persiapan daging, ikan, seafood, unggas

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  • 27/02/2013


    Persiapan Daging, Ikan, Seafood, Unggas Laksmi Karunia Tanuwijaya


    Daging beku thawing

    Not be defrosted at room temperature.

    Refrigerator Method (Recommended) The meat should be placed on a plate or dish (to catch any juices that

    may drip from the thawing meat) and stored on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator.

    Microwave Method (Not Recommended) Some microwave ovens may not defrost the meat

    evenly, which may allow some portions to become fully thawed while other areas may still be frozen.

    Microwave defrosting should be used only if necessary and should not be the thawing method of choice.

    Defrosting Time

    Approximate Defrosting Times

    (Refrigerator Method)


    (one inch thick)

    Defrost in the refrigerator for:

    12 hours


    (thicker than one inch)

    Defrost in the refrigerator for:

    Up to 24 hours

    Pot Roast


    Defrost in the refrigerator for:

    3 to 5 hours per pound

    Pot Roast


    Defrost in the refrigerator for:

    4 to 7 hours per pound

    Oven Roast


    Defrost in the refrigerator for:

    Up to 5 hours per pound

    Oven Roast


    Defrost in the refrigerator for:

    Up to 7 hours per pound

    Ground Beef

    (half inch thick patties)

    Defrost in the refrigerator for:

    12 hours

    Ground Beef

    (one pound bulk)

    Defrost in the refrigerator for:

    24 hours

  • 27/02/2013


    Melunakkan Daging

    Dimemarkan/dipukul-pukul Menggunakan bubuk pelunak daging, mengandung enzim yang mampu memecah serat daging.

    Enzim dibuat dari nanas dan ekstrak pepaya

    Marinating / memarinir

    Contain an acidic ingredient such as vinegar or wine, oil such as olive oil, and seasonings such as herbs and spices.

    Citrus fruit juices can replace vinegar or wine to provide the acidic ingredient that is necessary to soften the tissues of the meat

    Fresh pineapple juice natural tenderizers, the enzyme bromelin, which is very efficient in breaking down protein.

    This enzyme is destroyed if it is heated, so the juice must be fresh. (Any previously cooked or canned pineapple juice has no effect on tenderization.)

    Key Points when Marinating


    The marinade should totally cover the meat in order for it to work effectively.

    Soaking Time

    When using tender cuts of beef, a soaking time of 2 hours or less is all that is required because the marinade is used basically to flavor the meat. Tougher cuts of beef should be soaked in the marinade for several hours or overnight in order to tenderize the meat as well as flavor it.


    Always marinate beef in the refrigerator.

    Proper Containers

    Since the marinade contains an acidic ingredient, reactive containers such as metal bowls should not be used. It is best to use containers such as glass or plastic bowls or plastic bags that can be sealed.

  • 27/02/2013



    The marinade should not be reused for any other purpose because of the bacteria that may be present from having been in contact with the raw meat. The only way the marinade can be reused is to boil it thoroughly to be used as a basting liquid or as part of a sauce for the meat

    Rubs/ dilumuri dengan bahan-bahan tertentu

    A dry mix of herbs and spices are applied to the raw beef and are allowed to permeate and flavor the meat over a period of time, usually overnight in the refrigerator.

    Many variety of rubs can be prepared for beef depending on the types of flavors that you want to add to the meat

    Ingredients: Some of the ingredients that may be used for a dry rub

    include black pepper, cumin, chili powder, crushed red pepper, celery seed, garlic powder or fresh crushed or minced garlic, salt, and brown sugar.

    Paste Rub A small amount of liquid may be added to the mixture in

    order to create a dry paste, which may be preferred in some cases. Some of the liquids that are often used are vinegar, cider vinegar, wine, or fruit juice.

    Sugar Usage Use sugar sparingly because it will melt and burn during the cooking

    process, especially if the beef is grilled or broiled. Too much of the burnt sugar will provide unpleasant results. Only a small amount of sugar is necessary to provide adequate flavor.

    Results Both the dry rub and the paste will form a flavorful crust when the

    beef is cooked. Rubs are most often used with beef ribs that will be grilled or barbecued, but they can be used with almost any cut of beef.

