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Implementing Outsourcing Effectively Within the Context of Cloud Computing (And More Generally) Alan McSweeney

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Implementing Outsourcing Effectively Within The Context of Cloud Computing by Alan McSweeney


  • 1. Implementing OutsourcingEffectively Within theContext of Cloud Computing(And More Generally)Alan McSweeney

2. Objectives Describe a structured approach to implementingoutsourcing from both service provider and end-userorganisation perspective in the context of cloud computing(and more generally)April 5, 20102 3. Agenda Introduction Outsourcing for Service Providers Outsourcing for End-User OrganisationsApril 5, 20103 4. Introduction April 5, 2010 4 5. Scope In the context of cloud computing, the scope of this material is related to PublicCloud, a shared infrastructure, elements of which may or may not be dedicated,located away from the organisations premises accessible to other organisationsand with multiple tenants Moving systems/applications/data to a service provider, in whatever format,constitutes outsourcing/managed service IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service PaaS - Platform as a Service SaaS - Software as a Service STaaS - Storage as a Service BRaaS - Backup and recovery as a Service The business relationship needs to be managed as an outsourcing/managedservices arrangement Failure to do so will lead to problems Cloud computing is not just a technology arrangement it is a business servicesrelationship Do not ignore or underestimate the business nature of the relationshipApril 5, 20105 6. Types of Outsourcing and Types of Cloud-BasedServices Rough classification of types of public cloud-based services andtypes of outsourcing/managed services Business Process KnowledgeApplicationNetworkInfrastructure Outsourcing (BPO) Process Service Provider Managed Services Managed Services Outsourcing (KPO) (ASP)IaaS(Infrastructure asa Service)PaaS (Platform asa Service)SaaS (Software asa Service)STaaS (Storage asa Service)BRaaS (Backupand recovery as aService)April 5, 2010 6 7. What is Outsourcing Outsourcing is delegating the responsibility for performingan information technology or business function to a thirdparty You outsource because the outsourcing supplier will do: What the organisation currently does At the same or better level of performance For the same or lower priceApril 5, 2010 7 8. Reasons Organisations Outsource Reduce And Control Operating 17%Costs Improve Company Focus 16%Gain Access To World-Class 12% CapabilitiesFree Resources For Other 12% Purposes Resources Not Available8% Internally Reduce Time To Market 6% Take Advantage Of 6%CapabilitiesAccelerate Reengineering4%Benefits Share Risks 3% Function Difficult To Manage 3%Or Out Of Control April 5, 2010 8 9. Scope Not concerned with the advantages, disadvantages, merits,demerits, rights, wrongs of outsourcing Concerned with outlining a structure that will enable you to get therelationship right, either as a service provider or an end-user Describe a generalised approach that can be modified to suitrequirements of type of outsourcing and of both service providersand client organisations Migrating applications to a public/virtual private cloud no differentfrom any other outsourcing arrangement Non-technology issues people, process and management -dominate No reason to believe that public cloud implementation will bedifferent from that of other outsourcing experiencesApril 5, 2010 9 10. Scope Not exclusively concerned with public cloud-based servicesas outsourcing General notes on all forms of outsourcing Provide a common language for outsourcing organisationsand service providers Provide a common understanding of roles, responsibilitiesto increase the chances of a successful relationshipApril 5, 201010 11. Outsourcing Planning Structured approach can form the basis for an outsourcingimplementation plan for both service providers and forcompanies performing outsourcingApril 5, 2010 11 12. Sample Service Transfer Plan Outsourcing ServiceProvider Plan subset Based on activities 1 Service Transfer 1.1 ResourcesTransferred In 1.2 PersonnelTransferred In 1.3 Service ContinuityApril 5, 201012 13. Sample Service Transfer Plan OutsourcingOrganisation Plan subset Based on activities 1 OutsourcingOpportunity Analysis 1.1 Define CurrentState 1.2 OutsourcingCriteria 1.3 DemandIdentification 1.4 OutsourcingOptionsApril 5, 201013 14. Where Outsourcing Problems Happen Inadequate Preparation = Savings Start Here Flawed Service Provider Selection = Project Failure StartsHere Unclear Contract = Conflict Begins Here Wrong Performance Measurement = Management FailureStarts Here Ineffective Ongoing Management = Service DeliveryProblems Start HereApril 5, 201014 15. Lessons Learned from Outsourcing Problems Smoothly Transferring Services And Resources Common cause of failure is the ineffective management of the transfer of services andresources to the service provider, leading to service delivery problems Successful service providers rigorously control the transfer of services and resources toensure that the new service is able to adequately deliver the service and the servicecontinuity is maintained. Maintaining Stakeholder Expectations Common source of failure in outsourcing engagements is a difference in expectationsbetween the client, the service provider and the suppliers and partners Identifying and managing those expectations helps to ensure a common understandingof what is necessary for success Translating Implicit And Explicit Needs Into Defined Requirements With AgreedUpon Levels Of Quality Frequent cause of failure in outsourcing is that the service provider does not fullyunderstand the needs of the client Successful service providers rigorously gather and analyse the stated and unstatedneeds, then translate those needs into a set of documented requirements Successful service providers also recognise that needs change over time and establishprovisions for gathering and analysing modifications to their servicesApril 5, 2010 15 16. Lessons Learned from Outsourcing Problems Reviewing Service Design And Deployment To Ensure An AdequateCoverage Of The Clients Requirements Failure in outsourcing is caused by the service provider not fully addressing theneeds of the client To ensure that the service delivery will meet the clients needs successfulengagements include rigorous reviews of the service design and deploymentactivities by the clients and the service provider prior to service delivery Managing Clients Security Managing security and controlling critical data and assets are critical toestablishing trust Security management includes protection of intellectual property,confidentiality and privacy concerns Monitoring And Controlling Activities To Consistently Meet TheService Delivery Commitments Successful service providers rigorously monitor their service delivery activitiesto ensure that the clients commitments are being met Actions are taken to resolve and prevent problems, thereby escalating issuesas appropriate to ensure that they are addressed in a timely basisApril 5, 2010 16 17. Lessons Learned from Outsourcing Problems Monitoring And Managing Clients And End Users Satisfaction Success is not always defined in terms of meeting the agreed upon commitments,because clients and end users may be unsatisfied even when commitments are beingmet Successful outsourcing engagements monitor the satisfaction levels of the stakeholdersto identify problems and take action Managing Employee Satisfaction, Motivation, And Retention IT-enabled outsourcing often involves challenges during transition, deployment andservice delivery High employee turnover jeopardises the service providers ability to meet its clientsrequirements and undermines their expected gains and performance levels Proactively monitoring and managing employee satisfaction and motivation canimprove personnel retention and effectiveness Managing Technological Shifts And Maintaining The Availability, Reliability,Accessibility, And Security Of Technology Technology is a key component of outsourcing Major challenges for the service provider include keeping pace with rapid changes intechnology and effectively managing the technology infrastructure while changes areincorporatedApril 5, 201017 18. Outsourcing/Managed Services Does HaveAdvantages Better use of personnel allows organisations to focus humanresources on core services Cost savings by not building and supporting IT and networkinfrastructure and using capital to purchase needed service levelsand reduce total cost of ownership Ability to use most appropriate technologies Enables faster response to changes as the supplier is measured byability to produce solutions But it must be defined as you cannot achieve what has not beendefined Provision of managed service must be based on trust and commongoalsApril 5, 201018 19. Outsourcing Experiences 13% to 25% of outsourcing contracts are brought in-housewithin the first two years Buyers replace 80% of their service contractors in the firstthree years Contractors turn over 40% of their contracts each year, onaverage Nearly 70% outsourcing organisations feel their serviceprovider does adequately understand what they aresupposed to do Is there any reason to believe these experiences will not bereplicated by public cloud-based services andimplementations?April 5, 201019 20. Hidden Costs of Outsourcing Transfer of knowledge Processes and procedures Documentation Personal knowledge Quality issues and their resolution Inspection programmes Sustaining quality programmes Cost of rework Communication Poor customer service Daily operational issuesApril 5, 2010 20 21. Outsourcing for Service Providers April 5, 201021 22. Phases of Outsourcing RelationshipOngoing Initiation Delivery Completion April 5, 201022 23. Phases of Outsourcing Relationship Every outsourcing relationship has four phases Initiation prepare for and transition to provision of service Delivery provide service and manage and measure its provision Completion close-out the service after the contract ends or theservice has been terminated Ongoing management of outsourcing lifecycleApril 5, 2010 23 24. Initiation Phase Concerned with preparation for and initiation of service delivery Gather requirements Perform due diligence to validate customer information Assess if and how the requirements can be met Prepare for negotiation Negotiate and sign contract Confirm assumptions Confirm responsibilities and commitments Design the service Review the service design Create service specification Deploy the service Transfer resources - personnel, technology, infrastructure, applications Transition of serviceApril 5, 201024 25. Delivery Phase Concerned with service delivery including management ofservice delivery, verification that commitments are beingmet and management of costs associated with the serviceprovision Planning and