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Post on 01-Mar-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 Pilau


    Meat Pilau


    4 Cups Rice or 1 kg (Mwea Pishori is the best so far)

    Cup cooking oil (Not enough oil makes the pilau very dry and dull)

    2 large Onions chopped8 to 10 Cloves garlic crushed

    Kg Meat(option either beef or goat meat)

    2 to three Heaped Tablespoons Tomato Paste ( kale ka tomato paste kadogo works out tothat much)

    1 heaped Tablespoon sugar(Dont look at me like thatits the secret they never tell

    you!)4 Teaspoons ground Pilau Masala ( Tropical heat is the best everything is in the right

    proportion even ginger)

    8 cups WaterSalt


    - Boil the meat till tender( you can skip this bit too if you do not like your meat too

    soft), keep the broth for cooking too.

    - In a pan pour the oil, heat , pour the onion and Fry to golden brown( Big mistakenever let the onions burn , pilau itakuwa kali!!!)

    - Put in the meat, salt and fry till brown (if you did not pre boil let the juices dry

    up)- Put the garlic , pilau masala, sugar and tomato paste, stir for 2 minutes to prevent

    sticking or burning- Let the mixture cook in roughly half a cup of water or the broth for about 5

    minutes(by now the neighbours should be able to tell there is some pilau cooking

    somewhere!!)- Pour in the water and let it boil(please taste the salt at this point, the soup and a

    piece of meat should tell u whether all is well, saltless pilau si poa.!

    - Pour in the rice (please do not wash the rice too early, we are not making ugali

    here!!!) and let it boil- Reduce the heat and cover( If you are using a charcoal jiko or have an oven heat

    should not be an issue)

    - Those using the jiko or oven , let the rice cook until the water is almost over thenput in pre heated oven to dry or transfer the coal on to the lid , this prevents

    burning! Cook for ten minutes ,( u can always check if the rice is ooked si

    dhambi!)- Now in the unlikely event that the rice dries up and is well not cooked, add a cup

    or two of warm water, stir with a fork( Not wooden spoon , we dont want mashed

    rice here!) and let it cook

  • 7/25/2019 Pilau


    If you are cooking smaller portions remember 1 teaspoon of masala per cup of rice,

    reduce sugar as well. For oil put enough to cover your onions, just ensure there is a layerof oil on top when you add in the water thats before it boils.

    Iko swali? Simple enough isnt it?