pests, plagues & politics lecture 17

Pests, Plagues & Politics Lecture 17 Entomologists & other Entomologists & other Heroes Heroes

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Pests, Plagues & Politics Lecture 17. Entomologists & other Heroes. Key Points: Ways in which insects dramatically impacted society as we know it today. Biotech Business (different types) Philosophy Taxonomy Disease control. Drosophila melanogaster. Gregor Mendel 1822-1844. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Pests, Plagues & Politics Lecture 17

Entomologists & other Entomologists & other HeroesHeroes

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Key Points:

Ways in which insects dramatically impacted society as we know it today

• Biotech• Business (different types)• Philosophy• Taxonomy• Disease control

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Drosophila melanogaster

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Gregor MendelGregor Mendel1822-18441822-1844

The monk whostarted it all.

Discovered the concept of genetic transmissionof characters.

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Fruit Flies & GeneticsFruit Flies & Genetics

• Small physical sizeSmall physical size– easily reared in confined space– little danger to experimenter

• Cost efficientCost efficient• Short life spanShort life span (time efficient)• Stable populationStable population

– ubiquitous & expendable

• Selected matings easily controlledSelected matings easily controlled

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Fruit Flies & Genetics, cont.Fruit Flies & Genetics, cont.

• Experimental “confounds” are easy to account for and/or reduce

• Intricate & elaborate experiments possible– e.g., 40,000 matings to produce the data set

necessary to win the 1995 Nobel Prize in Physiology & Medicine

• Results are easily generalized

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Fruit Flies & GeneticsFruit Flies & Genetics

• “…during the heyday of Drosophila, almost all significant basic concepts in transmission genetics were either first developed by Drosophila workers or conspicuously verified by them”– S.W. Brown: History of Entomology

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1 Amgen USA 14,268.0 3,366.0 2,950.0 20,1002 Genentech USA 11,724.0 2,995.0 2,740.0 10,001+3 Genzyme USA 3,187.0 650.0 (16.8) 9,000+4 UCB Belgium 3,169.6 772.6 461.1 8,4775 Gilead Sciences USA 3,026.1 383.9 (1,190.0) 7,575

*Fruitflies and Biotech: Five top Biotech Companies in 2006

Revenue (Millions)

No. employees

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The humble fruit fly

Could just be responsible for getting your life insurance premium reduced!!

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• Benjamin Gompertz - 19th century British polymath

• “Risk of death grows exponentially as we age until finally reaching 100%”

• You respond with: “So what?”

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Men live shorter than women partly because of risky behavior

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Long term care cost

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Fruit Fly Fruit Fly ““M&MsM&Ms””Morgan and MullerMorgan and Muller

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Fruit Flies & GeneticsFruit Flies & Genetics

• T.H. Morgan @ Columbia University, turned the fruit fly into the “queen bee of genetics.”

• H.J. Muller discovered that x-ray & other forms for short-wave radiation spectacularly increased the genetic mutation frequency.– Lead to the “dominant lethal” gene(s)

– Ultimately gave us the “Sterile Insect Technique”

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Applications, *SIT

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Insects & Philosophy: AESOPInsects & Philosophy: AESOP

• A Greek living around 2,500 B.P

• A historical personage who might have been fictitious.

• Reputed to be a slave, physically deformed and deaf

• A Poet– homilies exhorting the reader to a better life

– more than 25 insects are found in his writings

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• The founder of entomology as a science

• Gave us the first functional system of insect classification

– bloodless animals having more than four feet and some having wings

– being neither bony nor fleshy– their body is rigid within and without

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• Gave us the first DICHOTOMOUSDICHOTOMOUS identification system (“keys”)

• Two versions– One based on wings– One based on mouthparts

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Aristotle's KeyAristotle's KeyI. WINGED

1) with elytra

2) without elytra• a. four wings• b. two wings


1. Having teeth and being omnivorous

2. Without teeth, but with a proboscis

a. feeding on all saps (flies)

b. sucking on blood only (mosquitoes)

c. feeding on sweet saps only (bees)

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ARISTOTLE on reproductionARISTOTLE on reproduction

• He recognized four types of reproduction:– Sexual

• with copulation (most large animals)

– Asexual by sprouting• some plants

– Asexual without copulation• most plants, fish & HONEY BEESHONEY BEES

– Spontaneous generation or abiogenesis• insects - Crustacea - some plants

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Insects: Disease control

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*Baghdad “Boil”

• As if bullets and mortars weren’t enough

• Along comes an ARBOR disease

• Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

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What’s Cutaneous Leishmaniasis?

• A parasitic infection vectored by a fly!!!

• Produces open sores that are gross and a long time in healing and can leave permanent scarring.

• Sensitive viewers- the next few slides may upset you.

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The parasite

Leishmania major

A single-cell proto-zoan.

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The Vector

• A true fly in the Order Diptera– Family Psychodidae

• The sand flies & moth flies

– Lutzomyia longipalpis

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Key Points:

Ways in which insects dramatically impacted society as we know it today

• Biotech• Business (different types)• Philosophy• Taxonomy• Disease control