    Barding Wrapping thin layers of beef fat around cuts of beef.

    Some of the fat melts during the roasting process, which adds moisture and flavor to the meat and serves as a natural tenderizer.

    The remaining fat can be removed after the meat is cooked.

    Thawing Ikan

    Dapat dimasak tanpa di-thawing dulu waktu pemasakan lebih lama

    Ikan tidak bisa di-thawing di suhu ruangan mikroorganisme

    Harus langsung dimasak, jika tidak, bisa dimasukan refrigerator dan maksimal selama 24 jam saja

    No refreeze

    Lebih aman jika refreeze ikan yang sudah matang

  • 27/02/2013


    Metode :

    Refrigerator (recommended)

    Thawing Time: 6 to 24 hours, depending on quantity. Generally, 6 to 8 hours per pound.

    slowest but safest

    35F to 40F

    Thaw Fish Not Frozen in Ice

    Bungkus ikan

    Letakkan dalam nampan

    Diamkan di refrigerator

    Thaw Fish Frozen in Block of Ice

    Buka kemasan/bungkusnya

    Letakkan dibawah air dingin mengalir mencairkan es

    Bungkus dengan plastik wrap

    Diamkan dalam refrigerator

    Air dingin

    Thawing Time: 1 to 2 hour per pound

    faster method than thawing in the refrigerator

    Isi mangkuk besar/sink dengan air kran dingin untuk merendam ikan

    Masukkan ikan dalam plastik sealable kemudian masukkan plastik ke dalam air dingin

    Air harus dinganti setiap 30 menit

    Jangan pernah menggunakan air hangat bakteri

    Jika selesai, pindahkan dari sink, bersihkan semua permukaan dan peralatan yang kontak dengan air panas dan sabun


    Quick method but is not recommended because of the difficulty in getting the different thicknesses to defrost evenly

    " = inchi

    lb = pound

    Defrosting Times

    Using Defrost Feature or at 50% Power Level

    Fish Thickness Frozen-No Ice Glazed

    Minutes per lb.

    Whole-Small 1" - 1 3/4" 3 1/2 -6 1/2 4 - 6 1/2

    Fillets 1/4" - 1" 3 - 5 3 1/2 - 5 1/2

    Steaks 1" 3 - 5 1/2 3 1/2 - 6

    Cutting type

    Butterfly fillet

    Ikan utuh yang kecil (300-400g)

    Dibuang kepala, potong dari bagian punggung ikan, atau dari bagian perut, satu sisi tetap menyatu

    Ketika dibuka bentuk kupu-kupu]


    Memisahkan ikan dari duri, meskipun terkadang masih tersisa duri-duri kecil

    Fillet dari ikan yang besar dapat dipotong kembali menjadi porsi yang dikehendaki

  • 27/02/2013


    Loins or medallions

    Jenis potongan dari ikan besar. Dan dapat dipotong lebih kecil menjadi boneless suprmes.

    Jenis ikan : tuna, swordfish

    Steak, darnes and troncons

    Istilah untuk potongan ikan yang langsung mengenai tulang dari ikan utuh


    Potongan dari fillet yang besar atau loins yang menghasilkan porsi ikan yang tebal dan tidak bertulang


    Mempersiapkan udang beku

    Pindahkan udang dari freezer ke kulkas biasa atau letakkan di bawah air dingin mengalir.

    Jangan gunakan air panas atau dibiarkan di suhu ruangan. Sekali udang sudah tidak beku, jangan pernah dibekukan kembali.

    Masak udang ketika masih sedikit dingin.

    Mengupas Udang

    Pegang ekornya dan pelan-pelan kupas kulitnya.

    Ekor bisa di buang atau dibiarkan untuk lebih terlihat cantik ketika penyajian.

    Membersihkan Udang

    Setelah dikupas, toreh punggung udang jangan terlalu dalam, akan terlihat seperti pita / tali hitam.

    Ambil tali hitam ini dengan pinset atau ujung garpu yang runcing. Cuci udang di bawah aliran air.

    Membuat Model Kupu-Kupu

    Jangan buang ekor udang.

    Kupas kulit utamanya saja.

