pinegrovemention. . lumber? call bellefonte 432 lumber,sash,

PINE GROVE MENTION. . Mrs. Frank Fisher spent last week in Chicago. Curly Randolph and wife spent Sun- day at Julian. Comrade D. W. Miller is again con- fined to his bed. Lester Meek, of Bellefonte, spent several days in the valley last week. W. 8. Wieland left, last week, for a month’s sojourn in New York State. Dr. Stork left a little daughter at the Norman Thompson home last week. J. N. Everts is confined to his bed with illness, but his condition is not serious. Miss Sara Wieland is now living with the Dr. Pierce family, at State College. Mrs. R. T. Hoffer spent last week with her father, at Milton, who is quite ill. Mrs. Margaret Olewine, of Altoona, | has been visiting friends in town dur- ing the week. Rev. C. C. Shuey filled the pulpit in Meek’s church on Sunday morning and afternoon. ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McWilliams, of Pittsburgh, are visiting friends in the valley this week. | paired health will not be able to take the trail for deer this year. Miss Mary McWilliams is here from the Presbyterian home, at Hollidays- burg, for a visit among her many friends. Last Sunday Charles, Curt and Frank Cronemiller, of Patton, were entertained at the Harry A. Grenoble home, at Pine Hall. W. R. Port and wife motored to Howard, on Sunday, to see Clarence Robb, who has been on the sick list but is now improving. Curtis Neidigh, wife and two sons, motored in from Butler county and are making their annual visit among Centre county friends. Mrs. E. T. Parsons fell down a flight of stairs, at her home on Tad- pole, last week, and fractured several ribs and sustained other injuries. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Glenn and daughter Mary and Mrs. Charles Strouse departed last week on a mo- tor trip to Oklahoma and Texas. J. Will Kepler Jr., and Mrs. Mary Coombs, of Johnstown, spent the lat- ter end of the week with their par- ents, Hon. and Mrs. J. Will Kepler. Charles Dannley. and family of six motored in from Medina, Ohio, on Monday, and have taken possession of Tussey lodge, in the Seven moun- Miss Virginia Woods, of Pittsburgh, 4... is visitng her grandparents, Dr. and | Mrs. G. H. Woods. | Joe Gilliland and wife attended a Baptist rally at the Canoe Creek Roy Wieland, a progressive farmer on Spruce Creek, was in town on Sat- urday completing arrangements to stock the Ellenberger saw mill during church, on Sunday. i Mrs. Joseph Hunt, of Sunnyside, has been entertaining her mother, Mrs. Davis, of Scranton. Thomas A. Snyder, Civil war veter- i moon valley. the winter. Our road supervisors are now im- proving the road through the Barrens from Pennsylvania Furnace to Half- J. A. Gummo has an, has gone to Pittsburgh to spend charge of the job. a month with his sons. James Gilliland has bought the Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Wogan and } Jesse Klinger farm, near Oak Hall, son Eugene, of Juniata, early part of the week in town. spent the for $11,000, while Mr. Klinger pur- | chased the McFarlane farm for $12,- The Hess brothers, farmers, recent- | 000. Both will get possession in the ly received a shipment of forty feed- : spring. ers from the Chicago stock yards. ‘Mrs. Ella Reynolds, who spent the past year in the South, has returned and opened her home for the winter. A birthday surprise party was given Miss Veronica Knochie, at her home at Circleville, last Thursday evening. David Stuart and family are here from Pittsburgh for a visit with Cen- tre county friends. Dave is a thorough sportsmen and a member of the Mo- dock hunting club, but owing to im- Mrs. Virginia Fry, wife of W. H. Fry Jr., of Tacoma, Washington, who spent the past three months in the New England States, is now visiting Centre county relatives. She will leave November first for her western home, going over the Canadian Pacific : railroad. Robert Sankey and sister Eliza- beth, Miss Margaret Moore and Brian Kauffman, of Middleburg, were callers at the Mrs. Viola Smith home, on Sunday. Other guests included Mr. Sceni What happens when a solid, happy contented married man goes THE WAY OF ALL FLESH! stirring drama ! ¢ Theatre Mon. Tues. Wed. Oct. with BELLE BENNETT v 17, 18, 19 PHYLLIS HAVER DONALD KEITH PRESENTED BY ADOLPH ZUKOR JESSE L LASKY a VICTOR FLEMING Soul- EMIL JANNINGS The Way of All Flesh Matinees Monday & Wednes., 2 P.M. ADMISSION : CHILDREN 15c., ADULTS 35c. ART and Mrs. Charles Segner and son, of Boalsburg. © Mrs. Smith only recently returned home from the Wills: Eye hospital, Philadelphia, where she had a cataract removed from one of her eyes. At a regular meeting of Pennsval- ley lodge No. 276, I. O. O. F., last Saturday evening, the following offi- cers were installed by past grand V. A. Auman, of Centre Hall, assisted by past grand C. A. Spicher: Noble Grand—J. A. Laird. Vice Grand—A. L. Albright. Financial Secretary—D. S. Peter- son. Recording Secretary—L. R. Barto. Treasurer—E. C. Musser. R. 8. to N. G.