pen paper - · 2016-10-21 · pen...

PEN PAPER The newsle)er of St. Michael’s Church and the Parish of Pen Selwood Photo: Geoff Parcell

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Page 1: PEN PAPER - · 2016-10-21 · Pen Paper June 2016 Café - 3rd Birthday celebraHon On 8th April the café was packed





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Pen Paper June 2016


Rector’sReflec?ons 3

RecentEvents 5

ClubsandSocietyNews 8

GardenNotesforPen 10

ParishCouncilChairman’syearreport 11

FarmingDiary 13

No?ceboard 14

ChurchServices 18

VillageDiary 20


FromtheEditorWhat awonderful?meof year it is tobe inPen Selwood - thegreeningofthetrees,thewildflowerscrea?ngaspectacleonthebanksandtheyounglambsfrolickinginthefields.

We have started celebra?ng the Queen’s 90th birthday with abeacon and con?nue in June with a Village Party on theCommunity Field.Beforeweknow it the Fete andShowwill beuponus.

Behind the scenes efforts are being made to simplify andcoordinatetherunningofourac?vi?esandresources.



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Pen Paper June 2016

Rector’s ReflectionsOnaJourney?

Each year at our Annual Parochial Church Mee?ng we review theprogress of the church in various prac?cal ways, such as fabric andfinance,andyearbyyearthemeasuringofprogresscanbeseenasasortofjourney. But,Iaskmyself,whatabouttryingtoassessthingsinother terms, such as ‘the journey of love and service’? Here is aques?onforourpersonallivesaswellasfortheac?vityofthechurchorthewidercommunity.

At April’s AnnualMee?ngwe said a lot of thank-yous, par?cularly totheseveralpeoplewhosharedthemanychurchdu?esbetweenthem.But on the ques?on of finance we became aware of howmuch thechurch is supported by an even wider range of people in the localcommunity. It was made very clear at the mee?ng that without thefinancialgibsofmany,StMichael’swouldnotbeabletomaintainthebuildingortokeepuppaymentstothediocese(forclergyandback-upadministra?on). Therefore on behalf of the church community I dothankallwhosupportthechurchfinanciallyinthisway.Suchsupportisanencouragementtobothchurchandwidercommunity. It isgoodtoknow that for many who make a gib to the church, the church hassomemeaning,significanceorposi?vememoryforthem.

Clearlythechurchmeansdifferentthingstodifferentpeople.Tosomewho don’t worship in church, the meaning of church may lie in thebeautyandhistoryof thebuildingor churchyard. Othersaredrawntowards the pa)ern of worship and devo?on by the body of theworshippingcommunity.Suchfeelingsanda)achmentsareobendeepwithinusandgobackalongway.Butifourmindsareopentoseeingourlivesasbeingonajourney,thenwemaydiscoverthatourfeelingsabout significant things - worship, faith and personal peace - canchange,andgrowwithinus,especiallyifweseeourselvesonaday-in,day-out journey of change. In fact, one mark of a worshippingcongrega?on growing in love and wisdom is when we learn to see


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Pen Paper June 2016

ourselves, and others, as fellow travellers who are searching andinquiringaboutgrowinginfaithandawarenessofGod.

Journey is onmymind as I amwri?ng thiswhile away on sabba?calstudy leave. Alongside my physical journey, the awareness of myongoing spiritual journey grows within me. I realise that thisexpecta?onofaheartmovingandwarmingtowardsthingsofeternitycanalsobeanexpecta?onIholdwhenI’mbackhome.Yes,homecanbetheplacewherethejourneycon?nues.




















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Pen Paper June 2016

Recent EventsFun Run (aka The Tough10k) This popular event washeld on 10th April with 98finishers from a range of clubsincluding Taunton, Gillingham,Yeovil, Frome, Wells and Poole.Therewereanumberofrunnersfromthevillage too.Thewinnerwas Phill Burden in a ?me of35mins2secs.

The children’s 5k and 2k racesproved popular too, Holly Nixonwinning the5kandOinerPrince(8yrs)winningthe2kin10:05.

ThankstoGillinghamTro)ersfororganising the races and to thev o l u n t e e r m a r s h a l s a n drefreshment providers. Thebaconrollsarebecomingamajora)rac?on a long w i th thewonderfulcountryside!