    Mulailah dengan memotong punggung udang dari bagian ekor ke arah kepala dengan potongan kecil berkali-kali, sisakan sedikit daging bagian bawah agar kedua sisi udang tetap bersatu.

    Udang Segar

    Udang dapat dikonsumsi hanya dalam jangka waktu beberapa hari sejak ditangkap. Masukkan dalam freezer untuk menyimpan.

  • 27/02/2013



    Yang dibutuhkan untuk membuka oyster

    If an oyster knife is unavailable, use a thin, short, dull knife. Do not use a sharp kitchen knife.

    Access to cool running water.

    A bowl to catch the liquor from the shell when opening.

    A towel that can be used to protect your hand while opening the shell. A heavy work glove will also protect your hand

    Check for Oyster Freshness

    Oysters are at their best if they are no more than four days old. Ask your fish monger for the harvest date.

    When at the market, the oysters should be stored in or on ice.

    Unless they have been shucked and frozen, oysters should be alive when you buy and cook them. If the shell is tightly closed, it is still alive. If the shell is slightly open, it should close promptly when tapped. If the shell is open and does not close when tapped, throw it out.

    Throw out any oysters that have broken shells

    Preparing Oysters

    If you are not going to cook the oysters immediately, clean the shells with a kitchen brush, place in a bowl, cover the bowl with a damp towel and refrigerate. Oysters will keep for 2 to 3 days; however, they are best when cooked as soon as possible.

    If you are cooking oysters in the shell, do not open and remove the oyster from the shell. Wash the oysters with a stiff kitchen brush under cool running water and remove any hard encrustations from the shell with a rigid kitchen knife.

    Never eat an oyster whose shell is not open after cooking.

    Opening Oysters

    Before you begin: Chill the oysters in the freezer for an hour or longer to make them easier to open. When you remove the oysters from the freezer, allow them to rest for a few minutes before inserting the clam knife between the top shell and bottom shell.

    Over a bowl, hold the oyster firmly in your hand and insert the oyster knife between the top shell and bottom shell. A towel can be used to protect your hand, or a heavy work glove. Twist the knife to pry the halves apart. Work the knife around to the hinge muscle and cut through it. The bowl will catch the liquor from the oyster

    Open the shell. Holding the deeper shell downward, slide the knife between the oyster and the top shell. Detach the oyster from the top shell. Slip the knife under the oyster and remove it from the bottom shell.

  • 27/02/2013


    You are now ready to prepare the oyster

    Storing Oysters

    If you are not going to cook the oysters immediately after purchasing, clean the shell with a kitchen brush under cool running water. Place in a bowl and cover with a damp towel. Refrigerate. The key to keeping oysters fresh is to place them in the coldest area of the refrigerator. Oysters will keep for 2 to 3 days, however, they are best when cooked as soon as possible.

    Oysters that have been freshly shucked should be submerged in their own liquor and stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

    Freeze freshly shucked oysters in an air tight container with the oyster liquor. Thaw the frozen oysters in the refrigerator overnight.


    Thawing method

    Refrigerator Thawing Time: 5 hours per pound

    Cold Water Thawing Time: 1 hour per pound

    Microwave See manual for defrosting times

    Cara Memotong 10 potong

  • 27/02/2013


    12 potong

    Fillet Ayam

  • 27/02/2013


    Memisahkan Telur

    Traditional Method

    Needle Method A needle is inserted into one end of the egg creating a hole

    that can be enlarged by moving the needle in a circular manner.

    The egg white will drain slowly through the hole, leaving the yolk behind.

    The egg shell can then be cracked open to remove the unbroken yolk

    Funnel Method

    This method is performed by placing a small funnel over a container and then breaking the egg over the funnel.

    The funnel may need to be tilted back and forth in order to move the yolk away from the neck of the funnel, allowing the white to filter through to the holding container. Care must be taken not to break the yolk when it drops into the funnel or when the funnel is tilted about.

    Once the egg white has slid through the funnel, the yolk and the whites are then transferred to other containers.

  • 27/02/2013


    Separator Tool Method

    When the egg is broken over the separating tool, the egg yolk slides into the center tray where it remains.

    The egg white passes through the slots in the frame and is collected in a container placed beneath the separator.

    The yolk is then transferred to a dish or container.

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