pipes on deck


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Page 1: Pipes on Deck




CHARLES BLIAULT, HERMANN KAPSand North of England P&I Association

Page 2: Pipes on Deck



Page 3: Pipes on Deck


k S






Published by North of England P&I Association Limited

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means

(electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without

the written permission of the publisher.

Copyright © North of England P&I Association Limited 2008

The Authors assert moral copyright in the work.

ISBN 978-0-9558257-0-5

Authors: Charles Bliault, Hermann Kaps

and North of England P&I Association

Printed and bound in the UK

The authors are grateful to Mund & Bruns (www.mund-bruns.de),

marine and cargo surveyors in Bremen and Antwerp, for their assistance

and support in the preparation of this guide, including supplying all the


This publication is intended for general guidance only to assist in the

avoidance of disputes and problems arising from stowage and securing

of pipes on the decks of cargo ships, though pipes should wherever

possible be stowed under decks. Readers should take care to ensure that

the recommendations contained in this publication are appropriate for

a particular situation before implementing them. Whereas every effort

has been made to ensure that recommendations are comprehensive, the

authors and the North of England P&I Association Limited do not under

any circumstances accept responsibility for errors, omission and mis-

statements or for the consequences of implementing or attempting to

implement recommendations.

Page 4: Pipes on Deck


Chapter Page


Introduction 3

Applicable regulations 4


Characteristics of pipes 5

Before loading begins 6

Stowage of pipes 7

Securing of pipes 8

Worked examples 10

Summary 13


Ensuring a compact block 14

Protection of pipes 15

Construction of stanchions 16

Care of the securing arrangements 17


I Advanced calculation method 19

II Verification of securing alternatives for deck-stowed pipes – worked examples 21




Page 5: Pipes on Deck

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Page 6: Pipes on Deck

...tu. I. - • ....,... u

Chapte·r 1


INTRODUCTlON There h::l~-c hocn a number of lo6sa> or parr lo6sa> ~-er the 13.~t few years or blocb of pipes S[)(JI),'OCJ on dcdt, principally on dle h:lrch covers. Much oonsidcrarion h3.~ been gi'l<cn oo the r=~ns for thMC loose<> and "-':IfS hy which such srau-~cs m3)' be adcqu:u:cly secured for the rigoutll of an ocean ~·

The Ios~ h3vc rcsulrcd tiom one or a oombill3tion of the fullowin~

• in:!.doqu3~• or !IOCilring 3/tanjlCmettrs • inappropri:u:e oomhioocion of sccurin;o: systems • severely advcl!ilC \re:ither :~nd sea oondir:ions.

llcforc lookin~ ac the \•'3Jious technical 3SflCetS 3.~~i3l.ed with 90Cllring a <:afRO of dcck­S[)(JI),'Od pipo~, 1 he oompooition and ''Ill ncrahi lilies of dle C3J'RO :>hould he srudicd.

1 4/'gO'diamc~cr pipes shi1>pod by sea on deck arc, in moot cases. nor simply pieces of break-hulk hue 3JC hii:Jlly scnsicn-c, C\<cn delicarc, and ~'.lh13hle icans.

The pipes 3te often manufacrun:d tinm special higtHll~· srccl "-ith grcar precision, 3re =tcd m

"'~tlmand hi#! p=rc.~. ha\«: ends finished m oomply "'~ th a specification (l>eVCIIod, thrc::Jdcd. etc.) and :ue u.~ually oootcd intcm:JIIy and externally "'~th "rlfnish, paint orccmenc (Hg. 1}.

Any damage m the end' or ooacing is likely m rC8ulc in rqecrioo or che 1)ipc or high oosl."' rC8Uicing from rcfrubishmcnc.

Aq such, large diameccr pipes 3JC he8t S[)(JI),'Od under de<*. and nodling in this hook should be inccrprcrcd 3.~ cncourJ.I.l)ng a decision in f.r;~u of che shipment of pipc.q on deck. Fe I. ~\'pes en q'!l:n ~ l"..m<nolJ>i=ed .il:nu vith lflcdd (rihs


Page 7: Pipes on Deck

APPLICABLE REGULATIONS V.'hcn it is not p<l6Siblc to stow pipe~ under dcd< and tJ1cy need ro llc c:uricd on

deck, they mu.u be SOO"I\I:d longirudinslly- simil3r to logs. One might dlercforc oonsidc~ follolving the rcoommend:ltion.~ of the l ntcrn3tion31 .M:lritime0~ni7.lltion's ( I MO) <Jodenf Sate ~'JCticc lllr .Ship~~ <Jatrying '11mhcr I >cc:k c~, 1991. H001cvc~ one of d1e principks hchind the !ICCUring nf :1 cimhcr deck c:IJWl is th3t d1c bshin.l!)l 3lC s3tisfuctory lllr nnrnnlly O'})CCtod oonditions, hut nnt stmng C<lnlW1 oo rcrain the C:Uf!1l nn bo31d if it shi~ This principle C3nnot he u.qcd f~ stem-age of pipes.

Code '!l Safe Practice f,r Cargu Stowage rmd S8curing The char.!crcristie> of pipes arc va.qdy different from cho6c oflo~ 3ttd st~e> of pipes

mu.~c he sccwcd nnc a.q fllr cimherh11c in acoord311CC'II.~dl the prm~ions of d1c IMO (:'ode of Sate Pt'JCt:icc for Ou,c:o SOO\~:lnd StJCUring (C:~ Code), ():lrtictJI31lpnnc:x 13.

The C!*> Code inoorpot'Jrcs gener.tl pri nciplc.q fllr the S:lle stm~ and securing of c:~Hf!PCS, definitions of rcnm in gcnet:ll use, some b!IJie rccommend:ltions ro he followed, :tnd

90me guid:lnce with tC{I:;lrd to :wtions in hc;ny '~I her and v.i1cn eJ.1f!11lw shifted. Annexes 1 oo 12 contain f,Uidancc nn the st~ and sccwing of pmicul:lr cypcs of C3rgocs and appendices 1 ro S qll()(e nd1er ncsnlucinns and ci rcubnl rn be oonsidcrod.

Annex 13 giros some guidance and mcchnds for rhc:ls.<rcssmcnr of)a.qhing arr:uljtemencs. lt gi\e<i a definition for the rn:JXimum securing lood (MSL) 3ttd the n'IC(hnd for C3lctJl~ring the :O.·ISL for I3Shing m3teti:lh. Section i describes an ':ldv:lncod rolrolation method'. v.nich m~ be WiCd to rolctJiatc the external furcc.q 3Cting upon cargo 3ttd d1cn whether <>t 001 die chosc.n Ja.qhing maleri3IS :1nd number of J:~.qhin~ to be fitted 3rc sutTJCicnc.


Page 8: Pipes on Deck

Chapte'r 2


CHARACTERISTICS OF PIPES The ch:lt:lCcclistics of pi pal 'llilich need ro he borne in mind when plannin,~: their stamgt :md securing 3tc 3S tollm>.os

• pi pal arc rclati\~ly littht • pipes arc rc>llnd :md m:r: roll • piflCil have aim\' cocliicieot nf ffictiM • pipes 31C hnii<Jw.

' !be lir.~t charactaiscic ha.~ a m:ukcd cfTca: on d1csrahilityofdle vc..oo and d1ar in rum affects rhe tr3nsvcrsc foro::s 'llilich ace on die dcckstaw:Jge whctl rhe vcssd rolls in die 9<:3\\"3):

V. 'hen I~ :uccarriod b01h on and under deck, the rcsult:lllt mctlCCntric heisJlt ((iM) is likely to he small 31ld close ro the lm\'CI" limir. HO\\'C\~r, when pipes arc stowed on deck and other; pcmaps hC3\'}; CJ.J/lfl- such 3S srccl products -is s10wcd under-deck, this mi~t gh~ die VC..~~! a l:11,1:c GM and a stwr roll period.

A st~ of pipes should he of a s1ng.Jc size and cypc of pipes, d1c san1c diamctc~ length and finish, so a.q ro produce a unifom1 hlock. If ditTcrcnc si7.cs of pipcorv.ith different coadn~ or end finishes arc soov.<od rogcthcr, the h&ock will nor he uni tOim. dam~ to the piflCil m11f result and sccurin,~: dinicultics '\\ill he cncounccrcd.

