plexos integrated energy model - energy exemplar

Energy Market Modelling Leading the f ield in Integrated Energy Model PLEXOS®

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Page 1: PLEXOS Integrated Energy Model - Energy Exemplar

E n e r g y M a r k e t M o d e l l i n gLeading the f ie ld in

Integrated Energy ModelPLEXOS®

Page 2: PLEXOS Integrated Energy Model - Energy Exemplar

Below is a categorisation of some of the functions that PLEXOS is used for:

• Price Forecasting• Power Market Simulation and Analysis• Detailed Operational Planning and Optimisation of Power Plants and Grid• Trading and Strategic Decision Support• Generation and Transmission Capacity Expansion Planning (Investment Analysis)• Renewable Integration Analysis• Co-optimisation of Ancillary Services and Energy Dispatch• Transmission Analysis and Congestion Management• Portfolio Optimisation and Valuation• Risk Management and Stochastic Optimisation

The wide range of features of PLEXOS has led to its use in many areas of the energy sector. Globally, the types of users of PLEXOS include:

• Power Generation Companies• Transmission System Operators• Electricity Market Operators• Energy Commission and Regulators• Energy Traders• Price Forecasting Agencies• Power Plant Manufacturers• Power Plant Construction Companies• Consultants• Academics and Research Institutions

Func t ions and appl icat ions of PLEXOS

PLEXOS® Integrated Energy Model (PLEXOS Desktop Edition) is a proven power market simulation software that uses cutting-edge mathematical programming and stochastic optimisation techniques, combined with the latest user-interface and data handling approaches to provide the most comprehensive, easy-to-use and robust analytical framework for power market modellers.

What PLEXOS® I ntegrated Energy Model i s

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I n t e g r a t e d E n e r g y M o d e l


Since its �rst release in 2000, PLEXOS has emerged as the power market simulation tool of choice, with a customer base spanning the globe and including many of the world’s largest and most sophisticated utilities and system operators. PLEXOS simulation results are renowned for accuracy and robustness and have provided the quantitative backbone to numerous publications, expert testimony, benchmarks, policy documents and thought leadership pieces.

Trusted worldwide to provide the insights and market analysis required by generation companies, regulators, system operators, transmission companies and independent analysts PLEXOS is the solution of choice for:

• Electricity Price Forecasting – From day-ahead clearing prices to long-term price forecasts, PLEXOS rigorous fundamental market framework o�ers unparalleled options for price forecasting. Starting from cost-based short-run marginal costs to competitive bidding based on game theoretic models, empirical models or heuristic methods.

• Capacity Expansion Planning – Optimal generation and transmission expansion planning over any timeframe. PLEXOS expansion utility has been built into the comprehensive production model, allowing users to control the level of accuracy of their production cost model without the need to create complex external integration loops between decoupled modules.

• Generation and Transmission Asset Valuation – The extensive range of detailed operational characteristics allow PLEXOS to provide the most accurate asset performance valuations in any market situation.

• Market Analysis and Design – Examine the e�ect of a range of proposed market developments and regulations on generation mix, inter-regional �ows, prices and pro�ts.

• Transmission Analysis – PLEXOS is used extensively by Transmission System Operators (TSO) to examine and optimise transmission operation and congestion costs.

• Portfolio Optimisation – The powerful optimisation engines underlying PLEXOS allows users to achieve the best possible outcome from their generation assets, contractual terms and limited resources in an uncertain world.

• Stochastic Optimisation – This ensures decisions are robust with respect to the uncertainty in future inputs including fuel prices, load growth, renewable uptake and generation. PLEXOS includes integrated stochastic optimisation of building decisions, hydrology operating policies, transmission expansion and unit commitment.

S imulat ion and forecast ing solut ion of choice

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Simulator Features

Conventional Generat ion

PLEXOS o�ers over 150 potential technical-economical generation characteristics ensuring accurate representation on generation operation and more features such as:

• Deterministic and stochastic unit commitment on/o� decisions with random and • foreseeable outages

• Temperature dependent operation and detailed ramping response behaviour

• Multiple fuel optimisation with complex fuel transitions and operational modes

• Compartmentalised combined cycle modelling featuring non-convex heat rates, • start-up/shutdown pro�les and unit operational dependencies

H ydro Model l ing

Full representation and optimisation of realistic cascading hydro networks and generators featuring GIS visualisation from Google Earth and more features such as:

• E�ciency curves, head storage dependency, waterway �ow delay times, spillways, • evaporation, deterministic and stochastic solutions over any horizon

• Seamless integration with detailed short-term unit commitment via target volumes • or future opportunity cost decomposition

• Potential Energy model for simple closed-loop systems or water balance ‘Volume’ • or ‘Level’ models for complex cascade hydro networks

• Pumped storage energy and ancillary services market co-optimisation

I ntermittent Resource Model l ing ( Wind and Solar )

Evaluate the full e�ect of intermittent resources on system operation, market prices or generation plant valuation and more features such as:

• Capacity to model one minute level variations in load or generation caused by • intermitted resources and the e�ect on system stability, ancillary service and • ramping provision

