paid advertising feature december 5, 2019 support groups...those desiring help with drug and/or...

PAID ADVERTISING FEATURE December 5, 2019 SUPPORT GROUPS LifeRing Secular Recov- ery: Alcohol/ Addiction: ( An absti- nence-based, no cost alter- native to AA & 12 step pro- grams. Meets weekly at the following days/times: WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS- ALBQ- 6PM at Presbyterian Kaseman Hospital, Aspen Room, through Emergency Room entrance, then turn left, first conference room on the right. 8300 Constitution Avenue NE. Contact Matt L. at mingusgatoloco@gmail. com 505.908.0360. Contact Lisa at [email protected]. Grupo Jovenes Abq: offers a free six month program for those desiring help with drug and/or alcohol addiction. You can also join us for nightly meetings from 7pm-9pm. The suffering can stop; we welcome you to join us. We are a bilingual group. For more info please call, 505. 452.0907. 636 San Mateo Blvd SE. Overeaters Anonymous : is open to any person with an eating disorder or a problem with food. The only require- ment for membership is a de- sire to stop eating compul- sively. There are no member- ship dues or fees and no weigh-ins. We offer physical, emotional and spiritual re- covery from the disease of compulsive eating. For more information call 505.261.3553 or visit our website at NAR-ANON- New Begin- nings: Support/Fellowship for families & friends of loved ones who are struggling with addiction. Mondays 6:30-8:00 pm. @ New Beginnings Church. 3601 Montgomery Blvd NE (NW corner of Carlisle & Montgomery) for more info: [email protected]. For other mtgs: Narcotics Anonymous :A program for anyone seeking recovery from drug addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. There are no fees or dues, and there are meet- ings every day of the week. Call our 24 hour helpline at 800.798.6649 go to www. for more in- formation Al-Anon & Alateen: Pro- vides support for families and friends affected by someone else’s drinking. Regularly scheduled group meetings for spouses, partners, pa- rents, siblings and children of problem drinkers are confi- dential and anonymous. For more information, call 262. 2177 or visit Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (F A): Free Program. Are you hav- ing trouble w/ food? There is hope! FA can help. Palo Duro Senior Center, 5221 Palo Duro NE, ABQ 87110. Sat. 9- 10:30 a.m.. Contact: Shirlee - 822.0109 - leave message or visit Gamblers Anonymous of New Mexico: If you believe you or someone you know is suffering from gambling ad- diction, please call our 24 hour Hotline at 505.260.7272 or visit www.gamblers Adult Children of Alcoholics: St. Thomas of Canterbury Church, 425 University NE. Wednesday 7:00-8:30PM. This is a 12-step study group based on the AA Big Book. Call Cathy at 821.0616. Sex Addicts Anonymous: Struggling with Compulsive Sexual Behavior and need help? Contact Sex Addicts Anonymous at 505.510.1722 or online at abqsaa@gmail. com S-Anon: Hope & help for family and friends of sexahol- ics. Call 505.407.9597, email [email protected] or [email protected] or visit AA: Do you have a desire to stop drinking alcohol? Alco- holics Anonymous 266.1900 ( We can help. No dues or fees. Sexaholics Anonymous: Men’s and Joint 12 step meetings. Contact # 505.899.0633 GRIEF RESOURCE CEN- TER: A central location pro- viding a wide range of re- sources to help those who are experiencing any aspect of grief. Short term individual bereavement support ses- sions (all at no charge), work- shops and educational pro- grams are available. All individual sessions, sup- port groups, and educational programs hosted at the Grief Resource Center located at: 1113 University Blvd. NE, ABQ, NM 87102. For more information visit the Grief Resource Center at ww or contact us at 505.842.7166. Children’s Grief Center: Provides support groups for young people ages 5-25 who are grieving the death of a loved one. Adult groups pro- vided for guardians. Groups meet weekday evenings in the North Valley and Rio Ran- cho. Resource library open to public. All services provided at no charge. Volunteers and donations welcome. 