' I be pipes miiSt he prmidcd wid'ladCIJwrc :md suitlhlcdunn:l,lting and paclting marerials eo support and chock me pipes in the stow~e. ro inctca.~e tl1c coellicienr of fiiction v.~1crc ~lJic and to

prmocc the end~ and surfaocs ~ nsrc:bmage resulting froo1 abrasion hct:'l\<cen adj3A-"nt t)ipes :md hct'\\oocn securing atr:mgcmcn ~:q a11d the pi pal

(~lg. 2). During the ~oagc, if

SC3S arc shipped on deck, sea w:ua may collect in d1c pipc..q. porcicul:ttly rhi)<:C in

stowagcs turthcr lorward, and the weight of th3t w.ucr \\ill lurcher iner= 1iz 2 ~1Ut(o=>froulr/loeJ>i~pcm.s..a.Wy~by~ the tr.1nsvcrsc lorees and cl\mnozitlzaxfpodtilrn-.:ds


Page 9: Pipes on Deck

loodin,gll on the socuringarl3ll~mcno;. This should be borne in mind during cbc~'O)"::gc3nd port:icul:uiy when ~c oondioooo are ICt=.lSt.

The fnllml'illg ~rni ng giron in dlc · Jlmhcr Deck (hrgo Code should 31\~~ be rememhcrcd.

The lashin~ arc not designed to JX<71idc a nlC3ns of&eruring:~pinst imprudent ship h::lndlin_~t in hc:noy·wc;utlCt.

BEFORE LOADING BEGINS Hcmrc the .stevedores c:m hcgin looding pipes. C31cubcions must he C31Yiod out m

dct~minc hrlw many pipes arc ro he loaded on cop of the hatch crNCrs and in hov.· many tiers. Thc.sir.c-l~h. bi'C3dth and hci!(ht -oft:hcstm~c can dlC{l he determined. Also, and of great impon:ancc, the \vcOgh t 01' the SOOV.':l{CC C'.lll be calculaccd.

The 'll.<ci8)lt nt' the SCOV.'38C- both in terms of the coCll weit:;l1t of the st~e on d1c harch covers and the tonnage per square mecrc- muse not~ the m11ximum JlCrm~ihlc loodin.~t of the R:uch 00\'CIS. Suffteicnc load-spi'Ci!ding rimhct dunrcagc should be u.~ed appmprilccfy m ensure che 'II.'Ci8)lt of the ea~ is s:u:is13ccorily spread (l<i~ 3).

Calrul:u:ions should chcrcforc llc Clrricd om in :ICWmcc co ensure that there will he no m•et!ooding of the h:u:ch Cai'CfS. and eo cnrurc that sutlicicnt cimbef dunll3gc will he :w.lil3hlc for chcconsll\ICcion ot' the scov.~ Also, calculations fur the necessary SCCilrin,lt 3fl3ll8Cmeno; muse he done to ensure d1:1c sunicient lashing materials arc :wJil3hlc m secure rhe scov.~


Page 10: Pipes on Deck

STOWAGE OF PIPES l'ipc.q ~hould he Rrowcd as follows.

Advice for ~®win~ pipes on deck

• l~pc:$ should hcMOIVed in the fOI\XInd·aft line of the v~l on lines of soft timber dun~ laid athw:umhi(lll on the h:lcch top, prcfcr3.1lly laid 3hore hatch-<lO\ocr ti"JJIS\'Crsc stillC41in;;: members.

• E3cfl pipe should he stOIVcd hard up apin~c cbe 3djarem pipe and wedp should be inserted ~nsc dlc inboard and outboard bilge of each pi~ 31\d ooilod m theb:ase timbefs, to prC\ocnc rolling (Joi~ 4).

• Sccond-cierand third-cier pipes, if C31liod, should bestowed in the C311dincs of dlc pipes in the tier he low wim fiietion-inerc:l\in~t nuccrial, prefcrJbly rubhcr 0\:ilcting. lined between e<ICh ~~ive riet.

• 1.'uirahle pocking material (rimher, rul)t)er matting. ere.) should be fiaed in \l':ly of all soeuringamngcments 3C poinm of cont3Ct ro minimise ahra.1ion d311.~.

• The blockstm~ of pipes ~hcconsidetcd to he a Ringle unit !Or 9CCUring purposc:s, p1o\'idcd it is a wcll-fOillled., t.iRJ'lt stOWJ80- Ollculations should be complcc.cd to determine me strength of me securing :IIT3ngctllems th3C arc required tn prC\<ent a3/l~c and longirudinal slidin~ ' lhli\S\<ersc tipping is considered not en be a problem.

-- -· •


Page 11: Pipes on Deck

SECURING OF PIPES A ~tm>.~ of 1~ipcs is u.'ually made up ofalar,l(c number of pi(>C"' Sto'l>.<c<l in cicrs. H o'\\'C\'Cf,

v.11cn cansidcringwharsocuringarr:lllgcrncnlli3J'Cnccewr,; the block as awholcc:.1n he r:lla:n m he a si nglc. l3fltC, hc:JVY uni c m be =d. HciC:rcnce c:.1n d1ctefure he nude m annex I ~

of the (X<; <lode and iLq 3<h-.:~nccd C3lcubcion method li>r guidance on and 31SCSS11tcnr of socuri ng aremgcmcms.

The 3dv:lnccd method is a cak:ubcion in four p3n:s, m dcccrminc if the securing 3N:Ingcn~cntsarcstdlicicm rnacc~n.~c the cxtetnal filrocs and keep me~ fromshifcing. T he four seeps arc :JS follows.

Advanced calculation method for la'lhing requirem ent!>

0 •\i:1Jtm.>!-3ll the O:i.'liC infonnation 3hoUt me ship. the piece Of c:.11go and illl St~ loc:ltion should he obclincd and listed, and me pri~ cak:ubrions oomplcccd.

• Sr~flSI'J-thc cn.cm:ll forces tbacarc likcly to3Ctupon the item of~ arc calcubccd.

• Sr~p tnnf- the cll'Occ of friccion and the cffixtn-encss and strength of all the individual lashing,; in CICh ofd1e row dircroons isC3lcubccd.

• Sup jwr- an a.'ISOSsmcnc is m3de m escahlish whether or nM the ctl'Occivc~lcss of the oombinaOOrl of the friction and I:J.Shin~ =00s the like!: ClttCtll3l lorccs.

Appendix I pm~·idc.q nlOI'C dcctils of the ad\oance calculation mcdlod and Appcndioo: 11 prO\ides three worked O.':l.l1lples.

11u·ee alternative securittlf methods Three altctlllt.Wc :uran~mcnlll arc rocommcndcd in this guide lilt 1hc socuring of a

pipe scomgc on dock. All 1hrec arc designed oo include clcmcnt8 chat prere~~r ll'lnsvcrse sliding. clcmcncs m oomp:iiCt 1he stow-~ (hold it dMrn hod.ily) and elements to prC\enr loo#rudinal sliding. as required under the ad'l':lnccd calculaOOrl mc1hod. 'lhnsrenc tipping is not a problem widl sudla SC09.'3gC-

Scc:urinl! allllm ativo ono

• ' I t.um-c~ sliding is PfC\'Cila:d hp sufficialt number of JXIi" of vertical balf.loop b;:hin~ of wire rope of 3ppmpri31csizc sot ~~ 17;' portand sr:llboord rurnhucldcs. The baiC·loop6, :11 appropriare ~p::!Ci ng. 3rc led li\)nt sccuring poin13 lx:lcm· rhc SCO\I.'J,gC on the bardltop aroncsidc \'Crric:.lllyO\a dtcRID\~and dawn rosocuring poinm 3t the deck 3! the Othct side (l<ig. 5). ~it1hlc p:ld<ing materials arc u.,OO in v.z..; of the lash in~

(Jompocting of rhc Slll'l\'3ge is salisfJcoon""t: achiC\'Cd ~· 1hc vertical haJ I~ loop lashin~

l.onltirudin31 sliding is pi'C\o-cntcd by stoppers welded ro the roa:h rap, lined v.~th suicahlc limber, ~nst rhe lilrmud and after ends ofbotrom-cicr pipes. J<tiction­incrcasing nl:lrcri31 fi reed between dlc ciclll of pipes, for example rub her n'l:ltting, i$ used m pnm:otdidingof uppcr-ticr pipes.


