parenteral and enteral nutrition prof. mamuka chkhaidze · parenteral and enteral nutrition prof....

Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE Course n°: 3 Sub-category: (3.2.2.) Date: (12-04-2014) Language: Georgian City: Tbilisi Country: Republic of Georgia Weight: kb Related text: no

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Page 1: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

Parenteral and Enteral nutrition

Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE Course n°: 3 Sub-category: (3.2.2.) Date: (12-04-2014) Language: Georgian City: Tbilisi Country: Republic of Georgia Weight: kb Related text: no

Page 2: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

Pparenteraluri da enteraluri kveba


prof. mamuka CxaiZe



III kursi

Page 3: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

pasuxi stresze

hipoTalamus hipofizuri RerZis (HPA) aqtivacia

simpato-adrenaluri sistemis aqtivacia

ASard-sasqeso traqtis vagaluri da sakraluri parasimatikuri eferentebis aqtivacia

Page 4: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

stresze pasuxis metaboluri Sedegebi





Page 5: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

pasuxi stresze

gulis wuTmoculoba izrdeba

respiracia izrdeba

sisxlis nakadi mimarTulia tvinisa da skeleturi muskulaturisken

glukogenezi da katabolizmi • sawvavi gulis, tvinis da kunTebisTvis

siamovnebis,Ezrdis da reproduqciis endokrinuli programebi Cerdeba.

Page 6: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

kritikuli mdgomareobebi xasiaTdeba

paTologiurad gaxangrZlivebuli pasuxiT stresze

Page 7: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and


- izrdeba moTxovnileba nutrientebze

- stresis dros aucilebelia nutrientuli mxardaWera/daxmareba,

- katabolizmis SeCereba/Semcireba

- Wrilobis (Tu aseTi arsebobs) Sexorcebas sWirdeba subtrati (proteini)

- gamosavlis gaumjobeseba (asocirdeba karg mxardaWerasTan)

Page 8: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

- mWle (lean)sxeulis masis SenarCuneba

- imunuri funqciis SenarCuneba

- metaboluri garTulebebis Tavidan acileba

dRes amas hqvia nutriciuli Terapia

stresis dros mxardaWeris miznebi

Page 9: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

metaboluri moTxovnileba

energiis moTxovnilebis Sefasebis sxvadsxva meTodebi arsebobs:

- arapirdapiri kalorimetria (energiis danaxarjis mixedviT miwodeba)

- Harris-Benedict toloba (bazisuri metaboluri sixSiris BMR daTvla)

- Schofield toloba

- Ireton Jones formula (energiis daavadebaze orientirebuli daTvla)

- kg. wonaze kaloraJis empiriuli daTvla

Page 10: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

energiaze moTxovnileba

arc erT did prospeqtul kvlevas ar daudasturebia gazomvis romelime teqnikis an gansazRvruli

formulis mkveTri da utyuari dadebiTi efeqti.

Tumca arapirdapiri kalorimetria ufro metad akuratuli unda iyos!

Ireton Jones 1784 - 11(A) + 5(W) + 244(S) + 239(T) + 804(B) for total calorie prescription A = age W = wt in kg S = sex (1 = male, 0 = female) T = trauma (1 = yes, 0 = no) B = burns (1 = yes, 0 = no) Harris-Benedict Male BMR kcal/day =

66.47 + 13.7 (kg) + 5 (cm) - 6.76 (yrs) Female BMR kcal/day = 665.1 + 9.56 (kg) + 1.85 (cm) - 4.68 (yrs)

Zalian bevri klinika ar akeTebs an ar aqvs

saSualeba arapirdapiri kalorimetriis

Catarebisa! P . Singer et al. / Clinical Nutrition 28 (2009) 387–400

Page 11: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

nutriciuli Terapia - kveba

kritikul mdgomareobaSi myofi pacienti reanimaciaSi moxvedrisas unda Sefasdes :

- tradiciuli nutriciuli Sefasebis parametrebi (albumini,prealbumini, anTropometria) ar gamodgeba reanimaciuli pacientebis Sefasebisas

- hospitalizaciamde wonis klebis an nutriciuli darRvevebis arseboba/Sefaseba

- daavadebis simZime, Tanarsebuli paTologiebi, saWmlis momnelebeli traqtis funqcia

Guidelines for the Provision andAssessment of Nutrition Support Therapy in the Adult Critically Ill

Patient:Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.)

