paddy museum

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  • 7/25/2019 Paddy Museum


    Paddy museum

    The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay wordpadimeaning rice plant so it is appropriate

    that one of the world's few rice museums should be in Malaysia.The Paddy Museum is big,

    with an area of 12, s!uare meters spread over three oors.

    The architecture of the building is designed to symboli#e bushels of harvested rice stal$s.%ice

    motifs decorate the e&ternal facade and are used on railings in the interior.

    The museum e&plains the rice cultivation process, displays dierent varieties of rice,showcases e!uipment and tools used in rice cultivation through the ages and in various


    The stairs lead to the top oor of the museum and ( emerged onto a revolving platform

    e!uipped with forty cinema seats from which visitors can admire a )* degree diorama and

    mural which has been painted on the entire inside wall of the upper level.

    Langkawi Eagle Square - Dataran Lang

    +lso $nown as agle -!uare, ataran /ang is one of /ang$awi0s best $nown manmade

    attractions, a large sculpture of an eagle poised to ta$e ight. + sight that greets visitors to

    the island via ferry, the 12 metretall statue is one of the island0s most instantly recogni#ablemonuments.

    /ocated at the southeast corner of Pulau /ang$awi, besides oering beautiful views of uah

    3ay, ataran /ang has beautiful miniature fountains, terraces and bridges, ma$ing it the ideal

    place for those postcardperfect holiday photos.

    The reddishbrown eagle at ataran /ang was built as an emblem of the island. +ccording to

    fol$lore /ang$awi0s name came from two Malay words 4 5helang0 6eagle7 and 5$awi' 6reddish

    brown78 hence lang$awi.

    +d9acent to the :;etty Point

    Mall 4 chocolates and alcohol are especially good buys here.

    ?ahir Mos!ue

    The Zahir Mosque6Malay8 Masjid Zahir7 is edah's state mos!ue. (t is located in the heart of

    +lor -tar, the state capital of edah, Malaysia. (t is one of the grandest and oldest mos!ues in

    Malaysia, built in [email protected] design was inspired by the vision of the late -ultan Muhammad

    >iwa ?ainal +bidin (( who was inspired by the +#i#i Mos!ueof the /ang$at -ultanatein Corth

    -umatra.A1BThe state's Duran reading competition is held annually within the premises of the

    mos!ue. This mos!ue has been voted the top 1 most beautiful mos!ues in the world.

    Ulong Legong Hot Spring (Kolam Air Panas Ulu Legong

    The Elong /egong ;ot -pring is more to a recreational par$. o note there is actually entrance

    fees needed to access the par$. There are a total of F pools in the par$. Three of them are

    main pools where people pac$ed around. The other two is a baby pool and a private pool for

    them ladies respectively. The temperatures of the main three pools are all dierent. Grom a

    warm water pool, to a hot water pool and the hottest are all up for your pic$. The third pool is

    normally empty as the water is too hot to stand. There are steams around the place due to

    the hot water pool. +part from the rela&ation time, one can go for 9ungle tre$$ing and visit the

    waterfalls in the Elu Muda Gorest %eserve nearby.

    The nearest homestay is none other than the ;omestay eda Elu /egong. There are varioustour pac$ages oered by the homestay include an e&pedition to the Mount 3aling, visit to the

    mentioned ;ot -pring, visit the local indigenous people, 9ungle tre$$ing, cultural show and

    many more.
  • 7/25/2019 Paddy Museum


    !umah Kelahiran Mahathir

    + trip to edah would not be complete without paying a visit to the !umah Kelahiran

    Mahathir6literally, "the house where Mahathir was born" or Mahathir"s #irth Pla$e7. + visit

    to Tun r. Mahathir Mohamad's birthplace will give you a dierent perspective of the life of

    this revered leader. ;e was born in +lor -tar on ec 2, 1@2F at Co 1H /orong ilang +is, o

    >alan Pegawai. Gor historic purposes, the Cational +rchives restored and ga#etted the house as

    a historical building in 1@@2.

    The wooden attap house was bought by r. Mahathir's father, Mohamad (s$andar when he

    wanted to marry o his children. 3uilt in 1@, the oneroom house only has wooden ooring,

    ceiling made from white cloth, and no electricity. r. Mahathir spent his childhood and youth

    here until he got married and moved to his own home in Titi =a9ah. Cevertheless, r. Mahathir

    always ma$es it a point to come bac$ to the house every so often to visit his mother. Ihen

    visiting this place, you will be able to view items from his childhood to his schooldays to the

    time he became a doctor. There are photos, furniture and other household items. Jou can

    even ta$e a loo$ at his old bicycle.