Page 12: Pipes on Deck

"'"" u

Securing aJtcm ativc two

• Tl:ln.'l\>"ei'9C ~liding is prC\<cnrod tJra rufficicnt number of pairs of hori:r.Dnl:ll hlllt:Joop Whin~ Of '!I.~ le rope of 3ppropri3tc sO.C SCC eight tJr pon 3nd St:uilocud 1111nhuckJet The h:llf-loops or 'spring bstlin&'l' :1l'C led longirudinlllly through indi\~du:ll piJ">C8 :Uid down 3nd inboard to socurin~t pointS on me hatch cop (Hg. 6). Such spring lasflinl,'.'l should be rilJ'Cd dHoU,Ith a sullicicnt number of pipes in C3Ch cicr out hoard eo port and oo SC3lho:lrd.. SuiC:lhle pGCking materi:~ls should be u.~d in way of dle la.~hin8'-

• C'..ompactin~t of me srm~e is xhie\'Cd by an :~ppropri!ltc number of suicahly spoood m•ct-thc>oop or 'friecion-loop' bshingl\.

• Longirudinal sliding j.q prevented by ~toppers welded to the h:lcch rop, lined with suiohlc timber :Jg"J.insc cbe fom'3rd 3nd 3ftcr end.~ of hormnt-lict pipc-q, r tiction­incle:l.'ling nl3teri311ittcd between me OCI"S Of pipes, for o::ample rubber nl3Cli~ is u.~d oo prerentslidingofuppcr-cicr pipcs.

r 9

Page 13: Pipes on Deck

Sccurinl( almmo.ti\ro three

• ' ltJnsverse sliding is prC\<ented ~ 3 sufficient numiX:t of side se~nchions widl :~ppmpri:ue huttrCS-'ICS, :~ppmpri:uelf spaced, to pan and to S1:3rll03td of the stow.l,I(C, or equivalent SlllJCrutcs of suffkienr sD"Cngch (J<lg.. 7).

Compacting of die srowJ,tte is 3Chi<:\'Od by an :~ppropri:lrc numhct of sui cm~ spoood m·eNho-mp or 'friecion-loop' bshing;"~.

l.ongirudin.:ll sliding is prevented by stoppers welded to the hatch top, lined with suie~blc timber ~nsr the fiuv.'3J'd and :~frcr ends of bottom-tier pipc8. l'ricrion­inere:~.~ing m:ucri:lllitted bct:wcen die tiers of pipes, forc:x:~mple rubber m:~aing, is used to pi'C\'Cilt sliding of upper-tier pipes.

Theclemcrusof C3Ch 3ltcrR:Im<e medlod p!O'Iidc:~<:omplcteS!Stcm fill securing a Sto\~


The elementS of one method mu..~r noc be mixed ot combined wich those of another IJCC:J\ISC die result is lik'cty robe :u1 incllicient SJStcm '1\'hieh <loo; noc providc~utlieient strength ro xr ~ffit rhec:m::m:ll forces encountered during d1e \~':lgC.

One of d1e :llcan:~civcs mu.~t be cllO!lCfl :~nd IISCd in itS enriref:!,: In 31rcmarivcs one :u1d rwo, wire rope is used to prevent U31\lW'Cr1le sliding. w!l=~ in :~ltcm:ui\-c dlrcc, side sr:anchions •1vith hutcres_qcs :lfC employed. These S)'litems must not be mixed hcrousc dlc ltc::xibil icy and el:lSticicy ch3t.lC(c:ti.'t:ics of v.ire rope b.'hin~ :lfC complct~ diffcrcnc li'om chc6e of sonchio.ns. which :lfC e.'ISCllti:llly ri~d saucrurcs.

WORKED EXAMPLES Applic:ltion and 3S.~cssmem of the three securing :~ltemati\'0> c:~n be dcmonsD:Ircd

through ·worked Cll:lmplcs im.·oMng a [}'Jlical C:ltgc>oflargc pipc8 sr:ov.'Od on deck. The C:lrg<> consistS of J9 individual steel pipes in 3 st3Ck of dlrec tiers of 14, 1.> and IZ

pipc8 (as in l<i~ 5-1). l<.::u:h pipe is ot'length I Z m, outSidedianlctc:tZ m :~nd weight 10 t. 'loo overall SID\\'J,Ite is rim<> 12 m long, 28 m wide> 5.5 m high and 390 r in weip,ht. ' Jllc pipes :I1C

scov.'Od on timber dunnage. on rhc timrJrd end of the numbcs tWO harch 001-er, and anci-slip rubber m:~tcing is u..qcd :1.~ p3Cking between the pipc8 in upper ricrs.

Three alrcmnri\<c sccurin~t :llf30~mcnts arc de\'ised I'Or the scov.'!l~ which ron he summ:uiJcd :1.' follows.


Page 14: Pipes on Deck

u Er. ' Pt.l.k:~

SU~J~iot altPiwtir;.'? ont

• ten 'errical half -loop l a.llhin~ C3Ch side. port 3nd st:lrl'Xlatd. of 20 mm '9.~ re rope • sc.ccl-harstoppersweldcd nc.'<t to bottom-tiet pipe ends~ tonmrd 3nd aft.

.Ma,ni~ 11Jk.'I"Mtirk1 (6.'()

• ten horiT.ont:ll haJt:.loop bshin~ C3.eh side, porr and starhoard. of IR mm "ire rope • fowmrcr-~top bshin.'?' of 18 mm'9.~re rope • sc.ccl-har stoppers welded next to botiom-ticr pipe endc;~ ton"'ard 3nd 3ft.

• fow srocJ st:1nohions each side • six C'frer-thc-<op lash in~. pore 3nd starho3rd. of20 mm wire rope • sc.ccl-har stoppers welded next to botiom-ticr pipe cndc;~ ton~ard 3nd 3ft.

Appendix 11 shows how the 3CW.lnaxt C3lcul3rion method can he u.~ ro ~cs.~ 311 duce 31 re mat ire.~. I o c3Ch ClSC dlechllSa'l sccuri ng :ln'.ln~cmenm an: dcmonscrarcd to h3vesutlicienc sD"Cngdl m c::tOCCd the likely cxrcmal t~~ and rhw prevent the C3$ifl> from shifting.

Additimsalfactors In docidin-" on which socwin~ method to use, additi0031 f'3Ctors need rob.: considered.

R./()!Jtl11itm 1l stint /mllib-p The stretching or elonpoon of \\ire rope la.llhin~ is 31~ a pmhlem- and more of a

problem the longer the 'lashing. Tllc' ire.Cl used on pipe st~ C3n he rxuticularly I~ so chat noticc3hleclon~uion is iAC\~tahlc. This C3n r~uJc in :uerioos shift of the smw3gc if lcfc unattended

J<br sccurin-" 3Jremati\cc one. C3Ch vcttiC31 h3Jt:.loop lashing has 3 len~ch of 300UC L 42m. The effocdre modutus of cla.Clticity of the 'Wire rope wed in the Cl:lmplc is ahouc fo~

70 kJ\/mmZ,. rcbccd to i~ mcClllic cro~ection. "llle ZO mm '9.~rc mpe ha.Cl 3 mcClllic cro~ sce:tion area of A 157 mmz. Al1 1a.llhin~ arc ri~hr.cned m 3 pro-r.cnsioo of F 30 ' win~ the ru.rnhueklc.s. 'lllc wire m11 scrcroh elastically a.q follows ..

