parker simon - quiet flame by philip kerr

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  • 8/20/2019 Parker Simon - Quiet Flame by Philip Kerr


     Quiet Flame by Philip Kerr

    Simon P’s Review

    April 21, 2008 by Simon Parker 

     In 2006, after a fifteen year hiatus spent trying to write an airport blockbuster, Philip

    err ma!e a welcome return to his series of "erlin in the #0s crime no$els, featuring

    %etecti$e cum reluctant SS officer, "ernie &unther' %espite fears of a tail between the

    legs retreat, The One From The Other was actually great fun an! a worthy a!!ition to

    the series' (ortunately we)$e only ha! to wait another year for the ne*t one, an!  A Quiet 

     Flame picks up !irectly where TOFTO left off'

    +his time the action is split between "erlin !uring the final !ays of the eimar

    -epublic an! "uenos Aires in 1./0' ewly arri$e! in a Peronist Argentina that isenthusiastically offering a safe ha$en for fugiti$e ais, "ernie &unther is in hi!ing

    from ossa! an! in search of a 3uiet life' 4owe$er between being force! to li$e among

    mostly unrepentant war criminals an! being leane! on by the chief of the Argentine

    Secret Police to sol$e a politically charge! chil! ab!uction, "ernie is once again

    re3uire! to trea! a !elicate path'

    +he key to the ab!uction probably lies in an unsol$e! mur!er !ating back to "erlin in

    1.#2' In or!er to stay one step ahea! of the Secret Police, "ernie will nee! to sol$e both

    cases 5 but who is lea!ing whom an! to what !estination +he answer lies both in the

    see!y backwaters an! political corri!ors of Peronist "uenos Aires'

     A Quiet Flame is a !etecti$e thriller of the highest or!er' +he setting is both no$el an!

    fertile an! in "ernie &unther Philip err has create! one of crime fiction)s most

    engaging heroes' ost !etecti$e no$els teeter on the e!ge of the crypto5fascist 7a noble,

    lone hero sol$ing the wrongs of a corrupt worl!9 but the best crime authors ensure

    their heroes are morally ambiguous an! the outcomes compromise! an! messy' So as a

    no$el with an e* SS man as a reluctant sa$iour, set in ai &ermany an! fascist

    Argentina, A Quiet Flame offers plenty of scope for moral compromise an! ambiguity'

    In the en! "ernie is clearly a :han!ler5es3ue hero, a si!e of the mouth, cynical

     professional for hire, but also a bruise! an! !amage! hero ultimately unwilling to lookthe other way an! therefore unable to keep his nose out' "ernie is !etermine! to !o the

    right thing, if only he can work out what that is an! stay ali$e !oing it'

    +here is a bit of historical, $oyeuristic tourism here with cameos by Skoreny,

    ;ichmann, engele an! both

  • 8/20/2019 Parker Simon - Quiet Flame by Philip Kerr