Page 12: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

kveba reanimaciaSi “…to be, or not to be?!” W. Shakespeare To feed, or not to feed ? that is the question! intensivist on duty

Page 13: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

kveba reanimaciaSi enteraluri Tu parenteraluri?

adreuli Tu gviani?




ra gziT?


Page 14: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

kveba reanimaciaSi • ra Tqma unda, oraluri kveba

srulfasovani racioniT

saukeTesoa, magram Cveni

pacientebis mniSvnelovani

umetesoba amas ver axerxebs

Page 15: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

enteraluri kveba

enteraluri kveba gastraluri zondis saSualebiT

aris nutriciuli Terapiis arCevanis meTodi reanimaciaSi!!!!!

ASPEN ESPEN inarCunebs nawlavis arqiteqturas, baqt.translokacias blokavs, aZlierebs imunitets, ukeT akontrolebs glikemias, glutamins miwodeba, antiinflmatoruli Tvisebebi (nawlavebis) Zlierdeba, stresuli wylulebis profilaqtikas axdens da a.S

Page 16: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

enteraluri kveba

rodis daviwyoT ek? Tu ukuCveneba ar aris (mZime hemodinamkiuri

arastabiluroba, maRali doza inotropebi, nawlavTa gauvaloba, mokle nawlavis sindromi, mezenterialuri

iSemia, abdominalurikompartment sindromi da a.S)

daviwyoT pacientis Semosvlidan 24-48 saaTSi (araumetes 72 sT-sa)


Page 17: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

enteraluri kveba niuansebi

NG vs NJ - (distaluri, anu wvrili nawlavis kveba)

aranairi gansxvaveba efeqturobaSi, gamosavalSi, garTulebebSi aRmoCenili ar aris !

(NJ iwyeba Cvenebebis arsebobis dros: gastraluri kvebis SeuZleblobis, didi rezidualuri sakvebis, aspiraciis an aspiraciis maRali riskis dros).


ek-is dawyebisTvis ar aris aucilebeli peristaltikis xmianobis, airebis daclis, ganavlis arseboba!

prokinetikuri mkurnaloba (metoklopramidi, eriTromicini) mxolod simptomebis arsebobis dros (ararutinulad)!


Page 18: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

enteraluri kveba niuansebi

• ek-s samizne kaloraJi – unda uzrunvelvyoT araumetes 20-25 kkal/kg/dReSi, mwvave fazaSi, da araumetes 25-30 kkal/kg/dReSi gamojansaRebis fazaSi (samizne kaloraJs unda mivaRwioT nela 72-120 sT-Si), msuqan pacientebs visac BMI >30, 11-14 kkal/kg/dReSi aqtualur wonaze

• ek-is gansakuTrebuli formulebis (peptid bazisuri, imunomodulaciuri, antiinflamatoruli) farTod gamoyenebis mtkicebuleba ar arsebobs. isini gamoiyeneba Zalian seleqtiur pacienteTan


Page 19: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

parenteraluri kveba

• rodesac enteraluri kvebis dawyeba SeuZlebelia an ukunaCvenebi unda daviwyoT pk!

• rodesac enteraluri kvebiT ver vaRwevT sasurvel kaloraJs unda daematos pk!


Page 20: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

parenteraluri kveba

ra vadebSi daviwyoT parenteraluri kveba?


