ORinput

    One AND input

    One AND input


    E-STOPSafety gatesLight barriersScanners

    Two-hand buttons (N/C-N/O)Two-hand buttons (N/O)

    Position switch

    Position switch

    Mayser SM/BK safetymatMay be used to control aPSSMayser SM/BK safetymatMay be used to control aPSSE-STOPSafety gatesLight barriersScannersPosition switch

    Delayed outputs



    0, 1 or 2, depending onthe AND/OR wiring andfeedback loopsNo



    0, 1 or 2, depending onthe AND/OR wiring andfeedback loopsNo

    Output 24



    2 2.10

  • Unit-specific Descriptions

    2.10-2Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Intended use

    The relay PNOZ e1p is used for the safety-related interruption of a safety circuit.The unit is designed for use in: E-STOP equipment Safety circuits in accordance with VDE0113 Part 1, 11/98 and EN 60204-1, 12/97(e.g. on movable guards)


    The basic functions of the PNOZ e1p aredescribed in Chapter 2.4. Specific featuresare: Outputs using semiconductor

    technology:- 2 safety outputs- One auxiliary output- 2 test pulse outputs

    Feedback loop can be connected inseries to the reset circuit

    Application options for:- E-STOP buttons- Safety gate limit switches- Safety mats and safe edges made by

    Haake (N/C principle)- Proximity switch evaluation devices- Processing signals from output

    switching devices on safety mats(short circuit principle) or from outputswitching elements on light barriers

    Weight: 170 g

    PNOZ e1p

    Terminal configuration

    *1 E-STOP symbolises the N/C contact onthe trigger element

    Input circuit Single-channel Dual-channel

    Without detectionof shorts acrosscontacts

    With detection ofshorts acrosscontacts

    *1 *1



    Supply voltage: Connect the supply voltage:

    Terminal A1(+) : +24 VDCTerminal A2(-) : 0 V

    Input circuit:The N/C contact on the trigger element (e.g.E-STOP) must be connected to the inputcircuit. A short circuit in the input circuit mayor may not be detected, depending on thewiring of Y4. The input circuit should be connected as

    described in the table



  • Unit-specific Descriptions

    2.10-3Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Reset circuit:The unit can be started automatically ormanually with monitoring. With an automaticreset, an operating mode with start-up testcan also be selected.

    The reset circuit should be connected asdescribed in the table.

    Feedback loop:Contacts from external contactors can beconnected in series to the reset circuit.

    With automatic reset, the feedback loopcontacts are checked when the signal at theoutput changes from high to low. After thissignal change, the feedback loop contactsmust close within 150 ms. If a contact is stillopen after 150 ms, an error is detected andis displayed as a flashing pulse (error code1,8). It will not be possible to switch the unitback on until the error has been rectifiedand the supply voltage has been switchedoff and then on again.

    PNOZ e1p

    Input circuit

    E-STOP wiring

    Safety gatewithout start-up test

    Safety gatewith start-up test

    Automatic reset Monitored reset

    with feedback loopwithout feedback loop with feedback loopwithout feedback loop

    *1 K1 and K2 symbolise the contacts of theexternal contactors




    2 2.10

  • Unit-specific Descriptions

    2.10-4Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Intended use

    The relay PNOZ e1.1p is used for the safety-related interruption of a safety circuit.The unit is designed for use in: E-STOP equipment Safety circuits in accordance with VDE0113 Part 1, 11/98 and EN 60204-1, 12/97(e.g. on movable guards)


    The basic functions of the PNOZ e1.1p aredescribed in Chapter 2.4. Specific featuresare: Outputs using semiconductor

    technology:- 2 safety outputs- One auxiliary output- 2 test pulse outputs

    One AND and one OR input Separate connection for feedback loop

    (monitored) Application options for:

    - E-STOP buttons- Safety gate limit switches- Safety mats and safe edges made by

    Haake (N/C principle)- Proximity switch evaluation devices- Processing signals from output

    switching devices on safety mats(short circuit principle) or from outputswitching elements on light barriers

    PNOZ e1.1p

    Voltage and current at AND/OR inputs: 24V/5 mA DC

    Weight: 170 g

    Terminal configuration

    *1 E-STOP symbolises the N/C contact onthe trigger element

    Input circuit Single-channel Dual-channel

    Without detection ofshorts across contacts

    With detection ofshorts across contacts

    *1 *1


    Input circuit:The N/C contact on the trigger element (e.g.E-STOP) must be connected to the inputcircuit. A short circuit in the input circuit mayor may not be detected, depending on thewiring of Y4. The input circuit should be connected as

    described in the table.

    The table describes how the input circuit iswired when the unit is used individually(without AND input). If units are linkedtogether logically, Y4 must be wired asdescribed in the section entitled Logicinputs.


