participation in digital age ramboll presentation

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Post on 08-Jul-2015




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Työkalut ja kehittämisen menetelmät –aamiaistilaisuus ! Ramboll Management Consulting !"#$%$&%#$&'"!"()*++"










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Saad-Sulonen, J. (2012). The role of digital media content creation and sharing in participatory e-planning. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR). 1(2), 1-22.

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Saad-Sulonen, J. (2012). The role of digital media content creation and sharing in participatory e-planning. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR). 1(2), 1-22.

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Arnstein, S. R. (1969) A Ladder of Citizen Participation. JAIP, 35(4), 216-224.

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“Tell it on the map”

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“Future’s Helsinki”

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Arnstein, S. R. (1969) A Ladder of Citizen Participation. JAIP, 35(4), 216-224.



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Saad-Sulonen, J. & Horelli, L. (2010). The Value of Community Informatics to Participatory Urban Planning: a case-study in Helsinki. Journal of Community Informatics, 6(2).

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Boonstra, B. & Boelens, L. (2011). Self-organization in urban development: towards a new perspective on spatial planning. Urban Research and Practice, 4 (2): 99-122.

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Arnstein, S. R. (1969) A Ladder of Citizen Participation. JAIP, 35(4), 216-224.


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Saad-Sulonen, J. (2014) Combining participations. Expanding the locus of participatory e-planning by combing participatory approaches in the design of digital technology and in urban planning (doctoral dissertation). Helsinki: Aalto University.

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" Photo: Jaakko Blomberg

Horelli, L., Saad-Sulonen, J., Wallin, S. & Botero, A. (2013, May). When self-organization and urban governance intersect: Two cases from Helsinki. Paper presented at the Using ICT, Social Media and Mobile Technologies to Foster Self-Organisation in Urban and Neighbourhood Governance conference, Delft, The Netherlands.

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20th February 2012 near Helsinki ”Who will arrange a Recycling Day? One day when anyone can bring to the streets all their old stuff (in ok condition), that they want to get rid of. Others could take or buy. People would trade stuff, city municipials would bring disposal containers where everyone would have to carry what’s left. These containers could be there for a day or two. Or do we have to arrange this ourselves, T and A? I need to get half of our stuff out ASAP”. 17 Likes, 56 Comments


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!!participation in the design of digital technology

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Saad-Sulonen, J. (2014) Combining participations. Expanding the locus of participatory e-planning by combing participatory approaches in the design of digital technology and in urban planning (doctoral dissertation). Helsinki: Aalto University. Saad-Sulonen, J. (2013) Multiple Participations. In L. Horelli, L. (Ed). New approaches to urban planning: insights from participatory communities (pp. 11-130). Helsinki: Aalto University. "

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Saad-Sulonen, J. (2014) Combining participations. Expanding the locus of participatory e-planning by combing participatory approaches in the design of digital technology and in urban planning (doctoral dissertation). Helsinki: Aalto University. Saad-Sulonen, J. (2013) Multiple Participations. In L. Horelli, L. (Ed). New approaches to urban planning: insights from participatory communities (pp. 11-130). Helsinki: Aalto University. "

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""“Tell it on the map” “Future’s Helsinki”

Self-organization in Arabianranta Cleaning Day

Saad-Sulonen, J. (2014) Combining participations. Expanding the locus of participatory e-planning by combing participatory approaches in the design of digital technology and in urban planning (doctoral dissertation). Helsinki: Aalto University. Saad-Sulonen, J. (2013) Multiple Participations. In L. Horelli, L. (Ed). New approaches to urban planning: insights from participatory communities (pp. 11-130). Helsinki: Aalto University. "

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Saad-Sulonen, J. (2014) Combining participations. Expanding the locus of participatory e-planning by combing participatory approaches in the design of digital technology and in urban planning. Helsinki: Aalto University.

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Saad-Sulonen, J. (2014) Combining participations. Expanding the locus of participatory e-planning by combing participatory approaches in the design of digital technology and in urban planning (doctoral dissertation). Helsinki: Aalto University. !!Available around March-April 2014 from here:

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Työkalut ja kehittämisen menetelmät –aamiaistilaisuus ! Ramboll Management Consulting !"#$%$&%#$&'"!"()*++"

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