Sports&SocialCoffeeMorningIt was bright and sunny for the Coffee Morning held on Saturday14thMayatSelbrookCo)age,Underhillwithpeopleabletositoutsideand enjoy the warmth and the view. Thank you to Tamsin andCharlie for hos?ng this fundraising event and to all the helpers.Dona?onsofplants,cakesandraffle prizesweremuch appreciated.We made a profit of £327 to go towards our celebra?ons for theQueen’s90thBirthday.







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Pen Paper June 2016

Café-3rdBirthdaycelebraHonOn8thAprilthecaféwaspackedtocelebratethreeyearsofopera?on.Free cakes were on offer. You are welcome to drop in on alternateFridays,whenyouputtheblackbinsout,between10:30and12noon.









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Pen Paper June 2016

BeaconOn21AprilRosalindandCharlesBuckler litabeacononBeaconFieldtoformachainacrosstheUKtocommemorateQueenElizabeth’s90thbirthday.About70 residents joined in the fun taking along their ownrefreshments. Though the weather wasn't perfect several otherbeaconscouldbespo)edacrosstheSW.Therewasabucketcollec?onfortheRoyalAgriculturalBenevolentIns?tute(RABI)raisingover£130.Photos were sent to RABI and to Buckingham Palace and repliesreceived.SeePenSelwoodwebsite(

RingingforLeonardSweetmanOn 21 April the church bells were rung in memory of LeonardSweetman on the 100th anniversary of his death, followed by theplan?ngofaRemembrancepoppyinhismemoryatthewarmemorial.MoreaboutLeonardSweetmancanbefoundintheMarchissueofthePenPaper.






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Pen Paper June 2016

Clubs and Society NewsSports&SocialClubProposed changes: Following numerous discussions and commi)eemee?ngs,proposalstomakechangestotheSportsandSocialClubarebeing considered. It is intended that the clubwill bewoundup in itscurrentform,andwillbereplacedwithanewen?tywiththeworking?tle of Village Social Commi)ee. This body will have representa?onfrom the exis?ng commi)ees of: Parish Council, Village Hall, Church,CommunityField,PenPub,CaféandFete.


It will become responsible for managing the resources of our villagesuchastheVillageHall,CommunityField,Footpaths&Bridlewaysandthe Defibrillator. It will oversee the organising of the Fete, Pen Pub,Café, Fun Run and social events such as the Village supper, coffeemornings,clubsandCharityfund-raising.

The benefits of making this change include improving coordina?on -“joined up thinking”- when planning and organising events in thevillage.Itwillalsoreduceinternalaccoun?ng,whichcurrentlyresultsinminuscule amounts of money being passed between exis?ngcommi)ees and its resul?ng accoun?ng overheads. It will provide asingle overview of village resources, ac?vi?es, priori?es and fundingneeds.

By adop?ng this approach, there will be no changing of the legalstructuresorcontraven?onsofcovenantscontainedintheagreementsunder which the Village Hall is leased and the Community Field waspurchased.


In the coming weeks an inaugural mee?ng of the Village SocialCommi)eewillbecalledtoelectitsfoundingmembersandtoestablishitstermsofreferenceandar?clesofassocia?on.Iwillkeepthevillage


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Pen Paper June 2016

residents informed on developments and the date of the ini?almee?ng. In the mean?me, if you have any ques?ons or comments,pleasecontactmeon01747840697ortonyharrison’

PenSelwoodAllotmentAssociaHonWes?llhavevacanciesforapartorawholeplotatthesitelocatedinthecentreofthevillage.Currentlyharves?ngrhubarb,purplesprou?ngbroccoli and asparagus,we are an?cipa?ngbumper cropsof currantsandbroadbeans inJune! There iss?ll?metoplantyoungvegetableplantsandenjoyaharvestyourselfthisyear.


HistorySocietyTheHistory Society has had some livelymee?ngs lately covering PenSelwood in its IronAgeenvironment,ageophysical surveyonBeaconHillandtheBa)leofPenSelwood1016whenEdmundIronsidefought


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Pen Paper June 2016

againstCnut.The lastmee?ngof theseasonwillbeon2 JunewithastrolltoCockroadCastle,thethirdofourMo)eandBaileyCastles.