Page 21: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

parenteraluri kveba

ASPEN pk dawyebuli unda iqnas

hospitalizaciidan 7 dReSi (C)

(Tu ek SeuZlebelia da pacients ar aqvs protein-kaloriuli deficiti Semosvlisas, Tu es ukanaskneli saxezea- pk unda daviwyoT rac SeiZleba swrafad)

ESPEN pacientebma, visTanac

ar aris mosalodneli normaluri kvebis uzrunvelyofa pirveli sami dRis ganmavlobaSi, unda miiRon pk pirvel 24 – 48 saaTSi (C) (Tu ek ukunaCvenebia, an Tu ver itanen ek-s)

Page 22: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

ra vadebSi daviwyoT parenteraluri kveba?

ASPEN vs ESPEN Early parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients with short-term relative

contraindications to early enteral nutrition: a randomized controlled trial.

• Doig GS1, Simpson F, Sweetman EA, Finfer SR, Cooper DJ, Heighes PT, Davies AR, O'Leary M, Solano T, Peake S; Early PN Investigators of the ANZICS Clinical Trials Group.

• Collaborators (153) JAMA. 2013 May 22;309(20):2130-8. doi: 10.1001/jama.2013.5124.

• IMPORTANCE: Systematic reviews suggest adult patients in intensive care units (ICUs) with relative

contraindications to early enteral nutrition (EN) may benefit from parenteral nutrition (PN) provided within 24 hours of ICU admission.

• OBJECTIVE: To determine whether providing early PN to critically ill adults with relative contraindications to

early EN alters outcomes. • DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Multicenter, randomized, single-blind clinical trial conducted between October 2006 and June

2011 in ICUs of 31 community and tertiary hospitals in Australia and New Zealand. Participants were critically ill adults with relative contraindications to early EN who were expected to remain in the ICU longer than 2 days.

Page 23: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and


• MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: • Day-60 mortality; quality of life, infections, and body composition. • RESULTS: • A total of 1372 patients were randomized (686 to standard care, 686 to early PN). Of 682 patients

receiving standard care, 199 patients (29.2%) initially commenced EN, 186 patients (27.3%) initially commenced PN, and 278 patients (40.8%) remained unfed. Time to EN or PN in patients receiving standard care was 2.8 days (95% CI, 2.3 to 3.4). Patients receiving early PN commenced PN a mean of 44 minutes after enrollment (95% CI, 36 to 55). Day-60 mortality did not differ significantly (22.8% for standard care vs 21.5% for early PN; risk difference, -1.26%; 95% CI, -6.6 to 4.1; P = .60). Early PN patients rated day-60 quality of life (RAND-36 General Health Status) statistically, but not clinically meaningfully, higher (45.5 for standard care vs 49.8 for early PN; mean difference, 4.3; 95% CI, 0.95 to 7.58; P = .01). Early PN patients required fewer days of invasive ventilation (7.73 vs 7.26 days per 10 patient × ICU days, risk difference, -0.47; 95% CI, -0.82 to -0.11; P = .01) and, based on Subjective Global Assessment, experienced less muscle wasting (0.43 vs 0.27 score increase per week; mean difference, -0.16; 95% CI, -0.28 to -0.038; P = .01) and fat loss (0.44 vs 0.31 score increase per week; mean difference, -0.13; 95% CI, -0.25 to -0.01; P = .04).

• CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: • The provision of early PN to critically ill adults with relative contraindications to early EN,

compared with standard care, did not result in a difference in day-60 mortality. The early PN strategy resulted in significantly fewer days of invasive ventilation but not significantly shorter ICU or hospital stays.

mniSvnelovani sxvaoba or strategias Soris ar aRmoCnda

Page 24: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and


Early or late parenteral nutrition: ASPEN vs. ESPEN. Crit Care. 2011;15(6):317. doi: 10.1186/cc10591. Epub 2011 Dec 22. Cove ME1, Pinsky MR. • BACKGROUND: • Controversy exists about the timing of the initiation of parenteral nutrition (PN) in critically ill adults

in whom caloric targets cannot be met by enteral nutrition (EN) alone. • METHODS: • Objective: To compare early-initiation of PN (European guidelines) with late-initiation (American

