painting over existing finish


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Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Painting over existing finish


Page 2: Painting over existing finish

There are a some things to think so as to paint over an existing cease . One is the general circumstance of the original finish. Most factory finishes are executed in lacquer and older finishes lean to drop off their malleability and get hairline breaks running through it. If this has taken place in your piece or you've bare or worn spots, it might be worthy to go ahead and strip the old finish up. Otherwise the cracks will come out in the finished project.

If your finish appears sound, where you need to begin is by getting rid of all the hardware. Any parts coming off might make the job more easygoing.

Catch some naphtha or mineral spirits and a few clean cloth rags, and pass over the whole piece down once or twice. This will dispatch any furniture polish or body oils that might still be present. If there's any organic matter left on it, you might have to apply a damp rag to get rid of it before progressing to the next step.

You'll necessitate to do some sanding with four hundred grit wet or dry sandpaper so as to allow for the new finish tooth to adhere to, . Sand it till you've dispatched all traces of the original sheen. To get in some nooks and crevasses, a all-purpose Maroon scotch-brite pad acts considerably. When you finished the sanding, give it a good blowing off with compacted air (Wear your particle mask) or vacuum up the dust accompanied with a damp rag.

With all the preparation work acted, give it a final wipe down with naphtha and allow it to dry for at least half-hour before using your first coat of paint. Be sure you are making it in a dry dust free environment if you are able to. A tack rag is a very significant finishing tool. Oil based finishes are going to be the most well-matched to the lacquer, and hold up the best. They need a paint thinner for cleanup rather than water. Be sure you come after the instructions on the can.