—John E. McWil- liams. L. S. to N. G.—Russell Eyer. Chaplain—H. A. Elder. Conductor—W. H. Fry. Warden—J. H. Bailey. R. 8. S.—A. Fred Fry. L. S. S.—J. H. Pfoust. 0. G—R. E. Irvin. I. G—R. S. Walker. R. S. to V. G.—J. H.Gilliland. L. 8. to V. G.—J. S. Osman. Trustee—J. E. McWilliams. A banquet and smoker followed the installation. AARONSBURG Mrs. Jennie Sylvis had as guests her son Russell and a chum from Ohio. D. P. Ream and family and Mrs. W. E. Orwig attended the Bloomsburg fair, Thursday of last week. Rev. H. C. Kleffel has begun a ser- ies of evangelistic meetings in the Evangelical church inthis town. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tomlinson spent the week-end in Harrisburg, guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Leitzell. Mr. and Mrs. John Durst, with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Stover Durst, spent Sunday with Mr. Durst’s sister, in Madisonburg. : Mrs. Jacob Kerstetter, of Coburn, spent an afternoon recently at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hull. _ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith and fam- ily spent Saturday afternoon in Laurelton, where they were guests of Mr and Mrs. Oscar Boob. Tuesday morning Dr. H. S. Braucht conveyed John Wolf to the Geissinger hospital, where they hope to find re- lief for his intense suffering. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Stover and son John, and Mr and Mrs. J. F. Burd motored to Dauphin, Sunday, where they spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Stover’s son, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stover. They motored on to Harris- burg and spent a short time sight- seeing at the capital. Sunday, the 9th.,, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Crouse celebrated their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary, to which were invited the following guests: Mrs. D. W. Holloway and son, Harvey Holloway and grandson, Robert Frisbee, of Akron, Ohio; also, Mrs. Lillian Hardy, of Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Troxell and daughter Cath- arine, of Winfield, Pa.; Miss Mabel Crouse, of Sunbury; Mr, and Mrs, J. F. Krape and three children, Cather- ine, Esther and Harry, Mrs. James E. Holloway and Mrs. Fred Stover, all Aaronsburg. A happy day was spent, one which will long remain a green spot in the hearts and minds of the guests and Mr. and Mrs. Crouse. A sumptuous turkey dinner was served, after which they brought out their several cars and went for a motor ride. BOALSBURG. Mrs. Joanna Kaup, who had been : quite ill, is improving. J. D. Mayes, of Milton, was an over Sunday visitor in this vicinity. John Ishler has returned home after spending some time at Aspinwall. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coxey, of Al- toona, spent the week-end with their parents here. Misses Dorothy Lonebarger and Marguerite Schenck spent Sunday at the Lonebarger home. Mrs. Wm. Fry, of Tacoma, Wash., spent several days with her sister-in- law, Mrs. John Kimport. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, of State Col- lege, have leased the Markle home, on Main street, and began housekeeping Friday. Mr. and Mrs. David Stuart and daughter Martha, of Crafton, are visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. E. E. Stuart. An evening of music, with C. Walter Wallace, of Philadelphia, blind con- cert organist, will be given in the Lutheran church Thursday, October 20th, at 8 o’cock. Everybody is cor- MANUFACTURERS ADVERTISING SALE Secure YOUR PEN TODAY! $7.00 But 5c Big Model Oversize Writing Seif-fi Unbreakable Fountain Pen ONE DAY ONLY This Offer Will Not Be Made You Again. TODAY with every pea THE BIG RED or GREEN PEN THAT EVERY MAN WANTS SMALLER SIZE FOR LADIES NOT $7.00 BUT 75c¢ 71-16-tf LUMBER? Oh, Yes! W.R. Shope Lumber Co. Lumber, Sash, Call Bellefonte 432 Doors, Millwork and Roofing dially invited. A silver offering will be received. The ladies Bible class of the Luth- eran Sunday school -spent Saturday afternoon at the W. W. White home, at Linden Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Segner enter- tained a number of friends, Thursday evening, in honor of their son, Theo- dore B. and bride. