ch. 37 soil & plant nutrition - pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry...

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Page 1: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

1Feb 10­4:02 PM

Ch. 37Soil &

Plant Nutrition

Page 2: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

2Feb 10­4:03 PM

Essential Question:

How do nutrients affect plant growth?

Page 3: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

3Feb 10­4:05 PM

a. Mineral nutrients: inorganic ions found in soil that plants use     for growth

ex. nitrogen in form of nitrate

b. water ­ 80­90% of plantgives hydrogen and some oxygen to plant­most is lost in transpirationfunctions: 

1. solvent2. volume for cell elongation3. keeps cell turgid

c. carbon dioxide from airorganic substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydratesmost abundant elements are C, H, O

Needed for plants to grow:

Page 4: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

4Feb 10­4:16 PM

Essential elements (nutrient) ­ chemical that is required by plant to complete life cycle and reproduce

researchers use Hydroponics to study the effect of chemicals on plants

Page 5: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

5Feb 10­4:18 PM

macronutrients ­ elements that plants require in large amountsex. carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, potassium, Calcium, 

magnesium,phosphorus, sulfur­makes up major organic compoundsEx. magnesium is component in chlorophyll, activates enzymes

 ­ deficiencies usually occur with phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen

Micronutrients­ elements that plants require in small amounts ex. chlorine, iron, manganese, boron, zinc, copper, nickel, and 

molybdenum­make cofactors ­ non­protein helpers in enzyme reactions

Ex. iron for cytochromes in ETC       molybdenum ­ for nitrate reduction to make nitrate ions

Page 6: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

6Feb 12­9:26 AM

Page 7: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

7Feb 10­4:26 PM

dependent on function:1. deficiency in magnesium­ causes chlorosis (yellowing of     leaves)2. deficiency in iron also causes chlorosis ­ involved in     chlorophyll synthesis

Magnesium deficiency in tomato plant

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8Feb 12­9:27 AM

dependent on mobility in plantif nutrient moves easily, deficiency shows up in older tissue  first

­young tissue gets first dibs on nutrientsEx.  magnesium­ shows chlorosis in older leaves first

if nutrient is immobile, shows up in younger tissue firstEx. iron (slow) ­ yellowing young leaves 

Page 9: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

9Feb 10­4:33 PM

most common deficiencies:nitrogenphosphoruspotassium

to diagnose deficiencies ­ analyze plant and soil

Can use hydroponics to get optimal nutrition and regulationdisadvantage ­ expensive

nitrogen is the most limiting  to plant growth.

Page 10: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

10Feb 11­12:07 PM

Nitrogen Fixation

­atmosphere = 78% nitrogen but not in useable plant form

­useable form is nitrate, so atmospheric nitrogen has to be    converted to ammonium and then to nitrate (comes from    decay of humus by bacteria)

Page 11: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

11Feb 11­12:12 PM

bacteria for nitrogen fixation are either found in soil or plant root nodules (symbiosis)

nitrifying bacteria produce nitrate by oxidizing ammonium

root nodules

Page 12: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

12Feb 11­10:21 PM

Role of bacteria in symbiotic nitrogen fixation

happens in legume family (peas, beans, alfalfa, peanuts, clover)

­root nodules contain nitrogen fixing Rhizobium bacteria­Rhizobium form bacteroids

Page 13: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

13Feb 11­10:26 PM

Rhizobium uses atmospheric nitrogen and change it to ammonium ­ used by plant

symbiosis provides right amount of fertilizer without farmer having to fertilize  ­ saves $

each legume is associated with a specific Rhizobium strain mutualistic relationship:

plant gets nitrogen from bacteriabacteria get carbohydrates and organic compounds from 


Page 14: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

14Feb 12­9:53 AM

1. plant secretes flavenoids that certain strains of Rhizobium detect and absorb2. activates a gene regulating protein in bacterium and which on genes (nod) to make nodule3. Nod factors from bacteria signal root to let Rhizobium enter and form the nodule

Page 15: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

15Feb 11­12:17 PM

"Super" varieties of plants ­ have more protein than normal

disadvantage ­ high demand for nitrogen so need high fertilizer use

consumes lots of energy (fossil fuels)

poor countries need high protein crops, but not able to afford them

Page 16: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

16Feb 12­9:53 AM

crop rotation

Page 17: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

17Feb 11­10:35 PM

Mycorrhizae ­ associations between fungi and roots (mutualistic)

­fungus gets supply of sugar

­plant gets increased surface area for water and mineral uptake, growth factors from fungus which help lengthen the roots and antibiotics to prevent pathogens