tracking the service delivery activities Delivering services according to the agreed commitments Managing the finances associated with the service delivery Identifying and controlling modifications to the services beingprovided Identifying and controlling modifications to associated servicecommitments Identifying problems that impact the service delivery and takingboth preventive and corrective actionsApril 5, 201025 26. Completion Phase Concerned with closing down the engagement at the endof the outsourcing lifecycle Manage the transfer of resources to the new service provider,whether it is to the client or to another service provider Ensure service continuity during transfer Identify and transferring the knowledge critical for the delivery ofserviceApril 5, 201026 27. Ongoing Phase Management functions that need to be performed duringthe entire outsourcing lifecycle Manage and motivate personnel to effectively deliver services Manage relationships with clients, suppliers and business partners Measure and review the organisations performance and takingaction to improve it Manage information and knowledge systems so that personnelhave access to the knowledge needed to effectively perform theirwork Identify and control threats to the organisations ability to meetits objectives and client requirements Manage the technology, systems and applications infrastructureused to support delivery of serviceApril 5, 201027 28. Key Capabilities Within Outsourcing Lifecycle People Performance RelationshipTechnology Management ManagementManagementManagement Knowledge ThreatManagement Ongoing ManagementInitiation DeliveryCompletionService Design Service Service Service Contracting and TransferDeliveryTransfer Deployment April 5, 201028 29. Key Capabilities and Constituent Practices Outsourcing Capabilities andSkills Initiation/ Delivery OngoingCompletion 1 Service3 Service Design 4 Service 5 Knowledge6 People7 Performance8 Relationship 9 Technology10 Threat 2 Contracting Transfer and Deployment DeliveryManagementManagementManagementManagement Management Management 3.1 1.1 Resources 4.1 Plan Service 5.1 Share 6.1 Encourage 7.1 Engagement8.1 Client 9.1 Acquire 10.1 Risk 2.1 Negotiations Communicate Transferred InDeliveryKnowledgeInnovation Objectives Interactions Technology ManagementRequirements5.2 Provide8.2 Select 1.2 Personnel3.2 Design and 6.2 Participation7.2 Verify9.2 Technology10.2 Engagement 2.2 Pricing 4.2 Train Clients RequiredSuppliers and Transferred In Deploy Service in Decisions Processes Licenses Risk Information#Partners 2.3 Confirm8.3 Manage 1.3 Service 3.3 Plan Design 4.3 Deliver5.3 Knowledge 6.3 Work 7.3 Adequate9.3 Control 10.3 Risk Across ExistingSuppliers and Continuity and Deployment ServiceSystemEnvironmentResources Technology Engagements Conditions Partners 7.4 1.4 Resources2.4 Market 3.4 Service 4.4 Verify Service5.4 Process 6.4 Assign 9.4 TechnologyOrganisational8.4 Cultural Fit10.4 SecurityTransferred OutInformationSpecificationCommitments AssetsResponsibilities IntegrationObjectives7.5 Review 1.5 Personnel 2.5 Plan3.5 Service 4.5 Correct5.5 Engagement8.5 Stakeholder9.5 Optimise10.5 Intellectual 6.5 Define Roles OrganisationalTransferred OutNegotiationsDesign Problems KnowledgeInformation Technology Property Performance9.6 Proactively10.6 Statutory1.6 Knowledge2.6 Gather 3.6 Design 4.6 Prevent6.6 Workforce 7.6 Make 8.6 Client 5.6 Reuse Introduce and RegulatoryTransferred Out RequirementsFeedback Known Problems CompetenciesImprovements RelationshipsTechnologyCompliance 7.7 Achieve8.7 Supplier and 2.7 Review 4.7 Service 5.7 Version and 6.7 Plan and10.7 Disaster3.7 Verify Design Organisational PartnerRequirements ModificationsChange Control Deliver Training RecoveryObjectives Relationships2.8 Respond to 3.8 Deploy 4.8 Financial5.8 Resource 6.8 Plan and 7.8 Capability 8.8 ValueRequirements ServiceManagement Consumption Deliver TrainingBaselinesCreation 2.9 Contract6.9 Performance7.9 Benchmark Roles Feedback6.10 7.10 Prevent 2.10 CreatePerformancePotentialContracts FeedbackProblems 2.11 Amend 7.11 Deploy6.11 RewardsContracts InnovationsApril 5, 2010 29 30. Key Capabilities and Constituent Practices Idealised set of steps for a service provider to performwhen taking on a new outsourcing client Provides a detailed checklist of work to be done Each practices contains a set of activities and tasks Can be modified to suit the circumstances: scope ofoutsourcing, size of client, duration of contract Can forms the basis of a project plan for elements ofoutsourcing work such as initiation Reduces risk of failure Demonstrates professionalism to potential clientsApril 5, 201030 31. Key Issues For Successful Outsourcing Many outsourcing relationships fail, are terminated early,are unsatisfactory to either or both of the service providerand the client Outsourcing is a business issues and should be treated assuch Many common issues, problems and concerns arise acrossoutsourcing contracts Learn from the issues to avoid themApril 5, 201031 32. Key Issues For Successful Outsourcing1. Establishing and maintaining trust with stakeholders2. Managing stakeholder expectations3. Translating implicit and explicit needs into defined requirements with agreed-upon levels of quality4. Establishing well-defined contracts with stakeholders, including clients, suppliersand partners5. Reviewing service design and deployment to ensure adequate coverage of therequirements6. Ensuring the effectiveness of interactions with stakeholders7. Managing supplier and partner relationships to ensure that commitments aremet8. Ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements9. Managing clients security10. Managing cultural differences between stakeholders11. Monitoring and controlling activities to consistently meet the service deliverycommitmentsApril 5, 201032 33. Key Issues For Successful Outsourcing12. Monitoring and managing clients and end-users satisfaction13. Building and maintaining the competencies that enable personnel to effectivelyperform their roles and responsibilities14. Managing employee satisfaction, motivation and retention15. Establishing and maintaining an effective work environment16. Maintaining a competitive advantage17. Innovating, building flexibility and increasing responsiveness to meet uniqueand evolving client requirements18. Managing rapid technological shifts and maintaining the availability, reliability,accessibility and security of technology19. Capturing and using knowledge20. Smoothly transferring services and resources21. Maintaining continuity of the service delivery22. Capturing and transferring knowledge gained to the client during contractcompletion23. Measuring and analysing the reasons for termination, to prevent reoccurrenceApril 5, 201033 34. Issue 1 - Establishing And Maintaining Trust WithStakeholders Building a trusting relationship with stakeholders is criticalto success Important for all suppliers and partners involved in theoutsourcing relationship hardware, software,communications, services By effectively managing expectations and responding topersonnel, clients and end-users, service providerestablishes trust with its stake- holders to help establishlong-term relationshipsApril 5, 201034 35. Issue 2 - Managing Stakeholder Expectations Differences in expectations between the client, the serviceprovider and the suppliers and partners is a commonsource of failure Identifying and managing those expectations helps toensure a common understanding of what is necessary forsuccessApril 5, 2010 35 36. Issue 3 - Translating Implicit And Explicit Needs Into DefinedRequirements With Agreed-Upon Levels Of Quality Frequent cause of failure in outsourcing is that the serviceprovider does not fully understand the needs of the client Inability of clients to adequately express their needs Lack of rigor by the service provider in gathering and analysingthose needs Successful service providers rigorously gather and analysethe stated and unstated needs Translate those needs into a set of documented requirements Successful providers also recognise that needs change overtime and establish provisions for gathering and analysingmodifications to their servicesApril 5, 201036 37. Issue 4 - Establishing Well-Defined Contracts WithStakeholders, Including Clients, Suppliers And Partners Poorly written contracts are a common cause of failureand result in a large number of contracts beingrenegotiated Outsourcing arrangements are typically long-term innature and require contracts that are clear and detailed aswell as being flexible enough to account for businesschanges Formal mechanisms are required in order for the providerto identify changing needs, modify services based on thosechanges and amend contracts to reflect the currentrequirements and commitmentsApril 5, 2010 37 38. Issue 5 - Reviewing Service Design And DeploymentTo Ensure Adequate Coverage Of The Requirements Failure in outsourcing can be caused by the serviceprovider not fully addressing the needs of the client To ensure that the service delivery will meet the clientsneeds, successful engagements include rigorous reviews ofthe service design and deployment activities by the clientsand the service provider prior to service deliveryApril 5, 2010 38 39. Issue 6 - Ensuring The Effectiveness Of InteractionsWith Stakeholders Large-scale outsourcing often involves a combination offace-to-face and remote interactions Interactions with clients need to be managed in order toeffectively understand their needs Clear communications with all stakeholders can have astrong positive impact on the ability to effectively performworkApril 5, 201039 40. Issue 7 - Managing Supplier And PartnerRelationships To Ensure That Commitments Are Met Outsourcing engagements can include multiple serviceproviders working together to meet the clients needs Regardless of the type of relationship suppliers andpartners can have a significant impact on the effectivenessof the service delivery and they must be actively managedApril 5, 2010 40 41. Issue 8 - Ensuring Compliance With Statutory AndRegulatory Requirements Service providers are often faced with the need to complywith a large variety of laws and regulations Effectively operating in this environment requires rigorousanalysis and management of all applicable legalrequirements to protect themselves and their clientsApril 5, 2010 41 42. Issue 9 - Managing Clients Security Managing security and controlling critical data and assetsare critical to establishing trust Security management includes protection of intellectualproperty, confidentiality and privacy concerns Breakdowns, such as security breaches, can impact theservice providers ability to provide adequate service andcan irreparably damage the relationship with the clientApril 5, 201042 43. Issue 10 - Managing Cultural Differences BetweenStakeholders In large-scale outsourcing there are many potentialcultural differences between service providers, clients,end-users, suppliers