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer spent the week-end with their niece, Mrs. W. A. Odenkirk, at Centre Hall, and their daughter, Mrs. Lee Brooks, at Farmer’s Mills. Misses Mary Reish~and Nora Miller were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stover, of Yeagertown, on a motor trip to Carlisle for a visit with Misses Anna and Margaret Groh. BOALSBUKG REFORMED CHURCH. Boalsburg—Church school, 9.15 a. m.; vesper service, 7.30 p. m. Pine Hall—Church school, 9.30 a. m, Houserville—Holy Communion, ten- thirty a. m. Rev. W. W.. MOYER, Pastor. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ce BIRD FOR SALE.—A splen- did singing male bird. Inquire of Mrs. M. F. Hazel, Pine St. Belle- fonte, Pa. 72-40-1t. RIVATE SALE.—Furniture modern and antique—at the Old Forge house, Bellefonte. Goods must be sold by Nov. 1st. Mrs. H. W. Sheffer. 72-40-2t a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- tre County, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at The Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1927, The Following Property: All that lot or piece of ground situate in the Borough of Bellefonte, County of Cen- tre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake on Haupt Avenue, corner of lot No. 17 in Haupt and Brown Half Moon Terrace plot; thence along said Haupt Avenue South 28 degrees 30 minutes Kast 39 feet to corner of lot No. 15; thence along lot No. 15 South 59 de- grees West 165 feet to an Alley; thence along said Alley North 28 degrees 30 min- utes West 39 feet to lot No. 17: thence along lot No. 17 North 59 degrees East 163 feet to a stake on Haupt Avenue, the place of beginning. The same being lot No. 16 in block No. 1 in Haupt and Brown Half Moon Terrace plot. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel F. Gordon, Sale to commence at 1.30 o'clock p. m. of said day. E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pas, September 28th 1927. HEFIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of 72-38-3t Rheumatism While in France with the American Army I obtained a noted French pre- scription for the treatment of Rheu- matism and Neuritis. I have given this to thousands with wonderful re- sults. The prescription cost me noth- ing. I ask nothing for it. I will mail it if you will send me your address. A postal will bring it. Write today. PAUL CASE, Dept. K-218, Brockton, Mass. ilies a ber SHAMPOOING MARCEL FINGER WATER and PERMANENT WAVING FACIAL and SCALP TREATMENT Ladies’ and Children’s Hair Cutting Eckman’s Beauty Parlor First National Bank Building Phone 54-R rpm TODAY ONLY One Pea Sold te a Customer [On Sale Today at C. M. Parrish’s Drug Store North Allegheny Street Bellefonte, Pa. SALE ALSO SATURDAY AT PARRISH’S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE—at a bargain, the finest F home in the town of Howard, with all conveniences, large garage and other out buildings. Easy terms to the right buyer. Inquire of JOHN 8. GINTER, 2-38-4t Tyrone, Pa. 200.00 TAKES IT.—A 1918, seven pas- $ senger Cadillac touring, rum only 12,000 miles. Body, chassis and en- gine in perfect condition, front fenders badly battered. Top like new. Write or inquire of Geo. R. Meek, Bellefonte, Pa. 72-38-tf S writ of Vendi Expo issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at The Court House in Bellefonte Borough on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1927, The Following Property: All that certain tract, parcel and piece of land situate in the Rush township, Centre County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the North side of a 10 foot alley, in Point Lookout, in said Coun- ty, at a point 130 feet from the Northeast corner of said Alley, which alley was tak- en off the side of lot No. 2 in plan of said village; thence west or nearly so by said alley 40 feet to a post; thence at right angles north or nearly so a distance of 30 feet to a post; thence at right angles East or nearly so, 40 feet to a post; thence at right angles or nearly so, a distance of 30 feet to the