Garden notes for PenPerhapsweshouldblameitallonthe“mys?cal”jetstream,butwhatashock.Iwasstar?ngtothinkthatspring,heraldedbyyellowbrimstones(soweare told),hadfinallyarrivedaberour“ohsomildwinter”,butwedidnotknowwhatsurprisesweweretoexperience–hotweatheralterna?ngwithcold,plusfrosts. Ifthatishowweseeit,howcanourpoorplantscopewithit?Aswellasasurfeitofslugs,thesignsarethatwemay lose some shrubsandperennials, all fooled into reac?ng toofasttoclementbuttemporaryweathercondi?ons.

Itpaysthisyeartobepa?entinpuwngoutplantsandseedsowing;tooearlymeansfailure-a?mewhenweedsareuseful in indica?nggoodcondi?ons for plant growth. AndwhenMay arrived so did theweedgrowth, suddenly, giving the lesson of pa?ence as far as gardening isconcerned.

One good thing is thatmany spring flowering shrubs have looked solovely thisyear,andhopefullydidnotsuffer toomuch fromthenightfrosts.Don’tforgettoprunethemwhentheflowersdie,andremembertheimportanceofbulbdeadheading,andcompostmaking.

In a more posi?ve way, try to plan the vegetable and fruit patch inaccordancewith theweather, and have funwith it, perhaps trying afewnewvegetables. Whoknows,someobscureresearchteammightdecidethatsomethingisboundtomakeusliveto160–ifwewanttothatis!

Don’tmakethemistakeofworkingtooarduously inthegardenwhenthesunshinestoen?ceyouout.Alwaysmake?metositandenjoyit,and don’t feel guilty about that, just pretend you are planning newconcepts.Thesemighteveninvolvealotofwork!



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Pen Paper June 2016

ParishCouncilChairman’syearreportLooking back over the year’smee?ngs, what stands out as themostimportantanddifficultthingstheParishCouncilhavetodealwithareplanningapplica?ons.Thesetakeupagreatdealofourwork.OurroleisanadvisoryonetotheDistrictplanners. Some?mesweagreewiththem,some?mesnot,some?mestheapplica?onsareeasy,some?mesdifficultand involveextramee?ngs. Onoccasionswehavedisagreedwith a decision and asked for it to be reconsidered by the Area Eastplanningcommi)ee.Some?meswelose.

We started the year with a complex and difficult one involving alandslip and have ended it with an exci?ng one, that of thetransforma?onoftheoldWessexWaterPumpHouseintoahomeandtheoldreservoirintoawalledgarden.

This year saw the resigna?onofour clerk, Kevin Stow,who lebus toconcentrate on a new business venture. We were very pleased torecruitAnneKaileasournewclerkinJanuary.

Our roads and verges aremostly in good shape - theusual problemssurfacedovertheyear-mudontheroads,potholestobefilledandthereally trickyone -when to cut theverges.Our saltbinswere fullbutwiththemildwinternosaltwasusedontheroadsthisyear.

Wedo try toget things right. Wehad thought tohave thewelcomebooklet informa?onsolelyon line,but followingrepresenta?ons fromvillagers, quickly reinstated updatedpapercopies. Thesenow,asbefore,will bedelivered toall newly arrivedresidents.

For the first ?me in around eightyears we voted to increase theprecept as spending exceededincomelastyear. Thiswillenableustokeepsuppor?ngvillagethingssuchasthePenPaper,theChurchyard,thewebsite and footpath clearing ands?lemending.


PEN SELWOOD PARISH COUNCILChairman: Jenny Steadman 01747 841041Councillors: Tony Appleton 01747 840168Jane Ashman 01747 841481Adrian Carter 01747 841431Peter Fitzgerald 01747 840895Andrew Jenkins 01747 840773Alex Juckes 01747 841437Parish Clerk: Anne Kaile 01747 854565

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Pen Paper June 2016

Whatelse to say,well I guesswewill just goonasbefore,doing thebestwecanforourlovelyvillageandthepeoplewholivehere.

IthinktheParishCouncilisagreatteamandIwouldliketothankeveryoneofthemforall theirhardwork,helpandsupportthroughoutthisyear.