and Canadian guidelines) in adults who are receiving insufficient enteral nutrition in the intensive care unit (ICU). Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled, parallel-group, multicenter clinical trial. Setting: Seven multidisciplinary ICUs in Belgium. Subjects: All adults admitted to participating ICUs with a nutritional risk score of 3 or more who did not meet any exclusion criteria. Intervention: After enrollment, 2312 patients were randomized to receive PN 48 hours after ICU admission (early-initiation) and 2328 patients were randomized to receive PN on day 8 (late-initiation group). Both groups received early EN using a standardized protocol. PN was continued until EN met 80% of calorific goals, or when oral nutrition was resumed. It was restarted if enteral or oral feeding fell below 50% of calculated calorific needs. Outcomes: Primary end point was the duration of dependency on intensive care, defined as the number of intensive care days and time to discharge from the ICU.

Page 25: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and


• RESULTS: • The median stay in the ICU was one day shorter for the late-initiation group (3 v. 4; p

= 0.02). The late-initiation group had a relative increase, of 6.3%, in the likelihood of being discharged earlier, and alive, from the ICU (hazard ratio 1.06; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00-1,13; p = 0.04). Rates of death in the ICU and survival at 90 days were similar between the two groups. The late-initiation group, as compared to the early-initiation group, had fewer ICU infections (22.8% v. 26.2%; p = 0.008), less days of renal replacement therapy (7 days (interquartile range [IQR] 3-16) v. 10 days (IQR 5-23); p = 0.008) and fewer patients requiring more than 2 days of mechanical ventilation (36.3% v. 40.2%; p = 0.006).

• CONCLUSIONS: • Late-initiation of PN was associated with faster recovery and fewer complications,

when compared with early-initiation.

arc Tu Zalian damajerebeli Sedegebia!

Page 26: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and


• “Early versus Late Parenteral Nutrition in Critically Ill Adult Patients,” the authors randomized 4,640 patients admitted to one of seven participating ICUs to either early or late initiation of parenteral nutrition. All patients who were unable to eat by their second day in the ICU received enteral nutrition. A nutritional target was calculated for each patient. Those in the early PN group started receiving PN by hour 48 in the ICU, if enteral nutrition had failed to reach caloric goals. In contrast, those in the late PN group didn’t receive any parenteral nutrition until the eighth ICU day.

• The results were striking. Although ICU mortality and 90-day survival did not differ significantly, those patients in the late PN group were discharged earlier both from the ICU and from the hospital. The patients randomized to late PN also developed fewer infections while in the ICU. Fewer of them required mechanical ventilation for more than two days, and while the number who needed renal-replacement therapy did not differ, the amount of time such therapy was necessary decreased significantly. Healthcare costs, overall, were reduced in the group with late PN. While there were more episodes of hypoglycemia in the late PN group; this trend did not have any clear clinical importance.

• How widely applicable are these findings? The authors acknowledge several limitations. Of note, they used a standard parenteral nutrition preparation (with low protein-to-energy ratio) rather than PN with glutamine or other specific immune-modulating compounds, which some evidence suggests have benefits in the critically ill. This study was randomized with no “sham PN” arm; thus, patients, families and health care practitioners were not blinded to the treatment.

• Despite these limitations, the data remain provocative. The authors conclude, “PN to supplement insufficient EN during the first week in severely ill ICU patients at risk of malnutrition appears inferior to withholding PN until day 8 in ICU while providing vitamins, trace elements and minerals.”

Page 27: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and


• rogorc xedavT sxvadsxva, didi randomizebuli kvlevebis Sedegebi urTierTgamomricxavia!

• erTi ram cxadia pk ek-sTan SedarebiT ar zrdis sikvdilobas!

• intensiuri Terapiis pacientebSi pk-sa da ek-s Soris mniSvnelovani gansxvaveba klinikuri gamosavlis TvalsazrisiT ar aris!

• kvlevebSi, romlebic “gviani” pk-s sasargeblo daskvnebs akeTeben, gamoiyeneboda suboptimaluri pk (energiisa da cilebis arasakmarisi raodenoba), rac eWvis qveS ayenebs pk-s realur gavlenas gamosavalze!