aforesaid alley and place of beginning. Being part of lot No. 2 in plan of village of Point Lookout, in said Cen- tre County, and being part of a larger tract of land conveyed by Susanna Miller to Chas. KE. Fryberger, et ux, by deed dated May 4th, 1880, and said Chas. E. Fryberger, et ux, conveyed same to D. W. Holt, et ux, by deed dated Oct. 17th, 1883, and the said D. W. Holt and wife by deed dated March 17, 1884, recorded in Belle- fonte in Deed Book 114, page 48, conveyed to Sarah Goodrich June 10, 1913, reference thereto had will more fully and at large appear. And also that other piece, parcel and tract of land situate in Rush township, Centre County, Pennsylvania., and being known on plan of village of Point Look- out in Rush township, on the triangular lot, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at Intersection of Clearfield Turnpike and Kylertown road, being 50 feet on said Kylertown road and 60 feet front on Clearfield turnpike and adjoining the lot of Joseph Booth on the east, and being the same premises conveyed by Geo. D. Morgan and Caroline, his wife, or Chester County, New York, by their at- torney in fact, W. W. Hale, to John Holt of Graham township, Clearfield County, Pa., by deed dated October 11. 1866, and HERRIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a said John Holt by assignment dated April 3, 1879, duly recorded and acknowledged. together with Priscilla, his wife. ernveven the same to David W. Hoit and the said David W. Holt, et ux, by their deed dat- ed March 17, 1884, conveyed to Sarah Goodrich and later econveved hv Frank Holt and Beatrice, his wife, and David W. Goodrich, all of Centre County. Pa. to Sarah A. Goodrich, the grantor herein mentioned. by deed dated June 6th. 1908 and recorded in Deed Book 114, page 48 on Inna lo” 1913, being the same nremises which Sarah A. Goodrich by deed dated December, 19, 1913, and. recorded. in Centre County in Deed Book 123. nage 192, grant- ed and conveved to David W. Goodrich. the grantor herein. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Dora EB. Goodrich (Alias Dora FE. Barnhart). Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock p. m. of said day. E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa., September 30th 1927. 72-39-3t FIRE INSURANCE At a Reduced Rate 20% 71.28.6m J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent LE ELE EEL EEE EE El ele El Elle Eee ELLE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, OR SALE OR RENT.—Residence and garage at 203 east Linn St., Belle- fonte. Inquire of HUGH N. CRIDER, 112 So. Harvard Ave. 72-32-tf Ventnor, N. J. Free sux HOSE Free Mendel's Knit Silk Hose for Wo- men, guaranteed to wear six months without runners in leg or holes in heels or toe. A mew pair if they fail. Price $1.00. YEAGER’S TINY BOOT SHOP. Dry Cleaning Pressing Phone Stickler &}Koons. 8 West Bishop Street Bellefonte, Pa. 72-37tf eeee a————— IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 101 Beuth Eleventh St. PHILADELPHIA, Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 64-34-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY Round Philadelphia Sunday, October 23 Leave Saturday Night, October 22 Bellefonte........... Milesburg Howard Eagleville ... 4 Beech Creek Mill. Hall Returning, leave Philadelphia 5.55 P. M. Pennsylvania Railroad 72-40-2t Leave ““ —— Url Phone 405 1923 Chevrolet Touring 1923 Chevrolet Coupe 1922 Chevrolet Coupe 1922 F. B. Truck 1923 Cleveland Touring 1924 Ford 4-Door Sedan 1925 Chevrolet Coupe 1922 Ford Sedan 1925 Overland Sedan RR SAIS 0 1924 Essex Coach - Le 1924 Ford Truck - oh 1923 Nash Touring - SSE 1927 Chevrolet Touring, - nk Sh Uz Other Cars at Prices = = NSEe EA tel lielel US edeMINNIS NZS ME NE MN 2 MSS 2 NaN2 2a nar Decker Chevrolet Co. BELLEFONTE, PA. Corner of High and Spring streets. Satisfied Customers is Our Motto ‘Special Time-Payments Two 1926 Ford Roadster 1924 Chevrolet Sedanette Duco 1926 Chevrolet Coupe fully equipped 1925 Chevrolet Coach run 5000 miles Extra Special 1927 Chevrolet Sedan, late model 1927 Chevrolet Roadster, late model 1925 Oldsmobile Touring, winter inclosure Ask about the 10% offer. i= - $75 85 59 Le ae i | . Sim blot wal Paint - 150 : - 180 c 43s 2s - 350 ol ugniasgt ag 50 we rut (ims won: 938 ER 0 3g Fl a aia = wis we vir 50) LEED sim im mn 100.55 EE =]! - - 600 ZA late model - - 425 i w= - 425 Uc 325 Ig to Suit the Buyer. de SS TRE