SwallowsThosewholookattheVillagewebsitemayhavebeenabitperplexedby the entry on April 8th logging the first sigh?ng of a swallow atprecisely 9.32AM. “Jeremy is losing the plot” would have been areasonable reac?on!However I justwant toexplain thepleasureandexcitementIgainfromthefirstsigh?ngofoursummervisitors.

When we moved into Woodlands 5 years ago thebuildingwasofcoursebrandnew.Thefollowingyearwehadourfirstswallows,whoenjoynes?ngundertheeveonthefrontofthehouse.Wearepar?cularlyluckyaswecanobservethemateyelevel,re-buildingtheirnestsandthenrearingandtrainingtheiryoung.

The first pair were early this year, they have flown all the way fromSouth Africa, throughMorocco, and come back to Pen to raise theirfamilies,beforeflyingbackinmidSeptember.Theyraise2-3hatchesofbetween4-5eggs,sothepopula?onbuildsupfairlyquickly.Theyoungtaketothewingaber3weeksandremainwithusfortheremainderofSummer. They live off insects, feeding on the wing, and at thebeginningofSeptemberbegintocongregateintheevening.Some?mesonecanseenanythingup toahundredflyingaroundthehouse,divebombingmeasImowthelawn!

Suddenlythenextmorningtheyareallgone.BacktoSouthAfrica,200miles a day, some die of exhaus?on but the majority make theirdes?na?on,safeintheknowledgethattherewillalwaysbeawelcomethefollowingyearinourlovelyvillageofPenSelwood.



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Pen Paper June 2016


Some personal thoughts on the impending EU Referendum as it affects farming My thoughts are chiefly centred around the Common AgriculturalPolicy[CAP]whichclawsbackmorethanhalfoftheUK’spaymentintotheEU.

The CAP provides money, mainly for farmers and foresters, to aidinvestmentandcon?nuityofsupplyinanindustrywhichhastoacceptworld commodity prices and is not able to charge on a cost ofproduc?onplusprofitbasis.TheCAPisalso,toalesserextent,directedtowardsfoodmanufacturing,theenvironmentandruraldevelopment.There are addi?onal Structural Funds for investment in the leastdevelopedregionssuchasCornwall,toreduceregionaldispari?es,andforresearchanddevelopment.

The CAP has worked in turning a food shortage into a food surplus(which has the consequence of bringing down farm gate prices), andthenitturnedtowardshelpingtheenvironmentandsustainability.Itisoverly complex as it a)empts to equalise its effect over 28 verydifferentcountries.

Ifwe leavetheEUandtheCAPthere isno indica?onorpromisethatany Bri?shGovernmentwould con?nue to support agriculture to thesame extent. DEFRA has stated that there is no Plan B and both themainpar?eshavesaidtheywanttoreducepaymentstofarmers.

The result, as I see it, would soon be fewer farmers farming muchgreateracreagesinthemannerofabigbusiness,andtheappearanceandnatureofthecountrysidewouldchangeforever.Howeverthesamehistorically could have been said of the Enclosures Acts taking in theCommon Land and the Open Field System, or going further back towhen the na?ve woodland and scrub was cleared for early farmingefforts.

Manhasalwaysovercome,orat least learnedto livewithnature; it’sthepoli?ciansandbureaucratsthataremuchhardertolivewith!



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Pen Paper June 2016

NoticeboardVillageFeteDon’t forget the Village Fete on 6th August opening at 12 noon. Themain a)rac?ons are a Vintage Car Display, Circus Skills andmusic byMustangSally.The fetewillbeopenedbyLucyNelson. Inaddi?on totheWhiteElephant(DickandRitaCapron)therewillbeasecond-handclothesandaccessoriesstall(SusanAppleton.)Botharenowaccep?ngdona?ons.ThisisagreatchancetojoininmakingthisourbiggestFeteever.Thereare lotsofopportuni?es,contactJeremyCoxtoofferyoursupport.MoneyraisedissharedbetweentheParishChurch,theVillageHallandtheCommunityField.


