

Upload: francesca-harland

Post on 24-Jun-2015




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Idea OneA girl is going to university away from home after telling her best friend that they will be together forever. Instead of being supportive the girl’s best friend becomes angry and throws away her friendship necklace. The songs lyrics are about wanting to change everything to how it used to be and for problems to become simpler, or childlike. This is reflected with the toys and soft animals coming to life in the girl’s imagination, and as they send signals and signs for the girl to contact her friend she just throws the signs away or ignore them. Throughout the video, the girl is shown to be writing a letter - at times she is writing the lyrics to the song to show that what the artist is depicting is the truth as to how this girl is feeling and adds in true emotion and honesty. At the end of the video, the girl is shown leaving the room to which she was writing the letter, and a message appears on the computer screen through the form of instant messenger – it is her best friend apologising, through the form of the song lyrics. This is to show that they are feeling mutual understanding and the same thoughts that their lives are going to change by going to university and moving away from each other. They become to realise that they can still be friends – even though the distance from each other is far.

The focus group said that this idea is too boring and predictable.

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Idea TwoThis idea is in terms of a break up of a relationship. It shows the story of a girl and a boy and the break down of their relationship. They she wants to move on and to let them both be friends, but is not totally sure of this. Her wish is for them to pretend that their relationship never went past friends and for her life to be how it was before. The video starts with her on her own looking through some pictures of happier times and when she and her ex-boyfriend are together. The film flashes back to when she was a child and they met each other and they were best friends, then how they became a couple and then how they broke up.

The focus group said that this idea is unoriginal and seen to many times before.

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Idea Three.This is the story of two young girls. At the start of the video we see a girl writing. Then shows images of her and her friend, enjoying themselves and having fun. Then we realise that the girl is on her own and imagining her friend being with her. We see through out that both are wearing necklaces, one white and one black. The girl continues to wear the necklace even as she is on her own. The last scene shows the girl wearing all black walking in a cemetery. As the audience watches her placing the black necklace(her friends) on the grave stone, they realise that her friend is dead and she is mourning her. At the end, to show a new beginning the camera moves to the sky and turns white.

The focus group said that this idea is good and is heartfelt.They liked the fact that she is willing to move on but not forget her friend at the end of the video and they think that this sums their opinions of the song acutely. This is the storyline I shall be using.

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This storyboard is for initial idea two and shows some of the media techniques I would have used for this video. Although I shall still use some of these ideas in my final product.

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FILM ANIMATION AND VISUAL EFFECTS• For my film animation I am going to use, the stop film motion method. To do this I need to move the image or manipulate it then move it as the camera is recording, taking care to move my hands out of shot for 5 seconds after the animation has been made. • Then I shall cut the hands out of the picture in post production. As the hands are taken out of the shot, it will seem as though the picture is moving, for the purposes of a drawing it shall make it move on its own. • I shall then shorten the amount of time each of the frame to make the image more smoother.

Post production edit - In my film I was going to use a visual effect that enables a picture to turn to life. A photo would have been used to create this, and as the camera zooms towards the image, the photo would have come to life. I believe that I do not have the time nor the equipment to make this possible, thus I have decided not to do this.

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Two female actresses are to be in my music video.

I have decided to use Emma Lilley and Shana Jennings, both students of performing arts.

Ethical and legal considerations require for me to use at least one person I have selected to be of the minority of the population. I considered using someone of a different race, but I used who I thought who would perform the best in my music video. Therefore racial issues did not discourage me from using who I think would be best for the role.

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Burslem Sixth form CollegeBurslemStoke-on-Trent StaffordshireST6 IJJ

Burslem Cemetery Hanley RoadBurslemStoke-on-TrentStaffordshire

As both of these locations are public areas not private property, I will not require to ask for permission, but I shall take care not to show any of the names of the graves as the families of those graves may not wish for it to be shown on camera.

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EXTRA FILMING AND SOFTWAREAll extra filming, such as the animation, shall be shot at home. This is because I can set up my equipment without other people to distract or spoil my recording.

Firewire will be used to upload the film and also a USB cable for the Samsung.

I shall use iMovie for editing and make the video into DV format.

My evaluation shall be in the form of a podcast and turned into mp3

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The call sheet for the 29/1/2010 was used again on the 1/2/2010. This schedule was repeated again with the same crew/cast, and the location was changed to the cemetery as well.