    Alor Setar %owerTower observation dec$

    Alor Setar %ower is a 1*F.F m 6FK) ft7 telecommunication tower in +lor -etar, edah,


    +part from serving the role of a telecommunication tower, it also caters as a tourist

    destination for the town. The tower also houses some restaurants and a souvenir shop. The

    tower is an observatory tower to loo$ for the crescent moon to mar$ the beginning of Muslim

    monthssuch as %amadhan, -hawwal, and ?ulhi99ah, to celebrate %amadhan, ;ari %aya

    +idilLtriand ;ari %aya +idiladha, respectively.

    3eris /a$e ineyard 6 /adang +nggur Tasi$ 3eris 7

    The 3eris /a$e ineyard 6/adang +nggur Tasi$ 3eris7 is managed by &cel +grotech -dn. 3hd.

    and has a land area si#e of )K acres. (t is the Lrst grape vineyard in edah, proven a big

    success in commercial grape growing of species such as 3lac$

  • 7/25/2019 Paddy Museum


    calm, shallow waters are safe for children. Ta$e a boat ride to Pulau -aya$ and see how

    prawns are bred using stateoftheart techni!ues.

    +s the most popular beach in edah, Pantai Merde$a draws the crowds for a pac$ed wee$end

    of picnics and camping. :halets and a rest house are also available. The food stalls here oer

    a wide variety of seafood and other local favorites. This enchanting beach is shaded by tall

    swaying palms, under which one may spend leisurely hours 4 picnic$ing or 9ust la#ing the

    hours away, Iater s$iing and sailing are also popular along this stretch of coastal water. The

    mountains and hills of edah oer a number of lovely picnic spots set within verdantgreenery, cool mountain streams and the invigorating freshness of the mountain air.

    Pekan Rabu

    The name "Pekan Rabu" located in the heart of Alor Setar, is not foreign to the locals and outside the

    state. Commercial complexes Malas ma!estic splendor is a smbol not onl of umiputera businessmen in #edah,

    e$en the pride of the entire indigenous communit in %rissa. &urthermore, Malasia's fourth Prime Minister, Tun

    (r. Mahathir himself had business there. &or tourists, if the stop to Alor Setar, such a re)uirement is not enough,

    if not stopped or split apart in Pekan Rabu Complex

    *ith the help of a loan from Mara, a complex costing RM +. million -as built in /01 and reno$ated in //1 at a

    cost of RM 2.1 million. usiness complex located at 3alan Tunku 4brahim -as officiall opened opened b the5onourable (atuk Seri (r.4ssued on &ebruar 1, /06

    7(eput Prime Minister at the time8

    efore *ednesda's exhibition complex shape, traders in situ onl shelter in a building that is open, -ithout -alls

    -ith a business that is )uite scattered and disorgani9ed. And no- Pekan Rabu Complex that contains the +:0

    stores that carr a -ide $ariet of businesses ha$e managed to become part of the landmarks Alor Setar

    Pekan Rabu has its o-n histor in order to encourage the participation of indigenous people in the business thatare important to each

    Pekan Rabu business acti$it began after the &irst *orld *ar on the initiati$e of 5R5 Tunku ;aacob, a Prince Roal#edah, so that people can continue to do business -ither in the cit. 4t starts from the Sunda market in Tan!ong

    Chali, located dipersinggahan bet-een China and 3alan 3alan Pekan atu Ships in Alor Setar

    Tan!ong Chali is a site for the training of the Malas in business. ;TM Tunku 3acob founded the business district,this -eek there is a market on *ednesdas onl in the earl /

  • 7/25/2019 Paddy Museum


    K. Gruit -hop 1*. ried Gish -hop

    F. -tore vegetables and salads. 1O. riving -chool -hop

    *. -tore ca$es 6dry or wet7 1H. Mirror and Grame -hop

    O. 3oo$store or maga#ines and newspapers 1@. =igi -tore

    H. :raft Mar$et 2. Toy -tores

    @. -tore Tableware 21. -unglasses -hop

    1. Traditional rugstore 22. 3ag -hop

    11. -tore tools, 9ewelery and cosmetics 2). -tore ;a9i

    12. Tailor -hop 2K. (nternet:afe

    !ob ad$ertisements state of #edah, had lanie, had online, kedahonline!ob ad$ertisements state of #edah, had lanie, had online, kedahonline!ob ad$ertisements state of #edah, had lanie, had online, kedahonline

    Role Pekan Rabu in Malay Economic Development

    Assist and enhance the achie$ement of Mala traders

    Mala traders unite under one roof

    5elping Mala traders collecti$el !oin forces to sei9e business opportunities to compete -ith other nations

    The absence of a place or space for trading among Mala traders can be resol$ed

    Produced man -holesalers and traders Mala

    Products in the $illage ? local successfull brought for-ard to foreign markets

    usiness acti$ities of the Malas to be organi9ed and managed in terms of marketing and infrastructure

    eing a tourist attraction in terms of trade and uni)ueness must lanie, the go$ernment of #edahmust lanie, the go$ernment of #edah

    must lanie, the go$ernment of #edah

    Behind the Scenes - Stron! Man e"hibition #ednesday

    @n.Ahmad Minogue bin Mansor as Secretar Cooperati$es Pekan Rabu has contributed a lot in order to

    commerciali9e Pekan Rabu globall. All the data abo$e is also obtained for the cooperation and the good offices ofhis.