Flower&ProduceShowThisyear’sshow,asalwaysontheabernoonofthePenSelwoodFete,willbeonSaturday6thAugust, inStMichael’sChurch. Acopyof thescheduleofclassesandprizes isbeingdistributedwith thisedi?onofthePenPaper. TheShowmaynotbeabig fundraiserbut it isakeya)rac?ononthedayandthevastmajorityofpeopleatthefetepayitavisitandthey love it. Thechurch lookssobeau?fulwith itscolourfuldisplays of flowers, produce, arts, crabs, photographs, children’sexhibitsandsuch.WeshouldtakeprideinthisasitallcomesfromPenresidentsandtheirfamilies.

Itwould,however,lookevenbe)erwithmoreexhibitsso,tothisend,ifyouarearegularentrantpleasecon?nuetoenterwhateveryoucanand if not a regular thenwhy not support our village and enter thisyear? If you are compe??ve then if you enter enough classes youmightwellwin a trophy and if you arenot thenenter for the simplepleasureofitandtomakeourshowbiggerandbe)er.



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Pen Paper June 2016

VillagePartyLetmestartwithanapology.Onebeady-eyed readerof thepreviousPen Paper contactedme and asked, “Which street is the Street Partybeingheldon?”Towhichmyuneasyreplywas,“ItisnotbeingheldonastreetbutontheCommunityField.” Iwasaheadoftheenquirerbuthelplesstointervenebeforetheretortcamewiththespeedandagilityofacombineharvester,“Wellthenitcan’tbeaStreetParty,canit?”

Of course, my challenger is right and I apologise for misinformingeveryone.Thefunc?ononSunday12thJuneontheCommunityFieldisaPenSelwoodVillageStreetPartyincelebra?onofHerMajesty’s90thBirthday.TherearejointthemesofRed,WhiteandBlueplus1953,theyear of HerMajesty’s corona?on to inspire our ou{its (op?onal) andourdecora?ons.Thiswillbea“BringandShare”picnic,theideabeingthat you bringwhat youwant to eat and drink (and some to share),yourtablesetc.Wewillprovideamarquee,1950’smusicandgamesforthewholefamily.Therunningorderforthedaywillbe:






Itwillbeamarvellousdayandwehope toseeeveryonecomedownandhaveloadsoffuninthesun.




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Pen Paper June 2016




Pen PubNight - on the first Friday of everymonth(exceptAugust).Docomealongandjoinothervillagersby relaxing inourveryownVillageHall. Familiesmostwelcome.Makethemostofthelongerdays&summerwarmth by watching the sunset from our fabulousvantage point whilst your children play in the playingfield. Local real ale and cider, quality wine and sob


PenPubwillonceagainbeopera?ngourhugelysuccessfulbeertentattheVillageFetetohelpwashdownyourburgerwhilst listeningtotheentertainment-welookforwardtoseeingyouthere!


SpectraMusica's10thanniversaryForthoseofyouwhodonotknowSpectra, it isalocalchamberchoirwhich rehearses in Wincanton and performs a wide range of musicfromMonteverditoGershwin.ElizabethCartersingswithitandwasonthecommi)eeformanyyears.

Spectrahasnowbeenrunning for10yearsandweshallbeholdingacelebratory concert on Saturday 2 July atWincanton Roman Catholicchurch.AstringquintetformedofplayersfromtheBathPhilharmoniawillbeplayingwithusaswellasthewonderfulpianist,Anitad'A)ellis,who has accompanied us throughout. Her piano playing is worthcoming along for in its own right. Theprogramme has not yet beenfinalised,butitwillincludepiecesbyPurcell,Finzi,EdwardGermanand


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Pen Paper June 2016


Ifanysingershavemoved intothevillagerecently,weare looking fornewmembers,especiallytenorsandbasses.Itisanaudi?onedchoir,sosomepreviousexperienceandtheabilitytoreadmusicaredesirable.Ifyouareinterested,pleasephoneElizabethCarteron841431,whocantellyoumoreandputyouintouchwiththecurrentchairtoarrangeanaudi?on.





So,sixyearsonfrom“TheAmazingPenSelwoodVarietyShow”ofApril2010, Charlie Meaden and Ian Steadman have recklessly decided tostageanotherintheVillageHallonSaturday15thOctober2016.