505.323.0478 or Survivors of Suicide: a support group for those who have lost someone they love to suicide. Meets 4 times a month, 1st & 3rd Mon, 7- 8:30 pm, Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church, 1801 Montano NW 87107 & 2nd and 4th Sat, 1 -2:30pm, St. Luke Lutheran Church, 9100 Menaul NE 87112. More info: 505.400.9942 or 681.7227. Grief and Loss Support Group: Grief is a natural process that can often be eased through sharing with others who have experienced the loss of a loved one or any other significant loss. Groups meet Friday from 12-1 pm and 1:30-2:30 pm; Offered by the Jewish Care Program; Call 505.348.4451 for more information. Free. Ambercare Bereavement Support Groups and Workshops: Call Tonya Elli- son or Doug Sweet for days and time of support groups and workshops. Ambercare Hospice, 2129 Osuna Rd. NE. 505.244.0046 Grief Support : Free and confidential support groups at locations in Albu- querque and Rio Rancho. Open to the community. Please contact Bereavement Services at Presbyterian Hospice 505-559.7055 or [email protected] to register or for any questions. The Compassionate Friends: support for parents and grandparents who have lost a child/grandchild at any age from any cause. First & Third Thursdays 6:45- 8:30pm; Immanuel Presbyter- ian Church, 114 Carlisle SE; [email protected] Cancer Support Now Groups & Services: For information call our helpline: 505.255.0405 Cancer Navigation Assists with non-medical needs of survivors or their loved ones Call our Helpline: 255.0405 One-on-One Peer Cancer Support or Peer Matching Call our Helpline: .255.0405 Create to Heal Support Group Using Art, Music, Writing, Meditation to Ex- plore the Journey of Cancer- Survivors &/or Caregivers, all diagnoses, men & women 2nd & 4th Sat, 10-11:30 a.m., Lovelace Women’s Hospital Cancer Support Now Groups Ovarian Open Arms 3rd Saturday of month, 10:30am Lovelace Women’s Hospital Pueblo of Isleta Com- munity Cancer Support 2nd Tues. of mo. 10:30-Noon, Isleta Pueblo Health Clinic Rio Rancho Area Breast Cancer Support Group For Women: 1st and 3rd Tues. of month, 12- 1:30PM, in treatment & post-treatment Community of Joy Lutheran Church.You may bring a brown bag lunch or snacks. Sandia Cancer Support Group 2nd Wednesday Noon Sandia Labs Santa Fe Women’s Group, “Surviving Sisters” Survi- vors, all diagnoses 2nd & 4th Tues. 4:00-5:30PM 2098 Calle Ensenada, Santa Fe Southwest Sisters, Breast Cancer Support Grp 2nd/4th Wed 5:30-7pm, Lovelace Women’s Hospital Taos Group . Survivors and caregivers, men & women Every Tues. 4:00-5:30PM 413 Sipapu St, Taos Meeting Place TBD UNM/CSN Education & Support Group Survivors &/ or Caregivers, all diagnoses men & women 1st & 3rd Mon, 5:30-7pm University/ Copper UNM/CSN Friends and Family Writing Together Journaling Support Group for Grief or Anticipatory Grief For caregivers/loved ones of someone w/any type of can- cer Every Thurs, 4-5:30pm UNM Cancer Center UNM/CSN Survivors Writ- ing Together Journaling Sprt Grp Survivors all diagno- ses men/women. Every Mon 2:30-4 UNM Cancer Cntr Women’s No Valley Group Every other Thurs, 6:30- 8:30pm Montano, W of 4th PCSANM--The Prostate Cancer Support Associa- tion of New Mexico: pro- vides education, information, and support to men and their families about prostate can- cer. Remember, one in seven men will get prostate cancer in their lifetimes. We have an info packet for newly diag- nosed men, biweekly support meetings with speakers, a lending library, a quarterly newsletter, and other serv- ices – all free. Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 10am- 2pm. Other hours by appoint- ment. We are eager to meet one-on-one if that’s your preference. We are at 2533 Virginia St NE, Suite C, Albu- querque, NM, 87110. Our phone is 505.254.7784, or toll free 1.800.278.7678. Our website is Also find and friend us on Facebook. Email is [email protected] if you have questions or need infor- mation. FORCE (Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered): Only national non-profit serv- ing people affected by he- reditary breast and ovarian cancer. Local group meets 2- 4 pm third Sunday of each month at Lovelace Women’s Hospital, 4701 Montgomery NE Aud B [email protected] ESSENTIAL TREMOR SUPPORT GROUP: Please join us for an Essential Trem- or Support Group meeting. If your hands, head, or voice shake, you may have Essen- tial Tremor, as do millions of people around the world. To find out more visit We meet the 3rd Sat. of every month 10am to 12:00 at the Erna Ferguson Branch Li- brary, 3700 San Mateo Blvd, NE, on the NE corner of San Mateo & Palo Duro Ave. The entrance and parking lot are on the east side of the build- ing. Check at the main desk for directions to our meeting. For more information contact Ken Whiton at 505.453.1732 or [email protected]. Also visit our Facebook page at “Albuquerque Essential Tremor Support Group.” Join us and share in the support we provide each other. National Alliance on Men- tal Illness (NAMI) New Mexico: Four affiliates in Al- buquerque, Rio Rancho, San- ta Fe and Las Cruces. We provide free peer-led support groups and evidence-based education courses for people living with mental health challenges as well as family c aregivers. For more informa- tion, call Cy Stanton at 505. 321.4522 or visit your nearest affiliate’s website: Albuquerque: Rio Rancho: Santa Fe: Las Cruces: Caregiver Support Group for Alzheimer’s and De- mentia: This group is for family members or friends of those who suffer from cogni- tive challenges or Alzhei- mer’s disease. Co- Sponsored by Alzheimer’s Association New Mexico Chapter. Group meets first Tuesday of the month, 1:00 - 2:00 pm; Offered by the Jew- ish Care Program; Call 505. 348.4451 for more informa- tion. Free. Alzheimer’s Association New Mexico Chapter Support Groups: For those caring for someone with Alz- heimer’s Disease or dementia or for those diagnosed with the disease. For a complete list of Statewide groups available, contact us at 505.266.4473. Website: 24/7 helpline: 1.800.272.3900 Epilepsy Support & Educa- tion Services: Monthly Sup- port meetings. For more info call 505.243.9119, email epile [email protected] or go to w New Mexico Amputee Fo- rum: provides a supportive place for amputees, their families and friends, and for people who are facing possi- ble amputation to ask ques- tions, share experiences and get helpful ideas. Free dinner is provided. Each meeting in- cludes a presentation on a topic of interest. The group meets the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the Pinon Room at Encom- pass Health Rehab Hospital, 7000 Jefferson NE. Please call Ruth Maayan at 505.450. 1418 or David Lisak 617.947. 4119 for more info. Wings For L.I.F.E. (Life-- skills Imparted to Families through Education): FREE, Fun, interactive program that provides support, life-skills & strengthens families of for- mer inmates & their family members. After-dinner tutor- ing & programming for chil- dren 5:30 – 7:30 pm. 1st & 3rd Mon. at St. John’s UMC, 2626 Arizona NE, Family Life Center. 