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Page 1: PINEGROVEMENTION. . LUMBER? Call Bellefonte 432 Lumber,Sash,

PINE GROVE MENTION. .Mrs. Frank Fisher spent last week

in Chicago.

Curly Randolph and wife spent Sun-day at Julian.

Comrade D. W. Miller is again con-fined to his bed.

Lester Meek, of Bellefonte, spentseveral days in the valley last week.W. 8. Wieland left, last week, for

a month’s sojourn in New York State.Dr. Stork left a little daughter at

the Norman Thompson home lastweek.

J. N. Everts is confined to his bedwith illness, but his condition is notserious.

Miss Sara Wieland is now livingwith the Dr. Pierce family, at StateCollege.Mrs. R. T. Hoffer spent last week

with her father, at Milton, who isquite ill.

Mrs. Margaret Olewine, of Altoona,


has been visiting friends in town dur-ing the week.

Rev. C. C. Shuey filled the pulpit inMeek’s church on Sunday morningand afternoon.

~ Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McWilliams, ofPittsburgh, are visiting friends in thevalley this week.


paired health will not be able to takethe trail for deer this year.

Miss Mary McWilliams is here fromthe Presbyterian home, at Hollidays-burg, for a visit among her manyfriends.Last Sunday Charles, Curt and

Frank Cronemiller, of Patton, wereentertained at the Harry A. Grenoblehome, at Pine Hall.

W. R. Port and wife motored toHoward, on Sunday, to see ClarenceRobb, who has been on the sick listbut is now improving.

Curtis Neidigh, wife and two sons,motored in from Butler county andare making their annual visit amongCentre county friends.Mrs. E. T. Parsons fell down a

flight of stairs, at her home on Tad-pole, last week, and fractured severalribs and sustained other injuries.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Glenn anddaughter Mary and Mrs. CharlesStrouse departed last week on a mo-tor trip to Oklahoma and Texas.

J. Will Kepler Jr., and Mrs. MaryCoombs, of Johnstown, spent the lat-ter end of the week with their par-ents, Hon. and Mrs. J. Will Kepler.

Charles Dannley. and family of sixmotored in from Medina, Ohio, onMonday, and have taken possessionof Tussey lodge, in the Seven moun-Miss Virginia Woods, of Pittsburgh, 4...

is visitng her grandparents, Dr. and |Mrs. G. H. Woods. |

Joe Gilliland and wife attended aBaptist rally at the Canoe Creek

Roy Wieland, a progressive farmeron Spruce Creek, was in town on Sat-urday completing arrangements tostock the Ellenberger saw mill during

church, on Sunday. iMrs. Joseph Hunt, of Sunnyside,

has been entertaining her mother, Mrs.Davis, of Scranton.

Thomas A. Snyder, Civil war veter- i moon valley.

the winter.

Our road supervisors are now im-proving the road through the Barrensfrom Pennsylvania Furnace to Half-

J. A. Gummo hasan, has gone to Pittsburgh to spend charge of the job.a month with his sons. James Gilliland has bought theMr. and Mrs, Thomas Wogan and } Jesse Klinger farm, near Oak Hall,

son Eugene, of Juniata,early part of the week in town.

spent the for $11,000, while Mr. Klinger pur-| chased the McFarlane farm for $12,-

The Hess brothers, farmers, recent- | 000. Both will get possession in thely received a shipment of forty feed- : spring.ers from the Chicago stock yards.‘Mrs. Ella Reynolds, who spent the

past year in the South, has returnedand opened her home for the winter.

A birthday surprise party wasgiven Miss Veronica Knochie, at herhome at Circleville, last Thursdayevening.

David Stuart and family are herefrom Pittsburgh for a visit with Cen-tre county friends. Dave is a thoroughsportsmen and a member of the Mo-dock hunting club, but owing to im-

Mrs. Virginia Fry, wife of W. H.Fry Jr., of Tacoma, Washington, whospent the past three months in theNew England States, is now visitingCentre county relatives. She willleave November first for her westernhome, going over the Canadian Pacific

: railroad.

Robert Sankey and sister Eliza-beth, Miss Margaret Moore and BrianKauffman, of Middleburg, were callersat the Mrs. Viola Smith home, onSunday. Other guests included Mr.


What happens when a solid, happycontented married man goes THEWAY OF ALL FLESH!stirring drama !

¢ TheatreMon. Tues. Wed. Oct.