• nutrientebiT arasakmarisi uzrunvelyofis dros SesaZloa ganviTardes kvebis ukmarisoba qirurgiuli Carevis an intensiur TerapiaSi moTavsebidan 8-12 dReSi

Page 28: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

parenteraluri kveba

პაციენტებმა, ვისთანაც არ არის მოსალოდნელი ნორმალური კვების უზრუნველყოფა უახლოესი სამი დღის განმავლობაში, უნდა მიიღონ პარენტერალური კვება (პკ) 24-48 საათში, თუ მათთვის ენტერალური კვება უკუნაჩვენებია ან თუ ისინი ვერ იტანენ ენტერალურ კვებას (ენ). რეკომენდაციის ხარისხი C.

• დაავადების მწვავე ფაზაში უმთავრესი მიზანია, პაციენტს მივაწოდოთ ენერგიის ის რაოდენობა, რომელიც მაქსიმალურად მიუახლოვდება მის ენერგიის დღიურ დანახარჯებს, რომ შევამციროთ ენერგიის უარყოფითი ბალანსი (რეკომენდაციის ხარისხი B). არაპირდაპირი კალორიმეტრიის ჩატარების შესაძლებლობის არ ქონის შემთხვევაში, ინტენსიური თერაპიის პაციენტებმა უნდა მიიღონ 25 კკალ/კგ/დღეში, ამ სამიზნე ციფრებს უნდა მივაღწიოთ ენერგიის თანდათანობით მატებით, 2-3 დღის განმავლობაში (რეკომენდაციის ხარისხი C).

• რეკომენდებულია პკ -ის ნარევი ხსნარის გამოყენება „ყველაფერი ერთში“ ტიპის კონტეინერის სახით.

• ყველა პაციენტთან, ვინც ენტერალური კვების დაწყებიდან 2 დღის შემდეგ, ვერ იღებს საჭირო რაოდენობის კალორიებს, უნდა განვიხილოთ პკ-ის დამატების აუცილებლობა. რეკომენდაციის ხარისხი C.

ESPEN Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition: Intensive care Pierre Singera, Mette Mb. Berger, Greet Van den Berghec, Gianni Biolod, Philip Caldere, Alastair Forbesf, Richard Griffithsg, Georg

Kreymanh, Xavier Levervei, Claude Pichardj .

Page 29: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

პაციენტისთვის ნახშირწყლების მინიმალური მოთხოვნილება შეადგენს 2 გ/კგ/ გლუკოზას დღეში.

რეკომენდაციის ხარისხი B. ჰიპერგლიკემია (გლუკოზა > 10 მმოლ/ლ) ხელს უწყობს სიკვდილობას

კრიტიკულ მდგომარეობაში მყოფ პაციენტებთან, ის თავიდან უნდა ავიცილოთ ასევე ინფექციური გართულებების პრევენციის მიზნითაც (რეკომენდაციის ხარისხი B).

ლიპიდური ემულსიები პკ- ს განუყოფელი ნაწილია, როგორც ენერგიის ასევე მნიშვნელოვანი ცხიმოვანი მჟავების მიწოდების უზრუნველსაყოფად, ინტენსიურ თერაპიაში ხანგრძლივად მყოფი პაციენტებისთვის. რეკომენდაციის ხარისხი B.

ლიპიდურ ემულსიებზე EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)-ს და DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)-ს დამატებაზე აქვს თვალსაჩინო ეფექტი უჯრედულ მემბრანაზე და ანთებით პროცესებზე (რეკომენდაციის ხარისხი B). თევზის ქონზე დამზადებული ემულსიები სავარაუდოდ ამცირებს კრიტიკული პაციენტების ჰოსპიტალიზაციის ხანგრძლივობას (რეკომენდაციის ხარისხი B).

ESPEN Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition: Intensive care

parenteraluri kveba

Page 30: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

– პარენტერალური კვების გამოყენების შემთხვევაში უნდა გადავასხათ ბალანსირებული ამინო-მჟავების სხნარი, დაახლოებითი დოზით 1,3 – 1,5 გ/კგ იდეალური სხეულის მასაზე/დღეში, ენერგიის ადექვატურ მიწოდებასთან ერთად. რეკომენდაციის ხარისხი B.