• Various autoregressive models for wind speed, solar radiation and natural in�ows

• Stochastic optimisation of forecast uncertainty

G as Model l ing

Fully integrated energy model cooptimises electricity and gas system dispatch. Includes models of gas �elds, storages, pipelines, nodes and gas demands and more features such as:

• Integrates with long-term planning to produce expansion plans for gas and electric • infrastructure

• Models constraints on short and mid-term gas supply and its impact on electricity • production

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I n t e g r a t e d E n e r g y M o d e l


Comprehensive �nancial reporting to Generator, Region and Company level and morefeatures such as:

• Dynamic bidding of generation resources re�ective of contract position and/or • medium term revenue requirements based on recovery of build costs from capacity • expansion planning

• Bertrand and Cournot games, �exible user-de�ned mark-up de�nitions and • empirical schemes such as Residual Supply Index (RSI)

• Physical, Financial and Fuel contract obligations

• Financial transmission rights (FTR) and Settlement Residue Auction (SRA)

Financia l

Optimal power �ow with losses fully integrated with dispatch and unit commitment, and more features such as:

• Large connection of multiple AC networks, 10,000’s buses and lines

• Security and n-x contingency constraints (SCUC), DC lines and phase shifters

• Generic constraints and interface limits, transmission aggregation, network • reduction

• Nodal pricing and decomposition into energy, congestion and marginal loss • components

Transmiss ion

Generation dispatch constrained by emission limits and/or re�ective of emissions price and number of emission types and more features such as:

• Optimisation of emission allocations over multiple fuels, generating units and • regional rules

• Flexible grouping for emission constraint sets over any timeframe including • multi-annual

Emiss ions

Anci l lar y Ser vices

Ancillary service provision co-optimised with generation dispatch and unit commitment and more features such as:

• Multiple reserve classes including spinning up and down, regulation up and down, • and replacement services

• Detailed treatment of start-up and shutdown combined with ramping and reserve • interaction minute-by-minute

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Convent ional Generat ion

Highly con�gurable timeframe and simulation interval as short as one minute and morefeatures such as:

• Choose between regional, zonal and full-nodal network detail

• Multiple pricing, uplift and capacity payment options to support various market • rules

• Choice of commercial mathematical programming engines (CPLEX, Gurobi, MOSEK, • Xpress-MP)

Scope and Compatibi l i t y

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I n t e g r a t e d E n e r g y M o d e l


Transmiss ion

Customizat ion

PLEXOS COM libraries and OpenPLEXOS automation features allow user execution control from simple external PLEXOS engine calls, custom pricing schemes to advanced custom algorithm calls at di�erent runtime stages. PLEXOS features a friendly generic custom constraints builder that allows users to introduce custom expansion and operational limitations such as expansion reliability policies, transmission proxies, water irrigation conventions and more.

Data Management

Long-term to short-term ready to execute models can co-exist in the same integrated database. Import/export from known industry standards help users get started with PLEXOS quickly and easily.

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Launch Control is the interface used to con�gure executions, retrieve/upload datasets and solutions, modify network con�guration, administrate permissions and more. It can be used from a remote computer, client computer or within the server itself.

PLEXOS Connec t Launch Control

Clients query the server for inputs to perform simulations. All PLEXOS execution jobs queued on the server are dispatched to these computers for execution. On completion, the results are sent back to the server for storage and retrieval.

PLEXOS Connec t Cl ient

The server is the centralised data-storage manager. It resides in the core of the network system and controls the data security, network con�guration, permission hierarchy and simulation engine version control.

PLEXOS Connec t Ser ver

PLEXOS® Connect is the distributed, client-server system to complement the PLEXOS Desktop Edition simulation tool. The product enables users to:

• Collaborate in preparing input data for simulations

• Track changes to input data and maintain a version history.

• Distribute simulations for parallel execution over multiple client computers • or to the cloud

• Remotely manage distributed simulation jobs

• Easily share, compare and review simulation results

PLEXOS Connect allows you to control which computers jobs run on, the version of input data used, and even the version of the simulation engine. This allows you to keep a complete history of inputs, simulation engines and solutions.

There are three main components in PLEXOS Connect:

What PLEXOS® Connec t is

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Launch Control I nter face





& E




Dataset & Engine

Con�gure all simulationexecutions from here.


Perform PLEXOS® executions.

Launch Control

Ser ver

Cl ients

System Architec ture

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e n e r g y e x e m p l a r . c o m

Leading the f ield inEnergy Market Modelling

E u r o p e O f f i c eE n e r g y E x e m p l a r L t d

Tel: +44 208 899 6500Email: [email protected]

E a s t C o a s t U S A O f f i c eE n e r g y E x e m p l a r L L C

Tel: +1 860 461 0761Email: [email protected]

W e s t C o a s t U S A O f f i c eE n e r g y E x e m p l a r L L C

Tel: +1 916 304 0555Email: [email protected]

E n e r g y E x e m p l a r P t y L t dS o f t w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t

3/ 154-160 Prospect Road, Prospect, AdelaideSA 5082 Australia

Tel: +61 8 8342 9616 Email: [email protected]