p9 mindy harter portfolio

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  • 8/18/2019 P9 Mindy Harter Portfolio


  • 8/18/2019 P9 Mindy Harter Portfolio


    Contact Table of 

    ContentsMindy Harter525 S. Center St. Centre Square A-205Rexburg, ID [email protected]


    Business Card





    Web Page


    Event Ad

  • 8/18/2019 P9 Mindy Harter Portfolio


    Description: Matching letterhead and businesscard with a new logo.

    Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator & AdobeInDesign

    Date: 2-25-2016

    Course & Section: Comm 130 Section 3

    Instructor: Ben Pingel

    Objectives: Create a new logo for animaginary company. Use the logo in theletterhead and business card to tie themtogether.

    Process: I created my logo in Adobe InDesign

    by using the pen tool. I drew half of thediamond, then copied and reversed it to makethe other half match. I made the band of thering with the ellipse tool. I used my ring logoas a watermark by setting the opacity toabout seven. I right aligned my contact textand used the same fonts that are found in thewords “wedding planner” to connect the entireletterhead.

    Letterhead   Perfect Day Wedding Planner

    Mindy Ha(714) 325-551

    7 Carriage L

    Santa Ana, C



  • 8/18/2019 P9 Mindy Harter Portfolio


    Description: Matching letterhead and businesscard with a new logo. 

    Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator & AdobeInDesign

    Date: 2-25-2016

    Course & Section: Comm 130 Section 3

    Instructor: Ben Pingel

    Objectives: Create a business card thatpromotes me and the company I created usingmy logo.

    Process: I used my ring as a watermark againto give the entire design a gestalt feeling.

    I included my contact information with rightalignment. I made my name larger than mycontact information to make it stand out.

    Business Card

    Per�ect   DayWedding Planner

    Mindy Harter(714) 325-5512

    7 Carriage Ln

    Santa Ana, CA, 92705


    [email protected]

  • 8/18/2019 P9 Mindy Harter Portfolio


    Description: Create a full-bleed color foldingbrochure with at least 4 pictures and 250 wordsof text.

     Programs Used: Adobe InDesign, AdobePhotoshop, Adobe Illustrator

    Date: 3-24-2016

    Course & Section: Comm 130 Section 3

    Instructor: Ben Pingel

    Objectives: I wanted to create a fun brochurethat informed people about the dole whip. Ineeded to use a cut-out image and wrap textaround it.

    Process: I created a brand new logo in AdobeIllustrator by using the rectangle shape andthe pen tool. I went for a monochromatic yellowcolor scheme because that is the color of thedole whip. I removed the backgrounds to mostof my pictures in photoshop. I worked hard toalign all my work and have the ability to fold itas a trifold.


  • 8/18/2019 P9 Mindy Harter Portfolio


    Description: A spiritual montage featuring threeimages and a message that brings the imagestogether.

     Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop

    Date: 2-12-2016

    Course & Section: Comm 130 Section 3

    Instructor: Ben Pingel

    Objectives: Create a spiritual montageincluding at least two pictures that fade intoeach other with a connecting message.

    Process: I found an image of the clouds withthe sun emerging and an image of the earth on

    Google. I merged these images together with amask. I also blended in an image of me and myfather. I added a drop shadow to my words tomake sure they stood out.


  • 8/18/2019 P9 Mindy Harter Portfolio


    Description: Three new logos for anorganization using dierent color schemes andfonts.

    Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator

    Date: 2-19-2016

    Course & Section: Comm 130 Section 3

    Instructor: Ben Pingel

    Objectives: Design three logos for a bowcompany that would display fun nature andcreativity.

    Process: I created my bows out of shapes. Iused many triangles and ellipses. I also used

    the pen tool for my middle logo to create theowing ribbon for the bow.








  • 8/18/2019 P9 Mindy Harter Portfolio


    Description: My own picture edited inphotoshop and adding a color scheme to it. 

    Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop

    Date: 2-5-2016

    Course & Section: Comm 130 Section 3

    Instructor: Ben Pingel

    Objectives: Edit my photo to have aprofessional feel to it and add a color schemewith text.

    Process: I blurred the background so the focuswould be on the car. I enhanced the colors onthe yellow house and the red car to make them

    stand out because my color scheme is red, blueand yellow. I lled in three rectangles with mytriadic colors and added a white stroke aroundthem, then placed white text in them.




  • 8/18/2019 P9 Mindy Harter Portfolio


    Description: A webpage created using htmland css documents 

    Programs Used: TextWrangler

    Date: 3-10-2016

    Course & Section: Comm 130 Section 3

    Instructor: Ben Pingel

    Objectives: Explain how my logo was createdthrough a webpage.

    Process: I attatched my html and css documentsto each other through TextWrangler so I couldedit my webpage. I added in the colors, title,headings and information. I centered my image

    of my logo and added a hyperlink to my blogat the end.


  • 8/18/2019 P9 Mindy Harter Portfolio


    Description: A black and white ier with oneimage to promote the Graduate LeadershipConference

     Programs Used: Adobe InDesign

    Date: 1-22-2016

    Course & Section: Comm 130 Section 3

    Instructor: Ben Pingel

    Objectives: Create a ier to capture theattention of those who would be interested inattending the conference.

    Process: I sketched out potential ideas beforebeginning my process of creating the ier. I

    used black and gray squares for repetition andalignment. I made my heading large and hadone word, “leadership,” stand out.

    flier  v 



    Come learn how at Vouant Communicaon’s

    Graduate Leadership Conference.

    Vouant Communicaons is devoted to helpin

    tomorrow’s leaders gain essenal

    leadership skills in the workplace. During thi

    dynamic three-day seminar, aendees will m

    with top execuves of Vouant Communicao

    discuss breakthrough leadership techniques,

    culvang aributes of leadership that will m

    to any employer.

    This conference is available to graduang sen

    Space is limited.

    October 21

    8a.m. - 5p.m.

    Lincoln Conveno


    Do you want to have thecompeve edge in business

  • 8/18/2019 P9 Mindy Harter Portfolio


    Description: A full-bleed color event adincluding time, place and description. 

    Programs Used: Microsoft Word

    Date: 1-29-2016

    Course & Section: Comm 130 Section 3

    Instructor: Ben Pingel

    Objectives: Capture the attention of those whowould want to save the rainforest, eat a dolewhip, or both.

    Process: I scanned an image of a dole whipthat I took. Then I got rid of the backgroundand used shapes to cover up pieces of the

    background that did not fully erase. I used ananalogous color scheme of green, yellow andlime to represent the rainforest and dole whips. Iincluded diamonds for repetition.

    event ad


    Enjoy a 

    Polynesian Resort, FL

     April 16, 2016

     All proceeds from the Dole Whips sold will go to the Rainforest Foundation topreserve the world’s rainforest.

    12 p.m. – 5 p.m.

    $5per Dole Whip

    Dole Whip

    RainforestSave the


    Sponsored by the Dole Plantation and the Walt Disney Company