2nd & 4th Mon. at Second Presbyterian, 812 Edith Blvd NE. Call Ann at 29 1.6412 or visit www.WingsForLIFE Groups Open to Survivors of Sexual Trauma: 3rd Sat. 12-2 Connecting through Art Workshop, or Weekly Offerings: Mon. 4- 5:30 Art Journaling, Tuesday 1-2 Caregivers/Family of Sur- vivors Support Group, 4-5 Trauma and Aging, 530-630 Yoga for Trauma Survivors; Wednesday 4-5:30 LGBTQ Survivors, Thursday 3-4 Young Women’s Group. Must call 505.291.3563 for brief screening prior to attending groups. No cost, no insur- ance needed. Facilitated by licensed clinicians. CDD Information Network : For Individuals with disabilities, families, healthcare professionals, school personnel, case man- agers and others. We have Information Specialists who can answer questions and connect you with local, state and national disability related organizations and services. We also have a specialized li- brary available to the public, M-F 8:30am-5pm 1.800.552. 8195 or 505.272.8549 TOPS-TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY: Nonprofit weight loss support group. TOPS is here for you. Come and we will plant the seeds of change together. People age 7 and over, all sexes, all weights are welcome. Low membership fees, accounta- bility, member managed, and support for each other. Meet- ings throughout the city and state Monday through Friday. Contact Dee Williams at 505.301.0596 or New Mexico OCD Support Group: A support group for children and teens suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Families are wel- come as we meet to educate, support and encourage one another. We meet at Albu- querque’s North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Cen- ter. No fee. For more info call: Sheilah 505.350.1849. Updates on our Facebook page: New Mexico OCD Sup- port Group. Parkinson & Movement Disorder Alliance : For per- sons with Parkinson’s, care partners and families/friends. Support groups: Westside: 2nd Thurs, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Grace Outreach Church, 2900 Southern Blvd SE, Rio Rancho ABQ. Eastside: 2nd Saturday, 10:30 am - noon, Presbyterian Healthplex, 6301 Forest Hills NE, Albu- querque, NM 87109. For de- tails call 800.256.0966 or visit Organ Transplant Aware- ness Program: offers trans- plant recipients, candidates, caregivers, living donors and donor families the Transplant Community Support Group. The group meets the first Saturday of each month from 10:30 to Noon. It is facilitat- ed by Venae Warner and meets at the Erna Fergusson Library at 3700 San Mateo NE. Please call Venae for in- fo 344.0512. Ostomy Association of Al- buquerque: Monthly sup- port group meetings for osto- mates and ostomates to be, families and friends. The meetings take place at Pres- byterian Kaseman Hospital, 8300 Constitution NE. Call 8 30.2135, email [email protected] or visit our website: www.ostomyalbuquerque. com for meeting schedule. Caregiver Support Group: Caregiving for a loved one can be overwhelming and isolating. This group provides a compassionate space for caregivers to gain emotional support and information. Group meets Tuesdays 2:00 - 3:00 pm; Offered by the Jew- ish Care Program; Call 505.348.4451 for more infor- mation. Free. Adoption Support Group: Confidential peer group for adult adoptees, birthparents, and adoptive parents. Dis- cussions about searches, re- unions, sharing. Operation Identity meets most 4th Thur. 7 pm, Presbyterian Kaseman, 8300 Constitution, Cotton- wood Room. Call 505.281. 7227 or National Stuttering Asso- ciation Support Group: 6:30-8pm, the first Tuesday of every month, UNM Speech & Hearing Sciences, 1700 Lo- mas NE, Suite 1300. Email Rick Arenas with questions [email protected]. Friday Noon Co-Dependents Anonymous: Developing healthy relation- ships, 505.224.2700 or visit Addiction SUPPoRt Addiction SUPPoRt Bereavement & Grief support Bereavement & Grief support CanCer Support CanCer Support Mental HealtH & neUROlOGICal SUPPORt Mental HealtH & neUROlOGICal SUPPORt ALL OTHER suppORT GROups ALL OTHER suppORT GROups Email: [email protected] | Phone: 505-823-3332 Please contact Amanda for all of your Support Group inquiries. Please call 823.3332 to have your support group added for the next run date

