part 1. muhammad abdullah abdul mut’talib aminah wahab

Part 1

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Page 1: Part 1. Muhammad Abdullah Abdul Mut’talib Aminah Wahab

Part 1

Page 2: Part 1. Muhammad Abdullah Abdul Mut’talib Aminah Wahab


Abdullah Aminah

WahabAbdul Mut’talib

Page 3: Part 1. Muhammad Abdullah Abdul Mut’talib Aminah Wahab

Raised by Halima in the desert area for first few years Brought back to his family: Age 5 Years His mother Aminah dies: Age 6 Years In custody and care of Abdul Mut’talib Grandfather Abdul Mut’talib dies: Age 8 Years Uncle Abu Talib is the custodian and protector: Age 8

Years up.

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Travels to Syria: Age 12 Yrs Works as a shepherd

Page 5: Part 1. Muhammad Abdullah Abdul Mut’talib Aminah Wahab

In Charge of Khadijah’s Caravan to Syria◦ Marries Khadijah◦ Known as Al-Amin (for his integrity)◦Al-Amin means The Trustworthy◦ Solves the Ka'ba Dispute: Unique solution

In Rebuilding Al-Ka`ba the Tribes compete for honor:1.To Place the Black Stone in place2.Possibility of Fighting3.Solution needed4.Muhammad (Age 25), called Al-Amin was entrusted for verdict5.His solution prevented a war

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Character: Impeccable Several Children:

Four girls and Three boys

Marriage Relationship: Ideal

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Arabia: Mostly Pagans, Some Christians, and Many Jews Persia: Mostly Zoroastrians, Many Christians, and Many

Jews Byzantine: Mostly Christians, Many Jews, and some

Zoroastrians All above had some Pagans

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Visiting the Poor quite often Helping the Disadvantaged as possible Tending to the sick Retreating to Cave Hiraa

Fairly often More so during Ramadhan

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At Hiraa: Gets the Message◦ Sees Gabriel: While descending down the Noor

Mountain◦ Goes Home: Scared and Exhausted◦ Relates to Khadijah the First revelations

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"Read in the name of your Lord who creates;  He created man from a cell.

Read and your Lord is most gracious, Who taught by the pen,

He taught man what man knew not."

�ذ�ي ال ك� ب ر� � م �اس� ب� أ اق�ر�

ان�   اإلنس� خ�ل�ق� خ�ل�ق�    � أ اق�ر� �ق� ع�ل م�ن�

   �ذ�ي ال م� �ر� األك #ك� ب و�ر�    �م� ع�ل � �م �ق�ل �ال ب �م� ع�ل

�م� �ع�ل ي �م� ل م�ا ان� اإلنس�

Page 11: Part 1. Muhammad Abdullah Abdul Mut’talib Aminah Wahab

On top of Noor Mountain Facing Mecca and Ka’ba Complete silence and

Pure air Perfect for Meditation

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Page 13: Part 1. Muhammad Abdullah Abdul Mut’talib Aminah Wahab

Khadijah: First person (woman) to Islam Maysara: Servant of the Prophet Ali: First male to Islam (10 Yr old) Abu Bakr: Friend of the Prophet

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1. Friends and the Close Ones2. The Disadvantaged:

The slaves The Meek The lowest in the Society

The above formed THE HARD CORE Sermons: Frequent and Irresistibly attractive

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By the 3rd Yr of advent of Islam Party at Home: about 40 people Speech at Mount Safa: Call for Islam Pagan Disbelievers: Animosity against Muhammad and

Islam is Intensified Harassment: Accelerated

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Harsh Measures: Harassments to the extreme Killing Yasir and his Wife by quartering them. Their son,

Ammar, is orphaned Bilal: Dealt with by horrible and mean treatment, but he

defiantly stood fast Abuse of Muhammad (pbuh) became very frequent

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By the 5th Yr, life intolerable:◦Wave of Muslims leave to Abyssinia◦ Second wave follow (about 80 people)

Quranic Revelations: Continue frequently Conditions in Mecca continue to deteriorate Muslims in Mecca have a very rough time

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Fear of loss: Their Financial Status Loss of Prestige and Standing in the Community Change of Character of the Jahiliya Facing Defiance and Challenge by Islam Fear of the Unknown

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Bribing Offerings Abuse◦ Verbal◦ Physical

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Muhammad and all Benu Hashim: Along with their families In an eerie valley without Communication or Interaction Boycott lasting three years Conditions deteriorating fast: Hunger, Sickness, and

Desperation As a result: Wife (Khadijah), and Uncle (Abu Talib) Die

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Page 22: Part 1. Muhammad Abdullah Abdul Mut’talib Aminah Wahab
Page 23: Part 1. Muhammad Abdullah Abdul Mut’talib Aminah Wahab
Page 24: Part 1. Muhammad Abdullah Abdul Mut’talib Aminah Wahab

Israa and Mi’raaj a most Unique Journey

Muhammad Taken from Mecca to Jerusalem

From Jerusalem to Heavens above

To be in the Presence of God Five daily Prayers


The Holy Quran says:

من� ( �ال �ي ل �د�ه� �ع�ب ب ى ر� س�� أ �ذ�ي ال �ح�ان� ب س�

د� ج� �م�س� ال �ل�ى إ � ام �ح�ر� ال ج�د� �م�س� الق�ص�ى

� األم�ن�   �ه� �ر�ي �ن ل �ه� و�ل ح� �ا �ن ك �ار� ب �ذ�ي ال

�ص�ير� الب م�يع� الس� ه�و� �ه� �ن إ �ا �ن �ات آيGlory be to him who by night

took His servant from the Masjid Al-Haram to Masjid

Al-Aqsa, to show His Wonders ...

Page 25: Part 1. Muhammad Abdullah Abdul Mut’talib Aminah Wahab

Number of Muslims: Slowly increasing Attitude of the Pagans: Antagonistic to the Extreme Attempts in Taif: Very disappointing The revelations: A large part of Quran is revealed by now

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First Group from Medina: About a dozen Second Group from Medina: About 70 Conditions in Medina: Inviting and Friendly To Leave Mecca: Mandatory but has to be planned well

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Representation from every tribe: To Kill Muhammad All are to Kill Muhammad at Night When all share in Killing Muhammad:◦Clan of Muhammad would not be able to avenge his blood against

all◦ Thus, the Disbelievers get rid of Islam

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Ali stays eagerly in Muhammad's Bed, Risking his Life:◦Attackers think Muhammad was in bed◦ Instead, attackers see Ali in his bed◦ Enraged, they ask: Where is Muhammad◦Ali gleefully answers: You are the pursuer

Alarmed, the disbelievers call for massive search: Large Price to find Muhammad

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Abu Bakr waits in his house for Muhammad Nighttime: Muhammad escapes unnoticed Muhammad and Abu Bakr Leave undiscovered: To Thaur

Mountain Thaur Mountain is rough and South of Mecca

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Quraish in the lookout for Muhammad High price offered to anyone finding Muhammad Muhammad and Abu Bakr stay for 3 days in the cave Location of cave in Thaur Mountain The role of the Dove and Spider

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Food and news brought in by Asmaa daughter of Abu Bakr Hurriedly:◦ Spider weaves a Web at the cave’s entrance◦A dove builds a nest

Quraish in a Chase: Reaches the Cave, but abandons search because of the Web and Nest at the cave’s entrance

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Suraqah in pursuit: Finds Muhammad but changes and becomes Defender than Pursuer

Travel Condition: Along uncommonly used road, rough, tough, and hot

Special Revelation: Quran promises Muhammad that he would return in triumph

After two weeks, they arrive at Qubaa