pilot syntony designed by; sarah syntony


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Pilot Syntony

Page 2: Pilot Syntony Designed by; Sarah Syntony

What is the mind ? A ecosystem a biological lens;

Changing our mindset A new leadership 4.0 Asking our monkey mind to engageTo be clear first Accepting change Awareness starts with meditation Meaning of engaging is all beings with compassion

and love for kindness and getting the whole system active

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Meditation is about two steps first Preparation: the first step, how to sit and how to be

quit and stop the monkey mind and how to be, how to relax, go jogging or walking, jogging for one hour, biking, stay in the park outside just relax

Just release and breath after doing anything The way to get to the deeper level is to listen to

sound uhm meditation listening helps to get deeper to be happy and stay there in aspiration, ligth

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Conscious evolution #intuition

Ask the monkey mind to engage to this meaning Sometimes we are without locationIt is about relaxing and acceptance and rejection Practicing

image of the EGS the most frequent manifestation

A Dimension

M dimension

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Micro trabecular lattice

This is part of the cytoskeletal lipoprotein membrane A web of microfilaments seven to nine nanometers in

diametersPsychiatrist and brain researcher Ede Frecska and

Psychologist Eduardo Luna suggested that this lattice processes quantum level signals in the brain

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Intuitions reaching us from the A dimension

For modern people the information received in the mode of the lattice processes quantum level signals in the brain, that information received in that mode is unfamiliar, and it is largely filtered out of conscious awareness.


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Recognising the insights and intuitions

Insights and intuitions reaching us from the A dimension

This is important and not mystical or magical it is about understanding context to make good decisions


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Intuitive intelligence Getting the whole picture Connecting people with each other and their

environment and inspiring more empathy between among individuals and with nature

There is information from the manifest M – DIMENSION

As well from the deep A DIMENSION

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The New ParadigmThe Living OrganismComplex SystemsThe ability to see the whole To see the big picture The ABILITY of LeadersTaking in fast dataFocus

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Intelligence of intuitive , the new paradigm

Managers able to listen to others and making a sense Great leaders make good choicesThe ability to understand contextThe context is very challenging The ability to be fast enough and implement them New technology of communication Not a mechanistic world view but a complex system,

a biological lens being a eco system

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Intelligence & intensity

Social Skills The ability to draw the strength together Social connectionsIntuitive intelligence in a groupThe persons brainDevelopment NeuroScience In the last 3 yearsTerminology of memories Piece of conversation is stored within the brain

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Intuitive intelligence

Latest Technology We see a movement in the brainThe left en right brain There is more Up and down and front and back Understanding the aha moment takes the brain

illuminated so not just emotions and sense but all interacting together

Describing with evidence “we know” before it comes conscious, things going on in the brain before we articulate and the neurocortex starts !

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A team

Together we can do so much more In a individual brain is about going into the next

level A collective intelligenceFocussing on the leadership contextFears resolvingFocus Formula

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Attention is energy

What we give attention growsHow to concentrate?A choiceWhen do we know?This is the right person?The right place?

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Develop intuitive intelligence

Your brain will start to active

Presence Attention

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See what is going on

1. most of the time we are solving problems that are not the problem so the first step is to see the big picture – your brain will start to understand in a different way if you start to focus

2 discover the right question Solve it in one hourJust in one hour proportions, is about seeing the big

picture and understanding, moving into collective processes, test it with other people, tap into others!

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Co create vision of collaboration

Get others to share what they knowDon,t stay with your memories Develop workable strategies Make this simple Keep it simple through Presence Get into a clear intentionPractice that, the most important elementsStart to work together in choices and decisions Good decisions

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So much data

Reset our intelligence that is about 3 brains Start with turning into the internal compass

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Why intuition?

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Building a team is about soft skills

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Start with Relationship in real connection

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Learning to Be Present

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What is your Dream?

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We have to work hard for things we really want

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Intuition is real @syntonyPilot

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The brain has 3 systems

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The new leadership 4.0

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Start practicing

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All the information start practicing

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In business world it is about intuiton to

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The world is moving fast

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We need to be open to our self

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A clear intention to have our intuiton to guide us

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Choose clear Hosting and Facilitation

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@syntonyPilot #trust

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We only have one life lets make it great!

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I had to adapt quikly

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WE Design what we like to wear to have freedom

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Hosting events a world wide event

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A Focus Group on my intuition

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Inspirational story about faith

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Thank you #Senn

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We help you to host

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Are you feeling stuck?

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We have to force ourself

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Do new things and go to new places

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