Matinees Monday & Wednes., 2 P.M.ADMISSION : CHILDREN 15c., ADULTS 35c.


and Mrs. Charles Segner and son, ofBoalsburg. © Mrs. Smith only recentlyreturned home from the Wills: Eyehospital, Philadelphia, where she hada cataract removed from one of hereyes.At a regular meeting of Pennsval-

ley lodge No. 276, I. O. O. F., lastSaturday evening, the following offi-cers were installed by past grand V.A. Auman, of Centre Hall, assistedby past grand C. A. Spicher:Noble Grand—J. A. Laird.Vice Grand—A. L. Albright.Financial Secretary—D. S. Peter-

son.Recording Secretary—L. R. Barto.Treasurer—E. C. Musser.R. 8. to N. G.—John E. McWil-

liams.L. S. to N. G.—Russell Eyer.Chaplain—H. A. Elder.Conductor—W. H. Fry.Warden—J. H. Bailey.R. 8. S.—A. Fred Fry.L. S. S.—J. H. Pfoust.0. G—R. E. Irvin.I. G—R. S. Walker.R. S. to V. G.—J. H.Gilliland.L. 8. to V. G.—J. S. Osman.Trustee—J. E. McWilliams.A banquet and smoker followed the



Mrs. Jennie Sylvis had as guestsher son Russell and a chum fromOhio.

D. P. Ream and family and Mrs. W.E. Orwig attended the Bloomsburgfair, Thursday of last week.

Rev. H. C. Kleffel has begun a ser-ies of evangelistic meetings in theEvangelical church inthis town.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tomlinson

spent the week-end in Harrisburg,guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Leitzell.

Mr. and Mrs. John Durst, with theirson, Mr. and Mrs. Stover Durst, spentSunday with Mr. Durst’s sister, inMadisonburg. :

Mrs. Jacob Kerstetter, of Coburn,spent an afternoon recently at thehome of her uncle and aunt, Mr. andMrs. Thomas Hull._ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith and fam-ily spent Saturday afternoon inLaurelton, where they were guests ofMr and Mrs. Oscar Boob.Tuesday morning Dr. H. S. Braucht

conveyed John Wolf to the Geissingerhospital, where they hope to find re-lief for his intense suffering.

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Stover and sonJohn, and Mr and Mrs. J. F. Burdmotored to Dauphin, Sunday, wherethey spent the day with Mr. and Mrs.Stover’s son, Mr. and Mrs. PaulStover. They motored on to Harris-burg and spent a short time sight-seeing at the capital.

Sunday, the 9th.,, Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Crouse celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, to whichwere invited the following guests:Mrs. D. W. Holloway and son, HarveyHolloway and grandson, RobertFrisbee, of Akron, Ohio; also, Mrs.Lillian Hardy, of Cleveland; Mr. andMrs. S. M. Troxell and daughter Cath-arine, of Winfield, Pa.; Miss MabelCrouse, of Sunbury; Mr, and Mrs, J.F. Krape and three children, Cather-ine, Esther and Harry, Mrs. James E.Holloway and Mrs. Fred Stover, allAaronsburg. A happy day was spent,one which will long remain a greenspot in the hearts and minds of theguests and Mr. and Mrs. Crouse. Asumptuous turkey dinner was served,after which they brought out theirseveral cars and went for a motorride.


Mrs. Joanna Kaup, who had been

: quite ill, is improving.

J. D. Mayes, of Milton, was an overSunday visitor in this vicinity.

John Ishler has returned home afterspending some time at Aspinwall.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coxey, of Al-toona, spent the week-end with theirparents here.

Misses Dorothy Lonebarger andMarguerite Schenck spent Sunday atthe Lonebarger home.

Mrs. Wm. Fry, of Tacoma, Wash.,spent several days with her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Kimport.

Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, of State Col-lege, have leased the Markle home, onMain street, and began housekeepingFriday.

Mr. and Mrs. David Stuart anddaughter Martha, of Crafton, arevisiting the former’s mother, Mrs. E.E. Stuart.

An evening of music, with C. WalterWallace, of Philadelphia, blind con-cert organist, will be given in theLutheran church Thursday, October20th, at 8 o’cock. Everybody is cor-



$7.00 But 5cBig Model Oversize Writing Seif-fiUnbreakable Fountain Pen

ONEDAY ONLYThis Offer Will Not Be

Made You Again.


with every peaTHE BIG RED or GREEN PEN


NOT $7.00 BUT 75c¢

71-16-tf LUMBER?

Oh, Yes!

W.R. Shope Lumber Co.Lumber, Sash,

Call Bellefonte 432

Doors, Millworkand Roofing dially invited. A silver offering willbe received.