.:12 x an. 0. I 1.) m ( I 15 mm) AXE 157 X iO

If d1e r.cnRion in the '9.~ res incrc3SC.q ro 3110ut GO ' a.q the "\\':Sstl rollR heavily ro pore 31ld to srarhoo.rd. the ·wires will rrccch l~ a furdtcr I IS mm and, if ir were pcmlittcd ro occur, would allml d1e whole hlock to hift sidcw.JYS lJ!.' about half that: dist:lllce, that is 60 mm. Hnwc\i""Cr, widlout 3 sli!Vlt Rhifc nf the hlook. dle wires would noc a.Clsumc any load ahm"e the pro-r.cnsioo. On the 01her hand, dle mt::ll shift of the hloct nf pipes ro pore 31ld m st31hoatd


Page 15: Pipes on Deck

durin.'t h~ rollinSt "~Id he proponi003l m the clonlt3£ion of d1e wire bshin~. a.ctsumin.'t bshin~ 3rc nOl tended dwin~ d1e v~e (which chcy muse be).

1-br ~ocuring 3lr.cmarivc twO: the hori7.tmCll h31f-ioop la.cthin~ h:wc an 3VCI"~ len~ of 3J)()ut L 24 m. 'llleeftcerivc modu1LL<t of c1311cicicy is ~n abooc E 70 kNJmmz3nd che 18 mm wire rope ha.ct 3 meallie crMs-scctioo of A 1 Zi mmz. V.~ch the ~ame pro-ccnsion of F 30 k1\ , the wirc.ct will strcr.ch as tollo~.

AI, Lx F 24x 30 o.mu m (81 mm) AxE IZi x70

If the tension in d1e wires ~in iner~ m 3houc 60 kN as the \~cl rolls, dte wires will stretch l'J!.r a furd'cr 8 1 mnt. v.11ich would 3llow the wflolc hloclc to shift idC'9.':1'5"S by 3J)()Ut half ch3c disf3tlce- amund .W mm - if the l3&hin~ are noc tended dwin~ d1e '~

I c is thw c.ct~rial oo ensure dlac d1e la.cthin~ arc made up rorTCCtly and ripjucncd 3C the l~nninjt of the \m)~ 3nd then at frequent. rcgul:u inrcrv-.11s as ooccs.ii:uy duoop;ftouc the \o"'~e- particularly if they 3f'C new Wires, wt\icb 3J'C. prone to 3 permanent 'consauccion stretch' of up ro 1% a.ct wcU as cl:lStie sttetd l.

Rc{tlllar 3djustmcn01 of the rutnhueldes, or adju.ctcmenc of the la.cthin~ chcmsclve& if d1e rumhuckle due3.d is insutlieient will enRUrC the tension remains 3dequatc eo prevent any igniticanc mm"Cment of rhesr~ :lS chevc.ctsel roll~.

~ 8. 7h$ .StOWO~ ~ ccrmncs ~ ~ bi.O tnJ tMf!. but tne hM:mnfd ha'FfOO/J ~~ ~ ~'elf~ as the staldlans pm.oent them .stns3dl~ .suffdcntft tD any onr oppr~ lood


Page 16: Pipes on Deck

l>nntagL 14 s$im \Mth :li=Mci<-e t'll.ro, problems rnighc cl=lop :u the pipe end• "~'ere rhe wi=

rum duou,$ nc:ufy 90" and as a re$\llt of me sawing ellOc:c or chc wire strerching and oonrrJCrrn~

Hoch the pipe edge pm<cccnrs and me wires shnuld be ClClmined for wear and should be I'C{)I:Ired if si~1ifieam w:J.~uge is IOur.d

,\'ff>!ng!ll t~f jiflinp Hlr 3ltemath<c eh roe. the tr':ll\S\'CISC motion of the block of pipes is dose to 7~ro bcc:ru'IC

the side sranchions arc solid stnJCrurcs. 'I he fi tting of an; additional half-loop lashin&"~, as Ullcd in alternacmcs one and nm, woold dlcrcforc he lL~elcss hocau.'K: they V.'Ould ncvct stretch sunicicntly ro cake any appreci3hle lood (Hg. 8). Hence, ic is of urn"KM~t impon.ancc that the stanchions, ro.~:cr.herwicfl the share contributed hy friction of chc cimhcr hat tens on the harch top, arc strong enough to keep the hlod: in place..

The Olet·rllc-top friction loops cannot he included in chc halancc-ot:forccs c3lcularioM although d1cy ccrt:linly contribute hy increasing the friction ac the I"X!SC of the saw.~ !10

loog as ~remain tensionc:d, and chc:y will koop the cnp bycrs of pipes in pl:!ce. 'll1ey arc therelbfccsscntial onrnponcncs.

SUMMARY The cflrecalr.em:u:ivcsccwing methods ll)ve dill'erentw.JY!I ofsccmin,~t d1chlock srov.~

of pipe.~ in the ad1w-.urships and fore and aft line. All mccflods achic:•;•c cflc prm~oon of cran.wcrsc sliding and compacting in dilletcnc \1'3Ylland arc ha;cd on dilletcnc principles.

"The elcmcnrs of the altcrn~·c methods of sccu:rin~ pipes mu.qc not be mixed or combined: one of the altcnlllln'C.q must he chosa1 and usod in i1!1 entirety.

'A~res nf dillcri nlo"( lcngch will elon~re by dillcrenc amoun£!1 t.mdcr the Rame lo:uliogand cherelbfc arc incompatible fllr lashing purpo9CS. Sranchions are solid snucnrrcs 31ld muse ha\<e stdlicient s trength oo prC\<ent n"IO\<emcnc of the hlock of pi pes and xc a,lt:linRt me cxtcrn:!l accclcrationR without any transtersc wire l:1.~hin~ being fitted


Page 17: Pipes on Deck

Chapte·r .1


The oorrccc ~CO'I'J:lj:lC of t)ipe8 I"C((Uitts c«cnsi\-c k:nowlcd~ and o:pcricnce, wh~a.~ chc scope of thi.~ guide can cm-er only some gct~ct:~l :!SpcCIS. le is thcrcl(lro rcrommcndcd th:lc cxpcrr ::Mtvicc i~ ol)[3i nod.

Advanced planning o( che ~001\':ljte inmt~.;ng all interested parties - owner, nl:IStct. =~ clwu:rer. shipper and stC\<odorcs- is cs;ential oo achieve a su=still omoonlC..

ENSURING A COMPACT BLOCK The a.~surnprion that thest:LCtcd pipe$ n\3}' he treated :IS one 001\lfXICC block of C:ltgo is

only justilied i( all che pipes h:we Rood root:~~"'''" each ochet. l~pes wid1in rhe sc:adc should have six lines of ront3a 'll.~dladj3ccnt pipes. l~pcs in the hocton1 tier will hsroonly live. and pipes at the top and chcsidcs only four such lines of oonmcc (H~:- 9). I~ pes auhe upper and lower OOfnctsof chcs=k. althou.gtl h:~ving only three lines of ront3ct, arc held inoo thcst3ck hy the pressure ofi3Shifl&'l.

Htw.'C\'c~ them may he SC\rcral l':laors that might prevent good con t:J.ClllCCWCCn 3djaccnc pipes, as follom.

• flipc-q 3te not ah\~ I 00% smi~t. hue m:rs• h:lvc 3 slight curve. ' l lms. oonracc at the end.~ nY.Jf produce space in chc middle or \'ice 'retS3.

• l'ipe8 n1:ry he shipped 'll.ith sn-e:~lled 'sp:ICCI'II' made of synthetic fibre rope \\'rapped amund d1c pipe 31 intCtv.iiS of a fC'Il.' metres. The spaccts msr he COM(K'C~ duriOJ( rolling and may result in sl:lCk:ncss in che smck of pipes.

• Wed~ OY.If he pro-lined on dle hoaom du011:~ge by MC:lns of rcmpbcc.~. 'l11i' may lc3d to inaccuracies in dle scm\'lgcof pipe$ a.~ a result of small dill'crcnccs in d1c si7.cs of pipes.

• IUibher nl31li should he used hetween dle pipes eo incrca.'IC friction and should he fitted at all lines of ront.3C(. HowC'I'Ct. ifS1f1thetic lihre rope SflGCCtS :llC m:IChod to che pipe$, (he ruhher m::1cs nl3J he ineffectn-c if they :~re thinner than chc ropes.

