philippines: political setting

Political Setting: The Philippines Reported by: Leonil F. Fresnido (BSEd 3-A, Group 1)

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Political Setting:

The Philippines

Reported by:

Leonil F. Fresnido

(BSEd 3-A, Group 1)

Political Setting:

The Philippines

• The Philippines is a democraticrepublic governed under a 1987constitution. This constitution ismodeled on the commonwealthconstitution of 1935 that set up asystem of government similar tothat of the United States.

Political Setting:

The Philippines

It includes many restrictions onterm lengths and presidentialpowers as a way to safeguardagainst authoritarian rule. AllPhilippine citizens age 18 orolder may vote.

Political Setting:

The Philippines

During the Marcos regime, themilitary was politicized and usedto sustain his power. This set aprecedent of military influencethat has continued to be adestabilizing factor in Philippinepolitics and government.

Political Setting:

The Philippines

A. Executive

The head of state and chiefexecutive of the Philippines is apresident, elected by popular voteto a nonrenewable six-year term.The vice president, who is alsodirectly elected, may serve no

Political Setting:

The Philippines

more than two consecutive six-year terms. The president andvice president are elected byseparate ballot and may belongto different political parties. Thepresident nominatesappointments for heads of

Political Setting:

The Philippines

government departments, orministries, to form a cabinet. TheCommission on Appointments,composed of 24 members ofCongress, reviews and votes onthe nominations. The approvedcabinet oversees the day-to-day

Political Setting:

The Philippines

functions of government. Thepresident has limited emergencypowers and may place therepublic under martial law for nomore than 60 days.

Political Setting:

The Philippines

B. Legislature

The Philippines has a bicameral(two-chamber) legislature calledthe Congress of the Philippines.The upper house, or Senate, has24 members who are directlyelected to serve six-year terms.Senators are limited to two

Political Setting:

The Philippines

consecutive terms. The lowerhouse, or House ofRepresentatives, has a maximumof 260 members who servethree-year terms; 208representatives are directlyelected and 52 are indirectlyelected from party-list nominees

Political Setting:

The Philippines

of indigenous minority groups.House members are limited tothree consecutive terms. A two-thirds vote of Congress isrequired to overrule apresidential veto of proposedlegislation.

Political Setting:

The Philippines

C. Judiciary

The highest tribunal in thePhilippines is the Supreme Court,made up of a chief justice and 14associate justices, all appointedby the country’s president. Themandatory retirement age forSupreme Court justices is 70.

Political Setting:

The Philippines

Other judicial bodies include acourt of appeals, courts of thefirst instance, and municipalcourts.

Political Setting:

The Philippines

D. Local Government

For administrative purposes thePhilippines is divided intoregions, provinces, andchartered cities. Regions includethe National Capital Region,encompassing the Manila

Political Setting:

The Philippines

metropolitan area; the CordilleraAdministrative Region, asemiautonomous region ofupland tribal groups in northernLuzon; and the AutonomousRegion of Muslim Mindanao(ARMM), encompassing four

Political Setting:

The Philippines

provinces in Mindanao. TheARMM is a quasi self-governingregion that was formed in 1989.It has an elected legislativeassembly and is headed by agovernor with limited executivepowers.

Political Setting:

The Philippines

Provinces are headed bygovernors, and chartered citiesare headed by mayors.

Political Setting:

The Philippines

Philippine provinces aresubdivided into cities andmunicipalities. Unlike charteredcities, which are accountable tothe national government, citiesand municipalities areresponsible to the government

Political Setting:

The Philippines

of the surrounding province.Each provincial city ormunicipality is headed by anelected mayor.

Political Setting:

The Philippines

The smallest unit of localgovernment is the barangay. Inrural areas the barangay is avillage, and in urban areas it is aneighborhood. Each city ormunicipality contains numerousbarangays, and there are

Political Setting:

The Philippines

thousands of barangays in thePhilippines. Each barangay isadministered by a chiefexecutive and a communitycouncil, whose members areelected by the residents of thebarangay.

Political Setting:

The Philippines


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Political Setting:

The Philippines


Political Setting

as we




establish a

Republic of the Philippines


Dumarao Satellite College, Dumarao, Capiz

Theme: “Understanding Better the Political, Economic & Socio-Cultural

Settings of Southeast Asian Nations forPeace, Prosperity & People”

May 25, 2015 (8:00-11:30 am)

Campus Library