outline introduction – frequent patterns and the rare item problem – multiple minimum support...

Outline • Introduction Frequent patterns and the Rare Item Problem Multiple Minimum Support Framework Issues with Multiple Minimum Support Framework • Related Work • Proposed Approaches Methodology to specify items’ MIS values An algorithm to mine frequent patterns effectively. Mining frequent patterns in databases in which items’ frequencies vary widely. Mining rare periodic-frequent patterns. • Conclusions and Future Work 1

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Page 1: Outline Introduction – Frequent patterns and the Rare Item Problem – Multiple Minimum Support Framework – Issues with Multiple Minimum Support Framework


• Introduction– Frequent patterns and the Rare Item Problem– Multiple Minimum Support Framework– Issues with Multiple Minimum Support Framework

• Related Work• Proposed Approaches

– Methodology to specify items’ MIS values– An algorithm to mine frequent patterns effectively.– Mining frequent patterns in databases in which items’ frequencies vary

widely.– Mining rare periodic-frequent patterns.

• Conclusions and Future Work1

Page 2: Outline Introduction – Frequent patterns and the Rare Item Problem – Multiple Minimum Support Framework – Issues with Multiple Minimum Support Framework

Related Work


• Minimum constraint model using multiple minimum support constraints was discussed in the literature. This model still generates uninteresting frequent patterns if the items’ frequencies within a database vary widely. (KDD 1999, DSS 2006)

• Consider only rarely occurring items and mine association rules containing only rare items. These approaches fail to discover association rules involving both frequent and rare items. (DMKD 2006, MDM 2007, International Journal on Open Problems Computational Mathematics, 2009).

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Related Work


• Relative support, all-confidence, any-confidence, bond, lift, X2 and other interestingness measures have been proposed in the literature to discover both frequent patterns and association rules.

• Each measure has a selection bias that justifies the significance of an association rule.

• There exists no universally acceptable best measure to find interesting association rules in a database.

• Tan et al. (KDD 2001) have proposed techniques for selecting a right measure to mine association rules.

• Akshat et al. (COMAD 2010) have proposed techniques for selecting a right measure to mine rare association rules.

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Related Work


• Relative support, all-confidence, any-confidence, bond, lift, X2 and other interestingness measures have been proposed in the literature to discover both frequent patterns and association rules.

• Each measure has a selection bias that justifies the significance of an association rule.

• There exists no universally acceptable best measure to find interesting association rules in a database.

• Tan et al. (KDD 2001) have proposed techniques for selecting a right measure to mine association rules.

• Akshat et al. (COMAD 2010) have proposed techniques for selecting a right measure to mine rare association rules

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Related Work


• Constraints have been used in the literature to reduce the number of frequent pattern in a database.

– Example: maximal, closed, top-k and utility frequent patterns.

• Multi-level frequent pattern mining has been proposed using concept hierarchy.

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• Introduction– Frequent patterns and the Rare Item Problem– Multiple Minimum Support Framework– Issues with Multiple Minimum Support Framework

• Related Work• Proposed Approaches

– Methodology to specify items’ MIS values– An algorithm to mine frequent patterns effectively.– Mining frequent patterns in databases in which items’ frequencies vary

widely.– Mining rare periodic-frequent patterns.

• Conclusions and Future Work6

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• Introduction– Frequent patterns and the Rare Item Problem– Multiple Minimum Support Framework– Issues with Multiple Minimum Support Framework

• Related Work• Proposed Approaches

– Methodology to specify items’ MIS values– An algorithm to mine frequent patterns effectively.– Mining frequent patterns in databases in which items’ frequencies vary

widely.– Mining rare periodic-frequent patterns.

• Conclusions and Future Work7

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Methodologies to Specify Items’ MIS values


• Liu et. al. (KDD ’99) have introduced percentage-based methodology to specify items’ MIS values.

• Percentage-based Methodology:– Items’ MIS values are equivalent to the percentage of their

respective support.

MIS(ij) = maximum (S(ij) * β, LS)where,

S(ij) = support of an item ij in ILS = lowest MIS an item can have β = user-specified constant, [0, 1]

• This methodology still suffer from rare item problem.

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Rare Item Problem in Percentage Based Methodology


• At high β value rare items have their MIS values very close their respective supports. Thus, leading to missing of rules involving rare items.

• At low β value frequent items will have their MIS values very far away from their supports. Thus, causing combinatorial explosion.

• Example

– Let S(a) =100 and S(b)=10.

• If β =0.9, then MIS(a) = 90 and MIS(b) = 9. For item b, MIS(b) is relatively very close to S(b). Hence, it is difficult for the item ‘b’ to combine with other items and generate frequent patterns.

• If β =0.5, then MIS(a) = 50 and MIS(b) = 5. Although, MIS(b) is relatively away from its support, the difference between the S(a) and

MIS(a) is very huge. This causes combinatorial explosion.

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Proposed Methodology to Specify Items’ MIS values


• Observation

– Non-uniform difference between the items’ support and MIS values is the cause for the rare item problem in the percentage-based methodology.