-.. \

I _,..,.....,. _________ ......__- ~, ..,

1 • line of contact


Page 18: Pipes on Deck

PROTECTION OF PIPES l'ipc-1 3J'C ofcco shipped "'~d1 hc\<cl c~ pmtccrors (1-1~ 10). ' l llC8C mi~ht he made of

sr.ccl, aluminium 01' pbslic 11"13r.crial, :md muse not he damaged 01' rcmm<cd. If pipes arc ro:u:cd on d1cir oumide surf=, dunnage in the l()rm of ~-called chicla:n­

I:Kidcrs mll1t he used in all wirc-oonClCr 31'Cas. These chickcn-laddeiS arc made of shore len,gthssoftmlOd IJOOrds connccccd m each other hyt:lCkcd-oo length.~ of fibre rop<:S orpla.~cie t3flCS to produce a l:Kidcr of sufficient lcnRdl.

If la.\hin~ 3I"C p:1.\scd through pipes, as in sccurin;;: alrem3tivc rwo, pip<Xdgc pm rectors mllqt be ullCd. 'l11csc C:lll be obr:Uned r~madc, of sr.ccl or aluminium, v.ith bulges fOI' guiding d1c wire (Hg. 11 ). If the pipes 3I'C coo red inside. ~uch as with 3 spcciai'Oov.c.coac' for llqc in the l_!;lS indllqrry, direct ront:aet of the wira~ ro the pipes muse he :rmided by the UllCOf slippcd-<>n pieces of rubbcf ho!IC.

outside bevel


bevel protector

~ 10. ~ cfbc..J ~ Jlc~ .. flidl trMt ne( be doo•oozed 01 mno.ed


Page 19: Pipes on Deck

Mosc pipes :~re welded with 3 lon~tirudin:ll seam. Shippers ~U3lly require srMI':Igc 'll.ith the SC311'1 in d1e I Z o"doclc P06ition in order to 3\'llid ch:lfinl[ d:J.Ill:lj!): with or her pi pea. Somctim~ pipes GJCShippcd With 3 spir:J.I SC3m. mr tho5c, OnlySpclCCB C3n prevent COOCICC

3Sld 3Sroci:~ced chafl~

CONSTRUCTION OF STANCH IONS T here :ue a number of :llrem:lfh!CS for chc conatructioo of suilllhle stlndlions. ' l lleroJc

of sC3ndlioM i8 coMidctable hur, if shipmena of pipes are m be C3tried ofren, the co1c of cooscruC(.inp; ro-usal:lle fiain~ nl:JY be justified.

' l\1.'0 dilfcrcnc oonoepa3rc prcscnred.

Sumchi® com;ept tm11

T his is in some \"3)"J simil3r m dw u'ICd on sm:lllcr ~for rimber dodc: C:lfROO.~ le c:on.,isls of caMilcvercd sandlionJ made up rrom short lcnsum of steel !~~ which :~re l'CI'tiCl!lr imcned into cwo 51 eel tup on the h:sreh 00\~ sides or co:unin~ :lfld chocked with timber (1-1~ IZ).

T he C3ll rib-er 311":lJlg0-

ment requires the s~h

of rhe uppct lu~t to be rhe desired ~iSL x h/ (h-d). 3.!1

indiC3ccd in l'ig. 13. T he section modulus

of die hc:1m needs to resiSL a bendin!t momcnc MSI. x d \\;th :1 bending scress of not more ch:sn :ll>ooc 200 /mn~.

Stanchiqn conctJPI two T his 3/T:lngcmem may

he :!plllied if die 1\:lreh covers or co:unin~;t do noc pcnnic rhe welding of I up.

lr consisls of burrr=d sanchioM m3dc up rrom short lcnl(tM of steel 1-hcaml, of sm:lllcr section th:an conccpconc. \~eh the lmeso(

die st:llldlioofi and huttrc&~ holred rn dlcdcdc.

T he buurc:M m~c

he :1cw:hcd ro chc upper plrt of the sanchinn by way of 3 bol red ooonoccion rufficicndy .strong to rupport chc cr.um-crsc loild.

Fe 12. Stmdlicn acnct1lt one- slut ~ <( sflltl Uxons ""'insvted tu .:rd .l.p v.dtkd ID lhela<OJ.-~ lides er~


Page 20: Pipes on Deck

The dimeNion.~ of dle st:IJlchion and the httarcss a.~ well a.~ cbc pcdesr:Us M dcde mwc be ahle t<>\\'ith!Clnd cbc cen.;ion 2nd rom,>teuion r~r~ Rhown in ~~g. 14. There &g nn sip1ilicam bending moment in this conccpr, hue rhe huurc.~ mlL1t rc.1isc buckli~

CARE OF THE SECURING ARRANGEMENTS The st~ :111d socuring of Stool pipes on deck is a complica~:~:d process and muse

he C31Ticd out in compliance with me results of calcul3oons for dle dctctminalion of d1e sccuring requirements. If there arc :liT5' douhL~, rl1e acmcc and :L~r:lllCe of an cxpctt should he sought.

A.q \\ith :1 ROOIII.'ag<: of~ on deck, a srm~ of pipes wm settle a little during me first hours of the 'U)'lJ8<:- The pipes will bed into me timber b(1.1c-dunn~ :10d the mction man:ingwill he naacnod SOmc\>hat. "ll1iswilllcad ro slight loosening of the bshingwircs of all three alo::malivcs. Also, the v.'ircs used oo 9:CU.rc cbc srowJ)te arc, unavoid:lbl~ long and v.ire rope stretches in proportion to its len~tth a.q discu.s.qcd :lixY>'C. Hearing these 13ctolll in mind, ic is rcoornrncndcd dl:lt the I:!Shinj;(S he sec up 3nd ccndOO :1S rollo'IV!t .


MSL-dlh-d ---



Page 21: Pipes on Deck

J "' ) u

Advice for ~ up and tcndin~ of Jlipe lash in~

• All c:yr:s in me wires to he properly INdc widl an appropriate number of bullcfos fUips.

• All cqui pmcnt, rurnhuckJc.q, 6hxklcs, hull do;;: pip6 and 90 on ro be well·grcasod 31ld wichoor dctecr..

• All 13Shinll)l should he sec up c~uefi.tlly m enswe dlcy :~re swittht and not IC3dirlg ovet cc~p '1\~thout protoctOOI.

• Alll3Shin~ should be ti~tenod, sn fur :IS po!ISil*, when ri~ :~nd rc-cijthtened when 3lllashinll)l have hocfl fiaod to the Stm\o:Jge.

• All lashing)! should be rorcfully cwnincd and cightcnod ar me bcpjnning of dlc '~~ 'l'~d1in hours of chc ship's clepmurc.

• Alll3Shin&'l should he clc:unirlcd and tightenod a; ncccs~ry dlroughoot me~~-

• ~ntrics should be m:Jdc in the log book. rCOC>rding details of all insJ)CCcions.

Considet:ltion should he given to the planning of chc '~'3~ and lik.cly weadlcr and 9C3 conditions. \\'c3thcr rcpom :1nd forcc~Slll should he oht:linod and coosidcruion should he fV\oen to conrractin,l( me scfVicc.q of a wead1cr-routinF( :~gcncy If :ld\<crse weather or sca conditions arc cncounrcn:d, actions should he t3kcn to minimise the nl()tions of the ship en minimise me aocclcrations acting upon the C:l!S/1) - :1nd dlcn:l~ keep to :1 minimum me loadin~ on the socurinR armngemcnrs.


Page 22: Pipes on Deck

Appendix I


The motions of a ship :ltC longitUdinal (toro-and-afc), tr:JJlm:flle (adlw:l.nships) and \<crtiC:ll. In. addirion, a pie~ of c-.1rgo C:lrricd on dcoll: ~~ill c:ocperienc:c fCli'OC>l produced by wind pressure and by $C3Sioshingwhen ~.1vcs :li'Cdlipped oo deck.

' I 'he W.lllCcd c-alculation mcchod t"rom annex 13 ofrhc CS .. <; Code 3SiiCS:SCS me halanc:c hccwccn torccs and momentS in r-crm.s of du~ morioos, 3.~ tollov.-s.