and partners These include differences between country, region andorganisational culture These differences need to be identified and addressed inorder to guard against breakdowns in communicationApril 5, 201043 44. Issue 11 - Monitoring And Controlling Activities ToConsistently Meet The Service Delivery Commitments Successful service providers monitor their service deliveryactivities to ensure that the clients commitments arebeing met Actions are taken to resolve and prevent problems,thereby escalating issues as appropriate to ensure thatthey are addressed in a timely basisApril 5, 2010 44 45. Issue 12 - Monitoring And Managing Clients AndEnd-Users Satisfaction Success is not always defined in terms of meeting theagreed-upon commitments because clients and end-usersmay be unsatisfied even when commitments are beingmet Successful outsourcing engagements monitor thesatisfaction levels of the stakeholders to identify problemsand take actionApril 5, 201045 46. Issue 13 - Building And Maintaining The Competencies ThatEnable Personnel To Effectively Perform Their Roles AndResponsibilities Outsourcing is often highly dependant on specialisedcompetencies without which personnel cannot effectivelyperform the work assigned to them Service providers need to manage the competencies ofindividuals as well as the workforce as a whole in order toensure that work is effectively performed and that theclients requirements are met.April 5, 2010 46 47. Issue 14 - Managing Employee Satisfaction,Motivation And Retention IT-enabled outsourcing often involves challenges duringtransition and deployment and service delivery High employee turnover jeopardises the service providersability to meet its clients requirements and underminestheir expected gains and performance levels Proactively monitoring and managing employeesatisfaction and motivation can improve personnelretention and effectivenessApril 5, 2010 47 48. Issue 15 - Establishing And Maintaining An EffectiveWork Environment A work environment that is well suited to the service beingdelivered enables personnel to effectively perform theirwork Also contributes to employee satisfaction and retentionApril 5, 2010 48 49. Issue 16 - Maintaining A Competitive Advantage Service providers need to effectively demonstrate theircapabilities relative to competitors Initially done to differentiate the service provider from thecompetition in such a way that they will be chosen overother providers Done to continually improve the organisations capabilitiesand demonstrate to clients that the current serviceprovider is the organisation best equipped to meet clientschanging needs Important aspect of being competitive is demonstratingfinancial stability and longevityApril 5, 2010 49 50. Issue 17 - Innovating, Building Flexibility and IncreasingResponsiveness To Meet Unique And Evolving ClientRequirements Successful outsourcing engagements are those where theservice provider is able to be flexible and responsive toclients changing needs Adopting innovations is one way to add value and meetnew needs Actively manage the performance of the organisation andcontinuously improve its capabilitiesApril 5, 2010 50 51. Issue 18 - Managing Rapid Technological Shifts AndMaintaining The Availability, Reliability, Accessibility AndSecurity Of Technology Technology is a key component of IT outsourcing such aspublic cloud Challenges for the service provider include keeping pacewith rapid changes in technology and effectively managingthe technology infrastructure while changes areincorporatedApril 5, 2010 51 52. Issue 19 - Capturing And Using Knowledge Managing knowledge is critical to a service providersability to avoid rework and improve the consistency andquality of work performed by personnel includes the effective storage, retrieval and use ofknowledge gained on engagementsApril 5, 2010 52 53. Issue 20 - Smoothly Transferring Services AndResources A common cause of failure in outsourcing is the ineffectivemanagement of the transfer of services and resources toand from the service provider leading to service deliveryproblems Successful service providers rigorously control the transferof services and resources to ensure that the new serviceprovider is able to adequately deliver the service and thatservice continuity is maintainedApril 5, 201053 54. Issue 21 - Maintaining Continuity Of The ServiceDelivery Effectiveness of outsourcing is related to the serviceproviders ability to maintain service continuity despite anyproblems that arise Successful providers manage service continuity byeffectively controlling and preventing problems duringservice delivery, preparing and responding to threats andcoordinating the transfer of service during periods oftransitionApril 5, 2010 54 55. Issue 22 - Capturing And Transferring KnowledgeGained To The Client During Contract Completion Frequent concern of clients who consider outsourcing isthat in-house knowledge will be eroded, making itimpossible to bring outsourced services back in-house Successful service providers address this concern bymaking provisions for capturing and transferringknowledge back to the client during contract completionApril 5, 2010 55 56. Issue 23 - Measuring And Analysing The Reasons forTermination to prevent Reoccurrence Termination may happen for a number of reasons,including an inability of the service provider to meetchanging client needs, resolve problems, meetcommitments, or match the capabilities of competitors Analysing the reasons for termination and taking actionbased on the findings helps to prevent issues fromrecurring with other clients and ensure the long-termsuccess of the service providerApril 5, 2010 56 57. Key Capabilities and Constituent Practices Outsourcing Capabilities andSkills Initiation/ Delivery OngoingCompletion 1 Service3 Service Design 4 Service 5 Knowledge6 People7 Performance8 Relationship 9 Technology10 Threat 2 Contracting Transfer and Deployment DeliveryManagementManagementManagementManagement Management Management 3.1 1.1 Resources 4.1 Plan Service 5.1 Share 6.1 Encourage 7.1 Engagement8.1 Client 9.1 Acquire 10.1 Risk 2.1 Negotiations Communicate Transferred InDeliveryKnowledgeInnovation Objectives Interactions Technology ManagementRequirements5.2 Provide8.2 Select 1.2 Personnel3.2 Design and 6.2 Participation7.2 Verify9.2 Technology10.2 Engagement 2.2 Pricing 4.2 Train Clients RequiredSuppliers and Transferred In Deploy Service in Decisions Processes Licenses Risk Information#Partners 2.3 Confirm8.3 Manage 1.3 Service 3.3 Plan Design 4.3 Deliver5.3 Knowledge 6.3 Work 7.3 Adequate9.3 Control 10.3 Risk Across ExistingSuppliers and Continuity and Deployment ServiceSystemEnvironmentResources Technology Engagements Conditions Partners 7.4 1.4 Resources2.4 Market 3.4 Service 4.4 Verify Service5.4 Process 6.4 Assign 9.4 TechnologyOrganisational8.4 Cultural Fit10.4 SecurityTransferred OutInformationSpecificationCommitments AssetsResponsibilities IntegrationObjectives7.5 Review 1.5 Personnel 2.5 Plan3.5 Service 4.5 Correct5.5 Engagement8.5 Stakeholder9.5 Optimise10.5 Intellectual 6.5 Define Roles OrganisationalTransferred OutNegotiationsDesign Problems KnowledgeInformation Technology Property Performance9.6 Proactively10.6 Statutory1.6 Knowledge2.6 Gather 3.6 Design 4.6 Prevent6.6 Workforce 7.6 Make 8.6 Client 5.6 Reuse Introduce and RegulatoryTransferred Out RequirementsFeedback Known Problems CompetenciesImprovements RelationshipsTechnologyCompliance 7.7 Achieve8.7 Supplier and 2.7 Review 4.7 Service 5.7 Version and 6.7 Plan and10.7 Disaster3.7 Verify Design Organisational PartnerRequirements ModificationsChange Control Deliver Training RecoveryObjectives Relationships2.8 Respond to 3.8 Deploy 4.8 Financial5.8 Resource 6.8 Plan and 7.8 Capability 8.8 ValueRequirements ServiceManagement Consumption Deliver TrainingBaselinesCreation 2.9 Contract6.9 Performance7.9 Benchmark Roles Feedback6.10 7.10 Prevent 2.10 CreatePerformancePotentialContracts FeedbackProblems 2.11 Amend 7.11 Deploy6.11 RewardsContracts InnovationsApril 5, 2010 57 58. 1 Service Transfer - Activities Outsourcing Capabilities andSkills Initiation/ Delivery OngoingCompletion 1 Service3 Service Design 4 Service 5 Knowledge6 People7 Performance8 Relationship 9 Technology10 Threat 2 Contracting Transfer and Deployment DeliveryManagementManagementManagementManagement Management Management 3.1 1.1 Resources 4.1 Plan Service 5.1 Share 6.1 Encourage 7.1 Engagement8.1 Client 9.1 Acquire 10.1 Risk 2.1 Negotiations Communicate Transferred InDeliveryKnowledgeInnovation Objectives Interactions Technology ManagementRequirements5.2 Provide8.2 Select 1.2 Personnel3.2 Design and 6.2 Participation7.2 Verify9.2 Technology10.2 Engagement 2.2 Pricing 4.2 Train Clients RequiredSuppliers and Transferred In Deploy Service in Decisions Processes Licenses Risk Information#Partners 2.3 Confirm8.3 Manage 1.3 Service 3.3 Plan Design 4.3 Deliver5.3 Knowledge 6.3 Work 7.3 Adequate9.3 Control 10.3 Risk Across ExistingSuppliers and Continuity and Deployment ServiceSystemEnvironmentResources Technology Engagements Conditions Partners 7.4 1.4 Resources2.4 Market 3.4 Service 4.4 Verify Service5.4 Process 6.4 Assign 9.4 TechnologyOrganisational8.4 Cultural Fit10.4 SecurityTransferred OutInformationSpecificationCommitments AssetsResponsibilities IntegrationObjectives7.5 Review 1.5 Personnel 2.5 Plan3.5 Service 4.5 Correct5.5 Engagement8.5 Stakeholder9.5 Optimise10.5 Intellectual 6.5 Define Roles OrganisationalTransferred OutNegotiationsDesign Problems KnowledgeInformation Technology Property Performance9.6 Proactively10.6 Statutory1.6 Knowledge2.6 Gather 3.6 Design 4.6 Prevent6.6 Workforce 7.6 Make 8.6 Client 5.6 Reuse Introduce and RegulatoryTransferred Out RequirementsFeedback Known Problems CompetenciesImprovements RelationshipsTechnologyCompliance 7.7 Achieve8.7 Supplier and 2.7 Review 4.7 Service 5.7 Version and 6.7 Plan and10.7 Disaster3.7 Verify Design Organisational PartnerRequirements ModificationsChange Control Deliver Training RecoveryObjectives Relationships2.8 Respond to 3.8 Deploy 4.8 Financial5.8 Resource 6.8 Plan and 7.8 Capability 8.8 ValueRequirements ServiceManagement Consumption Deliver TrainingBaselinesCreation 2.9 Contract6.9 Performance7.9 Benchmark Roles Feedback6.10 7.10 Prevent 2.10 CreatePerformancePotentialContracts FeedbackProblems 2.11 Amend 7.11 Deploy6.11 RewardsContracts InnovationsApril 5, 2010 58 59. 1 Service Transfer - 1.1 Resources Transferred In Scope Establish and implement procedures to verify and account forresources transferred to the organisation Track and manage resource transfers in order to facilitate a smooth transferof responsibilities prior to service delivery Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forverifying and accounting for resources transferred to theorganisation Document and implement the procedures for verifying andaccounting for resources transferred to the organisation Support the implementation of the procedures for verifying andaccounting for resources transferred to the organisationApril 5, 201059 60. 