• Idea:

– Ensure there exists uniform difference between items’ support and MIS values.

• Support difference-based methodology

• MIS(ij) = minimum(S(ij) – SD, LS) – where, SD – support difference metric. SD can be user-specified or can be

derived from the dataset as follows. • SD = α(1-β)

– where, α – parameter such as mean and median of the dataset, and – β – user-specified constant, [0, 1].

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Experimental Results


• Dataset1. Synthetic dataset

• Total items: 870• Total number of Transactions: 1,00,000.

2. Real-world dataset.1. Total items: 832. Total number of transactions: 298

• Parameter values:– LS = 0.1– α = mean of the support of all frequent

items.– β = varied at 0.25, 0.5 and 0.9

• Algorithms– Apriori algorithm– MSApriori – uses percentage-based

methodology– IMSApriori – uses support difference-based


Table 3: SD values used in different datasets.

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Experiment 1: Analysis of MIS values specified by both methods


Figure: MIS values specified by percentage-based methodology in synthetic dataset.

Figure: MIS values specified by support difference-based methodology in synthetic dataset.

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Experiment 2: Generation of Frequent Patterns

13Figure: Generation of frequent patterns in synthetic and retail datasets.

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• Introduction– Frequent patterns and the Rare Item Problem– Multiple Minimum Support Framework– Issues with Multiple Minimum Support Framework– Contribution of this thesis

• Related Work• Proposed Approaches

– Methodology to specify items’ MIS values– An algorithm to mine frequent patterns effectively.– Mining frequent patterns in databases in which items’ frequencies vary widely.– Mining rare periodic-frequent patterns.

• Conclusions and Future Work


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Improved Multiple Minimum Support Based Frequent Pattern Mining Approaches.


• The frequent patterns discovered with multiple minsups framework do not satisfy downward closure property.

• This increases the search space for mining frequent patterns.

• Liu et. al (KDD ‘99) has introduced a multiple minimum support apriori (MSApriori) to discover frequent patterns with multiple minsups framework.

• The MSApriori algorithm suffers from the same performance problems as Apriori algorithm.

• Hence, an FP-growth-like algorithm known as the Conditional Frequent Pattern-growth (CFP-growth) was proposed in the literature (DSS 2006).

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CFP-growth Algorithm



a c b d e f g h10 10 8 7 3 3 3 2


• The algorithm accepts items’ MIS values as the input parameter.

• Using the items’ MIS values as the prior knowledge, it discovers frequent patterns with a single scan on the transactional database.

• Working of CFP-growth algorithm is as follows:

1. Sorts the items in descending order of their MIS values.

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CFP-growth Algorithm

2. Using the sorted list of items, an FP-tree-like structure known as MIS-tree is constructed with every scan on the transactional database.


Figure 19: Construction of MIS-tree. (a) Before scanning the database.(b) After scanning first transaction.(c) After scanning second transaction.(d) After scanning every transaction.

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CFP-growth Algorithm

3. From MIS-tree, the items which cannot generate any frequent pattern are removed by using the following criterion.

“Items whose support is less than the lowest MIS value among all items cannot generate any frequent pattern.”

The lowest MIS value is 2. Therefore, the item ‘h’ that has support less than 2 is removed from the MIS-tree.


a c b d e f g h10 10 8 7 3 3 3 2


12 9 9 8 5 3 2 1Sup.

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CFP-growth Algorithm

4. The resultant tree is known as the compact MIS-tree.


Figure: Compact MIS-tree created after pruning item ‘h’ from the MIS-tree.

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CFP-growth Algorithm

5. The compact MIS-tree is mined using conditional pattern bases to discover complete set of frequent patterns.

6. Since downward closure property no longer holds, the CFP-growth builds conditional pattern bases until it is empty for a suffix pattern.

20Figure: Mining frequent patterns from the MIS-tree.

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Performance Issues in CFP-growth


1. The criterion used by CFP-growth to prune the items from the MIS-tree still considers some of those items which cannot generate any frequent pattern.

• CFP-growth prunes the item ‘h’ and considers ‘a, b, c, d, e, f and g’ items for generating frequent patterns.

• However, ‘g’ cannot generate frequent pattern as its support is less than the lowest MIS value among all remaining items.

2. Searches in some of those infrequent suffix patterns which cannot generate any frequent pattern at any higher order.

a c b d e f g h10 10 8 7 3 3 3 2


12 9 9 8 5 3 2 1Sup.

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An Improved CFP-growth Algorithm: CFP-growth++


• Key observations:

1. In every frequent pattern, the item having lowest MIS value is a frequent pattern (KDIR ‘09).

2. In every frequent pattern, all non-empty subsets involving the item having lowest MIS value are frequent (EDBT ‘10).

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Correctness of the observations


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Four pruning techniques


1. Least Minimum Support (LMS) - Any item having support less than the lowest MIS value of a frequent item cannot generate frequent pattern at higher order.

2. Conditional minimum support - The minsup for any pattern generated from the conditional pattern base of the suffix item is its MIS value.