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Page 1: Paid advertising Feature december 5, 2019 Support GroupS...those desiring help with drug and/or alcohol addiction. You ... the loss of a loved one or any other significant loss. Groups

Paid advertising Feature december 5, 2019

Support GroupSLifeRing Secular Recov-ery: Alcohol/ Addiction: ( An absti-nence-based, no cost alter-native to AA & 12 step pro-grams. Meets weekly at thefollowing days/times:WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS-ALBQ- 6PM at PresbyterianKaseman Hospital, AspenRoom, through EmergencyRoom entrance, then turnleft, first conference room onthe right. 8300 ConstitutionAvenue NE. Contact Matt [email protected] 505.908.0360. ContactLisa [email protected].

Grupo Jovenes Abq: offersa free six month program forthose desiring help with drugand/or alcohol addiction. Youcan also join us for nightlymeetings from 7pm-9pm.The suffering can stop; wewelcome you to join us. Weare a bilingual group. Formore info please call, 505.452.0907. 636 San MateoBlvd SE.

Overeaters Anonymous : isopen to any person with aneating disorder or a problemwith food. The only require-ment for membership is a de-sire to stop eating compul-sively. There are no member-ship dues or fees and noweigh-ins. We offer physical,emotional and spiritual re-covery from the disease ofcompulsive eating. For moreinformation call 505.261.3553or visit our website

NAR-ANON- New Begin-nings: Support/Fellowshipfor families & friends of lovedones who are struggling withaddiction. Mondays 6:30-8:00pm. @ New BeginningsChurch. 3601 MontgomeryBlvd NE (NW corner ofCarlisle & Montgomery) formore info:[email protected]. Forother

Narcotics Anonymous : Aprogram for anyone seekingrecovery from drug addiction.The only requirement formembership is a desire tostop using. There are no feesor dues, and there are meet-ings every day of the week.Call our 24 hour helpline at800.798.6649 go to for more in-formation

Al-Anon & Alateen: Pro-vides support for families andfriends affected by someoneelse’s drinking. Regularlyscheduled group meetingsfor spouses, partners, pa-rents, siblings and children ofproblem drinkers are confi-dential and anonymous. Formore information, call 262.2177 or visit

Food Addicts in RecoveryAnonymous (F A):Free Program. Are you hav-ing trouble w/ food? There ishope! FA can help. Palo DuroSenior Center, 5221 PaloDuro NE, ABQ 87110. Sat. 9-10:30 a.m.. Contact: Shirlee -822.0109 - leave message orvisit

Gamblers Anonymous ofNew Mexico: If you believeyou or someone you know issuffering from gambling ad-diction, please call our 24hour Hotline at 505.260.7272or visit

adult Children of alcoholics:St. Thomas of CanterburyChurch, 425 University NE.Wednesday 7:00-8:30PM.

This is a 12-step study groupbased on the AA Big Book.

Call Cathy at 821.0616.

Sex Addicts Anonymous:Struggling with CompulsiveSexual Behavior and needhelp? Contact Sex AddictsAnonymous at 505.510.1722or online at [email protected]

S-Anon: Hope & help forfamily and friends of sexahol-ics. Call 505.407.9597, [email protected] [email protected] orvisit

AA: Do you have a desire tostop drinking alcohol? Alco-holics Anonymous 266.1900 ( We canhelp. No dues or fees.

Sexaholics Anonymous:Men’s and Joint 12 stepmeetings. Contact #505.899.0633

GRIEF RESOURCE CEN-TER: A central location pro-viding a wide range of re-sources to help those whoare experiencing any aspectof grief. Short term individualbereavement support ses-sions (all at no charge), work-shops and educational pro-grams are available.All individual sessions, sup-port groups, and educationalprograms hosted at the GriefResource Center located at:1113 University Blvd. NE,ABQ, NM 87102.For more information visit theGrief Resource Center at or contact usat 505.842.7166.

Children’s Grief Center:Provides support groups foryoung people ages 5-25 whoare grieving the death of aloved one. Adult groups pro-vided for guardians. Groupsmeet weekday evenings inthe North Valley and Rio Ran-cho. Resource library open topublic. All services providedat no charge. Volunteers anddonations welcome.505.323.0478

survivors of suicide: asupport group for those whohave lost someone they loveto suicide. Meets 4 times a

month, 1st & 3rd Mon, 7- 8:30pm, Shepherd of the ValleyPresbyterian Church, 1801Montano NW 87107 & 2ndand 4th Sat, 1 -2:30pm, St.