The ladies Bible class of the Luth-eran Sunday school -spent Saturdayafternoon at the W. W. White home,at Linden Hall.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Segner enter-tained a number of friends, Thursdayevening, in honor of their son, Theo-dore B. and bride.Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer spent the

week-end with their niece, Mrs. W.A. Odenkirk, at Centre Hall, andtheir daughter, Mrs. Lee Brooks, atFarmer’s Mills.

Misses Mary Reish~and Nora Millerwere guests of Mr. and Mrs. IrvinStover, of Yeagertown, on a motortrip to Carlisle for a visit with MissesAnna and Margaret Groh.


Boalsburg—Church school, 9.15 a.m.; vesper service, 7.30 p. m.Pine Hall—Church school, 9.30 a.

m,Houserville—Holy Communion, ten-

thirty a. m.Rev. W. W.. MOYER, Pastor.


Ce BIRD FOR SALE.—A splen-

did singing male bird. Inquire ofMrs. M. F. Hazel, Pine St. Belle-

fonte, Pa. 72-40-1t.

RIVATE SALE.—Furniture — modernand antique—at the Old Forgehouse, Bellefonte. Goods must be

sold by Nov. 1st. Mrs. H. W. Sheffer.72-40-2t

awrit of Fieri Facias issued out of

the Court of Common Pleas of Cen-tre County, to me directed, will be exposedto public sale at The Court House in theBorough of Bellefonte on

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1927,The Following Property:All that lot or piece of ground situate in

the Borough of Bellefonte, County of Cen-tre and State of Pennsylvania, boundedand described as follows, to-wit:Beginning at a stake on Haupt Avenue,

corner of lot No. 17 in Haupt and BrownHalf Moon Terrace plot; thence alongsaid Haupt Avenue South 28 degrees 30minutes Kast 39 feet to corner of lot No.15; thence along lot No. 15 South 59 de-grees West 165 feet to an Alley; thencealong said Alley North 28 degrees 30 min-utes West 39 feet to lot No. 17: thencealong lot No. 17 North 59 degrees East 163feet to a stake on Haupt Avenue, the placeof beginning. The same being lot No. 16in block No. 1 in Haupt and Brown HalfMoon Terrace plot.Seized, taken in execution and to be sold

as the property of Samuel F. Gordon,Sale to commence at 1.30 o'clock p. m.

of said day.

E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff.Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte,Pas, September 28th 1927.

HEFIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of


RheumatismWhile in France with the American

Army I obtained a noted French pre-scription for the treatment of Rheu-matism and Neuritis. I have giventhis to thousands with wonderful re-sults. The prescription cost me noth-ing. I ask nothing for it. I will mailit if you will send me your address.A postal will bring it. Write today.PAUL CASE, Dept. K-218, Brockton, Mass.










Ladies’ and Children’s Hair Cutting

Eckman’s Beauty ParlorFirst National Bank Building Phone 54-R


TODAYONLY One Pea Sold te a Customer

[OnSale Today at

C. M. Parrish’s Drug StoreNorth Allegheny Street

Bellefonte, Pa.



OR SALE—at a bargain, the finestF home in the town of Howard, with

all conveniences, large garage andother out buildings. Easy terms to theright buyer. Inquire of

JOHN 8. GINTER,2-38-4t Tyrone, Pa.

200.00 TAKES IT.—A 1918, seven pas-$ senger Cadillac touring, rum only

12,000 miles. Body, chassis and en-gine in perfect condition, front fendersbadly battered. Top like new. Write orinquire of Geo. R. Meek, Bellefonte, Pa.


S writ of Vendi Expo issued out ofthe Court of Common Pleas of

Centre County, to me directed, will beexposed to public sale at The Court Housein Bellefonte Borough on

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1927,The Following Property:All that certain tract, parcel and piece

of land situate in the Rush township,Centre County, Pennsylvania, bounded anddescribed as follows:Beginning on the North side of a 10

foot alley, in Point Lookout, in said Coun-ty, at a point 130 feet from the Northeastcorner of said Alley, which alley was tak-en off the side of lot No. 2 in plan of saidvillage; thence west or nearly so by saidalley 40 feet to a post; thence at rightangles north or nearly so a distance of30 feet to a post; thence at right anglesEast or nearly so, 40 feet to a post; thenceat right angles or nearly so, a distance of30 feet to the aforesaid alley and place ofbeginning. Being part of lot No. 2 in planof village of Point Lookout, in said Cen-tre County, and being part of a largertract of land conveyed by Susanna Millerto Chas. KE. Fryberger, et ux, by deeddated May 4th, 1880, and said Chas. E.Fryberger, et ux, conveyed same to D. W.Holt, et ux, by deed dated Oct. 17th, 1883,and the said D. W. Holt and wife by deeddated March 17, 1884, recorded in Belle-fonte in Deed Book 114, page 48, conveyedto Sarah Goodrich June 10, 1913, referencethereto had will more fully and at largeappear.And also that other piece, parcel and