­scientists believe this relationship helped plants evolve to become land plants

Page 18: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

18Feb 11­10:45 PM

two types of mycorrhizae:1. ectomycorrhizae ­ mycelium forms mass over surface of root and grow into root apoplast (extracellular space)

usually don't form root hairsex. pines, spruce, oak, walnut, willow, beech

2. endomycorrihizae­ no dense mass, hyphae extend inwards• form arbuscles (branched invaginations of hyphae)• found in 90% of plants

ex. corn, wheat, legumes

2. endomycorrhizae ­ fine hyphae from soil into root cells and grow tube that invaginates a root cell

arbuscles ­ branched structures for nutrient transferfound in 85% of plant species

fungal sheath

ectomycorrihizae endomycorrihizae


Page 19: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

19Feb 11­10:52 PM

epiphytes­ plants that live on other plants, but get their own nutrients usually through their leaves, not rootsex. orchids, staghorn ferns

Other relationships in plants

staghorn fern in Florida

Page 20: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

20Feb 12­9:56 AM

Parasitic plants ­live on a host and absorb sugars and mineralsex. mistletoe, dodder, Indian pipe

Indian Pipe

Page 21: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

21Feb 12­9:56 AM

Carnivorous plants­ photosynthetic plants, but get some nitrogen and minerals by killing insects and digesting them. Usually live inacid bogs

ex. Venus Fly trap, Pitcher plant, sundews

Page 22: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

22Feb 10­4:37 PM

Soil's texture and composition will change depending on where they are found, so nutrients will change too.

texture = particle size (sand, silt, clay)composition = organic and inorganic chemical components

soil is formed by rock weathering (freezing, acids, mechanical fracturing

topsoil ­ mixture of particles from rock, living organisms, and humus(remains of partially decayed organic matter)

humus­ prevents clay from packing together, builds crumbly soil for aeration­has minerals when microorganisms breakdown organic 


Page 23: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

23Feb 10­4:43 PM

soil is arranged in horizons (layers)

A horizon = topsoil, richest and most important for plant growthloam ­ made of equal amounts of sand, silt and clay

­ clay ­ for large surface area­sand ­ provide air spaces (oxygen for cellular respiration)

­not enough air = suffocation by water, mold attack on roots

Page 24: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

24Feb 10­4:48 PM

Topsoil includes organisms (5 billion bacteria, worms, insects, algae, fungi)­earthworms add air to soil, add mucus to hold particles together­bacteria ­ use nitrogen fixation, alter mineral composition­roots prevent erosion

Roots take in a soil solution made of water and dissolved minerals (ions)

some particles are bound tightly to soil due to chargeanions: nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate are not bound 

tightly ­ easily released from soil­leached from soil during rainstorms

cations: potassium, Calcium and magnesium are bound to soil particles

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25Feb 10­5:15 PM

Cation exchange ­ Hydrogen ions made by secretion of root hairs and cellular respiration replace cations attached to soil, so they can then be absorbed by root

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26Feb 11­11:38 AM

Soil Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture

soil mismanagementEx. "dustbowl" in 1930' s in U.S.

­caused by overgrazing of cattle, wheat crops instead of grasses, drought ­ left topsoil exposed

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27Feb 12­9:31 AM

agriculture depletes nutrients in soil­use fertilizers to replace lost nutrients

farmers also need to irrigate crops

Soil conservation goals:irrigate properlyfertilize properlyprevent erosion

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28Feb 11­11:44 AM


three ingredients:nitrogen (as ammonium or nitrate), phosphorus (as phosphoric 

acid), potassium (potash)N­P­K ratio  ex. 15­10­5

organic fertilizers= manure, fishmeal, compost

excess minerals not taken up by roots are leached away, can pollute water

Page 29: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

29Apr 2­8:49 AM

soil pH ­ influences uptake of mineralsat certain pH's some minerals absorbed, others not­if acidic can add calcium carbonate or calcium hydroxide­if alkaline ­ add sulfate­in tropical areas, soil is acidic, aluminum dissolves and is toxic to   roots ­ plants can secrete organic ions to bind with Al and make it   harmless

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30Feb 11­11:52 AM

Irrigation­diversion of water from rivers is major issue­irrigation in arid areas, makes soil salty ­ infertiletypes of irrigation:

overhead drip


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31Feb 11­11:57 AM

Erosion ­ movement of soil from one place to another

two main causes: water and wind

to prevent erosion:1. windbreaks ­ planting trees surrounding the fields to prevent wind erosion

2. contouring pattern ­ 

3. terracing

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32Feb 11­12:01 PM

sustainable agriculture­long term productive farming practices that are environmentally safe

Soil reclamation­ reclaiming soil that has been contaminated with heavy metals or organic pollutants

for soil ­ 1. can remove contaminated soil and store in landfill2. phytoremediation ­ use of plants to extract soil 

pollutants and concentrating them into plant tissue and then disposedex. alpine pennycress collects zinc in shoots (300x most 


Page 33: Ch. 37 Soil & Plant Nutrition - Pride through excellence substance that makes up most of dry matter is carbohydrates most abundant elements are C , H, O ... makes up major organic

33Apr 2­8:51 AM