Luke Lutheran Church, 9100Menaul NE 87112. More info: 505.400.9942 or 681.7227.

Grief and Loss SupportGroup: Grief is a naturalprocess that can often beeased through sharing withothers who have experiencedthe loss of a loved one or anyother significant loss. Groupsmeet Friday from 12-1 pmand 1:30-2:30 pm; Offered bythe Jewish Care Program;Call 505.348.4451 for moreinformation. Free.

Ambercare BereavementSupport Groups andWorkshops: Call Tonya Elli-son or Doug Sweet for daysand time of support groupsand workshops. AmbercareHospice, 2129 Osuna Rd. NE.505.244.0046

Grief Support :Free and confidential supportgroups at locations in Albu-querque and Rio Rancho.Open to the community.Please contact BereavementServices at PresbyterianHospice 505-559.7055 [email protected] toregister or for any questions.

T h e C o m p a s s i o n a t eFriends: support for parentsand grandparents who havelost a child/grandchild at anyage from any cause. First &Third Thursdays 6:45-8:30pm; Immanuel Presbyter-ian Church, 114 Carlisle SE;[email protected]

Cancer Support NowGroups & Services:For information call ourhelpline: 505.255.0405

Cancer Navigation Assistswith non-medical needs ofsurvivors or their loved onesCall our Helpline: 255.0405

One-on-One Peer CancerSupport or Peer MatchingCall our Helpline: .255.0405

Create to Heal SupportGroup Using Art, Music,Writing, Meditation to Ex-plore the Journey of Cancer-Survivors &/or Caregivers, alldiagnoses, men & women2nd & 4th Sat, 10-11:30 a.m.,Lovelace Women’s Hospital

Cancer Support NowGroups Ovarian OpenArms 3rd Saturday ofmonth, 10:30am LovelaceWomen’s Hospital

Pueblo of Isleta Com-munity Cancer Support2nd Tues. of mo. 10:30-Noon,Isleta Pueblo Health Clinic

Rio Rancho Area BreastCancer Support GroupFor Women: 1st and 3rdTues. of month, 12- 1:30PM,in treatment & post-treatmentCommunity of Joy LutheranChurch.You may bring abrown bag lunch or snacks.

Sandia Cancer SupportG r o u p 2nd WednesdayNoon Sandia Labs

Santa Fe Women’s Group,“Surviving Sisters” Survi-vors, all diagnoses 2nd & 4thTues. 4:00-5:30PM 2098Calle Ensenada, Santa Fe

Southwest Sisters,Breast Cancer SupportGrp 2nd/4th Wed 5:30-7pm,Lovelace Women’s Hospital

Taos Group. Survivors and caregivers,men & women Every Tues.4:00-5:30PM 413 Sipapu St,Taos Meeting Place TBD

UNM/CSN Education &Support Group Survivors &/or Caregivers, all diagnosesmen & women 1st & 3rd Mon,5:30-7pm University/ Copper

UNM/CSN Friends andFamily Writing TogetherJournaling Support Group forGrief or Anticipatory GriefFor caregivers/loved ones ofsomeone w/any type of can-cer Every Thurs, 4-5:30pmUNM Cancer Center

UNM/CSN Survivors Writ-ing Together JournalingSprt Grp Survivors all diagno-ses men/women. Every Mon2:30-4 UNM Cancer Cntr

Women’s No Valley GroupEvery other Thurs, 6:30-8:30pm Montano, W of 4th

PCSANM--The ProstateCancer Support Associa-tion of New Mexico: pro-vides education, information,and support to men and theirfamilies about prostate can-cer. Remember, one in sevenmen will get prostate cancerin their lifetimes. We have aninfo packet for newly diag-nosed men, biweekly supportmeetings with speakers, alending library, a quarterlynewsletter, and other serv-ices – all free. Office hours:Monday-Thursday, 10am-2pm. Other hours by appoint-ment. We are eager to meetone-on-one if that’s yourpreference. We are at 2533Virginia St NE, Suite C, Albu-querque, NM, 87110. Ourphone is 505.254.7784, or tollfree 1.800.278.7678. Ourwebsite is find and friend us onFacebook. Email [email protected] if youhave questions or need infor-mation.

