plants pictures robby

Area near Driveway and electric meter, Use Sky Pencil Hollies or Reed Grass or Miscanthus Grass. Sky Pencil Hollies pictured here, grows about 6” a year upwards. Miscanthus Grass- rounder shape, and turns tan in the Winter. Matures at about 4 ft tall. Reed Grass, grows more upwards than round. Matures around 4 ft tall as well.

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Area near Driveway and electric meter, Use Sky

Pencil Hollies or Reed Grass or Miscanthus


Sky Pencil Hollies pictured here, grows about 6”

a year upwards.

Miscanthus Grass- rounder shape,and turns tan in the Winter. Maturesat about 4 ft tall.

Reed Grass, grows more upwards than round.Matures around 4 ft tall as well.

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Heritage River Birch- option for Accent Tree neardriveway/garage or for Accent Tree #2 near HVAC

(Warren across the street has one on the corner ofhis sidewalk and driveway)

Here is a close up of the cool, peeling bark.

This one is less mature, you can see the multi-trunk andgreen foliage. The tree is deciduous, but the bark offersyear-round interest.

Crape Myrtle issuggest for AccentTree near driveway,and could also beused in Accent Tree#2 spot near theHVAC unit.

There are purple,

white, pink (hot pink),and red colorsavailable. Theybloom in late Spring/ Summer.

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Emerald Green Thujas- to framewindows in front of your home. Wewill use taller ones than in thepicture for a more established lookthat will not look dwarfed in front of

your home.

Schip Laurels for betweenthe Emerald Green Thujas,under the windows. Willuse approx. 3 under eachelongated window and 4under the larger window to

the right of your home(Right, when facing thefront door... not stageright.)

They are 36” tall.

Yews- to go near the front porch area

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Shrub choices for in front of the yews- Barberries, Paul’s Gold Mops, Rose varieties, orEncore Azaleas.

Gold Mops

Encore Azaleas- bloomtwice as much as regularazaleas. Come in purple,all pink, white, or red-orange.

Pictures is Autumn Bellecolor, a two tone pinkwith dark pink centersand light pink petals.

Rose Varieties-This is Rainbow KnockOut. There are so many

colors, you name whatcolor you want if you areinterested in a bloomingrose in this space.Yellow, red, pink, or whiteare most common.

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Barberries- The ones we install will be smallerthan what is pictured. The one pictured isspecifically called Rose Glow Barberry. Theyare evergreen, more purple really, and have tinythorns. In shaded areas, they are more purple.

Decorative Grass- for surrounding Accent Trees, and could alsobe used in front of the Laurels to the Right, as a second layer.

First picture is Ice Sledge, a better version of liriope AKAMonkey Grass.

  Mondo Grass here.

Gulf Stream Nandina- could be used in place ofthe decorative grasses, and also suggested forin front of the laurels to the Right. The ones weinstall will be about 4-6” tall $5.50/each, and wecan put 12” tall ones instead, which are $15/ 


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Accent Tree #2 near HVAC- Crape Myrtle, Birch, LilGem Magnolia, or Holly. (Crape Myrtle and Birchpictured previously)

Nellie R. Stevens Holly here.

Lil Gem Magnolia here. Has more petite leavesthan the classic Southern Magnolia, but still hasthe classic white blooms of a magnolia.

Shrub option near HVAC- Sky Pencil Holly(pictured earlier), Miscanthus or Reed Grass(pictured earlier), or Burning Bush.

This is a burning bush, it has a pop of red

foliage in the Fall. In the Spring andSummer, it has green foliage, and in theWinter it loses 75% of the foliage dependingon how cold the Winter is. These are verycost effective for how large they come.