• ' ti:lns1<crse sliding force.~ ro port and co sra.rboord. • ' ti:ln!ll<crse ri1>ping mnmenl:ll ro port3nd cosr:uboord. • l.onjtirudin31 sliding tbtces in the IOre-and·aft ditcerioo !loch fOtW.lld :1nd aft.

' I ne method is a C:lk:uhrinn in tour pws ro dcr:crminc: if ch.c securing 31l'angcmcntS are sufficient eo= ~nsc the: c:ocrcm:ll forces and keep the~ from shiftin,st. "I be: fOul steps :ltC ~ tollcw.os.

Advanced caJcularion method!

• ·~ 0<1&- all me: ba.,ic information 3hout me ship, rhc pic:ce (i)f ~and irs stamgc loc::Won should he obwnod and lisrx:d, a.r1d d1e prima.ry c-alcubl:ions completed.

• .~ llSrJ - the: o.'tcmsl lllrc:c8 tbsc arc likely ro act upon rhe i~~~:m of C:ll~ :ltC C:llcubrcrl

• .~tltrtx- dlecffcctoffricrion :md the clli:cm<cne&'l and scrcnftthofall the indi1idual lashill,!!ll in each of d1e four direcrions isc31rularod.

• .~ jr;pr-an 3.~9C:Ssmcnt is made m estlhl~h whed1cr or not dlC cffeerii'CnCSS of dlC oombiolatiOtl of rhc li'iction 3lld lash in~~.' <::a)ccds dlc liltcly accmal forces.

' I ne h<l.~ic formuh for dleeafrulalion of dlC =m:~l fllrc:c8 (~IX:jHWO) is ~n as folmlll

C"Alculation of e:rtcmal force~ (step two)

p C... p) • Ill' a <..)I..) + P,. (,. r> + P; (._ y) VI 'here

• • •

• •

P • longirudin:ll (,), aa.r\.crvctSe (y), and l<crtic31 (,), force 3S :lpflropri:u:c m • n~ of carf!P unit in t a • longitudinal (J, tr:lnSVC'nc (, ), 31ld 1<crtical (.). acoclcr.l[ions (froo1 CS.<! (lode Cl hie.~)

F,. • longjrudinal (J, a.r1d tr:lllS'I<cfSC 9 forces produood by wind pressure P, • lonwrudinal (J, and rr-an~"CtSC 41 !O!ces produced by SC3 sloshing.


Page 23: Pipes on Deck

Srcps three and four may be comhincd hy using me b3bnceC31cui:Jtions. :Ill foil m~

Balance calculation.~ (steps thl't)o and four)


' 1 r.1nsvc !'!le a J'li)injt: l.angimdinal sliding;

F, ~ 147111: ·t- CS r f1 + CStfz + ... + CS.,j. P,-a ~ lnP'IJ + CSrc 1 +CSz·et + ... + CS.-~. P.~l'·(wJ1t-P,) + CS.J1 + CSifz + ... + C.<;,:J.

A mllted ~mpk: of an :u:h'30cod Cllc:ularioo mcmoo is described in M h ofl~np,land's loos prC\ocnrion guide(~&~ t1llll Stxurih'f.-A C:uidttro (kxK/ Pr~.

V.l:lrkod cx:~mplos for dle three !IOCLIIing alrcrnati\-cs far a dock·soowod ~ of pipes 3ppc:1r in cheAppcndi" 11 ofchis ji.Uidc.


Page 24: Pipes on Deck

Appendix 11



A dcck.,o;tOIVCd car if' of pipes coruiso; of ;\9 indi\.-idual s rocl pipes in :1 smck of three ticn of 14, 13 and I Z pipes (lli{t. S). 1-::tch pipe is of length I Z m, outside di:lrncrcr Z m and weight 10 t. Thus chem'Ct'lll s rm\'3,geisoflcngm IZ m. v.idd'l Z8 m. mc:J.crurcd hcighc5_S m :md rot::ll wci~ht 390 t.

' I be pipes :ucsrtf'll.rcd on am her dunn:l,l(C, such th3t the oodlicicm of frietiM 3t die base is 0.3. l~inR m3tcri3l bctv.'OCn chc pipes in upper tiers is :lllti~ip rubber m3tcin~t3nd ~ccs a cocflicicnc of friction of O.f>. ' I 'he &tOWJ,ltC is on chc lon~rd c11d of numhcr 1\m h::lrch 0(7\'CI8

:md thercti>re die longitudinal position is l«Y.A> of me ship's I~ h. T hree dil1acnc sccurins:: :Ur:lll~n'ICO!ll :uc dc\iscd in accordance \\ith the recommended

methods !let out in Chaptct 2. 'l 'hesc then need to be assessed according to chc :ul\'3/loe c-.llcul:l.tion med'lnd sec ouc in :lllncx 13 of the GSS Code.

' I be fim tm1 RCCf16 of the :ld\'3/locd C3lculation :ue common to all d'lroc arr3ngcll'ICilcs, 3.~ 10110\\'S.


Page 25: Pipes on Deck

SECURING ALTERNATIVE ONE A cot31 <>f 10 wiro-mpc vcn.iC31 h31f·loop b.•hinfJ~.UC ri~ eo port :11,d 10 to s ratbocud

at appropriate scpar.uioos. l~ad1 20 mm diamercr lash in~ is secured ro a hatch awcl' 1>-ring via a shackle, and m a deck L>-ring \ri:la rurnhuddc and shackle, and has bulldog grip eyes. Sccrions of stccllxirarc al90 ·welded clotc forward and aft of each pipe in the hocrom tict to prevent longirudinal slidin~ These SCOflpers, :u each end. have a toml welded seam length ofahout2 m. each seam hcing asinglc4mm chick·weld run and ha\~nga.\•ISL.of400kN/m, gi\if\1: che stoppers a roe1l MSLofl!OO kN/m ()( 1!0 t. Each stopper is provided with timhcr pocking to chock dlc pipe end.

The garemin~ (weakest} romp<~nems in the scruring al1'3llgcment arc the eyes in dlc ~ical half-loop~~ formed wich bulldog 8'iJXS (sec mbl.e abo\cc) and thus each bshing may he considered m have a MS I. of I 2..6 c, or I U. kN for the purpn;c of the calculation. A safety facrnr is chcn applied to the MSL to grre the 'cakubtcd srrcngrh', givc11 hy CS • MSI~/1.5 (this is achic\'Cd in the calculation~ multipl}ing~•a f.lcoor of0.(,7).

Ar. one side of d1e &tou-~e, where it is secured r.o the deck, each lashin,~: has an 311jtle (a) of 6.'io m dte hori?.ontal 'lllhercas ar chc ochct, where it is secured to the hatch cop. eoch has an angle (a) ofrfl. Klr dlc purpc.;:c-~ of dlc calcubtion, the bshin.~:~~ can he considcted to oomprige rwo lashin.~:~~ ofiUil kN (10 x 126), oncac (~c;n and one at 0". Ftom CSSCodc 'l~ble 6, chc/~~lue.• :tre O.M :~nd 1 rc.;pecrivcl)!


Page 26: Pipes on Deck

• •

1 • -t--'-9 -t--'1~0

ll'f'> f + ro-( OJ X m X 9.11 • • m.

&,., • ~ .. ~~~~.

&,., • ~ .. Nil.

v(lr>r - F) • TCS·f CJ 1)1<1 X tal

P'(""r - FJ • TCS·f OJ X tal

The final step iA ro ooosidcr lo!Wrudirol slidins;: of the UJlPCf tiers (Ace p:~gC 28).


Page 27: Pipes on Deck

SECURING ALTERNATIVE TWO A meal of 10 "irc-«>t~ hnriMncal h:!ll~lnof>'l Me rig~tCd m p<'lf'C 3nd 10 ro scathooni in dtc

fare and aft line rhtOIJ#I individual pipes. ~h Ill mm di31Tlc= lashing is led down and inhoard and arC!Chcd via mmbuddcs and sh:lcklcs to L>-rinp "O.rcldcd ro d1c hatch r.op, and has hull dog-grip eyes.

H:mr 0\rcr-rhc-rop wire la.~hin~ are fitted to comJXlct the sll'l'll-agc hut rhcy do not rontrihutc. to the !IOCUricy of the s towage and :1re not included in dlc cruculalions.

