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Hai ca am terminat si povestea! Daca gasesti greseli gramaticale sau de ortografie te rog frumos sa imi spui. Sa nu o mai arati la nimeni, adica in afara familiei, pentru ca vreau sa o postez si pe internet, pe blog. Don't jump two times (Anti-sonars campaign) It was the beginning of Summer brake and the Whale family was enjoying their first vacantion of the season. They were swimming together in the warm and calm waters of Caribbean Sea. While they were admiring the beautiful view with plenty corals and a big diversity of colorful fishes, the young Andrew Whale observed a strange shape on the surface of the water . 'Mother, what kind of ship is this one?', he asked. 'Looks like a sailing boat.', Fiona Whale replayed. 'Can I go closer, to have a better look?', he asked again. 'You can go, but take care.', she answered. 'And don't jump outside the water.', his father, John Whale added. Andrew start swimming faster towards the strange shape and because he wanted to have a full view of the object, he decided to disobey his father's word. When he was close to the surface of the water , he prepared his jump and suddenly he was into a total different world: full of light, noise and strange shapes all around. 'Come here, young prick! What I told you?', his father said to him with an angry voice. 'In my time at second jump for sure there was a harpoon waiting for you. Every whale had her name written down on a harpoon. Do you see this scar, on my back? It happened just before I met your mother. I was few decades older than you, and I was swimming in North Atlantic, against the Gulf Stream to find some krill. I've seen a similar shape and, like you, I've decided to jump out of the water to clarify my self. I was not so lucky, because it was a Viking ship. As soon as they spotted me, they start chasing me. After few minutes I jumped one more time to see what is going on. While I was in the air, suddenly I felt a very stringent pain into my back: I was hit by one of their harpoons. When I was back into the water a rain of harpoons start falling all around me and I start diving deeper to escape from death. One day and a half later, your mother found me drifting almost unconscious and raving. She took me to the hospital and when I woke up she was sitting near me like an angelfish. And she was so beautiful,'I nerver saw a pair of flipers like hers’ 'Ohhh, John thank you darling, but don't be so harsh with him. You know that these times are already set. Today only waters near Antarctica and Japan are so dangerous.' , she said with a mild voice. 'Ok, young whale, your mother is right. But stay away from sonars! It's

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Hai ca am terminat si povestea! Daca gasesti greseli gramaticale sau de ortografie te rog frumos sa imi spui. Sa nu o mai arati la nimeni, adica in afara familiei, pentru ca vreau sa o postez si pe internet, pe blog.

Don't jump two times (Anti-sonars campaign)

It was the beginning of Summer brake and the Whale family was enjoying their first vacantion of the season. They were swimming together in the warm and calm waters of Caribbean Sea.While they were admiring the beautiful view with plenty corals and a big diversity of colorful fishes, the young Andrew Whale observed a strange shape on the surface of the water.'Mother, what kind of ship is this one?', he asked.'Looks like a sailing boat.', Fiona Whale replayed.'Can I go closer, to have a better look?', he asked again.'You can go, but take care.', she answered.'And don't jump outside the water.', his father, John Whale added.Andrew start swimming faster towards the strange shape and because he wanted to have a full view of the object, he decided to disobey his father's word. When he was close to the surface of the water, he prepared his jump and suddenly he was into a total different world: full of light, noise and strange shapes all around.'Come here, young prick! What I told you?', his father said to him with an angry voice.'In my time at second jump for sure there was a harpoon waiting for you. Every whale had her name written down on a harpoon. Do you see this scar, on my back? It happened just before I met your mother. I was few decades older than you, and I was swimming in North Atlantic, against the Gulf Stream to find some krill. I've seen a similar shape and, like you, I've decided to jump out of the water to clarify my self. I was not so lucky, because it was a Viking ship. As soon as they spotted me, they start chasing me. After few minutes I jumped one more time to see what is going on. While I was in the air, suddenly I felt a very stringent pain into my back: I was hit by one of their harpoons. When I was back into the water a rain of harpoons start falling all around me and I start diving deeper to escape from death. One day and a half later, your mother found me drifting almost unconscious and raving. She took me to the hospital and when I woke up she was sitting near me like an angelfish. And she was so beautiful,'I nerver saw a pair of flipers like hers'Ohhh, John thank you darling, but don't be so harsh with him. You know that these times are already set. Today only waters near Antarctica and Japan are so dangerous.' , she said with a mild voice. 'Ok, young whale, your mother is right. But stay away from sonars! It's enough to hear them once and you will be beached sooner or later. You know what happened with uncle Moby. Everybody told him that sonars are not good for him and they will kill him one day. But did he listened? No. And after few years of sonars he ended beached in California.''Yes, dad, I understood. I will stay away from submarines sonars.'

SAY NO TO SONARS !!!LIFE HAS PRIORITY!!!Daca beached vrei sa insemne omorat, macelarit nu e asa... inseamna tarm, sau scos la tarm... macelarit se scrie butchered, de la butcher=macelar...