1 Service Transfer - 1.2 Personnel Transferred In Scope Establish and implement procedures to manage the transfer ofpersonnel to the organisation Transfer the necessary personnel and ensure that the necessary personnelcompetencies are in place in order to enable the organisation to effectivelydeliver service Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures formanaging the transfer of personnel to the organisation Document and implement the procedures for managing thetransfer of personnel to the organisation Support the implementation of the procedures for managing thetransfer of personnel to the organisationApril 5, 201060 61. 1 Service Transfer - 1.3 Service Continuity Scope Establish and implement procedures to ensure the continuity ofservice Maintain service continuity as service is transferred to the client, or toanother service provide, in order to improve client satisfaction Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forensuring continuity of service across the organisation Document and implement the procedures for ensuring continuityof service Support the implementation of the procedures for ensuringcontinuity of service across the organisationApril 5, 201061 62. 1 Service Transfer - 1.4 Resources Transferred Out Scope Establish and implement procedures to transfer resources fromthe organisation Manage the transfer of resources in order to help ensure a smooth hand-over and improve the clients satisfaction, thereby establishing a basis forfuture relationships with the client Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures fortransferring resources from the organisation Document and implement the procedures for transferringresources from the organisation Support the implementation of the procedures for transferringresources from the organisationApril 5, 201062 63. 1 Service Transfer - 1.5 Personnel Transferred Out Scope Establish and implement procedures to manage the transfer ofpersonnel from the organisation Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures formanaging the transfer of personnel from the organisation Document and implement the procedures for managing thetransfer of personnel from the organisation Support the implementation of the procedures for managing thetransfer of personnel from the organisationApril 5, 2010 63 64. 1 Service Transfer - 1.6 Knowledge Transferred Out Scope Establish and implement procedures to transfer to the client theknowledge gained from the specific client engagement Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures fortransferring knowledge to the client Document and implement the procedures for transferringknowledge to the client Support the implementation of the procedures for transferringknowledge to the clientApril 5, 201064 65. 2 Contracting - Activities Outsourcing Capabilities andSkills Initiation/ Delivery OngoingCompletion 1 Service3 Service Design 4 Service 5 Knowledge6 People7 Performance8 Relationship 9 Technology10 Threat 2 Contracting Transfer and Deployment DeliveryManagementManagementManagementManagement Management Management 3.1 1.1 Resources 4.1 Plan Service 5.1 Share 6.1 Encourage 7.1 Engagement8.1 Client 9.1 Acquire 10.1 Risk 2.1 Negotiations Communicate Transferred InDeliveryKnowledgeInnovation Objectives Interactions Technology ManagementRequirements5.2 Provide8.2 Select 1.2 Personnel3.2 Design and 6.2 Participation7.2 Verify9.2 Technology10.2 Engagement 2.2 Pricing 4.2 Train Clients RequiredSuppliers and Transferred In Deploy Service in Decisions Processes Licenses Risk Information#Partners 2.3 Confirm8.3 Manage 1.3 Service 3.3 Plan Design 4.3 Deliver5.3 Knowledge 6.3 Work 7.3 Adequate9.3 Control 10.3 Risk Across ExistingSuppliers and Continuity and Deployment ServiceSystemEnvironmentResources Technology Engagements Conditions Partners 7.4 1.4 Resources2.4 Market 3.4 Service 4.4 Verify Service5.4 Process 6.4 Assign 9.4 TechnologyOrganisational8.4 Cultural Fit10.4 SecurityTransferred OutInformationSpecificationCommitments AssetsResponsibilities IntegrationObjectives7.5 Review 1.5 Personnel 2.5 Plan3.5 Service 4.5 Correct5.5 Engagement8.5 Stakeholder9.5 Optimise10.5 Intellectual 6.5 Define Roles OrganisationalTransferred OutNegotiationsDesign Problems KnowledgeInformation Technology Property Performance9.6 Proactively10.6 Statutory1.6 Knowledge2.6 Gather 3.6 Design 4.6 Prevent6.6 Workforce 7.6 Make 8.6 Client 5.6 Reuse Introduce and RegulatoryTransferred Out RequirementsFeedback Known Problems CompetenciesImprovements RelationshipsTechnologyCompliance 7.7 Achieve8.7 Supplier and 2.7 Review 4.7 Service 5.7 Version and 6.7 Plan and10.7 Disaster3.7 Verify Design Organisational PartnerRequirements ModificationsChange Control Deliver Training RecoveryObjectives Relationships2.8 Respond to 3.8 Deploy 4.8 Financial5.8 Resource 6.8 Plan and 7.8 Capability 8.8 ValueRequirements ServiceManagement Consumption Deliver TrainingBaselinesCreation 2.9 Contract6.9 Performance7.9 Benchmark Roles Feedback6.10 7.10 Prevent 2.10 CreatePerformancePotentialContracts FeedbackProblems 2.11 Amend 7.11 Deploy6.11 RewardsContracts InnovationsApril 5, 2010 65 66. 2 Contracting - 2.1 Negotiations Scope Establish and implement guidelines for negotiations with currentor prospective clients Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the guidelines fornegotiations with current or prospective clients across theorganisation Document and implement the guidelines for negotiations withcurrent or prospective clients Support the implementation of guidelines for negotiations withcurrent or prospective clients across the organisationApril 5, 201066 67. 2 Contracting - 2.2 Pricing Scope Establish and implement guidelines for pricing services Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the guidelines forpricing services Document and implement the guidelines for pricing services Support the implementation of guidelines for pricing servicesApril 5, 2010 67 68. 2 Contracting - 2.3 Confirm Existing Conditions Scope Establish and implement guidelines for confirming existingconditions about potential engagements Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the guidelines forconfirming existing conditions Document and implement the guidelines for confirming existingconditions Support the implementation of guidelines for confirming existingconditionsApril 5, 201068 69. 2 Contracting - 2.4 Market Information Scope Analyse and use market information about prospective clients Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for analysing and using market information aboutprospective clients Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor analysing and using market information about prospectiveclients Support the implementation of analysing and using marketinformation about prospective clientsApril 5, 201069 70. 2 Contracting - 2.5 Plan Negotiations Scope Plan and track negotiations with current or prospective clients Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for planning and tracking client negotiations Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor planning and tracking client negotiations Support the implementation of planning and tracking clientnegotiationsApril 5, 2010 70 71. 2 Contracting - 2.6 Gather Requirements Scope Establish and implement procedures to gather a clientsrequirements Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forgathering requirements Document and implement the procedures for gatheringrequirements Support the implementation of the procedures for gatheringrequirementsApril 5, 2010 71 72. 2 Contracting - 2.7 Review Requirements Scope Prior to committing to the prospective client, reviewrequirements and verify that the organisation can meet them Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for reviewing requirements and verifying that theorganisation can meet them Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor reviewing requirements and verifying that the organisationcan meet them Support the implementation of reviewing requirements andverifying that the organisation can meet themApril 5, 201072 73. 2 Contracting - 2.8 Respond to Requirements Scope Establish and implement procedures to respond to therequirements of a prospective client Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forresponding to requirements Document and implement the procedures for responding torequirements Support the implementation of the procedures for responding torequirementsApril 5, 2010 73 74. 2 Contracting - 2.9 Contract Roles Scope Establish and implement procedures to respond to therequirements of a prospective client Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forresponding to requirements Document and implement the procedures for responding torequirements Support the implementation of the procedures for responding torequirementsApril 5, 2010 74 75. 2 Contracting - 2.10 Create Contracts Scope Define the roles and responsibilities of the organisation and the client withrespect to the proposed contract Consistent and effective legal agreements in order to enable all the parties to have aclear understanding of what services will be delivered and at what level of quality Given the long-term nature of most outsourcing engagements, implementingprocedures for contracts and flexibility in the relationship between the client andthe organisation are critical to success Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work products and tasks fordefining the roles and responsibilities of the organisation and client Document and implement the work products and tasks required for definingthe roles and responsibilities of the organisation and client Support the implementation of defining the roles and responsibilities of theorganisation and clientApril 5, 201075 76. 2 Contracting - 2.11 Amend Contracts Scope Establish and implement procedures to amend contracts Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures foramending contracts Document and implement the procedures for amending contracts Support the implementation of the procedures for amendingcontractsApril 5, 2010 76 77. 