    Supply voltage: Connect the supply voltage:

    Terminal A1(+) : +24 VDCTerminal A2(-) : 0 V



  • Unit-specific Descriptions

    2.10-5Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    PNOZ e1.1p

    Reset circuit:The unit can be started automatically ormanually with monitoring. With an automaticreset, an operating mode with start-up testcan also be selected. The reset circuit should be connected as

    described in the table.

    Feedback loop:The unit has a separate feedback loop.Contacts from external contactors can beconnected between Y6 and A1. Close the feedback loopfeedback loopfeedback loopfeedback loopfeedback loop by linking Y6-

    A1 or by connecting contacts fromexternal contactors between Y6 and A1.

    CAUTION!Do not connect the contacts fromexternal contactors in series to thereset circuit.

    Before a safety output is switched on, a testis carried out to check whether the contactsof the feedback loop are closed. If a contactis open, an error is detected and LEDs CH.1and CH.2 will flash alternately. It will not bepossible to switch the unit back on until thefeedback loop is closed and the safetyfunction has been triggered. At the sametime, if the OR input is used, the signal atthe OR input must be low.

    Fig. 10-1: Feedback loop with contacts from a motor

    The feedback loop contacts are alsochecked when the signal at the outputchanges from high to low. After this signalchange, the feedback loop contacts mustclose within 150 ms. If a contact is still openafter 150 ms, an error is detected and isdisplayed as a flashing code (1,8). It will notbe possible to switch the unit back on untilthe error has been rectified and the supplyvoltage has been switched off and then onagain.

    Example:Positive-guided contacts K1 and K2 on a 3-phase motor control the feedback loop(Fig. 10-1).

    Input circuit

    E-STOP wiring

    Safety gatewithout start-up test

    Safety gatewith start-up test

    Automatic reset Monitored reset

    2 2.10

  • Unit-specific Descriptions

    2.10-6Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    PNOZ e1.1p

    Input circuit AND/OR connection active OR/No connection active

    Without detection of shortsacross contacts

    With detection of shortsacross contacts

    *1 Where units are linked logically, Y4must be wired as shown here (differsfrom the portrayal on the input circuit).


    AND connection active



    Logic inputs

    When linking several units, please note: PNOZ e1p: : : : : From Version 3.0, safety

    outputs on the PNOZ e1p can belogically linked with the safety inputs onother PNOZelog units.

    Safety outputs to which loads areconnected may also be linked to thesafety inputs of a max. of 4 PNOZelogunits.

    Only safety outputs from Pilz PNOZelogunits and PNOZmulti units (from Version3) may be AND/OR connected. The unitwith the lowest category determines thecategory of the whole circuit inaccordance with EN 954-1.

    All linked units must be connected to thesame supply voltage.

    WARNING!A high signal at the OR input of aPNOZelog unit overrides its safetyfunction. The safety outputs will thenenergise, irrespective of the status ofthe input circuits (see also: Mutingfunction on page 2.7-1).




  • Unit-specific Descriptions

    2.10-7Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Intended use

    The relay PNOZ e1vp is used for the safety-related interruption of a safety circuit.The unit is designed for use in: E-STOP equipment Safety circuits in accordance with VDE0113 Part 1, 11/98 and EN 60204-1, 12/97(e.g. on movable guards)


    The basic functions of the PNOZ e1vp aredescribed in Chapter 2.4. Specific featuresare: Outputs using semiconductor

    technology:- 2 safety outputs, delay-on de-

    energisation can be selected- One auxiliary output- 2 test pulse outputs

    One AND and one OR input Separate connections for feedback loops

    (monitored) Application options for:

    - E-STOP buttons- Safety gate limit switches- Safety mats and safe edges made by

    Haake (N/C principle)- Proximity switch evaluation devices- Processing signals from output

    switching devices on safety mats(short circuit principle) or from outputswitching elements on light barriers

    PNOZ e1vp

    Voltage and current at AND/OR inputs:24 V/5 mA DC

    Weight: 170 g

    Terminal configuration

    *1 E-STOP symbolises the N/C contact onthe trigger element

    Input circuit Single-channel

    Without detection ofshorts across contacts

    With detection ofshorts across contacts

    *1 *1



    Input circuit:The N/C contact on the trigger element (e.g.E-STOP) must be connected to the inputcircuit. A short circuit in the input circuit mayor may not be detected, depending on thewiring of Y4. The input circuit should be connected as

    described in the table.

    The table describes how the input circuit iswired when the unit is used individually(without AND input). If units are linkedtogether logically, Y4 must be wired asdescribed in the section entitled Logicinputs.