FORCE (Facing Our Riskof Cancer Empowered):Only national non-profit serv-ing people affected by he-reditary breast and ovariancancer. Local group meets 2-4 pm third Sunday of eachmonth at Lovelace Women’sHospital, 4701 MontgomeryNE Aud [email protected]

ESSENTIAL TREMORSUPPORT GROUP: Pleasejoin us for an Essential Trem-or Support Group meeting. Ifyour hands, head, or voiceshake, you may have Essen-tial Tremor, as do millions ofpeople around the world. Tofind out more Wemeet the 3rd Sat. of everymonth 10am to 12:00 at theErna Ferguson Branch Li-brary, 3700 San Mateo Blvd,NE, on the NE corner of SanMateo & Palo Duro Ave. Theentrance and parking lot areon the east side of the build-ing. Check at the main deskfor directions to our meeting.For more information contactKen Whiton at 505.453.1732or [email protected] visit our Facebook pageat “Albuquerque EssentialTremor Support Group.” Joinus and share in the supportwe provide each other.

National Alliance on Men-tal Illness (NAMI) NewMexico: Four affiliates in Al-buquerque, Rio Rancho, San-ta Fe and Las Cruces. Weprovide free peer-led supportgroups and evidence-basededucation courses for peopleliving with mental healthchallenges as well as family caregivers. For more informa-tion, call Cy Stanton at 505.321.4522 or visit your nearestaffiliate’swebsite: Albuquerque: www.namialbuquerque.orgRio Rancho: www.namirioranchonm.orgSanta LasCruces:

Caregiver Support Groupfor Alzheimer’s and De-mentia: This group is forfamily members or friends ofthose who suffer from cogni-tive challenges or Alzhei-mer’s disease. Co-Sponsored by Alzheimer’sAssociation New MexicoChapter. Group meets firstTuesday of the month, 1:00 -2:00 pm; Offered by the Jew-ish Care Program; Call 505.348.4451 for more informa-tion. Free.

Alzheimer’s AssociationNew Mexico ChapterSupport Groups: For thosecaring for someone with Alz-heimer’s Disease or dementiaor for those diagnosed withthe disease. For a completelist of Statewide groupsavailable, contact us at505.266.4473. 24/7helpline: 1.800.272.3900

Epilepsy Support & Educa-tion Services: Monthly Sup-port meetings. For more infocall 505.243.9119, email [email protected] or go to

New Mexico Amputee Fo-rum: provides a supportiveplace for amputees, theirfamilies and friends, and forpeople who are facing possi-ble amputation to ask ques-tions, share experiences andget helpful ideas. Free dinneris provided. Each meeting in-cludes a presentation on atopic of interest. The groupmeets the first Wednesday ofevery month at 6:30 pm inthe Pinon Room at Encom-pass Health Rehab Hospital,7000 Jefferson NE. Pleasecall Ruth Maayan at 505.450.1418 or David Lisak 617.947.4119 for more info.

Wings For L.I.F.E. (Life--skills Imparted to Familiesthrough Education): FREE,Fun, interactive program thatprovides support, life-skills &strengthens families of for-mer inmates & their familymembers. After-dinner tutor-ing & programming for chil-dren 5:30 – 7:30 pm. 1st &3rd Mon. at St. John’s UMC,2626 Arizona NE, Family LifeCenter. 2nd & 4th Mon. atSecond Presbyterian, 812Edith Blvd NE. Call Ann at 291.6412 or visit

Groups Open to Survivorsof Sexual Trauma: 3rd Sat. 12-2 Connectingthrough Art Workshop, orWeekly Offerings: Mon. 4-5:30 Art Journaling, Tuesday1-2 Caregivers/Family of Sur-vivors Support Group, 4-5Trauma and Aging, 530-630Yoga for Trauma Survivors;Wednesday 4-5:30 LGBTQSurvivors, Thursday 3-4Young Women’s Group. Mustcall 505.291.3563 for briefscreening prior to attendinggroups. No cost, no insur-ance needed. Facilitated bylicensed clinicians.