– როდესაც ინტენსიური თერაპიის პაციენტთან მიზანშეწონილია პკ-ის დაწყება, ამინო-მჟავების ხსნარის შემცველობა უნდა უზრუნველყოფდეს L- გლუტამინის მიწოდებას 0,2-0,4 გ/კგ/დღეში (მაგ.: 0.3-0,6 გ/კგ/დღეში ალანინ-გლუტამინ დიპეპტიდი). რეკომენდაციის ხარისხი A.

– პარენტერალური კვება უნდა შეიცავდეს მულტივიტამინების და მიკროელემენტების დღიურ დოზას. რეკომენდაციის ხარისხი C.

ESPEN Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition: Intensive care

parenteraluri kveba

Page 31: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

SPN consensus Optimisation of Energy Provision With Supplemental Parenteral Nutrition in Critically Ill

Patients: A Randomised Controlled Clinical Trial • Heidegger CP, Berger MM, Graf S, et al

Lancet. 2013;381:385-393

• Summary • Nutritional support for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) is common and part of standard care

routines. When the preferred enteral route is not available, parenteral nutrition (PN) is sometimes recommended and used.[1-3]

• The authors assessed whether delivery of 100% of the energy target during days 4-8 in the ICU with enteral nutrition (EN) plus supplemental PN (SPN) could improve clinical outcomes.

• Two centers in Switzerland enrolled patients on day 3 of ICU admission who had received less than 60% of their energy target from EN and were expected to stay longer than 5 days in the ICU and to survive for longer than 7 days. Indirect calorimetry was used to calculate energy targets when possible. If this was not possible, energy targets were set at 25-30 kcal/kg of ideal body weight for women and men. A total of 305 patients were randomly assigned to receive EN or SPN (153 patients to SPN and 152 to EN).

• Mean energy delivery between day 4 and day 8 was 28 kcal/kg/day for the SPN group and 20 kcal/kg/day for the EN group. Between day 9 and day 28, 27% of SPN patients vs 38% of EN patients had a nosocomial infection, and the SPN group had a lower mean number of nosocomial infections per patient (P = .03).

• The authors concluded that individually optimized energy supplementation with SPN starting 4 days after ICU admission could reduce nosocomial infections and should be considered as a strategy to improve clinical outcome in patients in the ICU for whom EN is insufficient.

Page 32: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and

Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2012 upgrade!

მძიმე სეფსისის და სეპტიური შოკის დიაგნოზის დასმიდან პირველი 7 დღის განმავლობაში, თუ ეს შესაძლებელია, სასურველია, სრული პარენტერალური კვების ნაცვლად დავიწყოთ ენტერალური კვებისა ი.ვ. გლუკოზის კომბინაცია, ან პარენტერალური და ენტერალური კვების კომბინაცია.

რეკომენდაციის ხარისხი 2B. am diskusiisTviis sayuardReboa!

Page 33: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and


- enteralur kvebas eniWeba udavo upiratesoba parenteralurTan SedarebiT!

- ek daviwyoT pirvel 24-48 sT-Si, samizne kaloraJs (20-25 kkal/kg/dR) mivaRwioT 48-72 sT-Si.

- Tu 48-72 sT-Si ek-iT ver mivaRwieT samizne kaloraJs, davamtoT pk (SPN, nxSy-ebi da cilebi prioritetia), gavagrZeloT ek-s raodenobis gazrdis mcdeloba, Tundac “trofikuli kvebis” saxiT (warmatebis SemTxvevaSi vamciroT pk-s raodenoba)

- Tu 48 -72 sT-Si ver daviwyeT ek, daviwyoT pk, samizne kaloraJs (20-25 kkal/kg/dR) mivaRwioT 48-72 sT-Si


Page 34: Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE · Parenteral and Enteral nutrition Prof. MAMUKA CHKHAIDZE ... ICU received enteral nutrition. ... Although ICU mortality and