    Supply voltage: Connect the supply voltage:

    Terminal A1(+) : +24 VDCTerminal A2(-) : 0 V

    2 2.10

  • Unit-specific Descriptions

    2.10-8Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Reset circuit:The unit can be started automatically ormanually with monitoring. Special wiringmust be used for safety gate monitoringwith start-up test. The reset circuit should be connected as

    described in the table.

    Delay-on de-energisation tv :

    Terminals Y6 and Y7 are used to connectthe feedback loop and also to establish thedelay-on de-energisation on the safetyoutputs. The signal for the delay time isconnected to the contact on the feedbackloop.

    INFORMATIONSafety output 24 has delay-on de-energisation. If only the OR functionis used, safety output 14 may alsohave delay-on de-energisation. Thetimes are selectable.

    Set delay-on de-energisation by connectingY6 and Y7 to terminals A1, S11 and S21 inaccordance with Table 10-2.

    Examples:PNOZ e1vp 10 with delay-on de-energisation of 1 s: connect Y6 to S11 andY7 to A1.

    PNOZ e1vp 300 with delay-on de-energisation of 250 s: connect Y6 to S21and Y7 to S11.

    PNOZ e1vp

    Y6 A1 A1 A1 S11 S11 S11 S21 S21 S21Y7 A1 S11 S21 A1 S11 S21 A1 S11 S21tv [s]PNOZ e1vp 10 0 0.15 0.5 1 2 3 5 7 10tv [s]PNOZ e1vp 300 0 15 25 50 100 150 200 250 300

    Input circuit

    E-STOP wiring

    Safety gatewithout start-up test

    Safety gatewith start-up test

    Automatic reset Monitored reset

    Table 10-2: Setting delay-on de-energisation



  • Unit-specific Descriptions

    2.10-9Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    Feedback loop:The unit has two feedback loops, one (Y6)for safety output 14 and one (Y7) for safetyoutput 24: Safety output 14 (instantaneous):

    Connect the contacts from externalcontactors to Y6.

    Safety output 24 (delay-on de-energisation):Connect the contacts from externalcontactors to Y7.

    Both safety outputs delayed or bothinstantaneous:Connect the contacts from externalcontactors in series to Y6 or Y7.

    Feedback loop unconnected:If you do not wish to connect anycontacts to the feedback loop, Y6 and Y7must be connected to A1 or S11/S21,depending on the required delay time.

    CAUTION!Do not connect the contacts fromexternal contactors in series to thereset circuit.

    Before a safety output is switched on, a testis carried out to check whether the contactsof the feedback loop are closed. If a contactis open, an error is detected and LEDs CH.1and CH.2 will flash alternately. It will not bepossible to switch the unit back on until thefeedback loop is closed and the safetyfunction has been triggered. At the sametime, if the OR input is used, the signal atthe OR input must be low.

    PNOZ e1vp

    The feedback loop contacts are alsochecked when the signal at the outputchanges from high to low. After this signalchange, the feedback loop contacts mustclose within 150 ms. If a contact is still openafter 150 ms, an error is detected and isdisplayed as a flashing code (1,8). It will notbe possible to switch the unit back on untilthe error has been rectified and the supplyvoltage has been switched off and then onagain.

    Fig. 10-2: Both outputs delayed

    Fig. 10-3: Both outputs instantaneous

    Example 2:Both outputs are instantaneous, thefeedback loop is connected to Y7. Thiswiring enables a logic AND and an ORconnection.


    Example 1:Both outputs are delayed (A1-S36 linked):PNOZ e1vp 10s: tv = 5 sPNOZ e1vp 300 S: tv = 200 sFeedback loop is connected to Y7. Onlya logic OR connection is possible withthis wiring.

    2 2.10

  • Unit-specific Descriptions

    2.10-10Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: + 49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected] Status 07/03

    *1 Where units are linked logically, Y4 mustbe wired as shown here (differs from theportrayal on the input circuit).

    PNOZ e1vp

    Input circuit

    Without detection of shortsacross contacts

    With detection of shortsacross contacts


    *1 *1


    Safety output 14delayed

    Logic inputs

    When linking several units, please note: PNOZ e1p: From Version 3.0, safety

    outputs on the PNOZ e1p can belogically linked with the safety inputs onother PNOZelog units.

    Safety outputs to which loads areconnected may also be linked to thesafety inputs of a max. of 4 PNOZelogunits.

    Only safety outputs from PILZ PNOZelogunits and PNOZmulti units (from Version3) may be AND/OR connected. The unitwith the lowest category determines thecategory of the whole circuit inaccordance with EN 954-1.

    All linked units must be connected to thesame supply voltage.

    WARNING!A high signal at the OR input of aPNOZelog unit overrides its safetyfunction. The safety outputs will thenenergise, irrespective of the status ofthe input circuits. (see also: Mutingfunc