3 Service Design and Deployment - Activities Outsourcing Capabilities andSkills Initiation/ Delivery OngoingCompletion 1 Service3 Service Design 4 Service 5 Knowledge6 People7 Performance8 Relationship 9 Technology10 Threat 2 Contracting Transfer and Deployment DeliveryManagementManagementManagementManagement Management Management 3.1 1.1 Resources 4.1 Plan Service 5.1 Share 6.1 Encourage 7.1 Engagement8.1 Client 9.1 Acquire 10.1 Risk 2.1 Negotiations Communicate Transferred InDeliveryKnowledgeInnovation Objectives Interactions Technology ManagementRequirements5.2 Provide8.2 Select 1.2 Personnel3.2 Design and 6.2 Participation7.2 Verify9.2 Technology10.2 Engagement 2.2 Pricing 4.2 Train Clients RequiredSuppliers and Transferred In Deploy Service in Decisions Processes Licenses Risk Information#Partners 2.3 Confirm8.3 Manage 1.3 Service 3.3 Plan Design 4.3 Deliver5.3 Knowledge 6.3 Work 7.3 Adequate9.3 Control 10.3 Risk Across ExistingSuppliers and Continuity and Deployment ServiceSystemEnvironmentResources Technology Engagements Conditions Partners 7.4 1.4 Resources2.4 Market 3.4 Service 4.4 Verify Service5.4 Process 6.4 Assign 9.4 TechnologyOrganisational8.4 Cultural Fit10.4 SecurityTransferred OutInformationSpecificationCommitments AssetsResponsibilities IntegrationObjectives7.5 Review 1.5 Personnel 2.5 Plan3.5 Service 4.5 Correct5.5 Engagement8.5 Stakeholder9.5 Optimise10.5 Intellectual 6.5 Define Roles OrganisationalTransferred OutNegotiationsDesign Problems KnowledgeInformation Technology Property Performance9.6 Proactively10.6 Statutory1.6 Knowledge2.6 Gather 3.6 Design 4.6 Prevent6.6 Workforce 7.6 Make 8.6 Client 5.6 Reuse Introduce and RegulatoryTransferred Out RequirementsFeedback Known Problems CompetenciesImprovements RelationshipsTechnologyCompliance 7.7 Achieve8.7 Supplier and 2.7 Review 4.7 Service 5.7 Version and 6.7 Plan and10.7 Disaster3.7 Verify Design Organisational PartnerRequirements ModificationsChange Control Deliver Training RecoveryObjectives Relationships2.8 Respond to 3.8 Deploy 4.8 Financial5.8 Resource 6.8 Plan and 7.8 Capability 8.8 ValueRequirements ServiceManagement Consumption Deliver TrainingBaselinesCreation 2.9 Contract6.9 Performance7.9 Benchmark Roles Feedback6.10 7.10 Prevent 2.10 CreatePerformancePotentialContracts FeedbackProblems 2.11 Amend 7.11 Deploy6.11 RewardsContracts InnovationsApril 5, 2010 77 78. 3 Service Design and Deployment - 3.1Communicate Requirements Scope Establish and implement procedures to communicate the clientsrequirements to the service design and deployment team Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forcommunicating requirements Document and implement the procedures for communicatingrequirements Support the implementation of the procedures forcommunicating requirementsApril 5, 2010 78 79. 3 Service Design and Deployment - 3.2 Design andDeploy Service Scope Establish and implement procedures to design and deploy theservice to meet client requirements Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures fordesigning and deploying the service across the organisation Document and implement the procedures for designing anddeploying the service Support the implementation of the procedures for designing anddeploying the service across the organisationApril 5, 2010 79 80. 3 Service Design and Deployment - 3.3 Plan Designand Deployment Scope Plan and track the design and deployment of the service Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for planning and tracking the design and deployment ofthe service Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor planning and tracking design and deployment Support the implementation of planning and tracking the designand deployment of the serviceApril 5, 201080 81. 3 Service Design and Deployment - 3.4 ServiceSpecification Scope Create the service specification Create a service specification that clearly, accurately and comprehensively describesthe services to be provided in order to effectively meet the clients requirements Service specification is the basis for designing, deploying and delivering service. It isa comprehensive document that describes the services that the organisationprovides to the client and describes how end-users request services Describes the available services, the agreed-upon service levels, if any and theinterfaces between the organisation, the clients and the end-users As the service evolves over time, the service specification is modified to documentthe changing expectations of the client and the organisation Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work products and tasks forcreating the service specification Document and implement the work products and tasks required for creatingthe service specification Support the implementation of creating the service specificationApril 5, 2010 81 82. 3 Service Design and Deployment - 3.5 ServiceDesign Scope Create the service design based on the service specification Ensure that the service design is based on the clients requirements and theset of services specified in the agreed-upon service specification in order toeffectively meet the clients requirements Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for creating the service design Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor creating the service design Support the implementation of creating the service designApril 5, 201082 83. 3 Service Design and Deployment - 3.6 DesignFeedback Scope Establish and implement procedures to obtain feedback from theclient on the designed service and to incorporate necessarychanges Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forobtaining service design feedback Document and implement the procedures for obtaining servicedesign feedback Support the implementation of the procedures for obtainingservice design feedbackApril 5, 2010 83 84. 3 Service Design and Deployment - 3.7 Verify Design Scope Establish and implement procedures to review and verify theservice design Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forservice design review and verification across the organisation Document and implement the procedures for service designreview and verification Support the implementation of the procedures for service designreview and verificationApril 5, 2010 84 85. 3 Service Design and Deployment - 3.8 DeployService Scope Deploy the service based on the service design Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for deploying the service Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor deploying the service Support the implementation of deploying the serviceApril 5, 201085 86. 4 Service Delivery - Activities Outsourcing Capabilities andSkills Initiation/ Delivery OngoingCompletion 1 Service3 Service Design 4 Service 5 Knowledge6 People7 Performance8 Relationship 9 Technology10 Threat 2 Contracting Transfer and Deployment DeliveryManagementManagementManagementManagement Management Management 3.1 1.1 Resources 4.1 Plan Service 5.1 Share 6.1 Encourage 7.1 Engagement8.1 Client 9.1 Acquire 10.1 Risk 2.1 Negotiations Communicate Transferred InDeliveryKnowledgeInnovation Objectives Interactions Technology ManagementRequirements5.2 Provide8.2 Select 1.2 Personnel3.2 Design and 6.2 Participation7.2 Verify9.2 Technology10.2 Engagement 2.2 Pricing 4.2 Train Clients RequiredSuppliers and Transferred In Deploy Service in Decisions Processes Licenses Risk Information#Partners 2.3 Confirm8.3 Manage 1.3 Service 3.3 Plan Design 4.3 Deliver5.3 Knowledge 6.3 Work 7.3 Adequate9.3 Control 10.3 Risk Across ExistingSuppliers and Continuity and Deployment ServiceSystemEnvironmentResources Technology Engagements Conditions Partners 7.4 1.4 Resources2.4 Market 3.4 Service 4.4 Verify Service5.4 Process 6.4 Assign 9.4 TechnologyOrganisational8.4 Cultural Fit10.4 SecurityTransferred OutInformationSpecificationCommitments AssetsResponsibilities IntegrationObjectives7.5 Review 1.5 Personnel 2.5 Plan3.5 Service 4.5 Correct5.5 Engagement8.5 Stakeholder9.5 Optimise10.5 Intellectual 6.5 Define Roles OrganisationalTransferred OutNegotiationsDesign Problems KnowledgeInformation Technology Property Performance9.6 Proactively10.6 Statutory1.6 Knowledge2.6 Gather 3.6 Design 4.6 Prevent6.6 Workforce 7.6 Make 8.6 Client 5.6 Reuse Introduce and RegulatoryTransferred Out RequirementsFeedback Known Problems CompetenciesImprovements RelationshipsTechnologyCompliance 7.7 Achieve8.7 Supplier and 2.7 Review 4.7 Service 5.7 Version and 6.7 Plan and10.7 Disaster3.7 Verify Design Organisational PartnerRequirements ModificationsChange Control Deliver Training RecoveryObjectives Relationships2.8 Respond to 3.8 Deploy 4.8 Financial5.8 Resource 6.8 Plan and 7.8 Capability 8.8 ValueRequirements ServiceManagement Consumption Deliver TrainingBaselinesCreation 2.9 Contract6.9 Performance7.9 Benchmark Roles Feedback6.10 7.10 Prevent 2.10 CreatePerformancePotentialContracts FeedbackProblems 2.11 Amend 7.11 Deploy6.11 RewardsContracts InnovationsApril 5, 2010 86 87. 4 Service Delivery - 4.1 Plan Service Delivery Scope Plan and track the service delivery according to the service design Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for planning and tracking the service delivery Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor planning and tracking service delivery Support the implementation of planning and tracking the servicedeliveryApril 5, 2010 87 88. 4 Service Delivery - 4.2 Train Clients Scope Establish and implement procedures to train clients and end-users Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures fortraining clients and end-users Document and implement the procedures for training clients andend-users Support the implementation of the procedures for training clientsand end-usersApril 5, 2010 88 89. 4 Service Delivery - 4.3 Deliver Service Scope Deliver service according to the service delivery plans Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for delivering service Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor delivering service Support the implementation of delivering serviceApril 5, 201089 90. 4 Service Delivery - 4.4 Verify Service Commitments Scope Establish and implement procedures to measure and verify thatservice commitments are being met Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forverifying service commitments Document and implement the procedures for verifying servicecommitments Support the implementation of the procedures for verifyingservice commitmentsApril 5, 2010 90 91. 4 Service Delivery - 4.5 Correct Problems Scope Establish and implement procedures to correct problems Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forcorrecting problems Document and implement the procedures for correcting problems Support the implementation of the procedures for correctingproblemsApril 5, 2010 91 92. 4 Service Delivery - 4.6 Prevent Known Problems Scope Establish and implement procedures to take preventive action forknown problems Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures fortaking preventive actions for known problems across theorganisation Document and implement the procedures for taking preventiveactions for known problems Support the implementation of the procedures for takingpreventive actions for known problems across the organisationApril 5, 201092 93. 4 Service Delivery - 4.7 Service Modifications Scope Establish and implement procedures to make modifications toservices Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures formodifying services Document and implement the procedures for modifying services Support the implementation of the procedures for modifyingservicesApril 5, 2010 93 94. 