This?mewewant to involve twiceasmanypeople! Everyonehasafavourite bit of poetry or prose they can read out or sing a song orperhapsdoamagictrick.Grouptogetheranddoasketchoranact.Ifyouhave an ideawewill support you. If youdon’twe can give youideas. Allweneedisyourwillingnesstojoinin. Ifyouareupforit–and why wouldn’t you be? – just let Ian or Charlie know (841041 /840988)andsome?me in thesummerwewill conveneamee?ng toshareideasandgetthingsrolling.


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Pen Paper June 2016



St Michael’s Pen Selwood Rector: The Revd. Nigel Feaver

Parish Office: Tel. 01963 824503Church Warden: Jeremy Cox

Tel. 01747 840325

Sun 5 June 9am Holy Communion (BCP)

Sun 12 June 9am Eucharist / Holy Communion (CW)

Sun 19 June 9am Eucharist / Holy Communion (CW)

Sun 26 June 6:30pm Evensong

Sun 3 July 9am Holy Communion (BCP)

Sun 10 July 9am Eucharist / Holy Communion (CW)

Sun 17 July 9am Eucharist / Holy Communion (CW)

Sun 24 July 6:30pm Evensong

Sun 31 July 9am Matins

Sun 7 Aug 9am Holy Communion (BCP)

Sun 14 Aug 10:30am United Service: Family worship at Wincanton Parish Church. No service at St Michael’s

Sun 21 Aug 9am Eucharist / Holy Communion (CW)

Sun 28 Aug 6.30pm Evensong

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Pen Paper June 2016






DonhaslivedinPenSelwoodwithhiswifeBerylforover42yearsandhehasbeennego?a?ngdiscountsonourfueloilfor10years.HetookoverfromPeterLlewellynwhosetupthegroup.Hewaswellqualifiedfortherole.HavingruntheCitroendealershipinMereheiswellusedto dealing with petrol companies. He has proved to be a toughnego?ator over the years and saves us about 4 pence a litre on ourhea?ngbills.HeisnowhandingoverthereinstoRichardGething.

He sayshe’llmiss the contactwithpeopleandhas really appreciatedtheco-opera?onofeveryoneinmakinghisjobstraigh{orward.

Does he have any advice for us? He has had to deal with customerswhothoughttheiroilhadbeenstolenun?lDonsuggestedcheckingthetank with a dip s?ck, rather than relying on the internal electronicgauge! He also advocates topping up regularly and keeping the tankfull. If your tank needs replacing then go for a larger one if spacepermits.


If you are interested in joining the Oil Buying group then contactRichardGethingon841481.


The Pen paper is the community newsletter of the parish of Pen Selwood containing news about St Michaels Church, Parish Council matters and other community activities. Contributions for the next issue should be submitted by 15 August 2016 to Geoff Parcell at Manor Barn or email: [email protected]. Items can be handwritten, typed or sent by email. The next issue will be published in Sept 2016.

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Pen Paper June 2016


VillageDiaryDay Event see


EveryMon 9amNordicWalking[HelenGilchrist07745413194]

EveryMon 7:30pmBellRinging[JenniferBower840335]

EveryTues 7pmYoga[AnneOpenshaw840129]

EveryWed 10amSiltonArtGroup[JoyceButler835978]

EveryThurs 2pmPenArtGroup[HelenAyle)826468]

AlternateFri 10:30amBlackBinCafé[JennySteadman841041]

Thurs2Jun 5pmHistorySocietyCockroadCastle[Geoff841216] 16

Fri3June 7:30pmPenPubNight 15

Sun12June VillagePartyonCommunityField 14

Fri17June 10:15MobileLibraryatOldOrchardlay-by

Thur23Jun EUReferendum

Thur23Jun 10:30VillageWalk[MikeCarson841563] 14

Fri1July 7:30pmPenPubNight 15

Sat2July SpectraMusicaWincantonRCChurch 15

Wed13July 7:30pmParishCouncilmee?ng

Thur14July 10amVillageWalk[JeremyCox840325] 15

Fri15July 10:15MobileLibraryatOldOrchardlay-by

Sat6Aug 12noonVillageFete 16

Sat6Aug Flower&ProduceShow 16

Fri12Aug 10:15MobileLibraryatOldOrchardlay-by

Sun14Aug PenSelwoodDogShow 17

Mon15Aug 2:30pmVillageWalk[JenniferBower840335] 15

[email protected]