pisces horoscope 2012

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  • 8/3/2019 Pisces Horoscope 2012



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    Vedic Horoscope 2012

  • 8/3/2019 Pisces Horoscope 2012


    Horosc ope 2012

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  • 8/3/2019 Pisces Horoscope 2012


  • 8/3/2019 Pisces Horoscope 2012


    4 PISCES

    Char acteristic of Pisces

    Natives of Pisces are stubborn, highly religious, psychically recep-

    tive, stoic a l and b igoted .

    Physically, Pisceans are fair, stout of middle size, swarthy in com-

    p lexion a nd inc lined towards corpulenc e.

    Generally, you are followers of orthodox principles, you are su-

    perstitious, reserved, rigid in observance of religious customs and

    prac tices. You are t imid and ambitious. You are restless and fond of

    history. You are frugal in spending money. You lack self condence.

    Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

    The house of money and nance of Pisces is ruled by Mars. This in-

    dicates that they are hard working and earn immense riches after

    tough labour. You w ill ea rn lot o f wea lth through illeg a l means. You

    can earn through black marketing, through questionable and sus-picious dealings, trouble between friends and relatives during this

    period . You c ould be involved in troub le a nd c an be sentenc ed for

    b reac h o f trust, forge ries and perjuries.

    Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012

    Jup iter is p lac ed in the house of your mo ney a nd we a lth d uring this

    period. A good period for astrologers, poets, writers and scientists.

    There w ill be inc rease in the opportunities of ea rning m oney. The

    source of income will depend on the Nakshatra in which Jupiter is

    p lac ed . Over a ll, a fortuna te p eriod for you.

    July 2012 to Septem ber 2012

    This period will be be little unfortuna te in te rms of saving the money.

  • 8/3/2019 Pisces Horoscope 2012



    You will be a spend thrift and waste

    a lot of money in the gratication

    of senses. Those who ha ve dea l-

    ings with the foreign sources will

    gain wealth through that sources.You might visit abroad for business.

    There is a c ha nc e of loss money in


    October 2012 to Decem ber


    Plac ement of the lord of money and

    nance in the ninth house indicates

    that this period will be fortunate

    for you to ea rn mone y throug h d ifferent sourc es. Pend ing mo ney

    will be recovered in this quarter. You might gain some immovable

    property from your father. You w ill have good inheritanc e. Those in-

    volved in small scale industries will make good money in this period.

    Overall, the very fortunate period to recover your blocked money.

    REMEDIES: The yea r will have mixed results in c ontext w ith money

    and nance. You are advised to wear red coral for smoothing the

    inow of money.

    Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

    This period will be very fortunate for you a s the lord of your caree r

    and profession i.e. Jup iter is p laced well in the sec ond house which is

    the house of money and nance.You will rise well in this quarter and

    ea rn lot of money. Those w ho are in fam ily trade w ill p romote their

  • 8/3/2019 Pisces Horoscope 2012


    6 PISCES

    career well and advance in their

    eld. If your Jupiter is weak and af-

    icted you could become a reason

    of winding the business. Those look-

    ing for career in c a tering and restau-rant business will ourish.

    Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012

    The suitab le careers for you are as

    doctors, nurses, jailers and convent

    runners. Profession requiring imagina-

    tions suits you. Film making, script writ-

    ing, composing and choreography

    are favourable careers for you. Dur-

    ing this period, your brother will be instrumental in advancing your

    career. You may have to get involved in your family business. First ha lf

    of the q uarter will be more favourab le than the sec ond half.

    July 2012 to Septem ber 2012

    This period will be excellent for those who are in the eld of printing and

    stationery. You will have a good and healthy competition with your

    competitors. You will be c areer oriented during this period tha t would

    take you to new heights. Those in the career of speculation will also do

    well. If you are serving for others you will get p romotion or inc rements.

    Overa ll, this quarter will be a fortuna te p eriod for a ll p isceans.

    October 2012 to Decem ber 2012

    This is the quarter in which you will stick to a long lasting career and

    develop a strong c ontinuity in your p rofession. Time to app ly a ll your

    streng th a nd ac hieve your c a ree r goa l. The tenth lord is strong ly

    p lac ed and will support you to mo b ilize your ene rgy in the right d i-

    rection. You will gain respect and honour at your work place. A for-

  • 8/3/2019 Pisces Horoscope 2012



    tunate period for doc tors and lawyers. Mars p lac ed strong ly g ives

    you the energy to take bold steps

    You have smoothness in your ca reer by de fault. The g rowth is

    gradua l. Wear a yellow sapphire on Thursdays for avoid ing any hin-


    Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

    Pisc ea n is a wa ter sign. Therefo re, you need to c ontrol an exces-sive liquor intake. Your over indulgence in eating may disturb your

    health since the sign is ruled by Jupiter. You can be effected by skin

    d isea ses during this period . The hea lth rela ted troub le may oc c ur

    during this time but it w ill be c ured in no time.

    Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012

    You will have a hot body constitution due to this reason you may suf-

    fer from boils and piles. The Sixth lord placed in your sign will keep you

    little unhea lthy. You w ill remain impatient a nd irrita ted . Gastric trou-

    b les ma y effec t your stomach. Avoid sp icy food to control the hea t

    of the body. The main thing tha t is dangerous for you is your anger.

    July 2012 to Septem ber 2012Your hea lth is effec ted due to impurities in the b lood in this qua rter.

    You may have fever. A blood test is important if you have fever.

    Also, there is a c hanc e o f deve lop ment o f lump in the p riva te p a rts.

    As, you know the basic cause of disease is the imbalance of the Tri-

    doa shas i.e w ind , b ile a nd phelgm. You ha ve more o f phe lgm and

    less of w ind sinc e the ruler of this sign is Jup iter. Just c ontrol this with

    suitable medicine to keep yourself healthy and t.

  • 8/3/2019 Pisces Horoscope 2012


    8 PISCES

    October 2012 to Decem ber 2012

    This period is not very fortunate in context with health and tness.

    Plac em ent o f Venus in the sixth house c ould lea d to loss of hea lth

    due to d isease o r over indulgenc e in sexua l ac tivities. Plac em ent of

    the Sun in the seventh house c an lead to typhoid . Overa ll, this last

    qua rter will be a mixed period . If the Sun is p lac ed strong ly in the

    b irth c ha rt, you w ill rec over from a ll these w ithout muc h troub le.

    Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

    Ruling planet is Jupiter and ruling element is water. Like two sh in

    the ir zod iac sign you a re a lways tom in two by your em otions.Una -

    b le to dec ide whic h wa y to go. You a re a lso sign of self dec ep tion.

    You will be sensual and attract opposite sex with your magnani-

    mous persona lity and power of mo ney. You will be sec retive d uring

    this period .

    Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012

    The love life of Pisc eans is c ha otic . They a re d reamy, intuitive and

    like to wander from situations to situations. Piscean prefers the tran-

    quil soothing depths and is a hopeful lover. A piscean hates mak-

    ing promises but also hates breaking hearts. Listen to a Piscean andsuccess in a relationship is assured. During this quarter you will re-

    ma in hap py and enjoy every moment of life.

    July 2012 to Septem ber 2012

    During this period, you will take life and love easily. You will coolly

    enjoy every common incidents. If you have weak Venus or Jupi-

  • 8/3/2019 Pisces Horoscope 2012



    ter in your b irth c hart, you might be insulted due to some sc anda l.

    The period makes you romantic and sensual. Just keep a check on

    your emot ions. Bew are of wrong friend s as they c an m isguide you

    for som e illeg a l ac t. During this period , you must a void too much o f

    c loseness if your love mate in o ther tha n Aqua rius, Virgo or Sc orp ion.

    October 2012 to Decem ber 2012

    This period will be little unfortuna te for you. The time to fac e the

    results of your casual approach towards your love mate. You are

    caught for sailing on two boats. You took the things very lightly in

    the past and now you have to pay for your mistakes. Anyways, you

    are tactful and capable to handle these situations. Dont make an

    aggressive approac h sinc e this friend ship may turn into enmity. The

    best solution is to keep quite and let the things happen. Things will

    settle d ow n by the end of the q uarter or ma y be by next quarter.

    Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

    Pisc es a re very devoted husband s and wives. Sinc e, the house of

    their parents is governed by Venus which is the natural benec.

    Tha t is why, you a re very muc h a tta c hed to your pa rents. But, un-

    fortunately your pa rents a re no t enjoying a very goo d hea lth during

    this period . Your fa the r will be not be with you even if he is well. He

    c ould even go ab road .

    Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012

    You will loose p a tienc e in this period and this will lead to d ifferenc e o f

    op inion. But, your spouse w ill c onvinc e you with love a nd a ffec tion.

    You w ill be highly imp ressed with your mothe r. Your fa the r is no t well

  • 8/3/2019 Pisces Horoscope 2012


    10 PISCES

    and needs your support physically and emotionally. Your brothers

    and sisters will respect you and honour you. Those who have weak

    Ma rs in the ir c ha rt may develop some rift w ith their b rothers.

    July 2012 to Septem ber 2012You w ill have good time with your family in this qua rter. Your moth-

    ers affection for you will increase much. Dont ever break her heart.

    Be a ffec tiona te and sha re your fee lings and sorrows with he r. Your

    c ousins and friend s will be very supportive in this period . They c an

    g ive the ir he lp ing ha nd in your profession o r business. You a re very

    intelligent a nd tac tful to m a intain the ba lance in your fam ily and

    this quality of yours will make you much popular during this time.

    October 2012 to Decem ber 2012

    This qua rter may not b e ve ry fortuna te for you in context with your

    rela tionship with your spouse. Spouse will be irrita ted with yo u fo r

    som ething or the o ther. Don t loo se your pa tienc e a nd hand le the

    things c a lmly and quietly. Child ren c an help you in your tough time.As you know, when the time is bad everything goes wrong. Your

    family issues will be set tled by the end of the qua rter.