4 Service Delivery - 4.8 Financial Management Scope Establish and implement procedures for financial management ofthe engagement Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forfinancial management of the engagement Document and implement the procedures for the financialmanagement of the engagement Support the implementation of the procedures for financialmanagement of the engagementApril 5, 2010 94 95. 5 Knowledge Management - Activities Outsourcing Capabilities andSkills Initiation/ Delivery OngoingCompletion 1 Service3 Service Design 4 Service 5 Knowledge6 People7 Performance8 Relationship 9 Technology10 Threat 2 Contracting Transfer and Deployment DeliveryManagementManagementManagementManagement Management Management 3.1 1.1 Resources 4.1 Plan Service 5.1 Share 6.1 Encourage 7.1 Engagement8.1 Client 9.1 Acquire 10.1 Risk 2.1 Negotiations Communicate Transferred InDeliveryKnowledgeInnovation Objectives Interactions Technology ManagementRequirements5.2 Provide8.2 Select 1.2 Personnel3.2 Design and 6.2 Participation7.2 Verify9.2 Technology10.2 Engagement 2.2 Pricing 4.2 Train Clients RequiredSuppliers and Transferred In Deploy Service in Decisions Processes Licenses Risk Information#Partners 2.3 Confirm8.3 Manage 1.3 Service 3.3 Plan Design 4.3 Deliver5.3 Knowledge 6.3 Work 7.3 Adequate9.3 Control 10.3 Risk Across ExistingSuppliers and Continuity and Deployment ServiceSystemEnvironmentResources Technology Engagements Conditions Partners 7.4 1.4 Resources2.4 Market 3.4 Service 4.4 Verify Service5.4 Process 6.4 Assign 9.4 TechnologyOrganisational8.4 Cultural Fit10.4 SecurityTransferred OutInformationSpecificationCommitments AssetsResponsibilities IntegrationObjectives7.5 Review 1.5 Personnel 2.5 Plan3.5 Service 4.5 Correct5.5 Engagement8.5 Stakeholder9.5 Optimise10.5 Intellectual 6.5 Define Roles OrganisationalTransferred OutNegotiationsDesign Problems KnowledgeInformation Technology Property Performance9.6 Proactively10.6 Statutory1.6 Knowledge2.6 Gather 3.6 Design 4.6 Prevent6.6 Workforce 7.6 Make 8.6 Client 5.6 Reuse Introduce and RegulatoryTransferred Out RequirementsFeedback Known Problems CompetenciesImprovements RelationshipsTechnologyCompliance 7.7 Achieve8.7 Supplier and 2.7 Review 4.7 Service 5.7 Version and 6.7 Plan and10.7 Disaster3.7 Verify Design Organisational PartnerRequirements ModificationsChange Control Deliver Training RecoveryObjectives Relationships2.8 Respond to 3.8 Deploy 4.8 Financial5.8 Resource 6.8 Plan and 7.8 Capability 8.8 ValueRequirements ServiceManagement Consumption Deliver TrainingBaselinesCreation 2.9 Contract6.9 Performance7.9 Benchmark Roles Feedback6.10 7.10 Prevent 2.10 CreatePerformancePotentialContracts FeedbackProblems 2.11 Amend 7.11 Deploy6.11 RewardsContracts InnovationsApril 5, 2010 95 96. 5 Knowledge Management - 5.1 Share Knowledge Scope Establish and implement a policy to share knowledge amongstakeholders Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining a policy for sharingknowledge among stakeholders across the organisation Document and implement a policy for sharing knowledge amongstakeholders Support the implementation of a policy for sharing knowledgeamong stakeholders across the organisationApril 5, 2010 96 97. 5 Knowledge Management - 5.2 Provide RequiredInformation Scope Identify, control and provide the information that personnel needto perform their work Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for identifying, controlling and providing theinformation personnel need to perform their work Document and implement work products and tasks required foridentifying, controlling and providing the information personnelneed to perform their work Support the implementation of identifying, controlling andmaking available the information personnel need to perform theirworkApril 5, 2010 97 98. 5 Knowledge Management - 5.3 Knowledge System Scope Establish and maintain a knowledge system to identify, controland provide information Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for establishing and maintaining a knowledge systemfor use across the organisation Document and implement work products and tasks required forestablishing and maintaining a knowledge system Support the implementation of establishing and maintaining aknowledge system for use across the organisationApril 5, 201098 99. 5 Knowledge Management - 5.4 Process Assets Scope Establish and maintain a set of process assets for use across theorganisation Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for establishing and maintaining a set of process assetsfor use across the organisation Document and implement work products and tasks required forestablishing and maintaining a set of process assets Support the implementation of establishing and maintaining a setof process assets for use across the organisationApril 5, 201099 100. 5 Knowledge Management - 5.5 EngagementKnowledge Scope Analyse and use knowledge gained from client engagements Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for analysing and using knowledge gained from clientengagements across the organisation Document and implement work products and tasks required foranalysing knowledge gained from client engagements Support the implementation of analysing and using knowledgegained from client engagements across the organisationApril 5, 2010100 101. 5 Knowledge Management - 5.6 Reuse Scope Identify and reuse work products Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for identifying and reusing work products across theorganisation Document and implement work products and tasks required foridentifying and reusing work products Support the implementation of identifying and reusing workproducts across the organisationApril 5, 2010101 102. 5 Knowledge Management - 5.7 Version and ChangeControl Scope Establish and implement procedures to apply version control andchange control to work products Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forversion control and change control Document and implement the procedures for version control andchange control Support the implementation of the procedures for version controland change controlApril 5, 2010102 103. 5 Knowledge Management - 5.8 ResourceConsumption Scope Establish and implement procedures to analyse and useinformation on resources consumed Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures foranalysing and using information on resource consumption Document and implement the procedures for analysing and usinginformation on resource consumption Support the implementation of the procedures for analysing andusing information on resource consumptionApril 5, 2010 103 104. 6 People Management - Activities Outsourcing Capabilities andSkills Initiation/ Delivery OngoingCompletion 1 Service3 Service Design 4 Service 5 Knowledge6 People7 Performance8 Relationship 9 Technology10 Threat 2 Contracting Transfer and Deployment DeliveryManagementManagementManagementManagement Management Management 3.1 1.1 Resources 4.1 Plan Service 5.1 Share 6.1 Encourage 7.1 Engagement8.1 Client 9.1 Acquire 10.1 Risk 2.1 Negotiations Communicate Transferred InDeliveryKnowledgeInnovation Objectives Interactions Technology ManagementRequirements5.2 Provide8.2 Select 1.2 Personnel3.2 Design and 6.2 Participation7.2 Verify9.2 Technology10.2 Engagement 2.2 Pricing 4.2 Train Clients RequiredSuppliers and Transferred In Deploy Service in Decisions Processes Licenses Risk Information#Partners 2.3 Confirm8.3 Manage 1.3 Service 3.3 Plan Design 4.3 Deliver5.3 Knowledge 6.3 Work 7.3 Adequate9.3 Control 10.3 Risk Across ExistingSuppliers and Continuity and Deployment ServiceSystemEnvironmentResources Technology Engagements Conditions Partners 7.4 1.4 Resources2.4 Market 3.4 Service 4.4 Verify Service5.4 Process 6.4 Assign 9.4 TechnologyOrganisational8.4 Cultural Fit10.4 SecurityTransferred OutInformationSpecificationCommitments AssetsResponsibilities IntegrationObjectives7.5 Review 1.5 Personnel 2.5 Plan3.5 Service 4.5 Correct5.5 Engagement8.5 Stakeholder9.5 Optimise10.5 Intellectual 6.5 Define Roles OrganisationalTransferred OutNegotiationsDesign Problems KnowledgeInformation Technology Property Performance9.6 Proactively10.6 Statutory1.6 Knowledge2.6 Gather 3.6 Design 4.6 Prevent6.6 Workforce 7.6 Make 8.6 Client 5.6 Reuse Introduce and RegulatoryTransferred Out RequirementsFeedback Known Problems CompetenciesImprovements RelationshipsTechnologyCompliance 7.7 Achieve8.7 Supplier and 2.7 Review 4.7 Service 5.7 Version and 6.7 Plan and10.7 Disaster3.7 Verify Design Organisational PartnerRequirements ModificationsChange Control Deliver Training RecoveryObjectives Relationships2.8 Respond to 3.8 Deploy 4.8 Financial5.8 Resource 6.8 Plan and 7.8 Capability 8.8 ValueRequirements ServiceManagement Consumption Deliver TrainingBaselinesCreation 2.9 Contract6.9 Performance7.9 Benchmark Roles Feedback6.10 7.10 Prevent 2.10 CreatePerformancePotentialContracts FeedbackProblems 2.11 Amend 7.11 Deploy6.11 RewardsContracts InnovationsApril 5, 2010 104 105. 6 People Management - 6.1 Encourage Innovation Scope Establish and implement a policy to encourage and supportinnovation across the organisation Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining a policy forencouraging and supporting innovation across the organisation Document and implement a policy for encouraging andsupporting innovation across the organisation Support the implementation of a policy for encouraging andsupporting innovation across the organisationApril 5, 2010 105 106. 6 People Management - 6.2 Participation inDecisions Scope Establish and implement a policy on the participation ofpersonnel in decisions that affect their work commitments Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining a policy on theparticipation of personnel in decisions that affect their workcommitments across the organisation Document and implement a policy on the participation ofpersonnel in decisions that affect their work commitments Support the implementation of a policy on the participation ofpersonnel in decisions that affect their work commitments acrossthe organisationApril 5, 2010106 107. 6 People Management - 6.3 Work Environment Scope Establish and maintain a work environment that enablespersonnel to work effectively Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for establishing and maintaining a work environmentthat enables personnel to work effectively Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor establishing and maintaining an effective work environment Support the implementation of establishing and maintaining awork environment that enables personnel to work effectivelyApril 5, 2010107 108. 6 People Management - 6.4 Assign Responsibilities Scope Assign roles and responsibilities to personnel based onappropriate personnel competencies Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for assigning roles and responsibilities to personnel Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor assigning roles and responsibilities to personnel Support the implementation of assigning roles and responsibilitiesto personnelApril 5, 2010108 109. 