Sccrioos ofsrocl bar:uc:tlsowcldcdclroc tOtw:lrd and afcofC3Ch pipe in the hotoom tier eo prevent lon~wdiml sliding. ' l 'hclc sroPflC"S, :lt C3Ch end, h:lvca OOC3l wcklod seam length of:1houc2 m, C3Chsc:lm bcingasin~c4 mm chick weld run h:rrir1ga M SI , of400kN/m, lli'~ng the SOOflflCt$ a ror:tl ;\·ISL ofOO r: Exh stopper is prm~dod with timhct p<1cking oo chock me pipe end.

~:<tCilC _ ~ <111:1\,rdi I~ seatT\1'\f .bod (MSIJ Wire .!.!_!nm <t:.mcrtlCt' 6 x 19 • I FC (hc.o~ot.>llulf~C>Of!!)

Wire bull<!og n "'f"S !tcddos - "reo D-<)1>0 'ThmbuddCJ 0

.. , ~:I 30 c

30 'l

8)111 • 11 .:4 M • 9.8c ~ .... , ~•ISc

~1St $0c

The gm-cming (weakest) comp<mcnts in the securing 3mlll~mcnc :1rc the ~res in dlc horrzont31 half-loopl'llilrmod with bulldog ~ps (sec t:1hlc ahO\rc) :1nd thus each l:lllhing m:!}'

he considC(Cd to h:l\'C an MS I. of 9Jl r, or98 k for the purpose of rhc C31cubrion. A safety fucror is then applied oo rhc MSL ro gi\oe the 'C:llcu13rcd s1ren~tch', given h] h] CS • MSL/ U (dli.s is xhic\'al in rhc C:llcularion h) multiplying hya fJeoor of0.67).

Hmr horizont31 h:llt:loop bshin~ :u C3Ch side of the st~ make an angle (a) of 4SO 'lllhilc the odlctsix mala:: an angle (a) of a hour W ' ro rhc holi?.ooml. Hec:lusc \vires are riJti('Cd in hmi7.onmlloops, each \\ire h:1.' rhc cffi:ct of cwnla.~hin~ far c-.llculation pu1JW1CS. ~br dlc purpo.;x:s of the C:llcul31ions the Ja.~hin~ 0:1n he ro!WidC(Cd oo rompri~ two I3Shin~. one of 7114 kN (4 x Z :x 98} at 45" and one of It 76 kN (li x Z x 911) ar W'. Hom (;~ Ood.c 'l!lhlc 6, thcj\t:!lucs :1rc o.n and 1.04 rcspoctirel}:

r 24

Page 28: Pipes on Deck

SECURING ALTERNATIVE TWO A meal of 10 "irc-«>t~ hnriMncal h:!ll~lnof>'l Me rig~tCd m p<'lf'C 3nd 10 ro scathooni in dtc

fare and aft line rhtOIJ#I individual pipes. ~h Ill mm di31Tlc= lashing is led down and inhoard and arC!Chcd via mmbuddcs and sh:lcklcs to L>-rinp "O.rcldcd ro d1c hatch r.op, and has hull dog-grip eyes.

H:mr 0\rcr-rhc-rop wire la.~hin~ are fitted to comJXlct the sll'l'll-agc hut rhcy do not rontrihutc. to the !IOCUricy of the s towage and :1re not included in dlc cruculalions.

Sccrioos ofsrocl bar:uc:tlsowcldcdclroc tOtw:lrd and afcofC3Ch pipe in the hotoom tier eo prevent lon~wdiml sliding. ' l 'hclc sroPflC"S, :lt C3Ch end, h:lvca OOC3l wcklod seam length of:1houc2 m, C3Chsc:lm bcingasin~c4 mm chick weld run h:rrir1ga M SI , of400kN/m, lli'~ng the SOOflflCt$ a ror:tl ;\·ISL ofOO r: Exh stopper is prm~dod with timhct p<1cking oo chock me pipe end.

~:<tCilC _ ~ <111:1\,rdi I~ seatT\1'\f .bod (MSIJ Wire .!.!_!nm <t:.mcrtlCt' 6 x 19 • I FC (hc.o~ot.>llulf~C>Of!!)

Wire bull<!og n "'f"S !tcddos - "reo D-<)1>0 'ThmbuddCJ 0

.. , ~:I 30 c

30 'l

8)111 • 11 .:4 M • 9.8c ~ .... , ~•ISc

~1St $0c

The gm-cming (weakest) comp<mcnts in the securing 3mlll~mcnc :1rc the ~res in dlc horrzont31 half-loopl'llilrmod with bulldog ~ps (sec t:1hlc ahO\rc) :1nd thus each l:lllhing m:!}'

he considC(Cd to h:l\'C an MS I. of 9Jl r, or98 k for the purpose of rhc C31cubrion. A safety fucror is then applied oo rhc MSL ro gi\oe the 'C:llcu13rcd s1ren~tch', given h] h] CS • MSL/ U (dli.s is xhic\'al in rhc C:llcularion h) multiplying hya fJeoor of0.67).

Hmr horizont31 h:llt:loop bshin~ :u C3Ch side of the st~ make an angle (a) of 4SO 'lllhilc the odlctsix mala:: an angle (a) of a hour W ' ro rhc holi?.ooml. Hec:lusc \vires are riJti('Cd in hmi7.onmlloops, each \\ire h:1.' rhc cffi:ct of cwnla.~hin~ far c-.llculation pu1JW1CS. ~br dlc purpo.;x:s of the C:llcul31ions the Ja.~hin~ 0:1n he ro!WidC(Cd oo rompri~ two I3Shin~. one of 7114 kN (4 x Z :x 98} at 45" and one of It 76 kN (li x Z x 911) ar W'. Hom (;~ Ood.c 'l!lhlc 6, thcj\t:!lucs :1rc o.n and 1.04 rcspoctirel}:

r 24

Page 29: Pipes on Deck

s ' 1

I""' f ... 'SI:S{ eJ • m X + Ill! • !4!0 m1 Yea

,.,.,. • l:CS-c ""' -,.,.,. .. l:CS-c ""' t.!l

1)10 " tal • Sl; • 1119 ''" ' I 'he lin:ll step i$ tocoo.~icb lof\l!)rudiral sliding of the upper tiers (sre p3,I(C 28).


Page 30: Pipes on Deck

SECURING ALTERNATIVE THREE t-Our sto::l J!:lnchions of solid consmtccion :11e holccd or ·welded m the deck and

ruppclfrcd bystmngsrccl buurc-~. and ti w:d '1\ith equal scparJtion m both sid<:J, port and smrhoord, of the hatch~ Each smnchion ha.~ an M SL of 50 cor .'iOO lu'\l tor the JlUIJXl6C of che c-Jic:ulations.

' I ne cont3C)( areas hecwccn the Sctnchions and the outer bocmm-cier pipes :llC li nod '1\~ th timber ro roduoc IOC31 prCJSure and minimise abra.qion.

S"rx 0\'Cr·dlc-top "ire bshintJ~ arc firtod ro oon1paa me se~ hue d1cy do not comrihute m dle sccuri c:y of the stO'IV'JgC and arc not included in me C3lculation.

Sccrions of srocl b:lr arc a.ISX'I welded ci(JSC torn-.1rd and arc of each pipe in d1e bottom tier to prevent longirudinal sliding. These stoppers. at C3Ch end, h3ve a mcll welded sc:an1 len,l\th of about Z m, c:tch seam being a sin~c 4 mm thick weld nm and hnins::: a MSI , of 400 kt'\ifm, gi\~ng chcsmpJlCfS a roml MSL .. of80 r. Each smr>pcr is provided with timlx:r packing to cllock the pipe end.

~C>'Jt s ... t conttruaiO<I st:lt>d1J ....

' I ne ~<crni11g ('ll.eakcst) comporlCOCS in the fiOCUring :llt.l~~gCmcnt :11C the St::lnchions (sec t::~ble :!lx'l\-c). A safecy lactOf is c.hen :lflplicd to the st::1nchion MSL to gil;c d1c 'calculated scrongth', gi\~ hyCS • MSL/1.5 (this isachicrod in the calculation by mulciplying~0.67}.


