planet formation topic: collapsing clouds and the formation of disks lecture by: c.p. dullemond

Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

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Page 1: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Planet Formation


Collapsing cloudsand the

formation of disks

Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Page 2: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Formation of a star from a spherical molecular cloud core

Page 3: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Hydrostatic pre-stellar Cloud Core

Equation of hydrostatic equilibrium:

Equation of state:

Enclosed mass M(r):


Isothermal sound speed:

We assume that cloud is isothermal at e.g. T = 30 K

Page 4: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Hydrostatic pre-stellar Cloud CoreAnsatz: Powerlaw density distribution:

Put it into pressure gradient:

Divide by density:

Page 5: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Hydrostatic pre-stellar Cloud CoreAnsatz: Powerlaw density distribution:

Put it into the enclosed mass integral:

(for q>-3)

Page 6: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Hydrostatic pre-stellar Cloud Core

Put it into the hydrostatic equil eq.:

Only a solution for q=-2

Page 7: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Hydrostatic pre-stellar Cloud Core



Singular isothermalsphere hydrostatic solution

Page 8: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Inside-out Collapse

The idea by Frank Shu (the „Shu model“)is that a singular isothermal sphere maystart collapsing once a small disturbancein the center makes the center lose itspressure.

Then the next mass shell loses its support and starts to fall.

Then the next mass shell loses its support and starts to fall.

Etc etc. Inside-out collapse.

Wave proceeds outward with the isothermal sound speed.

Page 9: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Inside-out Collapse

Once a shell at radius r starts to fall, it takesabout a free-fall time scale before it reaches the center. This is roughly the same timeit took for the collapse wave to travel from the center to the radius.

Let us, however, assume it falls instantly(to make it easier, because the real solutionis quite tricky). The mass of a shell at radius r and width dr is:

Page 10: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Inside-out CollapseSind the collapse wave propagates at

Meaning we get a dM(r) of

If we indeed assume that this shell falls instantly onto the center (where the star is formed) then the mass of the star increases as

If we account for the free-fall time, we obtain roughly:

The „accretion rate“ is constant!

Page 11: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Formation of a diskdue to angular momentum


Ref: Book by Stahler & Palla

Page 12: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Formation of a diskSolid-body rotation of cloud:







Infalling gas-parcel falls almost radially inward, but close to the star, its angular momentum starts to affect the motion.

At that radius r<<r0 the kinetic energy v2/2 vastly exceeds the initial kinetic energy. So one can say that the parcel started almost without energy.

Assume fixed M

Page 13: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Formation of a diskSimple estimate using angular momentum:







Kepler orbit at r<<r0 has:

Setting yields

Page 14: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Formation of a disk

No energy condition:

Focal point of ellipse/parabola:


r rm



Ang. Mom. Conserv:

Radius at which parcel hits the equatorial plane:

Bit better calculation

Page 15: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Formation of a disk

With which angular velocity will the gas enter the disk?

Since also gas packages come from the other side of the equatorial plane, a disk is formed.

Kepler angular momentum at r=re:

Their ratio is: The infalling gas rotated sub-kepler. It must therefore slide somewhat inward before it really entersthe disk.

Page 16: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Formation of a disk

For larger 0: larger re

For given shell (i.e. given r0), all the matter falls within thecentrifugal radius rc onto the midplane.

If rc < r*, then mass is loaded directly onto the star

If rc > r*, then a disk is formed

In Shu model, r0 ~ t, and M ~ t, and therefore:

Page 17: Planet Formation Topic: Collapsing clouds and the formation of disks Lecture by: C.P. Dullemond

Formation of a disk

• This model has a major problem: The disk is assumed to be infinitely thin. As we shall see later, this is not true at all.

• Gas can therefore hit the outer part of the disk well before it hits the equatorial plane.

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Disk formation: Simulations

Yorke, Bodenheimer & Laughlin (1993)