6 People Management - 6.5 Define Roles Scope Define and communicate the roles, responsibilities and authorityof personnel in the organisation Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for defining and communicating the roles,responsibilities and authority of personnel in the organisation Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor defining and communicating the roles, responsibilities andauthority of personnel in the organisation Support the implementation of defining and communicating theroles, responsibilities and authority of personnel in theorganisationApril 5, 2010109 110. 6 People Management - 6.6 WorkforceCompetencies Scope Develop the workforce competencies needed to achieveorganisational objectives Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for developing workforce competencies Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor developing workforce competencies Support the implementation of developing workforcecompetenciesApril 5, 2010110 111. 6 People Management - 6.7 Plan and DeliverTraining Scope Establish and implement procedures to plan and deliver training Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forplanning and delivering training across the organisation Document and implement the procedures for planning anddelivering training Support the implementation of the procedures for planning anddelivering training across the organisationApril 5, 2010 111 112. 6 People Management - 6.8 Plan and DeliverTraining Scope Meet identified personnel competency needs by providingtraining Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for meeting identified personnel competency needs Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor meeting personnel competency needs Support the implementation of meeting identified personnelcompetency needsApril 5, 2010112 113. 6 People Management - 6.9 Performance Feedback Scope Establish and implement procedures to provide feedback onperformance to personnel Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forproviding performance feedback to personnel across theorganisation Document and implement the procedures for providingperformance feedback to personnel Support the implementation of the procedures for providingperformance feedback to personnel across the organisationApril 5, 2010 113 114. 6 People Management - 6.10 Performance Feedback Scope Establish and implement procedures to provide personnel withopportunities for career development Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forcareer development across the organisation Document and implement the procedures for careerdevelopment Support the implementation of the procedures for careerdevelopment across the organisationApril 5, 2010 114 115. 6 People Management - 6.11 Rewards Scope Provide rewards and recognition that encourage the achievementof organisational objectives Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for providing rewards and recognition that encouragethe achievement of organisational objectives Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor establishing rewards and recognition to encourage theachievement of organisational objectives Support the implementation of providing rewards and recognitionthat encourage the achievement of organisational objectivesApril 5, 2010 115 116. 7 Performance Management - Activities Outsourcing Capabilities andSkills Initiation/ Delivery OngoingCompletion 1 Service3 Service Design 4 Service 5 Knowledge6 People7 Performance8 Relationship 9 Technology10 Threat 2 Contracting Transfer and Deployment DeliveryManagementManagementManagementManagement Management Management 3.1 1.1 Resources 4.1 Plan Service 5.1 Share 6.1 Encourage 7.1 Engagement8.1 Client 9.1 Acquire 10.1 Risk 2.1 Negotiations Communicate Transferred InDeliveryKnowledgeInnovation Objectives Interactions Technology ManagementRequirements5.2 Provide8.2 Select 1.2 Personnel3.2 Design and 6.2 Participation7.2 Verify9.2 Technology10.2 Engagement 2.2 Pricing 4.2 Train Clients RequiredSuppliers and Transferred In Deploy Service in Decisions Processes Licenses Risk Information#Partners 2.3 Confirm8.3 Manage 1.3 Service 3.3 Plan Design 4.3 Deliver5.3 Knowledge 6.3 Work 7.3 Adequate9.3 Control 10.3 Risk Across ExistingSuppliers and Continuity and Deployment ServiceSystemEnvironmentResources Technology Engagements Conditions Partners 7.4 1.4 Resources2.4 Market 3.4 Service 4.4 Verify Service5.4 Process 6.4 Assign 9.4 TechnologyOrganisational8.4 Cultural Fit10.4 SecurityTransferred OutInformationSpecificationCommitments AssetsResponsibilities IntegrationObjectives7.5 Review 1.5 Personnel 2.5 Plan3.5 Service 4.5 Correct5.5 Engagement8.5 Stakeholder9.5 Optimise10.5 Intellectual 6.5 Define Roles OrganisationalTransferred OutNegotiationsDesign Problems KnowledgeInformation Technology Property Performance9.6 Proactively10.6 Statutory1.6 Knowledge2.6 Gather 3.6 Design 4.6 Prevent6.6 Workforce 7.6 Make 8.6 Client 5.6 Reuse Introduce and RegulatoryTransferred Out RequirementsFeedback Known Problems CompetenciesImprovements RelationshipsTechnologyCompliance 7.7 Achieve8.7 Supplier and 2.7 Review 4.7 Service 5.7 Version and 6.7 Plan and10.7 Disaster3.7 Verify Design Organisational PartnerRequirements ModificationsChange Control Deliver Training RecoveryObjectives Relationships2.8 Respond to 3.8 Deploy 4.8 Financial5.8 Resource 6.8 Plan and 7.8 Capability 8.8 ValueRequirements ServiceManagement Consumption Deliver TrainingBaselinesCreation 2.9 Contract6.9 Performance7.9 Benchmark Roles Feedback6.10 7.10 Prevent 2.10 CreatePerformancePotentialContracts FeedbackProblems 2.11 Amend 7.11 Deploy6.11 RewardsContracts InnovationsApril 5, 2010 116 117. 7 Performance Management - 7.1 EngagementObjectives Scope Define, communicate and track engagement objectives Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for defining, communicating and tracking engagementobjectives Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor defining, communicating and tracking engagement objectives Support the implementation of defining, communicating andtracking engagement objectivesApril 5, 2010117 118. 7 Performance Management - 7.2 Verify Processes Scope Establish and implement procedures to verify that processes areconsistently performed as defined Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forverifying that processes are consistently performed as defined Document and implement the procedures for verifying thatprocesses are consistently performed as defined Support the implementation of the procedures for verifying thatprocesses are consistently performed as definedApril 5, 2010 118 119. 7 Performance Management - 7.3 AdequateResources Scope Identify and provide adequate resources that personnel need toperform their work Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for identifying and providing adequate resources topersonnel Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor identifying and providing adequate resources to personnel Support the implementation of identifying and providingadequate resources to personnelApril 5, 2010119 120. 7 Performance Management - 7.4 OrganisationalObjectives Scope Define, communicate and track organisational objectives Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for defining, communicating and tracking organisationalobjectives Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor defining, communicating and tracking organisationalobjectives Support the implementation of defining, communicating andtracking organisational objectivesApril 5, 2010 120 121. 7 Performance Management - 7.5 ReviewOrganisational Performance Scope Establish and implement procedures to review organisationalperformance Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forreviewing organisational performance Document and implement the procedures for reviewingorganisational performance Support the implementation of the procedures for reviewingorganisational performanceApril 5, 2010 121 122. 7 Performance Management - 7.6 MakeImprovements Scope Make improvements based on reviews of organisationalperformance Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for making improvements across the organisation Document and implement the work products and activitiesrequired to make improvements Support the implementation of making improvements across theorganisationApril 5, 2010122 123. 7 Performance Management - 7.7 AchieveOrganisational Objectives Scope Establish and implement programs to achieve organisationalobjectives Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for establishing and implementing programs to achieveorganisational objectives Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor establishing programs to achieve organisational objectives Support the implementation of programs to achieveorganisational objectivesApril 5, 2010 123 124. 7 Performance Management - 7.8 CapabilityBaselines Scope Define capability baselines for the organisation by analysingperformance data Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for defining capability baselines Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor defining capability baselines Support the implementation of defining capability baselinesApril 5, 2010124 125. 7 Performance Management - 7.9 Benchmark Scope Benchmark organisational performance to identify opportunitiesfor improvement Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for benchmarking organisational performance Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor benchmarking organisational performance Support the implementation of benchmarking organisationalperformanceApril 5, 2010125 126. 7 Performance Management - 7.10 PreventPotential Problems Scope Establish and implement programs to take preventive action onpotential problems Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for establishing and implementing programs to takepreventive action on potential problems Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor establishing programs to take preventive action on potentialproblems Support the implementation of programs to take preventiveaction on potential problemsApril 5, 2010126 127. 7 Performance Management - 7.11 DeployInnovations Scope Establish and implement programs to deploy innovations acrossthe organisation Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for establishing and implementing programs to deployinnovations across the organisation Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor establishing programs to deploy innovations Support the implementation of programs to deploy innovationsacross the organisationApril 5, 2010127 128. 