Page 31: Pipes on Deck

~ QOI}fJO ICIIt propotliOI•

~~c.s.((Mst.x (><

T"""'..,.... MJ~l ~-di~!~!L T""""'""" OWI'Il

1 8

CliO ~ Ul • ~IQ • !3t> • Ill? I~

The lirl31 step is tocoosidCI' lon,!ljrudircl slidingofthc uppcrtic~ (soo page 2.'1).


Page 32: Pipes on Deck

LONGITUDINAL SLIDING OF UPPER TWO TIERS The liMI cheek for oil chrcc <llccrnBtn•c securing anun~cments is m check me

longirudinal slidinlt of rhc upper nm tier.~ of 12 :md I J pipes, which 'll.<cijtlt :1 ror.~l of 250 c (10x (12 + 13)).

V.~ch friccion-incte3!1ing mhhcr m3rting hcmccn the pipes in each tier :1nd with dlc comprcssi\oe ooturc ohhe !:!Shin~ wed in all duoc altcm:tti've :lmngcmcms. ir is assumed the friction coefficient i.q 0.6.

CONCLUSION All duoc altcm:llivc securing 3rr:lflsemcnrs, indudinlt me fii«ion-incrCJSing m:ming

u.qcd for the upper nm tier.~, provide 3Jl eflecrh<c comhinarion of friction :1nd 13Shirl~ cklc cxcccd the likely external tranm:ffle:lnd longjtudiool sliding forcc.ot


Page 33: Pipes on Deck

INDEX ftJw! l'hiJ"

Ad.ticionw f .... , .... 11 - r7ill&'the-tup 9, 10

Ador.ma:d calcubriun mo:d>n<.l •.a I<J, 21 - '"" up und t<:ndinK liS

Advico ~,..>'et liJ> W'ld rcndinK cri'U.Chi~W 18 - vtn.icul half.brp 1$

Aftc:,..C,oc .wcurirw mcdmd> K 1.-im::s nt ~.rni<K.t I>CN'CC!n I"'"'' 14 AppJtcubJe ICjQ.JI:llit>n> 4 Lr"3irudinal •lidin,s;- of llfiJ>C:r , ;..,. 21$ &J:rna: ~wan• 20 - pn:,t:m_inn 8, 9, 10, 21$ s.:-oc~ .:d¥,1> ll<IKI:ICCD1>< IS Otlt o::r a>n>id.c:nuic:m< 14 Calrul01illf1 n( c.~n:m•l fmu:< I<J 0 .-cr·ihc:-•up la,hinx 9, 10 Cue r>f ...wrin.rt UfiiU\I(I:nl"''"' 17

1\u:kin~t m>tc:NI 5, 7 .... O,.,.u:curi<til3 of pipac .> J\mni,..Qhlc: lrl<llling<rn l¥ro:h IXI\<:nr 6 O.ickcn-I:W.Jc:r.< 15

~X:lSCWl\S 16 Code crf!M'c: l'rw:liao fur Ou)o> Stmo"XX

~~~ ""*"'"'"' 15 und ~ng (('f;S Oxlc) 4

Oxlc crfSatC: Pr.u:liao fur Shi1n ~;"11 ~xmrtimu lx:!Urc: lrlWlirvt 6

'TlmiJCT T'>ed< Cu!§""' 4 ~:<ittn of wire lll>hinJI;' 11 C'..om)lUCtne>o.'< (I!' hlcdc 14 ""t<X.-tit>n u( l>iJ""' 5, 15

C'.o~naxu.1in~t/wf,in~t 9, IU nCKuluocm.< .. Cm,.'truetirm of <t.>nchit>n> If> Rubl>cr nuwin11 s, 7, ...

C'..oncu."Liinec '""''"*"' rip:;,; 14 Sewn f"l'dlim,. 16 l}.nn:v;r: un•m: l:s.>hif\'1'1 13 Sow ring 8, 11, Zl (}.,..iJo> wncq><.'< fur >runtchirxu If> Srrt upund tc:ndinj~crfb.•hinp;! 18 Ounn~ ' St>oot:lll 14 F.lrtnJY~~ir>nnf win>b.•hntJ'i' 11

Stu>chxn"' 10, 16 p..,....,mK " ""''P"'' l>lock 14

SteM~ ~

I P-"""'J>lc = rin.'t ~mCittl< 11, 21

Stnn•Kth offittinp;< 13 P .xu:nui G:rra:.<. e>lculwicm crf 19

Strcrtdt of·~ino blhin;;< 11 Fiwnp;<. ~Ul:lljtlh .~· 13

'Thnd'"'lll'"hin;;. liS ~. tl:<tcn~>l 19

~ ...... " ''"hin~t 9, IU Thrc<> Ill "'"'"'ivo """'''""K met hod.• 8

Hw:h a.n•:r pcmni,.il>lc luwJin& f> 'Timber D::ck ('""»' Cndc: .. Horlmnoll hwt'-lcxlJl la~hin,':l' 9 1inthc:r - o.lunn~ 6, 7. 14

I ..a~~-cmnamtinx 9, w - WWJ\'C" 7 ....

-dunt~ 13 Up1><:r licrx. h>r~.rQtudinzl ,,lidinjl 28

-c:k~l>n 11 \ l:s-Oc.IJ hwt:.s..~, la_,hin,"" $

- ownplc: =.ntJI>"lT':<'Its 11, 21 Yk~s 7. 14

-~~) <J, 1U \\"ifl) h."hinJe' 11

- lrll<i:mnoll h>ll':«xrp 9 v;(n ked ts:<Wn r 1 ... 10. Zl


Page 34: Pipes on Deck


by CHARLES BLIAULT, HERMANN KAPS and North of England P&I Association

Large-diameter pipes for today’s sophisticated energy and water industries are now expensive, precision-engineered pieces of cargo that need to be handled with utmost care. Given their often substantial size and relatively low weight they tend to be carried on the decks of cargo ships rather than in the holds, which exposes shipowners to considerably higher risk from damage and loss claims. The main causes of such claims are inadequate or inappropriate stowage and securing, which this guide sets out to address. It describes how best to stow pipes on deck, provides details of three recommended securing methods, explains why these methods must not be combined and stresses the importance of regularly tending to securing arrangements during the voyage. It also provides worked examples showing how all three securing methods can be properly verified using the advanced calculation method from the IMO Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing. The guide is intended to be used in conjunction with Cargo Stowage and Securing – A Guide to Good Practice, also by Charles Bliault.

Charles Bliault (left) is an extra master who was at sea with Cunard for 13 years. He progressed from cadet to chief officer, serving on a wide range ships – including general and refrigerated cargo liners, bulk carriers and container vessels – carrying all types of dry cargo. He joined Brookes Bell in 1983 and became a partner of the firm in 1994. His work as a surveyor and consultant includes the carriage of all types of steel and concrete pipes as well as most other types of cargoes. general cargoes, steel products, forest products, containers and ro-ro items. Having witnessed the extensive damage and injuries that can result from poor or inappropriate stowage and securing, he has a keen interest in promoting safe practice in all aspects of cargo handling and carriage.

Hermann Kaps (right) is an internationally recognised authority on all aspects of project cargo and tanker shipping. He spent 13 years at sea with Hansa-Line in Bremen, Germany, progressing to chief officer. In 1970 he joined the former Hochschule für Nautik in Bremen, where he lectured in cargo technology, ship stability and emergency management until 2004, and was also visiting professor at the World Maritime University in Malmö, Sweden. From 1985 to 2002 he advised the German delegation to the International Maritime Organization in London, during which time he also chaired the working group for the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing Code. Annex 13 to the code, which covers assessment of non-standard securing arrangements, is based on his initiative.

North of England P&I Association, with offices in the UK, Hong Kong, Greece and Singapore, is one of the leading international mutual marine liability insurers with over 90 million GT of entered tonnage. The Association has developed a world-wide reputation for the quality and diversity of its loss-prevention initiatives, which include this series of loss prevention guides co-authored with leading industry experts.


£30ISBN: 978-0-9558257-0-5