3. Conditional Closure property

4. Infrequent leaf node pruning

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Four pruning techniques


1. Conditional Closure property - If the suffix pattern is infrequent, its no super-suffix pattern can generate a frequent pattern at higher order.

2. Infrequent leaf node pruning - Leaf nodes belonging to the infrequent items can be pruned because their conditional pattern bases cannot generate any frequent pattern.

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Working of CFP-growth++ Algorithm


• Steps

1. Construction of MIS-tree

2. Construction of compact MIS-tree

3. Mining Compact MIS-tree

4. The first step remains the same in CFP-growth and CFP-growth++ algorithms.

• The second and third steps differ in CFP-growth and CFP-growth++ algorithms.

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Working of CFP-growth++ Algorithm


• The techniques “least minimum support” and “infrequent leaf node pruning” have been used for building compact MIS-tree with only those items that can generate frequent patterns at higher order.

• The techniques “conditional minimum support” and “conditional closure property” have been used for reducing the search space.

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Step 1: Construction of MIS-tree


• The algorithm constructs MIS-tree using the user-specified items’ MIS values.

Figure :MIS-tree constructed after scanning every transaction in the database.

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Step 2: Construction of Compact MIS-tree


• Using least minimum support, CFP-growth++ prunes all those items which cannot generate any frequent pattern at higher order.

Figure : MIS-tree after completely pruning the items ‘g’ and ‘h’. Note that ‘g’ is not pruned in CFP-growth.

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Step 2: Construction of Compact MIS-tree


• Using infrequent leaf node pruning, the leaf nodes of the infrequent items are pruned from the MIS-tree. The resultant tree is known as compact MIS-tree.

Figure : Compact MIS-tree generated after infrequent node pruning.

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Step 3: Mining Compact MIS-tree


• Using conditional minimum support and conditional closure property, compact MIS-tree is mined using conditional pattern bases to discover complete set of frequent patterns.

Figure : Mining Compact MIS-tree Using Conditional Pattern Bases.

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Experimental Results


Table 4: Dataset characteristics.


• Percentage-based methodology is used for specifying items’ MIS values.

• LS=minsup=0.1

• β=1/α and varied α from 1 to 20.

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Experiment 1: Generation of Frequent patterns.


Figure : Generation of frequent patterns in different datasets.

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Experiment 2: Runtime Requirements


Figure : Runtime taken by various algorithms in different datasets.

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Experiment 3: Scalability Test

• β=0.5 and LS=0.1

• Experimental procedure

– Dataset: Kosark

– We divided the dataset into five portions of 0.2 million transactions in each part.

– Each part is added to one another.


Figure : Runtime taken by different algorithms.

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Summary of the Contributions

Topic Existing methodology

Performance problem Proposed Methodology

Specifying items’ MIS




Causes rare item problem as it will not maintain uniform difference between items’ support and MIS values

Support-difference based methodology

Patterns do not satisfy downward

closure property

CFP-growth 1. Constructed tree is not efficient

2. Search space is huge as it searches using those items that cannot generate frequent pattern at higher order.

CFP-growth++ uses “least minimum support”, and “infrequent leaf node pruning” to construct tree effectively. In addition, uses “conditional minsup” and “conditional closure property” to effectively reduce the search space.


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Summary of Contributions

Topic Existing methodology

Performance problem Proposed Methodology

Not sufficient for databases of widely varying items’ frequencies

Multiple minimum support


Generates uninteresting frequent patterns containing both very high and very low frequency items. The items within the pattern are not correlated.

A new interestingness measure “item-to-

pattern difference” has been extended to prune

such interesting frequent patterns.

Periodic-frequent pattern mining.

Single minimum

support and single

maximum periodicity framework

The rare item problem. 1. The multiple minimum supports and maximum periodicity framework

2. A pattern growth algorithm


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• Introduction– Frequent patterns and the Rare Item Problem– Multiple Minimum Support Framework– Issues with Multiple Minimum Support Framework

• Related Work• Proposed Approaches

– Methodology to specify items’ MIS values– An algorithm to mine frequent patterns effectively.– Mining frequent patterns in databases in which items’ frequencies vary

widely.– Mining rare periodic-frequent patterns.

• Conclusions and Future Work38

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Conclusions and Future Work


• For efficient mining of rare frequent patterns, the notion “support difference” has been exploited to specify items’ MIS values.

• An Improved FP-growth-like approach has been proposed for mining rare frequent patterns. Various heuristics have been exploited to reduce the search space.

• To extract rare frequent patterns from the datasets of widely varying items’ frequencies, we introduce a new measure, called “item-to-pattern difference” and proposed an efficient FP-growth-like approach.

• Overall, the proposed approaches provide scope to effectively mine interesting frequent patterns or association rules by trading with the additional efforts from the user, especially in terms of specifying items’ MIS values.

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Conclusions and Future Work


• The future work is as follows:

– The interestingness of patterns discovered using various measures needs to be studied.

– Rare item problem in various constraint-based patterns needs to be investigated and addressed.

– The multiple minsups framework needs to be extended to other data sets such as streams, sequential data and uncertain data etc.

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