8 Relationship Management - Activities Outsourcing Capabilities andSkills Initiation/ Delivery OngoingCompletion 1 Service3 Service Design 4 Service 5 Knowledge6 People7 Performance8 Relationship 9 Technology10 Threat 2 Contracting Transfer and Deployment DeliveryManagementManagementManagementManagement Management Management 3.1 1.1 Resources 4.1 Plan Service 5.1 Share 6.1 Encourage 7.1 Engagement8.1 Client 9.1 Acquire 10.1 Risk 2.1 Negotiations Communicate Transferred InDeliveryKnowledgeInnovation Objectives Interactions Technology ManagementRequirements5.2 Provide8.2 Select 1.2 Personnel3.2 Design and 6.2 Participation7.2 Verify9.2 Technology10.2 Engagement 2.2 Pricing 4.2 Train Clients RequiredSuppliers and Transferred In Deploy Service in Decisions Processes Licenses Risk Information#Partners 2.3 Confirm8.3 Manage 1.3 Service 3.3 Plan Design 4.3 Deliver5.3 Knowledge 6.3 Work 7.3 Adequate9.3 Control 10.3 Risk Across ExistingSuppliers and Continuity and Deployment ServiceSystemEnvironmentResources Technology Engagements Conditions Partners 7.4 1.4 Resources2.4 Market 3.4 Service 4.4 Verify Service5.4 Process 6.4 Assign 9.4 TechnologyOrganisational8.4 Cultural Fit10.4 SecurityTransferred OutInformationSpecificationCommitments AssetsResponsibilities IntegrationObjectives7.5 Review 1.5 Personnel 2.5 Plan3.5 Service 4.5 Correct5.5 Engagement8.5 Stakeholder9.5 Optimise10.5 Intellectual 6.5 Define Roles OrganisationalTransferred OutNegotiationsDesign Problems KnowledgeInformation Technology Property Performance9.6 Proactively10.6 Statutory1.6 Knowledge2.6 Gather 3.6 Design 4.6 Prevent6.6 Workforce 7.6 Make 8.6 Client 5.6 Reuse Introduce and RegulatoryTransferred Out RequirementsFeedback Known Problems CompetenciesImprovements RelationshipsTechnologyCompliance 7.7 Achieve8.7 Supplier and 2.7 Review 4.7 Service 5.7 Version and 6.7 Plan and10.7 Disaster3.7 Verify Design Organisational PartnerRequirements ModificationsChange Control Deliver Training RecoveryObjectives Relationships2.8 Respond to 3.8 Deploy 4.8 Financial5.8 Resource 6.8 Plan and 7.8 Capability 8.8 ValueRequirements ServiceManagement Consumption Deliver TrainingBaselinesCreation 2.9 Contract6.9 Performance7.9 Benchmark Roles Feedback6.10 7.10 Prevent 2.10 CreatePerformancePotentialContracts FeedbackProblems 2.11 Amend 7.11 Deploy6.11 RewardsContracts InnovationsApril 5, 2010 128 129. 8 Relationship Management - 8.1 Client Interactions Scope Establish and implement procedures to manage interactions withclients Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures formanaging client interactions Document and implement the procedures for managing clientinteractions Support the implementation of the procedures for managingclient interactionsApril 5, 2010 129 130. 8 Relationship Management - 8.2 Select Suppliersand Partners Scope Establish and implement procedures to select suppliers andpartners based on their ability to meet identified requirements Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forselecting suppliers and partners Document and implement the procedures for selecting suppliersand partners Support the implementation of the procedures for selectingsuppliers and partnersApril 5, 2010 130 131. 8 Relationship Management - 8.3 Manage Suppliersand Partners Scope Manage the performance of suppliers and partners against theircommitments Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for managing the performance of suppliers and partners Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor managing the performance of suppliers and partners Support the implementation of managing the performance ofsuppliers and partnersApril 5, 2010131 132. 8 Relationship Management - 8.4 Cultural Fit Scope Identify cultural attributes that impact the service and implementactions to achieve a cultural fit Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for achieving a cultural fit across the organisation Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor achieving a cultural fit Support the implementation of achieving a cultural fit across theorganisationApril 5, 2010132 133. 8 Relationship Management - 8.5 StakeholderInformation Scope Analyse and use client and other stakeholder information Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for analysing and using client and other stakeholderinformation Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor analysing client and other stakeholder information Support the implementation of analysing and using client andother stakeholder informationApril 5, 2010133 134. 8 Relationship Management - 8.6 ClientRelationships Scope Establish and implement procedures to manage clientrelationships Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures formanaging client relationships across the organisation Document and implement the procedures for managing clientrelationships Support the implementation of the procedures for managingclient relationships across the organisationApril 5, 2010 134 135. 8 Relationship Management - 8.7 Supplier andPartner Relationships Scope Establish and implement procedures to manage relationships withsuppliers and partners Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures formanaging relationships with suppliers and partners across theorganisation Document and implement the procedures for managingrelationships with suppliers and partners Support the implementation of the procedures for managingrelationships with suppliers and partners across the organisationApril 5, 2010 135 136. 8 Relationship Management - 8.8 Value Creation Scope Proactively identify value creation opportunities andcommunicate them to the client Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for proactively identifying and communicating valuecreation opportunities across the organisation Document and implement the work products and tasksproactively required for identifying and communicating valuecreation opportunities Support the implementation of proactively identifying andcommunicating value creation opportunities across theorganisationApril 5, 2010136 137. 9 Technology Management - Activities Outsourcing Capabilities andSkills Initiation/ Delivery OngoingCompletion 1 Service3 Service Design 4 Service 5 Knowledge6 People7 Performance8 Relationship 9 Technology10 Threat 2 Contracting Transfer and Deployment DeliveryManagementManagementManagementManagement Management Management 3.1 1.1 Resources 4.1 Plan Service 5.1 Share 6.1 Encourage 7.1 Engagement8.1 Client 9.1 Acquire 10.1 Risk 2.1 Negotiations Communicate Transferred InDeliveryKnowledgeInnovation Objectives Interactions Technology ManagementRequirements5.2 Provide8.2 Select 1.2 Personnel3.2 Design and 6.2 Participation7.2 Verify9.2 Technology10.2 Engagement 2.2 Pricing 4.2 Train Clients RequiredSuppliers and Transferred In Deploy Service in Decisions Processes Licenses Risk Information#Partners 2.3 Confirm8.3 Manage 1.3 Service 3.3 Plan Design 4.3 Deliver5.3 Knowledge 6.3 Work 7.3 Adequate9.3 Control 10.3 Risk Across ExistingSuppliers and Continuity and Deployment ServiceSystemEnvironmentResources Technology Engagements Conditions Partners 7.4 1.4 Resources2.4 Market 3.4 Service 4.4 Verify Service5.4 Process 6.4 Assign 9.4 TechnologyOrganisational8.4 Cultural Fit10.4 SecurityTransferred OutInformationSpecificationCommitments AssetsResponsibilities IntegrationObjectives7.5 Review 1.5 Personnel 2.5 Plan3.5 Service 4.5 Correct5.5 Engagement8.5 Stakeholder9.5 Optimise10.5 Intellectual 6.5 Define Roles OrganisationalTransferred OutNegotiationsDesign Problems KnowledgeInformation Technology Property Performance9.6 Proactively10.6 Statutory1.6 Knowledge2.6 Gather 3.6 Design 4.6 Prevent6.6 Workforce 7.6 Make 8.6 Client 5.6 Reuse Introduce and RegulatoryTransferred Out RequirementsFeedback Known Problems CompetenciesImprovements RelationshipsTechnologyCompliance 7.7 Achieve8.7 Supplier and 2.7 Review 4.7 Service 5.7 Version and 6.7 Plan and10.7 Disaster3.7 Verify Design Organisational PartnerRequirements ModificationsChange Control Deliver Training RecoveryObjectives Relationships2.8 Respond to 3.8 Deploy 4.8 Financial5.8 Resource 6.8 Plan and 7.8 Capability 8.8 ValueRequirements ServiceManagement Consumption Deliver TrainingBaselinesCreation 2.9 Contract6.9 Performance7.9 Benchmark Roles Feedback6.10 7.10 Prevent 2.10 CreatePerformancePotentialContracts FeedbackProblems 2.11 Amend 7.11 Deploy6.11 RewardsContracts InnovationsApril 5, 2010 137 138. 9 Technology Management - 9.1 Acquire Technology Scope Establish and implement procedures to acquire and deploytechnology Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures foracquiring and deploying technology Document and implement the procedures for acquiring anddeploying technology Support the implementation of the procedures for acquiring anddeploying technologyApril 5, 2010 138 139. 9 Technology Management - 9.2 TechnologyLicenses Scope Establish and implement procedures to manage technologylicenses Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures formanaging technology licenses Document and implement the procedures for managingtechnology licenses Support the implementation of the procedures for managingtechnology licensesApril 5, 2010 139 140. 9 Technology Management - 9.3 Control Technology Scope Establish and implement procedures to track and control changesto the technology infrastructure Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures fortracking and controlling changes to the technology infrastructure Document and implement the procedures for tracking andcontrolling changes to the technology infrastructure Support the implementation of the procedures for tracking andcontrolling changes to the technology infrastructureApril 5, 2010 140 141. 9 Technology Management - 9.4 TechnologyIntegration Scope Establish and implement procedures to manage integration of theorganisations technology infrastructure Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures formanaging integration of the technology infrastructure Document and implement the procedures for managingintegration of the technology infrastructure Support the implementation of the procedures for managingintegration of the technology infrastructureApril 5, 2010 141 142. 9 Technology Management - 9.5 OptimiseTechnology Scope Optimise the overall performance of the technologyinfrastructure needed to deliver all services Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the work productsand tasks for optimising the technology infrastructure across theorganisation Document and implement the work products and tasks requiredfor optimising the technology infrastructure Support the implementation of optimising the technologyinfrastructure across the organisationApril 5, 2010 142 143. 9 Technology Management - 9.6 ProactivelyIntroduce Technology Scope Establish and implement procedures to proactively identify andintroduce appropriate technology Activities Provide support for creating and maintaining the procedures forproactively identifying and introducing technology across theorganisation Document and implement the procedures for proactivelyidentifying and introducing technology Support the implementation of the procedures for proactivelyidentifying and introducing technology across the organisationApril 5, 2010 143 144. 10 Threat Management - Activities Outsourcin