tract of land situate in Rush township,Centre County, Pennsylvania., and beingknown on plan of village of Point Look-out in Rush township, on the triangularlot, bounded and described as follows:Beginning at Intersection of Clearfield

Turnpike and Kylertown road, being 50feet on said Kylertown road and 60 feetfront on Clearfield turnpike and adjoiningthe lot of Joseph Booth on the east, andbeing the same premises conveyed by Geo.D. Morgan and Caroline, his wife, orChester County, New York, by their at-torney in fact, W. W. Hale, to John Holtof Graham township, Clearfield County,Pa., by deed dated October 11. 1866, and

HERRIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a

said John Holt by assignment dated April3, 1879, duly recorded and acknowledged.together with Priscilla, his wife. ernveventhe same to David W. Hoit and the saidDavid W. Holt, et ux, by their deed dat-ed March 17, 1884, conveyed to SarahGoodrich and later econveved hv FrankHolt and Beatrice, his wife, and DavidW. Goodrich, all of Centre County. Sarah A. Goodrich, the grantor hereinmentioned. by deed dated June 6th. 1908and recorded in Deed Book 114, page 48on Inna lo” 1913, being the same nremiseswhich Sarah A. Goodrich by deed datedDecember, 19, 1913, and. CentreCounty in Deed Book 123. nage 192, grant-ed and conveved to David W. Goodrich.the grantor herein.

Seized, taken in execution and to be soldas the property of Dora EB. Goodrich (AliasDora FE. Barnhart).

Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock p. m.of said day.

E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff.Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte,Pa., September 30th 1927. 72-39-3t

FIRE INSURANCEAt a Reduced Rate 20%

71.28.6m J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent



OR SALE OR RENT.—Residence andgarage at 203 east Linn St., Belle-fonte. Inquire of

HUGH N. CRIDER,112 So. Harvard Ave.

72-32-tf Ventnor, N. J.

Free sux HOSE FreeMendel's Knit Silk Hose for Wo-

men, guaranteed to wear sixmonths without runners in leg orholes in heels or toe. A mew pair

if they fail. Price $1.00.




Stickler &}Koons.8 West Bishop Street

Bellefonte, Pa.72-37tf




101 Beuth Eleventh St.


Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum




PhiladelphiaSunday, October 23Leave Saturday Night, October 22

Bellefonte...........MilesburgHowardEagleville ...

4 Beech CreekMill. Hall

Returning, leave Philadelphia 5.55 P. M.

Pennsylvania Railroad72-40-2t





Phone 405

1923 Chevrolet Touring1923 Chevrolet Coupe1922 Chevrolet Coupe1922 F. B. Truck

1923 Cleveland Touring

1924Ford 4-Door Sedan

1925 Chevrolet Coupe

1922 Ford Sedan

1925 Overland SedanRR


0 1924 Essex Coach -Le 1924 Ford Truck -oh 1923 Nash Touring -


1927 Chevrolet Touring,

-nk Sh

Uz Other Cars at Prices==NSEeEA

tel lielel USedeMINNISNZSMENE MN2MSS2NaN22anar

Decker Chevrolet Co.BELLEFONTE, PA.

Corner of High and Spring streets.

Satisfied Customers is Our Motto

‘Special Time-Payments

Two 1926 Ford Roadster

1924 Chevrolet Sedanette Duco

1926 Chevrolet Coupe fully equipped

1925 Chevrolet Coach run 5000 miles

Extra Special

1927 Chevrolet Sedan, late model

1927 Chevrolet Roadster, late model1925 Oldsmobile Touring, winter inclosure

Ask about the 10% offer. i=

- $758559

Le ae i |

. Sim blot walPaint - 150

: - 180c 43s

2s - 350ol ugniasgt olag 50 werut (ims won: 938 ER

0 3g Fla aia

= 0cwis we vir oot50) LEEDsim im mn 100.55



- - 600 ZAlate model - - 425 i

w=- 425 Uc

325 Ig

to Suit the Buyer. de