CDD Information Network : For Individualswith disabilities, families,healthcare professionals,school personnel, case man-agers and others. We haveInformation Specialists whocan answer questions andconnect you with local, stateand national disability relatedorganizations and services.We also have a specialized li-brary available to the public,M-F 8:30am-5pm 1.800.552.8195 or

TOPS-TAKE OFF POUNDSSENSIBLY: Nonprofit weightloss support group. TOPS ishere for you. Come and wewill plant the seeds ofchange together. People age7 and over, all sexes, allweights are welcome. Lowmembership fees, accounta-bility, member managed, andsupport for each other. Meet-

ppings throughout the city andstate Monday through Friday.Contact Dee Williams at505.301.0596 [email protected]

New Mexico OCD SupportGroup: A support group forchildren and teens sufferingfrom Obsessive CompulsiveDisorder. Families are wel-come as we meet to educate,support and encourage oneanother. We meet at Albu-querque’s North DomingoBaca Multigenerational Cen-ter. No fee. For more infocall: Sheilah 505.350.1849.Updates on our Facebookpage: New Mexico OCD Sup-port Group.

Parkinson & MovementDisorder Alliance : For per-sons with Parkinson’s, carepartners and families/friends.Support groups: Westside:2nd Thurs, 1:30 - 3:00 pmGrace Outreach Church,2900 Southern Blvd SE, RioRancho ABQ. Eastside: 2ndSaturday, 10:30 am - noon,Presbyterian Healthplex,6301 Forest Hills NE, Albu-querque, NM 87109. For de-tails call 800.256.0966 or

Organ Transplant Aware-ness Program : offers trans-plant recipients, candidates,caregivers, living donors anddonor families the TransplantCommunity Support Group.The group meets the firstSaturday of each month from10:30 to Noon. It is facilitat-ed by Venae Warner andmeets at the Erna FergussonLibrary at 3700 San MateoNE. Please call Venae for in-fo 344.0512.

Ostomy Association of Al-buquerque: Monthly sup-port group meetings for osto-mates and ostomates to be,families and friends. Themeetings take place at Pres-byterian Kaseman Hospital,8300 Constitution NE. Call 830.2135, [email protected] visit our for meeting schedule.

Caregiver Support Group:Caregiving for a loved onecan be overwhelming andisolating. This group providesa compassionate space forcaregivers to gain emotionalsupport and information.Group meets Tuesdays 2:00 -3:00 pm; Offered by the Jew-ish Care Program; Call505.348.4451 for more infor-mation. Free.

Adoption Support Group:Confidential peer group foradult adoptees, birthparents,and adoptive parents. Dis-cussions about searches, re-unions, sharing. OperationIdentity meets most 4th Thur.7 pm, Presbyterian Kaseman,8300 Constitution, Cotton-wood Room. Call 505.281.7227 or

National Stuttering Asso-ciation Support Group:6:30-8pm, the first Tuesdayof every month, UNM Speech& Hearing Sciences, 1700 Lo-mas NE, Suite 1300. EmailRick Arenas with [email protected].

Friday Noon Co-Dependents Anonymous:Developing healthy relation-ships, 505.224.2700or visit



Bereavement & Grief support

Bereavement & Grief support

CanCer Support

CanCer Support

Mental HealtH & neUROlOGICal


Mental HealtH & neUROlOGICal




Email: [email protected] | phone: 505-823-3332

please contact Amanda for allof your Support Group inquiries.

please call 823.3332 to have your support group added for the next run date