    Pekan Rabu is located near the government offices in Alor Star. Although the name literally means

    Wednesday Market, this bustling market is open all week long, thanks to popular demand. Its services

    extend from morning till night, and you can find many stalls here selling a variety of items from delicious

    tidbits to beautiful handicraft.

    This is a popular spot amongst tourists and locals and is a source of pride for Kedahans. Even Prime

    Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad was once a trader at Pekan Rabu.

    Costing a sum of RM3.2mil to build back in 1975, the Pekan Rabu Complex was refurbished in 1995 at a

    cost of RM6.5mil. A further RM2mil was spent on renovations for phase 2 in 1990. Altogether, there are 347

    stalls and the complex has become an important landmark in Kedah.

  • 7/25/2019 Paddy Museum


    Carnivall Water And Land Theme ParkThe Carnivall Water and Land theme park is located within the grounds of the Cinta Sayang Golf and Country Resortat Sungai Petani in Kedah stateThe Carnivall Water Park is home to all the usual suspects when it comes to water park rides! you can float alongthe river of adventure for "## metres on an inner tu$e or en%oy the twists and turns on the many varied waterslides availa$le within the park

    The Carnivall is the only water and land theme park in Kedah and it is a hugely popular attraction

    for the local population The Carnivall Water Park is home to all the usual suspects when it comes to

    water park rides! you can float along the river of adventure for "## metres on an inner tu$e or en%oy

    the twists and turns on the many varied water slides availa$le within the park

    The high tower water coaster is the most adrenalin pumping water ride here that produces somehigh pitched screams as happy participants thunder down the slide and into the landing poolThe longest water ride is the carnivall curve where only one person at a time is allowed to enter theflumes and they must go feet first&nce sure of your shooting skills you can $ecome a wanna$e soldier $y heading over to the Paint$allpark for the real thingThe Carnivall Water Park provide changing facilities! toilets! lockers! showers! food outlets to allentrants into the park! although it must $e noted that outside food is not allowed into the park

    Carnivall Water And Land Of ExcitementTheme Park Sungai Petani

    Carnivall Water And Land Theme ParkThe Carnivall Water and Land theme park is located within the grounds of the Cinta Sayang Golf and Country Resortat Sungai Petani in Kedah stateThe Carnivall Water Park is home to all the usual suspects when it comes to water park rides! you can float alongthe river of adventure for "## metres on an inner tu$e or en%oy the twists and turns on the many varied waterslides availa$le within the parkWritten $y' (ichael )osephCarnivall Water *nd Land Theme Park+ate pu$lished' ,-.#/.,#00

    Carnivall Water And Land Theme Park Star Rating

    3.5 ut f 5 !tar!

    Carnivall Water *nd Land Theme Park! The Carnivall! Persiaran Sungai Petani! Sungai Petani! Kedah! #-###!(alaysia

    Phone' 12#/3//03/444

    GPS Latitude 3 522,-46 3 GPS Longitude 3 0##5,/-56

    7ours' (on38ri 0#am 3 4'##pm 3 Sat3Sun 0#am 3 -'##pm

    Children can en%oy hours of fun in the %ungle playground! discovery island! the $u$$le spa! thesandpit and kiddies cove where there are mini slides together with various water activities they canpursueThe Carnivall is not %ust limited to water park rides as there are many land $ased activities to

    entertain the whole familySitting in its seven hectare site! the Carnivall Water Park may not $e on the grand scale of similarwater parks in Selangor! $ut as it is the only water park in Kedah and with a catchment areaincluding the close$y state of Penang it will remain a highly popular entertainment venue for all thefamily

  • 7/25/2019 Paddy Museum


    There is a clim$ing wall for the active of lim$ to ascend $ut at my age 9:d rather suck on a sweet icecream and marvel at the young as they en%oy assailing the vertical wall to the top in rapid timeThe Carnivall is the only water and land theme park in Kedah and it is a hugely popular attractionfor the local population

    here is an adrenaline pumping family $ungee for the e;treme sport devotees while those that wishto hone their paint$all sharp shooting skills can use the paint$all firing range where a perfect scorewins them a hamper